10 Amazing Hidden Interactions You've Got to Try in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up are the combustion belly spiderlings these vile beasts have volatile blood taking necrotic damage each turn and detonating upon death via spiderling burst dealing 3d6 fire damage now in order to see the crazy combustion belly spiderlings a few choices must be made first you'll need to have will choose to break his paact with maora dooming his father to die then you'll need to head to the Iron Throne where surprisingly Will's father is still alive it's a pretty intense moment as the Iron Throne is collapsing and the moment you open the lever to Will's father's prison you can actually eerily hear maora start laughing once you have control of the Duke and tell him to step out of the prison a cut scene begins and maora summons a swarm of these combustion belly spiderlings to detonate on the Duke fulfilling her promise that he would die if will chose to break the pact and it is possible to save the Duke from this swarm of combustion belly spiderlings by throwing healing potions at him or casting heals but it can be tricky cons considering the nature of these spiders which are basically living bombs next up is the staff of cherished necromancy what might be the most OP staff in the entire game that's because this staff grants life Essence after the wielder kills a creature with a spell life Essence makes your next necromancy spell not cost a spell slot this already sounds great but what's really overpowered about this is that it never goes away you can even unequip the staff and pass it over to another party member and get the the buff too so essentially once you get this staff necromancy spells don't use spell slots for your whole party this is insane because some necromancy spells would use a level six spell slot but with this life essence you can just keep using them every single turn for free of course Necromancer Wizards would get the most out of this but even classes like clerics oathbreaker paladins bards warlocks Rogues and Druids have access to necromancy spells and can benefit from this staff's amazing life life Essence condition and if you like that tip don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe for more balers Gate 3 videos next up is Edge Of Terror now Edge Of Terror causes each strike to fill the target with a chilling dread which prevents it from regaining hit points and Undead creatures also get disadvantage on their attack roles Edge Of Terror can be found on one weapon in the entire game doomhammer this two-handed mall is the perfect weapon to stop targets from healing guaranteed and that's thanks to tenacity when you miss an attack you deal three bludgeoning damage anyway that three bludgeoning damage is enough to trigger Edge Of Terror meaning that any attack even a Miss will prevent healing on your target this is especially good against targets that frequently heal like humanoids using healing potions against Menara using Layon hands Gian Warriors using second win or even the lava Elemental in the Grim Forge who heals by standing in lava Doom Hammer is also especially good against Cazador who is both an undead and heals and there are tons of Undead type creatures in Act 2 making this really an incredible Mall thanks to giving Undead creatures disadvantage on attack roles especially on the undead bosses you fight act to and next up is how to become immune to curses now there are a number of curses in balers Gate 3 especially in act three and there's also an item that can grant immunity to curses for jira through an called odd gift this item is called khaled's gift this item also grants plus one to wisdom which is great for clerics and Druids and you can also cast Aid which increases your hit point maximum by 10 to get khaled's gift you'll need to head to elan's home found just Southwest of the balers gate Waypoint in act three once inside you'll need a Harper pin in order to unlock the hidden stairwell under jira's desk you can find Harper pins in many places in previous acts but there's also conveniently one upstairs once you're in the basement you just need to get around some traps and unlock a door disguised as a dresser and this item is yours while you're there there are also two other very rare items you can pick up one is bellm which is a plus two Scimitar which grants Whirlwind attack which can deal some very nice AOE damage and it also has perfectly balanced strike which can be used as a bonus action each turn and this weapon can also be found in balers gate 2 and was considered one of the best items in that game and then there's also staff of the ram which gives you a chance on hit to knock your target back and stun them which isn't bad at all since stuns are very useful at making an enemy skip their turn and next up is how to create a timed bomb there is an item called auk's conveniently portable freezing sphere which after 10 turns deals 10 to 60 cold damage in a large area this item is created through a level six evocation spell called auk's freezing sphere which is available at level 11 for Wiz Wizards once you create the sphere the next step is to quietly place it into an unsuspecting victim's pocket once in there distance yourself and get ready to watch the fireworks this is really great on creatures that wander allowing you to distance yourself from the explosion once your bomb goes off and next up is an alternative use for perform now perform is a class action available to bards which can be used to generate gold but it also does a great job of gathering everyone up around you this can be used to set up a powerful Ambush first place a bunch of smoke powder bombs on the ground then start performing while standing on top of them a crowd will quickly form around you and once everyone is in position go into turn-based mode and then create some distance between you and the bombs that you gathered everyone around then it's as simple as setting off the bombs with a source of fire and you've quickly and easily cleared an area of enemies and next up is the holy Lance Helm this Helm causes radiant damage to any creature who misses an attack roll against the wearer if they fail a dexterity saving throw this Helm is paired perfectly with items like luminous armor which spreads radiating orb to nearby creatures when the wearer deals radiant damage radiating orb gives minus one two attack rolles per stack of radiating orb so as a creature misses they only increase their chance to miss again because of this combination throw in luminous gloves which gives two stacks of radiating orb when dealing radiant damage and the radiating orbs will get applied like crazy causing tons of radiant damage and further reducing your enemy's chance to hit and the cycle just compounds upon itself and you can find this Helm hidden on the roof of the rosy Mor Monastery in a chest that surprisingly isn't even locked and next up is how to get Bazar to actually join you against sh's minions in act two within the gauntlet of sh there's a fight sequence where sh's umbrell Tremors summon a large number of dark justicier at the same time right behind a massive locked door Bazar and his minions simply wait for you to defeat them but by using the spell knock you can actually open this door which would otherwise require succeeding a dc30 roll to lockpick and then once you open the door Bazar and his minions will actually join in the fight and this actually lets you get two birds stoned at once you can just wait this fight out inside balthazar's room and as the fighting whittles down to the last few you can kind of just swoop in and defeat the weakened balazar and dark justiciar and save yourself from having to face basar alone later on and next up is a hidden interaction with the Harper blade in act two if you haven't discovered last Light in yet you can actually encounter Leandra and her band of Harpers in the Northeast part of these shadow cursed lands yonas one of the Harpers gets consumed by the shadow curse as the group is ambushed if you keep Megan alive during this fight and loot Jonas's Harper blade you can later find Megan holding a funeral for yonas if you talk to Megan you can learn more about yonas and how much Megan cared for him you can then offer his sword to her which she'll appreciate and actually reward you with 125 gold not really the greatest of rewards but it's a dialogue that's extremely hidden considering you'd number one have to find their group before you find last Light in and two know to bring his sword to her and next up are four amazing items all from one creature in act three there are two quests you can complete at the same time and get a ton of items from it one is Avenge the hag survivors and two is save vanra by completing both of these quests you can get a number of very rare powerful items from Avenge the hag survivors Marina gives you the faas semblance amulet this amulet gives you advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws advantage on three different types of saving throws is incredible because it lets you use the higher of two roles when attempting to save yourself from from certain spells hostile actions or hazards from actually slaying the hag and looting her corpse you'll find the Ring of Fay wild Sparks now this ring is more fun than practical in my opinion if you're a wild magic sorcerer while wearing this ring anytime you cast a spell you'll trigger a wild magic surge a wild magic surge has a number of random effects from turning everyone around you into a cat or a dog to summoning a hostile cambian or even giving you an action surge so there are some beneficial Wild Magic surges as well but wild magic is unpredictable for that reason I would say it's not really always a good thing to have wild magic happen every single time you cast a spell but it could be really amusing to play around with all the different wild magic surge effects and then the last two items you get from the saving van request dualist prerogative and Amulet of the wind rider The Amulet lets you turn into a gaseous form which lets you travel into small holes pipes and Burrows easily this form also gives you resistance to all damage and advantage on most saving throws so it's a really nice defensive ability you also get gust of wind which pushes back enemies and clears all clouds which could be useful to get rid of things like fog Cloud kill or darkness and last duelist prerogative this legendary Rapier is the only item in the game that gives you an additional reaction per turn this is great considering how many reactions there are in balers Gate 3 there are literally two just from athid Powers psionic backlash and charm it also gives you increased iCal strike chance and withering cut on a hit you can use a reaction to deal additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus and this Rapier and the ambulant are from the quest save vanra so you'll need to make sure to go to the hag survivors and get the recipe for hags ban from them which when thrown at Ethel is how you get her to regurgitate vanra safely getting her home to Laura and then once you defeat the hag Laura rewards you with these two items for saving vanra
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 51,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, wyll, duke ravenguard, combustion belly spiderlings, staff of cherished necromancy, edge of terror, doom hammer, life essence, iron throne, mizora, khalid's gift, jaheira, perform, otiluke's conveniently portable freezing sphere, holy lance helm, radiating orb, balthazar, lassandra, harper, harper blade, wild magic, vanra, lora, auntie ethel, duellist's prerogative, gaseous form, save vanra, ring of feywild sparks
Id: ThXJv0ZQpX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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