10 Secrets Everyone Missed in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up are potions that can grant you the ability to cast spells like Fireball ice storm lightning bolt acid arrow and more and it's impossible to get all of them in a single playthrough because with some of these you can only get one per playthrough so chances are most players won't know some of these potions even exist these potions last until long rest similar to Elixir and can be acquired from none other than araj aedra in Moonrise Towers in exchange for your blood araj will give you a potion made for from it the effects vary wildly depending on your race and since you can only choose one race for your tab you're going to be left with the remaining races from hirelings or Companions and will inevitably Miss what some of these other potions are capable of these Elixir stack with other Elixir such as elixir of Hill giant strength and they also stack with other blood Elixir so you might as well get one blood Elixir per character and you can even bring hirelings to donate blood 2 for a grand total of 20 blood blood Elixir if you also have each companion and origin character talk with araj you can also get paid 200 gold per character if you select the dialogue option asking what she is planning to do with your blood and then pass a history check so make sure to ask first on a character with either history proficiency or high intelligence for an easy 4,000 gold from this now some of the best potions from arage are actually the Dragonborn potions which are all called elixir of dragon born prowess but there's five different types one for each element which come from the different dragon born subraces all of these dragon born Elixir Grant advantage on intimidation and persuasion checks which is perfect for a Tav and each Elixir also grants resistance to the corresponding element based on the draconic subrace of the blood donor the acid variant grants resistance to acid damage for example these dragon born Elixir are the most rare since there are no dragon born companions or hirelings meaning you can only get them as a Tav dragon born and your limited to one per playthrough because of that each of the Dragon Born elixirs also Grant you a new spell you can cast the acid variant allows you to cast acid arrow for example the elixir of draconic prowess acid can be created from the blood of a black or Copper Dragon Born the lightning variant comes from blue or bronze dragon born and grants resistance to lightning and the spell lightning bolt which you'd have to be at least level five to learn normally so this could get you this spell sooner than you'd otherwise be able to if you rush for it and the fire variant grants resistance to fire damage and the fireball spell is from the blood of a brass or gold dragon born and the poison variant grants resistance to poison and Ray of sickness which is from the green dragon born blood and the last of the Dragon Born Elixir the elixir of dragon born prowess Frost grants resistance to cold damage and the spell ice storm which would otherwise require level seven to be able to cast so it's pretty amazing to get this from an Elixir along with all the other bonuses from the dragon born brows Elixir and this Frost variant can be made from the blood of silver or white dragon born which means if you're playing a default dark urge which is a white dragon born you'd get this Elixir now the elixir of githyanki providence is made from githyanki blood and grants three new spells you get blur Misty step and enhanced leap however even though enhanced leap is a ritual spell like all the Spells granted from these elixirs it can only be cast once the elixir of elv and elegance grants a jaw-dropping amount of movement speed 10 m or 33 ft now if you thought long Strider was good which grants 3 m or 10 ft of move speed this Elixir will blow your mind 33 ft is some characters entire move speed for a turn which means this can basically double that for them and it Stacks with long strier this can be extremely helpful especially against Phase 2 Krick for example where the Night song is trapped again allowing you to rush right to her and free her on your first turn the potion also grants dark vision and can't be Charmed this potion is made from the blood of a Dr or elf and the elixir of Dwarven resilience adds your proficiency bonus to saving throws until you succeed three of them this is actually quite strong and can really make the difference in certain fights against perhaps crowd control spells that would otherwise make you lose control of your character and you can of course get this potion from any type of dwarf but also the dgar hling has Dwarven blood so their blood also works to make this potion too the elixir of gnomish Ingenuity grants the spell knock which unlocks a mundane lock and unlike the other Bells which can be used only once this can actually be refreshed and used again and again on short rest or by changing regions this Elixir also grants Proficiency in slight of hand checks which really helps out a lot if you don't have a dedicated character for lockpicking and since there is a hling gnome everyone can have access to this potion on every playthrough too the elixir of half Elven healing causes an area of effect heal for 1 D20 plus your Constitution modifier this will be stronger later in the game when your Constitution modifier is higher especially after you get the The Amulet of Greater Health setting your Constitution to 23 it's also paired well with hell Rider's Pride granting blade Ward to all Targets you heal and other on heal effects this Elixir is made from half Elven blood which is available from both Shadow heart and hirelings and the elixir of half orcish Fury grants you plus one HP when you're down now this can be a literal Lifesaver if you would otherwise fall to your death or are up against a difficult boss fight and luckily enough there is a half orc hling so you can also get this every playthrough and it might just save your honor run when you least expect it and the elixir of halfling luck is also incredible it grants advantage on all skill checks until long rest now this is the one Elixir out of all of them that I would highly recommend everyone get during their playthrough the dragon born Elixir granting advantage on intimidation and persuasion checks looks weak compared to Advantage on all skill checks whether that be slight of hand perception survival or any of the Charisma dialogue checks advance Vantage on all of them is incredibly useful and everyone can get this potion thanks to Brena bright song The One and Only halfling hirling and the elixir of human versatility is also very strong just like the halfling Elixir it grants Proficiency in all skills depending on your proficiency bonus this can be a huge help in succeeding skill checks and when combined with halfling luck you'd have to be pretty unlucky to fail skill checks there's plenty of human blood to go around too we have Gail will and the hirling madala deadi ey which can provide us with Proficiency in all skills for quite some time finally the elixir of tling Vice grants hellish rebuke a spell that deals fire damage that is used as a reaction to being attacked thury which grants advantage on intimidation and performance checks which can be used in dialogue burning hands which is a cone AOE fire damage spell and Flame blade which conjures a blade of fire not the most impressive Elixir out of all the other options but it can be helpful especially if used on a fire damage based character now other than these potions from GED there is yet another spell in a bottle called bottled breath drinking this potion allows you to cast gust of wind the patch six notes claim to have fixed the bottled breath potion previously you could cast gust of wind an infinite number of times after drinking this potion but no longer however also in patch 6 perhaps its location has changed according to the bg3 wiki it should be found in Alexander rainforest basement on an altar but instead there's only a potion of feather fall so to be seen where that potion still is and if you like that tip if you could do me a huge favor and click like And subscribe it's my dream to hit 100,000 subscribers and we are so so close thank you so so much for your support and next up is how to make your can trips Target all enemies within an AOE this can be incredibly powerful allowing you to deal hundreds of damage with just a can trip to do this you'll need to be at least a level two sorcerer with twin spell and have the Gemini gloves the Gemini gloves are secretly overpowered because of a strange interaction with twin spell causing your canant trips to Target everyone within an AOE this works with canant trips like vicious mockery Thorn whip true strike bone chill and sacred flame all other canant trips do not work from my testing in patch six all you need to do is cast metamagic twin spell then a Droid caster and your next can trip will be used on every enemy within the displayed AOE you can deal some extremely massive damage with this combination and the best part about this is that a Droid Caster from Gemini gloves is refreshed from a short rest to get these gloves you'll need to purchase them from hellick in the devil's fee and act three after you confront her about being a diabolist and then you'll be able to purchase the gloves discovering that hellick is a diabolis can be done by defeating Gort and reading the note from hellick found on his corpse this combo works great with potent robes which cause your canant trips to deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier so you could use this as your AOE option on a warlock when you're not eldrich blasting and next up is improved Bic inspiration ation this hidden class action doesn't even cost a Bic inspiration charge and it can roll twice as high as the regular Bic inspiration granting a 1 D12 bonus to your targets next attack roll ability check or saving throw this can be a huge help on a dc30 roll or when you really need to succeed on an attack roll or saving throw this amazing permanent class action can be learned from our favorite Bard tling alira after you defeat Krick Thor in Act 2 alira is on the top of the stairs looking for someone to play a song with to cheer up the children if you are a Bard then you'll automatically get this class action by agreeing to play with her but unfortunately this secret class action is only for bards even if you know how to perform as a non-bar but it's an amazing permanent ability that you might not have known about if you've never played a Bard and even if you have you might leave for act three before talking to alfira not to mention her survival to the end of act 3 is certainly not guaranteed in every playthrough and next up is an amazing ring that revives you with half your health and after you become down this is probably the best way to keep a character alive since most other heal upon becoming down effects usually just heal for one Health going straight to half health is amazing this ring is called after death do us part and the restoration from down should come with a drawback becoming possessed by the Shadows but currently as of patch six the effect Fades immediately and you're left without any drawbacks this may change in the future but for now it's amazing getting this ring is no small however you'll need to save Oscar favras from The zenim Outpost in act one and then later in act three enter lady Jan's now haunted estate it's filled with Poltergeist and haunted skulls that make maneuvering very difficult you can silence them which stops them from using their spells on you and you'll eventually find a painting on the top floor along with a note from Mystic Carion which leads you down a quest chain involving discovering Oscar's past lover is haunting the estate thanks to a deal Oscar made with Mystic Carion once you come to an agreement with Mystic caring and return to the estate you are faced with a decision do you let the Poltergeist consume Oscar destroy the Poltergeist or convince it to rest in peace now two of the three outcomes result in you getting the ring either destroy the Poltergeist or let it consume Oscar so unfortunately the happy ending is sort of not going to result in getting this ring letting the ghost explain itself and leave peacefully results in getting the painting you were promised in act one but you don't get the ring and I'd say it's a very powerful ring so I'd recommend getting it especially if you're almost finished with your honor run it could potentially save you later on and next up if you thought you heard the last of rare potions in this video we're back with another round of secretly great potions this time of the green hag variety inside the acrid Workshop deep within the hags layer in act one there is a selection of potions laid out among them there are three worth drinking and the rest are totally worthless as amazing as it would be throwing them at your enemies has no effect now in order from best to worst the best potion to drink drink is the Heart of Stone this simply grants resistance to poison damage until long rest it's great and has no drawbacks you'd usually have to sacrifice a ring slot or an Elixir if you wanted resistance to poison but instead this potion has you covered the second best is broken promises this grants plus two strength until long rest at which point afterwards it becomes minus one strength permanently like many permanent Buffs in Ballers Gate 3 you can actually lose this by dying so well in Camp after that long rest that converts your plus two to minus one strength take down the mber and then revive them to clear that drawback plus two strength is great and can definitely be worth it especially on a Tavern brawler and then the last potion a mother's loathing it's not great but it has no drawback it gives you the ability to bite each turn into long rest now the damage isn't much but if you ever wanted to be able to bite like a Starion this potion gives you fangs and next up is the sanguin explosive this bomb deals a massive 8 to 64 damage and half of that comes from Force which rarely enemies have resistance to and half from fire with such a high Max damage and due to its area of effect it's quite a powerful bomb but to get this explosive you'll need to head to the Crimson drought in act three and talk to araj obleda after agreeing to take part in her experiments once again you can further donate blood to her to replenish her stock of sanguin explosives each donation yields two bombs that you can then buy from her however you can only donate once per long rest now most players probably miss this after donating again because you might not even notice that your donation did anything so it's a pretty rare explosive that most players probably don't even notice and next up is how to free the guards that are seemingly under cazador's spell in act three these guards are stationed near the entrance to the Zar Palace and immediately demand you leave upon encountering them after you pass a dialogue check you can pass freely however if you cast calm emotion on the guards you can actually break the spell that is charming them as calm emotions reads it renders humanoids immune to charm frightened or enraged and those effects end immediately upon using this on the guards they snap out of it shocked by where they are and immediately rush to go home this spell probably has a lot more uses that still need to be explored too other than this one next up is a hidden buff that is tucked away in act three this buff grants a 1d6 bonus to attack rolls ability checks and saving throws until long rest essentially it's a Bless but even stronger to get this buff you'll need to head to chess's caress go upstairs and break down the door to The nymph's Grotto in there you'll find Nisha and Gyra your presence appears to trigger jy's transformation into a mind flare once you slay it and choose the right dialogue options with Nisha she will begin a strange ritual she calls Rapture with you and at the end of it you'll receive this hidden Boon and next up is a fun combination with the clown Hammer found on what a appears to be dribbles the clown on Critical Strike with this Hammer you cause your Target and yourself to be afflicted by Tasha's hideous laughter if you fail the dc17 saving throw now that's a pretty high difficulty class and you can become completely immune to it by wearing clown face paint which is also found on dribbles or you can even purchase more of it at the circus of the last days it's a pretty funny combination considering it requires you to look at a clown as you go around whacking people with a clown Hammer while you're actually immune to the drawback of it because of the paint but it's a pretty nice combo especially if you can start guaranteeing critical hits with drow poison crawler mucus or hold person and next up is the ritual dagger this dagger grants you a bonus action called blood sacrifice that grants you a bonus 1 D4 to attack rolls and saving throws at the cost of 1 D4 slashing damage this is essentially a self bless that lasts for one turn it can be used every turn and might actually be useful on characters that can benefit from being low health for example levar's love grants plus two to attack rolles and wisdom saving throws when below 30% hit points Moon drop pendant lets you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when below 50% hit points or best of all the helmet of grit which grants you an extra bonus action when below 50% hit points and this dagger can help you get low health and stay there with the added bonus of 1 D4 to your attack rolls and saving throws now since the dagger itself has weak damage it would probably best be used on a ranged character and to find this hidden dagger you'll need to head to the shattered sanctum there you'll find abdar wielding the dagger interestingly at some point he will actually throw the dagger on the ground and you can just loot it and so if you usually just slay abdar for his loot then this dagger might not show up and instead you just get his mace so make sure to check around the room if he's not holding it and those are the 10 secrets you might have missed in balers Gate 3 if you like the video don't forget to hit like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 67,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, sanguine explosive, araj oblodra, moonrise towers, elixir of draconic prowess, ice storm, fireball, elixir of dwarven resilience, elixir of half-elven healing, elixir of githyanki providence, elixir of gnomish ingenuity, elixir of halfling luck, elixir of human versatility, elixir of tiefling vice, elixir of half-orcish fury, elixir or elven elegance, bottled breath, acid, frost, poison, fire, lightning, dragonborn
Id: zArOdo5Dp5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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