14 Insanely Cool Interactions You Might've Missed in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is how to summon and ooze monstrosity this shape-shifting ooze is actually named Zorb and can be summoned using a class action called an apple a day this ooze can shape shift into a Minotaur direwolf FaZe spider or even Shadow Mastiff and in its ooze form it's a large colorful blob that can shoot acid or lash out with a slimy gray tentacle it also creates an acid surface whenever it takes damage and this ooze is actually none other than the strange Ox you encounter in act one and depending on your choices he can actually follow you for the entire game to get Zorb to use to fight for you you'll need to save the T flings in Act One choose to save Dame alen so that last Light in isn't destroyed in act two and then finally in act three you need to find the strange Ox in a barn and offer to smuggle him into the city if you agree he'll shapes shift into a strange Apple thus the name an apple a day that you can pick up and once you enter the lower City he thanks you and offers to join you in the final fight where you can summon and control him next up is how to perform your way out of jail if you ever get sent to jail on a character with perform you can actually use that skill to escape to do this first make some distance between you and the door and start performing once a guard hears you he'll actually open the jail door so he can listen a little more closely to your performance once he's inside the cell you can cast invisibility on yourself and as he's leaving the cell you can just follow him out the classic escape from jail like a Bard and if you like that tip don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe for more balers Gate 3 videos next up is how to get infinite spell slots and sorcery points in act two there's a Trader called land tarve who sells two potions of angelic relief which Grant you the effects of a short rest and restore all of your level one and level two spell slots this when used by a sorcerer combined with refreshing the trader stock through leveling up a hling means that you can essentially get infinite spell slots and sorcery points Sorcerers have two abilities one called create sorcery points which spends spell slots in order to gain sorcery points and create spell slot which does the opposite all you need to do is convert your level one and two spell slots into sorcery points and then use a potion of angelic relief to restore them then you can use those sorcery points to create higher level spell slots or just use them in any way you want after you stocked up on a bunch of them you can even stock up on these potions of angelic relief that lantar sells since he's not going to be around forever and take this trick with you into act three and next up is Marvin the talking skull inside a worms Rock prison cell there is an unusual skull that you can actually interact with and at first glance what might look like just another bone on the ground is actually a talking skull this skull apparently belong to a powerful wielder of magic who is able to retain their ability to speak through this skull by speaking to the skull and answering its riddles it promises you that it will teleport you out of the prison cell to Freedom this sequence of events really reminds me of of the scene in The Hobbit where Gollum and Bilbo trade riddles and if Bilbo wins then Gollum must show him the way out kind of the same thing with the skull promising you Freedom if you answer his riddles correctly and next up is the flail of the ages this weapon comes with a level three transmutation spell called Elemental age this is a spell which enchants a weapon to Grant it plus one to attack rolls and plus 1 D4 Elemental damage of your choice of either cold fire or acid until long rest each of these also inflict conditions on your Target acid reduces Armor class by two chilled makes the entity vulnerable to cold and resistant to fire damage and fire inflicts burning dealing 1 D4 fire damage per turn but what makes this different from say the Drake throat glaive is that you cannot actually Target with this spell it will always be used on your main hand weapon now usually that would mean that's just the flail itself but with dual wield you can actually cast this on a different weapon when holding the flail of Ages in your off hand so you can actually grab another party member's Weapon cast Elemental age on it and then pass it back to give them this buff now of course as long as you have a dual wielder in your party you'll have access to this awesome buff on a different weapon rather than the flail of Ages otherwise it will just enchant itself and next up is the amazing combination of sphere of invulnerability and transfuse health if you stand within a globe of invulnerability with the athid power transfuse Health you're able to use this ability as an incredibly powerful heal without any drawbacks transfuse Health sacrifices 50% of your remaining hit points and heals your target for that amount but while inside the effects of a sphere of invulnerability you won't lose any health but your Target still gets the full heal also there's no cool down on transfuse health so you can use it every single turn if you wanted to and since the sphere lasts for three turns that's up to 150% of your health in healing during that duration so yet another amazing use case for sphere of invulnerability which is available for Sorcerers and wizards at level 11 and next up are rare special containers now we've all found pouches and backpacks but there are a number of hidden containers that add a lot of flavor to your inventory organization one really cool one is the Curious book this book can be filled with items just like any container but being a book it kind of makes a lot of sense to hold all the spells that you find throughout your adventures and what's great about this is that spells can actually be cast well inside it can container so just place it on your bar and you've got access to all your spell Scrolls easily if you're like me you probably ended up never using your scroll spells because you you just save them for a harder encounter that's definitely right around the corner but that just never happened and you never used your Scrolls but now with a handy book on your hot bar you can remember to use them you can find the Curious book just as you leave the blighted village heading north to the left along the wall on the opposite side of the windmill there's also a teddy bear you can use as a container if a book isn't your style found in the hag swamp or a bucket of fish that you can find along the coast right as you wake up from the nautiloid crash there's also even a rib cage also found in the hag swamp if you're going for more of a necromancer type run and want to store your spells in there but one of my personal favorite containers is wbr not too heavy and can hold a lot of stuff I'd say wal Brin is really the ideal backpack and next up is the morning Lords Radiance this buff grants all party members an additional 1 D4 radiant damage to all weapon attacks this buff might not seem like much but when combined with luminous gloves which Grant you the ability to give your targets radiating orb when hit by radiant damage you can very quickly make your enemies unable to hit you to get this buff you'll need to place all four ceremonial weapons in their proper places in the rosor monastery Each of which can be found not far from where they need to be placed and although this buff disappears upon long rest and cannot be gotten Again by placing the items once more you could strategically pick this buff up right after a long rest in order to maximize how long you'll use it for and next up is the night song's favor this buff grants resistance to necrotic damage until your next long rest this is gained by praying at the altar of sh hidden within the gauntlet of sh in order to get this buff you'll need to pass a dc14 religion intelligence check which is easiest for shadowart because being shadowart gives her advantage on this role but actually any party member can get this buff and it's really useful because there's a lot of necrotic damage in act too however you'll also want to be care careful when doing this because if you fail this rooll you're actually going to be hexed by a curse called sh stricken which is not great to have and next up is refreshed this is a buff that grants plus 10 to maximum HP until long rest this is gained by drinking from the well outside the gnarled tea house depending on if you dispel the Illusion in the swamp the well appears in two different ways with the illusion the well appears to have fresh sweet smelling water but if you dispel the illusion the well reeks of piles upon piles of dead flesh either way drinking from the well gives you this buff which can be very useful if you don't have access to Aid in your party however this buff goes away if you enter into combat with ATI ethyl and it is instead replaced with the debuff nauseous becoming vulnerable to psychic and acid damage until long rest a very bad buff to have when facing off against the sister of the seeing Pearl and next up is Auntie Ethel's charm this charm grants all the possible bonus effects of enhanced ability which is advantage on all ability checks doubling of your carrying capacity and you gain temporary hit points now this charm is actually pretty amazing considering advantage on all ability checks is actually incredible unfortunately these Buffs will only last until long rest and even more unfortunate is that the price for this charm is actually pretty high now in order to get this charm you need to have Auntie ethal attempt to remove your tadpole which involves agreeing to have her mess with your eye which leaves you with the paid the price condition permanently which is really not that great of a condition to have and next up is how to modify vampire byes damage now for some reason if aaran is hiding when he uses vampire bite it actually deals no damage but he still gets the happy buff and he even gets healed but his target takes no damage so this is great for when using vampire bite on a party member of course other than Gail or carlac and afterwards you can get rid of the bloodless condition by using less to Restoration this is especially handy in places like act 2 where there's not much for a staran to feed off of since he can't feed off of Undead or constructs and next up is how to get the punch drunk achievement to do this you need to defeat 20 opponents well drunk to do this very easily first take a drunken Shar in the basement of the elf song Tavern to get drunk all you need to do is drink an alcoholic beverage then it's as easy as casting Spirit Guardians and all the rats down there will Dash towards your shart and and you'll get punched drunk in no time and last we have Dr in act one playing as a Dr or being disguised as a Dr when encountering goblins in act one is a huge Advantage because goblins are struck with Awe by the sight of drought you can easily just Walt through the blighted village without a fight by simply being drought the forward scouting post of the goblin Camp literally just has the goblin yelling to move out of the way a drow is coming through and then when you get to the gate of the goblin Camp you can select the Dr dialogue options to get through without a difficulty check at all so even if you don't want to play a Dr disguising as one helps out a lot but if you don't fancy being a Dr you can actually cut the string holding a boulder at the goblin Camp Scout post to have it roll down and actually instantly kill some goblins which is pretty cool
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 79,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, zlorb, strange ox, shapeshifter's boon ring, hat of fire acuity, strange apple, an apple a day, ooze monstrocity, ooze, flail of ages, globe of invulnerability, sphere, elemental ae, drakethroat gliave, transfuse health, lann tarv, marvin, sorcerer, create sorcery points, potion of angelic relief, wyrm's rock, wulbren, curious book, morninglord, luminous gloves, refreshed, auntie ethel's charm, vampire bite, drow
Id: zTl6jsUoAFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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