13 Things That are Actually Overpowered in Baldur’s Gate 3

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video we're going to talk about the most underrated things that are deceptively better than you might think with a ton more functionality and applications than you might suspect or just way stronger than you might estimate at first glance coming in at number one we have backpack now the backpack might seem like it's just an item to store and organize items but you can also throw your backpack which deals light damage but more importantly if you throw it far enough it breaks open and drops everything that was inside where you threw it now when you throw a backpack filled with explosive items like Alchemists fire smoke powder bombs caustic bulbs and spiked bulbs and so on you can create a massive bomb that you can set off with an arrow a fire or other flame Source now this backpack bomb might just be the single highest amount of damage you can do in a single turn in Baldur's Gate 3 I highly recommend you give that a try coming in at number two we have light now this is actually kind of interesting you can use the light spell on an item to make it Glow and emit light and then you can then throw that item into a dark place to create a light source now this can be done on low value items to create light sources cheaply something like a knife or a fork you can also put it on a chest and if you can throw that then that's actually gonna be quite a large light source as well this can be particularly helpful in dark places like the underdark cave anywhere where you know you might need the extra light to assist a ranged character that might not have dark vision right that allows them to see in the dark to help those ranged attacks connect with their targets so a hidden use there that you can really help out your ranged characters coming out at number three we have find familiar cats can jump through bars and go through some small places so you can get your familiar to reach places that you might not be able to otherwise also if you're a druid you can shape-shift into a cat and then turn back into a human once you're past that obstacle and you can also then take advantage of going through bars as a druid not only that but if you summon a spider familiar in particular you can actually use this to scare goblins and trolls which are both terrified of them so it could serve as an opportunity to distract your enemy or to get an edge on them the cat familiar is great for distracting enemies to get them out of position you can meow and then they'll all kind of gather them up similar to minor illusion if you want to get ready for an AOE what's also great about familiars is that they persist through a long rest so if you summon them before a long rest you'll get your spell slot back and then after you do your rest you're gonna be keeping your familiar so nice little trick there as well all right coming at number four we have send to Camp you can actually send chests to Camp after looting them even if they're lock picked and then you can crack that later if you can't figure it out now maybe your skill is too low so you want to save it till you're better at it or maybe at Camp you have your sleight of hand gloves and so you equip those and then open the chest at Camp so if you're in a tight situation you have time to crack open a chest right now you can just send it straight to camp and deal with that later you can also do the same thing with camp supplies so you know those can really clutter up your inventory you know maybe there's like a bunch of chickens and food eggs whatever you can just send that straight to Camp so that you have more room in your inventory you're able to carry more stuff and that actually goes straight to your traveler's chest now as a bonus if you put a camp supplies backpack inside of your traveler's chest the supplies you send to Camp will actually automatically go into that bag which actually saves you a ton of room both in your character's bags by sending it to Camp but also really helps keep your traveler's chest from getting cluttered as everything's just gonna go straight into that camp supplies backpack I found that tip to be very helpful to really just keep myself organized as I'm going throughout the world alright tip number five we have Mage hand this spell should have been in my top underrated spells list video but since I didn't add it there it's going into this list now magehand has a ton of amazing uses you can cast it before a fight drop some bombs next to it and then when the fight starts you can just throw and throw and throw rain down explosives on your enemies each turn or you can summon a mage hand next to a ranged attacker that might be standing on a cliff and then shove him off to his death or at least get rid of that High Ground Advantage he has so major hand actually has a ton of uses you can do so much with it it just absolutely highly recommend I didn't actually know how good magehand was until I realized all these amazing things coming out at number six we have silence now this is another underrated spell this spell is most commonly used to stop enemy spell casting however it can also be used to mute any sounds in the environment that might wake up or alert nearby enemies for example using silence on an area you're about to cause an explosion on or perhaps attack or make noise in any way right and it will not wake up any sleeping enemies because it didn't make any sound not only that but everything within the silence radius is also immune to thunder damage so there's actually a lot of extra cool uses for silence outside of just stopping enemy spell casting that could come in handy during your adventures alright number seven we have healing potion now most players are using healing potions for sure maybe they're just using them right but actually if you throw them it can heal in an area of effect now this can be extremely useful if your party is grouped up you can essentially multiply the value of your healing potion by throwing it between them make sure not to throw it directly at a teammate though because that's going to actually cause damage to them instead also if you're a life cleric and you throw them you're going to Grant bonus healing on the potion so you'll be able to get a massive AOE heal off on your party if you use this tactic which is basically the same as using a short rest in terms of healing for your whole group so it's really really strong and you really squeeze the value out of those healing potions and what's amazing about this is you can actually do the same thing with other potions such as potion of speed but I've noticed that it doesn't work for every single potion so be careful make sure to quick save before you throw your potion on the ground just in case you're not sure if a certain potion is going to work knowing this can be very helpful to buff up your team right before a difficult fight to increase your chances of coming out ahead alright number eight we have crate if you stack three crates on top of each other you can actually give your character The High Ground Advantage you're basically a crate Manser what you do is you carry around three crates at all times and then you kind of set up before the fight you know stack your crates up you know it might take a few seconds of preparation to stack your crates but once you're set up you've given yourself a nice Advantage it basically serves as a way to protect that same character from ranged attacks by giving the enemy that low ground uh disadvantage and then you have The High Ground Anakin so you're gonna have a much better chance of coming out ahead especially if you're a ranged fighter once you get your crates set up all right number nine we have dip you can dip your weapon into different surfaces to enhance your item sure you know that one puddles of acid puddles of fire can give your weapon those properties when dipped but you can also dip from characters that already have that ailment for example if Carlock is on fire you can actually just dip your weapons into her and she's gonna give you that fire on your weapon you can also dip on enemies who are on fire not only allies and even your own character you can actually dip fire off of yourself to get fire onto your weapon so a lot of different uses for dip you might not think well you know oh man you know I didn't know I could use dip on myself while I'm on fire but you actually can and then coming in at number 10 very similar we have candle if you carry a candle around with you will you will actually always have a source of fire to dip into you can just drop the candle on the ground light it and then you can dip your weapon into it you can also use a torch for the same effect as well but I like carrying a candle I think that's hilarious that it's basically a constant source of fire for you whenever you want to dip into it number 11 is shove shove is probably one of the most OP things on this list for example if an ally has been put to sleep you can use shove to wake them up which is really strong because shove is a bonus attack and help is an action so using shove allows you to save yourself one action shove can also be used to break opponent's concentration which can be very helpful against control spells like Tasha's hideous laughter and of course if you shove an enemy off of a massive cliff into a Chasm this can instantly kill them now you might not get the loot from them but it can be used to perhaps save your life life or win a fight you might not otherwise should have won and you can even use this on some bosses which makes shove very overpowered in my book alright number 12 we have iron hinge you can shoot the chain called iron hinge which is holding up a hanging fire pit slash chandelier kind of old school which when it falls will actually cause an explosion dealing damage and will leave a fire surface if you toggle your view hitting o you can actually see exactly where it's going to fall so you can line it up perfectly with an enemy to kind of get this bonus damage on your enemy and I think that's kind of a cool thing to pull off right something you'd see in the movies shoot an arrow at the chandelier it follows your enemies I think it's kind of a cool thing to pull off and then finally at number 13 we have feather fall this ritual spell causes you and nearby allies to become immune to Falling damage this is actually very useful against being shoved off of high places like we talked about you know where you'd either instantly die or perhaps take a massive amount of falling damage you can actually save yourself from taking any damage actually by becoming immune to Falling damage you can use this before combat and um and and even outside of combat you can use this when you're trying to Traverse difficult terrain perhaps you want to make a jump down that would otherwise kill you since featherfall you're immune to Falling damage you can make some crazy jumps and get around much easier so next time you find a scroll of feather fall you might find it more useful than you think allowing your whole party to become immune to Falling damage and that's my list of 13 things that are actually overpowered in Baldur's Gate 3. let me know did I forget anything that you think's overpowered let me know in the comments below thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 286,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, wooden crate, featherfall, find familiar, baldurs gate 3, bg3, best spells bg3, baldurs gate iii, bgiii, overpowered, baldur's gate 3, mage hand, dip, shove, healing potion, throw potion, silence, blind, underrated, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 trailer, baldurs gate 3 price, baldurs gate 3 pc, backpack, backpack bomb, light, send to camp, cats, spider, pet, baldurs gate
Id: 1g8TJBjPfqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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