Baldur's Gate 3 - Before You Buy

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(button beeping) - [Jake] Hey, and we're back with another episode of Before You Buy, that show where we give you some straight-up gameplay on our first impressions of the latest games releasing. As usual, it's me Jake and today we're talking about Baldur's Gate 3, this is the full release of a game that has been in early access since the fall of 2020 believe it or not, so quite some time, but that version of the game was limited and only a small portion of it where this is a full-fledged, massive, finalized release. And Baldur's Gate 3 is a big deal because it's a new full-fledged Dungeons & Dragons based game, the original Baldur's Gate, now a classic was developed and released by BioWare in 1998, but now in 2023, we have Larian Studios at the helm, and they're the developers behind the heavyweight Divinity games, most recently the successful and great RPG, Divinity: Original Sin II, you've probably heard about it. So, now they've been recruited by Wizards of the Coast to go all in on a new Baldur's Gate game and the result seems to be magic. So, this is out on PC and it'll be out on PS5 in September, and Xbox eventually, and we've been playing a review copy for the last few days, but just know that this came in kinda hot, we didn't get it very early, no reviewer did, and this is a massive game, so we wanna preface that this is strictly a review-in-progress, you know? Strong first impressions only. Myself and co-writer on this, Eric, have been getting as many hours as we could in it and we combined our powers because personally, I'm not a big Dungeons & Dragons guy, and he is, so that way you can get a bit of both perspectives. Now, since we often just do first impressions in 'Before You Buys', we thought it was important to at least give you the early heads-up here, we've seen past the early access stuff, but we haven't seen the end of the game, so just know that. But that being said, all signs are pointing to this being pretty damn great, couple of little things here and there, but it's a pretty sprawling RPG for quest and character lovers, it's challenging, but also has a staggering amount of flexibility for you to make mistakes, make some wrong choices, and experiment. And the game just keeps going, and you keep playing, no matter what you throw at it, it seems like it's always down to throw something back, you don't need to know too much about Dungeons & Dragons universes, you know? This is a new game, it's a new adventure, new characters, and you'll learn some of the lore as you go, it can be overwhelming, but I was able to get through it. And it's a fantasy world with a new darker mystery afoot, the Mind Flayers are out there as a threat, and they're infecting people, and you, and some others end up with little Mind Flayer tadpole spore type-things burying itself in your head, and you've gotta somehow get it out and figure out what's going on. Now, that is like the very, very early setup of the game, if you played the early access you know, and for anybody else, I'm not spoiling anything, trust me, it goes much further, and dives into more fantasy, political intrigue, the occult, warring factions, basically everything you'd expect from a fantasy game, but with a good focus on strong characters, and relationships. And that's where a lot of the work, and the writing, and the branching storylines show, and it seems really impressive, even just with like a play-through and loading some different saves, and messing around, there's a lot going on. So, when you start, you choose from one of seven origin characters, these are all characters connected to the story, with their own backstories, motivations, race and of course class-type, and most of them are compelling, and tempting really to select, but we ended up rolling our own custom character, you can also do that. You know, you create them, you change their face, you give 'em a backstory, and a class, and they still have agency in the story, just like anyone else, but good luck focusing on the main quest out there man, there are a lot of distractions, pretty much right outta the gate, and all of it is tempting, because it all seems thought out and interesting, little quests will keep you intrigued, little stories might hook ya, the loot may not really always be super exciting at the end of side-quests, but XP and a good adventure just manages to still make it worth it. To Eric, our resident Dungeons & Dragons fan, this feels like a miracle, the production values alone, put this in the realm of AAA gaming, but the actual gameplay is about as hardcore and you know, a little inaccessible to see RPG neophytes as it gets. This is a hardcore computer RPG, through and through, and Larian seemingly hasn't really made many compromises, you've got four party members total, which feels a little small compared to, I think six you could get in the original games, but it does streamline things a bit, combat is turn-based, but it tends to be quick, and brutal, which is a welcoming change compared to how long certain encounters could last in Divinity 2. The game does a good job easing you into combat, but like once you're out of the tutorial, the gloves are off, every encounter is a challenge, and they almost never feel stock or half-baked, even the smaller encounters usually still demand you to think and use everything, and really be challenged, it's not often that you come across something and do (indistinct), and then it's dead, like no, this is not really that type of thing. Even at the start of the game, there are cool, memorable enemy encounters that feel like something out of a D&D session, like something that somebody just makes up, like take for example this part where an Undead bursts out of a coffin to scare you, and while you're stunned, it runs around breaking open more coffins to get reinforcements, if you're quick enough and kill the one guy, then nobody wakes up. And it's not all just combat either, for a computer RPG, there are a lot of environmental hazards, and it's not just traps like you'd expect from D&D game, there are areas where the most dangerous thing isn't the enemies, but the world itself, like this burning building where you have to like put out fires to get through, or these explosive mushrooms that have to be carefully navigated. There's a lot of jumping too, lots of like almost platforming sections where the only way to progress is to jump, and with like everything else, the moving powers are essential in this game, just like Larian's other games, if you don't wanna get bogged down and overwhelmed by enemies, being able to either teleport depending on who you are, or jump long distances is practically essential, it can turn nearly impossible combat encounters, much easier with the right movement abilities. This sort of thing always keeps you on your toes, but it can also start to be a bit exhausting on the brain, because there's a very few combat encounters where you can take it easy, especially because unlike the OG Baldur's Gate games where you could just spam resting whenever you want, this game makes ya work for it. One thing that makes this game different from other CRPGs is because of it's roots in D&D, spells don't cost mana to cast, instead, your characters have spell charges that can be recharged with a special ability once, but otherwise can only be restored by taking a long rest. In most D&D RPGs, you just slam that rest button after every encounter, but this game forces you to think about it a little bit more because now you can't just take a nap every five seconds, you actually have to spend resources now, and it's not even a small amount, it's pretty significant. We do like that the game actually gives all the food you find in these games like an actual purpose, when you find crates filled with bread or meat, or cheese, you're actually gonna go, "Ooh yeah, I need that!" Because you need to spend those resources on resting, it's clever, even if it's a little nerve-wracking sometimes like thinking about whether you should rest or not, overall, we like the mechanic, it adds more depth to a mechanic that originally had none. But of course it all comes down to your build, the RPG stuff, but also how it affects your dice score and ultimately, you're down to the roll of the dice for everything, it's great that it's at the forefront of the game, it's keeps that D&D vibe true to it's core, but it doesn't feel hokey, like it's pretending to be a tabletop game or something like that, it just is how it is. And speaking of dice rolls, the role-playing stuff like we keep saying is where the game really succeeds, to both of us, this is one of the most impressive things about the game, the depth and width of the role-playing opportunities here, is seemingly pretty incredible so far, it seems like every other event or conversation you get into, you get some special response, related directly to your character. Now, Eric played as a half-orc paladin, with a guildsman backstory, so in any given situation, their like replies related to being a Baldurian citizen, a paladin, a healer, you could communicate with animals, use your alt-sworn subclass to mediate conflict. And even, as per the lore of D&D, face judgment if you break an oath, the game takes this stuff seriously, if you're a paladin who promises to protect people, then sell them out, then you lose your paladin powers, and get chewed-out for it. Then, I played as a high-elf rogue with a performance background in being raised on the streets, so I could take advantage of a bit of stealth, and sneak-attacks, and combat, which is fairly useful, but also I could talk my way out of a lot of stuff, and especially when it came down to me like having to pretend to be someone else, or kind of put on a show as a distraction. The amount of opportunities the game presents you to really embrace what your character is, is probably the biggest achievement, like we keep saying. You can also embrace the darkness, and take advantage of Illithid powers that we won't spoil, but if you look into it, a lot of that stuff has been talked about pre-release, being able to go hog-wild and do whatever you want, and even in certain instances, go a bit mean, and embrace the dark side seems really tempting every time it crops up, we haven't seen that stuff to the end though, to tell how meaningful it truly is, so we can't go too much further into it, but it seems good. The world of Baldur's Gate 3 isn't like the biggest, craziest thing, it's not Assassins Creed honestly, but it is very dense, and it's easy to spend a lot of time in a relatively small area, just because of how much stuff is going on, and how much you have to do just to get around, it's so dense that sometimes seemingly, plot-essential stuff can get easily passed over, there were some areas we had been through multiple times before you even noticed some important NPC. Like a lot of the game, the amount of things gets overwhelming at times, it's at points, an exhausting game to play, but it's also easy to just get deeply immersed in. Even when you're stuck, or you don't wanna progress, just go to your camp to rest and start chatting up your party members, this is where things can get pretty fun and seemingly, a little spicy. It's really just one of those like, 'just one more minute' kind of games where it really forces you to keep your mind active, and engaged at all times, so you do one thing, and you just have to see what happens next. Now, if there's a downside to how deep and open the game is, it's that it can be easy to forget to quick-save and lose a lot of progress, this happened to me quite a bit, the game only auto-saves selectively, it doesn't auto-save every time you change maps or talk to people, so if you neglect to make a save, and then bumble into a very tough enemy encounter that wipes you out, and it's gonna happen a lot, that can lead to a lot of time wasted, so get that old muscle memory back, do those quick-saves, don't be like us. And another issue is because of how open-ended the game story is, it can sometimes feel directionless, at least at first, because you're running around doing all kinds of cool, interesting, random things, and it's sometimes unclear when, and how you should resolve certain situations. It's also a little hard to keep track of things sometimes, the game gives you so many options that sometimes, when an option doesn't present itself when you think it should, it can lead to confusion. The whole situation at the Emerald Grove near the start is a perfect example, this is a relatively early quest where there's a problem between these refugees, and the druids, and part of the reason things have gotten so bad is because the druid leader has disappeared, you might think that finding the druid leader would resolve things, it's the obvious thing to do, right? But it can be a very, very long time before you actually find the guy, so you can spend a good chunk of the early game with this story unfinished, way past the point where it feels like it's over. If you've played a lot of CRPGs, you know what we're talking about, where you hit a point where you're kind of doing something wrong, because you think you should be doing something, but the game actually doesn't want you to do that, it's not a huge problem, it's way worse in Divinity 2, which had a lot more dead-ends you could hit on-quest, but it's still a thing that we both ran into. For some people, that's great, they love having to figure things out, but it may be frustrating for casual players used to more direct experiences, for me personally, this is what originally made me kind of bounce off of the Divinity games, but with this one, I really stuck with it, and found it to be worth it, if you're new to these games, you just gotta train your brain a little bit, and you'll have fun. Now, what helps is that all of this, like Larian's other recents, you could play cooperatively with some other people, which is absolutely crazy impressive, and they need to be commended for that. Now, I know we weren't able to take advantage of this in our play-through, so maybe consult another reviewer or two, but just the fact alone that you can do that is incredibly enticing, and if you're inclined, you can play with a controller, and the controls are fine, doable as of right now, as good as it can be I guess, but we just don't prefer playing these types of games on a controller, still, the developers have said they will tweak game-pad controls up until the console launch, either way, you have a lot of options, controls, accessibility and a good amount of graphics options. Now, it's not perfect, of course it is a CRPG, there is some awkwardness with certain animations, like climbing a ladder, or moving an object, or climbing a ledge sometimes, and there can be some weird cuts, or some unloaded assets that flash onscreen for a section between screen-transitions, but it's mostly solid, Eric didn't have any significant performance issues, but on my end, I had one crash, and I had a couple of stutters, especially once you start getting into some of the bigger, dense town areas, but I was able to fix most of my issues with settings, and a reset, you know, fiddling around, you know, PC stuff, not the worst. And everybody's machine is different, so maybe consult some other nerds, but at least from our experience, it does not seem like a disaster PC launch like we've seen so many times, it seems fine, and when you get it running good, and you got a decent enough graphics card, this game is a looker man, the characters' faces, and the environments are very, very good, above and beyond what we usually see in this genre. Ultimately again, review-in-progress, but so far, it's one of the stronger games to release this year already, and that's even though we feel like we've only scratched the surface. The developers have said 75 to 100 hours, but we easily see ourselves rolling other characters, and spending way more time, and who even knows how they're gonna enter this game in the future, as of right now, it's a result of just good, game-making on the developer's side, and good community feedback. The early-access period brought player feedback online that you can find for things big and small, from character personality tweaks, to quality of life stuff, and inventory management, and the end result here, this final release, it's solid. Now, with Eric, a Dungeons & Dragons fan, it's the modern Baldur D&D game you've been waiting for, and for me, as a non-D&D fan, it's another type of, "Yup, Larian has done it again." Type-situation. A game that asks a lot of you, but is so rewarding, the more you unpack it, or I don't know, like peel back the layers, the onions, I don't know. Ultimately, Baldur's Gate 3, upon first impressions, between the two of us, seems awesome, and we're excited to see more reactions, and more stories, and weird things come out of it. But hey, that's a Before You Buy, you know how this works by now, we give you some pros, some cons, and some personal opinion, and now I wanna hear yours down in the comments. Are you jumping in, day one? What type of character are you gonna make? We would love to know, that stuff's fun to share. But also, if you've been playing since the early-access period, do you see some differences? Have you been providing feedback? Who are you? What type of player are you? Are you new to this stuff? Let's talk about anything Baldur's Gate 3, down in the comments. If you liked this video, and you like what we do here, clicking the 'like' button helps us, thank you very much, but as always, thank you for watching, and we'll see you guys next time.
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,654,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 before you buy, before you buy baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 PC gameplay, baldur's gate 3 game review, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate III review, baldur's gate III, baldur's gate 2023, baldur's gate larian, baldur's gate 3 characters, baldur's gate 3 story, baldur's gate 3 graphics, gameranx, jake baldino
Id: GhUXwcYqLdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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