9 Hidden Spell Interactions in Baldur's Gate 3

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the first hidden spell interaction is with web web covers an area in thick flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly in webs them but by creating a web it can actually act as a soft surface to jump from a high place from negating all falling damage use it on a patch of ground then jumping onto that patch will cause no falling damage and it won't knock you prone this is a great way to jump from high places when you don't have feather fall available these spells can be used by the ranger spider companion or as a shape-shifted druid as a spider and both Sorcerers and wizards have access to Webb the ranger Sorcerer And wizard have the best ability to pull this off either as a ranger being able to summon their spider at the bottom of a high cliff then casting the web successfully or a wizard or Source work casting web from above however the Druid would have to shapeshift and then they actually won't always be able to jump down as a spider or cast it from above because as a spider they're going to be lower to the ground and might not actually have vision of where they need to do this so next time you don't have feather fall try using web instead and if you like that tip don't forget to click like And subscribe for more Baldur's Gate 3 videos coming in at number two we have darkness and fog Cloud now both fog cloud and darkness blind and heavily obscure creatures within it the obvious use is to prevent ranged attacks from entering an area but you can also use darkness and fog to obscure an area you want to steal from and do other crimes within without consequence this is really handy when you just really want that item that you want to steal right there just sitting on that table just begging to be stolen maybe you can't afford something and you need some quick gold but you still want to be friendly with the town and you still won't be able to trade and do quests later without causing a run-in with the guards or a big fight darkness and fog Cloud will be your cover to do your crimes and then you're done doing your crime you can just leave without consequence all right number three we have Rangers companion this allows you to gain a beast companion that will help you on your quest and fight alongside you now I've noticed that this Beast can cause different interaction specifically with goblins depending on the animal the boar seems to slightly attract goblins and they may attack it too wolf is similar in that it might get attacked but actually doesn't attract goblins won't go chasing after it the big spider surprisingly doesn't cause as much fear as the familiar small spider but it doesn't seem to provoke attacks like the other animals then the bear seems on the same level as the small spider in that they cause the Goblins to actually run away in fear but also it will be attacked if it wanders too close I thought it was just really interesting how each animal causes a different response and so you could actually use this when you're trying to either avoid combat or set up an ambush by scaring some goblins really far away from the others to get really good positioning depending on your goals use a different animal and get the desired result you're going after all right number four we have conjure minor Elemental now this spell conjures a minor Elemental of course to fight alongside you other summoning spells like find familiar anime dead and so on can all be used and then swapped out for a different spell as long as you're outside of combat so basically do this and the summons will persist and you have a freed up spell slot for something else I think this is just kind of a neat little trick allowing you to get more spells usable than you might have thought at first glance if you just choose to use a summoning spell first and then switch to a different spell kind of cool adds some extra value to these summoning spells alright number five we have create or destroy water it's on another list so this calls forth rain extinguishing exposed flames and forms a water surface now while this water surface has a ton of uses we talked about in our previous videos the actual spellcast has an additional use it can be used to reveal characters that are invisible of course you still need to know in the general area that they are to be able to successfully cast on top of them but if you do use create water on them and their invisibility will actually be removed so really really cool another use case for it the number six we have Sanctuary right now we talked about this one again and different list but this makes you or an ally unable to be targeted until you attack or harm a creature so you're basically invulnerable you can't be attacked this spell can actually be incredibly powerful in a number of different situations you can use it on your healer because it doesn't break Sanctuary when healing even more importantly you can use it after Reviving or healing a downed teammate in battle since it's a bonus action so the Synergy is that a character comes back after being downed they're probably gonna be at like one health or just a handful of hit points and they're probably gonna spend their turn drinking a potion in the ending turn so just having that protection so that right when they get back they don't get downed immediately is just perfect and then they're probably not going to be attacking on their turn anyways and so I just think it's a perfect use case use healing word then Sanctuary or something along those lines in order to get a character back from being downed and then protected awesome awesome combo also if you have a character that uses a concentration spell purely for support whether that's less or hold person using Sanctuary on that person will essentially make them almost impossible to have their concentration broken which can be super useful in the right scenarios and you could even use sanctuary and then place a glyph of warding to inflict AOE damage and that's actually not going to cause you to lose Sanctuary because it wasn't you it was the glyph so this works great if you're going also to be a Summoner who you create a mage hand and that's not going to break Sanctuary then the Mage hand can then actually like attack and push it can throw objects that can harm your enemy well you continue to either animate dead or conjure some other minion so sanctuary in my opinion is a great spell to have almost all the time for both healers and casters who primarily summon what a powerful spell also while Sanctuary might make you untargetable it actually does not protect you from falling damage in any way tested that out but you will keep the buff after the fall after you take that damage all right number seven we have enlarge slash reduce now this benefits you in combat by making your target larger to increase their weapon damage by 1d4 and gain advantage on strength checks and saving throws or do the opposite to an enemy now outside of combat reducing your size when combined with disguised self as a gnome halfling or dwarf you can actually make your character small enough to be able to enter small burrow holes now you've likely come across small burrow holes you might not have known what to do with them while this is one way to see what's on the other side not only that but reducing your teammate size can also make them small enough to be thrown by a teammate to either get in or out of a dangerous situation or even to deal some damage to an enemy maybe you want to throw your character into combat maybe they're a dwarf Barbarian or something or halfling Barbarian and you just throw them it'll do some damage and they're going to be in melee range so this spell is very flexible with more uses than you might think number eight is Greece now when I first saw this spell I actually wasn't even that big of a fan of it what it does is that it covers the ground in flammable grease becomes difficult to rain and can make creatures within it fall prone this spell is actually pretty underrated it can serve multiple purposes knocking enemies prone but more likely forcing enemies to avoid where you created the grease allowing you to funnel them a certain way if you wanted so the AI typically tries to avoid walking over the grease which makes a lot of sense and what I think is the best part about crease of course is that it's flammable and the fire bolt can trip is extremely common in Baldur's Gate 3 a Starion gets it Gail gets it Shadow heart has it so there's a ton of sources for Firebolt and so you're very likely to already have fire ready to light the grease on fire and burn everyone in it and what's really cool about Greece is that if there's already a small amount of fire burning you can actually really increase the distance of that fire by casting grease on top of it just have a little bit of the Grease cast overlap so that the fire is going to spread to the full radius of the grease and so that can actually really make the fire much bigger as well if there's already some fire so Greece has a lot of different uses that I think is actually really really cool and and a lot of the time the enemies just barely avoiding you know the fire and so if you cast Greece it's gonna basically bring the fire to them so it can be a very surprised attack on them casting grease right on top of them with a little bit overlap on the fire so Greece I think is a lot better than you might think then finally at number eight we have Raya Frost and arrow of ice these cause ice damage and either slows movement speed by three meters and or creates an ice surface so of course it can put out fire which can be very helpful but as a side effect it isn't just going to leave behind Ash after the fire's been put out it's actually going to create a water surface of course it's very helpful for avoiding fire damage from that fire surface but this is also great because water can be used with lightning to cause extra damage to enemies and it can create a very hazardous patch of ground the water of course can either later be frozen or used in a multitude of different ways to combo your enemy so that's my list of nine spells that have couple hidden extra interactions than you might think of at first glance let me know if I missed anything or there's any that you know about in the comments below thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 405,272
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Keywords: toyhouze, baldurs gate 3 new spells, Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 spells, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 spell guide, bg3 spells, best early game spells in bg3, bg3 best spells, best low level spells bg3, baldurs gate 3 best early game spells, baldurs gate 3 best spells, baldurs gate 3 best spells for wizard, baldurs gate 3 best spells bard, baldurs gate 3 best spellcaster class
Id: XOpwzSepoBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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