8 Secrets That Will Make Your Playthrough BETTER in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is how to get the entire flawed hell dusk set extremely easily this can be done through the infernal alloy not to be confused with infernal iron this seemingly useless item can be used to create the entire flawed hell dusk set allowing you to save your infernal iron for carlac or allowing you to skip collecting them entirely The Infernal alloy can be acquired from a dgar in the Grim Forge named Stone Mason kith he's investigating the craftsmanship of the stone and trying to decipher what happened in in the past you'll have three dialogue options after agreeing to help kith try to understand the ruins by succeeding all three history investigation and perception checks and telling him what you've discerned he will reward you with the infernal alloy now chances are most players are not going to succeed all three but don't worry even if you fail you can trade with him and just buy it off of him for less than 200 gold but you might not think twice about getting the item since it doesn't seem like anything special then once you have the item go to Damon in the last Light in and choose the dialogue option I found this metal in a place called Grim Forge what do you make of it he'll craft a piece of flawed husk armor and this dialogue option actually will persist allowing you to repeat it two more times granting the entire flawed hell dusk set for just this one item and if you like that tip don't forget to like And subscribe for more balers Gate 3 videos and next up is how to guarantee success at the mirror of loss this mirror can grant you plus two to the ability of your choice in and plus one to Charisma on top of that the dc25 religion role is very difficult for most players so usually save scumming is the main way everyone uses to get the plus two ability points however with this method you can guarantee success at the mirror of loss dc25 religion check for your entire party to gain access to the plus two to your ability points now first you're going to need to be at least level 11 and change your class to Rogue we need to be a rogue for Reliable Talent so that that when we make an ability check for a skill we are proficient in the lowest we can roll is a 10 when you first change class to Rogue make sure to dump ability points into intelligence until it is at least 16 then at level four for our first feat we need skilled so that we can become proficient in religion then our next two Feats can both go into ability Improvement to bring our intelligence up to 20 then the last thing you need is a Bard and a source of guidance the silver pendant found in act one is incredible which lets you cast guidance or if you missed it you can create a hirling cleric to cast it on you if you also don't have a Bard then you'll need a second hirling for Bic inspiration then once you go to the mirror for the dc25 religion check you'll automatically get at least a 10 thanks to Reliable Talent then add five from intelligence and eight from proficiency plus expertise which adds up to 23 and then guidance plus Bic inspiration guarantee at least plus one each bringing the minimum you can roll to 25 guaranteeing success ESS at the mirror of loss dc25 religion check and when you change classes back you will keep the bonus ability points pretty amazing however if you are unfamiliar with how the mirror of loss works you will need to First identify what the object is I recommend choosing the dc20 religion option which is an object of Faith examine it closely try to understand its purpose since we just maxed out our intelligence and religion skill this shouldn't be too difficult you also only need to do it once to allow everyone in your party to offer memories to the mirror once you pass that you've unlocked the dialogue option gaze into the mirror intent on offering at one of your memories there are seven possible outcomes from this dialogue choice and it appears to be random so there is still luck involved in getting all three of the bonus ability points but the option to gain plus two to an ability of your choice will never happen unless you pass the dc25 religion check so pass the dc25 religion check before offering any memories in order to increase your chances of getting the plus two to an ability you have seven chances total one for each ability and then the deception option now the deception option even if you succeed will actually never heeld ability points so it's not even worth doing also you'll know when you got the plus one Charisma point when you get the memory of the disappointed patriarch who is supposed to succeed staman but Gores stole their support and next up is how to create a surface that can infinitely knock enemies back this can be extremely powerful when placed in a choke point like a doorway or narrow Hall to do this you need to be a level seven storm cleric to unlock Thunderbolt strike this makes it so that when you deal thunder or lightning damage enemies get knocked back you'll also want to get a source of lightning charges there are a number of different sources from equipment but in our case I chose to use the Speedy light feet when the wearer dashes or takes a similar action in combat they gain three lightning charges with expeditious Retreat we gain Dash as a bonus action letting us gain those charges as a bonus action and then still being able to use our action then you'll need a costic bulb now costic bulb is very important because it creates a costic brine surface which lasts until long rest of course it can still be washed away or replaced by another surface but if left alone it has no turn limit this is why spells like chromatic orb which can create an acid surface won't work for this they only last two turns you can only get a consistent supply of costic bulbs by purchasing them from Ellum in the underd darken act one so make sure to stock up before you head to act three then once you have lightning charges throw the costic bulb and watch your enemies run into the puddle of Doom repeatedly never being able to reach you assuming you did it at a choke point and next up is how to eat a dwarf to be healed in act one in the goblin Camp there is a fire pit with a lot of meat cooking now most of it is genuine camp supplies like the pork but there is also roasted dwarf ribs roasted dwarf legs and roasted dwarf belly on any of your companions this will just be a regular item nothing usable but on a dark urge playthrough all of these dwarf Parts can actually be consumed for 4 D4 healing your your dark urge will even comment how delicious it smells and you even get inspiration by eating these so it's definitely worth picking up and if all that wasn't good enough it also doesn't cost an action or bonus action to eat this meat meaning you can get a ton of healing and a single turn if you decide to eat all four especially if you're wearing an item like the perap of wound closure which allows you to always heal for the maximum amount which means 164 times which is quite a lot of health and next up is a condition called atrophied which causes instant death this condition is applied when an ability is reduced to zero this can be accomplished through a combination of abilities but mainly from ability drain the athid power however the tool tip of this ability says the ability score cannot be reduced below zero and that's correct you'll need to use some other ability to reduce that last ability point for intelligence there is actually another athid Power which reduces intelligence by one called absorb intellect which when used on a target with one intellect remaining will instantly slay them interestingly although ability drain says it goes away at the end of combat it actually appears to stay until long rest allowing for shenanigans if you can stay stealthed and consistently hit a Target and then just finish them off instantly with absorbed intellect there's also other abilities you can wither away such as strength once your target is at one you can then follow that up with the shadow Lantern wraith pet from act two only available to Gail to drain that final three strength points or even by reducing dexterity to zero with the Earth Elementals seismic strike although that ability triggers a constitution saving throw and will most likely not go through overall it's a very neat condition that few players probably trigger since even bosses will likely die before you fully drain one of their abilities to zero and next up is the Mason of moonrise within the Mason's Guild in Act 2 you can find a journal detailing a deal morri made with a so-called man touched by a devil in a desperate attempt to defeat Krick and his dark justiciar This Journal called the Mason's log explains why your gear was tasked with slaying all the dark justiciar Raphael made a deal and was profiting off both of them you can even cast speak with a dad on your Gear's bed in The Gauntlet of sh to learn more about the events that unfolded and about the last surviving dark justicier Lindor splitting into his new form a deal made with Raphael to keep urar Trapped In The Gauntlet of sh and to give Lindor a chance to save his life there's even a book written by Raphael explaining to Lindor how to split himself into many rats each a part of himself however all these deals come at a cost of course the very same Mason who made the deal with Raphael to slay all the dark justi years can be found in the main hall of the House of Hope as a skeleton you can even tell him that you defeated Krick and watch him find some Solace despite his very unfortunate fate and next up is a trick that makes a single bomb explode multiple times leading to hundreds of damage to do this all you need to do is deal damage to the bomb the more times you deal damage the more explosions you get so by stacking damage Riders you can get it to explode repeatedly one additional time per damage Rider you can see in this example I have carlac with the Speedy light feet granting lightning charges for lightning damage the callous glow ring for radiant damage a fire surface for fire damage and the Ring of flinging and accordingly you can see the bomb exploded four times dealing three D4 +9 Force damage four times you can even cause an extra explosion from dealing falling damage to the bomb you can see that the smoke powder bomb took falling damage when thrown from the roof of a building knowing how to activate your bombs multiple times like this can be really great on a thrower who can throw multiple times in a single turn and last is a trick to steal everything from a Trader hot fix 21 fixed the old pouch trick where you could sell the trader a pouch and then put all their stuff in it switch to another party member and click take all to steal everything but there is a new method and it's actually really simple open a bag in your inventory shift click all their stuff which is a feature they brought back in hotfix 21 and then put all their stuff in your bag this will charge you for the last item you selected now I've heard this isn't working for some people so there may be some nuances like needing a certain amount of gold going into it perhaps enough to buy the most expensive item but this trick does work now if you're on Console many of the trader tricks I've shared won't work however there is one that many people have been talking about to get infinite gold on Console have a druid in your party talk to the trader with your tab while your Druid companion is wild shaped you can then sell the gear the Druid has equipped but it stays in your inventory so you can sell it repeatedly now I can't confirm this works personally since it does not work on PC but it sounds like this has worked for a lot of people on console
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 88,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, atrophied, gale, eat dwarf, the dark urge, caustic brine, infernal alloy, mirror of loss, morfred, mason of moonrise, infernal mason, ketheric, smokepowder bomb, trader trick, steal, trader, durge, tav, tricks, tips, secrets, hidden, missed, infernal iron, karlach, shadowheart, astarian, trick, tip, kith, stonemason kith, yurgir, orthon, speak with dead, amazing secrets, playthrough, rogue, religion, proficiency, expertise, reliable talent
Id: LzBw4En5Zh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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