1 Hour Of The Darkest Corporate Secrets Shared On r/AskReddit (Reddit Compilation)

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reddit what's a secret your job keeps from the public Olive Garden's server you can get three free wine samples every time you go when I was a server you could get as many as you wanted if you weren't in but and I pour heavy I Jeff when we present yours in someone else's profile in front of an employer at the same time a lot of times one of you is there to make the other look better worked in a no-kill Animal Shelter the thing is no kill still does mean you have to put animals down sometimes especially behavioral issues are terrible when is a dog too dangerous can you row home a pit bull with a bi sister E what if they get too dangerous for staff to handle especially when it gets out that we had to put a specific animal down and all those Facebook warriors start rioting and calling you names it's not like we make those decisions for fun what's fun is none of those Facebook warriors are willing to donate any time or money to shelters but they all know how one should be run I'm so quick to ask someone who criticizes our local shelters on their euthanasia policies why they don't adopt or volunteer no one ever can I workout a cemetery and I can confirm that the concrete or metal vaults that the casket goes inside of in the ground do not keep the caskets from getting wet actually they do the opposite in just hold water inside the sales team will always try to paint a nice picture in your head of what the casket vault combo will look like in the ground and it's a complete lie one of many lies in the cemetery funeral business we claim to be a leader on the technology front but we are literally running off of Excel macros with random codes that no one knows how to understand correct without causing the entire company to crash I work at a major chemical plant upriver from a major city if it came out how a old run-down and poorly maintained literally all of the equipment's that we use to make sure that hundreds of millions of gallons of contaminated water don't leak or straight-up spill into the river the EPA would shut every plant on the river down however the EPA is aware of how inefficient and poorly disposed all our waste products are the plant I work for has a yearly budget dedicated paying fines that's terrible but not anything I wouldn't expect your child school report is probably word-for-word the same as half of their class there's only so many ways you can say works hard but needs to focus on accuracy my kids current school limits the teachers to a set of stock sentences so their report card reads like a primitive chat that wrote it at the hospital they have secret employees who walk around to make sure doctors and nurses sanitize their hands before entering and existing a patient's room you'd be surprised how many don't follow protocol and end up getting written up in a day the chicken bites uncooked water the fries look darker today not because they are extra crispy but because the shift manager was too lazy to change the oil which should be changed every 5 hours the house sauce is just Mayo ketchup paprika and pickle brine the sticky patch outside the bathroom might be pee our secret sauce is just Thousand Island dressing it always is we want to give students the assistance they need but if a school is the one to test diagnose a child for autism disorders then we are the ones that have to pay for all the fellow up medical help who in trusting I don't think it works the same in all states though in mine schools need to test and diagnose every student who might need an IEP even if they already have medical diagnosis I think it's so they are only required to provide supports for students whose education is impacted by a diagnosis all of our videos are made by the same people in the same building and we just change the text logo all of the interviews are scripted - they literally feed the lines to the subjects because they don't want to pay us a fair wage or give us benefits we also don't have to sign anything meaning no NDA dodo Thrillist now this we build by the owl but no one who works in this industry monitors their time closely sounds like an accountant could be virtually anything though really I work in a public library sadly since we're open to all we get a lot of indigent customers in this day and age that means a lot of opiate users many of whom shoot up in our restrooms we've had many overdoses most of which are treated quickly and effectively by administering narcan however that's not always the case and some people are either beyond saving or are found too late in 2019 alone we've had 13 deaths security in the EMTs are always careful to make it appear that the body being wheeled out is only LLL so as not to freak out the patrons the actual number of deaths is even hidden from the staff I'm friends with a few of the folks in security which is how I know about it I work for a convenient store chain well known for their frequent restroom checks in order to maintain cleanliness and having sharps containers in all their restrooms stores and rougher areas have this happened quite frequently most of the time all it takes for a free upgrade as being polite my manager will literally ask us our e-beam dice unless it's the weekend of show night then we literally do not have the availability yes even if it's a show that you are not personally interested in going to for everyone asking what I do just assume it's like this everywhere because it usually is I'm a special education teacher and the amount of injuries people sustained while working in this field is staggering I teach high school and the kids can go until they are 21 so most of the violent students are adult sized we get concussions bites broken wrists and arms scalped as well as physically assaulted by students who will grab you by your breasts pull out their dong and start masturbating bTW I like my job very much and enjoy working with the students however there is so little public knowledge of how dangerous the position is this is why I left the field entirely too many injuries unreasonable parents in the school itself not placing violent students and more appropriate and therefore more expensive settings until the student would injure another student our safety was not a priority at all and our pastries are supposed to be made fresh but it's all just frozen in the freezer and we just heat it up we are supposed to be teaching information literacy but none of us really checks to see if our student sources are legit or not first year university I did some drinking instead of my assignment had to cite 5 sources so I made up some book article titles and listed the author's as the 5 backstreet boys names I got a good mark the longer I'm in engineering the more I know that we don't get the design right so much as we just go with the best we have the moment we run out of time or budget all engineers have the designs that are best and the designs that the accountant approves but those are two very different things goodwill has their own landfills for things that don't sell things sit on shelves for weeks with continuous price decrease then one last shot at selling at the outlet stores where everything is price per lb also I was just saying that cause of the title don't get me wrong there programs and community work they do is great I love going to Goodwill them seeing IKEA furniture priced higher than it is brand new s municipal worker we do actually work hard and care about the city and it's hard on us when people stop called to yell at us without getting all the facts and we know we can't really defend ourselves most of the time you are reaming out a laborer who has no control over your taxes or which street is getting paved your package gets thrown 5 - 20 feet more than five times in its journey to you a lot more the further it has to be shipped if it doesn't say fragile its getting chucked if you're polite and it's the end of the day I will give you free baked goods I made earlier one time I was at a local bakery right before closing time and they happened to be closed the next week so they gave me a crap ton of free stuff I got a bunch of cookies two loaves of bread I'd never had bread there before but it was delicious and I've been getting ik since and an assortment of other staff delivery driver we had 10-15 minutes on the estimated delivery time so we seemed speedy and not seen late if were stuck in traffic we also charge delivery fees that most people Dodd notice or ask about we do that if we're short on drivers but no matter how legit it is corporate shows up and lowers the projected delivery time so more people order yet it's still 45 minutes but corporate wants you to see 25 minutes because profit I used to work for a pesticide company spraying flies on farms some of the poisons we used were so strong that one pint added to a 500 gallon tank of water and sprayed could knock flies right out of the air immediately and was just as toxic to birds in fact we were told if we ever accidentally spilled a bottle of the stuff on the ground we should contact the EPA to clean the mess rather than try to do it ourselves ironically by fall the flies had developed such a resistance to the poison that the only way would kill them was if you drown them in it still would kill birds Oh at one last thing it was an organic pesticide that could be absorbed through any unprotected skin of the human body I worked there just one year because of this I don't have a job at that back when I was 12 - 15 I would sometimes help out with the family businesses which was selling coffee and twisted chips when we first started the thing that attracted people was that we would always have baked goods up for grabs and everyone loved it the reality was that we bought it all from Costco if you don't know what Costco is it's a wholesale store in a huge warehouse building put it in different packaging and played it off as if we made them ourselves but this went on for two years within the business that's extremely common half the lunch trucks I've eaten off have Costco muffins that a sell not my industry anymore but banks would often make decisions that were probably technically illegal about which houses to repair I currently work at a drug and alcohol rehab AAA has an abysmal success rate if you measure success by a continuous sobriety over a significant period of time and that is how AAA tends to do measure it but because one drink is considered failure a lot of people drop out of AAA out of shame and it takes them a long time to get sober again if ever I've seen people with twenty plus years of sobriety beat themselves up and feel like failures over one night of drinking various harm-reduction interventions have higher success rates harm reduction strategies measure success by drinking using less often in smaller quantities and more responsibly if were pretty freaked up all last year its you're sober often enough to show up for work most days this year that's success here's the big shocker most problem drinkers and drug users recover on their own without treatment by recovery I mean learning how to have a functional relationship with alcohol and drugs I know a few people in our community that were court-ordered to rehab and aurier years ago and stopped going as soon as they didn't have to anymore they aren't 100% sober all the time now but they go to work everyday they have happy marriages they take good care of their children they don't get arrested they don't get behind the wheel drunk or high I mean not saying 12-step programs are worthless some do stay sober the rest of their lives and are happy I think that success but it's not the solution for everyone unfortunately rehabs that use different treatment models tend not to receive government funding courts tend not to refer defendants to harm reduction and a unfortunately perpetuates the myth that permanent sobriety is the only alternative to prison the madhouse or death and that AAA is the only place to achieve permanent sobriety we tell customers that we have a supplier we get our parts from for repairs Amazon our supplier is Amazon maybe not the public but they'd probably be shut down if OSHA or the FDA found out current job at an evac company my bosses and the office know that about half of their employees mostly supervisors are doing drugs from marijuana to hard drugs out on the road on the roof wherever bosses in the office might be doing drugs and they even let us know every year about the annual drug test which I'm pretty sure is supposed to be random might not be still sketchy with regards to the above not like you guys know what time of year it is I hope you can pass more like the drug test is in three months that's probably enough time pass if you stop now without actually saying anything that could implicate them also they don't care if we are safe they just want the jobs done because they ever booked them and need us to move fast one guy fell off a ladder from 25 featuring he's been doing physical rehab they refused to pay workers comp for him and they are trying to get him to come back to work where he literally shouldn't be doing anything other than lifting a cup for a drink I've had multiple times where I want to put my harness and lanyard on because the roof is 30 featuring all more from the ground and my direct supervisor for that week gives me crap and tells me to hurry up because it's a waste of time most of the supervisors on the road don't wear the required safety gear when they should supervisors don't give a crap either they just want to move fast so they can keep their numbers up guarantee if I got seriously injured they would ask if I could still work not call nine-one-one to help me I worked for a comcast cable contract company that was like this the sheer amount of drugs these people did was insane but they did long hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day in hot attics you gotta be on something to do that the ice cream machine isn't broken it just needs cleaning which takes a long time BK worker here played us like a damn fiddle you aren't supposed to know this but we won the state clean audit award for the fifth consecutive year and didn't notify our customers this seems like something you'd want to tell people though lots of professors are winging their lectures and showing up to office hours really does help your chances of a good grade receptionist calling to reschedule you due to schedule constraints or because the doctor is suddenly traveling usually just means they decided to take the day off on a whim and now we need to clear off the schedule the time that I'm not fine with that is when it's already three months between my neurology appointments and they call one week ahead of time tell me the doctor wants the afternoon off and then reschedule me for three months from that time so now six months between appointments I understand needing time off but don't punish me and my health because of it sorry rant I'm a nanny so there are so many secrets kept from me so they aren't leaked to the public for instance on my second day of a new job I worked for a nice high-profile family I picked them up from their prestigious preschool and the oldest five-year-old said daddy has a big bump on his dong that he had to get poked at the doctor I had to look Cole a daddy-o aka my boss in the eyes that evening knowing he had a pimple penis not serious matters that would drive a country into mass hysteria just yer know stuff like how much beer the parents drink the fighting and oh the details regarding genitalia go to love kids they relay so much TMI it's not even funny teacher here we totally talk about your children in the faculty room all the time sometimes they are nice comments like oh you have Emma I had her last year she's awesome usually they're not nice Dean is a freaking little gong freaking Dean a lot of restaurants I worked at relied majorly on microwaves still large batches pre-prepped labelled by date and frozen in even if they did keep an eye on those dates Gordon Ramsay and any other kitchen inspection program would still have a freaking cow eatin good in the neighborhood that we don't recycle anything that we can't make money off of this makes me sad the average programmer and IT guy is just better at googling things than you are they just know the actual words to Google asking why the one program does the thing instead of the other thing doesn't get you a good answer if you get a call from a telemarketing or research call center you need to specifically ask to be taken off the call list for them to stop calling don't be polite and make excuses don't mention that you don't have the time don't mention the time at all don't even just hang up all of those will often have the company assumed on a technicality that you could technically take the call at a later time just straight up ask to be taken off their call list or put on their Do Not Call list you didn't hear this from me this is what I was raised to do and the same people will still call nowadays it's not even human but robocalls not my current job but I used to work as a front desk agent in hotels hotels Canon do booked more rooms than are available most systems allow sites like Expedia to book the hotel to 102 percent Expedia bookings are the lowest priority if you don't want to get bumped booked from the hotel's own web site also be aware that at midnight the booking system rolls over to the next day if you need a room after midnight call the hotel yep I learned that the hard way booking through hotels.com for an event got the worst possible room and the hotel would do nothing to rebook me and since hotels.com already took my money i cannot even get a refund not my current job but we release convicted divorces from prison who have not completed all of the required counseling or therapy required by the state there's an obscene number who don't even start the process before they are released if you're a regular customer who doesn't tip your delivery driver your order is never going to be a priority and if you're an absolutely freaking fantastic tipper you have started many arguments some possibly escalating to physical violence over who gets to take your order I work at a plasma center your bottle of plasma goes for around $1,000 we give you $25 imagine if you paid people $500 so many people could pull themselves from poverty I work at a university facilities department my colleagues actually really do care about students student research and opportunities at uni and beyond for students this shouldn't be a secret but I am constantly and consistently impressed by how much our electricians custodial staff EHS you name it care about students excelling and achieving at my last job someone cut off the tip of their finger it was not reported to Asha piastre also we never found the fingertip either cruise ship hotel workers have read it what is something you aren't allowed to tell us odds are someone died on your cruise think about all the old folks you see get onto the boat for a lot of them this is their retirement home and cheaper than a lot of other retirement homes they are literally taking cruises until they die and we eventually find them in their cabins I was on a cruise late last year and we had two deaths one was an older lady who had a heart attack ins a casino and the other was a positively ancient man who fell asleep in one of the lounges and never woke up so yeah definitely a possibility get a free fridge in your room say it is a medical need for medication HIPAA laws mean they can't pressure details out of you may not work for smaller Motel hotel but should for most larger hotels cruises Vegas hotel worker here it works if it's not for meds I'm supposed to charge you if I don't because I don't get paid enough there's a crew bar I've heard this and I've also heard that crew members have gotten in trouble for bringing passengers and their while trying to get laid I currently work as a housekeeper seasonal summer people leave anything and everything behind forget your curling iron we probably have one need a charger yep toys for your child you got it if you ask while you're in between rooms or cleaning a common area we'd love to help you out no one really asks I've worked for two hotel chains and the comforter thing was true at both that's always my travel advice take the dang comforter off the bed as soon as you check in the staff almost all cruise lines are not trained nearly well enough to handle an abandoned ship situation it would be chaos if it were to happen on a large vessel the safety briefing you go to is just theater and we want to be there even less than you do the Raavan Russ is way more common on ships than you would think the words bright star over the PA indicates a medical emergency as happening and is a page for medical staff to respond the captain earns bonuses for saving fuel leaving port early or arriving late means the ship can go slower and conserve fuel which means more money for the captain until worker here also when you bring your children to our hotel for sporting events baseball Turner's etc we really hate you more than them because you get drunk and ignore them while they tear our hotel apart I worked for a fancy restaurant in a tourist town that catered to Cruise Line passengers looking to get away from the ships our desserts were frozen and shipped us from a company named gourmet chef so when you read the menu description and we say that all of our desserts are prepared by gourmet chefs we aren't lying they were just reheated and prepared by a high school kid making $3 an hour straight out of the movie waiting X hotel employee here if you ever need to cancel a hotel reservation that it's already past the cancellation deadline just call and move your reservation up a few days wait five minutes call back now well within the cancellation window and cancel your stay for free and tell worker here I wouldn't do it I will get in hot water the next [ __ ] however would have no way of knowing when your reservation was changed and would absolutely cancel it for you if I worked as an improv actor on a cruise once for six months what we don't tell you is half the show is scripted we just tie in your suggestions come on I am a cruise ship worker first one is we don't want you to know that we actually have more fun than the guests sure will work of a big white hot party that you're all going to but once we finish our shift all heck is breaking loose and the crew bar comma just below into the sides of where you are sleeping there are crew members hooking up smoking and drinking the our beers are one dollar no drugs or spirits no comma we also don't want you to know that all those funny jokes we tell you at Bingo yep same ones are said every single cruise that really funny answer you gave us about your wife during the happy couple's game heard it it was said last cruise in the one before that and the one before that , we are not allowed to freak the passengers but we do know the all the nooks and crannies the cameras don't reach come over our mugs below deck and a jail cell we get at least three deaths on boda month some people go on a cruise to die common now I do not know where Jack roses they're not real people Jack's at the bottom of the ocean and roses in the ground it's like they never freaking watched the movie that norovirus is more common than you think I missed a family cruise once cause I had just landed an important job norovirus TS true hide the vacation my brothers said it was good I didn't go on that one that hotels sometimes over booked rooms typically more so in the summer since that's a busy season they are relying on some people either cancelling or not showing up always a good idea to call and confirm your reservation on the day of arrival especially if you're gonna be late on the flip side of this point hotels will typically set you up with a room at another hotel and pay for it so if you are arriving late and aren't particularly attached to the hotel you can get a free night if they walk you I work at an upscale resort nights average $500 a night I work in the entertainment department meaning we help with both the daycare center and with large groups in-house at companies host I will say that our child daycare is pretty safe the only thing sketchy thing I would say is that we will always tell you that your kid had a good time regardless if there had been crying up until just before you got there parents leave their numbers with us to call if the kid wants to go home but whenever a kid complains that they want to go home we do everything in our power to make sure that they stay cuss dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign also the end group activities that we do biking hiking etc are sometimes made up on the spot since the entertainment depth decided not to properly train us in all of our offered activities newer staff generally the people that only work summers at old the morning of that they're running a certain activity and given a really vague rundown of how it's supposed to go and told to do their best to make stuff up but make sure it sounds good companies pay thousands of dollars for these activities but I can assure you the thought that goes into these activities is essentially zero Hotel yay here I worked in numerous luxury five-star properties worldwide you will be shocked if you know the food quality and buffets I've seen yellow food coloring added and labeled as saffron sauce pan-fried bass Hanna its pan-fried white fish that comes in generic bags labeled white fish people change the expiration date on stuff so that the food cost doesn't increase the amount of frozen food sold and labeled as fresh is astounding ellicott food tends to have much better quality the workers all hook up with each other all the time time to apply for jobs on a cruise ship front desk manager here if you ask for a pillow I'll give you a pillow if you're asking for escort services you'll ask for a pillow for the second time with emphasis on the word pillow I'm not allowed to ask whether you wanted a pillow or a pillow but if you emphasize the word I'll get it also go to the consul airs down to the lobby instead of calling everyone calls if they want a pillow you have to be either dense or really wanting one to go to the concierge I've worked at a few independent hotels in a couple tourist town a few things if you forgot something ask the front desk we have toothpaste brushes razors sometimes different kinds of food we've been given as samples that we couldn't find anywhere to display if we recommend a restaurant we probably either like that place or know our co-workers liked it if we recommend an activity it's entirely possible we were basically bribed I would never tell someone to go somewhere I think is awful but if there's 7 rafting places in town of equal quality I'm gonna send you to the one that will bring me sandwiches for sending you we take your stuff not immediately but if we can't figure out who you are or the number doesn't work when we call and you forgot your $300 what shinned can't be Frick to try and find it for 3-4 moss that's my watch again though we are very honest about lost stuff most places I've been have some sort of file for lost and found or at least organized it by month if you call we will look and do our best to find your stuff but people lose so many things that if we kept it all half the rooms would be full of your brows and flip-flops it doesn't hurt to ask if there's a better rate depending on the property if you're nice or in a pinch the front desk has the power to do a lot with your rate at one property I worked at if we were almost full and it was past 9:00 p.m. I could cut $50 off the rate if I felt like it at most though I can only really give a 10% discount but I can do it for almost any reason if that said don't fight about the rate no harm in asking but if you push or get belligerent I'm not doing crap for you also don't argue with me about the rate being right yes the taxes stupid hi yes we're expensive no I won't give you the winter rates yes I'm sure that's right the computer is smarter than both of us edit if you go though the internet one Expedia hotels.com and Travelocity are the same thing and they are buttholes yet you'll get a discounted rate if the fees can sometimes end up making it more expensive they also severely undercut off of hotels because they have the leverage to do so too we can't do anything to your reservation without notification from whatever online service you used call them they send us a fax email the reservation is changed cancelled don't call us though we need that fax email before we can do anything sorry if that makes no sense you decided to use the service worked for a while on Princess the cruise line pays for the time that any boat is docked therefore it is good for the bottom line if the ship gets out of port as soon as possible ports that are closer to a big city cost more money that's why we would sometime dock far away from a major destination and passengers would have to take a train to the big city the ship only makes good money while it's out at sea so I've been on voyages that would spend the late afternoon night at sea instead of in port in spite of two destinations being thirty minutes from one another there are situations I've seen on Atlantic crossing voyages the destination locations are listed that the ship will be visiting but no one has had good enough weather to get into that port in years it just makes it look like there will be a destination instead of repeated days at sea the labor force on different cruise tend to be preferred by different ethnicities there are actually two crew bars one for the offices and one for the rest of the crew boils down to being pretty racist with one for english-speakers and one for everyone else as a non officer I was literally not allowed to dance with customers on the club dance floor drinks and cigarettes are hella cheap for the crew patter jokes for most shows a repeated week in week out on princess there was a nine one guy to girl ratio among the crew suffice it to say that he'll of ugly chicks were goddamn prizes we pray you don't finish all that banquet food so we can D oh and untouched food eaten out of bus tubs that's a thing the staff cheat on their partners back on land all the time because their real love is the sea at IHG hotels that is Holiday Inn Staybridge Suites Crowne Plaza etc but if you say you're there for a funeral death and you ask for the bereavement rate it's close to 50% off we also weren't allowed to mention it exists or give the rate and less directly asked for it by our guests checking in something else we hid from guests generally when a guest booked a room from a third party company Orbitz booking Expedia they typically paid more our managers had us go out of our way to hide that from guests lastly if a guest came into the hotel that didn't fit their ideal guest that is tattoos tattered clothes et Cie we were instructed to quote a much higher room price and if they decided to stay to actually charge them this inflated price i work as a longshoreman at a cruise ship terminal more people die on cruises than you realize mostly old people norovirus is very common but more during flu season crew member go missing often hitching a free ride to NYC rare occasion your luggage will fall in the water being loaded onto the ship the ship will give you a very crappy refund for your loss of luggage and if you're going to a berth with more than one ship don't make sure you know what ship you're going on idiots tend to let their luggage get on the wrong ship and have a lovely week without it word of advice if you're getting on a cruise in NYC if your ship leaves at 4 o'clock get there at 1:30 or 2:00 o'clock you will avoid the crowds in the check-in lines and your luggage will be attended to right away I'm pretty sure two people died on the last cruise I went on most of the old people you meet on cruise ships seem happy so hopefully the ones that die also die happy I worked at Holiday Inn Express for a little bit spread a towel out on the counter before putting your stuff on it because I know some of my co-workers would go from floor to shower to toilet to sink with the same rag we typically get 10 rags a day to clean they are color coded to match the cleaner they're used with that says bathroom is pink window glass is blue dusting solution is yellow and we use two or three per room if you have 15 rooms that means you use the same cleaning rag for three bathrooms and for the guests that's the best case scenario I know girls who would do 12 rooms or more with 2 rags bathroom and not bathroom nobody gave a Frick the goal was to remove all traces of the last guest and make it smell nice it was the most disgusting and demeaning job I've ever had tip the housekeeper's they'll paid a crap and deal with a lot of used condoms that's a rude thing to call guests and tell worker we advertise as our tap water as triple filtered it's not complain politely and I'll comp you tons of crap we talk about you when you walk away heck usually we talk about you before you walk up to us Realtors of Reddit what's the most disturbing history you've learned about a house you were selling the lady next door to me died and wasn't found until she was more liquid than solid on her living room carpet the family couldn't pay something about back taxes or something and the house went to HUD to auction HUD paid for some cleaner but not to replace the carpet only steam clean it so it finally sold and was talking to the guy who was flipping it before I could mention the death he asked if the house had a water leak under the foundation because when they ripped up the carpet and pad to put down the lament floor it was really dirty and got all over them and their clothes told him what happened and how HUD when cheap on what a fix before the auction he got green as a pee and started puking right there on his side of the fence my grandma sells rents houses in the Denver area a few weeks ago I had to help her evict a few college bras from one of her properties this is a cottage style home no second floor no basement these guys literally dug a hole in the wood floor and made a basement where they've been throwing trash away for the last year like it's a living room with the TV and a couple armchairs and a giant hole in the ground filled with ice cream wrappers pizza boxes and cigarette butts that seems like 1000x more effort than just taking the frickin garbage out my parents were Realtors and also flipped houses when I was growing up I used to help them a lot usually by cleaning when I was 12 I was helping with the house that was infested with roaches I noticed the closets was made with crap and children's handprints there were fingernail scratches on the insides of the doors as well I asked my parents why this was the case they told me the old tenants used to lock their toddlers in the closets for days how about the one I bought a kid drowned in the pool so far every person that I have met asks me you know what happened the right people are nosy my mother passed away and my childhood home which my dad eventually sold years later my brother was picking up the youth group kids and one team got in and said our house is haunted years ago a lady died in there my brother looked her dead in the eye and said she was my mom actually poor kid burst into tears immediately my brother has such a horribly dry sense of humor got a good deal on an old apartment cuz a lady was beating to death next door it was on old house converted into separate units guess the one thing you can't beat is a good deal not that I was buying that one I was visiting I went to visit my sister in California and once I flew and I wanted to shower well I took a long enough shower that the mirror was all steamy when I got out except one tiny dot in the middle of the mirror my immediate thought process was a weird I guess if you draw on a mirror with expoe it won't steam around it so I went to go investigate and upon looking right up to it I realized it was a freaking camera lens well I freaked and ran out to her room and dressed then went and told her we went around our back and looked in a utility closet type thing that looked like it was in line with her room sure enough the drywall had been cut away and rape hatched at some point we cut it open and while there was no camera there was a little land still stuck to the mirror it's real freaky to think whoever was getting actually spied on and if they ever actually knew not a realtor but I used to rent an apartment that was in a converted Victorian Asylum it was rumored to be haunted but I never heard or saw anything whilst living there when I met with a letting agent to hand the keys back at the property and for him to run through a final inspection he asked if we had been happy there I said something to the effects of yes but we were only moving as the landlord had it up for sale it became clear he was after some kind of ghost story as he explained that none of his colleagues liked going to any apartments in the building because when taking photos to market one of them the red-eye detector kept triggering on his phone when no one was in frame the poor guy looks nervous as heck the whole time we were there I photograph Holmes the weirdest one was mostly very creepy and suspicious I photographed a billionaires compound where the guy had and absurd fascination with flesh there were well over 50 heads mounted on walls from water buffalo to elephant 5-10 large cats stuffed chandeliers made from the feathers of rare birds stools made from elephant feet legs they were hairy paintings and abstract photos of oily skin veiny muscles of humans and animals et Cie etc I looked for his kill room but I never found it in general I find billionaires don't behave like normal people but this one was particularly weird that there was a secret passageway in stairs between bedrooms on the second and third floors that no one now could find but it was there well-hidden my aunt is a realtor and was selling a house that a lady owned but was renting out to her college-age son and a few of his friends when they went to do the first walkthrough surmount could take pictures and such it was apparent the lady hadn't been in the house in ages every single room had a TV a chair a box of Kleenex and a bottle of lotion they were literally just jackin it with each other all over the house all the time the lady was so embarrassed failed to sell a townhouse built in the 1800 s last year to separate buyers said they could still feel the previous owners in the house and that's what put them off making an offer spooky as both sets of bars used a specific phrase that they feel whatever still a presence there but seriously I've been in 100 spooky houses with gruesome backstories and I've only got the serious creeps in two or three over my whole career not a realtor but when the sold sign went up on our last house our neighbor came over and said now you're moving out would you like to know about your houses history turned out the previous owner was er H dealer who allowed his customers to shoot up in the living room explains the brown arcs all over the walls when we stripped the wallpaper he also used to pimp his wife out from an upstairs room then bedroom lovely I've been doing this job for a while now the thing that scares me most is how often I find the locks reversed on bedroom basement doors there's lots of crappy parents out there an old friend of mine bought a nice house in a quiet neighborhood the place is beautiful and has a really nice deck out back with a hot tub about three weeks after closing he was cleaning out some previously owner junk in one of the closets and found an old DVD it was a bridget the [ __ ] porno with a hot tub scene on the cover his hot tub it was epic not a realtor just a buyer and not really disturbing just moderately amusing just days after closing on my house a friend of mine who was helping me move and told me he had been in my house men at times turns out his childhood Babur sitter had lived there then he tells me he wants to show me something in the backyard and he leads me to a specific fence a post on which he had drawn a dong as a kid I do wonder if he had actually drawn it that day while I wasn't watching in Seattle there was a house just up the block from my work this was probably around 2007 0-8 or so there was a zombie themed Raven said house became the after party most of the club kids knew each other and the ages ranged from like 16 to 21 unfortunately they invited this loner dude who came over and started unloading a shotgun around 6:30 7:00 in the morning kids dressed like zombies were pouring out of the house jumping over fences into the street into the backyard nobody knew who was actually wounded and who wasn't because everybody looked flicked up due to their costume I think like 6-7 died it was totally flipped and has always stuck with me probably because it was in my neighborhood in which I lived and worked eventually the house went up for sale and I always wondered how much the prospective buyers knew about what happened their houses in Seattle don't stay long on the market so it had a lot of real estate agents and buyers coming and going I also wondered if there was a little discount considering its history not a realtor but I've been in the residential property management industry for 14 years and have managed least thousands of apartments and single-family houses a historic building I used to lease apartments who was formerly an insane asylum and prior to that was a hospital the building itself is on the national historical registry anyways certain things are required for historical landmarks and restoration tax credits in this particular city so in many of the apartments had to maintain certain features of the original design architecture like some old tile was still on the walls and floors the thing that creeped me out was the basement after 50-plus years on most days you could catch a whiff of formaldehyde some days were more pungent and distinct than others of course being the basement had also had the addition of that musty basement smell since this was once a hospital obviously it had a morgue there are a handful of apartments in the basement in the original tile on the floor marks where the morgue actually started in one of those apartments there is a bedroom with incredibly spacious walk-in closets if you haven't already figured it out these two massive closets are the old body lockers with the original latches on the walls next to the entrance to the closets I still for the life of me cannot understand how anyone could live in that apartment because I wouldn't even go into that apartment by myself one of our sellers killed himself in their living room while we already had a buyer in place i postponed the sale while the drywall was fixed didn't have to disclose my uncle bought a caravan down the coast on a well-known beach just prior to selling at police detectives turn up and turned the place upside down and inside out looking for some sort of information it turns out the family at one of Australia's most notorious serial killers used to learn the caravan many years ago not a realtor happened to some friends who bought a property very old site about 300 years old which had been part of a convent the living room were the nuns exactly the aforementioned place had been refurbished as small apartments houses about 50 years ago they went to live there and there was some maintenance given to certain places of the property the common areas there was a wall which was slightly wider than the others they began to give maintenance to that wall but the outer layer fell apart due to the rain and age while trying to fix that they found dozens of skeletons of babies very little babies and very old little skeletons well authorities and historians came and went by and they came to the conclusion that the nuns tossed their babies there right after giving birth to them lord knows if they were alive or dead by then not unheard of old religious orders were very strict about that and there were even more gruesome policies regarding nun's pregnancies not a realtor but I have a friend who recently bought a house she has lived in at for a year and went up in the attic for the first time to check on a leak in the dark she could see some kind of painting hung up on the wall she went to check it out and found a large Commission painting of Jesus giving the previous owner of the house a [ __ ] this is in a very Mormon area a block away from a Mormon temple not necessarily disturbing but kind of sad we were selling a condo of a couple who were both 99 and married for like 80 years their condo was an original 1968 condition shag carpet avocado green appliances thick texture wallpaper they were moving to be closer to their children and they're already purchased gravestones their new death was coming and wanted to make it easier for their families pretty sweet anyways they were very nice but ended up dying about a year later the husband and wife died about three weeks apart the house two doors down from ours was for sale in mid-july and the realtor was showing it to a prospective buyer when this happened a couple of kids set off leftover fireworks at the bottom of the slope past the development this being California in summer the entire hillside off dried grasses caught fire immediately now you don't see much of these anymore because the construction material got out Lord but cedar shake roofs were fashionable for a while our development got grandfathered in so everyone on the last street in the block grabbed a garden hose collectively put out the fire and hosed down the roof tops except for the realtor who turned around garden hose in hand to see the roof already on fire of the house he was showing it was too high and too far along to put out with garden hoses so by the time the fire truck arrived the entire second floor was a loss a local contractor got a lot of business in the months that followed replacing our neighborhood cedar roofs well not me but a house at my parents owned my father was speaking with the previous owner about anything he has needs to know about the house the previous owner starts mentioning that a man who lived in the house as a tenant was brutally shot and only made it to the back yard before he had dies from loss of blood this house is located in a very bad area of our city so shootings are not at all uncommon fast-forward a few years and we find out that one of the people living in our house was selling drugs the drug dealer is eventually arrow seated in that house leaving his wife mother-in-law and daughter in the house few years more and we needed to kick out our tenants because they hadn't paid rent for months a few nights after my parents went to go tell the tenants to leave or else they were gonna get kicked out the house burst into flames a very large portion of the house was in ruins all the kitchen one of the rooms and most of the living room burned to a crisp luckily the insurance covered the damage thankfully the house has been sold last thing that I heard about it is our now ex tenant a new one was not paying rent and got into a very nasty fistfight with the people in the neighborhood he got into the house completely covered in blood and bruises they had to call the ambulance to save the guy - a small word of advice people if you are going to buy a house always take location into account sometimes buying a house in a dangerous neighborhood for a cheaper price can prove to be a big mistake I've been witnessed till a few and heard of some others the first one involves a couple who bought a house in the 1980s they called me a couple year ago wanting to sell as we're talking the wife starts telling me about her difficult pregnancies and how she'd been pregnant many times but lost them all I feel bad for her but I'm wondering what this has to do with anything the husband pipes up and says after the last one I didn't know what to do I came home and the first thing I thought to do was remodel the kitchen I had to break something he goes on about his impromptu kitchen demolition dishes still in the cabinets and everything the guy was devastated that they'd lost another baby anyway he says he's ripping out a corner and he always knew there was a dead pocket there because the span was like three feet but the closet behind it was only two feet deep he rips out the drywall and finds a bull of cloth as he pulls back the layers he realizes it's the skeleton of a baby it was wrapped up with a teddy bear he called the police and said they never got any follow up on it the next was from another I knew they'd get to a closing and the seller is late an hour goes by and he's still a no-show the agent is calling and getting no answer she knew the sellers nephew who let her in once or something so she calls him he drives over to check on his uncle he opens the door and there's the uncle dead on the floor he's wearing his coat and has one shoe on he died putting his shoes on so he could go to the closing and yes the buyers still bought the house but it took a few extra weeks to close another one from my own experience was a house I was asked to sell it was a fixer-upper but it was on a nice plot of land the sellers had some weird relationship going on she was in her twenties and he was in his 50s they were married but she called him daddy and she dressed like a mess they were not well-off by any means so it's not like she was with him for the money anyway I decided to Google their names to see what came up they'd been busted for running a puppy mill in the garage and all the dogs were discovered frozen solid in the dead of winter and severely malnourished after that I just ignored them I couldn't even talk to them to tell them I wasn't going to list their house I'm not a realtor but suppose the story's relevant my extended family used to live in a really old house located just north of London previously it used to be Queen Victoria's stop when she was travelling in the area I am told my uncle mum's sisters husband when younger never believed in ghosts or spirits and would be the first one to call it a load of rubbish he was sleeping one night and was awoken by a man staring at him at the end of his bed dressed in an old army uniform my uncle froze for a few seconds panicked and flicked the bedside lamp on and then the man vanished he refused to sleep in that room from best night onwards we later found out that the man was the previous owner who had returned from war to find his wife having an affair he was so furious that his wife reported to have told her he would do the worst thing possible to get back at her he took his twin sons toddlers at a time went to the back of the garden where there was a forest and shot them both dead before killing himself the funny thing is that since my family bought the property my uncle had twin sons my mum had twin sons and my uncle's brother who is also a part owner of the property had twin sons the weirder part is that my brothers and my uncle and his kids were playing near the forest when they were in their early teens and kept on saying they heard boys laughing but couldn't see anybody there not knowing the houses history what is something about the company you work for that they would not like the customer to know I work at a popular coffee donut chain in Canada called Tim Hortons almost everything we serve in the restaurant comes from frozen soups chili donuts muffins chicken steak buns gruha sayings and danishes there is much more trust me I just find that ironic that the place that prides itself in their always fresh motto is anything but don't worry we all know we store all your personal details in plain text I work for a company that sells total defence security software never bite at all defense if you care about your passwords and credit card data that our coffee is nothing more than Folgers instant and cinnamon when people ask about the coffee because it ends up tasting pretty dang good we tell them that we brew it fresh and that we use very expensive coffee beans it's one flicked up world we live in isn't it you think you are calling to speak to someone at the hotel directly in reality you have reached me sitting at home in my PJs watching Real Housewives on mute in all honesty I don't care where you are as long as you're nice and can get me the help I want oh I work for a distribution center for a large grocery chain always wash your food especially your fruit and vegetables I like to keep my immune system strong if I work in the development fundraising office at an Ivy League university everyone assumes that family money has something to do with admissions at institutions like these but I didn't realize the extent until I started working here although our officers are instructed to tell the parents of applicants that development and admissions have no contact every year my team has given a contrary assignment for every applicant we need to look up all of their alumni relatives and write a report on their relatives giving history to the school current wealth and potential for future giving these reports go to the admissions office to be included in the applicants file this frickin sucks to read annoyingly assumed this was the case you're paying us to put your details in a form and click Submit I was in hotels for ten years hotels consider a night perfect if they're overbooked by two five rooms they count on no-shows to make up the difference but they're totally okay with you not having the room you reserved likewise if you booked with a third party like Expedia hotels.com you are not guaranteed anything and will be last in lines for everything because you are not considered a loyal customer a few months ago the company I work for had a massive security breach and basically everything clients were told about it was false update I still work at the company so I can't really mean it as there could be repercussions for me that said I can say that it's a hosting company I work at a radio station here are some fun facts the DJ's you hear a rally live they voice track hours ahead of time so they can go to their other jobs unless you own enormously popular DJ you'll barely make enough money to feed yourself hence the other jobs a lot of the voice tracks you hear are likely from other markets if a station is too cheap to hire more on-air talent they'll have someone from another market go over your playlist and voice track so if you're in Townsville Kansas the DJ you hear introducing that Luke Bryan song coming up may be a hip hop DJ from New Jersey making a little extra scratch if a DJ has Live se is most likely out doing a remote broadcast if you see a DJ on the phone at an event they are probably speaking with an operator back at the station if you want to mess with them wait until they start talking like they're on the air then yell obscenities or whatever you're compelled to do even if they have a delay back in the studio chances are the board offers an intern who's not paying enough attention to black you out in time when a DJ says the next track is by request they're lying 99% of the time we just make our names to make it sound like we're engaged with the audience the request line is often just put on hold so that callers think they're being slammed with calls and not just ignoring them every market I've worked and has done this every market the playlist for the day is determined at the national level and then distributed to every market and yes it's the same two dozen songs you're tired of hearing all day just shuffled up even locally owned private stations use national music services to do this for them oh boy could I go on I used to work for a dish installing company for DirecTV DirecTV would knowingly over booked appointments by the thousands of people that were just singing signing up and needed an installation they would get your money guarantee you the NFL ticket or whatever and then give you a date that was next week knowing that the reality of the situation was no tech was coming for at least a month or two source it was my job to call and reschedule the appointment that we don't recycle even though we use recycling bins my old job occasionally involved as working in a concession stand one time my boss came running downstairs and said guys put the hot dog machine in the laundry room the health inspector is here we only sell pop and candy he gave us all an extra twenty dollars from the cash box that day I love that job we've held contests no one wins I'm an analyst and supposed to be an expert in my field the reality is I don't know crap and make up most of what I do I'm starting to think all my co-workers are this way as well we're just professional bullshitters HHA business we keep all the card details from our customers even though we say we don't and aren't actually allowed to home depot every employee is given by the CEO $50 worth of wiggle room to put the customer first this means every dillhole that works there has the ability to knock $50 off your purchase there are times when employees are urged not to use it it all have the ability this includes price matching up to the $50 level it is against company policy to question the customer and tell them it costs $45 less at Lowe's they will meet and beat for a savings of $49.50 poof you have a drill for cheap and no proof is necessary also anything that is on a green handwritten tag they want to get off their books and they will give you money off all discounts are going to be higher on Mondays and Tuesdays start off budget week and even larger early in the month want to buy a bunch of clear and stuff they have has it been there a little while not in a hurry ask for the department manager and ask them if they can cut you a deal and let them know you don't mind waiting I used to give big discounts on big clearance orders if they bought on the first day of my fiscal month that way I could budget for it I am NOT a hot girl in your area I am an average looking man in Yorkshire someone died here when he was left alone a person was supposed to be watching him at all times one of those steak houses with the peanuts our steaks are of a lower quality grade than the ones you get at the grocery store the kitchen is overrun with mice also the floor is rotten UK chain restaurant apparently seen as upmarket I used to work for a large British bank a few years ago first day on the job inner internal IT support call centre I was shown how to access any customers bank details in the UK alter their mortgages adjust their overdrafts and ofc move money in and out of their accounts this was my first day on the job no background or security checks nothing nada I do not bank with these people anymore all the dough we used to bake is made in a factory and delivered during the day for us to bake at night Panera Bread Baker the soup is frozen and brought in as well the company I work for has a collection box for breast cancer research cells bags covered in pink ribbons and every October the whole place is filled with pink merchandise and flyers to help raise money my manager was diagnosed with breast cancer and ever since her bosses have been pushing her to leave but if she left work she would lose her health insurance and be unable to pay for her treatments not to mention she's a single mother with young kids and needs the income so she comes in sick as a dog from chemo to get the mandatory almost 50 hours to keep her bosses at bay I'm not even going to touch on how other employees are treated University of Phoenix admissions rep and former UOP instructor you don't have a get no problem my boss knows a guy that can get you again in three days for $100 no tests needed you are worried about tuition costs no worries we will get you all the grants and loans you need deferment is a wonderful idea you need cash now no problem I can make it so you can a few extra thousand dollars from your student a by misrepresenting your income dependence and ethnicity scared that college will be hard and time-consuming nope for $100 class I can give you an email address to someone who will log in as you post discussions do your assignments with a minimum of a B grade failing a class I'm scared about getting expelled tell the Dean of the school that your instructor told an off-colored joke about racism sexism or rape or Tim a Takei concerned about finding a job after graduation no problem we have several outbound call centers that cannot wait to hire you so you can call people to collect money from them but don't want to work at a call center as I have been told by dozens and dozens of recruiters if you mentioned that you have a degree from many for-profit school UOP Kaplan DVR Y etc your resume gets thrown away think the government will shut us down H a University of Phoenix spends millions of dollars to lobby Senators and Representatives to not look our way instead shut down the smaller colleges Corinthian is the latest victim the amount of money I see wasted here is astounding there's a place called the RP 80 yard where they shred incinerate everything in an effort to reduce US presence in Afghanistan it doesn't matter how expensive or a usable it was just destroy it so we don't have to worry about sending it home or finding someone to sell it to MRAPs for example cost about $500,000 for a vanilla truck there is an endless field of them on Bagram waiting to be shredded and sold for scrap they weigh in at about 30,000 pounds and are sold for 93 cents pound call it thirty thousand dollars of scrap metal even though it's probably a lot less I guess the customers are taxpayers leave them there we'll be back in a couple of years we find weapons and drugs are all the time and are encouraged to just dispose and ignore and not report it I work for a defense contractor that specializes in basically doing the thinking for the federal government we are paid via no bid contracts because we save their money we rarely work more than two real hours in a given day I bring beer to work for the whole office home brewer once a month and people get hammered and then return to work we have a nineteen fifty-nine minute rule that basically says you can charge anything to Maine work so long as it's less than a four our analytical tools I create recycle the same core code over and over with small changes we code in MATLAB we regularly talk about how freaking stupid the government is for paying us so much my first month I was told to slow down on completing tasks or there wouldn't be any work available for me to charge to and that would look bad for everyone else the markups on products tend to exceed two thousand percent this is true for amplifiers like for electric guitars they are very cheap to manufacture and sell for hundreds of dollars even when they have a huge 50% blowout sale they are still making good profit used to for a very expensive car brand 300 pounds k+ and nearly every car had effects that were fixed marker pen masking tape cheap glue et Cie I'm from a third world country one of the biggest computer software hardware companies in the world outsource most of their services to us now this major computer software company has an email service if you forgot your password or someone has hacked into your account then it is our job to get you a new password or return the control of your account back to you so you fill up a form with identifying details full name birthday at least five contacts subjects of your recent emails et Cie so we can determine if you really are the owner of that account we cross-check the details that you've provided us with those in your account how do we do this well we have 100% access to your account we can read every single email we can see your contacts your pictures and everything this software company doesn't have any method to prevent us they're our sourced agents from reading other people's emails they basically told us hey don't read clients emails you'll get a reprimand if you do even if I don't have a ticket on my cue I can easily open the emails of anyone I know who uses this email service as long as I know their user name the same goes for this company's cloud service we can also open any files that you store in their cloud even if you set them on private I can blackmail a lot of people if I want to but I won't do that because I'm a good person please don't say gmail used to work at the Levi's flagship store in San Francisco we had a pair of the oldest known Levi's in existence framed on the wall in the boutique and every now and then some out-of-towner would come and boasting about how rich they were and how Levi's represents the American dream yada-yada and demand the rarest thing in the store is in the mint oh we were told to direct them to the torn up old jeans on the wall and tell them they were from the 1880s and have been found in a barn in the early 20th century they would then fork out 1500 bucks or so and be on their way with their freaked up gangs and we would replace them with another copy from the storeroom now that I think of it Levi's would probably like people to know about this what with all the assimilated working-class propaganda they used to sell their pants distraction from the more evil crap unfortunately I haven't been to a sweatshop so those stories will have to be left to someone else I desperately hope there is someone reading this with one of those pairs of jeans just saying God dang it right now my father works for an excavating company they find human remains a couple times a year and if they're not somewhat fresh ten years they just bury them back in the ground the government will delay the project for months sometimes costing employees their wages and companies millions in delays so everyone just pretends they didn't see it if you bother us long enough you get free crap what were you told to keep secret about a company you work for that you don't work there anymore so Frick those guys soy sauce the secret ingredient in Jimmy John's tuna salad is soy sauce I was at a for one of the larger universities in the Midwest working on my doctorate one day my laptop was stolen from my office filed a police report assumed it was a lost cause but only a limited number of people have access to that office so it bothered me I had my suspicions about an individual but no proof explanation from building superintendent homeless man brought ladder and and climbed over ceiling boards at night apparently this had happened before and the guy was still floating around somehow also curiously my officemate had had some checks stolen and attempted to cash a few weeks prior so I had reason to believe this was wrong and something else was going on things don't just walk away from locked offices week later I'm on the pot late at night and walk out to find my laptop and half a dozen other valuables including a checkbook staring at me across the hall in the open janitor's closet he was down the hall cleaning another office so I grab it all run back to my office and call campus police they show up take report collect stolen items call it a day the next day super calls me into office and tells me that I was wrong and found that stuff in the hallway and that I need to amend my report clearly implying that my enrollment was a stake what he doesn't know is that I had already completed my grad requirements and there was no way in heck they could legally pull them I made copies of everything all electronic and paper lots of trail to cover my but I'd already had tons of problems getting what I need and I wasn't going to let them win so I went back to the campus police and told them what happened turns out the janitorial staff shouldn't have even been there at the time I found those things they were scheduled for much later at night a week later the campus cops came back and said they had to drop the case because it had been resolved at this point I don't trust anyone so I call the real cops they take a report and can't believe what they're hearing detective says protecting students in a rough town is a top priority and thanks me for this information a couple of months later newspaper article detailing how school had been hiring without any background check at all hiring paying under the table including ex-cons and people with active arrest warrants they had even been using the place to distribute drugs whole janitorial grounds department gets turned over within days big public apology I still got my doctorate TL DR everybody got fired because because I would not go quietly into the night TL DR everybody got fired because because I would not go quietly into the night I will not vanish without a fight I worked in a coffee shop where they would buy individually packaged muffins in bulk like the kind you see in convenience stores they would then have us remove them from their packaging and wrap them in saran wrap and sell them as homemade for over twice the prices what they sold literally next door at the gas station I always enjoyed the compliments I got from my baking skills same thing is happening at farmers markets some people buy in bulk the cheap stuff unwrap it and market as farm-to-table type balls Doku pad giant desk sized screen used for electronically signing paperwork in car dealerships costs about one stroke twenty than what it sold for barely works and the company has no interest in improving it I worked for a chicken restaurant at one point we were so infested with cockroaches it was normal to see about 20 a day we the management and supervisor staff begged the manager to shut down the store to clean instead we never ever stopped and were required to come in on the weekends to clean around everything we also were required to call cockroaches friends so we wouldn't let the customer know that we were infested on more than one occasion we would feel them crawling on us and we were told we weren't allowed to react all we would be written up thankfully we got shut down by the Health Department and corporate took over the store and turned it around I started working as a casual in a seafood department of a supermarket franchise a while ago after two months they moved me to full time for after that I was Employee of the Month and assistant manager the company asked if I could relocate to another store to run their shoppers manager I was stoked manager and a team felt good man I was there for eight months thirteen hour days six days a week I was getting paid four hundred and fifty dollars a week I thought something was wrong about that and approached my manager he said because I am young and still on my full-time probation period I was earning less but once probation was over it'd be on a higher pay grade well probation rolls past and my pay hadn't gone up the Union came in one day and were chatting to all the staff about the job I asked him about my pay grade and what I was earning and his jaw literally dropped he pulled out his folder and showed me what I was supposed to be earning which was over double he backed me up when I approached head office about it and despite them trying to pull over everything in the book to avoid back paying me I ended up walking out off at meeting with something like seven grand plus a penalty the company went from fifteen major stores to two in the space of three years after reading all the terrible stories it's so great to hear one w justice Cheers I worked at a gas station auto shop and I was told to dump use motor oil in the gravel behind the building because the storage tanks were full it's a pretty open secret that Walmart constantly works part-time as forty hours a week so that they don't have to give them the benefits of full-time employees I still work here it's still Frick Walmart I worked at CVS and we had a guy go back to the pharmacy reach over the counter and grab a tray full of filled prescription papers and ran out the emergency exit these papers included private information on dozens of our customers names numbers addresses meds they are on etc there was virtually no reason for that information to be so easily accessible or out in the open even behind the counter some tech really screwed up but the kicker was my store manager who told everyone not to tell anyone or report it because it wasn't that big of a deal all I could think about were all of my regular customers that had come in that day called HR that night and reported him turns out it was a big deal full-on investigation big deal every single one of our customers had to be called and informed of a breach because there was no way to know whose prescriptions were in that tray and whose weren't we lost a lot of clients Dollar General here I was written up for not working off the clock my managers boss even knew I got wrote up for that crap and said nothing I still have copies of emails from our mestop district manager directing us to sell through all our pre-orders of GTA 4 instead of holding them for the customers that reserve and because he got a commission on total numbers sold Gaiman the UK did this too I quit as a result after a whole two days having to watch my co-workers light of the faces of people who had prepaid in full for their reservations after having purposefully sold them all the night before at the midnight opening to people with no reservations when I worked at a gas station while I was in high school whether the owner would call us to raise the price we'd fill up our cars first that's fine by me employee perks I used to work at Tim Hortons this isn't exactly a trade secret but get a blueberry tea bag and steep it in white hot chocolate I never tried it myself but it's apparently delicious wholesome secret at a movie theater where I used to work at the end of the night we would collect all the unsold popcorn and stuff it into these enormous yellow trash bags the next morning yesterday's popcorn was the first to go into warmer my boss said that popcorn was fine to reheat and serve for up to a week we never dated the bags though bags that we were not allowed to throw away we reuse them all the time so there was literally no way to know how old the popcorn was not as horrifying as some stuff here but I thought it was kinda gross I worked at this awful fricking pet store that sold dogs we all knew the prices of all the dogs by heart but if someone asked we had to pretend not to know bring the dog out to them to play with even if they specifically asked you not to so they get attached meanwhile I'm in the back with my thumb up my butt pretending to look up the price then when they are all nice and bonded with the dog I'd have to come out to tell them that instead of the $300 ish they were expecting it would be more like $2,500 cute airs lots of freaking Tears there was all his complete Bulls we had to tell them to justify the price including that the dogs were registered well I had a customer come back absolutely freaking furious that the dog wasn't actually registered turns out what management meant they didn't ever say to us was that the dogs were register able that's just one example of a whole lot of crap I put up with there I'm a pretty honest person as guilt really gets to me more than normal life and all that intense lying through my teeth to good people made me extremely depressed and I quit after only three months went to a Nevada beauty school every year evaded is a big recycling cap program since most plastic caps cannot be recycled we collected caps for a month and our clients were really excited to be helping the environment after the promo was done the instructors made us grab three-four garbage bags of caps each and we threw them in the dumpster of the building next door we didn't even use our own trash probably because of a blur can't take away their franchising rights if they find any infractions also a vada is owned by a stale order so there is literally nothing natural about them and they test on animals and our clients were really excited to be helping the environment there's some disheartening stuff on this threat but for some reason this line made me feel extremely sad maybe it's the purity and innocence of someone being over the moon about their good deed for the day and actually wanting to help the environment only to be made the fool worked in the kitchen at a wife a spoons pub chain and UK if anything went out of date we simply change the date on it so it now says it goes out of date tomorrow instead if something fresh didn't sell well but we already had lots of it prepared this would happen with steaks and fish mostly the dates will get repeatedly changed until it went Browns stankin then it would get put on special managers bonuses were in part based on wastage lower wastage equals higher bonus also we got pretty much everything pre-portioned frozen and so at least part if not all of your meal will be microwaved in general the later you come in the more kitchen equipment we have turned off and cleaned so more of it goes in the Mike's send back your food because it's cold that's going in the microwave that job seriously broadened my mind to what exactly you can cook using microwaves alone we also didn't get breaks they would even tailor chef lengths so that you would get the shortest legal length breaks that we would get shouted at for taking anyway for example a five hour shift gives you a 15 minutes break better 4:45 shift gives you a no break guess which one they give you I managed a food joint at a Six Flags when I was 16 but a 16 year running a food establishment is not even the worst part we literally water down the nacho cheese about 50 stroked 50 i grilled chicken for 10 hours a day on the same grill without time to clean it so by the end of the day there was the quarter and shot gunk built up I had new crew members every day who had never worked there before my managers would take their breaks when we needed to close but we couldn't leave until they checked our work so we will just sit for a good 30 minutes before we could go home I ended up getting fired because in accidentally bumped a hidden security camera while cleaning in the backroom gunk seasoning worked at a mid-sized ad agency 200 employees that was and probably still is a house of cards basically the agency was like in Mad Men where they had one large client essentially funding the whole company if I were to guess I'd think probably about 95% of the revenue that came from one client in this agency's case the client was a US government agency and for months our project manager would tell us to bill all of our hours to that client no matter what we were working on especially if we had nothing to work on at all it wasn't a secret either it was pretty much a running joke to just bill everything - that's client it felt really shady but I don't know that anything was necessarily illegal or in violation of the contract from what I understood there was basically a huge pile of money allotted four years at a time and the ad agency needed to bill for it or just not receive it if we ran low on billed hours near the end of a contract there would just be a rush to catch it all up I've heard that many most large government contracts work this way but I have a feeling if the client knew what was going on the contract negotiations would probably go a bit different the next time this is way more lighthearted than most but here it goes I used to work at a fast casual burger place with a secret recipe barbecue sauce the secret ingredient was root beer syrup I worked at a Chinese restaurant and the secret ingredient in the orange chicken was wait for it Tang I have an experiment for you take a thin stack of regular index cards and go to your local Walmart go to the fresh chicken section the long clear plastic strip at the front of the shelf can be lifted about of the black shelf lift it up take your index cards and place it where the plastic was now run it without lifting it up to the end of the shelf if half rotten chicken guts don't fall out of that shelf then you are at a cleaner Walmart than I've ever been in odd Z you'll be able to see and smell them caked all over the bottom of the plastic thing as soon as you pull it out of the shelf when I worked at Walmart I always waited until the place was practically devoid of customers before I pulled those shelves apart to clean them Ruby Falls is fake they're waterfall is pumped in it's artificial the formations are paint and plastic and styrofoam or occasionally purchases from other caves halfway across the country they lie about the height of the Falls like not a little exaggeration they claim it's almost twice as high as it is most of the stories your tour guides tell you are made-up unless they have grey hair their funny quips about past tours are mostly BS the employees are not told any of this and have to piece it together on their own a lot of management legitimately doesn't know the tour guides know and don't Kerr the ones up do care quit they threatened to sue employees whoever reveal any of this even to fellow employees someone should throw a dye bomb in the water to see if it recirculates back up through the waterfall the first thing you do every day at Petsmart is dump the dead reptiles into the trash we treated them as well as we could once they were in the store given our fairly minimal resources but they're mistreated in transit and often died within a day of arriving at the store we once reordered a chameleon three times because they kept dying everyone knew they were too delicate to transport but head-office wanted a chameleon in the store most employees unto wear of this since management tries to sweep it under the rug but I was the morning custodian the birds are all so neurotic as hukka due to sheer mind-numbing boredom and the rodents bite because their unsocialized elderly hamsters get put in the backroom where they'll never be purchased because they make customers sad at least in my experience the employees genuinely try to take care of the animals but it's just not a good environment for them but the cats are okay though since they are not actually sold by Petsmart the company just lends display space to rescue groups and shelters they are mostly pretty happy and well cared for current Pet Smart employee the amount of quiet dead fish we have to throw out by the end of a single day is ridiculous I don't know how it isn't alarming to customers because we're told to do it right in front of them also I don't understand why it isn't allowed to socialize the animals nobody wants a hamster or any pet that is going to bite at a certain chicken establishment we had deep fryers that you put chicken in to lock them up waited on the machines timer and pulled them out it was three minutes and thirty seconds long in rushes when we willow on chicken they made us open the machines up earlier before they were fully cooked by sometimes a full minute I didn't work there that long I loved my chicken medium-rare most dairy coolers and stores are riddled with mold I don't like this thread anymore people who have signed NDA's that have now expired or for whatever reason are no longer valid what couldn't you tell us but now can I was actually an actor in that commercial that said I wasn't they aren't paid actors cause were not paying them Sonne got hacked over that North Korea movie because of a five-year-old account they didn't delete or monitor from an ex-employee had to sign a NDA for a secured shipment that came into a building Iran's security ever named shipment came in at 2:00 a.m. and marked transit van two guys had to verify their biometrics and give me the correct password then was required to deactivate the cameras on the floors along the travel routes they took inside the building and wiped the footage of them entering and leaving long-play video tapes so easy to upstate got sued their impact a set of houses and trundled off to put them in a private vault don't know what the Frick was in them but I've seen less security four pallets of precious metal bullion Mini Cooper BMW replaced our car because the high pressure fuel pump failed six times within six months however the recorded reason for the replacement of the car was because of stained interior from dirty mechanic hands so it wasn't replaced via the lemon law I was a translator contractor for the US military I also translated Marvel comic books Marvel has tighter security this does not surprise me I've worked in aerospace on military contracts most of my professional career the most restrictive NDA I've had to sign was for a candy bagging machine for a candy company you will never believe it but Apple Computer is gonna open retail stores that job sure seems like a promising young fellow in 1990 I signed an NDA of chile's when they showed me how to make their new was--and blossom no other restaurant in town had anything like it and it was hugely popular at the time Dell closed all of their in-person kiosk locations in order to get the money to fire the CEO they put in because no one bothered vetting his contract allowing him to adjust his own pay route to whatever he wanted and could only be fired with a forty million golden parachute bonus so their choice was to either come up with 40 million ASAP to fire him or go completely bankrupt the very next pay period so yeah Dell was almost bankrupted within a single week due to a pirate CEO that is too high an urban legend there are laws specific designed to protect against people sneaking her wacky crap into contracts I was an intern at Wells Fargo and we were grouped with other interns across the u.s. and given a project to work on aside from our normal intern responsibilities my group was tasked to look at their current incentive program and the one they were moving to and then come up with various ways they could be improved two weeks before our presentation someone way above each of our managers had a shred all our work and sign NDA's a couple years later the story broke about their incentive programs where employees were opening up fraudulent accounts for customers in order to gain more incentive rewards yep this is actually really interesting Kraft macaroni and cheese are coming out with a more modern and upscale version to expand their market from lower-income folks to higher income folks it is almost entirely the same product as the 69 cent blue box it will have a lighter less orange color they will be sold as shells and not macaroni the box will be shaped differently and it will go for two dollars and fifty cents or more stated to be released by 1995 maybe I'm lower class but I like it when it's more orange my sister worked for a high-profile bakery company they would sell $500 wedding cakes and stuff when she was hired she had to sign a crap-ton of legal and DEA documents they literally just used instant cake mix from the local grocery store the cake probably cost about $10 bucks at most to make I feel like a lot of places are like this it's probably the design you're paying for you could get free satellite TV without any hacking or Hardware mods call up your dish or directv phone line at everything you want to get wait until it all appears on your account and you can watch it then unplug all the hardware in your system and give them a call back saying it wasn't you or you change your mind or you only had it for visiting family or whatever take it back down to the bare minimum or turn it off completely wait at least 24 hours preferably a good two or three days then plug your crap back in and continue to enjoy everything this has been known to work for years for a lot of people satellite TV is one-way communication so the only way they update your programming authorizations is to send a signal to your specific hardware sending satellite signals for single customers is expensive so they don't keep doing it when your system gets the update to turn on all the channels it sticks until you make a change all you have to do is skip that downgrade signal holy crap this can't be real there is going to be a capri-sun sports flavor in roughly 2003 I was a taste tester for Kraft Foods when I was 10 we didn't sign an NDA but it was supposed to be a secret we didn't sign an NDA but it was supposed to be a secret they expected you to share it with all your friends to generate grassroots hype you failed them Google doesn't hire direct support employees they open small projects in the u.s. hire up to 250 contract employees of varying supports positions for the project once they get the stats needed to run everything efficiently they have mass layoffs and outsource their jobs to a country Philippines India that's willing to accept much less than the US counterpart at the same time Google rakes in a huge tax cut because they're creating jobs in the local communities NDA's expire I could have sworn I've been asked on annual training type crap how long they last and the answer is always Frick you forever I was on a documentary show on a prestigious documentary network before they turned into reality trash the camera crew staged crap managed to start fights among us filmed at all and the stuff that they said would never be aired that they were filming to track various metrics of health yet aired with commentary I got cool terrible things when the show aired got death threats and according to the very broad terms of the NDA I could defend myself online it was such bull had to sign one for a court show I went on the people who approached me and worked with me for the show were sweet and supportive deceptively I think now the judge was in battle who ignored my evidence and called me names on TV it was honestly a traumatic experience and I got threats and insults to those [ __ ] should be banned I worked for a native casino the Golf Courses lost a ton of money for us as did the advertising for the courses food we generally broke even on because of all the comps if a crime was committed by a dealer they would watch the dealer for three months to see if there were accomplices they used facial recognition and would pair matches so if the same person sat with the same dealer over and over they would know this way they could look for accomplices then when they busted you they would sit you down and make you watch a video of you breaking the law they did this because they wanted you to plead guilty as opposed to an expensive trial anyone in the golf industry could tell you the first part is absolutely true even though the Golf Course increases the value of everything else nearby such a weird duality everyone's posting about their jobs but what I want to know is what goes down in those celebrity house parties drugs hookups fights the usual worked at a matchmaking company it's all bulls it's just throwing darts at a wall until something sticks there's no signs or magic to it all tall I thought you meant a company that makes literal matches and was confused figured that recipe would have been locked down long ago my boss got drunk at a conference and tried to get in my hotel bed she forced me to share a room with her and declared our room pants free after 9:00 p.m. she got drunk at a baseball game and tried to switch shirts with me in front of co-workers and clients and when I quit because of it she left me a message saying you're just a 22 year old little bee and it wasn't sexual harassment because I'm a woman dot like she forgot that lesbians existed and that she was one not like a closeted one a full-on had a wife lesbian I was fine just leaving the company but the phonecall pay me off I was 22 but apparently not as much other little bee they settled within two months for a full year's salary and lawyer fees they settled within two months for a full year's salary and lawyer fees now that's what I call a victory if I signed an NDA once when I was an extra mortal engines if you watch the movie you learn more than I did one set I watched the movie understood nothing so I'm under a Netflix NDA for a few months so remind me uh no use a VPN make a new account and reply to my comment with a secret number one will know I've worked with many nights of the past one of which I am still under NDA for but as for the other ones the equipment replacement fee divided by three that's how much we paid for the box versus how much we are going to charge you if you're having an issue something is broken and you want more money just escalate the issue about twice for maximum return don't go past the supervisors supervisor however because while there may be a level above them still within the call center if you hit corporate be prepared because they are not required to be nice as an example of the above the story I tell is an angry lady who was out of service for about six hours she was not happy with our get off our phone offer and escalated again by so doing she passed on about sixty-five dollars worth of credits to stroke three of her total bill and a going-forward discount on her total bill that would save her about seven dollars a month for another eighty dollars over the next year that was not good enough she escalated past us and the word came back via email her credit for time out of service was instead calculated down to the minute meaning instead of $65 her new offer was now one dollar and twelve cents and no discount off the monthly bill if she attempts to escalate again I was told inform how we would take advantage of our service policy and cancel her account please return your modem with 30 days or face a 99.99 replacement charge I worked security for a preview screening of Beauty and the Beast like eight months before it came out I had to sign an NDA to see infinity war two months early everyone broke it instantly once we got back to the lobby lol when you chat with Apple support they are chatting with two or three other customers at the same time also I'd take myself out of the queue when I'd get connected with one person to chat with because freak that and one time my manager let it slip that they couldn't tell when someone takes themselves out the queue when they were already engaged with a customer I took advantage of that crap we used an extract to flavor our peanut butter Porter God it feels good to get that off my chest I witness the autopsy of a murdered 18th month-old child part of an internship I decided not to pursue a career in law enforcement a guy I know was on Cash Cab a lot of it was faked he was told he would be on a travel Food Show and would get picked up by a fake taxi at a certain location at a certain time there were camera crews all over outside the taxi and there's no way on earth you might mistake it for a real cab I always assumed that the contestants knew they were going to be on Cash Cab and they're surprised reactions were all faked if this is true it's actually a pleasant surprise a government in 1972 identified a terrorist by his wife's breasts from satellite images by God that woman deserves to know that her breasts are so big they can be seen from space worked for a short time as a QA tester at EA and wasn't allowed to talk about the gamer I was testing the console port for the sims 4 there wasn't really much to talk about but since the first few versions were basically just running the PC version on a console there were a lot of bugs with it one of the worst was a lighting bug we started referring to as disco mode since he caused a bunch of multicolored squares to show up on everything it's night or in dark areas I signed an NDA to waitress at a local family-owned restaurant the owner was notes definitely had a severe personality disorder and was worried about his recipes getting leaked the restaurant is dead now and his secret recipe is consisted almost solely of frozen packaged food shorted documentary about an episode of extreme homemaker couldn't talk about it until it was announced to the family and local community Apple 100% replaced the iPhone for four users because of a shitty antenna we were instructed to dodge deflect and deny this was the issue cellphone providers were crap the phone was a fluke it didn't matter don't admit fault but if they were there for reception versus water damage buttons or battery life you had to make sure you were swapping them with vanilla batch iPhone 4 swats rather than the typical batch swaps it was a recall without being a recall but only if you had reception issues DND 5e had a kickass online character builder that made character creation a breeze it listed all of the possible skills et Cie per race and class that was intuitive and made theory crafting for characters easy they candid because it took away from the pen and paper aspect of the game and they were afraid with an online to letter to take away from book sales signed an NDA when I worked as a fit model for Katy Perry's shoe line basically a fit model is used for their good proportions to test out the fit of garments I'm a solid size 7.5 so hooray for being average I was hired on two occasions and got to hang out and give her my opinion on the fit feeling and comfort of different shoes didn't think she'd actually be there but both times she was present and totally running the show super nice woman in person and remembered me when we met again also she apologized for making me wait so long which I thought was nice it was a late night meeting as she'd just wrapped shooting a music video her dog is really cute too and I got to save it when it got stuck behind a wall panel Amazon made me sign one when I worked with a company that painted their airplanes before the public knew they had them I did the FAA paperwork I was literally only one of like seven people to see their airplane fully purple with their logo on it I was actually taken off of the project for a day because they thought I lied about not having a Facebook they meant business you have been visited by the rock-and-roll dog ow like and comment rock on da go to keep dog as dreams alive if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 350,385
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Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, work secrets, reddit work secrets, job secrets, corporate secrets, nda disclosures, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: u9PvwY4yNhM
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Length: 101min 0sec (6060 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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