Men & Women Of Reddit, What About The Opposite Gender Drives You Crazy? (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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men offered it in what ways have you experienced sexism at my sister's house with my then 14 year old son he's a good-looking tall handsome young man bunch of my sisters 40-something female friends start on about how hot he is whistling and making comments he was visibly uncomfortable so I asked them to stop and got all kinds of crap I said can you imagine the heck that would come down if a roomful of 40 year old men were going on about a 14 year old girl disgusting behavior not me but my dad had an extremely hard time getting full custody of me and my little sister despite my mom having no place to live no job addicted to drugs and abused us all because kids need a mom a former female co-worker would oftentimes sit around talking about guys she had fricked and once showed me a dong pic that some guy sent her she thought it was funny I went to my supervisor and told her it made me uncomfortable and it felt really inappropriate she basically told me to just ignore her a couple months later I was fired because that same co-worker accused me of some sort of harassment I did absolutely nothing to her and they wouldn't tell me what she said I had done this is why you have to document everything in these situations both the behaviors and the reports the latter should always be done in writing rather than verbally my girlfriend at the time repeatedly hit me scratched me ripped my shirt and ripped the rear view mirror off my car while I was driving I drove her to her mother's while this was happening when we got there she refused to get out me and her younger sister who came out after we got there both had to physically pull her out of the car but she kept trying to get back in I finally got her out and locked the doors and drove away when I got on the highway three cop cars were waiting for me they charged me with assault despite the fact that I was visibly batted with red marks scratches and a ripped shirt and the inside of my car was trashed their justification her face was red yeah her face was red she was having a mental breakdown and crying non-stop because I told her I was leaving her 700 lost because they towed my car I was also in the middle of applying for our CMP training at this time had nearly aced the aptitude test but couldn't continue because of the pending charge I also missed out on another job that I knew I was going to get when the criminal record check came back with the dismissed assault charge being assaulted and laughed at time to tell my story I'm 6 feet 4 inches 240 pounds and used to work as a bouncer I tried my best not to be aggressive or anything because I know sometimes alcohol leads people into making stupid decisions so I'd always approach everyone in a very polite non-threatening way usually that worked because it used to dress collates things at all one night this group of girls were starting to create trouble at the club I used to work when I came to know what was going on and possibly calmed things down like I had ways do one small intoxicated girl jumped me she was insane screaming cussing being loud and racist I'm Latino she was white I tried to calm her down but since that wasn't working I told her I was gonna escort her out I reached for my radio and called for backup she was with a big group 7-10 girls out of nowhere she started to bare at me trying to scratch my eyes slashing my neck in the process trying to kick me in the groin and crap other bouncers came and took her off of me manager finally showed up police was called when they arrived and collect statements I came over to them saying I wanted to press changes due to the fact that I was bleeding profusely in the neck and hands they laughed at me said they won't waste their time nothing will come out of it the girls will let go by the police and went their way laughing me I went over to my manager complaining he was supposed to help us with something his response man-up clean myself up and get back to work I did clean myself up patched my injuries and quit on the spot freaked him and freaked those cops as well the fact that they even knew they weren't going to get repercussions is even worse this system is broken it doesn't affect me because I'm an adult but in Island if two underage teenagers hook up only the male is criminally liable the Supreme Court found that this was acceptable because women are at risk of getting pregnant as a result of underage intercourse so they shouldn't be liable it's genuinely the dumbest fricking ruling I've ever read it doesn't even begin to make sense it's the worst example of judges inventing a rule to suit their outlook odd one I don't think it is considered sexism but my male principal has made it very clear that he dislikes only the men at my school so myself along with the other four or five male teachers out of about thirty two staff members get awful evaluation scores and he bull craps his reasoning why we think he just wants to pretend to be top dog makes it even sadder when even the female staff say things like I can do whatever I want since he likes me that is literally the definition of sexism slight sexism usually gives me a good chuckle people can't accept the fact that I'm the primary caregiver for our son examples at his pediatricians office for a checkup you probably have to ask your wife but do you know if he can jump stack four blocks et Cie they will also never call me to confirm appointments offer follow-up calls they always call my wife's number and leave a voicemail despite us asking several times to contact me first when out and about with my son out with dad today have that fun good luck dad cool mom cliques can also be a problem not usually overly welcoming but the worst is passively throwing shade toward my wife your wife makes you stay home huh or your wife decided she would rather work then stay home on behalf of my dad who doesn't have read it being a male primary school teacher is a challenge I have to be more careful about doing things like hugging kids being alone with them or even putting up decorations in my room that could obstruct the windows if I was a female teacher I wouldn't have to watch my every move in the same way honestly there's really no incentive if you're a man and want to become a teacher at the elementary junior high or high school level too much red tape to begin with Plus all added crap you'd have to deal with being a male teacher no thanks was refused domestic violence leave by my employer I'm a really big guy 656 270 lbs with a scruffy beard I work from home and generally have handled a lot of the kid time with our two kids I have had the cops called on me twice two separate incidents at the playground while playing with my kids once because my two-year-old son did not want to go home and take a nap so I had to carry a tantrum in toddler to the car and someone thought I was kidnapping him even though he was clearly yelling no daddy no one having a tantrum and another time because while playing with my kids on the cool giant playground in the park I noticed a little kid like 18 - 24 months old was about to fall off of the top of an eight feet tall platform and I ran over and caught the kid but managed to bang the kid's arm on the side of the structure during the catch and the kids mother ran up from her perch on a bench 50 yards away screaming about how I assaulted her son I also do all the grocery shopping and cooking for my family and used to take my kids to the store with me every week as such I've had countless women from teenagers up to old ladies mention how nice it is that I'm babysitting and giving mommy a break that's kind of infuriating but whatever despite having my kids with me I've been accused of being a PR file or kidnapper at least three times for trying to help a lost kid find their parents because people think that I must want to freak any child not my own being a guy around kids is really fricked sometimes man years ago I was hired at a Denny's to wait tables I did my week of training including working a busy shift with my trainer just watching from across the room and keeping the $100 in tips I made before training could be finished I had to pass a rhythm test I took the test got 80% of the answers right and was told I had to pass with a 90 or above but I was told by the female also gay manager now that I had failed once I had to pass with 100% I was told by three female servers that they were told they passed the test with lower scores than I had and one never even had to take it everyone who worked there said the GM hated men and that's why she did that sorry you experienced that buddy I'm shaking my head over someone having a power trip at Denny's I didn't get a job at a company because the woman who would training me and I quote doesn't really like men and refuses to Train one I had signed the contract already and they ripped it up she was the only one who knew how to do the job so they had to give her what she wanted this sounds like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen I had a female manager falsely accused me of assault and I had no way to defend myself it was my word against hers she changed her story three times I proved innocence the first two times with emails and people who could overhear the conversation and vouch for me and the third time it was something totally new I touched her and physically intimidated her that I couldn't disprove because she called for a closed-door meeting with me and her she did it because she had not done any work and six months and needed to deflect responsibility for this but this along with a few other things gave me a lot of anxiety and depression I cried recalling this experience to my mother and she told me I was just afraid of strong women I made a terrible mistake I was a contributor to Google Maps for a few years before having kids and it's something I really enjoyed after having kids I spent 90% of my free time with them and noticed that there weren't any good images of parks when I was looking for one age appropriate for a two-year-old unwittingly I think cavernous discretion what a great opportunity to get some views and maybe and those socks I keep hearing about I grabbed a few wide shots of the entire area and a photo sphere in the middle of the few islands of playground and they came out great they were just what I was looking for to help hit parks for various age ranges naturally that concept collapsed as soon as the police arrived meanwhile there is some lady there with a telescopic lens taking all the pictures she wants shaking her head disapprovingly while I try to explain that I'm here with my son Hobby lost parental embarrassment for first exposure to the police for my kid from a parent's point of view I understand the optics but if you really don't want meat have a picture of an entire playground structure that happens to have your kid in it come talk to me I'm not a terribly intimidating guy and I'd gladly delete it if you just talk to me calling the cops was a bit much considering how many cameras smartphones they're the shocking part to me isn't that there's a dumb busybody who called the cops it's that the cops actually showed up I guess it's an easy way to avoid working for 30 minutes the cops in my city won't even show up when the homeless light campfires on the sidewalk next to their tents downtown when I was abused publicly in a mold by my girlfriend no aches no one did anything I bet if it was the other way around people would have thrown themselves on me I have very little access to my kid even though their mother is a drug addict and uses them as a weapon in arguments I have shown proof of this men at times about how unstable shears but since she is the mother she has God given rights to them very sad I'm a CNA in school to be an RN the amount of times I get asked to move other people's heavy patients for them is astonishing and God forbid I say no I already have bad back pain at age 22 the yard work is a man's job but the inside work is also my job because expecting a woman to do it is sexist just do all the chores this is exactly the boat I'm in I do mowing tree trimming trash house projects cats litter boxes et CET see all of the back-breaking work that's considered a man's job when I'm done all of that counted for nothing because then I end up having to do all of the cooking cleaning too I got kicked out of an underground bar because I was the only man and they felt it was much better if there wasn't a man present in the bar did you come on a ladies night or Sombra a teacher told me that she would have given me an A grade for the year if I wasn't male as she only awarded a grades to girls as they had fewer academic advantages I think she may have had a few issues if that were to get out she would be fired at least I hope so the department for gender equality and my job only accepts women to run the department ironic I was at a summer camp with a bunch of other guys the girls and the guys were in the same dorm but both sides were closed off by a door that needed a keycard to enter to the other side the boys were blamed for stealing an iPhone charger which is literally not possible on the girls side a guy got his mattress put on a wall like off the frame and put up on the wall and he was upset about it we got held back from going to our designated sports time of course only the guys not the girls and all for nothing because it was the custodians cleaning after suspensions of bedbugs finally me and four other guys were brought into a room and accused of assaulting or harrassing girls I know for fact I did not harass or assault anyone that camp was a horrible three-week experience I work for a company that provides services for people with disabilities clients or their parents are able to fill in any age or gender preferences they have for providers and if there's preferences are hard or flexible age preferences are usually flexible but a good three-stroke for of our clients have a hard preference for female providers only at one point a few months after I started I finally had a steady full-time schedule which takes time to build up I worked with five clients three were female the field manager at the time for whatever reason called me one day and said he was pulling me off of all female clients because he was no longer going to have male providers working with female clients across the board no explanation beyond that it insisted I had done nothing wrong it was just a change he was making for everyone this would have effectively cut me down to about 12 hours a week from 40 while trying to rebuild my schedule also he didn't have three new male clients for me available the same hours but he'd work on it he said one of my female clients who heard the news said she was just going to drop the company completely if she had to have a different caregiver and cool to yell at the manager this was good since she was higher needs and made up about half my weekly hours another one of my female clients worked with a few female providers kept requesting new ones and ended up one of my regular clients again within a few months I ended up out ranking that manager anyway by the end of my time with the company so that worked out well when I was looking for a job my friend suggested applying at their store as they were hiring I went in with my resume and introduced myself to the manager the next day at school my friend tells me that her manager is a sexist B it turns out she found my resume in the bin when she questioned her manager about it she told her that they don't hire boys they distract customers she found a new job and quit that one out of anger on my behalf when a new ice cream place was opening in town I thought I would email my resume like the advertisement said to they had no physical location at this point I never heard anything no harm done I was just looking for a second job to fill time when it opened I noticed something strange all of the employees are young girls like just eligible to get a job young 15-16 years I personally wouldn't call this sexist but at my first job I was the first boy to work there none of the clients bothered to learn my name and just referred to me as the boy at my second job my manger also referred to the boiler boy to do that don't worry I've got two boy to deal with that my husband say has blocked him from promotions because of its length women can have any hairstyle they want short long whatever my husband has been told more than once he either will not be hired or promoted if he does not cut his hair first he has had long hair his whole life that sex is an emo before I went bald genetics not choice I was threatened with the sack and Dean refused jobs because I had shoulder-length hair yet women had full hair to their waist doing the very same job and some jobs weren't even customer-facing I had a supervisor who would be a dawn to all the guys on our team under the excuse of be a man meanwhile he gave so much slack to the girls on the team to where they almost never had to do much he needs sacking if you ask me still haven't seen a changing table in a public restroom for when I have my kids with me except for Walmart maybe if you live in the eastern United States the grocery store Wegmans stocks their men's rooms with a changing table and a bunch of free baby supplies diapers wipes etc in case you forgot to bring some I friggin love Wegmans we had a teacher back in high school that was absolutely sexist against men even the girl saw it it was so obvious your marks would reflect her biases that's for sure she treat men like trash and her class is always sucked for us because of it I had one of these two in high school but my teacher was a guy cut to tennis years later and he's arrested after touching a student on a field trip worked in a school district and for two different companies that provide behavior therapy for kids with autism there's a shocking amount of sexism towards men in that line of field so I have several offhand comments jokes about how men are blind to the emotions of others I tend to play it off as joking pretend to GT all offended and we usually have a laugh but it seems like that crap happens like once a month now an old company policy stated that men weren't allowed to be change a kid's diaper and had to get a female manager coworker to do it for them WTF do you think all men little kids in the bathroom whitey F would you even hire men if you assume that I remember a co-worker was a dad with two infant kids who changed diapers several times a day not being allowed to change a kid's diaper at work myself and a bunch of co-workers thought that was some BS so we filed a complaint and eventually the policy was changed me the only male in a group of four other female teachers aides were talking about hair and how thin dry hair is hard to work with I agreed with them I have thin dry hair and they asked if I had sisters I said yeah why and one said oh that's why you learned about hair from them then they all laughed and changed topics I didn't say this but no Lisa maybe it's because I have thin dry hair you old hag I complain to my boss about a co-worker who was female and bullying me in various ways we were professional coaches for a professional team of youth athletes she had much less experience than me 15 years compared to two years and she felt that she should have the lead position instead of me I sense this and began to cover myself from behind went to HR and reported all of the bad stuff she says had witnesses even youth athletes came forward about her behavior direct rule infringement stuff like hanging with kids after practice alone the kind of crap I would be in jail for I continued to make my boss's boss aware but later I was fired and found out from a co-worker and my boss was not telling his boss cause he knew I would just get fired right away since she and my boss's boss are close friends I was eventually let go for telling a kid they can't smoke weed in the gyms parking lot and come to practice the parents didn't like me calling their kid out in front of her friends and complained of my boss's boss and he let me go I recently got an email from each other that the league or organization that runs the competitions banned my co-worker from coaching cannot the gym I worked for bitter National Organization considering suing the crap out of them I've been attacked are petted abused by several women in the past they often feel entitled to me sexually and it's at a point where some of them even invite themselves into my home under the premise of being drunk with nowhere to go and practically refused to leave my complaints fall on deaf ears and the expectation is that I've got it good that these people want me people seem to neglect the fact that they're freaking terrible to me was isolated from a friend group for months when I finally cracked and block the one girl and it's left me afraid that if I do that to any of the others I'll end up entirely alone I remember back in high school I rejected a girl b/c I liked her friend better she straight-up slapped me across the face in school one day in front of a teacher and the teacher did nothing girl I shared one class with my freshman year of high school made up a story that I our pet her over the summer a week or two into sophomore year I was called into office almost arrested got my mum who worked in a law firm at a time and she brought a couple lawyer friends with her while waiting I said multiple times I didn't even know the girl let alone attend any party over the summer eventually went to court and showed that it would be impossible as I didn't know about said party didn't know the girl didn't have a car didn't have a license of any kind and had printed out my entire internet history for the night it allegedly happened female judge ruled me innocent as there was no way I could have done it girl then breaks down in court that she did this as a way to get revenge on one of my cousins because my cousin kept getting positions or parts she wanted oh man where to begin repeatedly assaulted at work by multiple women HR female when I told her said she's cute you really want to make an issue of it constantly assaulted in the bar with women rubbing grabbing my chest but groin when you tell people they just shrug being stopped and questioned by police security and number of times when my daughter was 1 - 9 years old learned to keep a lot of it on me when we went out had a woman physically separate me and my daughter six at the time when I took her to the playground screaming that I was a predator took a mother that I knew to tell the woman off just before I had to decide whether or not to physically take my daughter back I would never let someone separate my daughter from me there are very few things that will make me go ballistic and assault someone but taking my child buys you a major butt whipping literally got kicked out of the gender equality Club at my school for being a white male because of course that means I have much better chances in life than anyone else and can't advocate complete gender equality I feel like this probably saved you in the long run when I opened up and told someone I was depressed they said man up well my depressed female friend also opened up but that person actually talked to her about it this may be the worst of men being men man says I need help friend says man up that's not right and we have to hold each other accountable sorry you didn't have someone there to support you I took a children's lit class I was literally the only boy in the try-hard grad student really made sure to make an example out of me like ever chance she got for my kids they care my kid on daycare came up with a fever and he was throwing up they called my wife but I was closer and was able to leave everything and go when I'm on the front desk to pick up my sick kid they put up a fight this is a mommy situation and we would feel better if she picks him up I literally yelled to the nurse to give me my kid I think I got a bad reputation for that I work in childcare I've worked in multiple daycares and preschools lots of parents that I meet are really apprehensive of me because why would they want a male taking care of their kid some of the kids I meet are even scared of me at first and mind you I'm not a threatening looking person I'm 5 foot 8 130 pounds soaking wet with blond hair and blue eyes but some kids usually girls still cry when they see me because they're so used to having women take care of them and I'm different from them after parents get to know me and they see I can change diapers feed snacks clean up and engage a room of 15 plus two-year-olds better than the majority of my co-workers they warm up to me but those first few meetings can be a little awkward and it's only going to get worse as I get older and I'm no longer young and attractive worked at a well-known car rental place the manager had all the guys washing the cars doing the pickups and the grunt work while the females did whatever they wanted problem was everything was scored and determined your ability to get promotions after a couple of brutal weeks I brought us up to him when I was getting reprimanded for my bad scores and his reply was they are dressed nicer so they shouldn't have to wash cars and I should take advantage of every at-bat I transferred to another managers shop the next month can't volunteer for anything regarding children I did that when I was younger but as I was getting older I noticed people giving me dirty looks and parents complaining ultimately I just stopped volunteering with anything regarding children it's not worth the headache recently volunteered to go on my second grade daughter's field trip as a chap around had to fill out paperwork for a complete background check mention this to one of the moms going and she said she didn't have to get to background check turns out none of the six women were required to get a background but me and one other dad had to get one s mhm total BS men offered it what myth about men is 100% and true and infuriates you when you hear it I hate when I hear from someone when I have my kids and my wife is working that I'm babysitting it drives me insane I don't Babis it I'm raising my kids I'm not a volunteer or a hired hand hug I'll never understand the very common belief that men can't or refused to care for children that we only tell women our feelings to coerce them into bed like Wow how new and amazing this relationship is I am so glad I found you that is uncomfortable vulnerability not some sort of plot to coerce them into be all that sex is something men take from women that it is something women hold and give out to men instead of thinking of sex as something enjoyable that both partners want to do together it is this weird game looks like it's more culture specific being with the father figured by mother grandma like if you messed up or misbehave if your dad finds out you'll be in trouble worst cases when dad is told the story in a way that he gets angry and fulfills those threats it's wasn't only in my case most of the guys I've been talking with had the same case like WTF this whole be a man stick that leads guys to internalize their problems and marinate and their own issues and neglect their mental health drives me nuts it took me a long time to find female friends just so it feel comfortable talking about my depression and get advice on how to get the help I need if I did not I would without a doubt be dead right now I stand this thinking out wherever I can't find it it was almost the death of me one of my co-workers struggles with this line of thinking we started telling him to be a bro Ross get crap done but they also sit down with you and talk calls across take care of brothers and brass asked for help cause no bro wants his bro getting hurt turned the whole shift into a gender-neutral bromance and it's been pretty fun so far so from a lady bro to my bro here hope you're doing better men can't multitask every time I hear that I have to stop what I am doing so I can get angry edit thank you to all who are voted and thank you even more to the kind Souls who thought this worthy of the gold and silver LeMay oh but actually no one's really a good multitasker we all just think we are Mythbusters tested it I think I edit thank you now this is my best post with I'm the best who come to in second my wife is going to win 1.5 to 2 X as much as me when she's done with her study so I'm gonna work for 2-3 days and take care of the kids when she's done people act like I'm a traitor to the whole male race and that I'm crazy of being a half stay-at-home dad hey maybe I like to stay at home to spend time with my kids eruptions mean we want sex even as adults they can still be random not even random studies have been done and even when a man is absolutely terrified stimulation on the penis can cause an erection men think about sex every X amount of seconds I'm a grown man with a life I have more to think about than just sex dude my health teacher back in freshman year of high school said something like men think about sex eight plus minutes out of every hour I don't know what crock of crap survey she read but I doubt we spend that much time that if we like children but don't have children of our own we're automatically given at the very least a little grilling if not straight-out asked if we're a PR file I like dogs too for pretty similar reasons nobody ever asks me if I'm a dog sucker me having big feet only means that I wear big shoes and seriously what makes girls think they can just come up to you and ask about it if he's got big feet yes nose etc he better be packing cows apps one funny-looking dude badly paraphrased Jeff Foxworthy if those three were true feat knows yes I'd be hung like a horse unfortunately I'm not et a great one of my most upvoted comments loose eye there are plenty of fish in the sea just get over it Frick you I like that fish even if it was kinda mean and cruel , Frick you I like that fish I need this on a t-shirt if you expose us to radiation we gain superpowers in reality this has only happened a few times and most men would just die so you're saying there's a chance men can't be abused by woman it's getting better now but back in the day basically every guile DV was a sports obsessed car motorcycle loving Biss willing [ __ ] who couldn't function without his wife to look after him and the kids my wife went away last week for work and I'll have you know that only half my kids got eaten by wolves you did your best man wolves always hunt in packs so you were probably outnumbered I probably don't want to freak you it's usually a decision figuring out if I actually want to sleep with you even if I'm already interested although promoting ourselves as captain horndog makes us look cool to have a guy so a lot of dudes do that or they're desperate I can think a woman's attractive without wanting to freak them that's always been true even as a teenager that we are all not interested in or incapable of being involved in the planning of our weddings I cannot tell you how many comments like remember it's a day not yours I received during the two-year lead-up to our wedding I'm not going to lie to you and say I'd been looking forward to getting married since I was 12 or something but I took an active interest together with my wife and the planning of our wedding it's not my day it's hers Frick that it was our day we planned it together our vision definitely brought it all together and she did a freakin astounding job but she didn't just make decisions on her own we talked together about and worked together on every single thing involved in the event and we were both ecstatic with how it turned out it turned out beautifully I try not to toot my own horn very often but I never thought the best party I'd ever go to would end up being my own man who works at daycare are fed of files every year there are people who complain I work there Jesus what a load of BS as if guys can't be nurturers who like children or even just work there because they need the job that we cannot parent as well as a woman that we need a random woman to come hold a man's child because they're crying that we are babysitting when our spouse isn't with our babies yeah that stereotype is so dang dumb I mean I change thousands of dollars and it never bothered me once I was perfectly capable of dressing my kids I know how to open a jar of baby food I wash and hang my kids school uniforms I am NOT looking for a prize but I am also not looking to be treated like I am an idiot no I am NOT going to a strip club no that doesn't mean I'm gay edit it's always my minimum effort comments that get up voted law see also Hooters that place frickin sucks and the last two times I was dragged there I had beer spilled on me by the waitstaff because they'd hire based on flirting instead of the ability to actually serve frickin food men just wait around for a woman to inform them that they are now dating I'm not trying to claim that women come up to me in bars especially often but on the rare times they do there is a definite sense of I am under no obligation to actually attract you as a mate I exist in ten female and therefore by default he want to date me once when I tried to politely decline the woman chastised me in the bar for five minutes demanding to know what my excuse was what reason I could give her she simply assumed that the default was that I as a man want to date any woman and that I have to justify not being attracted to a specific one had a woman approached me in a bar the other night and about a minute into conversation I'll let her know very matter-of-fact that I needed to be somewhere so I wasn't hanging around she just stopped and said you don't fancy me I said sorry I've got to go crosses my mind now just how confused she looked that dad's a dopey morons barely capable of caring for themselves let alone their kids fun facts Nimrod originally meant great hunter until Bugs Bunny used it too sarcastically describe Elmer Fudd edit parent comment used to say Nimrods rather than morons if a woman physically assault a man he somehow must have done something to deserve it this gets even worse in those case where male victims of domestic abuse are getting arrested in case the police gets called even though they are the victims and not the attacker I called the cops once on an abusive ex who had threatened to kill herself as a way to manipulate me to stay with her when they arrived they treated me like I was a criminal that men have to be brave and strong all the time I loved being the little spoon in bed with my so nothing makes me feel safer and , than having her wrap her arms around me and cuddle in that we can never not be in the mood and if we are we must be sick or cheating Frick where to start I was a stay at home dad for two years the sheer volume of Carens at parks and playgrounds used to drive me up a wall they were always dumbfounded when I didn't need their help yes I can change a diaper probably faster than you can yes I have snacks celery carrots and a little ranch yes I have drinks water bottles and juicer boxes yes I have lunch chicken cutlet sandwiches no we didn't buy down at the deli I can actually cook no I don't need wine it's 10:00 a.m. Karen get a frickin grip edit Wow trying to keep up with the responses is tough this one definitely touched a nerve edit to our IP inbox they were coming in so fast I didn't even see the messages about my being awarded shiny Awards thanks fellow reddit dads that we would have sex with anything that has a heartbeat 100% and true I've had sex with inanimate objects too and that's how I got banned from build-a-bear not sure if it counts as a myth but most TV poor trails the guys are dumb barsen depends on his wife for literally everything it's annoying and played-out I don't know anyone close to my age that lives like that Homer Simpson was always a bit of an idiot but he also sacrificed everything for his family and worked hard to provide for them but now they just write him like he's some worthless bum who does nothing and is a burden to everyone around him if any of the newer Simpsons writers are reading this Frick you you suck men are worse communicators than women really depends on the man and the woman that we are not afraid of walking alone through a dark car park at night after a great deal of asking everyone from police to self-defence instructors to a green beret and a bunch of combat vets to the most cracked-out gun nuts not met a single person who had no fear because having fear is healthy if you aren't afraid of anything you're just a freakin idiot with no real-world experience what distinguishes the people you mentioned is their ability to overcome fear and function decisively when they need to that men find it normal to cheat and brag about it edit holy crap never expected this many up votes never mind silver and gold thanks kind redditors that all black guys are hung all Asians are small and all white guys are average completely not true there's a wide spectrum for everyone hyung engines teeny black guys whatever showing emotion is a weakness it isn't we have just as many emotions as women and our emotions are just as valid I just bottle mine up then have major breakdowns every six months I don't know if it's healthy but it's sufficient the only reason men exist is to meet the needs of my family in the span of eight months I moved my family to their reservation bought a car and truck restored a trailer rebuilt the motor to my truck bought my son a motorcycle plus met every want my wife and son had all while working six days a week after seven months I snapped my wife said I had no idea that you felt this tired in that time I took one weekend off then some prick burned my house down I going on a full year of not taking personal time because of the rebuild at one point I was skipping showering for a week at a time because I would just drop without warning men have limits to a family should take care of each other not a single person taking care of the family women offered it when did you first notice that men were looking at you in a sexual way how old were you and how did it make you feel when I was 12 a 14 year old came up to me on the first day of school and said whilst staring at my chest wow you euhh but definitely grew over the summer I thanked him thinking he was talking about my height I walked around all proud for the rest of the day thinking I was getting noticeably taller I was probably 11 or so I remember sitting at school in a science class and some guys used to throw pens and other crap on the ground next to me so naturally I would lean down and pick it up for them it took me a while to understand why they were laughing when I would do that turns out they were stealing glances down my shirt I just remember the laughing making me feel so uncomfortable I used to play dance dance revelution a lot when I was 11 12 good enough to be coordinated at it I used to think all the guys that would hang out at the arcade were watching me play because I was good or they were waiting their turn no it's because I developed early and they liked watching my boobs bounce it was mortifying when I found out a few years later after I befriended one of them I was 11 I had started to grow my boobs and my step grandfather cornered me in my parents room one day he stuck his tongue in my mouth and grabbed my boobs I didn't know what to do so I pushed him away little said a bolito did you want a hug and hugged him I was scared I was going to get in trouble and that my parents would think I was making it up they believed me but just told me to avoid him for the rest of his stay around 12 or so as a twelve-year-old all I wanted was to be grown-up so having grown up men Stanley down felt pretty cool I thought I was hot but now looking back it's was fricked up I looked like a child I developed a little earlier than many of the girls I went to school with my first experience was actually not with the boys in my class but with my team mates fathers looking at me differently and hugging me a little bit too long after I made a nice play I didn't go to many sleepovers in primary school still gives me the heebies when I was 12 walking into the grocery store with my dad there was an older guy who kept his eyes glued to my boobs my dad was ready to punch him if he said anything I used to walk to the news agents after school most nights just for something to do really and to get out of the house by age 14 I started to notice some men in cars would slow a little and stare some would smile and wink etc I was still in school uniform I remember I started to get changed before going out after that nice big hoodies etc I found aged 14 and uncomfortable and strange age my sister-in-law did a similar thing as soon as she realized she was getting boobs she wore a hoodie all the time this wouldn't be that notable except that we live in south FL she would wear a heavy black hoodie in 95-degree Florida weather needless to say she didn't go outside much I was about 11 when I started to get wolf whistled waiting for the bus always buy older men and vans etc never teenagers or kids that could have been mistaking me for their own age it was intimidating and made me feel uncomfortable I'd tense up whenever a van drove past and feel relief if someone didn't whistle or shout at me I remember being in high school and an old guy in a convertible pulling up next to me while I was walking from one store to another in a strip mall after a simple hi how are you doing type thing he asked me if I wanted a right to where I was going I said no thanks and he drove off I guess I was 14 or 15 at the time the thing is this is a classic thing that any parent would freak out if it happened to their daughter but it happened to pretty much everyone I ever mentioned it to in my teenage circle of gals and we always just laughed it off we never realized just how disturbing it is at the time this 1999 or 2000 I was 12 and my mom was getting me a cell phone this was before cell phone were as common for kids to have I came home with my cell phone and got my first call it was the young guy who set us up with the phone in the plan he called to tell me that he thought I was hot and that he has my number since he set me up with my phone I just small talked him being overly nice as I wasn't really sure what to do my mom noticed me on the phone and asked who I would even be calling the phone is basically to call her and only her I told her that the guy that sold us the phone was trying to get a date with me she grabbed the phone and yelled into it she's 10 years old and you should be ashamed if you ever call again I'll go to the police he got off the phone quickly I looked at my mom and said but I'm 12 he needs to feel the additional shame of being a pig my mother ended up going to the store and getting the guy fired apparently this wasn't the first time he'd used his job to get numbers of women to call this time he got fired I was 14 and a restaurant with my parents sucking on a lollipop when some dude approached to let me know that he wished he was the lollipop I thought my dad might actually murder him I think my dad would have murdered him seriously what the Frick didn't notice until high school when the boys in the project group next to me was staring at me but having a conversation about how nice my boobs must be I was such a tomboy but had huge knockers that I tried to hide under huge t-shirts and hoodies I just stared at them looking frickin puzzled I was 13 and a 20 year old I knew told me he'd teach me how to give him a bj I didn't know what it was I told my mom and she told the principal who made me feel like I was disgusting all of my friends turned against me saying he never said that to me and I was alone for a while until I moved another man the son of the town judge propositioned me from his truck I was 14 when I was 15 my sister's boyfriend groped me in front of my sister and boyfriend it wasn't a fun puberty around age 11 myself and my cousin she was also 11 were walking from the beach to the cottage in shorts and t-shirts a car with three men began driving slowly next to us asking for directions and for us to get him to show them where some campground was we went into a convenience store and used their phone to call our grandmother to come get us free cell phones the men were parked in the parking lot and followed our car to the cottage which was set back from the road had to go through trees and such to get to it they parked out on the road by the entrance my uncle cousins father was told they were parked there and went out with his shotgun to ask if there was any problems they didn't stick around from that point on I became more aware of the yelling out car windows the stairs the requests to get into vehicles seriously guys does this ever work 11 or 12 I remember walking to and from school and having guys yell stuff out of cars a couple times I had to hide out in a local coffee shop on the route home because I was getting harassed once because a car full of maybe late teens early twenties dudes kept circling the block and asking me to ride with them and once because some older dude was walking the same way and kept talking about my boobs and ass I was 12 and had no idea how to deal with this so I started wearing baggy boy clothes it lessened but didn't stop I spent years working through my issues over this when I was 12 my mom and I were at a small carryout only restaurant waiting for our order to be ready this older guy who looked like he was about 20 came in he just stared at me open mouths I had to walk past him to fill my drink and he said hey baby give me some of that tea and a I didn't even know what T&A was he even positioned himself so I would have to walk past him again when we left the restaurant and he made another comment where he called me princess anyway when we got in the car I just broke down crying I was so ashamed my mum had had no idea that any of that had just occurred and I told her that I and know what I had done wrong I thought for sure I must have looked him at or done something to make him think that it was okay to talk and look at me like that my mom has showed me that it was nothing that I had done and I that now that I was developing things like that were going to happen a lot more frequently if I had been older the whole incident would have been fairly innocuous but I was only 12 and I definitely looked very young even though I had boobs and hips so it was mildly traumatizing what I find so disturbing now that I'm an adult is how frequently older grown men would look and make sexual comments at me from the ages of 12 17 like I said before I looked very young and I didn't dress provocatively there's no way they could have mistaken me for 18 plus when I was about 10 years old I developed breasts but hadn't really noticed yet I was wearing a shirt with no bra when a boy in my class kept passing my desk over and over again about the fifth time I looked up at him to see what was going on and he was staring right down the v-neck of my top that was the moment my entire dang life changed I was 15 and on a family holiday in Florida I was wearing a skirt and this guy who drove past us in a white pickup truck drove slowly past gawking at my legs to add to the embarrassment I felt he kept sticking his head out of the window to keep looking once he had passed me I saw it my dad saw it it made me cringe and regret wearing the skirt I was 14 it made me feel scared dirty and ashamed of my body I was cornered at a football game by a group of older teens and adults men they groped my friend who was more developed than I was at first they just cat called us and we ignored it then they started calling us frigid because we were ignoring them then they moved in and it escalated until an older gentleman broke it up that was the day I learned that some men expect something from you just because you're female that type of guy doesn't even see was a person it was one of the more upsetting lessons I've ever learned I was about 10 I was terrified who the Frick cat calls follows a ten-year-old I'm more than sure my LAN King backpack and light-up shoes we're an indicator I wasn't of age you're so pretty I just wanted to talk to you while walking home from the bus stop terrifying I was eight had wandered away from my mom at Kmart a creepy 40-something white guy in construction attire stared at my chest and butt and followed me all around the store I even went into the changing room to get away from him stupid idea my no big come on I was eight he followed me into the changing room tried to pull and shake the locked store door open that I was hiding behind i sat curled into a bull on the changing seat staring at his dirty work boots just on the other side of that door terrified thank God a woman walked in to try on some clothes saw him and screamed at him to get out after he had left I ran out and found my mom I will never forget how frightened I was I had no idea what he wanted with me but the way he stared in his aggression trying to pull that changing room door open made me feel so sick and ashamed of my body and I wondered what I had done to make him come after me I'm not positive about my age I think I was around 12 or 13 I was at a pool party and all the boys some of whom were a few years older than me kept commenting on my suit I was the only one at the party in a string bikini so I guess it was noticeable at first I was embarrassed because I was unsure how to respond should I be combative friendly should I be complimenting them as well I didn't feel uncomfortable exactly just unsure of the best way to react I think part of me was flattered as well I had always been a bit more on the awkward side so being noticed by cute elder boys was new and exciting there were many instances after this where I did feel bad or uncomfortable about being noticed by the opposite gender but as far as first experience go it really sparked my curiosity more than anything else I remember asking myself what I had done to warrant such attention and wondering if it was something that I should be hoping to accomplish again I was 13 and I remember my friend and I would count how many men adult men beeped who yelled things as we walked it felt embarrassing it made me feel like I was under a microscope and I became so aware of how I looked and held myself it was like I was not a human but something that exists for the pleasure of men of course I didn't think about it quite as in-depth when I was 13 but looking back I can see why I felt embarrassed and self-conscious even when I was a kid there was a huge distinction between my emotions when a boy talked to me and reciprocal flirting and that one-sided interaction where you're passive and there's this guy yelling that you're hot some people might like it and I don't judge them for that but I'd like that whole cat calling thing to stop I find that really freaking sad that most of our stories including mine all happen around 13 or 14 and the harassment is usually by elder men what a Frick is wrong with the world probably around 12 I have a sister very close in age to me as well so lots of threesome suggestions from dudes driving by I developed fairly early much to the dismay of my super present religious mother and grandmother suddenly when we went out in public my mother would always walk between me and other people she'd get furious with me if she overheard anything that could be construed as a remark about my looks if someone did look at me she make snide remarks about how trampy my clothes were that she had freaking bored me no less and how it was my fault for wearing revealing clothes t-shirts and shorts most of the time rather than making me feel like I should be offended instead she made me feel like I was disgusting I spent a very long time thinking that I wasn't attractive and that the only reason anyone would ever want me as for intercourse I still have a few issues with this but for the most part I'm okay now so in closing parents your little girls are going to grow up please guide them on how to dress according to their personal morals and values but don't teach them that their bodies are something to be ashamed of I was on vacation with my parents when I was 14 and we were mini golfing was wearing a shortish skirt and there was a group of boys who had to be my age playing behind us my dad was acting really weird the entire time and when we got back to our car he informed me that they were checking out my ass the entire time and it took every bone in his body not to flip out at them I was mortified I'm pretty sure I was around seven or eight when I and a friend of mine were walking back from the waterfront to her house about two blocks away and in bathing suits when we started walking we noticed a car behind us with tinted windows was driving very slowly so we decided to walk around the block and try to confuse the driver but he continued to follow us we walked up and down streets and we ended up about ten blocks away from her house with this car following us very slowly when I decided to call the cops I feel extremely lucky that I had just gotten a cell phone because we asked the cop to come undercover so the driver wouldn't speed off and they played along a few minutes later we had stopped on the porch off some random persons house and the driver pulled over across the road and waited another car comes down the street and pulls over a man rolled down the window and showed us his police badge and asked if we were okay suddenly two other cop cars came down the street on opposite sides and the driver tried to run out of his car and behind the house but the cops caught him he was recently released from jail on kidnapping and possession of child pornography charges I don't think I've ever experienced anything quite as terrifying as that when I was 13 and about five seven I waited for my dad to pick me up at a downtown movie theater after a matinee there was apparently a dive bar right beside the theatre where some scumbags were getting their daytime drink on one by one six eight men came out to smoke around me they started making soft whistling noises and grunts of appreciation one guy said to each of the men in turn loudly you see that us mamasita day mamasita and luckily my dad turned the corner before they got closer women offered it what are some things you've been dying to tell men small things make me really happy acute rhythm sticking no to flowers on a random day it makes me so incredibly happy I'm single I hope for your sake this is a throwaway account I can just imagine what that inbox looks like right now wash your junk before BJ if it's a random but backroad BJ that I had zero opportunity to prepare for I'm sorry just because other women like you doesn't mean all women do the worst thing is when you tell a guy you don't enjoy something and he responds all of the other women either liked it or came to like it those acrobatics and pl special positions they are camera angles what if I bring in a stunt double though some men need to be told to brush their teeth I've known several who don't bother one of my male friends in particular when I asked him why he doesn't brush A's very rotten teeth answer but and washed breath contains pheromones that attract women it hasn't worked for him yet though I knew a married man who wouldn't brush his wife basically refused to kiss him until he did still would go a week without it they got divorced big shocker when I see a guy with great hair or shoes or outfit or something I would like to compliment them but I'm afraid they'll think I'm trying to hit on them guys really do not receive compliments often I can't tell you the last time someone said I looked nice even when I made an effort jackhammering your dong into me like you're trying to plunge a toilet is not doing anything for me you gotta get some contact with the [ __ ] add in like a little upward scoop at the end or something so you're hitting it please just take a shower my husband often goes for days without taking a shower and I have tried to be sensitive to his feelings and remind him gently to bathe but it doesn't work I love him but who wants to be intimate or close to someone who doesn't clean themselves tell him he freakin stinks he doesn't think he does cause he doesn't smell himself it's annoying as heck if someone doesn't tell you it won't hurt our feelings to be told we smell bad and need to shower stop rubbing my [ __ ] so hard it's not a magic orgasm button you can mash on smash that [ __ ] button and don't forget to subscribe being romantic and sweet isn't always roses and nice dinners get me some gummy bears and put my favorite movie on by me the donkey chain you saw at Dollar Tree that made you think of me offer to rub my feet you can be romantic without having to spend a bunch or do something crazy yeah dude seriously it means more that you were grabbing coffee on the way home and picked one up how I like it than an expensive gift I've never seen before no me don't buy me clean your freaking bathroom it's up higher it at least takes me 30 minutes to find the [ __ ] on the butthole my nipples are frickin sensitive they are not happy little toys for the pinching oh when they squeeze your boobs like they're trying to tear them off that frickin hurts and distracts me from actually enjoying the rest so stop I'm sorry if I'm staring at your bulge what bulge I'm very sorry that I'm indecisive about what we get for dinner I'm not fricking you if you don't make a sound during intercourse seriously you're not any less manly if you at least breathe when I'm giving you a bj or something NAT Rick that BJ's feel way better while you're dying from a lack of oxygen for arms they're awesome please keep having them well crap you should have said something earlier if I had known I wouldn't have gotten rid of them seriously it's the little things that count most of us don't need shopping sprees and lavish dinners and vacations just show us you give a crap you guys make us more complicated than we are I wish men would drop the Fifty Shades of Grey command a woman to do something she loves that BS I went on a date recently where the guy asked if he could pick out my first outfit then asked me to cancel plans because I would have more fun with him and would text me randomly to tell me take a selfie it's a command not a request like no I'm an adult woman and completely capable of picking out my own outfit sucks you didn't make plans with me and now want to see me and who the Frick is like oh yes sir here's the picture you commanded I know women say we like confidence but confidence is not controlling another person can you just treat me as a person and not an object to control I've recently had a string of men pull the come over late at night and get mad when I tell them I'm busy with friends going to bed it's so selfish and annoying I can't be summoned the moment you want to see me I'd like to correct the mistake an idea that I sometimes see men express here and in other places that when I women rejects you it's because she thinks you aren't good enough I've seen men say things justify that they are good enough for their dates by pointing out all the things they have such as a job the ability to wash money property hobbies et Cie and that because of those things they can't understand why particular women won't de them and sometimes get very frustrated or angry about that they completely overlook the fact that women are not looking for a particular set of characteristics alone they might have a list of things they would like apartment I have such as a job but that doesn't mean they are automatically open to dating every man they meet who meets the things on that list other things are important such as compatibility attraction a shared sense of purpose shared life goals similar lifestyle right place right time and many other things so when a women rejects you she isn't trying to tell you that you aren't good enough for her it's that you aren't right for her so try not to take rejection as the rejection of you as a person and everything that you have to offer it's about you and her not being compatible not your worth as a man or as a potential date for other women that some girls are just genuinely nice it doesn't mean we're flirting with you or are trying to get with you this is where I have problems because I primarily interpret it as girls just being nice and I learned later through the grapevine that I'm an idiot for not picking up on signals that there were entrusted we enjoy intercourse even if we don't have an orgasm it's super important to my film say that I do every time that he makes sure I do during foreplay at least once on the rare times we skipped foreplay and he came quicker than expected he felt so disappointed in himself it was so hard to get him to understand I still enjoyed it immensely I enjoy how it feels and the intimacy the closeness afterwards so men if you didn't get her off but she is still smiling happily in your arms then she still enjoyed it so relax and don't worry one when a woman says she likes confidence it doesn't mean she likes a conceited butthole it means she likes a man she doesn't have to constantly reassure we want to compliment you not convince you we want to be with someone who isn't constantly terrified that were cheating and acting out of jealousy and paranoia as a result we want to be with someone who cannot be the best at something and be okay with it to longer intercourse isn't better intercourse focus on the quality not the amount of time I'd way rather have five minutes of wild animal istic fricking than an hour of slow lukewarm thrusting it feels great to put your tongue in something for an hour I am sure it does not feel great to have something repeatedly pounded into you for an hour 3 don't be selfish with anal some women like it because every woman is different but if your woman doesn't like it don't keep pressing the subject we have a total freak hole specifically for your dong don't try to guilt pressure us into letting you rail our butt holes because that doesn't satisfy you for a lot of women it hurts a lot you given your finger occur to see spit and awkwardly poking it and there are a couple times before trying to put your dong in doesn't when you the sensitive caring receptive partner points you think it does either sometimes when we fought the air bubble goes forward instead of backwards and vibrates the labia as it passes through it feels kind of nice that fingering for 2.5 seconds and maybe squeezing a boob isn't and will never be for play and then get upset as to why I'm always dry when you try and insert yourself dude even talking about it makes me dry than the Sahara there's books videos online tutorials for Frick sake literally you have to put more efforts in your tinder profile is for you to impress women not men the big fish motorcycles and pretty women by your side are not appealing no dong pics for God's sake and never unsolicited why would that ever be a good idea if a woman gives you are all regular ly maybe reciprocate at least half the time and you don't have to do it until they climax just entertainment for a couple minutes it's not like we demand it every time please put in the effort women in general groom themselves keep clean and make an effort to be attractive if I'm shaving having a shower and taking time to do my hair and makeup for a date it's not unreasonable to ask you for an equal amount of effort or at least a shower and a clean shirt show us your worth our time noted I'll show up to a date wearing makeup I can't promise it'll be good but I'm willing to make the effort when you decide to last longer by thinking about something else and getting soft for a while it's boring as heck there are a lots of dos and don'ts here so what have I been dying to tell men I love it when you guys smell good chances are you taste good - I love witty banter without point-scoring healthy intellect is hot I'll try to find a conversation that really engages you so I can see your best self I meet men all the time of all ages and backgrounds and walks of life I don't always like them all I can be friends with most best of all I love watching a man get dressed either for work or whatever all clean and pressed and smartly attired love that clitoral stimulation is 100 times better than regular oral penetration regular intercourse is fine but 3 out of 4 women aren't getting off from it please do not ignore the clitoris do both at the same time hitting the spot with one hand while gently getting the glit mouth hand takes practice but you can do it also if the lady is on top and you use a hand or better yet are comfortable with a small vibrator type device you'll be tossing the sheets in the washer in 15 minutes I know you're carrying pain and sadness I'm sorry you feel lonely I wish society didn't tell you to man up all the time that must be so hard we are not here to replace your mother's so don't expect us to run around and do all your washing cooking for you spend more time just kissing and teasing before going down on me don't finger me like a jackhammer I don't care what you've seen in pee every girl is different don't confuse confidence and arrogance also don't be afraid to cry it's not unmanly you're entitled to all of your feelings cooking cleaning and taking care of your home and yourself is not a woman thing that early anybody can do it my friend's mom broke her leg and he was sad because she couldn't stand long enough to cook dinner so he was eating out every night like just learn how to do things for yourself women aren't naturally better in the kitchen I didn't learn how to cook until I moved out my parents house and it was really bad at first but I got better eventually and laundry isn't even hard I have a 40 year old male co-worker who goes to his 74 years old mom's house so she can do his laundry while he watches football some of my male friends legit live in filth because they wait for their mom's sister's girlfriends to clean that crap is gross women offered it what can men do or say that instantly makes you lose interest in them your boobs could be bigger I was at this party being social playing beer pong this guy Travis comes up to me and starts talking we hit it off decide to talk outside and share a few beers then his friend comes up and asks me if I'd like to play another round of beer pong I said I'll see you there Travis looks to me and says in baby voice you're mine I saw how he looked at you don't leave me gaghe possessiveness and baby voice are both scary and off-putting say for example we're on a date please put your phone away if it's work-related I'll be understanding but checking your Facebook or texting friends to ask what's up pisses me off we're both taking time out of our schedule to hang out and that makes me isolated and disrespected I just searched this whole thread so talking about Starcraft 2 is totally cool then you're so educated well-traveled inquisitive well-rounded accomplished for a girl I feel like we're almost equals puke in my mouth a little bit blatantly hitting on other women while we're out on a date I went on a date with a guy who stuck out his neck to check out our server as she was walking past when they let me know how expensive a date was I always offer to pay for myself don't go bitching about how I cost you a guy once showed me a spreadsheet of how much he spent on me instant glad even a cooler so I'm guessing there was no spreading on any sheets I drank all this beer vodka and still drove home nothing like beating about drinking and driving to turn me off man so I'm talking with this girl right and she's so hot like drop-dead gorgeous what a dime perfect but but yep she double quote I get it she was attractive I don't know if you're trying to make me jealous or what I was talking with this guy who seemed to be on the right track and told me he was interested in me a little bit further into one of our conversations he mentioned that he was dropping out of all of his college classes then followed it up with I don't think my girlfriend would like if I was spending this much time with you speechless reading is a waste of time no that's a deal-breaker even if you don't like something it's probably a bad idea to call it a waste of time on a first date or at all Rhea when a guy's brags about himself the other night I actual had a guy tell me my body is better than any other guy in this bar and my dong is bigger too I guarantee it I don't freaking care your personality is crap don't talk to me you know I have a thing for ethnic women anything in a condescending tone I have met tons of finance guys and I've met plenty of them who immediately assume I'm one of those girls hide based on looks they'll start name-dropping clients and deals with their ridiculous code names Project golden parachute project chameleon project bamboo forest etc since it's the closest to Hollywood glam type off spy missions they could get if it's a secret don't treat me like an idiot for not knowing it because you can't tell me anything about it and if I can match your finance knowledge and argue back cute in a derisive mock paternal tone is the fastest way to make me want to smash my plate over your head you might want to consider dating outside your industry I had a boyfriend who would make a lesbian joke every time I went to hang out with a female friend he's not my boyfriend anymore he wanted a threesome I just hate when you're on a date and the guy doesn't look even remotely interested in what you say and he just keeps talking about himself like he is soo aware when trusting it seriously turns me off if you don't know what my job is after a date sorry for my English guys French Canadian here I'm here to take notes I went on a date with a guy who kept interrupting me every time I was talking literally every time I opened my mouth he would interrupt me he would even ask me questions but then interrupt my answer every time later on that night online I told him I wasn't interested in seeing him again unless he stopped interrupting me and was he aware he does it and was it just because of nerves he stopped talking to me and I never heard from him again so yet if every time I open my mouth and start talking you interrupt and talk over me so often that I end up glaring at you how he didn't notice this I don't know your butt and I don't want you getting hit on while I'm working I have things to do I can't sit here for 10 minuets listening to you ramble some overused pickup lines maybe for a few sonatas but definitely no minarets chewing with their mouths open till the turn offs all girls and guys are extremely similar dudes who are overly high on themselves are just gross to me walking around like you're super stud God's gift to women if he thinks there are circumstances in which a woman is obligated to have physical intimacy with him then nope don't try and tell me what I should do in bed a man should know how to pleasure a woman without needing directions yet right not all bodies are created equal now let me tell you what works for me or I'll kick you out and do it better myself and don't get me wrong feel free to try what you want and show me what you've got but if you are not interested in adjusting to what works for me nothing turns me on more than a woman who helps me get her off when they do something dickish and then call you a bee for calling them out on it it may have already been mentioned but I once went on a series of dates with a man who drank more than he should on a date he then got extremely jealous protective he thought it was macho and gallant I just thought he looked like an idiot maybe it would be flattering if I were in any sort of threatening situation but just because another man exchanged pleasantries with me in a public place is no reason to start to fight might be of an ex or anything similar you sound bitter and nobody likes a whiner she might have sucks but calling her a B or a C makes me suspect you have a problem with women also variations and I'm smart I just don't work hard it's okay if you don't have your crap completely together but that's a really stupid reason so you probably shouldn't share it same thing when a guy talks bad about his mom it's just annoying whny Efendi you online eevn a few hv no mutual Fr NDS LK on FB alt F and the strt bluntly ting on you we're typing like they hve a broken key breath or brain up ciders and now fluent at reading stupid I wish that was difficult for me to read bad-mouthing your ex-girlfriend in front of me when a man acts as if there is no possible way I could be more intelligent than him as if everything I say or do is cute and off no real importance because I'm a woman sadly it's happened a lot lately on dates and it makes me literally just want a closed fist punch them in the bowel sack if we just met don't launch into how much money you make I don't ker and it makes you look like a jerk who only cares about finances also don't act like a frat boy when they text like dis and it takes me a few minutes to decode hi BB z WN a CHL that was an actual message I received once men please look literate and intelligent when you text you wouldn't want to sound like an idiot when you speak to us so why would you want to do it in text form on the other hand instant ladder winner when he uses four syllable words and differentiates between there and there or maybe it's just me men you hardly know calling you babe or god forbid mate I hate reading I don't pay attention to the news current events I hate history I once had a guy drop all three of these on me only lifeless nerds play Dungeons & Dragons or anything similar frick you my dragon born paladin is absolutely beautiful and glorious had a guy tell me that playing D&D was beneath him be you best check yourself before you wreck yourself I'm a DM and I take this crap seriously scribble scribble scribble M hmm M hmm so what you're telling me as I shouldn't be a jerk be clearly obsessive five minutes after we met correcting me on every single thing I mess up on I flubbed my words sometime okay doesn't mean you should be in but on the other hand I like being corrected as long as you're not a douche about it say it in a way where my attitude will be oh cool I learned something new I love learning from my partner quit talking about how much you left I can guarantee you that it will not impress me law get into the kitchen and make me a sandwich AHA ha ha ha ha hoo the jokes get worse when you're female that works at Subway I'm going to dropkick shoot now whatever that cat I'm not setting up to be the next crazy cat lady or anything but animal abuses make me ill asking for pictures within the first day that we know each other it's really annoying and honestly kind of pathetic I feel like all they want to do is judge me on how I look like my worth is there instead of anything else equally annoying is when I politely turned down their suggestion to send them pics and then they nagged me every chance they get until I have to forcefully shoot them down at which point I'm berated for being a BAE I'm sorry no woman should have to deal with this and it goes both ways I didn't ask men for pictures and they shouldn't ask me eventually I'll offer please don't push matters I once had a boyfriend that once jokingly asked me to find out the color of my friends tea because she's Indian that seriously revolted me should have asked him to get a picture of his black friends dong I've been with a couple of guys who had really short tempers never towards me but road rage and things like that once I pointed it out they tried to time it a lot but it's a turn-off I had a white guy at a bar try to chat me up and in the span of five minutes managed to use the n-word and say that he did not read much like reading I'm Indian too so it's hardly a safe bet to assume I'm okay with xenophobic slurs there was a particularly wealthy guy I was seeing casually who would flaunt his money like a goddamn peacock I mean you don't get to choose your upbringing but he just is generally ungrateful for the fact that he has no debt and will never have to worry about making ends meet come visit me in the Hamptons I got a new Range Rover for graduation i party with other CI how does one refrain from rolling their eyes on the contrary I have met really nice Ivy League kids who have said to me verbatim my parents are rich I have nothing I haven't made anything yet TL DR if you're rich guy stop spending $60 at a bar on dollar draft night for all your friends and offering to take girls to top of the hub you're attracting crappy people because you act like a see you have been visited by the ingenious Joe comment brain so you always see the glass half-full if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 105,173
Rating: 4.796927 out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, men vs women, men vs women thought process, women about men, men about women, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: xp1uMGYAGDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 37sec (4837 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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