3 Hours Of The BEST Reddit Stories! (NEW)

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what's up you guys welcome back to another reddit reading video today we're gonna be doing an r slash pro revenge my absolute favorite sub on reddit I'm gonna keep my big mouth set in this jump into this one mess with my dog I will salt the earth warning long story didn't realize how much background I had to tell a bit of background first to make this make sense I went home from a guy that also runs a business on the property there are two homes his home and our rental in our to work buildings a small warehouse and a large garage these buildings all share the same address this is important there's woman that works in one of those buildings named Pam her real name because if Pam is reading this I sincerely hope she eats dick well about nine months ago we got a dog she's less than a year old and is still learning how to walk on a leash and stuff she loves being outside so much that she will cry all day we don't let her out for at least a few hours also we have her own a special food and monitor or water because she will drink it until she barfs we still love her but she's dumb as heck well the property does I have a fenced-in yard she was stuck with taking a bunch of walks a day until we installed a dog run type thing it's high up and she's tethered to it it gives her a bunch of shade about 20 to 25 feet over run around / play space she gets a reasonable amount of water all day and we have one person home at all times well Pam comes over a couple months ago to tell me I should give the dog back to the shelter because I don't play with her enough and she's tied up outside I rolled my eyes and say thanks but you don't live here and don't know our situation and closed the door in her face well she has spent the last couple months from harassing us she tried taking the dog off the tether when she thinks we are home she's been successful a couple times giving her food giving her water playing with her except for puppy kidnapping these don't sound too bad I know but there's context we tell her to leave us alone at least three times in person in once in writing finally she had fed up and calls the police we have no idea she didn't until the officer shows up yes for our side of the story and I tell him that we don't let her run free as this is a rural area and she's a baby she'd get hurt or lost we don't want her feeding the dog because she has a special diet and messes with her stomach we don't want her water because of throwing up issues and she's giving it in a plastic coffee container that she could Tru and swallow bits of plastic and need surgery or die we don't want her coming over playing with the dog because she uses her sleeve as a toy we are now struggling to train the dog not to buy people sleeves the officer hears our side and checks the dog it says not only is our setup compliant with the law it's one of the best he's ever seen he said not to worry that we're doing nothing wrong and that this family doesn't seem all there and thinks the dog should go free do not let her do that we contact our local landlord and tell him what happened and that we don't want to see his employee on the property line for the house we are renting I'm not asking to be fired or anything just I don't have to see her the landlord basically says not my problem that's between you and her I legally can't do anything you have to follow the law well we sit with that for a couple weeks and she starts back up again this time we've had it and storm outside when she shows up she gets between us and our dog and refuses to move we were trying to get the doctor and she won't let us that's enough for me so I took the bowl of water I was carrying and poured it over her head no regrets she deserved it and she is in shock that I did that the same way I care in his shock when someone calls her out I tell her for the millionth time she isn't welcome here and she yells call the police then here's what the compliance starts the landlord refusing to take sides of our repeated attempt to ask for help means I'm left to figure this out by myself I said to the landlord if you don't handle it I will do anything I legally can to fix the situation he said okay he's not taking sides cool I'll call the police I sold the car from the first officer that showed up and referenced him and told him how she's already been advised by an officer to leave us alone window off asserted a trespass order against her the order specifically states that she is not allowed on the address to the house or any affiliated buildings or land on that lot she's not allowed to come to the property for work the landlord then gets mad and tells us who are volcán so he could use her for work we refused in fact since he didn't help us and told us to go by the laws that's what we are doing we didn't have our rental contract he wants us to pay in cash for tax reasons and he will fix anything at the house so it was basically a slumlord guess he was only getting checks from now on and I'll be deducting the cost of fix stuff around the house from rent as I'm allowed to by law in fact I'm even really to sign a rental agreement since this house is not up to code and doesn't have a separate area I will within my rights to sign a lease and kick him the business out of the larger house if he tries to fight that or he has to explain to a court why he didn't file any rental income on his taxes and then reimburse us for all the right we've paid to live in a house that he was expressly told by the city he couldn't run out we found this out recently his business is also dumping waste in burning waste on a property which is not compliant and law guess who's calling to report that he also offer protective gear to his employees has a ton of OSHA violations and as opposed to required stuff about labor laws I'll be reporting that too because if you don't want to follow the laws I have no problem with that oh man this guy got revenge on everybody the top comment says to this day she thinks she was trying to save an innocent puppy from a neglectful owners she's probably one of those self-righteous like super self-righteous people that think only their opinion in their thoughts are right thank God the police had some sense looks like we have time for another story man her tries to fire me I turned the tables I had a manager try and fire me for being rude to a caller she wanted us to call internationally to confirm insurance I asked the current floor supervisor if we could and he said no so I told the caller we couldn't change the call and went to ask a supervisor if there was anything we could do and was told we could not I asked him to email that answer to me and he did I got called in and told I was unprofessional on the phone and I was not following correct procedures and that I was being investigated with consideration and I will be fired my supervisor had no spine so it was an agreement that I needed to be fired I was told we do not ever tell a member no and that she has spoken with the supervisor who had told me to say no and he denied it and claimed that I never asked him luckily I had three years of weekly emails I saved and printed out that showed me every Thursday asking my supervisor if I was doing ok on the phones how I could improve and if there were any classes I could take to improve my skill and knowledge every reply was appraised with how I was doing well how was being considered as or doing well as a trainer I became one after a year every single QA review gave me 100% scores and I was the only one in the whole team to consistently got 100% reviews I had a large file full of customer complaints when they asked me to speak with a supervisor to praise my work and then I'm given a certificate I also included the email from the supervisor who instructed me to say no I quietly put this all together in an inch-thick file and made three copies I was called back to discuss my reprehensible behavior and to review calls I had made as evidence of my bad service as we listen to the manager pointed out how cold and emotionless I sounded I agreed that it could have been taken this way if one were to look for a problem but my phone voice is always calm and careful so that I am easily understood I have been told how much it is appreciated by our callers since we mostly deal with the elderly in doctor offices and they appreciated that my information was clearly represented since misunderstandings can be very bad I had customer compliments I often included appreciation for the way I spoke 3 out of 5 calls we reviewed she said were the worst interaction she had ever heard I said that was odd since I had a certificate for all three calls signed by my supervisor and her and certificates weren't given out until the call we listened to the other two problematic calls were ones I hadn't received at a 100% score by the QA department so I asked well my supervisor has telling me weekly that I'm doing the best on the team the QA department is telling me I'm always meeting 100 percent of my goals and the customers not giving me positive reviews so if my attitude has been such a problem for so long why wasn't it addressed before no Anton I managed to be known why this issue was allowed to be continued for so long the manager asked me to return to my desk but as I leave my folder of evidence for review which I did I went to lunch and when I returned I was told there was a computer error that wiped my email profile and all saved emails from my email account and my computer had been reformatted to fix the error I asked supervisor about it and she said she needed to talk to the manager I was called it again and told without any evidence to back up my claims up 100% QA scores and my customer appreciation certificates they had no choice but to move forward I asked my printed copy went and my manager claims she didn't have it and then I had never given her a copy so I pulled out another copy of the file paperwork and explained that deleting it off like appear nor the copy she had no access to on the company cloud which is where I backed up by information daily something that was so uncommon the supervisor didn't even know it was something we could do I then asked for an HR representative the manager said I waved my right to having an HR rep when I didn't ask what I had to started this mess I said the matter should be put to rest and the manager said she was the one who decided this and she was the one in charge she also handed me a write up and demanded I sign it I took the time to read it of course he had me admitting I was 100% at fault and that I would not retaliate his slightest regards of action it wasn't even the company's disciplinary form it was a written in word I was done I decided just to go with the nuclear option instead of quietly trying to talk to the HR I want to above their heads I grabbed the write up and walked out manager what to stop me until she saw me walk into the office of the director of all the call centers in the company a guy who was magnitude above her and who I was on friendly terms with yes what was up and I told him that the manager was in the process of trying to fire me I gave him the write-up and my folder of evidence he went from friendly disinterested to dead serious thirty minutes later he finished reviewing everything and said follow me we returned to the manager's office and she turned white when director toad manager to call supervisor and HR he kept asking her what he was trying to do why she was going after me and why she thought it was okay to try and delete evidence off my computer he never yelled he would ask her questions and then patiently wait for an answer which she couldn't give whenever she would bring me up or a look at me the director would say something like no don't look at him you and I are talking right now when a supervisor arrived he did the same to her no answers just stammering and half excuses HR I've and manager jump to speak over and give her side supervisor the same ones manager was done they were clearly trying to run out the clock since HR had a small department I had blocked out time for meetings I finally mentioned that this was the HR person that said they had cancelled all other meetings today and she would be there as long as it took to get to the bottom of the issue manager looked in rage super he looked too pale and terrified I wasn't taken to a separate office to give my side manager said she had the right to be there and the director told her the supervisor that they had the right to sit there and wait both were told they were not to leave until he told me they could because both were known to disappear and go home if any problems that happened on the floor HR director and I had a nice chat we went over my evidence and call history listen to the call and started the whole landslide and then asked if there was anything I could have done better I said I could have asked a different supervisor for help I use the HR person's laptop to pull up my stuff I had saved on the cloud and there it was document after document proving my slide emails from supervisor emails from manager all praising me proof of my 100% keyways everything director was almost gleeful that he finally had something concrete because there had been come plaints about the manager and supervisor but those complaining never did anything he called the QA manager in and got a statement about QA scores and how I was professional 100 another time he pulled in supervisors from other teams who confirmed I was a pleasure to work with and always went above and beyond to help I felt pretty good to know I was actually appreciated by people who matter you don't get that often in a call center environment they agree that I had done nothing wrong and asked that as far as they were concerned the matter was closed for me but they would be looking until I manager and supervisor they couldn't tell me anything official of course manager and supervisor got official disciplinary actions my threat to terminate if they were caught doing this ever again the supervisor was demoted and transferred out of the department completely I heard that it basically ruined her career but the company since the actions were so serious manager ended up moving to a different office with lower pay and about 40 minutes farther from her home because her action that gets to be open up the floor gates against her and she could be fired or take far worse position she ended up quitting after about a month why didn't supervise her manager decide they hated me I don't know exactly I don't know exactly what caused it but apparently they had problems with me for a couple years and would talk to other employees behind my back about me about what a lazy bad employee I was of course some people agreed that's the nature of the beast but if we're going to know that most of them disagreed keep your paper trail folks and be friendly to the upper management oh my goodness good on him for keeping those backups that is dedication to your work save them on the cloud bring in three file folders that is preparation at its finest being safe like that and protecting yourself like that really helps him keep his job which is amazing for him and got those jerk manager and supervisor demoted and kicked out or whatever get those people out of here this is the only time I haven't had to say like a bunch of tough before the video so let's just go ahead and jump into this Pro revenge story which is want to go on vacation and not pay us for the work won't be home for the few days after informing us sure my grandpa's on my do not ever screw with list in any way shortlist tots Shotokan overseas in Korea one of the highest ranked black belts out of Japan I have seen secret footage of his bar fights is lives it was a personal bodyguard during the 70s for the governors in our state work instruction for decades one of two master carpenters in my state which leads to this story during summers working my gram doing a lot of his manual monkey labor she goes up to the roof mix concrete sand floors keep everything tidy etc he had been screwed over the years as many general and subcontractors are and as the years went by his contracts for work go more and more specific ie payments on a certain schedule new / unexpected costs and how they were dealt with etc one particular job started out pretty normal he's hired to build a new deck with the new patio / driveway patio for this guy let's call him poop brain new construction newer house easy job Gramps had even done work for him in the past no problems Decker to be partly covered 10 by 50 in the front of the house 4 feet up with concrete stairs brand new door brand new picture window 4 by 8 driveways to be staying freshly poured between the new deck and garage grandpa but a few years ago guy was even gonna go on vacation for a few weeks we can get the job done in those three weeks if we busted guy pays 50% the estimated upfront and wasn't made the remaining 50% over the agreed time now this first parent covered all material for the original estimate it has basically minimum wage for the hours we put in the next Phelan stomachs would cover the subcontractor for pouring the driveway and the remaining hourly wages weekend one pass no agreed payment hmm guys on vacation maybe here got to set up auto pay whatever said the pictures on AOL email the original concrete stairs had been removed new door was in place deck was framed out but we didn't hear from poop brain we can to pass dang no pay yet but the work needs to be done concrete guys are here for the new slab of stairs let's get it done so we can move on to new jobs subcontractor is a longtime family friend and distant relative let's call him Timmy this is a favor and poor slash stains on an IOU send more pictures on a will no response from poop brain we three we finished our work two days early subcontractor has finally finished our work it looks so amazing up on the nice hill but we haven't been paid for this work grant finally gets poop brain on the phone Gramp hey poop brain how's the vacation blah blah blah skip forward three to five minutes grandpa's a talker and lived in a vacation stay for a few years great glad you had a great time while I was here busing it holy heck it's been hot what do you think of the work pool brain oh it looks great we'll be home late the day after tomorrow we're having a good time with its XYZ Gramp well glad you're going to enjoy it oh hey seems like your bank didn't pay us on schedule agreement poo brain so Gramp excuse me poo brain so what I'm not paying you the rest of the money works done tough luck old sucker Gramp I understand click Gramp well Opie let's get to work oh and get to me on the phone poop Brennan had that large garage grandpa built years ago and the guy loves to use it the store equipment while they were out first the brand-new door was removed and placed in the garage then each piece of brand-new deck was removed and placed in the garage sadly the posts were thirty-six inches deep but hey a 4x4 truck pulled those out of the ground nice and good after a bit of shoveling those were also placed in the garage when it was also removed from the frame and placed on top of this pile deconstruction is much faster than construction after all timmy was rather unhappy as we'll about not getting paid but hey we found out that the new stairs report moved well enough across the new driveway and patio and some bleach took care of this thing we put on the patio sadly it had a few chips from all of our ruckus and someone made the time to take a diamond saw and cut the way through the scenes sadly now settle an uneven rate but all the material poop Brandt paid for he got to keep we even went to the garage in the evening and made sure his front door was locked you know for security even a few tools we needed for the job which poo brain paid for stayed in the garage fast forward two days poo brain comes Holmes and throws a poop storm it had stormed and his ACMA running non-stop with the increase of draught to the front door of the house of course he threatens grant with a lawsuit and the police which just made grant laughs a close relative was an Assistant Chief of Police in our small town unbeknownst to poop brain we did everything we were contractually obligated and paid to do all the equipment all the materials were brains possession that is after all what he paid us for poop bring blustered a lot but it it's cruel fast-forward a bit no one in the local union will deal with the guy grant sometime we were both pretty well respected into a lot of work around town someone from out of town ends up fixing the issues and does a boob job of it dang TLDR if you want to screw over a general contract do it after you get home and string it out don't screw em over before you get home from vacation general contractors generally have to work with the next job if they want to make money in the vast majority of the time they will have the funds to try and collect we have no idea what poo brain tried to pull that junk on us but since poop Britain had paid us well on time for the garage job grandpa ignored the inner voice dang that's some really really good revenge see this is one of those stories that people you know probably won't even see just because it only has 300 some uploads but it'll start really good that grandpa got some glitter revenge on some guy that really deserved it Congrats to you Gramps okay you guys that was our only one story for the day this is the part where you can click off you would like to or hear me ramble on with the sadistic tab just a tad for a couple of seconds at the end if you are leaving if you like the reader then hit that like and if you're new here hit subscribe for the people that are staying if you guys have any suggestions for stuff that you would like me to do let me know down in the comments you guys Pro revenge and most compliance are definitely my malicious compliance is my number one Pro revenge is my number two from my own favorite but I want to know what you guys think are the best ones for me to do it in like which ones sound the best cuz like the views fluctuate from story from like subreddits a subreddit I just want to make sure that I'm doing some stuff that you guys really enjoy him I really appreciate you guys for watching the videos and subscribing and commenting and doing all that awesome stuff we are on our way to a thousand subscribers we really like over 600 now already and under four months which is crazy it's crazy to think about we're also coming up on almost 200 videos now the 200 videos probably have a reason for why we probably have so much growth at the beginning I really should have spread out the videos more but yeah once that is done if you guys think I should post once a day or maybe like once every two days and just let me know if I post once every two days I could make like fifteen to thirty minute videos but if I post like I'm once a day it'd probably have to say somewhere between 7 to 15 minutes in a video I just want to get all this out right in the house you guys know also if you guys like the live streams tell me if you do not tell me I want to get everything clear and out there right now just get everyone's opinions on everything what took you guys welcome back to the reddit reading video I'm starting to hear a little bit of rain or a little bit of wind outside there's a little hurricane named Orion out there just blowing stuff around but I decided I also want to get this video done before I shut down my computer so I hope you guys really enjoy this RSS pro-roman video try to convert me not once not twice but thrice I think not my dad is pretty easygoing guy usually pretty calm but like everyone else he has this potential to blow up at someone if they kept at him enough this was in the early 90s I was playing in from the yard and a couple people came up and asked that my parents were home I nodded pointed toward the bottom door and they not these guys were Jehovah Witnesses and it was my first exposure to evangelism gotta put it out there that neither my father nor I have issue with witnesses we are a really religious family at all but each to their own when my dad came to the door he was still in work clothes from yard work maybe a little tired but he told the guy he wasn't interested it wasn't a super curious reaction but it wasn't rude either it just seemed like something he didn't feel like dealing with flash-forward an hour later two other young men show up at the house my dad was in his robe at this point the robe was like his freaking uniform for not doing anything once a yard work was done it was time to watch golf and relax he went down to his cave and that was it now there was a knock on the door and my dad mom was out of the house had to deal with it he was very matter-of-fact with people it sounded like a lecture at this point listen guys you gotta coordinate more you've already been here once today do you know where you're going over the same area that someone else did this is my Saturday I'm just trying to relax they apologized quickly and left skipping our neighbors in the process let's head three more hours into the future there was a third knock on the door I could hear my dad coming up from the basement son of a B he opened the door and the two young men started in their pitch do you have time to share with us good news with you my father replied absolutely come downstairs to paint a picture my dad's basement he has a home office on the left on the right was a den area with a lazy boy or a sofa with extra lazy it was about 4:00 in the afternoon now he pointed the sofa then turned to the lazy boy to face him like some sort of middle-class girl for the type he reached into his robe and they sat down across eager to tell him about their mission he plotted a pack of cigarettes and offered it to the men oh I'm sorry we don't smoke as people correct well let's call that one strike my dad started changed and camels until the whole basement was hazy please continue this made then uncomfortable but they continued after another ten minutes my father excused himself came back down with the bottle of cheap scotch at three glasses apparently witnesses can drink alcohol but you guys weren't having any they flatly refused but they were getting nervous meanwhile my dad started slamming scotch like it was a bottle of water and the witnesses kept on with the witnessing at this point my dad was no longer acting drunk he was drunk you guys want to see something pretty neat my dad walked over to a padlocked closet of his office he unlocked it and started removing guns and stacking them on his desk how in the heck do you lose a live grenade oh I think I see it thank you for you time sir they got up and showed themselves up to the door my dad had a chuckle about it and then passed out on the couch I got the majority of the story at dinner well my dad was explained to my mom why he was flushed so early in the evening I would get other [ __ ] of the story as I'm older my parents lived in the house another 15 years before moving and they never had another de hovel witness show about their house wow that's a good way to deter Jehovah Witnesses not gonna lie let's see what this first on top common-sense pretty much this comment is saying is like all you have to do is say that you are discolor shipped and they can't talk to you pretty much if you get disfellowshipped that means you've been disowned and if you talk to someone that's been disowned you'll get disowned yourself what's crazy about this is I used to be in like a really like cult ish like Christian Church too when I was younger like a teenager and any time someone would leave or get kicked out of the church I mean no one was allowed to talk to them and they actually ended up happened to me and then no one's allowed to talk to me I was crazy let's get one more little poem revenge story in here this was actually fun a couple days ago take my money sell me junk then be prepared to lose your business so a few decades back I was involved in a group of guys with little money and we wanted something substantial to invest in we decided to buy a restaurant franchise I will not even say what kind as we could identify with me well everything was going along swimmingly until my partners backed out I unfortunately was the face of the group and my signature was on the bottom line so I got stuck with running the place as soon as it became apparent that we weren't as soon as it became apparent that there were a lot of inconsistencies big number one was that the cells and the prospects were nowhere near what was being generated then there were other things customers calling for the regular order well it turned out that my particular franchise had been used for the past several years to deal grass for various drugs the former manager had made some serious Cowan and was not happy that had purchased his place well life is not fun when you have just sunk six figures and the likelihood that you have just flushed it down the toilet however I was not going to be trifled by this first I call the accounting firm who signed off with the prospects the partner in charge was taken back they had never signed off I presented myself in their offices and spent the next few hours with them and their attorneys their name could not be associated with something fraudulent next I wanted my money back and the chief franchisor had told me that they would immediately put mine up for sale but the market was not quite as high as it was when I bought it less than three months previously then the prick had the audacity to the man that I paid for my last order from the commissary something else to consider I think the priceless provided by the central commissary that we as a franchise were compelled to use buying fruits vegetables cheese and meats from outside the system would be accompanied by fines from the franchisor I March myself back to the accounting firm and asked for a little bit of analysis turned out Comus tree prices were from 10 to 300 percent higher than market in other words the franchisee was not interested in food they were interested in turning around franchising well that little report found its way into the hands of 20 local franchises suddenly the central comment rate was not being used this district manager starts showing up written fines turns out the district manager this guy's who's supplying the manager of my franchise I have him on discarded BHS security tapes of selling so I take the tapes of the accounting firm for the secure storage then I go to the franchise's office I lay it on the line I have that their district guys selling drugs in my restaurant they laugh at me until I tell them that I was the one who supplied the report for the rest of their franchises oh and by the way we were starting an action against you I then show them that we had placed lining up a building they own their commissary their homes and their vehicles I have enough to put you guys in jail so there mental giant sent me down right up a little release and go get me certified to check for every dime I put into the franchise I agree to the release however they do not realize that they are gouging and the evidence is still in the hands of others all they succeeded in doing was to give me off a list of owners suing them well the case came to court and who do you think was on a stand giving a complete rundown one of them stood up in court and said didn't we pay it or shut up no you refunded me the money you stole now they had 19 other guys taking them apart I heard the franchisors cry when they took his Porsche his wife left him soon after oh my goodness wow that guy's like he really stands for justice and he got his little revenge it's not every day you see like the honest working guy get his due he's you know what he deserves and then having the owners get what they deserve - which is usually negative that's why a lot of these stories are so satisfying but if you guys want more malicious compliance just let me know down below and we'll have those on the way also when I do the one-hour Reddit videos they're always like rerun video so I'll just put like five or six on provin choice altogether just saying no so if you don't want to watch them all again just like those are the one-hour ones so today we have I'm not playing a finder's fee for stolen property thief earns himself a felony instead I had just moved to a new city for work and had been working here for about three months so I'm still pretty new to the area my apartment complex I would say is a nicer part of the city and it's pretty nice well-kept so I didn't really expect anyone to go and try them breaking into cars so I had packed everything for my week-long trip the night before so that I could get up and just get on the road the next morning I walk out to my car and see clothes off to the side of my car and thinking it was weird and started to look around the car turns out my car had been broken into him was cleaned out out of the trunk they took my laptop bag which had both my personal computer and government computer - gym bags one that had my work clothes another that had my workout clothes and personal hygiene stuff and then a backpack that had my Nintendo switch and office supplies in it they also took $50 out of the console where I keep change and random bills for part this obviously throws are rented to my work travel so I call my supervisor explain the situation and come back into work it's my fault I left that stuff in the cars so I had to go to our security / IT office and explain what I had happen and see what the next steps were to get a new work computer during this meeting the physical security manager which was about three hours after I found my car broken into I get a call from a local number that turns out this guy had found my laptops on the side of the road when he was coming home from visiting his mom my back had a contact me if you find blank blank phone number conversation goes as follows guy hey man I found your laptop on the salad road I figured you'd want to get him back it looked pretty important government laptops are plastered with stickers with official jargon on returning instructions me for sure I'm currently working now but I can come meet you or whatever works guy yeah man I'm just coming back from visiting my mom so I'm trying to get home so I can relax me cool I can make it work can you text me your address and everything so I can just come to you guy I'll send it to you in a second it's also my birthday so if I can get some money for like the finder's fee or whatever I think that would be cool me yeah man whatever you need see you in a bit as soon as I get off the phone I'll call the local police in the area and explain to this guy who's trying to extort money from me to get stolen goods back they instruct me to meet them a few blocks away from the residence so they will send me a plainclothes cop and officer to act on my behalf so I'm not a direct contact with the guy just in case since the situation sounds sketchy I go and meet them where they go to the residence the guy is hesitant seeing the cop cars and takes a few minutes to return the bag with the laptops in it they bring the bag back to me to identify the laptops and everything's still there I accept the bag and got my laptops back easy enough on the drive back to work no more than 15 minutes later this guy still had my number and starts going off bad unreadable spelling and is seething through text messages on how I could get the police involved it was trying to be a good Samaritan and easy to throw my junk in the garbin so I did a normal thing and block the number now I'm still missing everything else including the Nintendo switch what was in my case with seven games important I was originally going to take the loss on it and take it as a stupidity tax since it was almost impossible to get back however something didn't sit right with me with this guy and thinking if he did have it it was going trying to sell it fast and cheap I went on Facebook marketplace and Craigslist searching for a switch for cheap around the same location at this area bingo the and read 200 Nintendo switch seven games and case slightly used no charger or duck must be gone today the location was enabled and was within two miles of his address the phone number was the same and the dock and the charger were in my apartment so I had a buddy of mine who lived in next city over contacting him asking if he would hold on to it till tomorrow since he wouldn't be in town until the next day and he would pay him three hundred instead the do degrees and also gets him to read off all seven games that were there this was to buy us more time so I could coordinate with the police the next morning I get everything together and go make a cakes to the police to assist me with this police report the Craigslist ad the serial number from the Nintendo and screenshots of the text messages between me and my buddy I make the case and the police agree to do the same thing as the day before and meet me somewhere else to go over what the plan was I meet him and go over his address with what I had missing these are different officers than the other day these are different officers in the day before and they recognize the address and the name we found out this guy is known for this stuff and is currently on probation so we come up with the plan where my buddy will call on his work phone so we can hear the conversation and call him on his regular phone to see what's going on the police he was a plain car to go and meet up at the spa and actually like my buddy scoop the guy up and get him to cough up the rest of the stolen goods they were able to recover all my items including my clothes and bags he ended up going to jail and earns a new felony on his record for receiving stolen property I think I would have lost the rest of it if I didn't go digging on face book marketplace in Craigslist TLDR car got broken into and had two thousand dollars worth of stuff stolen thief calls me for a finder's fee after some craigslist pursuing and ended up getting everything back and the thief a new felony charge and justice boner well-played ope I'm glad you got your stuff back yeah that is really awesome that's like that's nice good good work he did his detective work and got his stuff back it is a bad idea to leave your stuff in a car overnight especially if he had any of it like just showing but ya know there's no way in heck you should leave $2,000 worth of stuff in a car when you have a house it's better just to bring it all out and not get your stuff stolen but I'm glad this guy got his just desserts and a brand new felony play stupid games win stupid prizes and that is gonna be the video guys if you guys enjoyed it then let me know down in the comment like and subscribe i know i forget to say that like every single time again i said at the beginning of the video let me know if you guys want parole revenge war or malicious compliance and if you guys don't like like these reading subs then let me know and I can do some of the more like picture II kind of ones where I just kind of react I'm gonna put a poll on my community tab if you want to go over to my community tab I'm gonna put like you know do you want auto crash Pro revenge are - Melissa's compliant or you know our / other which is gonna be like anything other and then just like put what you want in the comments and that's gonna help me like big time so I know like what's gonna post right now our biggest videos are the two I think it's to one our videos we got a one our Melissa compliance and one our pro revenge what a lot of people do is listen to them at night time at 2 a.m. we get this spike out of nowhere like - and 300 views we and throughout the day we only get like 30 to 60 boom as soon as we hit 2 a.m. it's skyrockets it's crazy I'll put a little screen shot look at this boom boom thank you guys for staying tuned and watching these videos even though home sometimes inconsistent with you know I post on here I post on my other youtube channel I post on tik-tok I post on like E I work for kind of a lot of video making things so sometimes it's hard to keep up but this is my favorite one to do because I also enjoy Reddit stories you got it you got a really like catch on to these stories because they are so good these things run deep I don't think I'll ever stop reading our size Pro revenge even if I shout doing some other stuff this will always be number one so let's get into the stories 98% he all started on the first day of college many moons ago I was new she was new we didn't know jack about the campus or the life we started out as friends it deteriorated fast from there the girl I'll call her Jane for simplicity though that's not her real name was this tall high pitched isn't that cute blonde girl at first I thought she was harmless and while I don't subscribe to that kind of behavior I did not judge her for it for the first two weeks things were fine we were branching out and making new friends and then she was friends with all my friends and eventually moved into my dorm I thought it was a bit extreme ha she hadn't spoken to us about it first but we let it happen we were friends then after talking about body image issues she's already making these little comments nothing too out there but things that were noticeable to me because they were aimed but not to other people because they were like casual like don't you ever exercise and when was the last time you had a salad I told myself I was being hypersensitive because it was on my mind but quickly realized it wasn't me it was her whenever we were alone there were marks where suddenly scathing and cut really deep I tell my friends about it and she told me I was being sensitive Jane was too sweet to say anything like that you're putting context where there isn't any so I let it drop then she used my friends against me to invite her on vacation I didn't want her to come I felt pressure because my then close friends were asking why I wouldn't invite her and I was pretty hard on myself I thought that if I didn't let her go they never talked to me again so she came and she ruined the holiday I couldn't do anything because I wanted to do something different she'd wander off without telling me first she'd listen to music and ignore me and whenever I insisted we split up she accused me of trying to let her get attacked on the streets holidays over we go home we don't speak for a while and it is a pretty dark turn of events on campus details of which I don't want to divulge but it was around Christmas and no one was feeling the spirit Jane asked if we can decorate the hall and we all say no I guess I should have seen it coming but I woke up in the morning so it was essentially Santa's grotto I was furious I definitely overreacted when I tore it all down I was so angry she ignored everyone some of us were suffering as a result of the affirmation some of us were home sick none of us wanted to think about Christmas until we were home and she didn't care she stormed out and I apologized a few days later only to be blinked which was fair enough I shouldn't have done what I did the following semester is a stress I deal with a lot of jumps from Jane and when I tell people what she's doing I'm called a liar or accused of trying to sabotage because I'm jealous she invited four boys over for a date at the same time and then leave the building she makes a mess in the kitchen and she leaves it for me to clean up despite announcing herself of having like OCD or something she was a cleanest person when others were there but when it was just me she was a slob of course no one believed me I genuinely felt alone in her like I was going crazy I hadn't been bullied since I was 12 I wasn't sure if water was happening and everyone I knew talked to Jane and they had the same opinion she was so sweet the year ends and the next two years go by and she's not living with us again but she starts to date within our friend group people were a little more accepting of what I was saying I feel faint victim every time she behaves in a way that proves I wasn't lying saying I'd hate to carry a little extra weight to the girls who were sensitive about their weight and bigger than she is dating one of our friends and dropping him like a hat being ungrateful as a Secret Santa I finally feel like everyone has seen my point of view but that was three years too late she made me feel like a horrible person and brought out the worst in me though I know I should have better control over myself well this is where it gets beautiful I've worked on my college as an elected officer I hold this position for almost the entire time there I was known for being good at this job so color me surprised when I wake up to one morning to find both mine and James name on the ballot paper I was nervous I loved that job and it really worked hard at it it was voluntary I took up a lot of my time but it was helping people and I was incredibly passionate about it I couldn't believe she would go for it and I was shocked since she never showed much of an interest before well three days of campaigning go by and my work is being sabotage Candi had left in the kitchen with notes had been stolen banners had posters had been torn down I'd been through three campuses in the past and had never had this problem I spoke to the appropriate people but I never even suggest that it was Jane I didn't want to believe it was and I just assumed it was kids the destruction wasn't widely known as a lot of friends fix the damage as I saw and replaced the posters etc the day before the results were due to be announced Jane courted me and demanded I tell her I don't believe it was her I tell her that I hadn't suspected it but I'd mentioned that a lot of people didn't even know about it and then walked away this is where I hadn't started getting revenge I couldn't let her take this away from me like she tried to take so many other things but I couldn't be obvious I had to play her game I had to be as subtle as possible we had to do an evening of questions where the students would ask to ensure we were good for the post I strive to avoid saying negative outright but her worked at insuring people who knew where I was coming from I told him that I've been working in this area for a while and have never had contact from another student interested in helping as most of the officers did from incoming officers this meant they knew that Jane had shown no interest in this people knew we weren't friends at this point and most knew I didn't like her though she maintained that I was being childish people were encouraged to ask questions about the job itself and what the potential officers know about what it entails it's just like a normal job you need to know what you're applying for specific of the things we've worked with and our understanding of the terminology etc they asked me I know the answers about everything Jane knew nothing normally people would just ask what would you do in this position question time was over people started talking amongst themselves Jane was trying to do damage control but in order to make up for her blunders she instead chose to drag me through the mud she meant some things I had done wrong in the past here are things not related to the position and it was really quite rude not me I made sure I was in her earshot when I said things like it's best to have faith in people you don't know what they're capable of and you shouldn't vote for me just because I'm familiar with the job you should vote for someone with a passion - there was a chance obviously that I was shooting myself in the foot and encouraging the Beauford Jane but the people she spoke to heard me saying neutral things about both of us this was the first part of me trying to get revenge and really our for who she is I posted on Facebook the day before the elections that I was excited about the results and that no matter what happened I did enjoy my time in the position Jane posted about people who should vote for her she was the only one to use a final hour of voting to post about herself had she done any research she's a known it was common practice to use the last hour to encourage voting but in a general level no self-promotion she already looked bad but she was well-liked across the campus as far as I knew we studied different things so I knew I'd lost the voters the people in her classes and I also knew that some people in my classes spoke well of her I originally told him the truth but no one believed me so instead I told stories mentioned things where she had done casually so it didn't sound like gossip I mixed a man with other stories I was planning the seeds so that they knew what she was like there was no way to know what the effect of that was so I simply hoped it worked all in all she done her best to ruin my life and make me feel bad for weeks she lied about me pulled me down and tried to turn my friends against me the election was beginning to feel like a public execution more people didn't ever knew about our dislike for one another for the last day it seemed to be all anyone was talking about result day I'm in the auditorium is packed Jana's nowhere to be seen for which I was grateful I had to show my face but I was anxious that if I lost I would have to shake her hand or something I really wasn't comfortable with that but I had already prearranged to post to send out if I lost explaining I was happy to offer assistance which was mandatory of ex-officers anyway and that well sad I would find her other ways to help students etc they started to read the results of the other positions and I feel sick I genuinely felt as though my lungs were gone and my jaw was so tight my teeth hurt finally they get to my position where doubt mine and James name and then announce the results we have one of the highest turnouts of voters in that particular position the only one that got a higher number was a paid president position I want to majority of the votes and thousands of votes received 98% of them were in my favor that was the best day of my life someone said you gave her enough rope she did the rest herself this too I would I would not call this pro revenge I know it's on programs I would call this also petty revenge because all she really did was only say kind things or neutral things about her and the person she's going against and that's about it I mean she did win the day and she won the war but she did it in a very you know slight manner it wasn't like she did this entire scheme to you know ruin her life and stuff though she did get 98% people to follow what she was saying instead of that might have been like probably her boyfriend at the time and like her favorite teacher voted her like I guess it all the way to presents but that's good I'm glad the good guy wins it's nice when that happened in real life and not in just the movies instead of doing like a really low-key one like I have been lately this one is like really popular so far 10,000 up votes gilded with all the kind of girls you could ever want from pro revenge 14 people including me walk out in protest so Friday the 13th happened it was glorious for all intents and purposes I'll run day to day operations for a decent-size come we have the president who runs a company in-house he could be tedious overwhelming and all in all a dick sometimes other times he can be cool this was one of the times he was being an overbearing micromanaging dickbag a shop foreman I take my job seriously with morale if my guys aren't happy good product isn't produced if good product isn't produced customers aren't happy looking towards quality control it doesn't help when guys are overworked underpaid and underappreciated Friday was one of those days that started out well but by 6:40 a.m. and had deteriorated to poop note we officially don't start work until 7:00 a.m. after the start it was complaining about this micromanage that several people being cussed out and belittled everyone had had enough once in our programming office the idea was floated by someone that we shouldn't walk out once in our programming office the idea was floated by someone that we should walk out she can't fire us all now we've all joked about this time after time but it's never been more of a thought we grid our teeth in Barret that day was something different after getting yelled at again for something out of control I finally said screw it when someone asked if I was in and serious I said yes then it snowballed from there a total of 20 we're supposed to walk out but due to cold feet and a few talking junk only 14 made it at 10 a.m. we made our move I don't ever want to wait until he had been distracted with a machine and we'd all clock out and leave we all waited when he was distracted I gave the round up and signal everyone and left a few stop for a beer to relax we weren't intending to going back to work to negotiate until Monday we all met up at a guy's house and discussed what we wanted and what our terms were one thing was very clear we all came back or no one did after talking for two and a half hours and coming to our terms we decided to head back after a text from him we were going to corner him we were going to talk us straight we weren't working anymore there's not lasted about two hours with both parties flexing their given muscles at some point but one thing was made clear things were going to change we'd all be looking for new jobs after several people were threatened with being fired and none being let go we came to terms that benefitted us for once our workplace had so much morale people were excited to work again I'm about to work with a purpose agenda and pride this is the first Monday I've looked forward to work in a year even the guys who couldn't come the people in the main office we stirred the pot we've made it known we're not gonna go through this anymore I'll vote for any of my men and I'll do it again in a heartbeat well that's crazy good job kudos to this man because usually when you do that the the guys up top have enough money to just be like you know what just let him go we'll hire some new people just like the first story it's nice to see like the small person win the person that's like doing what they're supposed to do and just getting pooped on like this is a good example of protesting gone right instead of protesting gone wrong anyways I really hope you guys enjoy these Pro revenge stories if you guys have any questions or comments let me know down below do not forget to Like and subscribe and comment do all that that helps the channel and the videos so much this community just keeps on growing and thank you guys for all that you're doing viewing and commenting and everything the part that you guys do is awesome I'll be back very soon with another video thank you guys so much and goodbye what's up you guys welcome back soon the reddit reading video I hope you guys are having a wonderful amazing fantastical date because for some reason I just will go feeling really happy maybe it was a sleeping pill I took and I actually got some good sleeper once but let's just get into these revenge stories I'm ready with some good salty revenge might help me fire my wicked step manager long post warning I had it all the background because it makes payoff so much better the universal line the star is just right for me in this story my old co-workers and I still talk about it back story I was working at a popular coffee chain in high volumes wanky location as in bar rista we were specifically trained to make fancier and novelty drinks compared to other locations I loved my team and my manager and for the most part everyone got along then my manager informed us that she would be moving to another location and that we would be getting a new store manager this new manager who we all called jack is an old assistant manager from this location he trained here before becoming a store manager of his own location Jack would be returning to be our new manager since he had the experience in these fancier stores from training days everyone in the store dreaded his return for what I gathered Jack was an a-hole when he was an assistant manager within the first few weeks things went downhill he started writing up certain baristas constantly for infractions that others got away with he slashed everyone's hours from full-time to part-time claiming that our job description never stated we were entitled to full-time one barista went from thirty nine point seven five hours a week to 16 and a half Jack claimed our company had no right up expiration date so he was writing up baristas based on clock lateness within our time management software from when our old manager still ran the store people went from a clean record 12 final worming within one meeting with him those who had to work with him before organized themselves into a list of who would get fired next we didn't suspect there was a personal vendetta against certain baristas who knew him when he was an assistant manager we knew there was one by one several people were fired all in the order they knew they would be fired others found jobs elsewhere it became a race against the clock either quit or wait to be fired for something trivial we brought up these issues with our district manager but he ignored them slashing our hours and getting corner including cutting corns on cleaning standards from proving to be beneficial to the district manager he was not interested in helping us I was badly burned by our drip Brewer he refused to help me fill out workers comp report it was too busy placing weekly orders I had extremely bad cramps as my thigh and I went to Urgent Care I was one of the last walk into the clinic and left after they closed when I sent him a picture the doctor's note he googled the location from the letterhead and claimed I faked a note since the place was supposed to be closed Jack belittled me and other baristas on the cafe floor my mental and physical health suffered when one of my good friend was fired I quit with nothing else lined up because I feared I was either going to break down or get fired this friend Anthony got me a job at my current workplace after Anthony got fired he struggled to make ends meet with just one job I helped him out by preparing a large batches of food and dropping them off at his work pace I met his manager and got an interview with the following week I had been working at this place for probably two months when the most match good thing happened to me the instant I finished a closing shift of my current job and was passing by my old store for the day when I saw too much running around the lobby I filmed it I guess cutting corners and cleaning the health standards was causing a bit of a rodent issue and a rush of pent-up anger watching my team get fired over nothing watching Anthony struggle to eat suffering at the hands of Jack myself I posted the video to Instagram and tag the store in it I posted photos and link to the video on yo Google reviews the company page the customer compliant email everywhere I figured at most I was going to be the fly in his aunt Minh and annoy him that the district manager then I sent the video of the mice to the Department of Health a couple days later the Department of Health served a copy shop a notice saying they were preparing to do a full inspection I heard this news from my barista friends a couple weeks go by on my current job as a turn in management itself we weren't getting our legally mandated half-hour breaks and I put on a nine hour shift with no Mills thankfully a cha was much more sincere than the coffee shop HR so I arranged a meeting I stopped on my old coffee shop before my meeting to say hello to a few friends who still worked there I learned jack and the district manager were there I grabbed the water and sat down to organize my HR meeting notes not even a half hour later the shift supervisor approaches my area and tells the cafe customers to leave as the Health Department has shut them down she turns to me and says yes it was your mice they found out we had an infestation then walks away Jackie the district manager don't make eye contact with me idly flea returned to my current workplace to tell engineer about how it I was actually there to see the justice happen justice and I started on my own hands he tells my co-workers even my managers find out I shut down a whole store from one report HR catches wounded the story before our meeting it had never been in a more polite apologetic HR meeting my managers were reprimanded and we had all bricks restored to us all the departed fired baristas took pictures in front of the Department of Health on notice that was taped to the store door the windows were shuttered up and the place was vandalized several times they started the cleaning process and the inspector returned the cleared again about two weeks after the source set down I got a call from the coffee shops HR department apparently whenever they have something like this happen they look through the record of the store doing the mass exit and the seasoned baristas and the complaints made the district manager in HR they had a novel about my old cafe HR rep asked me why I left in the first word to command my mouth our I left because Jack the manager and the district manager is complicit and his actions they call all the ex Brisas and a couple current baristas for their stories with Jack all negative Jack was fired and banned from working with the company he packed up and moved across country the fancy location was taken with a district manager and now he only oversees based at cafes I got promoted in my current job to assistant director of the site to oversee HR complaint overhaul to improve the workplace based on my knowledge of OSHA and state labor laws Anthony and the other fire braces were offered their jobs back which Anthony accepted he's in a better financial situation now TLDR after putting my barista job because of some really bad management I feel mice in the cafe and got the store shut down by the Department of Health which resulted in an investigation that got the store manager fired wow that actually kudos to you that is some great revenge like that is some like revenge that you would like I wish I could get that type of revenge about when I was working at Wendy's out whitney's was like my first real job when I was still kind of a younger teenager oh I wish I could have done that to them because I hated working there and I hated those managers they were so mean like the first thing that they would do to new people was gonna cry get it out now cuz they were so mean they like you a little B aren't you huh should I be a little beet and you're just like dumped on it and then talk to you like that and the new cashiers and the new workers were like oh my god I mean I feel so bad for people that would come in cry I wish so badly that that could've happened I wish I could have got that kind of revenge I'm like living through this story right now good job to you alright alright enough praise for that last three let's see another one you took $200 you lost 21,000 so most users of computers will probably have some experience with us you know when you're online shopping and sometimes a box pop ups and says click this promo code sign up yada yada well we know they are scams by mistake I first clicked the wrong X they put a fake one on the top and I clicked it I immediately shut down the page and I thought that was the end of it nope so the sign I bought a Hanukkah gift I was getting from my mother sold my credit card information to the pop-up I activated that when I clicked the wrong X I was a teenager relatively new to checking account I checked my statement for December and it was all well I check for the next couple of months because I didn't use it for anything there should be no charges I know better now when I did check I noticed that these small insignificant charges weren't mine always less than ten dollars and usually around two but the multiple charges added up and was well over two hundred when I looked into this I found the connection I called a thieving company and told them they stole my information and are illegally charging my card they didn't deny it but they also didn't care I wanted my money back they refused repeatedly but gave them so many chances to fix everything with just that I eventually warned him that I would have to sue if they didn't want to give me what they stole they laughed turns out there was a class-action suit in progress which my lawyer used as leverage in a quick pay up we sued for fraud and violation for Federal Communication laws what they are doing is very illegal and happens every day this included a lot of popular stores and websites which were 100 percent in the wrong and committed a crime and I was a child who brought her mother a gift I won the case I received the judgment of twenty one thousand I told him it would go away if they just were funded my two hundred dollars but they refused they seem to think of teenager threatening to sue a massive corporation that does nothing but break the law wasn't much of a threat what they should have noticed I was buying a Hanukkah gift Hanukkah everyone I know is a lawyer good job to you I got scammed one time on Amazon when I was a kid what I did was I bought this like I thought it was like this extra awesome diamond like it was like super pure and they were like we're saying they had like an abundance of diamonds that he just needed to get rid of them super super cheap I think I spent like $150 on it and they were saying it's like a $10,000 diamond and like I go to bed that night I wake up and I'm like oh I I hope my uh my diamond shipped I hope it's on the way I go and look the listing is gone like it's gone from all my Amazon history and stuff but like the money is also taken out of my account and I was a teenager and I was still doing like my first job so I didn't know what to do I thought like well I just lost I wish I would have like no when I could have just asked for a refund or call my bank or something but I was like maybe 16 or 17 I was just like god dang and I got scammed I used to be pretty gullible actually - another note on that this one um like government program like that said if I send them $300 they'll send me 500 back for like a grant like and this was like I was new in college too I think it was like 17 and like it I was like oh you do it snows like 300 I will give you like 5,000 back I was like wow that's a really good deal and this is like some kind of government thing they cannot scam me so like I asked my mom about it and I asked my sister and they're like you really are trying to get scammed like that they're like you're really that dumb were you gonna get scammed I was like this can't be a scam I looked it up online and I was like I was really that dumb okay okay enough of my stupidity let's read one more tiny little this is one little paragraph of story someone did not give me their end of a trade so I spent the next two years getting them stiffed in trade and losing him a lot of money back like three or four years ago when I played Magic the Gathering I traded with this one guy for a card I'm getting the planeswalker which at the time was worth like $50 it was a fair trade and me being dumb 15 year old I was like let him promise to bring the card the next day he was when you're younger than me and went into the same store well he never gave me the card and what was I gonna do about it bring it to small claims for a $50 card after a few months acted like I forgot about it and that's like his friend this guy is pretty dumb and always relied on me and other people who looked up the price so whenever you wanted to trade with me or someone else I would always volunteer to look up the price and I would always add like 25% of the other side trades I did this for like two years until a few months before I moved to college he wanted to sell his cars to a store and I've learned that over time he had slowly traded his valuable collection away to the value of pretty much a bunch of cardboard I laughed so hard when I saw this I let him know that I had sold about 90% of my own collection online for a bit over four grand and then told him what I did and never talked to him I went back to that store again Wow quick and sweet I like that little revenge just subtly over time scamming him not knowing that he's like losing money over and over never be a scammer people aren't as dumb as you think they are except for me when I was doing that where I thought I was gonna get $5,000 but it's not about that but man that's like I like buy and sell pokemon cards a lot too actually I just put I just passed a $1,000 threshold on Macari for selling pokemon cards I can't say I probably wouldn't do the same thing if that happened to me I do not feel bad for that at all I ruined the life of a man who molested me for three years this is a throwaway account simply due to the fact that I have friends who know my account name and are unaware of the current issues in my personal life I would also like to apologize if I am all over the place with my storytelling I'm not very good at this and there's a lot to put in one post I understand that this is not a light subject matter and I would like to consider that it's my official trigger warning for any survivors of sexual assault / abuse part of the reason I'm writing this post is a form of therapy and a chance to feel more in control in my life than I currently am so bear with me in order to understand the reasoning behind the revenge I need to start the beginning I was born into a family of very well-off I had a great childhood with five siblings and I was peg Lee a trust fund baby this was up until around eight years old when my parents divorced for a number of reasons which I will not get into long story short my dad left my mother on her own to take care of six kids all on her own ranging from six years old to a 19 year old she was of course vulnerable at this height in her life and in need of someone to help her out anyone would I felt the same in her position so in walks this guy let's call him Satan Satan was an amazing person at first he was a strong parental role and didn't mind the duty of six children along with huge house to live in seeing as how he was only a waiter at a restaurant he was glad to feel like a boss somewhere my mom relied on him a lot during the first few months of the relationship which led to her trusting him a bit too much an opening of my family up to problem saying is what most consider completely freaking insane each week he was convinced of some new conspiracy theory and always drag my family into it he was a doomsday prepper and made my family and I stockpile food in months of ahead of time along with things like training us on how to quickly load and unload guns when I was only nine years old now while my older sibling could see clear as day that Satan was insane my mother and other citizens close to my age completely trusted him the two older siblings were even kicked out before graduation ended up not speaking with my mother for years I can't really blame them but I wouldn't blame my mother either seeing as how mentally manipulative Satan could be we all felt as though he was a lifeline to us and without him we would die because my parents divorced my mother was left to sell imagine my health which during 2010 or so obviously didn't go over well we were struggling financially big time Satan had my siblings and mother convinced that he was our only financial support and their leaving him would result in being on the street because he had to cut off the rest of our family from speaking to us because I said how insane he was we all believed it I won't get in too much detail about my abuse at this moment but I'll let you know that Satan began molesting me just a few months after I had turned ten years old there was no easy way to put this but I was terrified all I knew was that what was happening was wrong and that me saying something meant I would be homeless I thought it was protecting both myself and my family so I let it continue and for any victim blaming a-holes out there who might come after a ten year old girl any time I didn't comply I was fortunate what was basically solitary confinement I would sit and stare at a blank wall for days on end with only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat and water to drink CPS was called once but the investigation was unrelated to this and didn't go very far my mother was told I was being grounded for other reasons and even though I might be being molested but I went as far as denying it in fear of what could happen to us my siblings and I searched school was way too often for me to make any real friends and during the final years of my abuse we had moved out of state I never had a phone or any way of contacting anyone to help me out with my situation I was alone and nobody knew my life was a living eighty double hockey sticks the sexual abuse continued for three years until my mother finally gathered the courage and hid enough money to escape this what seemed simple enough but it wasn't a clean cut in 2011 my mother had given birth to my baby sister and his daughter we will call her angel the first day was spent moving into a house of my aunt and mother had reconnected with and terrifyingly enough within 24 hours we moved back in with Satan this is just an example of how insane the entire situation was and though it was slow going at first eventually we officially split from him and moved far away but because my baby sister was there despite us leaving Satan he would always be around now though angel was the daughter of Satan himself I loved her and still of her to this day more than anyone or anything and have always been torn for this reason I understand my selfishness and staying quiet but I had my reasons from wanting her to have a normal life to her being his own bloodline while I was not I came up with a million excuses but just a bit was I was scared I had no evidence and I didn't want her to hate me for being the reason she didn't have a dad saying when taught to be a trucker and now has a girlfriend of about five years because of this he only has the opportunity to see angel a few times a year for less than 24 hours at a time and when he does see angel always in his truck within feet of his girlfriend or out in public I use this as justification for not saying anything to anyone as well and then er not need to be told how selfish it was to put her at risk because I understand and I have suffered the guilt in all these years this is where the revenge part comes in thank you for being patient angel was now 8 I'm 19 and Satan is 50 angel understands how insane her debt is but loves him nonetheless and up until this point he has stayed far away from my family Ange and I are as close as two people can be angel confided me a few weeks ago that her dad wanted to take her for a week or two down to Florida hundreds of miles away this was a no-go I was scared of what would happen but I knew that taking this risk would make me worse than him it's like a lot of courage but I knew it had to be done so I went to my mom that night and told her what happened all those years ago it went about as well as I expected and after about 12 hours of crying her and I went to protection mode my mother and Satan have never had custody disagreements and have always been on good terms for Angel's sake despite his mentally abusive tendency despite this she had stockpile years of text and recording in case she passed and he had attempt to gain full custody of Angel she spoke with her attorney and within a few days we went down to the sheriff's office of the counties with a sexual assault occurred now yes I did type counties because if you remember earlier I said that we had moved during the time that the check of abuse was occurring this meant that I could file in multiple counties making the case stronger while one County was a case of sexual assault of a minor the other was rape case through the nature of the most station as well as this due to the age I was during the molestation and its severity it is not being disregarded we asked the detectives from each County wait for a week or so in order for my mother's a knight to serve protection restraining order against Satan and they agreed this protects me and my mother and anyone in our household from him from the moment he has served and before he is even aware that we have filed against him along with the fact that there and along with the fact that there are no custody disagreements over angel for Satan to claim my accusations were fake my mother and I were able to reach out to the other girls we suspected of being victims of him as well now there's a second girl willing to testify I just finished my affidavit and have given my written statement about everything that has ever been done to me which over the course of three years was a lot considering it was a daily occurrence I can't really feel better knowing that very least he would not be allowed to see angel again without supervision and this isn't even if the case does not go as planned due to the text / recording show his insanity though my hope is that he will go to jail for a long time this is the least I can ask for and will take what I can get for her safety the only worried there is is that you could become a martyr he would be served within the next few days and knowing him and his paranoia he won't see this because he's afraid of the internet and he would be seeing my family therapist who his job is to make sure if she was never hurt while not putting ideas into her mind I feel proud of myself because in spite of everything that happened he's a truck driver with a miserable life that's about to get worse on the other hand I graduated in top 5% of my class and Mennella engineering student currently debt-free due to scholarships and my savings with the close group of friends and a boyfriend of two and a half years my family has since reconnected with everything in his life that he damaged is now better in the lack of his presence my half-sister loves me more than she ever will love him as far as I see it I have won he has lost just a disclaimer please don't tell me what a horrible sister I am anything you say I have already told myself over the years I don't know what else to say but that I wish I knew earlier that everything could turn out ok TLDR I finally served the man who molested me for three years and I've destroyed what's left his pathetic life oh man that story was a doozy yeah honestly that's probably the saddest story I have read out loud in any of these posts that is uh that's really sad to read the top comment said this is the bravest yet most heartbreaking post I've read so far my thoughts are with you best of luck for the future Opie yeah that kind of hurts to read like this sucks had that happened to her for so many years but it's good that she's finally you know stepping up so that her half-sister won't have to be molested like she was when she was a kid she felt like she was doing the right thing by saving her family from not living on the streets but while doing that was being just totally abused into the ground and used up which sucks for her case but she says the little girl does have therapy and I hopefully she does too just so I don't leave you guys on a saddest story in history just run out of here let's read one more short story that's not as depressing chef leaves all his notes almost kills the business at the restaurant I used to work at there was a chef who made the best gumbo I have ever had however the management where I worked was awful the only employees who stayed for very long were the ones who were paid well eg mr. gumbo customers knew him by name the only day he called in sick which he had never done before and they didn't let him he had enough and quit but he also burned a few bridges he took all his notes which had ratios vices times and temperatures everything we had no idea how to make his gumbo they test me with recreating it when it was no as near as good most of the gumbo customers which was a lot of them left I quit shortly after from what I heard from my friends who still worked there the business almost went under this was his way of making the management pay sorry for spelling and formatting edit to start we are in the south this was a smaller place but it was still good size the menu wasn't that big so the gumbo was very important the chef did have every right to leave but by doing so the business lost most of its valuable assets nice hat the gumbo man got back at the management good job gumbo man yeah I can I feel you I feel you so hard on that that reminds me so much of Walmart like you have five days out of the year if you have if you're sick and stay home if you're late if you call in and you can't come to work today anything if you get in trouble everything counts as one point if you get five points you're out you automatically fired so if you're sick five days in a row you're automatically fired I can't tell you how many days I had to go in just definitely sick throwing up in the bathroom and the only way that it doesn't count as a point is if they send you home so I would come I would just be you know so sick and throwing up and then they would send you home it's a shame it's that you have to do that in some place golden boys of my hometown get taken down trigger warning okey dokey so for part of high school I live in a super duper ultra small town in California if you're familiar with the area just saying 5 by 8 Mile Island where peanut butter was admitted to tell you exactly the town since it's super small go I'll abstain I lived in a bunch of other places from big cities to tiny villages and country's my time I started my junior year in this town also the story takes place about 13 14 years ago so my memory might be a TZ bit foggy I've got the important stuff though my point is I was a bit more culture than the average of my class and not known as a poop taker on this island there was these three girls called Nick that's not the real name it's just another generic name that all three of them happened to share they weren't particularly good students they were on the lower end of the economic spectrum but their parents had been on the island forever all of them were super fun M&M types without any Talent all three were notorious were hooking up with girls without consent all three were well known for being abusive to the women they dated to differentiate I'll say that that Nick booth Nick and mine Nick because yeah I was one of the lucky girls who dated a Nick that Nick was dating a good friend of mine he beat her he cheated on her roofied her and then assaulted her I have one point is if it was so bad she developed an eating ass on her and ended up in rehab and almost dying booth dated another good friend he eventually ended up in jail for other reasons but he had got hit by our revenge too we got on booth because that was his way into drugs I'd never heard of and frankly still don't entirely understand used to beat up on my friend he's got to force himself on her thankfully she's a giant and finding him off but he was the reason she didn't date until her 30s my Nick was oh boy started off okay but you broke my nose and then sodomized me when I was 16 I admit I didn't believe my friends and they tried to warn me it wasn't until it happened to me after I lost my poop after that happened initially I was broken I mean coming back from that is harsh I tried to kill myself twice got pretty close we stayed dating I just couldn't leave I tried about nine times to this day if I'm walking down the street and I hear a loud clicking sound I go in a full panic mode and my husband has to take me somewhere else every time I broke things off with him he'd find me I didn't have a car so he'd drive by where I was walking and yelling me to get in unlike my friends my beautiful wonderful wholesome innocent friends I have an attitude my pride will kill me one day no matter how terrified I felt I never got in the car still we'd get back together it took about two years before the revenge actually happened by then all three of us girlies were about to be safely on our way to other cities in states where college the Freneau I dated booth pictures but the police said it had been too long for any of that to matter the friend who dated fat Nick was the kicker boof and mime might have taken drugs but fatty was the dealer we planned a party at fats house my buddy had to reach back out to her ex and reconciled and it was her birthday what better way to celebrate rekindling the romance boof in his now X we're not speaking terms so she came with me and my Nick at this point we're all 18 at least not able to drink that's for sure that's a girl and I put the moves in our respective man booth was doing booth things and pulling stupidly at a freshman in the corner we got them all very drunk and then we shouted with the babe I've never tried this will you try it with me for E which was called this booth was somewhere else fat and my took something thinking they were going to get us high and sneakers off into another room another friend actually overheard that I'm talking about swapping with each other once they were too high to notice but because they were so full of themselves they never thought that we didn't actually take anything we just acted like we did about 20 or so minutes later we gave them the whole we're gonna go freshen up we'll meet you in the bedroom deal people surveyed the reason that's so common in every dumb high school movie is because teenagers are idiots and it works over and over always I don't know how I dated someone that dumb for that long whatever we slid into the bathroom of boosie's X and then crawled out the window we then called the police one of us complained about the noise one of us mentioned children drinking and that told them someone had a gun and they were threatening people that was true actually fatty at his dad's gun whenever has a girlfriend didn't want to make out he would take it out stuff in your mouth take the safety off and then he'd laugh when she started crying I cannot stress enough what freakin monstrous trash these boys were the police came we were down the block when they did fats parents bailed him out but he lost his scholarship at Chico State and ended up going to the local JC Buffa's in jail not prison for four months he was in released on parole which he violated my Nick was found jerking off in a bedroom with his pants around his ankles looking like a [ __ ] he is when the police actually got there his brother knew the police so he was out pretty fast I wasn't done with him though he was pretty mad that I left him at the party I was just a little bit more anger than he was though I'll wrap up the other two boy before I get into that fatty lady he's married with two kids now the guy is really awesome fatty himself died seven years after this went down I believe heart murmur my friend Anita booth went to an art school and she makes super cute costume cosplays and she sells on Etsy seems to be doing great by her IG post booth oh man he took to the local bars pretty heavily at one point he was at a bar talking some old gay men apparently poof didn't realize that man was gay until he was hitting on him the old man invited a booth to his apartment after the bar closed from what I heard he didn't tip initiate something with booth drunkenly booth beat the guy to death that happened four years after the fact he had gotten out at one point then did something with arson charges he's been in prison since my Nick his revenge didn't see any massive nuclear things his brother got him out of jail his brother was a thug type who had blue nose pit bulls for fighting but he wanted better for his baby brother he generally thought that I would be the one to give his brother out of that town and set him straight because I thought his brother was doing so well he was being financially supported and Big Brother was understandably worried about when he discovered we'd broke up for a good because I was leaving for college big brother arranged a meet-up for me to beg on his brother's behalf from there I sure don't countless pictures up every time Nick touched me in an unkind way cops mind that of care but big brother knew I was a sweet girl the cops might not have cared but Big Brother knew I was a sweet girl and he knew Nick could get bad when he was high I also had videos on my phone of Nick drinking underage gettin high and throwing cash that his brother gave him on the tables for gambling and then losing then calling his brother for more with some sob story about how he was mugged or left his wallet somewhere always some BS Big Brother always believed it right up until he saw proof he could Nick off after that Nick's it up at my dorm two cities over a few months later with flowers and jewelry saying he knew he messed up and that was the one my RA came out me and pretend to be my boyfriend Nick Sarah calling me a [ __ ] and making a big scene in the courtyard police were called again this actually seemed to give a ding they took him away I didn't hear from her again after I left the state kept tabs on him for a while just to make sure he was still miserable he got a job with the city working with kids at a local park I'm almost ready with the complaint about seeing him openly carry around six years old he lost his job with no idea as to who did it he started dating a literal hooker and ruining her out to his friends for cash he's still in that town slowly getting gentrified into homelessness still with that girl still thinks he's going to be a rapper he seems like he's just bidding time until he dies he's got a record thanks to me no one in that town wants to hire him only a matter of time I'm okay with this geez those boys love a terrible life and sad and just everything isn't that is horrible horrible they got their just desserts though for being terrible as teenagers oh let's read one more are /po revenge story we'll never see each other again think again I was bullied relentlessly from third to seventh grade by multiple people in class or upper grades after I graduated to eighth grade I received a Facebook message from Andy elbow had been bullying me and harassing me from the very beginning of it all Alec what's the exact message but it was extremely vulgar and long he did it by saying that since he would never see each other again he could pull it all out in the open about how much of an idiotic ugly and loser I was of course he used a more colorful dictionary with those words but you get the idea however there was one problem my parents owned a large wood chipper and his father owned a tree cutting business and would often rent from them for much larger jobs during this summer I nursed him walk and talk to my uncle then I realized a golden opportunity I had been given I loaded facebook on my laptop to bring up the message I then approaches that and tell him your son sent this message a few days after graduating I think it's really important you read it he raised an eyebrow first but took a look at my laptop as she read I could visibly see his face turned blood-red and his hand shook as he gripped the sides of my laptop harder and harder I think he reread the entire thing over again just to make sure what he was reading he even clicked the profile to make sure it had indeed but his own son who sent it finally he gave me my computer back and told me he was so sorry for his son's behavior and language and they would most certainly be dealing with Andy the moment he got home it took me two months to hear back about the fallout and he's older and way nicer brother grant was friends with my sister who told her and then she told me Andy was grounded for the entire summer fall and winter break his parents canceled his trip and was going to take him to the beach with their student group group at church cancel his summer camp trip going to hold him back from getting his driving permit for a full year took away all his games and computer instead of going with his dad and brother on their hunting trips he would be sent to his grandparents house to help clean his social media passwords were changed so he didn't have ax to them delete his xbox account and Andy would have to work for his dad during his tree cutting the entire summer and winter holiday there were more punishments but I honestly cannot recall them I ruin his life for a good two to three years and destroyed relationship he had with his father and mother probably not forever they certainly no longer saw the meza will behave youngest child it was so satisfying jisuk and had some deep-rooted to hate in him to be sending messages like that that was an extreme punishment but that's it he got what he deserved the top comes as so when I read owned a wood chipper I was terrified the store was going in a totally different direction we do shady former colleagues bullied me into quitting a small town teaching job so I had their entire school shut down longtime lurker first time poster throw away of course and I apologize for the long story this happened a few years ago but it was recent if that one of those deserve ly affected by the fallout might still be looking for me and might recognize the events I'm going to describe so of course names locations and other details will have slight alterations think of it like transforming a left head slip on to a right Louie baton stiletto different enough but still a shoe and it fits I've always been a shy person and I grew up in a large urban area in high school I had friends but we were the nerdy type and thought of as losers I was one of the two girls of our core friend group of four kids of course we eventually dated the guys in our group the youngest in our group was one of the boys Doug in ninth grade and the oldest was a boy Clayton in 11th the other girl Sarah and I were in 10th I did a Doug all through high school before we talked was relentlessly teased by people outside of our group because he was a bit more than a year younger than me Sarah and Clayton married in college and are still happily married five years later Doug and I for our part got married once he finished college and we've been married almost four years we have a one-year-old daughter Rick well both Doug and Clayton eventually got careers in IT Sarah and Clayton have their own one-year-old daughter amber Sarah has a small but thriving whole business selling refurbished furniture on ebay that she and Clayton find on the weekends the reason I give so much backstory is that our friend group is pretty isolated suck it up two years of bullying being made fun of ex saluted you name it it happened to all four of us in school even in primary and middle school even now in my later 20s I don't really have close friends besides Sara Clayton and of course my husband Doug who is my best friend this is true even though we moved all the way to the Midwest for Ducks career we're still close enough and well-off enough so we can regularly fly out and see our friends and vice versa Doug makes more than F money to support all three of us on his salary alone especially in our state and always says is okay if I'm a stay-at-home mom however in this new environment I thought I might have a fresh start to work on being more outgoing as it were no one in my new town knew me from when I was a kid in a total reject Doug's father passed away and so his mother lives with us and has generously helped take care of Rick well we all talked it over and agreed I could go back to college to get a teaching certification for my bachelor's degree math fast forward just a few months and thanks to an accelerated program and swords in math teachers in my area I got my teaching license quite quickly and easily I also made a few new girlfriends in the teaching program which helped my self-esteem so I'll put up my resume and within just a few short weeks I get hired at an independent studies charter school I was looking to get hired at a regular high school but whatever it was a credit recovery school basically the idea of the kids who washed out their regular school district or couldn't succeed there for whatever reason could try to succeed in our setting we hosted grades 9 through 12 students would make appointments and come in on their own time meet independently with teachers be given assignments and projects and basically earn the legit high school diploma eventually I know what's kind of weird to go back to a place high school where I never fed in but I thought it would be totally different from the perspective of I'm an adult the school was one large classroom like the size of a basketball court with administrative offices science labs even an exercise room for PE all around the perimeter about 50 student desk were lined around the center of the room in rows in around these desks were about a dozen teachers generally we'd have two teachers per subject area ie to English to math to history etc and we each had our own roster of students and ensured that they visited all the teachers for who's subject they told credits although the school officially had over 200 students on the various rosters there were really more than ten or so students in school at any one time through the different appointments throughout today that means there was tons of downtime where the teachers would just shoot the breeze with one another the school had a female principal a male vice-principal and a male counselor the other math teacher was a male both English teachers were female both scientists were male the PE teacher was a male the art teacher was female the history teachers were one male and one female there was also a male computer teacher and a female music teacher both who came in once a week I could see right away from day one they're all the teachers were good friends with one another that's not a bad thing at all lunch is at noon every day and the school shuts down for a whole hour typically the other teachers would all go out to lunch with one another or break off in twos and threes I didn't really know anyone so I didn't take offense to anyone not inviting me to go to lunch with him I thought well maybe give it a few weeks you know what change I had that old feeling from when I was a kid of being rejected still I was a new person so I tried not to take it too personally besides forming relationships colleagues included is a two-way street and I could reach out to till then I was at lunch desk sometimes I'd FaceTime hubby Oh usually had lunch at that time too but I was proud of him for making friends at his own work and tried to minimize taking up his time I didn't really focus on that too much though and just did my job students tended to like me after just a few weeks it became noticeable that my students made more appointments to see me than other teachers every time my student would finish a project or assignment for a teacher whatever the subject it would turn it into their main teacher going around student on their roster the tune became clear that the students on my roster were finishing their assignments and graduating at a faster rate than my peers I didn't plan if this to happen it just turned out that way over time holidays would pass and our school would have mandated social and team-building functions ie public in the BRIC room Exedra it seems like I was making progress socially I was always positive and nice to my Paris and would be myself around them try to tell them about me and learn about them they're being nice to me too at least to my face so I thought it was finally fitting in one day however the principal called me into their office tell me someone had told her and I was smug and anti-social now it wasn't good for the school environment for teachers to bully one another I was flabbergasted and of course my initial reaction was to ask who told her this but the principal said it was confidential and just work on being nicer I didn't want to see him in transient or defiant so I apologize for hurting anyone's feelings but I also pointed out I was trying my very best to fit in and I had been working on the shortest compared to everyone else so of course I didn't want to overstep I also point out that students on my roster were graduating at a good pace I didn't throw Shay to any one of my colleagues my principal agree with me on this and praised me heartily the vice-principal happened to be walking by and he overheard the principal praising me he too threw in a comment that I was an exemplary teacher the suitors were praising me in a private room to him and the school had big plans for me especially since we were on pace to out before another independent city's charter school in a few miles away which competed this same state function this pleased me of course and took the edge off the butthurt of people telling the principal I was not nice a small maybe big red flag was that they told me that students graduating meant massive funding for our school money which the regular district didn't want the charter schools to have and if all the teachers could get more students to turn in work we might get bonuses I mean all that is good but both of them spoke about students graduation only in terms of how it could benefit our own pocketbooks ever since I started working at the school what I had originally been five students 10 at the most working in the classroom at a time became 20 or more almost every one of them a kid on my roster every day hanging out for hours and hours doing their work in our quiet classroom environment I thought this was great because it's meant they could graduate sooner and get on with our lives gradually however I noticed that some of my peers looked resentful when in the classroom was so full gradually however I notice that's how my peers look resentful when a classroom was so full I strongly suspect this is because they had been growing accustomed to having long stretches of time simply mess about align their desks playing with their smartphones and gossiping our squad a policy that unless your own break you had to be at your desk and make yourselves available to grade student work in your subject area they didn't like grading my students work because eventually credit for that student graduating would go to me their main teacher I certainly didn't mind grading work from students who were on other teachers rosters that's the whole point of our job gradually I came to realize that the school didn't focus so much on actually teaching his students anything and making sure that their diploma actually meant something than just rubber stamping their work and saying it was satisfactory using the fact that we were licensed code rental professional as official backup really any reasonable intelligent adult or even kid could the type of work that some of my colleagues were actually doing what happened was say a kid on my roster is behind five credits in English if he wants to graduate I would then send him to the English teacher to request a packet of English work kid would do the work give it to the English teacher to grade she would sign off on it I would input the grade in my computer and the kid would be one credit closer to graduation it soon became clear to me that the teachers weren't even actually looking at the package before giving them a grade really just pulling grades out of their butts I would never dream of doing that on any of my students math work that's the way that great for me but they do it in a slow way as a reduces speed of students graduating from my roster as in they'd let piles of my students work sit on their desk ungraded while playing clash of clans at their desk I never said anything and I was always polite and friendly to them even though I knew at least one of them had badmouth me to the principal needless to say even months to my new job I wasn't making friends my co-workers I was nice then I was nicer then and it seemed that face value that they didn't leave respect me in a professional level at least to my face so I accept that for the time being the switch came when the principal actually singled me out at a staff meeting as an exemplary teacher she said that I had come from big city and have succeeded to an amazing degree and now had set the record for how many students were graduating high school and my roster from that point on I sensed that people were being cold to me it felt like a high school except unlike High School where they would openly and mock me as a task any no buts no boobs having giraffe adults sitting in colder ways on rare occasions where the whole classroom was empty or if I'd run into groups with them in the break room they would talk about all these fun things that they were gonna do together afterward we're going to talk about the big party they were all going to have at such-and-such a venue and how everyone's invited except obviously well I didn't mind actually I was going to let them being petty ruined my good feeling I had from helping students and feeling like I was making a difference I was still very nice to everyone and kept up my positive attitude inside I felt so bad and so left out however I didn't tell my husband about basically being shunned at work and instead I focus on just my success in getting students to graduate anyway some of my students would actually quietly complained to me that miss so-and-so doesn't even grade our work I never badmouth my co-workers especially to the kid it's a point a united front of course but on the sly operate those work packets that were clearly not greater Populi and looked him over myself as best I could although I was only licensed to teach math if say a history packet seemed incomplete and yet had a B+ nice work on the cover of it I sort of quietly as diplomatically as I could staple a new cover sheet to it asked the student to finish it for real and submitted again to the teacher I'd make sure the student asked the teachers are graded in front of him or her as he or she was eager to see the results of all their hard work although the teachers hated it and my kids did this I did make sure my students work was diligently graded as possible somewhat surprisingly students appreciated my determination that they didn't BS their way through what was obviously a BS school when it came to other teachers students coming to me with mass packets I did the professional thing and actually went over the packet and gave the tests and quizzes are prescribed in the employee handbook for our schools and as mandated by our state the other teachers didn't like this I guess because they were you cities are just rubber stamping the work and passing regardless of whether or not it was completely done invariably teachers prefer to send their math kids to the other teacher because he had no problem just breezing through the packets as if they were flip books and assign whatever grade he dreamed of however even though for him to just scribble C+ please show your work for each question unpacked Kovac took no time at all and you could go back to searching up dating profiles on OkCupid I found out eventually he was already married he was into the fact that he graded perhaps maybe 20 math packets in one day whereas I graded maybe five because I graded them and assigned the tests and everything which of course took time eventually all the teachers began to grumble to how I was taking too long to grade their kids packets and thus slowing down their students graduation whereas mine was graduating relatively faster I began to hear rumors that kids only came to see me especially the boys because they wanted to screw me naturally the rumors eventually spread that I was banging the kids all the rumors spread that I was unqualified to be a math teacher it was a woman doing being a Matthews anyway I was just trying to hook up with young studs all sorts of nonsense still more rumors spread that I was cheating with my graduation rates and that it was all fraud so now my husband Doug had actually come to see me on a couple of occasions at this cool to go with me to my doctor's appointment so the staff knew what he looked like one day I had a phone on my desk when Clayton called to tell me the news that Sara was coming to visit next one unfortunately my reputation at the school Clayton's contract out showed up hugely on my phone screen when he called in the middle of the day and one of my busybody co-workers happened to be walking by my desk saw my phone and made a face barely concealed contempt needless to say rumors soon spread that I was cheating a dog with some other young man along with the high schoolers who I supposedly worked with off the clock still I tried to grind it out but I would plan my revenge too if it came to that I'm mature but I'm not above getting even I went through 12 years of junk growing up I'll be damned if I resign myself to a lot kind of junk as a grownup I flatter myself that I was at least sort of cool in college first thing I did was let my principal know what was going on my plan was if she addressed the bullying at the future meeting and put him into it then hey I wouldn't even need to get revenge I just go back to doing my job minding my own business how it's kind of hoping the principal would back me up as up until now aside from the red flag being obsessed with a school getting money and not with students learning anything she seemed friendly enough if a bit detached from her school's day-to-day operations I told that students would tell me quietly that mr. so-and-so or miss what's-her-name told him that I was dating it's doing or cheating on my husband more than one kid would tell me these kinds of things I knew the kids weren't trolling me as over the months I'd established a good rapport with all of them principal basically gasps lied to me and tells me I'm being paranoid it's a high school she says in high schools there's rumors it's part of the territory yeah I reply but they're you but the rumors are usually from the students not adults she doesn't really address this others didn't tell me that I need to grow up and not let petty things like suppose it rumors get to me she tells me to be the bigger person nah I should have mentioned that I brought my cell phone there with me and I've been recording the principal's responses to what I have been saying which was good for the case eligibility because as if on cue the vice-principal comes walking by once again world's greatest Chad coffee mug in hand oh hey mr. vice principal dude come on in really quick I thought principal was going to tell him about my concerns about the rumors that I basically both an adulterer and also trying to go to jail for illicit fun with minors but no instead principal and vice-principal complained to me that I'm being to throw in my rating of math work from students on other teachers rosters I explained that I'm trying to do my job according to the employee handbook they themselves given me and according to the 2-day training seminar standard for all teachers of Independence gutti schools where I live they had mandated I attend prior to my first day of employment they tell me I need a play ball and that our task was to get these kids out the door with the diploma in hand I counted with what good is a Poma if they don't actually know any history or how to read or how to use the scientific method or whatever principal actually calls me pretentious want to be female Jaime Escalante a famous calculus teacher they both strongly encouraged me to use my professional judgment ie place my teaching license in jeopardy by signing passing marks to work that is clearly not passing I get all of this on a record and I make sure to email out a backup copy of the mp3 to my outside of email address our school plays a slick when it comes to the school board inspecting our paperwork whenever the principal knows the state is coming for our inspection of our packets and audit they like to call it they have each of us take extra special care to grade about three or four packets in the subject area very thoroughly these packets were placed in a file cabinet in the middle of the classroom as you apply they represent our average work all other packets with BS grades on them go into the other file cabinets in the back that the school never invites the inspectors to look at we tend to empty out students folders into these file cabinets after they graduate the school had a policy that once a packet was three months old they only had to retain the cover with the teacher grades and comments to save cabinet space thereby destroying evidence that actual packet behind the cover was never actually done properly the phony cabinet in the middle of class represents active work the only sort of friends I made at the school was the music teacher and computer tutor who taught small labs only once a week and both whom had other full-time jobs and were married next to each other and had families the music teacher taught at a local community college and did the charter schools as a side hustle and the computer guy consulted and made six figures I therefore didn't feel too much guilt about what I was going to do still I quietly hinted at my plan to both of them on the day they came to campus and both were like do it after viewing the principal and vice-principal and the count to who just so happen to be walking by all encouraged me to basically commit academic fraud I thought Anthem I also suspected and later confirmed they had a secret buzzer system to server Pettit asleep calm or another from their desks which is why they always happen to be available at the same time when necessary or convenient I snuck toward the filing area where they had I slept towards the filing area where all the BS students work credits were stored and day by day over a period of three months took video of hundreds of packet covers all of them labeled with academic grades teacher comments and teacher signatures I of course also continued the videos to show page after page of blank worked and incomplete work non-central work English package especially were rife and ridiculous gibberish sometimes even mocking teachers like Miss English teacher is a Bodhi Hall and she doesn't even create our work lol and the cover would have missing this ug lady signature along with the A+ fantastic you are such a talented writer sure enough after three months secretary who was also kind of snooty and played on her smartphone and uploaded selfies to Instagram all day even though she was like 55 certain mountains of Boas work and filed only three covers printed in mountains of bogus work and found only covers throughout this whole time I had been slightly walking about the classroom in such a way that other teachers would think I wasn't trying to look at them or what was on the computer and I catch a video of them on Facebook or plenty of fish or shopping on eBay and they have a student interviewing right in front of them with the action will f at home one day I asked Doug how to do remote microphone that I could control from far away he's like what for are you trying to be James Bond but he's so smart and it's like child's play for him so he personally rigs up one for me at work basically it's like a wireless mic that isn't a detectable Bluetooth and he sets up a way for me to turn it on and off from far away I'm like that's awesome can I have 10 he smiles but he asked no questions because he's awesome like that next day he has a dozen of them I wanted so there's no way devices appear when other teachers turn on their Bluetooth earpieces I'm always the first I've worked because my co-workers tend to be irresponsible jerk holes so even though everyone is supposed to be there at their desk by 8:00 a.m. most of them drift in by 810 8:20 and so on I'm there 7:32 just in case I know the code how to get in keyless entry side door let myself in and slip a mic beneath everyone's desk each mic has a mini watch battery that's supposed to last quite a long time I'll bring my own smartphone and I don't use anymore and make sure was a huge capacity SD card that my husband got from me installed I connected it as a wireless audio input for the mics I then hit record and every day for two weeks I heard the teachers most of whom were wearing Bluetooth headsets ever since it became cláudio gossip across the room talking trash all day long totally unrelated to the work saying the most inappropriate things about other teachers the principal even the kids some of these things these middle aged women would say about what they would love to do with that young blonde God over there made me want to puke of course his teachers were too stupid disabled you text one another but they really want to sneak around and talk trash to them the Bluetooth thing was easier it's done but I knew I struck gold when I heard them screaming classroom was about me calling me an F and be a potential big city loser with no friends they definitely get me fired it doesn't like about how they didn't grade and just pretend to and that they were so glad they could just sit all day instead of teach the district how it was a cushy job how they were tricking the state inspectors during audits every day during my lonely lunches and they all went off until I don't know Applebee's I loaded up their previous day's mp3's into my real phone and edit out the dead air and keep all the good stuff I then emailed these separate dated files to my outside email address this whole time I continued to grade normal this whole time I could see the grade as normal and take my time doing job correctly I knew I was going to pull the trigger soon anyway with a last straw came when the latest student finished her last credit coincidentally a math one that I graded thoroughly and now had enough credits to graduate every time student graduates were supposed to blow party horns and gives him a little congratulations trophy and they get their diploma in the mail and a week or two later students had the option of attending a school-wide formal graduation at the end of the school year in June if they missed a graduated if they had graduated any time during that year from September onwards most however to go right into the workforce or the local junior college or state school so I blows through a party one for this girl and everyone in the classroom students and teachers clapping thewe see a Stickley the girls mom and dad and little brother came to that day to the classroom and instead of having a photo with me they all gave me a big hug later I reviewed the audio recordings that day and when the girl graduated other teachers were saying I had switched teams and that I was into eating rug they all said a lot of really mean things about her and her family and a lot of totally racist this family was Hispanic all the teachers and admin including me are white it just so happened that both the music teacher and the computer guy around the campus that day so in true half-baked fashion at the end of the day when the classroom was empty of students and teachers had the last five minutes to close down their computers I'll walk from teacher to teacher perks and other small belongings enhancing fu fu fu past computer guy you're cool passed by the user lady you're cool if you if you if you I'll walk into the principal's office while the other teachers are still in shock she's at her desk and I know where her little buzzer button is but Neath the desk the computer guy told me about it because he was on who installed it I said I'm quitting I don't want to be a part of your criminal school and just in case that buzzer was just a buzzer and not also a speaker I pressed the PA button on her wall and said mix Opie I'm quitting today because you're all a bunch of hateful unprofessional mean-spirited a-holes I said mr. computer in this music you're cool I decided to finally take my darling Doug up on his offer for me to be a stay-at-home mom and I'm cool with my mother-in-law she can stay epilogue I emailed our schools district I let our school district superintendent our city's mayor state governor the entire school board our local newspaper with all the files photos audio and video I had taken along with the terse one-page summary of what I've been going on was in weeks every single one of the teachers and administrators except the computer lab and the music lady who I made a special effort to prove had partakes and no wrongdoing had been fired and had their credentials at least suspended and in most cases were revoked outright only innocent parties like the custodial staff and alike emerged with their reputation unscathed all the teachers who worked at that school had been named and the principal's boards inquiry as having participated in fraudulent practices were blacklisted from teaching there or anywhere after few weeks of initial turmoil all the students currently enrolled at the school were due to parental pressure allowed to keep their existing credit completion statuses students who had already graduated did not how their Pullman's rescinded all students were given vouchers to enroll at the competing independent charter school down the road my own former school was shut down stayed a banner for a couple of months but eventually turned to electronic story all the other stuff happened within a month of my quitting but I told my hubby about it on the very day I came home his eyes lit up like Christmas and the raging justice boner he developed was just so hard that I was knocked up with our second child even before my back hit the mattress Clayton and Sara thought it was pretty cool I've since made new friends around town to go along with my computer guy and music lady and college friends especially with other moms Doug is killing it at work and his thing of starting his own company life is good TLDR don't f with the quiet ones my lord first of all I don't know how long this videos gonna be but that story took me 57 minutes and 11 seconds to read but that was a roller coaster of art that was so detailed in the backstory that I was like mandus this is probably gonna get really good I haven't read it before I was like this is my first time reading it the entire thing and this probably is by far one of my favorite pro revenge stories like she went a secret agent with the mics underneath desk walking by with her video getting a triple quadruple quintuple terabyte of SD storage for her phone cut up the video by herself sit it out to an offshore email she sent it to the district superintendent the mayor the governor the entire school board the local newspaper she showed everybody surprise I didn't get the email this unpro revenge I would say is nuclear revenge only because she got an entire building of people fired you have to have some really high confidence in your plan to go out with this to Congrats on her like keeping her wits during all this - is I know how hard it could be when you feel lonely and you're getting bullied and all that like good job good job to you I'm glad life is good entitled gossipy which sabotages my totally legal romantic relationship with my former teacher ruined her career and runs us both out of town how about I destroy yours and your entire family's whole life lady insert obligatory throwaway account explanation it applies I come from a really small town think the littlest most nothing happens here city extended layover in your fly over state nightmares and my hometown is even more quiet than that think half a mile or more between neighbors a single Main Street downtown one McDonald's one department store one movie theater with three screens where everyone goes there Friday and Saturday night church every Sunday everyone knows everyone else or at least knows their business the whole city is invested in the fortunes of the high school football team that sort of place graduating class of 60 not because the senior class was dumb it was just a tiny school I didn't really fit in at school and kind of was a loner by choice I cringe about it now that I am almost 26 but I wasn't want to be emo goth rocker I still got invited to a party with other kids not because they liked me necessarily but because I just wanted as many people to invite my mom baked cookies and cakes for church and when she wasn't doing that she cut her hair in the town's one salon my dad owned an internet cafe for a while when those were hot once everyone in our little nowhere town got Wi-Fi he turned into a tack service business is always slow because most people did their own taxes but he didn't really depend so much on his business he served 20 years as a petty officer in the Navy and so he and my mom got by on his pinching in high school I work at a private burger place that competed mostly unsuccessfully against the town single chain fast-food restaurant my boss always told me I should ask my mom to cut my hair and to stop looking like a dang girl no thanks old men so with all this boredom everywhere you can't imagine that this sensation miss amber Fontaine cause when the high school hired her could be the 11th and 12th grade English teacher miss Fontaine was a French extraction and had moved to America in her later teens to go to college in New York she was only 24 and very beautiful she sparked perfect English but did so with a very pleasant accent obviously all the guys loved her and lots of women hated her appeared oblivious to all the attention however and just stuck to her job really we didn't know too much about her she mostly kept to herself and nobody ever saw her hanging out with any men in town and it wasn't for lack of mince trying it soon became clear that she wasn't into dating any other men in her city had to offer much later I found out that she had just taken a job in our small town to gain experience with a future goal of being a college professor in a big city a sort of a two-year plan obviously I had a crush on her we all did it was still a small church-going town so nobody really acted out on his urges or tried to harass her or anything like that as guys we talked about how hot she was amongst ourselves usual locker room stuff teenage boys do but that was it my one real out of school experience with miss Fontaine was when she stopped to buy her burger joint I worked at and saw me working there she told me I had a nice smile and that she wished I smelled more because in school I was always frowning because I was in my emo everyone sucks face when the food Preppers came up with her food and hand it to me to give to her I was impressed and not at all surprised that she ordered a salad she didn't strike me as someone who ate the greasy slop we sold here in school the following Monday she smiled at me in the hall and I smiled back she said you're learning but not in a condescending or patronizing way just a fun kidding way and I exchanged a smile with her every time after and that was the extent of my great highschool romance with miss Fontaine exchanged a few hello some smiles during my senior year when I was 17 things changed the following year though I was 18 and still working at the burger joint when miss Fontaine comes into the restaurant oh hey Opie she says and she asked with real seriousness are you going to college I tell the truth I'm working with my band I cringe about this period of my life - playing guitar and saving money for Community College only sort of the truth about the last thing honestly most of my money I spent on weed and ecstasy I was the main vocalist in addition to being the guitarist and our band's only other member were Jerry the bassist and Gabe their drummer both of them were just out of high school like me and like me they had no plans to go to college Gabriel get the same burger joint as me and Jerry who had been one of my best friends in high school ironically worked at the chain fast-food restaurant down the street from my restaurant our lives at this time revolved around wasting our youth skateboarding getting high and playing our punk band we like to think that we played an emo Punk metal fusion but looking back our sound has an edge low miss Fontaine tells me that now she's in her second year of teaching she has a better sense of how to do things she tells me that she wished that her current students were as well-behaved and put as much effort as meat I earned mediocre grades out high school but consistently earned the A in English because I liked to read she said she'll see me around a few days later she comes into the restaurant again and we get to talking and she asked me if I'd like to go to the movie I can tell she's bored because there's really no on her own age to hang out with in our town or if there are they're all lame I think we both get the feeling that it's natural we should hang out and now I was completely out of high school and she wasn't my teacher and we were both adults by this time I was newly 18 and she had just turned 25 why not so that's how it started we met up in the early evenings totally innocent and go to the movie or to dinner at the one good restaurant in town miss Fontaine was cool about letting me slide when it came to paying for our dates because she knew I made minimum wage it was actually me who started to push our relationship to the next level after a while I started to hold her hand when we walked places and finally we started kissing never in front of anyone she taught me a lot of French words and phrases over the next summer and fall while we were going out my parents knew I was sort of dating my former teacher but since it was key word former they didn't really raise a stink about it miss Fontaine would always try to convince me to go her college but she did see our band play a few times when we got a rare gig at a roller rink and she was nice enough not to tell us what she really thought of us we didn't have sex until we've been dating casually for nearly two months that was my idea - but she admitted that she really liked me and she wanted it to happen ever since we reconnect earlier that year after I had graduated I'm not the kiss-and-tell type but my band mates sort of knew the dynamic in my relationship with miss Fontaine she had been amber ever since we first made out they appeared cool with it I stopped doing so much dope and really begun putting money away to save for college the JC near my house was super cheap amber would often tell me she thought about applying there for work I said that she really wanted to move to West Coast or back to the East Coast to teach at a college eventually she told her she'd like me to come with her after a few months I was in love with amber and she was in love with me too she said we didn't throw our relationship in people's faces or show public affection but it's not like we pretended not to know each other either amber had come around the house and my parents really liked her and thought she was a great influence on me I didn't expect to cut my hair but I was neater and more presentable and eventually I really did begin enrolling in GE classes at my local 2-year but then things went downhill fast out of seemingly nowhere amber got a call for a meeting from the local school board and this is my secondary account of the situation as amber was the one there not me there have been reports that she was dating a former student romantically they were talking about me and that she was having sexual relationship with said student while he was still a minor and still attending high school of course she denied everything of course they believe nothing she had sent me a desperate text and since ours is a small town I think I've mentioned that a couple times already I was at the meeting in literally 10 minutes I told him the truth that I was in miss Fontaine's class in 12th grade and that I was her student that was all I told the truth that we were reconnecting several months after graduation and only then did we begin dating and I was over 18 the opinion of the board was essentially Luxan we appreciated noble effort you're making to defend your friends honor but we're looking for the truth here not omissions I insisted that I was telling the truth and not trying to cover anything up after a lot of tears amber was simply warned that it wasn't becoming of a teacher to be seen with students outside of campus even if they're former students and we assumed that was all we were really wondering who I complained about us or who would make up the tales about us having sex while I was still a minor and a student of Amber's I was thinking Amber's apartment by this time I kicked in a portion of the rent of course I had even met her parents albeit only on the webcam there were good people they don't speak a lot of English but amber filled them in with the recent pieces they knew my age and they were cool about it we assumed it was just a small-town gossip and it would blow over boy were we wrong over the next several weeks Amber's meeting with the school board vicious rumors that started to spread I won't insult your imagination you know what people were saying one day my boss at the burger joint just told me he had to let me go some flim-flam excuse about the store losing money and my hairstyle was driving away customers whatever dude amber told me it wasn't my fault and she promised to support me when I look for another job but then one day she got fired too she was working as a probationary teacher meaning that during her first two years she could be fired for any reason and actually no reason had even be given explanations were for those who earn the tenure we both knew what she was getting fired but the district strongly implied that it was simply because she was an ineffective teacher in her defense I looked at the data on the district website and the number of students from our school who did well on standardized tests on her subject area lead to by double-digit points during the time she was a teacher there her numbers were far above state average and to this day Center departure the same scores have nosedived amber told me that students tended to respond to her and that she was very popular among the students it was true that she was immensely popular when I was a student and I'll assume the same carry true to the year after I graduated aside from the obvious fact that she was eye candy she was simply a good teacher a good person and that's why the kids liked her lots of students threatened to riot when she was fired but being a non dramatic non attention-seeking person she is amber asked him just to focus on their studies and doing well and helping their new teacher adjust he or she arrived to take her place my dad told her she got to sue the district but amber didn't want the drama besides she said she was allowed to resign so that I wouldn't show up on her record as of having been fired also she said that the district promised not to try to revoke her teaching credential her own parents suggested maybe she had to come home to France but she insisted on sticking it out in America my parents were cool and they offered to let her move in with us while she figured out her life she is lucky that her parents are well-off because they gave her some money to relocate to California she asked me please come with her that she loves me and that we could start new there I've always wanted to move to California so I jumped at the chance my parents were happy that I was in a relationship with a good person who obviously cared about me and gave us some money too we got an apartment together in Los Angeles area neither of us drove so you both got bucks to get around our new area was a world apart from our old life though I know Amber's own teenage years were in Paris so Los Angeles would have been much of a culture shock to her I immediately enrolled in a local community college and got a job as a waiter in a popular French restaurant our gimmick was that some of the service actually spoke French over the last several months amber had taught me a lot of friends so I was a very popular server at that restaurant because I gave it awesome tissa tea unfortunately for amber the school district misled her about teaching license when they promised not to have her license revoked they spoke the truth but they left out the part where they attached an official reprimand to it a huge tear of an appropriate relationship with students under her charge so we'll never amber applied for a teaching job this would immediately come up as a red flag on her applications another surprise red flag was at the school she applied to would notice that she was fired from her last job no it wasn't she'd say I resigned yeah but it says you were forced to resign to avoid termination for cause amber was seven years older than me but I think in some ways I know a lot more about how nasty Americans can be than her everywhere she went doors would slam career-wise she appealed to the state teaching license organization and they said they'd look into it but months later nothing came up cause to her former school resulted in getting a runaround no one knew anything so for the next several months I was paying our day-to-day bills and helping to support amber though I must acknowledge that the loans both our sets of parents gave us helped tremendously and we couldn't survive without them finally one day amber tells me you know what screw trying to teach public schools Oh NOP I'm pregnant so two pieces of good news many many months later amber and I are happily married wedding was beautiful in sunny Los Angeles Amber's parents and mine and our other families that all attended we had a pregnant honeymoon in France and now we have a son right Julie I'm closing in on earning my associates in information technology I've been promoted to met ray at the restaurant and have health benefits for my wife and son we live in a studio apartment but at least it's a huge studio and it's enough for now amber stays home with the baby but she also teaches online English and French courses for a private school so even though she's blacklisted from teaching in the public K through 12 district she can still teach which is her passion more months passed and I got my first job in IT troubleshooting computers for a small company downtown I make double what I used to make at the restaurant and my employer has a program record finish my bachelor's while I work and they will subsidize 50% for free and the other 50% they will dock from my opinion small monthly installments sounds like an amazing deal and I take it we moved to a bigger apartment amber is making her awesome contribution both as a mother and to our finances with her tutoring we're planning for her to eventually go back to school for her graduate degrees so she can finally fulfill her dream of teaching in college Oh more good news Opie I'm pregnant again life is sweet so while everything is going awesome one day I get a text from my mom she was at a local school board meeting with her neighbors regarding a bill proposal to hire more teachers apparently over the past few years the population has grown and the high school needed to expand so now it's a two horse town my mom says while she was at a meeting my mom ran into Gerry's mom Jerry was a bassist from my own band that I quit once I got into a serious relationship with Amber my mom never met Jerry or his mom or at least in the way that connected them to me the reason was because I never brought Jerry around our house because for a couple years Jerry wasn't my drug supplier he had to hook up for anything he wanted well what does all this have to do with anything my mom doesn't know Jerry's mom but she hears her and some lady talking about me and amber my mom heard them saying that Jerry had been the one to tell everyone about amber and me supposedly happened sex before I graduated and his mom went straight to the school board their names as informers were protected under confidentiality I had lost touch with Jerry over the years and had stopped playing music with him long ago I knew he had resented all the time I was spending with my chick it's a shame because he used to be such a good friend of mine it sucked that he was getting him behind my now wife and mother of my child and soon to be children fired from her career Jerry's mom was a teacher at Amber's former school of employment it became a joke ours and his mom had a huge stick in her book regarding prim and proper behavior and was a goody two-shoes teacher whose poop don't stink yeah her kid Jerry a student at her school is basically the biggest drug dealer in town also looking back I know he had a crush on amber too and probably always resented that I got to be in a relationship with her and he did it maybe it's because she knows quality youth jerk I was interested in learning that Jerry's mom was now on the school board I didn't tell amber about this all right away I just asked her to let me know what she remembered about miss Jerry's mom she told me that Jerry's mom was always really mean to her and often one of the main and instigators and getting everyone the adults on campus to exclude her from teacher social activities it's one of the main reasons why amber did make friends with the other teachers amber tells me that the male teachers tended to be nicer to her at first but the female teachers overwhelmingly the spice right before they even knew her Gerry's mom amber told me was also the teacher she knows who started a petition not to renew her contract for a second year at the school this was the first I heard about this evidently only a few female teachers signed the petition but the petition was placed in Amber's permanent file as evidence that the staff lacks confidence in her they were basically setting her up to be fired even though she was doing a good job at teaching and the students liked her well I'm more Kelly than Iowa these days but I still keep in touch with a few friends now growing up I knew in school including Gabe the drummer from our old band from what I hear Gary manages the burger joint I used to work at because the old guy who owns it is retired I have a social-media account but only use it to contact people in emergencies I never update anything my profile is practically blank online I'm not one of those people who checks it daily or uploads pics of my lunch didn't post about marrying or having kids and moving to LA I told people matter directly Jerry was still my friend on social media even though we stopped talking ages ago so I clicked his profile yep he definitely managed a place of employment I clicked on his friends and Families profiles and recognized his mom my old history teacher she was on the school board now Sant ammonius as ever I think I mentioned before that I came from a small town and in a small town there often isn't anything for bored kids to do other than do dumb stunts or do drugs and for the biggest loser kids of all the group that included me we were dumb enough to record ourselves partying and talking junk and doing that affirmation drugs that's exactly what my band used to do all the time whenever we had a show we'd go around taping ourselves using our cell phones we take a video of us rocking out skating drinking beer at the vacant lot take video of us getting high we'd also talk to the camera I hadn't thought about the old recordings in years but I never erased them from my old phones I'm the kind of guy who affords two cell phones not because I think they will increase the value or that I find them especially interesting but I kind of think of them like file cabinets of my past because I don't erase anything aside from phone numbers I don't really transfer data on one phone to a successor easy as it would be my current boss and those I used to do drugs and they don't care NIT I'm told that everyone used to get laid and many still do that's my wife offhand if her new job knows about what happened our old town she says yeah but they don't care about any of that they only care that she teaches expert level conversation friends that's what their clients we need them traveling professionals demand many of our coworkers she tells me had a few felonies on our records but her employer was a firm believer in rehabilitation copasetic so I check some of my old videos and find what I need I have no trouble finding videos of Jerry getting high as a mother effer that was practically every video and in practically every video he brags about his parents know he's a druggie and a dealer and want to ship him off to the army and make a man out of him the video I really want is nope it's not on this phone maybe the LG nope just more of Jerry rolling on ecstasy at a rave we snuck in out of state to attend when we were in 11th grade maybe my old galaxy bingo Jerry talks about how his mom knows all about the drug use and sometimes even smoke suite herself with his dad and how they caught him with cocaine once and yelled at him and his dad kicked his butt but then Jerry came home the next day from school to find his mom was coked out in the kitchen table and that she had called in sick that day the video was time-stamped I think that'll do I still don't tell amber it would only upset her in her condition but I asked my mom to contact the info of all the people who run a little town school board I already know the school's basic email address and I graduated not too long ago and so most of the administrators are still mid-career at my former high school I still have their emails I'll make a throwaway email account and attach the relevant video to it and send it to everyone that matters in town all the teachers the administrators even from the elementary and middle schools the church the pizza place the burger joint owner the roller rink boss you name it they got the files the files where Jerry exposes himself to as a coked-out drug dealer with his mom having full knowledge of the fact and her husband even indulging the drug himself the next day amber asked me while she's feeding our son honey why are you so happy I tell her and she starts crying no I'm not sad she reassures me I'm just so happy you did this for me then me amber ray too late and our bun in the oven goes for a walk because such a nice day still need a haircut not getting one do I even need to say what happened afterward all this ancient history shouldn't matter but in a small town it's devastating the videos are just a Jerry talking trash who knows if they even tell the truth doesn't matter in a small town gossip becomes gospel kind of how everyone believed me and amber was screwing before I turned 18 even though that was 0% true they ran us out of town on a rail my parents had to endure the fallout of my disgrace when I left town years ago with my French [ __ ] as all the idle busy bodies have dubbed my wife my mom and dad made their peace with it and have none themselves to the slurs and always stood up for us there what's good about small-town America Jerry got fired from his job police searched his house and net to say his mom's house and found a lot of drugs evidently when the rumors went flying that mixed Jerry's mom had a drug-dealing son kids busted for drugs in the high school caged on the pressure to admit who licked the month oopsie so he was telling the truth jail for you cock-blocking d-bag his mom was summarily dismissed from her job along with the appropriate black listing that being a drug abusing child and daydream fraud committing public official essentials my mom wasn't clear in the details but there's a possibility she and her husband might face jail time too it came out that Jerry's dad had been cheating on his wife for years with a woman from the church Jerry's whole family and persona non-grata they won't leave town but can't pending court case until then they'll just be hated to their face I'll hate them from across the country small town everyone knows everyone or at least their business which means sooner or later word will slip people are dropped uh it's confidential charade and figure out that I was responsible for a family's downfall I don't give a freak Jerry you listening good come at me bro remember at the beginning when I said I knew this had to be a good story that was an understatement I know like three stories ago I said that that was my favorite story about the teacher but this teacher story is even better this is this is crazy this has written like a novel most I cannot believe he sent that video to everyone like the friggin owner of the burger place - in the church people that sabotage that revenge this is not Pro revenge he's not a professional this is nuclear revenge he looked that entire family's life they got exactly what was coming to him Jerry for being a snitch his mom for being a snitch to the school school grad in Kansas Council Jerry's dad just cause he's Jerry's dad I enjoyed the story to an extreme and now I'm saving this we're going to be doing the arc slash malicious compliance which is people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of the request company policy outranks a written contract okay we'll stick to the policy then early last year my wife got a promotion which required moving across the state her company offered a very generous moving package which was formally written up in a contract which we had to sign an agreement for promotion was official one of the big draws that the contract said we would pay for all closing costs and related fees for not only to sell our previous house but the purchase of our new house in our new city that was a little dubious and have my wife clarify as there are associated fees due at closing which aren't really sale fees such as prepaid homeowners insurance for the year taxes HOA fees but the contract said all fees and the HR specialist reiterated this so we were happy cut to a few months later were moved in rent short term found a new home closed and moved into it the final reimbursement check comes in and it's about $1,000 short of our prepaid I wasn't shocked but I double-checked the contract and yep clear as day all fees was included so my wife reached out to the HR moving supervisor to check this and she was pretty curtly told that we had been misled and that our company policy was only to pay closing costs themselves and all fees just meant closing costs fees that's always been the company policy we were told and the contract wasn't literal on all fees this went back and forth for a day my wife politely escalated it and we did get a sympathetic HR director but policy was policy so her hands were tired here's the malicious compliance though while the company policy said that we couldn't get pre paid fees reimburse she the HR director asked for all of our moving in winter receipts as company policy does state that those would be paid the HR director pored over all receipts and all for another day and reached back with a formal letter which said sorry company policy doesn't allow prepaid reimbursement so you won't get your $1000 but I did find that you weren't adequately reimbursed for your move and short-term rental per company policy and we have submitted a claim for you for that amount another day later we got a check for $5,800 we just wanted them to honor the contract but following company policy to the letter got us another 4800 we didn't realize we were owed so I'd say it worked out in the end edit to answer the common question about being would the 1,000 per the contract what we were told is that the contract we signed was supposed to have the company policy amenda m-- which had the definitions and all other fees is defined as excluding prepaids insurance etc so someone did goof by a not sending us that and be telling us that stuff was included so while we could have hassled for that $1,000 it wouldn't be worth the time freeze or money especially when the company has been above and beyond for my wife on everything else good raises great benefits great boss constantly training her on things she asked to learn etc we've also learned from experience that small claim court isn't always a way to go TLDR property manager from the rental during the move screwed us out of 1800 ignored our lawyers i had to screw them by calling them out on the website since court wasn't worth it wow that's good they're up by four thousand eight hundred dollars i would count that as a win that HR director was a real MVP this story good job that's that's good on you let's read one more medium-size story from our slash melissa's compliance i launching a play against my regulatory body and all of a sudden i get an audit i don't make it a lot of fun I'm a paramedic I hold a license to practice in my own home province and we are self regulated profession answering to the province college of paramedics the CLP sucks and they run basically by the dreads of society who decided to become bureaucratic psychopaths this past year they had a problem with my CPR certificate apparently being an instructor with the Red Cross was not good enough I was forced to take heart and stroke such a BS and arbitrary decision for God's sake I teach CPR 30 times a year anyways I got my card and I was able to keep my license since they screw with my career I'm going to load to the register complaining about their screw worried the problem is I was actually suspended for non-compliant and couldn't work for 11 days I was given three days notice to get a new CPR card and our regulation closes December 31st of course everyone who teaches was closed for the holidays I didn't particularly enjoy my unpaid holiday and a written reprimand from work so I fired off a letter well I will admit it was highly vitriolic I thought it was necessary to convey my displeasure since they cost me nearly two weeks our pay fast forward six weeks and I'm browsing through the email spam folder just by chance looking for an email my grandmother told me she sent and lo and behold I found an email from the CEO P argent practitioner audit with absolute horror eye-opening I've got two days left to submit proof of my yearly professional development recommends I'm a guest they sent a single email that was filtered out by my gmail no calls no follow-up and once again I'm risking getting my license suspended and possibly revoked those dirty mother effers I think it's not enough you take $700 from me every year not enough you freakin suspended me without actual cause nine years out of the last ten a Red Cross instructor card was sufficient you give me an audit and I don't insure I know about it well I've got a vindictive freak in me and I really comes out but today I felt a great injustice has been done so every year I have to do training classroom our online courses to keep up my skills and knowledge my employer provides a ton of materials like in meet my registration requirements we have a credit system and generally you have five credits per hour up to maximum forty porkers yearly we have to submit 90 credits to keep ourselves in good standing my utter requires I submit scans or PDFs of certificates and of course outlines that reflect both content and hours I've done a lot of courses this past year I like learning so I'm way beyond the required I need credit I've taken nearly 30 courses some long some short some online Selman classrooms I submit all my documents in PDF forms certs outlines dan I'm just so paranoid about the possibility of not sending in everything I need that I was up there taking a separate screenshot of all my digital manuals each page is saved individually of course and scans of each page of my physical course and manuals alongside my certificates you can never be too careful I reason it ends up being over 500 documents and unfortunately I don't have the luxury or time to label any of them they get several batches of emails with PDFs named untitled one through 594 maybe it wouldn't have been so bad but being threatened with the deadline I didn't sort them and there's really no logical order to their position and 500 enjoy your day a whole I'm assured lis compliant I did get a call from the college not show these jerks to finally call asked me to resubmit but aw shucks I'm in New Zealand for vacation visiting my grandmother nearly ten thousand kilometres from laptop p-pop college paramedics i still work as a paramedic and I haven't heard boost since day the tough comment says have I heard from them better check the spam folder I've been fired for two years now no but guy that does suck that's the terrible situation to be in it sucks to be that one guy that has to sort through the one out of 554 files or whatever was I feel for that man or woman won't swap places because tickets are the law enjoy your night smelling poopoo so this happened when me and my two friends were traveling to another city in my country with a quiet old and slow night train we have bought tickets spontaneously in quite late so we're they're divided into different compartments usually it's not a problem to come to an agreement with people to swap places with you it's quite common practice the wagon had about nine compartments each has two top and two bottom shelves me and one of my friends were in a compartment number two close to the conductor's office I don't know this small room where they say and we were on the top and bottom shelves and my other friend was in a compartment number 9 top shelf this other friend's compartment was next to the toilet room the thing is you usually wouldn't want to be in number 9 on these two old trains because ninety percent time it smells horrible all the way because of the toilet we wanted to ask someone from our compartment to swap with our friend but it turned out we had a nice couple going with us so it's us - who would have to move so we haven't unpacked it as well as many of the passengers and we went to visit our friend in number nine and asked someone from his compartment to swap places with us and we felt lucky as we saw that we had another couple with them occupying top and bottom shelf just like us swapping should be easy as we are further from the toilet and that's a huge perk the conversation went as follows edited fake names instead of abbreviations because it's hard to read Alex friend who was with me Nick my friend from number 9 Karen stupid lady poop man her stupid boyfriend hey we have a friend travelling here would you mind swapping places with this we have the same shelves as you do no get away from my compartment know that Nick is there as well as another passenger lady please it's farther than the toilet and we'll be travelling together as a group yeah please if you would listen kids would you calm down dang it I paid for my ticket and we are staying just in the place we pay for I'm not into some stupid bargains excuse me we're offering better spots just because I want to be with that friend I'm not falling for this you probably have ticks on your pillows or worse what no it's not like that we just wanted to have a chat maybe play cards listen screw up with that stupid junk I paid and I stay here and your supposed staying yourself it's the law when you buy tickets well that escalated quickly there is no such law and no one cares but okay her boyfriend made sure he called us morons a few times so we could hear it going back to our compartment we were confused of such a negative reaction as to something you come across usually people would politely decline and that's it our friend told us that they were complaining to him about us what a lovely couple fast forward a few hours and we're getting ready to sleep Knicks decided to pay us a visit he comes and says that number nine starts to smell like poop and pee because people have been using the toilet we mock him and laugh about having to spend the night with those stupid people and smelling poop the next couple that stayed with us in number two also laughed with us as we befriended them and told them their story already about ten minutes pass and I someone knocks on the door we are a bit confused of who it might be we open the door and would you know that stupid man is there um you guys we have thought about your offer and we think that we would like to accept it you mean swap we've already unpacked yeah I'm sure this is fast and no problem and my woman who is unable to sleep there is it the smell yeah it's bad she's sick because of it I see my friend and I already feel he was about to say I hear his inner drum preparing for the moment sorry man we're paying on the selves that we pay for it's the law I made a walrus gulp and closed my face from laughing Nick chuckled in his hands and the nice couple had a happy shocked expression on their faces the a-holes ended up spending the night with the smell worsening every hour Nick also suffered there but he said it was worth it listening to Karen eating her man's brains out over her not being able to fall asleep she tried to spray her perfumes around but I only turned the smell until a pile of poop and flowerbed TLDR we politely asked other passengers to swap places with us to be with our friend even though his compartment was right next to the smelly toilet they refused rudely and called his name's came back later to ask to do the swap because they couldn't bear the smell we inserted with their own words take it side of the law and it thanks so much for the silver it's my first one ever this is such a good malicious compliance because I love when people use their own words against them like that's like the ultimate screw you also I read in the comments that this guy is actually Russian he speaks Russian as his first language and that's why a couple of his statements were a little bit weird like I made a water scoop and eating his brains out but all in all this it was a really good story okay like next this Nick one seems to be really short some parking funds find some parking this was a year or two ago the house I was living in has a garage but it's been converted to a workshop so I always had a park on the street I got a letter from the council to say that they were going to be doing road servicing for all the streets in the area and all cars had to be off the road so that they could replace the bitumen bit to them the problem is that they didn't say what streets are and what order that they would be doing them in so me trying to be considering I moved my car off the road and parked in my old driveway between the road and the footpath I made sure I was not blocking the footpath or on the grass nature strip the very next day I noticed some parking ticket on my car the reason printed in the fan was vague mentioning obstruction of access so I rang the council the conversation was as follows me hi I received a parking fine that I don't think is valid can I get some more information about the road rule violation so I can contest and have it cancelled council person he caught us in the way it should have been parked on the road I moved to off the street as per your request to clear the road and I only parked it in my driveway so that I wasn't on the bidding them as you hadn't given me any indication on which roads were going to be resurfaced then it should have been on a different Road which one I don't want to be on the way while you were servicing are you dumb if you were working on the street maybe you could park on Smith Street so that's exactly what I did apparently that's also what the three other people did they also got tickets now Smith Street has three patches of old bitten and where the council workers had to carefully resurface around the cars that were parked exactly where we were told that kind of sucks for both people like the pavers kind of guy like I know it wasn't the council workers that we're out there resurfacing the road so they had to go and do a job around those cars and this guy got fine just because the council workers was big jerks but I mean at least the council burgers didn't get what they wanted so for this next story I had to look up what Mmmbop or imp up was I guess it's a group I guess it's a group like an artist's that does songs then it looked like it was a really old song so it's probably not in my generation and if the boss threatens firing the staff or playing in Bop from an approved company CD list I'll get you demoted I worked one summer at a canoe rental company located in the large provincial park the place employed about 60 people aged 16 to 23 on average with a few management who were older one of the rules at the place was the only acceptable music that could be played on the speaker system was from a specific list of approved albums that were in a book filed with CDs one of my job was to open up the shop in the morning this meant that I started about 15 minutes before everyone else my usual routine were to be get everything unlocked the tills in place move a few canoes that were for first thing rental that morning and then exactly oh 700 press play on the CD player I would go and get my morning coffee eat breakfast and watch the world go by for 15 minutes before going back to work usually the person who started that oh 700 in the shack would be the one responsible to pick and start the music however as I was really efficient I would be able to get my morning duties done press play and be long gone from the vicinity before that song I had picked was apparent to people listening for the first few days I chose nice classic upbeat music to get everyone going Beatles Led Zeppelin maybe play some CCR etc I really enjoyed sipping my coffee and watching all the kids starting work bopping their heads to the music as they flipped canoes cleaned off tables etc this isn't manager was one of those my way or the highway individuals if you got on his bad side he would give you the worst job to belittle you in public and essentially just be a jerk hole we shall call him assistant dick one afternoon one of the younger women working at the shack put on the CD from the book by Hanson called Mmmbop everyone in the area who could hear the speaker started bobbing their head to the music and started singing along to the chorus all in all everyone seems to be enjoying the song everyone except Assistant dick right when the course dropped he comes running out of the office and starts very loudly yell at the woman working the shack I won't call him verbatim but essentially he told her if you use stupid jerk if you were anyone else plays the song again you will be fired he makes her take off her uniform and leave work for the day I overhear parts of the discourse an approach assistant dick and asked why he reacted the way he did and that the CD she chose was in the approved binder so what's the issue you can't fire a threaten someone's job if they are following the rules his response was something along the lines of that the song would make the company look bad and shouldn't be played he refused to apologize to the woman when I told him he was a delight and his response was to threaten my job as well mix 2000 700 and every morning I worked thereafter guess what song I chose to play at full volume remember by the time the chorus drops I'm long gone from the check so whoever was unfortunately closest to the radio at the moment would get yelled at and threatened etc I made several extra copies of the CD so every day assistant dick would throw out a hanson CD and the next day it would get played again I made a plug to talk with anyone that got Yoda afterwards and explained their legal rights to them in that they had witnessed how out of line assistant dick had been no one got fired or officially disciplined despite assistant dicks as tense this went on for about a month until the owner got an early one day and observed a whole process especially how assistant dick talked to the staff the album was on the approved list and it was totally acceptable choice assistant dick was demoted and was not hired back to next year I of course played the song daily the rest of the season whenever when now just called dick was also working it gives me a little skip in my step when I hear that song and picture the scowling face storming across the dock with the Sun rising over the horizon and the birds chirping in the background beautiful Tod our assistant boss threatens people they will be fired if you played Hanson in Bop from the approved company CD list so I play it every day today we have the time I did exactly what the Japanese police and mr. belligerent wanted me to do to start this is not malicious compliance against the Japanese police as it is against a customer from 80 double hockey sticks oh and if the police are called to a dispute they won't take sides unless the laws being broken in four them that is for the course to sort out they just keep the peace talk to the two parties and try to work things out on to the story in 2008 I think I was a club owner in Japan I went into place from a rascally old man who let me do pretty much what I wanted the club had a motorized mirror ball hanging the ceiling a pool table and a protected there left over from the former renters that the landlord said I could use free I made a lot of money used in the downtime a club is usually wasted space during the day setting up party space type events after weddings reunions and like here's an actual picture of one of the sit-down type events here it is here it is basket of glory three two one let's go the tables would disappear at night and you would have a dance floor one party got a little rowdy and during the festivities the crazy hosts live you thought it was a good idea to pick up a chair and swing it over her head don't ask me why she was very drunk the arc of the swing launched the mirror ball into the air smashing to the floor and a thousand shiny pieces after my staff cleaned up the broken glass she promised to pay for it and I thought that was that I jumped online found a like model in Amazon and added the price to their bill I don't remember the price while being motorized it was past a hundred dollars with non motorized versions sailing from modulus about three hours after a very angry host lady's husband shows up or Seaton Han saying i scammed the drunk host lady and she was going to call the police and shut me down and rabble rabble rabble our back and forth went on for quite a bit and honestly I was getting a bit tired of his macho in-your-face attitude he then said he would talk to my landlord and give me evicted I was at the eye rolling stage and sarcastically said oh don't get him involved you will regret making him mad unfortunately sarcasm doesn't translate well in Japanese and he jumped on the humor gaffe to say I was threatening his life and called the cops the cops were totally professional but a bit overzealous and responding to the call three patrol cars and two bikes showed up I guess the guy made it out that I was in a league with the mob and I guess gaijin plush josue coup in the 2000s equal overkill they listened to us together then they separated us and got each side of the story then just to be sure the police talked to each other switched places and asked us all over again the same questions slowed the cars one by one went back to work leaving only two motorcycle cops with us and the back-and-forth argument all very tedious finally one cop pulled us aside and said look he's willing to pay for the damage but only if you apologize for threatening his life being American where we see lawsuits everywhere I was reluctant to say such a thing so I walked back to the man and the police and I asked everyone if I apologize for him getting frightened this whole business is done angry man has his arms crossed and I'm macho smug ya be say you're sorry look at his face the two policemen are also waiting for me to speak I am really sorry really so sorry you got scared so easily had I known implying weakness I would have chosen my words more carefully dang if extremely polite Japanese can't turn into a slap in the face do turns beat red and I swear to you the policeman on the left let his guard down just enough to let the corners of his mouth twitch into a grin just for a moment then the policeman said he did as you asked now time to go home and they herded him into his car thank you very much for singing through all of that hope nothing was lost in translation TLDR dude asked me to say sorry for threatening him so I'm making out to be a scaredy cat edit you're all right this happened in 2000 the day in the picture is 2008 memories fleeting scary thing sorry again I believe the story unedited and live with the shame that's exactly what he gets that's probably the biggest like kick in the nuts you can do to some guy that thinks he's like all big ole macho man and just imply that he's like some kind of [ __ ] music ooh he's so insecure those guys remember like chill out man it's okay to relax like just just try and be yourself man that's exactly why I love militias compliance people getting exactly what they deserved and what they asked for everyone's happy I have to take a sick day alright then I apologize for formatting as I am in mobile for a bit of context my daily commute is at minimum two hours yes I know I could go into details on why I haven't moved closer but I won't right now today I woke up not feeling too well headache a bit fever and just not feeling too good so I decided to stay home I informed that I'll be staying home since I have a lot of work to do I'm going to work from home my workload is insane to be honest a few minutes later I get an email from my boss saying that since I was sick I should take a sick day basically they don't want to pay me for working from home that if I work they'll decide later on if my work from home is approved or not oh really well fine then I emailed them back saying I was taken today as a sick day then because I'm not risking the chance of working and then not getting paid now either like peacefully in my bed my email is being flooded with things that need to be done simple things I could do if I was allowed to work but I'm not sure you're gonna have to wait until tomorrow if I'm feeling better so I can solve these things for you so sorry I love this short and sweet I love his attitude this type comment is worth reading in her previous role I requested to work from home but was told it wasn't possible therefore I refused from that point to do anything at all from home and outside normal working hours this was a global company and my role involved working directly from the UK with teams from both China and the USA so my working day could in theory stretch between 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. depending on the project everything still got done eventually but sup what conversations took three days complete as our working days never aligned and I refuse to answer messages and emails at home I took a couple of weeks and a project involving the Chinese CEO before my boss in Europe realized what was going on how did your bus react well he said it previous role let's read one last sweet and short ones because it just so nice got to use for a free photography made sure a special friend was included I'm not a professional photographer but I do have decent equipment and portfolio so a lot of friends will hit me up for discount photoshoots most of them paid or at least buy me dinner but others expect me to do it for free I'm close to my ex-boyfriends family so I was thrilled when his younger sister asked me to come to her prom pictures earlier this month and does she told me to bring the camera I did mention to her that I'm doing online school and I have an exam due that week for the pictures might not be ready for another week she was fine with that within two hours of taking pictures of half-a-dozen high school students I end up with 300 plus shots because everyone wanted the perfect Instagram shot whatever I can go home study and slowly work on sorting through the pictures later they're not paying me so I wasn't exactly motivated either I got a text from her and her mom around 11:00 p.m. they one of the pictures edited and uploaded by the next morning so they could be showing off on social media I tried to explain that I'm studying but they won't have it in they said we don't care how you edit it just make it look nice fine I spent three plus hours working on the pictures and editing them really nicely then I even was proud then I had Shrek into the background of every single picture trick with his head poking out from between the kids trick posing happily Shrek had a very nice time at prom evidently I uploaded the pics and sent them off no one noticed the extra guests for weeks and I got my ear chewed out by my exes sister that I didn't appreciate her 900 followers on Instagram seeing Shrek grinning between her and her boyfriend they asked me to edit however I wanted so I delivered Shrek was one of my best clients I ever had this is exactly something I would do this is more of a petty revenge actually it's both petty revenge and malicious complaint she didn't maliciously comply but she got a little um petty revenge in there with all those tricks that's a really good one I'm not gonna lie blame me for cheating because I didn't do your laundry okay I dated this a-hole before dear hubby he was a cheating kind we'll call him Chad about six months into our relationship some girl from another school went bat guano rage that tattoo was cheating on her with me spammed everyone in her address book with the news left me with some wild crazy voicemails nearly lost her poop very publicly on him upon confronting Chad with the shocking news he made a terrible mistake his had to blame me for his cheating if I did the laundry and made dinner more often he wouldn't have cheated on me how these things are related to this is baffling but it definitely got him on the Express train to X town we didn't even live together so it was an especially odd choice for him to blame and shame game I did however have keys in his place and malice in his heart you want me to do your laundry I'll do your laundry I swung by a local big-box craft store and pick up a cheapest bright red towel they had you know the one that looks to die for its entire lifespan as a towel turning everything that will ever get near it pink then I loaded up his washer with my towel bleeding dye and everything white I could find his hand underwear socks t-shirts you name it it was going to be pink then I executed the tackiest breakup of my life you think getting dumped by text is bad I did it by post-it note I left her we're through type message just in case number of names I called him after that blame and shame attempt haven't made it completely clear he has sort of run away before I got all the way to were over it worked out even better than I hoped because he didn't come home for a few days he bugged out to visit his family for a long weekend to avoid the heat from too pissed women and their friends by the time he got home he had damp pink mildew a mess in his washer based on an angry voice most-like got Chad didn't really want me to do his laundry after all TL DR Ted blamed cheating on me because I didn't do his laundry we didn't live together I turned his whites in the pink and left him to rot wet while he was out of town broke up with him via posted on the washer this is a revenge sort of malicious compliance I mean she got some revenge on him I know that guy had to be extremely mad but he really deserved that honestly think you deserve more than 10% off and refuse to listen to our warnings okay then you can't have it hey y'all first ever post here and it's not much but it put a smile on my face so I figured why not on mobile sorry for formatting cetera TL DR at the bottom so our customer service had a very popular retail store that basically sells everything from food to electronics to plants you've all been to this poop hole and I'm sure you know exactly where I'm talking about but I'm not gonna say the name since I'm still Darrin toe unique poop stars are you talking about Walmart so since I work in the customer service desk at one of the least respected stores I pretty much see the scum of the earth daily and most management is part of that making rules that make sense on paper but not in practice giving screaming customers whatever they want because they screamed but not giving anything to the people who are not kind to the workers etc today management had our backs though I have lots of stories but this one is fresh from yesterday so here you go a woman comes up to the customer service desk asking if she can have a discount on a pair of shoes because they looked a turd and bad there was nothing wrong with the shoes they just looked cheap because well that's what they were my coworker was the one she approached and now I wanted to argue told her we can give her a 10% off this is the next discount even for associates we aren't really technically supposed to give discounts on anything but is it big company and they don't care about a few bucks - whatsoever this girl gets mad dough and says she doesn't think she should have to pay anything even close to full price for something of such low quality the shoes for 1497 by the way my co-workers claims that's the best we can really do for her but she could buy a pair that she thinks is less tattered she says they all look like that because that's how the shoe supposed to look and that she wants to be to a manager because she deserves to pay less for something so tattered at this point I stepped in because we were so understaffed that night I knew the men who are currently dealing with other issues associates being nowhere to be found an issue in the parking lot lots of sick calls etc and in my experience with most people that just need to be told by another person the same thing we were told the first time I totally that the max discount anyone was able to give the store is 10% and that's only actually for broken items even for associate and if the manager comes up they will most likely tell her she's not getting no discount at all she scoffs and says sure I want to speak to them anyways and we'll see I really want these shoes and they're the only ones in my size and they're tattered I tried to tell her again that the managers won't give her a higher discount and then it'll probably just take him 10 minutes to get to the front but he tells me that she wants to manager and she'll see for herself q malicious compliance I had originally thought it'd be a a ho tax situation but it turned out better so I call for a manager and like I predicted took about 10 to 15 minutes for them to come to the front and I guess they weren't very happy about it presumably since they were in the middle of something else so at this point this lady has already waited at least 15 minutes of her day waiting here making faces at me and my co-workers as though we shoot one I put the manager toward the customer and when she gets there they go ask what the issue is the lady starts bashing me and my co-workers saying that we all horrible customer service and then the customer is always right about that and she wants a bigger discount than just 10% because these shoes are broken she now says I guess since we told her we won't get a discount unless it's broken she doesn't want to pay even close to the full price for something so low-quality she repeated my manager looks at it and tells her they're not broken and that's just how the shoe looks lady are you saying that she deserves a bigger discount at this point I guess my manager just snapped and said okay well if you're sure they're broken then we can't actually sell them they have to go through our claims department and then you get sent back to the company sorry for your troubles is there anything else I can help you with actually takes the shoes plus them into the bin we have behind the desk that goes to claims the woman is speechless for a second and a mandrill walks away when the start stirring to us that she'll take 10% now we told her no she even said she'll pay full price and say were the only one in her size we just told her over and over that no we have to send them back to the company since they're broken and we can't sell them to anyone she eventually gives up and walks away my coworker and I had a good laugh about five minutes later she walks past us again and yells I'm not buying a single thing from the store anymore I responded ok have a great night and smiled all cheery while she's shuffled on left unfortunately I'm about 99% sure she'll be back in a week like every other customer who was never shopping here again but one can hope TLDR TLDR lady thinks she's entitled to a discount more than 10% my coworker offered her on a perfectly fine pair of shoes because they looked bad I want to speak to a manager after I warned her she'll probably say no discount at all the men just tells her we can't sell her the shoes at all since she says that they're broken and takes them away so she can't get any in her size at all that's exactly what this Karen gets this I bet you everywhere she goes she says I want to speak to your manager and guess exactly what she wants in this one lovely occasion this one awesome lovely malicious compliance occasion she got nothing the talk calm is I always respond to I'm never shopping here again with a big thank you and the most amazed yet sincerely please voice I can muster I actually used to work at Walmart I worked in the money chin area and that also dueled with customer service so I had to go work in customer service at Walmart which I appreciate this girl was talking about I understand this to the max that was my job was bad but that job was terrible everyone just screaming and crying to get their way throwing big baby fits here it's like please get out of here like always I have no clue how long this video is gonna be able let's do one more small little malicious compliance I warned you I was sick some of a previous post you all know that my mom's accident is abusive jerk and one day I was cornered because I zoned out during math lesson he was giving homeschooling with an abusive a-hole really sucks standing in the corner for those of you who don't know basically means staring at a wall with my hands at my side and no noise for 10 minutes or whatever arbitrary time her high-energy kid like I was it royally sucked I hated it but today was a special day I also sometimes feel ill if I don't sleep it's rare but it was late at night this night and 10-year old me starts to feel ill and month at have been far past my bed but it was clearly too late for my stomach me I'm gonna be sick him not believing me stay in the corner malicious compliance kicked in so I stayed there the next noise he hears for me is the gargling splashes of what contents of my stomach I've just made a grand exit I covered the wall and the carpet and he promptly shouted me to go to the bathroom I had to clean it up after I was done puking but I find it very amusing years later he'd take it more seriously after that when I told him I have to go I would he was so mad this reminds me so much of a story my older sister did me and my older sister are both pretty picky eaters and my twin sisters not but the one time my mom had my older sister stay at the dinner table and try and make her eat something she didn't want which I think was bread she didn't like sandwiches so she tried to get her to eat bread it I'm pretty sure that's what it was and she stuffed it in her mouth and as soon as she was done taking like two but she just threw up all on her plate my mom was like get out of here that was a one and only Tom I'm pretty sure my mom was just sick and tired of us not eating everything on our plate and she was just like trying to get us to do it that time for real in it it didn't turn out good oh you're only a builder what the heck do you know just build a dang thing to spec LTF FTS etc this is fairly long so there's a tldr at the end but this is one of my favorite stories from my home town it was long ago so the specifics aren't that exact but overall the story is as it happened I grew up in a small town community on an island off the coast of a thriving metropolitan area it has its ups and downs but it was generally pretty quiet sort of life the community had a fairly large immigrant population from the various European countries and one of those was well let's call him John John the Builder he and his numerous brothers had to all move to the island together and started a construction company John was a big affable man easygoing and always smiling he spoke excellent English but had a thick accent some people assumed his accent meant his grasp of business with lacking but usually not for long within a decade or so of him moving there Johnny's brothers were pretty much the only builders of note on the island and anything bigger than the garden shed would go through them around that time my granddad retired and moved with my grandma he contracted John to help him build his retirement house and they bonded over their mutual appreciation over really good concrete mix and pour by then John's family were good friends with ours too so John and my grandpa kept in touch regularly and we're often getting involved in discussions of building methods and let some years later the old couple running the main petrol station in the town decided to sell up and retire and the place was bought by big fuel company big field company decided that the quaint old station and garbage was in dire need of a complete makeover and modernization and drew up plans accordingly after putting the work out for tender they grudgingly accepted that with the cost of relocating and labor forced from the mainland to the island for the works John's construction firm was by far the most cost-effective they weren't happy about it though and made it clear that they thought John and his brothers were a bunch of rural Cowboys who couldn't be trusted to nail two planks together still the contracts were signed and the blueprints delivered to John as well as the usual amenities the new station was to have a high artistically stylish roof over the fuel pumps held up by two support pillars you know that sort of thing John made the plans that about the stiff sea breezes and the location was subjective and frowned he took the blueprints around to my granddad and discussed them possibly not entirely within the bounds of the contract but John was concerned the next day John rang big fuel companies contract and said in his thick accent this roof isn't going to stand up the support pillar footings are too shallow and the roof itself is too large for pillars at size plus you haven't factored in the strength of the winds we get there everything else is fine but you need to redesign that roof rubbish scuffed big field company guy we had it designed by a very exclusive architect and our engineers signed off on it it's fine you don't know what you're talking about maybe said John but I've been building here for 20 years and I think you should go over my design again don't be ridiculous you're just trying to get the contract extended we don't need to check a design now get building click John being a genuinely nice bloke thought that maybe this was just one person being difficult and also further this sort of thing should probably be in writing sat down and will declare letter expressing his concerns about the fuel pump shelter and sent it overnight to the big field company office on the mainland the next day he got a call from big field company office from someone further up the ranks what the heck is this who do you think you are trying to tell arced architects and engineers that they don't know what they're doing you're only a builder what the heck do you know just build the dang thing could you put that in writing please ask John this is the point at which sensible manager would be given pause when the contractor specifically asked for it in writing you should probably ask why fine snarls the big fuel company guy and in fact through a terse note that he'd read the letter and considered it mistaken and to get on with the construction John shrugged carefully filed a note and went ahead with the build a little over a month later the new station was finished roof and all on a pleasantly gusty day perfect for sailing big field company bigwigs flew over to see the results standing there with John and a curious crowd of locals they lost a shiny new stylish roof danced and swayed in the ring in a manner decidedly unlikely to reassure anyone thinking of refueling their car underneath it what the Freak is this inquired big field company boss just what I tried to warn you about replied John BS you screw up the construction and now you're trying to pin it on us we're not paying for this you're going to need to tear down at your expense and build it right it's built exactly to your blueprint said John if you want to rebuild you have to pay for it preferably with a new design not a chance this is on you and if you've got a dodge responsibility for it we'll sue sounds good said John see you in court so the fuel section was cordoned off and legal proceedings went ahead I don't know much about them but at some point I do know something like this happened judge defense you may call your first expert witness John's lawyer thank you your honor we call professor Dorner his granddad internationally recognized civil engineer who chaired the report into the redacted bridge collapse and was head of engineering at university for 25 years fake field company's team legal John's lawyer thank you for joining us professor would you please tell the court how you first learned about the project and question my Grandin of course young fresh poetry with his concerns directly after receiving the blueprints I agree with the assessment and I have since joined up a brief report on the problems of the roof design the details and supporting calculations are in pages four through 16 but if you don't mind I'll just read the summary I don't have the following problems big field company legal team all down with that and the note John had it didn't take long to be settled big field company was on a hook for all of it plus legal fees they had to pay John to tear down the unstable roof and build a new one designed by a different architect and checked by off-site engineers nonetheless when John got new plans hearing big film company and said hope you don't mind I'm just gonna run these past the prop before we get started TLDR small town billary gets big contract spots problems and raises concerns is told to build the spec build suspect problem happens big company tries to blame it on small town builder and his dealt righteous retribution for the surprisingly well credentialed local my god who wrote this a English major they was a really thought this out this was like it was like really it was written almost like a book kinda the funniest part is that they had to pay John again to break it down and rebuild it cuz like that was the cheapest way for them to do it he did get his malicious compliance and a little bit of revenge in there got paid got paid again to take it down got paid again to build it back up so he wasn't work for a little while so that's good for him this is almost like a positive situation and didn't have to pay any legal fees suit let's meet one more short hour / motion compliance story want a child ticket sorry man I can't let you in so here in the UK a 15 rated fail means that you have to be 15 to see the film no exceptions back a few years ago we had to ticket types in my cinema adult and child it's it stains incorporate a teen ticket child was under 15 an adult was anything above this guy comes in with his mates back of the queue to get in but could be heard throughout the four year being all loud and obnoxious and the generalization I found in my experience in the cinema is that if the teens on their own are loud and in the 40 a there's a high chance that be the same during the film and generally be a nightmare in the screen I start to notice some people in the queue looking over at him and rolling their eyes I get the pleasure of serving this guy comes up to me still shouting over his mates who are getting served by some of my colleagues and that's for a ticket to see the 15 rated film camera which one one of these low-budget bad Horrors that come out in their mini sequels recently insidious or sinister or Annabel or whatever he looks about 16 or 17 but since he had a ticket work script autopilot takes over and I asked how old he is [ __ ] tell him the correct ticket type him being the person he is and probably since he's always gotten away with it before to get a cheaper ticket price he said he was fourteen the moment he said that a massive granite washes over my face sorry mate this film's a 15 holding back my glee and not having to deal with this BS for the next two hours I can't let you in no amount of begging and pleading wouldn't make me budge so he asked to speak to the manager the manager comes down sides with me and he's on his way day ruined way did his friends go and see the movie - I wish they would I wish they would have said that this is kind of like a a petty revenge this is really good though that bratty little team got what was coming to him entitled gossipy which sabotages my totally legal romantic relationship with my former teacher ruined her career and runs us both out of town how about I destroy yours and your entire family's whole life lady insert obligatory throwaway account explanation it applies I come from a really small town think the lidless most nothing happens here city extended layover in your flyover state nightmares and my hometown is even more quiet than that think half a mile or more between neighbors a single Main Street downtown one McDonald's one department store one movie theater with three screens where everyone goes there Friday and Saturday night church every Sunday everyone knows everyone else or at least knows their business the whole city is invested in the fortunes of the high school football team that sort of place graduating class of 60 not because the senior class was done it was just a tiny school I didn't really fit in at school and kind of was a loner by choice I cringe about it now I am almost 26 but I wasn't want to be emo goth rocker I still got invited to a party with other kids not because they liked me necessarily but because I just wanted as many people to invite my mom baked cookies and cakes for church and when she wasn't doing that she cut her hair in the town's one salon my dad owned an internet cafe for a while when those were hot once everyone in our little nowhere town got Wi-Fi he turned into a tack service business is always slow because most people did their own taxes but he didn't really depend so much on his business he served 20 years as a petty officer in the Navy and so he and my mom got by on his pension in high school I worked at a private burger place that competed mostly unsuccessfully against the town single chain fast-food restaurant my boss always told me I should ask my mom to cut my hair and to stop looking like a dang girl no thanks old men so with all this boredom everywhere you can't imagine that this sensation miss amber Fontaine cause when the high school hired her to be the 11th and 12th grade English teacher miss Fontaine was a French extraction it had moved to America in her later teens to go to college in New York she was only 24 and very beautiful she sparked perfect English but did so with a very pleasant accent obviously all the guys loved her and lots of women hated her she appeared oblivious to all the attention however and just stuck to her job really we didn't know too much about her she mostly kept to herself and nobody ever saw her hanging out with any men in town and it wasn't for lack of mintz trying it soon became clear that she wasn't into dating any of the men in our city had to offer much later I found out that she had just taken a job in our small town to gain experience with a future goal of being a college professor in a big city a sort of a two-year plan obviously I had a crush on her we all did it was still a small church-going town so nobody really acted out on his urges or tried to harass her or anything like that as guys we talk about how hot she was amongst ourselves usual locker room stuff teenage boys do but that was it my one real out of school experience with miss Fontaine was when she stopped to buy her burger joint I worked at and saw me working there she told me I had a nice and I and that she wished I smiled more because in school I was always frowning because I was in my emo everyone sucks face when the food Preppers came up with her food and hand it to me to give to her I was impressed and not at all surprised that she ordered a salad she didn't strike me as someone who ate the greasy or slop we sold here in school the following Monday she smiled at me in the hall and I smiled back she said you're learning but not in a condescending or patronizing way just a fun kidding way and I exchanged a smile with her every time after and that was the extent of my great high school romance with miss Fontaine exchanged a few hellos and smiles during my senior year when I was 17 things changed the following year though I was 18 and still working at the burger joint when miss Fontaine comes into the restaurant oh hey Opie she says and she asked with real seriousness are you going to college I tell the truth I'm working with my band I cringe about this period of my life - playing guitar and saving money for Community College only sort of the truth about the last thing honestly most of my money I spent on weed and ecstasy I was the main vocalist in addition to being the guitarist and our band's only other member were Jerry the bassist and gave their drummer both of them were just out of high school like me and like me they had no plans to go to college Gabriel get the same burger joint as me and Jerry who had been one of my best friends in high school ironically worked at the chain fast-food restaurant down the street from my restaurant our lives at this time revolved around wasting our youth skateboarding Guinea High and playing our punk band we like to think that we played an emo Punk metal fusion but looking back our sound has an edge low miss Fontaine tells me that now she's in her second year of teaching she has a better sense of how to do things she tells me that she wished that her current students were as well-behaved and put as much effort as me I earned mediocre grades out high school but consistently earned an A in English because I like to read she said she'll see me around a few days later she comes into the restaurant again and we get to talking and she asked me if I'd like to go to the movie I can tell she's bored because there's really no one her own age to hang out with in our town or if there are they're all lame I think we both get the feeling that it's natural we should hang out and now I was completely out of high school and she wasn't my teacher and we were both adults by this time I was newly 18 and she had just turned 25 why not so that's how it started we met up in the early evenings totally innocent and go to the movie or to dinner at the one good restaurant in town miss Fontaine was cool about letting me slide when it came to paying for our dates because she knew I made minimum wage it was actually me who started to push our relationship to the next level after a while I started to hold her hand when we walked places and finally we started kissing never in front of anyone she taught me a lot of French words and phrases over the next summer and fall while we were going out my parents knew I was sort of dating my former teacher but since it was key word former they didn't really raising a stink about it miss Fontaine would always try to convince me to go her college but she did see our band play a few times when we got a rare gig at a roller rink and she was nice enough not to tell us what she really thought of us we didn't have sex until we've been dating casually for nearly two months that was my idea too but she admitted that she really liked me and she wanted it to happen ever since we reconnected earlier that year after I had graduated I'm not the kiss-and-tell type but my band mates sort of knew the dynamic in my relationship with miss Fontaine she had been amber ever since we first made out they appeared cool with it I stopped doing so much dope and really begun putting money away to save for college the JC near my house was super cheap amber would often tell me she thought about applying there for work I said that she really wanted to move to West Coast or back to the East Coast to teach at a college eventually she told me she'd like me to come with her after a few months I was in love with Amber and she was in love with me too she said we didn't throw our relationship in people's faces or show public affection but it's not like we pretended not to know each other either amber had come around the house and my parents really liked her and thought she was a great influence on me I didn't expect to cut my hair but I was neater and more presentable and eventually I really did begin enrolling in GE classes at my local 2-year but then things went downhill fast out of seemingly nowhere amber got a call for a meeting from a local school board and this is my secondary account of the situation as Amber was the one there not me there have been reports that she was dating a former student romantically they were talking about me and that she was having sexual relationship with said student while he was still a minor and still attending high school of course she denied everything of course they believed nothing she had sent me a desperate text and since ours is a small I think I've mentioned that a couple times already I was at the meeting in literally 10 minutes I told him the truth that I was in miss Fontaine's class in twelfth grade and that I was her student that was all I told the truth that we were reconnecting several months after graduation and only then did we begin dating and I was over 18 the opinion of the board was essentially looks and we appreciate a noble effort you're making to defend your friends honor but we're looking for the truth here not emissions I insisted that I was telling the truth and not trying to cover anything up after a lot of tears amber was simply warned that it wasn't becoming of a teacher to be seen with students outside of campus even if they're former students and we assumed that was all we were really wondering who I complained about us or who would make up the tales about us having sex while I was still a minor and a student of Amber's I was thinking Amber's apartment by this time I kicked in a portion of the rent of course I had even met her parents albeit only on the webcam there were good people they don't speak a lot of English but amber filled them in with abuse in pieces they knew my age and they were cool about it we assumed it was just a small-town gossip and it would blow over boy were we wrong over the next several weeks Amber's meeting with the school board vicious rumors that started to spread I won't insult your imagination you know what people were saying one day my boss at the burger joint just told me he had to let me go some flim-flam excuse about the store losing money and my hairstyle was driving away customers whatever dude amber told me it wasn't my fault and she promised to support me when I look for another job but then one day she got fired too she was working as a probationary teacher it meaning that during her first two years she could be fired for any reason and actually no reason had even be given explanations were for those who earned tenure we both knew what she was getting fired but the district strongly implied that it was simply because she was an ineffective teacher in her defense I look at the data on the district website and the number of students from our school who did a well on standardized test and her stomach area leaked by double digit points during the time she was a teacher there her numbers were far above state average and to this day Center departure the same scores have nosedived amber told me that students tended to respond to her and that she was very popular among the students it was true that she was immensely popular when I was a student and I'll assume the same Carey true to the year after I graduated aside from the obvious fact that she was eye candy she was simply a good teacher a good person and that's why the kids liked her lots of students threatened to riot when she was fired but being a non dramatic non attention-seeking person she is amber asked him just to focus on their studies in doing well and helping their new teacher adjust he or she arrived to take her place my dad told her she got to sue the district but amber didn't want the drama besides she said she was allowed to resign so that I wouldn't show up on her record as of having been fired also she said that the district promised not to try to revoke her teaching credential her own parents suggested maybe she had to come home to France but she insisted on sticking it out in American my parents were cool and they offered to let her move in with us while she figured out her life she's lucky that her parents are well-off because they gave her some money to relocate to California she asked me please come with her that she loves me and that we could start new there I've always wanted to move to California so I jumped at the chance my parents were happy that I was in a relationship with a good person who obviously cared about me and gave us some money too we got an apartment together in Los Angeles area neither of us drove so you both got bucks to get around our new area was a world apart from our old life though I know Amber's own teenage years were in Paris so Los Angeles would have been much of a culture shock to her I immediately enrolled in a local Community College and got a job as a waiter in a popular French restaurant our gimmick was that some of the service actually spoke French over the last several months amber had taught me a lot of French so I was a very popular server at that restaurant because I gave it oughtn't isset II unfortunately for amber the school district misled her about teaching license when they promised not to have her license revoked they spoke the truth but they left out the part where they attached an official reprimand to it a huge tear of a inappropriate relationship with students under her charge so whenever amber applied for teaching jobs this would immediately come up as a red flag on her applications another surprise red flag was at the school she applied to would notice that she was fired from her last job no it wasn't she'd say I resigned yeah but it says you were forced to resign to avoid termination for cause amber was seven years older than me but I think in some ways I know a lot more about how nasty Americans can be din her everywhere she went doors would slam career-wise she appealed to the state teaching license organization and they said they would look into it but months later nothing came up cause to her former school resulted in getting a around no one knew anything so for the next several months I was paying our day-to-day bills and helping to support amber though I must acknowledge that the loans both our sets of parents gave us helped tremendously and we couldn't survive without them finally one day amber tells me you know what screw trying to teach public schools Oh NOP I'm pregnant so two pieces of good news many many months later amber and I are happily married wedding was beautiful in sunny Los Angeles Amber's parents and mine and our other families that all attended we had a pregnant honeymoon in France and now we have a son right Julie I'm closing in on earning my associates in information technology I've been promoted to Matt ray at the restaurant and have health benefits for my wife and son we live in a studio apartment but at least it's a huge studio and that's enough for now amber stays home with the baby but she also teaches online English and French courses for a private school so even though she's blacklisted from teaching in the public K through 12 district she can still teach which is her passion more months passed and I got my first job in IT troubleshooting computers for a small company downtown I make double what I used to make at the restaurant and my employer has a program reckon finish my bachelors while I work and they will subsidize 50% for free and the other 50% they will dock from my opinion small monthly installments sounds like an amazing deal and I take it we moved to a bigger apartment amber is making her awesome contribution both as a mother and to our finances with her tutoring we're planning for her to eventually go back to school for her graduate degrees so she can finally fulfill her dream of teaching in college Oh more good news Opie I'm pregnant again life is sweet so while everything is going awesome one day I get a text from my mom she was at a local school board meeting with her neighbors regarding a bill proposal to hire more teachers apparently over the past few years the population has grown and the high school needed to expand so now it's a two-horse town my mom says while she was at a meeting my mom ran into Jerry's mom Jerry was a bassist from my own band that I quit once I got into a serious relationship with amber my mom never met Jerry or his mom or at least in the way that connected them to me the reason was because I never brought Jerry around our house because for a couple years Jerry wasn't my drug supplier he had to hook up for anything you wanted well what does all this have to do with anything my mom doesn't know Jerry's mom but she hears her and some lady talking about me and amber my mom heard them saying that Jerry had been the one to tell everyone about amber and me supposedly happened sex before I graduated and his mom went straight to the school board their names as informers were protected under confidentiality I had lost touch with Jerry over the years and had stopped playing music with him long ago I knew he had resented all the time I was spending with my chick it's a shame because he used to be such a good friend of mine it sucked that he was getting him behind my now wife and mother of my child and soon to be children fired from her career Gary's mom was a teacher at Amber's former school of employment it became a joke ours and his mom had a huge stick in her book regarding prim and proper behavior and was a goody two-shoes teacher whose poop don't stink yeah her kid Jerry assuming at her school is basically the biggest drug dealer in town also looking back I know he had a crush on amber too and probably always resented that I got to be in a relationship with her and he did it maybe it's because she knows quality youth jerk I was interested in learning that Jerry's mom was now on the school board I didn't tell amber about this all right away I just asked her to let me know what she remembered about miss Jerry's mom she told me that Jerry's mom was always really mean to her and often one of the main instigators and getting everyone the adults on campus to exclude her from teach or social activities it's one of the main reasons why amber did make friends with the other teachers amber tells me that the male teachers tended to be nicer to her at first but the female teachers overwhelmingly despised her before they even knew her Jerry's mom amber told me was also the teacher she knows who started a petition not to renew her contract for a second year at the school this was the first I heard about this evidently only a few female teachers signed the petition but the petition was placed in Amber's permanent file as evidence that the staff lacks confidence in her they were basically setting her up to be fired even though she was doing a good job at teaching and the students liked her well I'm more Kelly than Iowa these days but I still keep in touch with a few friends now growing up I knew in school including Gabe the drummer from our old band from what I hear Jerry manages the burger joint I used to work at because the old guy who owns it is retired I have a social-media account but only use it to contact people in emergencies I never update anything my profile is practically blank online I'm not one of those people who checks it daily or uploads pics of my lunch didn't post about marrying or having kids or moving to LA I told matter directly Jerry was still my friend on social media even though we stopped talking ages ago so I clicked his profile yep he definitely managed a place of employment I clicked on his friends and Families profiles and recognized his mom my old history teacher she was on the school board now Santa Moni it says ever I think I mentioned before that I came from a small town and in a small town there often isn't anything for bored kids to do other than do dumb stunts or do drugs and for the biggest loser kids of all the group that included me we were dumb enough to record ourselves partying and talking junk and doing that a ferments and drugs that's exactly what my band used to do all the time whenever we had a show we'd go around taping ourselves using our cell phones we take a video of us rocking out skating drinking beer at the vacant lot take video of us getting high we'd also talk to the camera I hadn't thought about the old recordings in years but I never erased them from my old phones I'm the kind of guy who affords two cellphones not because I think they will increase the value or that I find them especially interesting but I kind of think of them like file cabinets of my past because I don't erase anything aside from phone numbers I don't really transfer data on one phone to a successor easy as it would be my current boss and those I used to do drugs and they don't care NIT I'm told everyone used to get laid and many still do that's my wife offhand if her new job knows about what happened our old town she says yeah but they don't care about any of that they only care that she teaches expert level conversational French that's what their clients we need them traveling professionals demand many of her co-workers she tells me had a few felonies on our records but her employer was a firm believer in rehabilitation copasetic so I check some of my old videos and find what I need I have no trouble finding videos of Jerry getting high as a mother effer that was practically every video and in practically every video he bugs about his parents know he's a druggie and a dealer and want to ship him off to the army and make a man out of him the video I really want is nope it's not on this phone maybe the LG nope just more of Jerry rollin on ecstasy at a rave we snuck in out of state to attend when we were in eleventh grade maybe my old galaxy bingo Jerry talks about how his mom knows all about the drug use and sometimes even smoke suite herself with his dad and how they caught him with cocaine once and yelled at him and his dad kicked his butt but then Jerry came home the next day from school to find his almost coked out in the kitchen table and that she had called in sick that day the video was time-stamped I think that'll do I still don't tell amber it would only upset her in her condition but I asked my mom to contact the info of all the people who run a little town school board I already know the school is a basic email address and I graduated not too long ago and so most of the administrators are still mid-career at my former high school I still have their emails I'll make a throwaway email account and attach the relevant video to it and send it to everyone that matters in town all the teachers the administrators even from the elementary and middle schools the church the pizza place the burger joint owner the roller rink boss you name it they got the files the files where Jerry exposes himself to as a coked-out drug dealer with his mom having full knowledge of the fact and her husband even indulging the drugs himself the next day ampere asked me while she's feeding our son honey why are you so happy I tell her and she starts crying no I'm not sad she reassures me I'm just so happy you did this for me then me amber way too late and our bun in the oven goes for a walk because such a nice day still need a haircut not getting one do I even need to say what happened afterward all this ancient history shouldn't matter but in a small town it's devastating the videos are just of Jerry talking trash who knows if they even tell the truth doesn't matter in a small town gossip becomes gospel kind of how everyone believed me and amber was screwing before I turned 18 even though that was 0% true and they ran us out of town on a rail my parents had to endure the fallout of my disgrace when I left town years ago with my French [ __ ] as all the idle busy bodies have dubbed my wife my mom and dad made their peace with it and have none themselves to the slurs and always stood up for us there what's good about small-town America Jerry got fired from his job police searched his house and net to say his mom's house and found a lot of drugs evidently when the rumors went flying that mixed Gary's mom had a drug-dealing son kids busted for drugs in the high school caved on the pressure to admit who hooked the month oopsie so he was telling the truth jail for you cock-blocking d-bag his mom was summarily dismissed from her job along with the appropriate blacklisting that being a drug abusing child and daydream fraud committee public official essentials my mom wasn't clear in the details but there's a possibility she and her husband might face jail time too it came out that Jerry's dad had been cheating on his wife for years with a woman from the church Jerry's whole family and persona non-grata the only talent but can't pending court case until then they'll just be hated to their face I'll hate them from across the country small town everyone knows everyone or at least their business which means sooner or later word will slip people are dropped it's confidential charade and figure out that I was responsible for a family's downfall I don't give a freak Jerry you listening good come at me bro remember at the beginning when I said I knew this had to be a good story that was an understatement I know like three stories ago I said that that was my favorite story about the teacher but this teacher story is even better this is this is crazy this has written like a novel most I cannot believe he sent that video to everyone like the freaking owner of the burger place - in the church people that sabotage that revenge this is not Pro revenge he's not a professional this is nuclear revenge he looked that entire families life they got exactly what was coming to him Jerry for being a snitch his mom for being a snitch to the school school grad in Kansas Council Jerry's dad just cause he's Jerry's dad I enjoyed the story to an extremum now I'm saving it again guys thank you so much for watching if you like the robot voice videos remember that is on our second channel this channel from now on is gonna be me reading with my voice or reacting to other like you know videos and stuff from reddit thank you guys so much for staying to the end of this long video this will probably the longest video I have ever made so far aside from my live streams obviously if you are subscribed or if you're not subscribed remember to hit that Bell and hit to get all notifications I do post once a day on this account thank you guys again for watching and listening to this amazing story about this crazy entitled gossipy which I hope I see you guys next time and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Reddit Readings
Views: 307,692
Rating: 4.1767755 out of 5
Keywords: r/ProRevenge, r/AskReddit, r/EntitleedParents, Pro Revenge, Ask Reddit, Entitled Parents, Reddit, Funny, Nuclear, Petty, Reddit Reading, Reddit Readings, Reddit Top Posts, best of reddit, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, sub, reddit top posts, rslash, reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny reddit, comedy, funny, top posts of all times
Id: Xp-vb5wl4gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 27sec (11607 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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