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I get night terrors sometimes or sleep paralysis usually before I get up or right after I fall asleep but I haven't got into the deep sleep yet so it still feels like a mildly aware of my surroundings it doesn't last long but it's that in-between feeling sometimes when people would talk to me when I'm in that half sleep phase and I respond I'll always respond with plural pronouns we're almost up or we're still in bed that sort of thing when people then ask me why I'm using those pronouns I'll say something like we're all together or my friends are here it was definitely weird at summer camp when I was a kid or in the college dorms but it's one of those things that's weird but becomes pretty normal and easy to forget early on in college while I was probably taking too many classes I had started regularly taking these 20-minute naps in between studying I'm not sure if I ever actually slept but it was nice to have a few minutes to not study when I did this though I would end up in that [ __ ] sleep state and I'd start to see people or figures maybe right at the edge of my peripheral they'd look like people I knew but their faces were always a little bit blurry or very severe looking like they had been awake for a few days straight the creepy thing though is they'd always start in my peripheral and then began to like loom closer now I knew about sleep paralysis at the time so I figured it was creepy but just something weird my brain was doing and I didn't think much of it well at least until the next time I was home I told my dad about my weird half dreams he got very quiet and told me he got them too almost every night if he didn't go right to sleep it's been a few years now since college I noticed that it doesn't happen as much if I'm sharing a bed I mostly try to ignore it but I definitely drink a bit more coffee and avoid naps posted this story on a similar thread like a year ago but I'm gonna post it again cause this is still one of the scariest things that have happened to me was in the Alps with some university pals to do some fieldwork for our body knee exam we were staying in a refuge in the middle of nowhere at 1,400 meters of altitude and a 40 minutes drive away from the nearest town which was literally composed of 20 houses the smallest supermarket ever into pharmacy anyway we had an area of 15 kilometers by 15 kilometers to work and which was a good distance away from the refuge in the middle of the woods we were walking in the woods when out of nowhere we found ourselves in front of a house which was clearly inhabited smoke coming out of the chimney and clothes hung to dry outside but wasn't on the map we had this map was really well made and included even the smallest and most in ruins buildings to avoid people getting lost in the woods we thought it was weird that this house wasn't on our map that we kept walking towards it cause we had an exam to pass as we approached the house we noticed a doll's head on a pike in the front lawn we got really creeped out took a picture to show the refuge owner and quickly nope the [ __ ] out of there turns out the refuge owner who knew the area really well didn't even know there was a house there creepy [ __ ] I used to live in Japan and there was a field that was known to be haunted by children from what I was told some kids died there during World War two and they come back at night to play nothing malevolent or anything is supposed to happen one night we decided to investigate the situation and it was during the summer and it was quite warm outside except for the area of the playground there was a quite noticeable difference between the temperature in the park and opposed to everywhere else we also heard equipment moving the air was quite still and movement in areas where nobody was there have been accounts of the police being dispatched to that area from people seeing kids playing there and loud children having fun in the middle of the night my parents bedroom is at the front of the house immediately at the front door my mom goes out maybe once a year and one night she came in at maybe 2:00 a.m. for her annual girls night she took her shoes off and headed upstairs to me and my siblings bedrooms to say goodnight my dad sleeps like a log but for some unexplained reason he was aware that the front door open for a second time it took him a few seconds to make it to the front door and my mom was halfway up the stairs but a random man was standing inside the house seeing my dad's shocked face he said the house a couple doors down is being robbed I was trying to tell someone and then ran outside down the street the chances that this man happened to catch my mom on the rare occasion she went out and basically the unheard-of occasion she didn't lock the door behind her and my dad manages to protect the family I have screamed bloody murder and he hasn't stirred I can't imagine what would have happened and this guy was any luckier my mum maybe never would have made it up the driveway or we all could have been in danger I will preface this by saying I am NOT a spiritual person I don't believe in an afterlife or past lives or souls or anything this experience however was weirdly vivid and I still think about it despite happening years ago I had a dream some time ago where I died I don't remember how but that's not the part that stood out to me I ended up in this purgatory slash waiting room type place think a dentist's office there was a lot of white I remember one of the receptionist's trying to sort me into heaven / hell but I kept trying to tell her this was some kind of mistake and that I shouldn't be there I explained that I couldn't be dead because my mother who was going back to school at the time would miss me in all her efforts to improve our life would have been for nothing she sent me a way to try and cope I don't remember much of the middle then but I do remember before I woke up from the dream the same receptionist lady placed her hand on my shoulder and said don't let your mother's hard work go to waste I woke up immediately after that like I said not a spiritual person but if I die and wake up in some dentists office I would not be surprised I live in a mountain town in southern Pennsylvania in an area where most of the houses average about a half mile apart when I was younger I used to walk up the road to my friends house and walk back home always before the Sun set the road was lined with woods until you got to my house this one night in the summer I stayed way later than I normally did I don't think I started walking home until around 11:00 there's a little bridge on the road that goes over a small stream as I was walking across the bridge I was for sure I heard splashing like something was running in the water scared the [ __ ] out of me it sounded big so I assumed it was either a bear a mountain lion or a hermit living in the woods I was a stupid scared twelve-year-old so of course I started running down the road to my house about halfway down I saw something huge in the middle of the road stopped it was too dark to make out any features it looked like it was animal I could kind of make out four legs but I had no idea what it could have been it stunk though kind of like rotten meat I was probably twenty yards away but I could still smell it I wasn't sure if it saw me or not and was about to turn around to go back to my friend's house when the most disturbing sound came from it the best way I can describe it is like a mix of a cicadas screaming and a man coughing that did it for me I sprinted back to my friend's house as fast as I could trying not to throw up from being so terrified I told her parents what happened they drove me home and that was that I never saw whatever it was again and nobody I told knew what it was that I saw my best guess is it was a diseased animal of some sort I posted this story before but here we go again I used to work as a nighttime security guard and my shift was like 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. it was a very easy job it was for a town beach slash park and all I would need to do is lock up the gate and scare away the usual kid or two that would try to sneak to the park to drink / smoke my usual night was spent just reading this was before the days of smartphones in my car as my car faced the entrance way to the park this was 99% effective at scaring off anyone who wanted to enter one night I had brought a sandwich to eat and I guess it didn't sit well with me I had to run to the bathroom which was a very old and usually dirty bathroom in the middle of the night it was very loud in there any noise seemed to echo forever as I'm honking along in there I start to hear something mom what the [ __ ] mom again I'm alone here it's a pretty far away from houses so it's not likely a kid got lost coming out here plus it's like 2:00 a.m. but I keep hearing it mom so I finish up in the bathroom and run to my car and lock myself up in there but I start to think [ __ ] what if there is actually a kid out here so acting out the first scene of any horror movie I go and investigate the kid crying for their mommy in the woods nothing I don't see anything but I hear it again mom but where is it coming from it sounds like it's actually coming from inside the [ __ ] wall of the bathroom building now the bathroom building is literally one brick thick so it's not even like something could have gotten stuck inside the wall but even as I get closer all I hear is mom so I'm about to leave because [ __ ] this I'm not dealing with a ghost in a wall crying for its mommy but then I see it down at the bottom of the wall there's a tiny crack and a little tiny black kitten it's mowing sounded like mom I gave it some of my food and from that night on I had a little friend while I worked the night shift well only for a week or so I hope he was taken in by someone and not fallen prey to a predator up there so I was walking to a friend's house around 11:00 p.m. it's pitch black except for the occasional streetlight I live in a pretty rural town so things are kind of spread apart I was halfway there when I walked by this insurance office the alarms inside work going whoo-whoo and there was a parked car running with a driver looking around anxiously and these two big dudes dressed all in black were coming out the front door of this office carrying something massive into the back seat I made the rookie mistake of letting these guys see me ie I stood there like a deer in headlights watching the whole thing instead of hiding and one of them spotted me hey one of them shouted I just straight-up booked it down the road as fast as I could and I didn't look back I could hear the sound of footsteps behind me the engine of this car being Reverend up the only sound I could hear was my own heartbeat at this point after about a solid two minute all-out sprint laugh at me all you want for only running 120 seconds when you're running for your life you give it everything you have this sprint could have qualified me for the 100-meter dash I finally glanced behind me and no one was there I was completely winded and I felt like I was going to throw up I stood there trying to catch my breath I thought I'd probably shouldn't be standing here on the sidewalk so I made the wise choice of getting off the main road and ducking behind some shrubs to catch my breath not 1 minute later this car comes up real slow all the windows down they're only going about 5 miles per hour 8 km/h for everyone else it's the same car from earlier and they're looking for me I lay down flat on my belly completely engulfed by the shrubs in the muddy terrain they finished driving by but I still wait about 10 minutes before finally getting up and continuing my walk the rest of the walk was pretty uneventful but I called the police to let them know about what just happened when I got to my friend's house he let me stay the night so I wouldn't have to walk back in the darkness on the way back home the next morning I walked by the same insurance office shattered glass everywhere three police cars parked out front that classic yellow tape for a crime scene that you see in the movies and some random woman sobbing her eyes out on mobile so excuse the formatting might reformat later I lost my mom to cancer a couple of years back well a couple of years after my brothers and I were visiting my dad in their house over the December holidays it's a small place so since there wasn't much sleeping room I being the youngest was to sleep in the lounge area the front of the apartment was open planned and connected to the kitchen and in the kitchen on the fridge was slash still as this little Pikachu a fridge magnet which when you press its belly would say Pikachu it's more than 15 years old but still working I was a Pokemon fanatic as a kid so in the middle of the night with everyone asleep this thing starts going off like crazy at first I thought it's got to be my brother's playing some stupid trick on me so I sit up straight and look over to the fridge which I can see from my mattress but there's nobody even near it get up to go check it out but as I come close it stops I'm still groggy so I'm like whatever and head back to bed fall asleep again in a while after I'm woken up by the sound again this time though as I sit up there's the white figure of a woman wearing a nightgown standing at the foot of my bed one just like the one my mom had and an icy cold hanging in the air like almost burning my face cold she looks at me and in a confused voice says this is my house right which makes sense because she was very confused during her last couple of months her personality deteriorated very fast I completely froze but at that moment I hear footsteps from the hallway side and she vanishes as I'm sitting there trying to process what just happened my brother walks into the room turns on the light and sees me pale as the ghost I just saw I apparently asked him if him and his wife were trolling me or something but he actually got up to investigate the sound to his wife was fast asleep now being the logical guy I am I did kind of figure out a scientific explanation for what happened see my other brothers kids had been over that day too and they played around with the Pikachu also all this went down in the summer while it was very hot outside during the day but when the sound started at night it was cold as all hell so maybe that Pikachu's belly expanded during the day and then shrunk to a point where some switch inside was making contact as for Mama we were spring cleaning that Dan put up her favorite curtains that I remembered from when I was a kid we also decided a couple of her heirlooms so there's no doubt she was in my mind a lot and I might have just been very groggy but you know what it just doesn't feel like one big coincidence I'm going to give some context before telling what happened to me and my best friend this happened in May he cool about 15 years ago disliking or I'm not a native English speaker I used to live in a gated community where big politicians very rich people and a few narcos lived in I mean houses that go over the two million u.s. dollars in Mexico as you can imagine security in this place was through the roof every person that came to meet you had to register its ID and they would search her car - they would call your house to know if you wanted them to come through where you could just send them away before they even came near your house security guards have big guns and rifles and they in trances bulletproof every evening the guards would patrol and check every house that was in construction to make sure that no workers stayed behind no house cleaning ladies unless they actually lived in your house no one after 6 p.m. only residents that being said my best friend and I used to walk all over the place at night to chill out so our parents wouldn't overhear our conversations teenage drama one night as we were walking along a sidewalk I saw a man dressed in typical Mexican garments white linen pants and a serape looking from the entrance of a house to an open window in the second floor I remember because he was very focused and I'm nosy and wanted to know what he was looking at I honestly didn't think this weird it was almost midnight and this man was just outside a house as we walked near him I said goodnight to him but he didn't reply my friend seeing the stomped his feet as to call his attention and echoed my goodnight man did I ever wished he had kept his mouth shot the man who up to this moment had kept his face away from him turned around and that was when we realized this was no man his eyes were black on the whites sclera and a deep red color tires the same as a person who has been punched in the eyes but without the trauma to the skin we suddenly felt as if we were going to be dragged down to hell to say we ran and prayed all the way back to my house is a bit of an understatement there was no way that this was a man the clothes don't match the time the security guards wouldn't have left him stay until midnight the eyes were filled with fury and dark red and black and the feeling it was all wrong so so wrong shared this once before on another threat about a year ago but it's always fun to relive nightmares so here we go a few years ago I was house-sitting well farm sitting for the family of a friend of mine who is one year younger than me she was moving to college at the north end of the state and the whole family was going to move her into her new dorm the family is mom dad her and five younger siblings so this relatively small farm is usually well staffed they easily have 8 to 10 acres of usable land in southeastern Indiana with horses a large garden chickens goats rabbits etc oh and like for dogs one of which is a huge Mastiff mix or something like that this dog is huge like literally the size of full-grown bear the same color and isn't friendly with most people because he's very protective of the land herein lies part of the reason I was watching their house for whatever reason this dog loved me and I was willing to come out to their place a day early to learn all of the daily chores that I would need to do to help develop an image of this place you can see the house of their nearest neighbor from their front porch but it's across the horse pasture up by the gravel road you come in on and easily a kilometer or two away I think it would probably take a solid 15 to 20 minutes to diligently walk there anyway so I spent one night there with them after spending a day learning the do's and do nots and that was fine they left early the next morning and I got to work which took about two hours on my own the job was honestly really easy once the daily chores were finished pretty much just sit around and relax accompany the dogs bringing the mail and whatnot the first night came quickly and I'd heard their Drive went well so I spent the evening on the couch watching TV with the dogs my sleeping arrangements were also in the living room on a futon so I was half sleepily lounging around and at some point I must have dozed off I woke up to the beast of a dog laying his head on my chest at about 3 a.m. in the pitch-black dead of night my first thought was he needed to go outside so I got up and put on my shoes but that's when I noticed he had gone from my side to cowering and whining in the corner of the house office at the front door I stood up to check on him and then realized it was really cold especially for a college-age guy my size wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt in early August this chill was accompanied by the most eerie feeling of dread that I probably ever experienced to this day I found it physically difficult to walk as it felt like time was moving slowly however I eventually made it to the dog and pet him a few times to try to calm him down but he seemed inconsolable I walked to the thermostat in the hallway and it read 37 F inside even though the outside temp was easily still in the 70s I moved towards the front door and peeped outside through a window but there was a light cloud cover and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything so I flipped on the porch light the light wasn't enough to see very far into the pasture so I wasn't too concerned that I couldn't see the horses but I could see much of the driveway area and right in the midst of it stood a cloaked humanoid figure that seemed completely unfazed by the porch light I froze it didn't seem aggressive and wasn't carrying any obvious weapons but I'm thoroughly convinced after staring at it for five or ten seconds that this thing was not human the father of my friend is Loki one of those Doomsday Preppers but more realistic in that he prepares for things like he and P's nukes solar flares etc nonetheless he has a [ __ ] ton of firearms around the house all thoroughly locked up outside of my use except one fully loaded 9-millimeters pistol in the master bedroom that he gave me the key for and told me it was for emergencies only I ran to the room as fast as I couldn't got the pistol but by the time I returned to the door the figure was gone I saw that the dog was still in the corner but had stopped whimpering for the time being I turned on a bunch of lights in the house still carrying a pistol and returned to the couch where the dog had moved to while I was walking around I was still shaking and completely unsure of what to expect next but then just as suddenly as everything else happened the feeling of dread subsided the dog wagged his tail a couple times and licked my hand and the thermostat now read a comfortable 72 F even though the heater had never kicked on I managed to gather my thoughts and lay down again after about 20 to 30 minutes of deep breathing I eventually fell asleep again I woke up to my alarm at something like 8 a.m. and realized what I had hoped to be a dream couldn't have been because all of the lights were still on and the pistol was sitting on the coffee table with the safety off I eventually worked out the courage to step outside and start my chores but couldn't help to investigate the dirt driveway a little near the place I thought the thing would have been standing I found the shape of two bare feet with no footprints leading to or from it and no other marks one would expect in a footprint ie toe prints wrinkles etc I have no idea to this day what it was that stood outside the door that night or have any explanation for the entire event all I know is it spooked me enough that I invited my brother to come spend the subsequent and final night with me when luckily nothing happened I never told my friend or her parents because I thought for sure they'd think I was crazy and stop associating with me unfortunately I have sort of lost contact with them now anyway maybe I'll reach out to them sometime but I don't know oh I've told this before but it's perfect and the threat is young so small apartment new wife first kid in order to get into the kitchen from the living room you had slalom past the couch a computer desk and into the doorway for an adult this is fine for a child who was just learning to run in a computer desk that was at the perfect make sure your kid eats crayons and can only count two spaghetti height it was a nightmare I was tired positioned on one end of the couch and trying to watch TV I had just worked a million hours at the factory and just wanted some peace zooom my daughter runs by me it I can't wait to wear helmet speeds and I catch before she bunks off the desk I tell her to stop running to the kitchen and go back to dazing in front of the TV zoom she tries it again giggling thinking it is now a game I'm tired I'm cranky and now I'm trying to keep a kid from making sure her only college choice is burger while my wife watches TV on the other end of the couch I turn her around yell at her more sternly and repeat this game about three more times then half asleep i watch in horror as a little blonde head zooms past me and into the kitchen I lose my [ __ ] I jump up yelling and stomp into the kitchen just in time to see the cupboard under the sink closed what in the hell are you doing I yell what what in the hell was that my wife asks behind me wide-eyed in pale my young daughter mostly asleep in her arms we never ever looked and moved soon after was driving near Peggy's Cove one night around 2:00 a.m. with the oldest brother it's pretty isolated there very few houses or people in area drive by this young man hitchhiking he's got a huge duffel bag walking with a bit of a limp we drive by him and immediately start saying we should turn around to get him because it's so late he's probably pretty sore who knows where he's even walking from so turn around and drive back to get him we pass no other cars and there's absolutely no one on the road we drive by where we saw him no one there we drive another 2 or 3 kms past that and no one there we turn ourselves back around and drive by again still looking for this guy absolutely nowhere to be found I still get shivers when I think about that night there's no reasonable explanation for where the guy could have disappeared to in such a short window of time in the middle of nowhere I don't believe in ghosts but I swear I grew up in a haunted house it was a 1950s Rambler of all things we know that the people that built the place had a mentally disabled son who died in the house in his 40s but he was somewhere around third grade mentally basically a child we also know that the house was on the market a long time before my parents bought it I've been told but haven't confirmed that when it finally sold the family that moved and lived there less than a year and then moved and put the house on the market for a steal my parents snapped it up and lived there for close to thirty years growing up in the house it was like the shadows were always moving some of them were aggressive some of them were not but one shadow showed up time and time again a shadow of what seemed to me at the time a rather large man he wasn't that tall maybe five feet eight inches but he was thick I'm a big comic book fan and he reminded me of a disheveled kingpin that shadow was a troublemaker he would stand outside of the bathroom door and lunge at you as you exited if you were transporting a hot pan from the stove to the sink or from the oven to the dining room he would lunge at you like he was going to knock the pan out of your hands in the yard he would hide around him and mosa tree and lunge at you while you were mowing the yard one time I was so startled I jumped off the riding mower and tripped the mower had a butt sensor and stopped immediately thank goodness after that I mowed that area with a push mower he would spook me in the shower and at night when I was trying to sleep and if I was home alone watching television the works in this house we had a game room that was a nicely converted garage my sister was scared of that room and wouldn't go in there at night without anyone with her strange stuff happened in that room the lights would turn on for no reason the television in there would turn on there were two closets in there both with double bi-fold doors the doors would fling open and stuff would hurl out of the closet the door to the game room was oriented so that you could see from the doorway into the sitting area of the living room where we mostly watched TV we usually kept this door completely shut but sometimes we would hear jiggling on the doorknob and the door would open just a sliver like someone was watching us in the other room one time my sister brought home her boyfriend from college and he slept on the couch in the living room he said in the middle of the night he heard the door to the game room open stuff being moved around in the dark and the life to the game room come on he sat up in a panic just in time to see a chair move in one of the closet doors open on its own and a couple of piles of sewing fabric get thrown on the floor my mother has been a life long fabric collector she used to be a pretty good seamstress the guy was scared half to death refused to sleep in the house again and broke up with my son soon after we all got an uneasy chuckle out of the whole thing that was over 15 years ago probably closer to 20 years now my sisters and I are grown now with our own kids and we all live a long way from that house I barely think about the stuff I saw growing up there a few years ago though my sister was visiting our parents who only moved out of the house recently with her son and two daughters and her oldest daughter suddenly started my sister asked her what was wrong and she said mommy why does that man like to scare me what man honey the man who likes to stand outside of the bathroom door I've told this on here before but when I was younger we had our experiences with what we lovingly named ed kid the first time this happened I was probably around 10 to 12 the night started with me playing a game on my brother's computer up until he fell asleep which is when I moved to the living room to let him rest I stayed up late doing a stupid coca-cola themed puzzle because I was determined to finish before I went to sleep I heard my brother talking and got confused I turned down the TV and heard him saying a hey've but do you hear me I hate but I started to walk towards his room when I heard him say whatever and he stopped talking I shrugged and headed back to my fancy puzzle the next morning he asked me what I was doing the night before I explained my feet of finishing the puzzle and he said no when you were hunched over at my computer were you asleep I was trying to get your attention and you weren't responding I told him that I was in the other room when I heard him shouting my name he told me that someone was at his computer desk with the monitor on staring down at the keyboard he thought it was especially weird because there was nothing on the monitor just a blank white screen we thought it was creepy but moved on with our lives that summer I was in a group with our church's youth group and we were doing a photo scavenger hunt we needed to take photos of ourselves in different places and whoever gathered the photos first won a prize one of the pictures we needed was to have the group standing together in a bathtub with our clothes on internet we went to my house since it was closest and on the way in my mom said hello to all the guys in my group she was a teacher and knew all of them from school nothing strange that night my mom asked me who the last boy who went up the stairs was I listed off the guys in our group she confirmed she saw all of them but the last one stuck out because he didn't say hi back to her and wouldn't look at her I told her that there wasn't anyone else and that she knew everyone there she kept insisting there was another kid who followed us and she got a weird feeling from him since he wouldn't acknowledge her nope no additional kid the next year I was home alone at night playing something on my ps2 I thought I heard someone so I went downstairs to see if anyone got home no cars were in the driveway so I just assumed it was one of our cats I started going back upstairs and I heard my mom's voice from her room called my name i frozen didn't go upstairs she wasn't home I turned on all the lights and waited for someone else to get home before going back up nothing else happened that night after these events my brother and I would get those weird feelings like someone is standing behind you and no one would be there we'd hear the stairs creaking but no one would be walking on them coming out of sleep I think I saw a figure in my doorway from time to time long story short I was basically afraid of the dark until I moved from my parents house I used to live in Okinawa Japan as a kid which is an incredibly haunted place well one day my mother and took me and my friend to this one park that had this huge stone slide on the side of the hill we were the only ones at the park at the time so me and my friend were just being goofy and playing around then we decided to play hide and seek I volunteered to be the seeker and started to count I reached 20 and spun around to see if I could spot him really quick and sure enough I saw him at the area at the top of the slide I made my way over and tried to be stealthy as I climbed so as not to alert him I was coming I reached the top screaming I found you but nobody was there and he definitely hadn't gone down the slide as I would have seen him do so it was then I saw him at the other side of the park and I was confused as to what had just happened I was overcome by the off feeling because I knew I saw something here and there was nobody else around here I slid down the slide and caught him and asked him if he ever was hiding at the top of the slide to which he replied no we played for a bit more before it was time to go but I never went back up to the top of the slide oh man I've been waiting for one of these threads for awhile I grew up in northern New England just north of the White Mountain National Forest there's a strange energy here that's hard to describe unless you've experienced it nonetheless most people I know that have lived in the area for some time have at least one or two good ghost stories I've experienced things my entire life when my great-grandmother passed my mom would find me on the floor of our den having conversations with her empty rocking chair completely alone in the middle of the night whenever she'd find me she'd ask who I was talking to well Nanna of course this happened four years and I have no memory of these times I can only tell you that I was a supersoft lil dude and I wouldn't have wandered into a dark room without a compelling reason I have more if there's any interest macron backslash underscore underscore slash macron this happened years ago and when I was still in high school during summer break I would be in the house alone while my parents were at work I was sitting in the family room watching TV when I started hearing an electronic tone coming from behind me from where my room would be I mute the TV and go to my room to investigate and I hear the sound is coming from my cupboard under my TV I open it up in a handheld racing game was turned on and I was hearing the sound of the device I turned it off thinking it's kind of weird that it turned itself on when I start hearing static coming from the family room I go back into the family room and noticed that the old sound system was turned on this sound system could play cassette tapes CDs vinyl records and radio in order to turn it on you had to press a button that would stay pressed in and would turn off when you press the button again releasing it and allowing it to pop out the sound system button was fully pressed in and I hadn't turned it on I walk up to the sound system and turn it off right after I turn it off I hear what sounds like little kids running and giggling down the hallway behind me since this was starting to look like the opening scene in a horror movie and there was no way I was going to go back to my room to investigate by myself I decided to call some friends over so we could play video games nothing like that had ever happened before or since I'm not sure what caused it but it certainly freaked me out not really horrifying just surprising and inexplicable if anything my grandfather passed away on the morning of 31st of December 2016 on the day my father was doing their bakery's round of deliveries in the morning and got home about midday when he got home we were talking about it all on reminiscing he was clearly upset but tried to look on the bright side unfortunately my granddad was very very ill and at some point he says I don't know I just hope he will give us a sign when he arrives up they're not referring to heaven but to his spirit being freed literally as he finished this sentence a medium-sized empty paper box that had been on the top of the Shelf untouched for years at this point flew off in a straight line and hit the opposite wall all windows and doors were shut it was just the two of us in the house with my dad first I tried to think if there was anything that could have caused this logically but the more I thought about it the more I realized it must have been him I had teardrops in my eyes but wasn't sad now just at peace happy even he was there looking above all of us rest in peace Hart my family lived in a very haunted house growing up most of the time whatever was there just wanted to make you run they never touched you or caused harm my siblings and even family friends can name each weird thing in every room multiple people would see or interact with the same odd things in the same places but then there was shadow dad as we called him my brother saw him first he was going to the restroom in the middle of the night and when he came out to go down the hall to his room from behind he heard something running for him he took off sprinting into the room and bolting up the ladder of his high bunk bed the thing grabbed his ankle and tried to yank him down my brother screaming bloody murder kicked and flailed but made it up looking back down he saw my dad but pitch-black his arms were a little longer and his hands looked wrong shadowed dad walked away my little sister was as we joke a demon as a kid at four years old she was not afraid of the dark of being alone or of going into the basement she would regularly disappear for hours and when asked where she went she would reply that she was playing with her friends in the basement they only come out when the lights are off horrifying right she was the kid who would walked to get water at midnight without turning on lights or even running up the stairs she would say terrifying things about her friends in the basement like the long horse lady but one day she wouldn't go anywhere alone she had to turn on every light she wouldn't go to sleep without someone with her she would cry when she needed something at night when we asked her what happened all she would say was shadow dad got me I asked her a few weeks ago if she remembered and she told me she remembered loving her friends and then one day being afraid she remembered shadow damp chasing her she thinks he got her but she doesn't have a clear memory whatever shadow dad did or whatever happened it changed her forever all right all right late to the party will probably be buried and it's not much of a story compared to some of the others in this thread my mom and I had a pretty complicated relationship with her being a neglectful alcoholic who basically kicked me out of the house when I was 17 my dad was abusive too and she wasn't able to protect my siblings and me from him either he was abusive towards her too anyway she died rather suddenly of cirrhosis of the liver after I had spent probably 10 years trying to help her get sober counseling a al-anon etc was sad because on her deathbed I knew she was dying but she did not know she told me that now she understood why I did what I did to help her get sober and that after she got out of the hospital everything would be better I just said sure mom I know not telling her that she was never going to leave that hospital alive I figured what was the point of making her feel worse than she already did I let her have that hope anyway probably 20 years later I was working in my home office it was first thing in the morning and I have the habit of taking notes in a composition book and I always make sure the first thing I do is put the date at the top of the page well what do you no it's her birthday so next to the date I write happy birthday mom and just sat there sort of pensively thinking about how sad it was that she never got to see her grandkids and wondering if there was anything else I could have done to stop her from self-destructing I hadn't turned my computer on hadn't printed anything out nothing but take my notebook page and write her a little happy birthday and suddenly the printer just springs to life I hadn't sent anything to it one page prints out on the top left-hand corner of the pages one heart it must have been printed from one of those wingding fonts that makes all the symbols I had never had a feeling of closeness to my mom after she died or felt that she was still around but that one heart on the page right after I wrote her the happy birthday no it just seemed like more than just a coincidence anyway I choose to believe it was her telling me that she was okay and that she loved me something she never said when she was alive and that's my one and only ghost story and maybe it's just a rogue printer story okay so this is abstract but since this is general creepy stories it fits I know a lot of you will just say this is all coincidence and suggestion I have no argument against that other than my own feelings which is a pretty and valid argument I dream a lot but things rarely stick I've only had four vidit dreams my entire life and I remember them all and I always have a feeling they mean something to particular dreams of my childhood stood out I was pretty young and dreamt of a boy a little older than me we were in my parents farm pasture laughing and playing tag the most vivid part was that he grabbed my hand and said he had to show me something when I woke up I was convinced he was my future lover seems like regular twelve-year-old [ __ ] but it's stuck in my mind a few months later he was in another dream there was probably only 30 seconds that I remember but he was lost in the trees in the field and was in trouble he was screaming and I was scared I tried to help but couldn't find him when I woke up I couldn't get it out of my head as I was riding the bus to school I remembered that we had been taught in school private Christian school I am no longer Christian to pray for our future husbands I tried my hardest to send him strength I prayed pretty consistently for a couple months which wasn't like me at all I rarely prayed after a while I didn't feel the stronger to help him I stopped praying as often but always remembered I kept the general dates in my head with every bf I casually asked them what they were up to during fall of that year they gave a cancers I would make things fit or call it silly to even consider it by my late 20s I had completely forgotten it suddenly came up in conversation with my husband we were laughing about it we calculated the time and figured out what had happened to him during those few months when he figured it out he looked a bit spooked he told me that was the fall he tried to commit suicide several times and was eventually committed into a hospital for treatment things got better after that and he views it as a turning point in his life this all happened before I was born so I'm relaying stories relatives have told me about what happened to my uncle in the late 80s my uncle was a police officer in a decent-sized metropolitan city for several of years and though the job was difficult sometimes everyone in my family said he enjoyed what he did and didn't have any known struggles with the job he had a wife and a son that he loved very much and he was close with my dad and my older brother things took a turn when they started having some marshal issues they didn't hate each other and had a child together but in his wife's opinion they just weren't suited to be together anymore she didn't love him and she wanted a divorce but from what my family told me my uncle didn't he wanted to work out their issues and figure out what was wrong but she just kept hammering home that she wanted a divorce and didn't want to be with him anymore around the time of my dad's birthday in March my uncle took him out for dinner and they talked for a while my dad always said that he didn't seem upset or unhappy with his job or his life he even brought up the possibility of divorce and said he felt frustrated with what his wife was saying but he was confident they could work out their issues for the sake of their life together and their son about a month later police officers show up to my grandmother's work and tell her that she needs to call my dad and my grandfather and get the family together that there's been an accident but they won't tell her the details of what happened my dad and grandfather get there after leaving their jobs and it's hours leaving the family in a panic before police finally tell them that my uncle is dead but they're not sure what happened later one of the higher-ups comes in and tells the family that my uncle committed suicide and that's the official ruling this is just a shock to everyone because even though he was having some hardship with his marriage he didn't seem upset by it enough to take his own life the sergeant / captain also says there was a note he left behind before he killed himself but won't allow the family to read it because the note is still under investigation even though he had just ruled the death a suicide there are a couple of details about the circumstances of my uncle's death that made my family question if it was truly a suicide or not the first was the crime scene the coroner's report ruled that my uncle died instantaneously from a gunshot wound through the forehead this is a bit tinfoil hat in a way but I know from watching crime shows and listening to podcasts that most men who commit suicide either shoot themselves in the mouth or under the chin the door was also locked from the inside but it was one of those locks you could turn and then close the door behind you so either he or someone who was leaving the room could have locked it behind them as they left second there was blood spatter on the wall but his body was lying down in the bed police tried to explain that they moved his body to try and perform life-saving measures but the official police report said he was lying in his bed not up against the wall third the gun that was used appeared on top of a dresser in crime scene photos again police explained that they moved the gun before photos were taken but my grandparents in particular thought that this was a lie fourth the suicide note it took a long time for police to give my grandparents his suicide note when they did my grandmother told my grandfather immediately that's not his handwriting she was convinced that someone else had written the note in the note my uncle had written that he was sorry to his wife and son that he wouldn't be there anymore but that the pain of living was too much there was no mention of my grandparents my father or my brother who he was close to fifth the autopsy evidence my grandparents were already suspicious so before he was buried they requested and the autopsy be performed in that autopsy the coroner ruled that the gunshot wound was more consistent with someone else wielding the gun and shooting him rather than him shooting himself despite this ruling the official cause of death was deemed suicide by gunshot wound sixth his wife after his death my grandparents noticed she wasn't particularly upset and than a few months that even started seeing someone new my grandparents hired a private investigator to follow her thinking she might have had something to do with my uncle's death they weren't sure if she had murdered him herself but they knew that there was evidence stack that at the very least his death should have been investigated as a possible homicide but there was no way to request that with the possibility that police were either contaminating evidence indirectly or purposefully covering up evidence as far as I know nothing ever came of it except she eventually found out she was being followed in what foreign told the family they could never see her child again and my grandparents never trusted the city police as long as they lived there they never found any evidence that she was connected or his death had been covered up but they never believed that he killed himself when I was four years old my grandpa mom's dad died from lung cancer in his sleep that night I dreamed very vividly that he took me on a trip with a hot-air balloon and then said goodbye and flew with that balloon into heaven I immediately told my mom about the dream when I woke up next morning my mom was on the phone just having received the message that her dad had died she dropped the phone and looked at me her face was white like a sheet to this day were both convinced that my grandpa visited me on last time to say goodbye I had a very similar experience when my other grandpa died 10 years ago it was the night after his funeral after I had cried myself to sleep because I had a very hard time coping with his death I woke up in the middle of the night because someone was calling my name really loud but there was no one in my room everything was pitch dark then I heard the voice again and it sounded like my grandpa he was calling me suddenly a car drove by it's lights rushing through the half closed blinds on the windows partially blinding me for a second and then I saw the pale figure in the corner next to my bed I got really scared and closed my eyes and I heard my name again like an echo when I opened my eyes again the pale figure was gone I'm convinced this was my grandpa saying goodbye and reassuring me that he'll still be around somehow until a couple years ago I could feel his presence when I visited his grave like a warm wave going gently through my body I live in the deep mountains I'm talking a 45 minutes drive to the nearest small town we are nearly completely isolated and surrounded on all sides by thousands of acres of National Forest it is the real deal to live there and not uncommon for large predators to roam through our property Grizzlies lions wolves etc to help combat this my wife and I have several large Shepherd dogs that roam the property they do an excellent job rerouting wildlife around the property marking and just being good survival companions if something goes bump in the night either the dogs freaked out or they don't after a while you learn interpret their barking and growling from batshit panic when a bear is outside to annoy it I'm trying to sleep yapping when a raccoon gets in the trash still you never get fully used to them barking in the night there's always a what if in the back of your head well I let them inside to eat at night or when it's too cold to be outside one December evening my wife and I have them in and were watching planet Earth no big deal we're all a big happy family gathered around the TV my Shepherds love to watch the television see all the cool animals we had watched several episodes and they never made a peep when they saw sharks elephants Komodos hyenas blah blah then came the mountain episode and they were on high alert but still calm until they cut to a night vision scene of the mountain lion stalking in the dark they all lost it nearly knocked over TV trying to attack it our youngest pup still 80 pounds jumped on our laps and was visibly shaking in full tilt barking and growling it was unnerving to say the least we get lions around here but to see how keen the dogs were on just a clip at one really demonstrated not only the fact that they were intimately familiar with the threat but that they instinctively knew what one looked like prowling in the night it was an inherent threat and they not only knew it but were scared to death of it we had watched hundreds of hours of shows with them and never once got that reaction before alright thanks for sticking with me thus far here's the [ __ ] your pants scary part of the story I really don't even like writing it because the whole thing still freaks us out to this day we are again all inside on a cold winter night my wife and I plopped down to watch some TV and the dogs gather around in gently I decide to throw on a stupid alien documentary my friend recommended the dogs watch closely but seemed normal then the documentary shows some supposed pics of Grayling's lurking in the night the dogs [ __ ] lose IT worse than the mountain lands holy [ __ ] we have to turn the TV off to stop the dogs from destroying the house and even then they're all super freaked out tuck tails whimpering the works again we watch TV with them all the [ __ ] time and nothing has ever got them riled up let alone full panic except for these two instances after we calm the dogs down my wife and I sat in silence for a long while as the horror slowly washed over us that what if when you hear the dogs freaking out in the middle of the night apparently could be aliens not [ __ ] cool TLDR my dogs told me there are aliens wandering our property at night many years ago someone told me a story about how they got a bit lost while travelling between states somehow or other they ended up on a seldom-used county road out in the boondocks this was before cell phones or GPS were common so as evening got on they decided to ask for directions at the first house that came across an old two-story farmhouse type but not abandoned looking or anything they parked along the side of the road and began the long walk up to the front door they said there was no driveway connecting the house to the road just a gravel footpath it sounds stereotypical but about halfway there they started getting a funny feeling like there was something wrong or off about this place that's when they noticed someone staring out a window on the second storey close enough to see it was a thin masculine figure too far away to make out any facial details only this man was upside down in the window as if gravity had flipped and he was standing on the ceiling just standing there and staring they stopped in their tracks confused after a minute the man moved back from the window turned and disappeared in kind of a herkie jerky fashion from waist ahead like they were descending ascending an inverted staircase I told them it was probably just a couple of mirrors in the room creating the effect but they said it freaked them out so bad they ran full speed back to the car and drove off even though there's a logical explanation that story has always stuck with me I have told this one before but it was one creepy experience I was having a nightmare the night before basically a group of high school [ __ ] jocks their [ __ ] jocks in real life - so I will call them the jocks throughout decided it would be a good idea to pull my pants down in the hallways after waking up I thought nothing of it but I remembered it I got ready for school I was only concerned about my nice weekend ahead after ninth period which is the second to last class of the day I turned around and realized the dream was unfolding in front of my eyes nearly identically as before in real life with the only difference is that I have memory of a dream the night before at the time I was concerned with getting the [ __ ] away from the jocks who made the dream a nightmare it would be the first time someone would have gotten pantsed in the school in years having noticed them a distance away from me I sprinted faster than ever before away from them when I got to my last class I turned around and saw they either weren't running after me to start or somehow lost me during the chase when I got to my class I was freaked out it felt like a horrible case of deja vu at first and it was all my mind was on the rest of the day this wasn't even in October it was in April 2018 I was paranoid of anyone on any male sports teams for the remainder of that day in the week to follow I adjusted my pathway to avoid certain locations in the building I didn't talk to anyone associated with sports or cheerleading and when I had to I only talked about school and had a lot of nervous and a restless nights' soon after that those ended when I no longer had to be on high alert all the time they passed some other social outcasts and got long term suspensions one was outright expelled I didn't see them again until late May I don't know if this counts but I thought it was eerie about a month ago I woke up with an incredibly sore neck I literally couldn't turn my head it hurt so bad I had to drive to work that morning which involves being on the interstate as I was getting on to the interstate I had this flashback don't know what else to call it of driving in my car with my fiance and him sternly telling me babe you have to look before you switch lanes you're going to get us killed it was so real I couldn't tell if it had happened or not after thinking about it more I realized I had dreamed it I'm a pretty good driver and my fiancee would never talk to me in that kind of tone it stuck with me throughout the day though driving home from work later that day my neck was even worse I was getting ready to merge onto the interstate and because of my neck I stupidly didn't turn to check my blind spot right as I was about to get into the other lane I remembered my dream so I forced myself to look and sure enough there was a huge SUV going about 85 to 90 and they were right in my blind spot if I hadn't turned to look I would have absolutely smashed right into them it freaked me out and I'll never switch lanes again without looking my spookiest life story to this moment only happened a couple months ago it was like 10:00 p.m. on a Friday night and my roommates had already turned in for the night I had already had a couple beers and was bored so I thought it would be fun to take a walk to the band smoked a joint the spot I wanted to go to was probably about a two mile walk from my house there's a pathway at the end of my street that follows along a stream that's actually a runoff from the bay when you round the corner at the end of the path there was a boat club that was having a party with a live band anyways I walked all the way to my spot smoked the Doobie and began making my way back as I come around the corner of the Boat Club it looks like that party is just wrapping up and most people are making their way home there's a man tucked behind the fence of the club right next to the pathway I'm taking trying to take hits from a bowl he calls out asking if I have a lighter feeling in a good mood I say sure and offer it to him for a couple hits he offered me a hit of the devil's lettuce which I politely declined as I was already on a good one low thanks me and hands me the lighter back as I turned to go on my way I see that he's walking along beside me down the path I say oh I'm heading home man I'm tired yeah I'm heading the same way this path can be dangerous at night he starts going on about how he's from NYC to prove that he's tough and familiar with sketchy enviornments at this point I'm getting really weird vibes from this guy and my Adrenaline's pumping I say you know what I think I'd really prefer to walk by myself I live around here I'm not worried about my protection the guy starts asking questions about where I live I told him I'm not going to tell him as I just met him but he's being pretty persistent he insists we walk together as it's for the sake of both of us not just me he mentions I look like I know a fighting style what are you a brown belt or a black belt in my head now I think he's sizing me up for toughness as we walk deeper through this dark part he talks on his fighting experience and says he's earned a pretty high belt of his own we round a corner near the water and at this point he asks me if I have any kids I respond no and he insists that I walk a few paces ahead of him since he does and he has more to lose I'm really freaked out at this point but I want this to be over with and he seems too drunk to be able to take me I walk ahead of him but turned back to look at him every other second to make sure he doesn't try anything tell him that he's really sketching me out right now and he should watch himself we're approaching a sort of overpass where the path dips below a bus Street he says okay when we get to this point up here I'm gonna go right you're gonna go left but that's not going to be the last time we see each other I'll see you two days from now there's something you'll have to do for me before that time you won't know it till it happens but you'll know it when it does as we're talking he likely notices I'm on edge and constantly snapping my head around to look behind myself he says I can tell you see them following you too don't you eventually we meet the overpass and he veers off up to Street above as soon as I'm out of sight under the road I picked up my flip-flops and sprinted the remaining half mile to my house and locked the door behind me I've told this one before but love telling it around Halloween so here you go my sister is four years older than me this is relevant later about a year before I was born my dad built a house in the country for our family so I'm four years old and playing downstairs with mom and decided to go get a toy from my room upstairs my bedroom was small only about 12 by 12 the door opened to the left and my closet had French doors which opened from the middle outward so when the bedroom door was open at the same time as my closets left side door it formed a little square space that was blocked off behind each at a ninety degree angle as I walked into the I heard something rustle and exhale like an animal in the space behind the two doors I turned and looked in the image was seared into my little kid brain a green scaly demonic looking creature was crouched behind the door it was small maybe only four feet tall but at red eyes and yellow sharp teeth the green scaly / bumpy skin was weird and hard to describe the grayish green shade was sickening like the color itself gave me a visceral reaction being so young I didn't exactly understand what I felt but the creature gave off a vibe that it didn't want to just hurt me it wanted to tear me to shreds and destroy me it didn't growl the kind of shift at its Crouch and flashed its teeth when we made eye contact I lost my [ __ ] and went screaming sprinting out of my room and downstairs to my mom mom was a teacher and one of the comest most logical people I've ever known she went in - mom / teacher mode and sat me down at the kitchen table with paper and crayons to draw what I'd seen she told me something like when we draw what we're afraid of we can see it's not scary mom got me calmed down enough to draw the creature while she worked in the kitchen when I was done I called for her to come look when she saw the drawing she immediately made some dismissive comment like see that's not something real it was only your imagination but her tone and demeanor had changed she grabbed the picture off the table and walked out of the room with it I calmed down and we didn't speak about the green demon thing again 14 or 15 years later don't remember exactly but I was either 18 or 19 and a freshman in college I was home eating dinner with mom my older sister and girlfriend from school we were talking about memories from the old house we'd since moved away I said mom do you remember when I thought I saw the green demon thing it was like someone sucked the air out of the room mom got quiet and my sister said something like wait you saw it too mom then told me it was the most frightened she'd ever seen me as a kid and my sister had seen the same thing in the same spot when she was four and I was a newborn mom had actually done the same let's draw what were afraid of exercise with my sister and kept the two pictures that we drew mom found both drawings when she moved again about a year later my sister and I were helping with the move-in mom showed them to both of us they were clearly four-year-old art quality but shared the same exact features skin color scales red eyes etc I had some other weird experiences in that house but this post is long enough if you'd like to hear them I can share more in a reply at a TL DR saw a green demon which gave a pure evil vibe in my room years later found out my sister saw the same thing same spot we drew two pictures at the time we saw it and they were very similar I guess I have two rather short ones if I exclude night paralysis the first one happened when I was about 10 we where on a field trip with my class - Akash was fastening an old fort / castle built in 1300 in Oslo Norway we went on this guided tour trough the castle and we were told about the history and events in the castle when we came to the main hall I suddenly got really lightheaded and almost fainted then when I came to myself everything just felt wrong not Whitney but the room itself it was like I knew that the room was organized in the wrong way the guide was telling us about the hall and banquets they used to have there and at that point I raised my hand and said there is something wrong with this room the placements of the furniture is all wrong I was told that the furniture was all original I know but it's placed all wrong the table is supposed to stand there and the lights over there there is nothing in here that is supposed to stand like it as the guide then told me I was right the placements I was pointing out were all right they had reorganized the room to make it easier to have guided tours there one day I can't find the vial our priest is out of town and dad won't let mom drive to another parish to get another vial so mom wants her rosary around the crucifix and says a prayer over me that night I wake up and set up to see my clock it's 3 M then I smell it once we found a rotten garter snake carcass on our farm so dad just tossed it into the already lit burn barrel we use for trash this was worse more rotten more smoky then I notice it there's this terribly twisted approximation of a man right in front of me it's made of smoke not regular smoke but those plumes that come from forest fires the one so thick and dark you can't see through them it had black holes for eyes and even though it didn't have a mouth or nose I knew those limitless pits were smiling it had plans for me in that moment I was paralyzed with fear the thing brought its hand down on my still blanket covered thigh have you ever had a chemical burn it was like the things hand was eating away of my flesh I tried to scream to run I couldn't I knew I was crying I could feel the tears through my blurred vision I saw something move I tried to see what it was but I couldn't find it the hulking smoke being lifted its hand it kind of looked surprised when it stumbled I realized something I couldn't see was fighting it I was still terrified as I watched the thing get pushed through my bedroom door my room got brighter as it left I saw for just a moment the outline of a tall skinny man standing in front of the door guarding it he smelled like old spies in the morning I found the vial on my bedside table I had a perfectly hand shaped healing burn on my thigh three hours later it was gone as if nothing happened I never had that thing try to accost me again now when I visit the house it lingers in my dad's office dad has refused to get any help for his anger bitterness and resentment I know it's feeding on him now but even if I stay over that thing doesn't come near me it wants me but I know that it knows that my grandpa will kick its ass again if it tries anything I love you grandpa [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 415,869
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: hHTL3tL-6tU
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Length: 63min 23sec (3803 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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