Revisiting Jake Paul's Team 1000 Scam

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It really shouldn’t have surprised me that nothing ever came of Team 1000, but I guess I underestimated Jake’s scumminess

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/OffkeyNightingale 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Babies don't wink...babies don't have secrets!"

and now I have a new user flair

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really thought he was going to have a pregnancy announcement after all those apps at the end.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/doughqueen 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey guy, welcome back to 2020. New year, new me? Hell nah. I'm still a little bitch. In the spirit of entering a new decade and looking back on the 2010s and all the fun times we had, I wanna start this year off by revisiting some of the topics I've talked about on this channel over the past three years and see if things have gotten better or worse or changed at all. And today we're gonna start that by looking back at Edfluence, which was one of the most blatant scams I've ever seen from a YouTuber that weirdly didn't really affect Jake Paul at all. I guess, cause he was pretty busy with some other scandals at the time. I called him out about it back in 2018, but haven't addressed it since then. And since so much time has passed, I'll get DMs on Twitter every so often, asking me to post an update. And I'm also just curious myself to see what has come of his scam, to see if they'd done anything to validate the cost or change it at all. So that's what we're gonna be looking at today. First though, lemme real quick recap what Team 1000 actually was. Or I guess wasn't, because it was nothing. So in late 2017, Jake started advertising on his channel, his new service called Edfluence, where for a small fee of just $7, you could learn all the tips and tricks that he's used to become the most hated YouTuber in the world. The thing is though, once you paid the $7, thinking you had then unlocked all this extra content, you were immediately prompted with a second screen, where you were asked to pay an additional $57 to unlock everything you thought you just bought. So at that point you could either just give up and forget about the $7 you just wasted on nothing or because you're a child and you're using your mom's credit card, you could just click the big button that says pay an additional amount of money, because you have no concept of money. What's another $57? Money doesn't mean anything to you. You've never had a job, you're a child. And then once you click that button, it would automatically just charge you again, because it already has your mom's credit card information saved onto the website from the previous smaller payment and you're fucked. Very shady, not cool, but that was just the scam part. Once you got onto the actual website with all of its brand new content, it was very obvious right away that Jake just kinda filmed all of this shit in an afternoon and was speaking out of his ass most of the time. - Oh you're what mom? You're watching this Edfluence course? Oh my gosh, you're blowing up mom. Oh my gosh, yeah I know because everything in this course is right, you should follow it, click. Ready to go? Cool, cool, cool, cool. - But the most disappointing and confusing element of this website was Team 1000, which is like team 10, but with more zeros. This was a massive part of Jake's pitch on Edfluence. Basically saying that for just a few bucks, you could join Team 1000, which he described just vaguely enough to peak the interest of young fans, without really saying what it actually was. And so finally comes the big reveal. Once you've paid $64 to join what you thought was Team 1000, you click on the tab that says Team 1000, only to find out that team 1000 is coming soon. Which is not usually how transactions work. It kinda reminds me of that episode of Nathan for You, where he would sell underage people alcohol, but they couldn't actually take the alcohol until they turned 21. Except it wasn't as funny when Jake did it. So overall Edfluence, Team 1000, whatever you wanna call it, kinda stinky if you ask me. But it has now been two years since I posted this video, which I think puts us well past the window of soon. So the million dollar question is, did Team 1000 ever come? Actually I don't like the way I worded that. What happened to Team 1000? (upbeat music) Are you fucking kidding me? If you are a visitor contact the website owner or try again later. Well there's no contact information for the website owner, so I don't think I'll be able to do that. Don't think I can just give 'em a phone call if I don't have their number. Okay, let's go to Edfluence's Twitter page, which has not tweeted since November 2018. And the last thing they tweeted was, "stay calm there's still time to get Edfluence half off." Oh and then the tweet before that was 30% off. And the tweet before that was 30% off. And the tweet before that was 50% off. Basically they were just tweeting all through November 2018 with all these new sales. Probably knowing full well, they were gonna shut down the website almost immediately afterwards. - Team 1000. - Okay, you know, it was bad enough that two years ago I spent $64 to access an unfinished website, but now it doesn't even exist anymore. So I can't even retroactively enjoy all the useless informational videos that Jake Paul filmed. There are a couple breadcrumbs we can sort of follow here to get to the bottom of this. If you go to Edfluence's Twitter bio, they advertise another Twitter page "Demeanor." Which sounds like the same thing as Edfluence, but maybe they just rebranded. Learn from the people you love. Online courses taught by influencers. So it sounds like maybe they expanded Edfluence to include influencers besides Jake Paul, sort of like masterclass, but taught by idiots. All right, so let's visit, because it seems like Edfluence no longer exists. Demeanor is a platform for influencers to make and sell their dream products. Tell us your vision and we'll make it happen. All right, sounds legit. Low upfront costs. So there's a small set up fee, but don't worry, then we won't charge you another cent until your products are selling. From courses to purses, to games, to watches, we'll make it happen. You just need a vision and a fan base. Okay, so this definitely sounds a lot different from Edfluence. Edfluence was willing to target anybody who would give them money. It didn't matter if they were an established creator already or not. This sounds like you need to be an established creator and have a fan base already and then they'll help you. Sort of like an MCN or any type of management company that you would approach hoping for help with logistical stuff like this. So at this point I'm invested, I'm curious, I gotta see what Demeanor is all about. So I'm gonna click get in touch, fill out all this information and now I guess we just wait for a response. This could take a while. (upbeat music) All right (claps) so it has been one whole week since I sent that request and the response I got, was nothing. I'm really not surprised at all. Actually after a couple of days, I submitted another application pretending to be Sommer Ray, that butt girl on Instagram with like 20 million followers. I thought it would have been a really good fit. I wanted to sell hats with her butt on it and it would say, "what's that smell? It's my but." Weirdly that great idea wasn't enough to at least a response. So I'm just gonna assume that no one works at Demeanor anymore and they don't exist. So we went from Edfluence to Demeanor, to nothing in a matter of two years. I'm so interested in this, I don't know why more people aren't talking about this. How could you just like sell something and then act like it's gonna keep growing and you're gonna keep expanding and then you never make good on the promises you made and then get rid of the unfinished version of it. But that's Jake Paul in a nutshell. The ultimate internet salesman. He's not a creator, he's a salesman, let's be honest. He's a business person who's just always trying to sell a product. Whether it's his merch or his online courses or himself. He's a salesman, that's who he is. If YouTube never worked out, I have no doubt he'd be working at like a Toyota dealership right now, slinging Prius's. To him maybe after dominating social media for a couple of years, he wanted to take on his biggest challenge yet. He wanted to sell the ultimate product. You give him money and he gives you nothing. And maybe he just wanted to see how many people he could get to buy it. I mean, it's amazing what the power of a good sales pitch can do. Oftentimes the marketing of something is way more important than the actual thing you're selling. Like I think a lot of people tend to buy things based on how the packaging looks or the color scheme of the logo. I've been using Old Spice deodorant for years now, just because I thought their commercials were funny. Edfluence was packaged in a really appealing way to his young fans. He used all the right words, threw in a couple obvious manipulation tactics that went right over their heads. - If you can't follow the roadmap, then there's just no chance you'll make it into Team 1000 or maybe even as a social media influencer. - And they bought into what he was selling. I would guess he sold thousands, maybe tens of thousands of subscription packages. You can scroll through YouTube and see countless videos of like "my Edfluence journey." Day one, joining team 10 or team 1000. And then fast forward one year and can't even access the website anymore, it's just gone. In fact it was pretty much exactly one year. They launched the website in December 2018 and somewhere between August 2018 and January 2019, it had been downgraded into an error screen. Oh but not before we throw out a couple of last minute fire sales to see if we can't milk a few more bucks out of this. And then he vanished into the night, never to be seen again. Well, that's not true. One of my favorite tactics he used to try and sell Edfluence, was quoting a Chinese proverb and then saying, see, that's why you gotta give me $64 because of this 1000-year old wisdom. What an insane connection to try and make. I feel like that's like trying to use Socrates as a testimonial. Let him that would move the world first move himself, on a brand new bike. You know how I know Demeanor is bullshit? If it's a service that handles merch operations and it was started by Jake Paul, why doesn't Jake use it? He uses Fanjoy, he's been using Fanjoy for years to sell his merch. He's not even using his own service, so why would people trust it? Speaking of which, let's see which creators that... Okay, I'm starting to notice a theme here. Well, I don't really know what to say about this anymore. I mean, the fact that they have just gotten rid of Edfluence is sort of a fitting end to the saga. But also it just means I don't really have anything to react to. Before we wrap things up though, I did say I wanted to do revisit a few things I've talked about in the past, not just this. And although scrolling through my past videos, there's not a lot of things that are that interesting to me, in terms of doing a follow up. One of my favorite videos I've ever made was called, "why did you think this would work?" It was about a bunch of apps where people were frustrated that they didn't work even though any rational human being, would be able to tell you, of course it wouldn't work, it's an x-ray machine. That being said, I've downloaded a couple pregnancy tests on my phone and we're gonna find out together if I'm currently with child. Looks like all I have to do for this one is start testing, by clicking this blurry ass buttons. All right, just like when you buy a regular pregnancy test that you pee on, there is a mid-roll ad. Okay now it's gonna scan my finger. Is it, my finger's on it, is it doing? I knew it. (soothing music) Now that I've gotten that out of the way, it's time to answer the question, "boy or girl do you have?" Let's find out. (upbeat music) What is this? Oh, that's my stomach. So what's this right here? If this is my stomach, is that my dick and balls? I knew it, it's a girl, a beautiful fetus girl. Wait, this developer also has an app called Baby Thoughts Simulator. I gotta know what my baby's thinking. All right, well, I don't have a baby yet, but I do have a goobie. So let's scan him. What's goobie thinking about? Is scanning, thanks for the update. I want to sleep. That's all you ever do, let's try this again. Is scanning. I want to sleep. Is this the only response they programmed? Get outta here. Now the only thing left to figure out is what is this baby girl gonna look like? So let's get to the bottom of that using Future Baby. Why would I need notifications? (soft music) Wait, babies don't wink, babies don't have secrets. Dad's photo. (camera clicks) Awesome, mom's photo. Here we go. Oh, well I wanted to crop that one, but okay. Okay, so I guess I'm also the mom. I have to pay $5 a week to see my future baby. I knew this app wouldn't give an accurate image before downloading it. However I am black, the other person was also black. How are we able to create twin white babies? The babies were adorable, but I thought it would merge me and the other parent's face to create a baby photo, not have someone's real baby photo. Well, that's unfortunate. I guess we'll just keep it a mystery then. I don't know what my beautiful baby girl is going to look like until the day she comes out of my ass. Well, I guess that's it. Not much else to talk about with Edfluence. I mean, I can only react to an error page for so long. I think it's a beautiful ending to the saga. Just like I said, there's nothing else for me to say about it. But I do have a few words to say about today's sponsor. I love my data. In fact, my data is probably my best friend in the whole world. Which is why I need to keep it safe, all right. I can't have some internet guy out here trying to sniff out my data and figure out what it smells like. It smells like shit, but that's my business. I use ExpressVPN to help protect my data, from hackers, from ne'er-do-wells, from my internet service provider, who is always trying to collect all the information they can about me so they can sell it off to the highest bidder, which is usually me, I like to buy it back. Using ExpressVPN I can make sure that nothing comes between me and my precious data. But ExpressVPN is also useful for unblocking content that may not be available in your region, such as Netflix shows that are only available in other countries. It also works with live sports. For some reason the NBA has this rule, where I can't watch Magic games because I live in Orlando and I guess they think I can just turn on the TV and watch it there. Well jokes on you NBA, I don't have cable, I'm a millennial. But using the power of ExpressVPN and just a couple of clicks, I can change my phone's location to an entirely different city and now I can watch my team lose. Talk about a grand slam. (applause) ExpressVPN has consistently faster speeds than other VPNs out there, making it the best choice, my choice for a VPN, if that's something you're looking to use. Find out how you can get three months free of ExpressVPN by clicking the link in the description. That's, which is my name. Hopefully you knew that by now. You knew that, right? And I will see you guys out on the worldwide web. Now back to my chair, which is right over here, I'm just gonna walk. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. Sorry it wasn't as climactic as I was hoping, I guess 2020 is off to a bit of an underwhelming start. But that means there's nowhere to go, but up. Oh wait, hold on before you get outta here, I just wanna say one more thing. Please go like my Facebook page. We're about to hit 10K on there and that would mean so much to me because I don't actually post on there or use it at all. And I don't log into it and I don't respond to any of the messages, but if we hit 10K, that would just mean the world.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,926,213
Rating: 4.9719248 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, jake paul., team 10, team 1000, edfluence, scam, shady.
Id: hCa_ddzU6w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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