Recreating My Favorite Bad Tik Toks

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god do I love Drew's peculiar brand of humor with his sketch comedy

I can't really describe it right now because I'm high out of my mind but...

he really makes comedy his bitch

ETA: and can we TALK about this dude's improv skills? like god damn leave some talent for the rest of us, Drew! Because talent is a finite resource!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey guy, welcome back to my bathroom. I know it may not look like it, but I'm actually in my bathroom right now. Hey, so TikTok is pretty weird, right guys? Alright, I know this is not the most innovative video idea, but there's so much wonderful content I've found on there and dammit, I have to show some of it to you. My new all-time favorite TikTok is this like, money prank video. ♪ But if the world was ending ♪ ♪ You'd come over, right, ♪ - [Shop attendant] Oh, he found it. ♪ You'd come over and you'd stay the night ♪ - Oh man, there was a 20 over there - [Shop attendant] Oh, you found a 20? - Yeah - [Shop attendant] Oh, I think somebody dropped it over there but what did you want, you wanted that? - I just wanted some coffee. - [Shop attendant ] And coffee? All right just cause you're honest I'll pay for them okay? - [Customer] For real? - [Shop attendant] Yeah I got you bro. Just cause he's honest I'm gonna bless him up today. I'm gonna bless him up just cause he's honest. Here you go man, enjoy your coffee bro. - Thank you. - [Shop Shop attendant] All right. Damn guys, let's see when he notices it. Is he gonna notice? - Do you think hell notice it guys? or do you think he's just gonna drink the coffee and not realize that there's no coffee in there. It's just dollar bills. - [Shop attendant] (gasps) he noticed it! Oh my God he's walking away. He came back! - Yoh bro I think you gave me the wrong coffee. - [Shop attendant] Why what's wrong with it? - There's money in it. - [Shop attendant] No bro, that's for you man. Just cause you're honest. - You're serious? - [Shop attendant] Yeah man. - Thank you man, I really needed-- - For me (sighs) thank you, thank you so much. - [Shop attendant] No, no problem, don't cry man. - I've never seen such an emotional dab before. I love this one because of how sincere it's trying to be. Excuse me I was just going to buy goldfish box but I found Pokemon bandaid under it. What! (laughs) That's crazy, man. So, Are you gonna buy those gold fish? Yeah, that's why I brought it to the cash register. Don't worry, man, I got you. Yoh guys I'ma bless him up real quick, guys I'ma bless him up real quick this could get so blessed. There you go, man. Okay, thanks. Hey, there's a bunch of bandaids in here. That's for you, man. Thanks for being honest. What? Whoa, don't cry. I'm not gonna cry, I don't want these. These guys actually do a bunch of like pranks and stuff like this, but they're usually the classic mean-spirited acts of debauchery. Here's one of their meaner pranks that I love. (man shouting) This is just funny because like why even use a balloon? Just pour milk on his head. The only other one of those I've seen that comes close to that first one in terms of how like heartwarming it's supposed to be is this one ♪ But if the world was ending ♪ ♪ You'd come over right ♪ ♪ You'd come over and you'd stay the night ♪ - [Man 1] Told you he's gonna find it. - [Man 2] Fuck he found it. Hey yo bro, I lost my money. - Nah, bro this is mine. - [Man 2] That's yours. - I mean to be honest I just found right here bro. - Yeah, I know dude, I was recording. I, I even have a flash on. - [Man 2] Yoh you know what? Just cause you was honest, this for you bro. - Bro you serious? - No problem man, you were honest and I respect that. So here's like $3,000. (upbeat music) He plugged phone into potato and it charge. I wonder what else you could plug your phone into (upbeat music) All right, so here's the thing. I thought of this idea a few days ago and I thought for sure by now I would've found more TikToks. I've been scrolling through TikTok for like eight hours this week. And the only thing I keep finding are good TikToks. I'll say it guys TikTok is good. There's so much funny shit on this app, I didn't even know Cole Hersch made TikToks. - It's me Harry Styles, I was in One Direction now I'm going to the bathroom. - There's also this guy Johnny Berchtold who does the funniest monologues parodying super specific movie tropes. - Everybody's shut up! Mr. Stevenson, you may be able to cancel the spring fling but we can also cancel you. You uneducated, unethical, just downright rude criminal. (chuckles) he speaks! - And they also got big baby. And I don't wanna talk about that. I don't wanna think about that. Every time I scroll down my For You page, there's a chance that I might be led to something that fills me with laugh. - Hey do you know, if it has a bathroom down here I think I accidentally shitted myself. - I love this app so much, it's great. But that's not what this video is about. So I asked you guys to send me some more. ♪ Any body else ♪ ♪ Gotta think about you like a child ♪ - All right, I'll try that. ♪ Do you know how it feels like ♪ ♪ Loving someone that's seen the rest ♪ ♪ Baby I can make that pussy rain often ♪ ♪ Asked me if I do this everyday ♪ - Oh, that's it? All right I can do that. ♪ Baby I can make that pussy rain often ♪ ♪ Asked me if I do this everyday ♪ ♪ I am snacking cheetos, pringles, ramen ♪ ♪ French fries, chicken nuggets, ♪ ♪ Ice cream, sandwich, what I'm I craving? ♪ ♪ What am I craving? ♪ ♪ I am snacking. ♪ - Please don't make me do this, please. Please don't make me do this guys. I'm not gonna do this for you. ♪ I'm eating nachos, tacos, burritos ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Woke up one day like fuck it ♪ - I hated that. That oh no, no, no. ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ - I love how many videos you guys send me of like animals or things that would be absolutely impossible for me to recreate. Everyone kept telling me to do this one too. I'm not gonna show you my ass. That's inappropriate. Plus I don't even have one. You know how most butts have the crack in the middle and that's what makes it a butt mine never grew in. I don't have a crack. So it's just one big cheek. I can't poop, I can't fart, I hate it. Okay, here we go, I love this guy. - So I think I'm the best growler on this app (growls) (chuckles) I'll take my crown. - (giggles) I think I'm the best barker on this app (barks) I'm doing my homework! Stop it, okay? Stop sending me big baby. - Wait, wait, wait, please stop scrolling. Here's some reasons why I'm a bad boyfriend. Reason number one, my lips are kinda too big. So you might drown when I kiss you (Drew chuckles) Reason number three, I have these annoying smile lines like what the heck? - Reasons I'm a bad boyfriend. I have these little things on my stomach, I think my doctor said they're called abs. (chuckles) what the heck? I had to see more of this guy, so I went to his profile and the first thing I noticed was that he was going live and when I clicked on it, he was just asleep. Is that what people do on TikTok? Is that what they mean when they say "The hustle never sleeps"? Even when you're actually asleep you go live so you can still get donations from teenagers? But he also has this TikTok. - Wait, send this video to your crush without watching the rest of it. Go on, send it. Don't be scared. Promise only good things. Ah, it's just me and you now. So as you can tell this person really likes you, like really, really likes you. And I honestly don't wanna see them get hurt. Do you feel the same? - It's pretty clever, honestly that's a good marketing tool to make a video where you're like send this video to whoever, whenever that pops up, you know, that shit always go viral. So that's one I definitely wanna try myself. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. I want you to send this video to your crush. Now seriously send it to your crush, don't watch it. Don't be scared, just do it. Do it pussy! All right, so it's just you and me now, the person who sent this to you has feelings for you, but not just feelings, they also have scabies. Scabies are a little parasites that live in your skin and lay eggs. That's how they spread across your whole body. When someone has scabies they get really itchy, but it's not because of the scabies. It's because of the fecal matter they leave behind. You see they burrow into your skin and poop and then your body has an allergic reaction to the poop. And that's what your crush is experiencing right now. And I know things are crazy right now but they just really wanted you to know this. Also bring them some ointment, they need it. Not a TikTok but a cool pic of me. Okay! ♪ Four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 ♪ - Yeah I don't think I'ma that one. (upbeat music) ♪ By the way she moves ♪ ♪ And then she started dancing ♪ ♪ Sexual romantic ♪ (upbeat music) - All right well, I'm done. Maybe this idea didn't go as well as I thought it would but I wanted to try it. Again, what I think I learned from this experience is that there's just more good TikToks than bad. Even a bunch of your replies were like "This one's not bad, but it's funny "and I had to show it to you" and I'm not even complaining cause I had so much fun scrolling through this thread. It was great. I spent like four hours yesterday, just scrolling and laughing and cringing and smiling. Thank you. Hey, well another video done. I think I'm gonna go listen to some music. (upbeat music) - Seriously? - What? No thanks I'm not hungry. - No put them in your ears. - Oh okay. You're right this is way better. - Can you leave now? - What? - I'm playing Animal Crossing. - Okay but you gotta give me the controller. Otherwise I can't. - No! - All right, are you in the market for new earbuds? What if I told you you could get a pair that sound as good as premium brands, but start at about half the cost. You already knew that? Cause a lot of YouTubers talk about Raycon? Well, I'm talking about them too. There's a reason why Snoop Dogg and Cardi B, my biological parents are obsessed with these. It's because they're good. These new everyday E25 wireless earbuds are their best model yet. They have more base, more battery life and a nice compact design that fits comfortably in your ears even if you only have one. Raycons are perfect for everyday tasks like trying to work out at home, staring longingly out the window reminiscing of what the warmth of the sun used to feel like on your skin and video calls. I'm not gonna mail you more toilet paper! Raycon offers wireless earbuds in a variety of colors and patterns. So they're not just comfortable, they're stylish too. To get 15% off your brand new pair of wireless earbuds click the link in the description, that's to get 15% off, which I already said. Well, that's the longest I've stood up in a while. I need a nap, before I go, though, I just wanna say how blown away I was by the response to the last video. I put that fundraiser up, having no idea what to expect. I've never done that before on YouTube. And I think we hit the $10,000 goal in like four hours. I thought it would take like a week. I didn't even know if we would hit it, but as promised I matched that donation myself bringing the total to just under $30,000 in a few days from one video, holy shit! Thank you guys so much for your kindness. That money is going to be put towards saving lives and keeping people safe and that's, that's great. I couldn't ask for anymore. That being said thank you so much for watching this video. Stay safe out there guy and I will be back bright and early tomorrow with a video I accidentally filmed while I was asleep. All right, bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,573,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, tik tok, tik tok cringe, weird tik toks, skit
Id: PxEP47T77NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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