Youtube Commenters vs the Diamond player they roasted (from Guess That Rank)

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quick story in my last rent guests video do you guys remember this first player I showed most of the contestants correctly identified him as a diamond specifically diamond 3 yes let's go but there was something about the way he was playing that especially triggered my comments section now I'm used to getting dumb or weirdly aggressive comments and it is YouTube after all but this was a whole nother level comment after comment after comment specifically targeting this poor guy he's so bad he doesn't deserve to be in diamond how could he play so badly and be so high ranked how are my games so much faster even though I'm lower ranked I'm better than him he must have been boosted and so on and so on and on and on I had literally hundreds of comments basically trashing this dude but the thing is he probably didn't even know he was in the video because all the gameplay I get for guests that rank is pulled from a random database of replay files so was these crazy comments kept coming in I had an idea how would this dude react if you realized all these haters were specifically calling him out what if I was able to track down that player and get him to come back and defend himself against the very people thrashing him in my comments could some of these very confident trash talkers actually beat him like they claimed today we're gonna find out meet papa moon not only was I able to find him he was very enthusiastic about getting a second chance on my channel especially when I showed him some of the comments getting his opponents to participate was a little harder I had to individually reply to dozens of comments in order to find enough people who were willing to back up their talk but soon enough I had a veritable army of cocky silvers Gold's plats and diamonds ready to take on this quote terrible diamond player it was time for Papa moon's revenge [Music] about half the commenters were also from Europe but I didn't want them to be able to use ping as an excuse so I made Papa moon play on EU servers hey speaking of changing server regions Papas revenge is sponsored by Nordby pn a lot of you guys are probably already familiar with what a VPN is but if you don't know it's basically an application that lets you send and receive data while staying anonymous and secure online I've been using VPNs for years especially when traveling but now that we aren't doing much traveling I found another useful feature of Nord and that's the ability to make it appear like you're in another country for region-locked content for instance I've been binging the last dance which is fantastic by the way but if you want to watch it on Netflix it's only on there outside of the US so all I had to do was open Nord set my location to Canada and boom there it is on Netflix so right now if you go to Nord BPM comm slash sunless Khan you can get the ridiculous deal of 70% off the three-year plan so it's like 350 a month that also gets you access to the Android or iOS app to use your VPN on mobile super fast servers 24/7 customer support and tons of other features so again go to Nord VPN comm slash sunless Khan and get secure today well I play better than that first diamond three and I'm a gold - alright squeezy I'm really excited to see a gold - that plays better than a diamond treat should be very very exciting here he's on the ball okay he can kind of dribble I could see an upset he might be better Papa Moon says otherwise though since he's not at one's main but seems to be holding his own against Squiggy Squiggy actually he scored a goal though kept it close to one well it was kind of close for the first half of the game and then in the second half Papa Moon got warmed up and thought the moon got kind of scary gonna lie you tell Papa's playing for revenge he's got a four goal lead doesn't care he's gonna run it up he's gonna make his point we get it but he still wasn't done he couldn't stop scoring started turtling starts showboating a little bit for the most part this all these matches stayed really wholesome though everyone saying nice shot nice one thanks Papa moon with zero seconds really needs to score that 13th goal just to really prove his point and he kind of has so I'm starting to think maybe the gold player does not play better than the diamond three okay someone explain to me why I am stuck in silver when the player at the start is diamond that makes no sense I am miles better than all the diamond and plat miles better well I like the confidence I also like the wholesomeness actually I really like this guy I liked all these contestants it wasn't it wasn't like they were toxic like they weren't being mean they were just super confident there's nothing toxic about that I respect them for coming on here and trying to back up their talk you know that takes some gumption pop did Papa Moon just try to do a Musti flick there unfortunately miss from the silver Papa's gonna start eating those up lamenting the missed open net opposite the best of us papa big mistake there the silver takes advantage it's three to one didn't miss that one but boost over ball will get you he knows it he sees the mistake now this is scary look at Papa man zero seconds again he loves scoring with zero seconds to really stretch it out deflate his opponents commenter three first person is diamond that's what my silver games look like okay it's time for the first two V two let's see what Papa Moon can do in silver wording to these guys exactly what silver games look like although it's probably just a joke he already admits he's like yeah maybe it's a little easier when you're watching yeah I don't think they're banging those top corner and silver now pop and his teammate started having a little fun with these guys passing around them so yeah basically it wasn't wasn't even close but we thought we'd do the 1v1 Papa gets a little dunk says you can't talk [ __ ] about me not even jokingly but Papa kept going for two one it's getting out of hand when you're putting up a solid effort it's just not enough to contain an angry Papa man new PC new hands new gamer gloves that excuse to be honest Papa Moon runs it up again won't stop this this dude is just an absolute savage when he gets a lead pulls out the 180 degree backflip flick and then tries to Musti and again the musti's are a little a little rough I'm not gonna lie Papa mu needs to stop with the musti's on to the next these ranks are nothing like the people I verse I'm a gold too and if I came up against that diamond 3 it would be an easy win well you get to come up against that diamond 3 let's see the easy win oh my that actually wasn't that great of a flick but still gets in Papa Moon close one nice shot there being extremely wholesome like I said there was 0-2 toxicity in this Papa's teammate helping him out good old Dylan I don't know about that car design it's extremely spikey but it's working for him and it's working for Papa actually this was an own-goal they're gonna skip that see how wholesome they're they didn't even show it you have to you have to actually go back in the video if you want to see that again so the one thing one was actually much closer this this commenter actually did an excellent job in the 1v1 at one point who was winning three to one he's killing it I thought he was gonna actually upset him in the 1v1 then Papa ties it up here I just thought this was hilarious off the kick off this shot stayed on the ball and there was no one on the screen for I swear five seconds it was hilarious I know why that made me laugh so much but Papa Moon breaks out and gets a goal tied up just a little over a minute how am i legging I'm not even in the game and I'm lagging Papa misses a flick there but he's right back on the ball just gets it over the common terse add two goal lead now with three seconds yep that's pretty much the nail in the coffin for Papa Moon wins again I am gold but I've played better than this diamond 3-gun how is this possible well I guess we're gonna find out he's on the ball right now Oh actually lays out a perfect pass to Papa moon this one's three to nothing forward or Nothing early actually he fired the nothing yeah this one really just was never close I'm Platt and I play better than the diamond three this is a good one we're getting up to plat now this is where he actually could get upset [Music] definitely possible for a plat on a good day to beat it John I never mind this is Papa Mary who are we kidding this guy has revenge coursing through his veins look at this absolute savage from Papa Moon five to one six to one this was honestly just brutal probably Papa's best game seven to one was still a minute left he's already got the Brazil he doesn't care about the Brazil he just wants more goals eight to one papa moon now everyone grabbed there to be two teammate see if this one's a little closer it was won 2-1 after about two minutes and then Papa moon whips out a doomsie dish did not see this coming from Papa Moon he's actually I believe he's gotten much better since he was in the video he informed me of this in fact I wasn't sure if it was gonna be realized in the video but he's clearly better that was only from a month ago that replay but he's now informed me that he's reached champ 2 for this teammate so this actually is quite a bit more lopsided than it even initially appeared since he's no longer even in diamond 3 which actually makes it even funnier that they were shit-talking in last one I'm a diamond too in two sweating my ass off just to see a guy in d3 play like a silver noise so these guys are actually in diamond so this is gonna be our closest match and I've saved this for last these guys definitely had the best car design by far beautiful yellow and red designs but unfortunately doesn't translate to gameplay papa moon's here up over his haters they were struggling pretty hard here you have to also understand they were probably pretty nervous you know getting put on the spot being in a video they did agree to it but it had to have been nervous I'm sure Papa moon and his teammate were nervous as well but didn't show it there flicks it over both of them no problem they fought back though 3 2 1 it kept it close these guys have skill they're there they're just not quite at papa moon's level this is a close game so we did a little rematch I guess the real takeaway here is even if you can do a couple tricks in free play when you're watching someone else play in a video it always looks much easier and the truth is you're probably you're ranked for a reason now watch we're gonna get a bunch of comments saying how bad these trash talkers were for their rank come back from my next video where the trash talkers in this video versus the trash talkers in the comments of this video trash-talking them [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 5,076,045
Rating: 4.9417195 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, ssg, spacestation gaming, pc gaming
Id: IVFYnLsxbgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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