I disguised a Rocket League pro as a bot in a tournament. Will anyone notice?

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i have a theory that when you play rocket league with a pro all your opponents will play way better because they know they're going up against the best in the world so when i decided to team up with a pro and play in a tournament i was prepared the pro i'm talking about is the insane ssg arsenal and when i say best in the world i mean literally in the top five of my top 20 aggregate ranking from a couple videos ago and look at his youtube this dude is popping off with the regular uploads so make sure to go subscribe to him because playing with this guy is well it's an experience it's time must be flick wait don't challenge me pinching it is now watch this don't be scared oh my god who's bob i'm just going to look at him put the phantom look [Music] he doesn't care turtle bump oh anyway as i was saying before i was interrupted by arsenal noises i wanted to compete in a tournament but i wanted to see if we could keep arsenal under cover the whole time so we dressed him up as a bot to see how long it would take before our opponents realized that this bot was not who they thought you have quite a few choices you have pretty much every car it looks like uh gerwin is an octane bandit bad i like the name bandit that's of like that's oh man i forgot about bandit i'll go with banded that name that name is hard if bannon don't have to drip i'm not using it i think i found him there he is are those oems i think they're almost bendy got the almost oh no bro banda has no drip oh my god it's like butt wait i should probably take a lava boost do they have alpha boost that's really convincing i'm using this car also yes no cop they have no idea who you are so they won't have any idea what to expect because if they saw my name bro oh my god they're turning that justin so fast yeah that should be over for me bro here we go oh we're starting all right it's time must be flick wait don't challenge me okay never mind bro as we headed into the tournament ready to destroy everyone with our secret weapon arsenal the undercover bot we had no idea we were about to get punked ourselves at first we didn't notice anything but pay attention to this first team we played and see if any one player looks suspiciously good watch the losses start playing soft touch 50. wait around them actually get out of here bumping michael this guy's actually better than me i'm going i'm standing there watch this watch it stealing shots chilling shot all right up wait faking [Music] don't be scared oh my god dude you have the best calms this what it's like to play with you i know if i come like this i'm like any turner i'm getting yelled at for troll comment yeah missed it oh beep okay i got it random noises like bumping one one zero five zero a few bro oh my god oh my god he doesn't know he's not going to be girl you got it wait he's speeding oh my what is that in he dunked me oh we're giving we're giving them a chance i'm gonna show you my new move process all right now i know what's gonna say i'm like all right ready ready hello okay that did not work i've ever seen in my life who's bob what the hell bro but he's first got to touch into a double tap all right now now that it's closed this is this one i try this is when i try okay this is where legends are made legend legend super saiyan legend after we barely survived in the first round of the tournament i asked bob who he was it turns out bop was on my friends list it turns out that bop is a legendary pro known as the mountain apparently kia and kenobi decided to invade our tournament and they almost managed to kick us out in the first round but could we survive for the rest well let's see my teammate is afk i feel bad that he's afk or not pinching it is now what's this okay he's back bro he like can he come back like like what's he doing eating oh that's a reflect he won't save that i'm actually trump i'm actually quadruple touching what can he do oh my god what's this flag what's this flag is this cuba no no puerto rico wait no i'm not the analysis flag it has a sun and it's like blue and red so if i had to guess i'll say like america something like that the sun is a star so it does it's red white and blue and has a star star very good point the sun is a star that's true wait it is yeah i learned about maestro and emoji okay let me 1v1 and you look up flags okay okay okay yellow sun red white blue it's a philippine flag this is for the philippines yeah he's coming hello wait what did he bro stop bumping my boy wait go upside down what if i say no uh nevermind i could send everything all right bandits okay i can't even say gg i feel so toxic oh we got we gotta start making plays like you ever play 2k i'm more of a fifa guy but yeah yeah it's fine i don't know if you feel please but i'm gonna start calling 2k strats okay you want me to post up or like no i like it like i so bro you you heart we can do that yeah hit me relatively middle oh my gosh all right are you oh yeah show me to show me the mechanics actually better than me it's no body skip replay wake up oh you give you away dude how did they like know this stuff bro all right ready i'm going up okay wait he's up wait back to you i mean our toughest game was the first one yeah what was it what is it being in bot or beaming ball i don't even know the name oh my gosh we're just kind of heating up as this tournament goes to be honest obviously like the first game we were actually trolling like we could have like stopped them tenno might have shown him the kickoff wait i'm popping this guy he's bumped he's bumped he's bumped turtle bump girl look at my hair okay look at my bump though i just turtle bumped him bro all right top corner is for you oh my gosh hey all you show me to do go ahead shawty 45 oh he said you're better than musty can i get my kiss yeah yeah i'll be back he's gonna wait on him i'm just gonna look at him put the phantom look yeah he doesn't care arsenal football oh that's kind of awesome and cool i'm not gonna cut we are actually getting better like we're destroying more and more as we go we just have to warm up like that now you have to like build it like this energy the chemistry you know what i mean yeah now the chemistry is like maxing out no no no not not chemistry quim like quim oh that makes way more sense mitch it's mitz wait he's he's he's playing yeah oh my well you actually have to try it now do you know fisher yeah i know fisher i wonder what his twitter is nice oh my gosh bro wait let's scar why does everyone think i'm like this is what left to use like on a daily like i feel like maybe i'm just not demoing enough that's probably why i don't know it's me all right so here in the tournament championship things went a little south after cruising through the rounds after the kenobi game we got a little cocky especially after going up 2-0 well that was pretty dumb considering we were playing against two season one supersonic legends they were able to basically ball me and bandit when we were least expecting it royalty obviously we couldn't accept failure for this youtube video so we challenge them to a best of three to get our revenge honestly i wouldn't then the win i'll try now i'll let him know he watch this watch nah he doesn't know he doesn't know you might he might know why they're going they're gonna see a different breed that's not right now just not right now maybe maybe like later oh oh my oh my see bro do they actually think they're gonna win oh [ __ ] he got it he got it that fisher guys he's all right he actually bumped me off that you oh wait i tried to hit this so perfectly but i actually arrowed my car just around the ball to just miss it i feel like my wheels went through that get away get away let's go what a 50. they're not getting a single game this this is a different bandit oh my god we're kind of clamping right now [Music] wait oh my god bro bandit doesn't want to win all right skip skip skip nice do it to him come here oh let's go let's go i'm playing with my food right right now you know what i'm saying see that's what they wrote it down with the smoke now it's game three bandit i think they should actually like feel like grateful you know that we gave him that one game in the tournament yeah make him feel better winning i'm gonna look at him i mean [Music] oh my gosh like what can you actually you get the boost you deserve it you're awesome and cool i'm bucky you he missed to you open that roll it in what can they do lockdown defender hall of fame like did they think they will win like they didn't even get a goal free love bandits revenge revenge high score adventure when when your mind you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,653,105
Rating: 4.9552073 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: GlqUwB3hxII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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