I joined a PRO Rocket League team for a day (and we actually entered a tournament)

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this is redles international major winner and world-class talent that's arsenal mechanical god first pro to musty flick at a land and that's me i picked that card design all by myself you might be wondering why i'm here well today i've replaced ssg typical to see what it's like to be on a pro team for a day we're going to be competing at the highest level of in-game tournaments the ssl tournament if you manage to win one of these you take home the white ssl tournament title but you have to survive against 31 other supersonic legend teams i am not a supersonic legend but with these guys on my team we just might have a chance my new teammates were being nice to me but i'm pretty sure none of us actually thought we could win since every player we faced would be way higher ranked than 33 percent of our team meaning me and also i was lying they weren't being nice to me ew was that your white octane are you actually like higher than captain that looks horrible uh he actually can't arrow wait oh what we tried this last week and the tournament glitched out and didn't bring the whole party into the game so we decided to give it one last shot for the coveted ssl title let's see how it all went down eight seconds seven oh my god i'm scared six five wait do you have you have alpha wheels zomless i do thanks for noticing the egg cars still bun buns now if we lose the drawers bro no it might be a little bit of a problem almost ariel nope can't expect that forever i i did ariel to be fair wait i'm hoping [Music] oh my god yeah what's wrong with that why does everyone say that wait what i just wanted the wheels all right i'm doubling who's slumping oh i actually don't know yet this will be my yeah i don't think either yeah so i'm actually kind of like getting you guys the tags in a way by like giving you motivation where you at sonny yeah i mean we've got to warm up a little bit gosh if you came into this video and thought i wasn't going to miss a couple aerials like you're kind we stopped this tournament so i can 1v1 this guy oh yeah yeah like call the video yeah yeah last time it broke no we're testing our luck here gentlemen you gotta break again yeah no cap all right good pass on us thanks nice hit nice shot hey we're really coming together as a team i think the ghost ones kind of throw me off but besides that we're looking good okay that was easy but it's gonna get it's gonna get tougher we're joining it says it was all sheesh we're j dimes there's an old ones player from ps4 these guys actually aren't horrible what do you guys think of those tunes honestly the one in the red kind of nice though the one in the red kind of nice thinking the white octaves are kind of nice [Music] okay i'm not gonna change that's a bad idea i was messing around but this time it's time to game bro of course the kid with the non-fennec scores like he's up not a great touch that's are you your demos are really opening up the field right now thanks coach i appreciate that i've tried my best out here it's still good no i'm not gonna lie that then what actually did nothing that's me just me [Music] he's up and you're so dusty oh my gosh brother's kid's peeking i'm chasing i'm chasing don't don't go my paper i got you you die [Music] you know um what i think we should do is not go for the ball i got it we need to we need to play it safe basically we need to [Applause] [Applause] to the back wall oh rebels just like rlcs oh yeah i mean honestly all oh my god that's voting the chemistry right there let's go boys that game right there it moves down to the quarter finals i'm retiring after this i'm putting this game down no it's unless honestly that that was like a that was like a it's just a moment are we we need to step it up though we need to play more as a team yeah yeah that was literally our second game together the question takes some time wait who you get that from somewhere no i just came up with it no you definitely got it from me don't cat you know so much here we go right all uh i keep cheating bro whoa my lag bro yeah you lied you're like i got up there hold on yeah man thank goodness oh your son nice challenge bro i like it [Laughter] no i don't think i will yeah one two oh i'm dead playing the whiff oh [Music] that was perfect yeah i'm pre-dumping it because why not i got it okay yeah last time let's go i'm not going to call anybody off anymore don't call me off i want to see you i'll see your mechanics all right i'm buying uh i know sunless wants to see me go to work i do bang wow so now now i'll call you up look at your rotations are like clean what anyone else got hungry no i just ate so much chick-fil-a oh rip bro chick-fil-a is closed for some reason at my house yeah it's sunday you know it's wednesday it's wednesday wednesday night oh wait y'all want to see me go to work yeah oh my gosh the talent look at the place that's how you play it all right like that perfectly over one in my net now are your son that's a great safe i got this i'm middle oh yours that's a good fit bro these kids are actually like turning up on me they're good they're good they're working i don't know why they're working bro we play that safe so just like you play that's how you play safe all right so great game from you thanks oh this is like quarters we're getting close was when you're playing with the ssg boys what do you expect i'm saying nothing i'm just like pro my robot freight is processing this trip you're old men right now i'm like calculating calculating arsenal were you born in 1900 or 19 1900 i'm going to 2002 i am 19 now summers by the way if you didn't know i cannot believe this kid is 19 years old you know that was the best years of my life wait what were you doing then like you're definitely with the shawty song let's let me know definitely one of them definitely one uh-oh i'm married yeah wait actually yes guys i have some bad news wait what uh i think aqua's in the tournament who's that you know it's not too comforting when your pro friends talk about a player with fear in their voices oh well we probably won't face them in the finals right like aqua or i know he is but like what does that mean like we have sunglasses bro oh this is that's the three all right how tall are you selling this six one oh that one is so blunt you play basketball no oh my god i played baseball in soccer i like that free free free free free free free she's trying to do 1v1 ira basketball for 10k 10k you know i would i would accept that i don't even i don't know i don't even know i think i could i think we should do that next land bro let's go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that time about to be freaking 250 pounds i just i just closed on a house i'm gonna put a hoop in the driveway i'm ready bro that's awesome that's lit wait have you always been six one okay i mean i was gonna go middle wait i'm going to wait in a turn let's go let me see something let me see something no i don't know that's good that's good i just bang oh you don't need [Music] i mean honestly you're just left with leg genetics so like nah yeah you're not right i kind of do a big does are you guys seeing this holy wait what what'd you do thomas nothing yeah off the corner love that oh that's a great play look look at the vision though look at the vision on this touch see if i gotta touch on that it's internet good job guys nice play thank you arsenal reset i'm working on it i'm working on it athena has that athena flick like i need something i know that could have been me dude i missed out on that marketing opportunity ready yeah yeah i could have had the sunless flick i've seen i've seen you do that so many times i've done that exact play that's actually my flick good honestly i feel like you got rob thomas yeah i should not really sue her is that that is that mechanic copyrighted i forgot to copyright it that's actually my bad exactly that's i've scored two goals and i haven't shot that wasn't a shot i just went up someone was just better that's right fine that's why it's fine i didn't expect you to hit the ball no i don't need goals yeah it's almost that's a great pass i'll listen i'ma score it we're switching rolls for a game i'm now it's almost awesome i'll be calling oh yes flick it that's on me that's not me yeah yeah someone says rotate fast that's my bad oh oh oh wait oh wait i'm getting it on this guy wasn't quite in the right spot okay silence high nice pass oh wait yeah i'm just not reading that jesus mid-right nice you oh wait one minute oh god go about it [Music] have you ever seen uh when they a fan wins like a lap in a nascar like he gets to ride along they don't give him comms and tell him like what to do and give him the wheel okay he's just there someone said approximately 10 shots bro every single one of them was flowing in 10 miles an hour it's fine this is where ledges are made so unless like you're gonna carry me you can't make it that's the problem right there okay i'm not putting i'm not taking this one yeah that's fine i will i will i missed a couple you know i missed your shots yeah farmstead this is [Music] open i think i'm more confident when i'm just not talking i think i'm not going to say anything for the rest of this video arsenal's always are you then comps he says he played better in tournament if he didn't talk 50. pre-jumping got it nice nice wow how was that demo was that demo useful on the third man oh thanks you're trying to you're turning from a bot to a robot the grand finals here we go who would have thought are you going to be playing we might be yeah aqua gymmers and assyria and i would like to say that i'm leading the tournament and goals tied with aqua and assists what are y'all doing like yeah we should do it the farthest who should who can what you go farthest pee yeah it keeps cutting out right like like the stream like you know i could probably shoot from like outside the door i'm not going to catch all right here we are in the championship the finals wow grand finals best of three michael's a little talented he's a 12 year old prodigy super mechanical you ever you ever try to like fart you like you like yourself or that's weird i'm trying to chat him up cheating bro wait who's in the cerium oh i'm back right yeah i don't need him bro i got me i'm [Music] [Music] what i mean songs this man is a genius took my gloves what are they doing oh you think how is he not dead nothing for you i can't get him watch out i got this round no that's nervous i could try i took my left good i got this banya figures up got the boo hey man oh no oh my god actually good look at them work [Music] all right you know all right we go [Music] i'm back all right yeah shot free free let's go love it love it we're in this we're in this lobby no i got this killed him got again yep he's on him oh [Music] let's go nice job you guys are gods let's go let's go all right i'm back right okay stop shoot oh my god he knows i love that i got i'm up got my flippers up here go ahead i'm behind no more no more waiting silence let's go oh all day i need some british arsenal okay this is what we're going to do we're going to play but uh again because they couldn't do anything at the end you know what i mean so here we go okay we'll close it out right here i'm a little awkward here he's there yep check back right yeah you got nice you wanna touch you right one with you yeah okay got it oh he read it he's up two up you guys on this to me corner good i got it arsenal oh that's bad i'm rushing stop going ceiling oh you no i can't i can't no boost watch out good 50. back he's gonna be on zero zero zero when i got i got this that's it you got do you got son good i got one two back left yeah one more is 50 50. i'm back i'll come back yeah picked up all right from aqua i can play this all right i'm going all the way back i didn't believe my bad good messed up i got let's go got bumped oh watch out watch this though ah you might have double no that's my fault you got ours stay um turnout to win i'm writing you've got tea i'll show you nice challenge i got it mate love it love we did it we did it to the moon space station so i'm so i need to open my rewards i'm opening all my champions wow i got a lot of points i got a black market it's called nurgle okay put it on put it up
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,936,796
Rating: 4.9613452 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: nEHR12n3jEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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