100+ mods in Rocket League at once

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i installed over a hundred mods on rocket league and then challenged lethamere to a game where we slowly activate them until they're all running at once to see what happens warning you cannot unsee what you're about to witness before we got started i use the alpha console mod to turn myself into uh the baby convertible but that was just the beginning oh look at all these mods we're about to install i'm sure we won't regret any of these rocket stats yeah let's get some stats on there aimbot of course troll overlay sure sure why not rainbow car yeah i mean that sounds great well no i can't do that because i'm using the baby car let's go but you could first person match odds okay i like that oh yeah color changer for sure stealth yeah stealth's great i don't think we need an fps cap our computers will be capping just fine custom gravity give me goals yes sir we could enable alt f4 so that we can ragequip that could be useful oh xbox controller battery status plug-in custom overlay custom overlay number two boost pads are speed boost oh double trouble that's a pc crasher that's an end game right there that is an end game for sure so every time one of us scores the other person gets to activate a mod whoever's computer crashes the most during our game loses my game might have already crashed i'm stuck on the psionics logo i wish i had that alt f4 plug in now oh my god look at all these overlays i love this controller overlay it's so beautiful and it's covered by this mini map because i have them in the same location oh no it crashed your game crashed try this again okay good it hasn't crashed one goal here why did i get this boost all right well good thing it's not a speed boost i'm challenging you're really not though i'm telling you now dang it all right okay since you scored i get to add something you get a choice i choose uh i choose aimbot help orange team i'll i'll give myself twenty five percent inbox okay i'm already worried oh you touched that last yeah yes and there it goes floating away there we go get down oh god yes i won the 15. oh my what 25 that's like 100. fake it's a good curve on that oh it's not enough 25 is oh it's still kind of going crazy though yeah well that's not good how did you touch that i bumped you into it all right well you know what i'm going to do i'm actually going to give myself a few bots pause yeah so you added some bots i added some bots just to add some chaos well i bought the useless or what's oh wait do i still have a bot yes i do that was that wasn't about that was you okay oh they're they're definitely adding an element of at least a decoy like some element of surprise for sure yeah like you don't know if it's bot or if it's the baby bots oh my raja just came in there and killed himself for that can i be in come on heater oh okay i'm gonna add double trouble oh my okay oh this will give me a huge advantage oh i know it i knew it wait i know the secret by the way to this one oh yeah your ball cap okay so you know yeah yeah my bots are taking my boost oh no you're not going to score again oh no uh oh there it is there it is my ball cam isn't working it's this one it says it is this one yeah wait nobody's going we're going to crash the game with ball crash fps i took it off i took it off okay so oh there you go there you go you scored yeah you scored again it's four nothing oh my gosh yeah i'm just let's do first person um are you i'm in first person okay yep yeah oh my god uh you might want to turn off uh there's a button that makes it real which i think makes it so it doesn't turn you upside down when you flip this yes let's go eater i finally scored okay you finally get to add one let's just do rainbow car let's make it interesting but that'll only do your car because i'm the baby i really made a mistake i really should have chosen the uh the uh yes this is good there we go let's go let's go wait where am i going with this ball oh this is get in there oh my god samara what to say it's actually surprisingly intuitive it's actually not bad someone could bump my teammate it actually works oh no oh what a save oh no i don't need to look at that what a oh you missed no oh let's go okay okay i'm gonna turn on the match odds i think that'll be kind of cool see if that doesn't oh that's what crashed it oh it crashed again i'm going to crank up my aimbot now my inbox more powerful are you still in first person no are you yes okay let me just add more stuff okay oh my god face be sunless yes oh my god where are you come here now you don't know where i am oh no there i can see your grass marks i'm gonna give you anti-aimbot oh my god wait oh yeah i can see there's some slight gravity changes now i'm just just i scored like i said there are some slight gravity changes now let's just play with this for a little bit i can see the primary ball now by the way we're both good wait wait it's not on yeah i can't i'm stuck in the sky i'll take the main bot too man would like some aimbot okay let me give you a little bit of aimbot i'm not gonna lie it feels like we're like on acid or something with this party time oh yeah what a goal oh that was a 109 kilometers per hour wait is the custom gravity working for you i'm floating fine i'm floating you're lying i'm definitely floating jump just jump right now look at me float look homeless let's come down i can't i keep floating come down [Music] okay i found it you fall oh thanks man oh there we go appreciate that okay it's four to nine okay okay which one's the real one though it's just a bunch they're all real that might be cool get in there whoa no oh i always hit the ground these balls are huge did you miss okay i have no overlay okay well you get to add something it's fine yeah i'm coming back you better watch out can you modify collision yeah yeah try it oh my god what's happening what is this i don't know it behaves really weird i scored dude that was a sick shot actually you tell them where the end of the ball i'm turning back on let's do let's let's make our car velocity go faster what's happening i i can't do anything you're going between all the different i can't even pause i can't do anything change oh there we go there we go now i can okay all right it crashed now i'm just in the menu but the logo's gone i broke rocket league all right nothing nothing to see here yeah it looks pretty normal [Music] oh no oh no it's here my car's gone okay my game i've suffocated my balls this looks really fun should i just go for this middle one oh no this is like a dream let me just change the size a little bit no this is now it's a nightmare that's terrifying flippers if you can't flip yourself on these balls i don't know what to tell you oh my god yeah they're so big this one's like get a flippery set off yeah yeah this is awesome i wonder what would happen if i turn on aimbot we're in a bouncy castle now oh wow i see you this is too much what do you think i can get through i feel like we're gonna break space in time so far we're good [Music] we're flying together i'm stuck i can't move are we gonna phase out of the map like is that possible i feel like we're crowd surfing i think i got a flip reset oh we're out of the map are you can you hear me i can hear you can you hear me yeah we're out of the map i'm not this is incredible wait i'm demolished dude i'm i'm stuck in a mosh pit i can't move this is dripping where are you wait it's gonna go into overtime [Music] oh so just relaxing so beautiful why are there not like six balls why are they not like 10 foot tall balls they're not giants yeah it's so weird it feels so nice oh snipe it oh it's really weird that the ball just went straight into the net instead of backwards and my game didn't crash when a goal is scored and my car's not changing the rainbow colors either and i'm not the baby let's go oh i've tried to muster my guts am i demusting cvm these guys are really really friendly what's nicer than the bots what a nice wholesome yeah much nicer than the bots it actually feels so good i'm not even joking like yeah i recommend everyone do this uh at 100 mods and then go play regular rocket league [Music] you know i was thinking as i went for this i'm gonna hit the backboard and i'm gonna pass it to left i'm gonna hit the horse like that's exactly what i was playing oh okay station gaming well that was wonderful thanks for the invites on this all right i've never done that again [Music] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,043,204
Rating: 4.9746618 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: Q4bpt9z9fmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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