I recorded every toxic Rocket League player I encountered (month 4)

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every time i play rocket league i record my screen if something interesting happens i save it then i show you guys the most entertaining toxic and just bizarre scenarios i get myself in now i haven't done this in about three months so today we have the longest most epic toxic players compilation ever the video is structured like a music album with 10 tracks if you get bored at a certain point you know maybe 1v1 players crying isn't your thing you can just skip it however if you manage to get through the entire toxic video without skipping comment below what you had to do after to cleanse yourself of the toxicity and i'll pin the best answer now the strange thing about the past three months is i have never ever in my rocket league career seen so many forfeits it actually blew me away as i was editing i ended up with over 50 minutes of toxic clips many of which included players dipping out when they faced even the smallest of deficits a lot of those clips didn't make the final cut but i still wanted to note that if i could have a theme in each of these videos for this one the theme would be the quitters [Music] wait for it [Music] [Music] great pass great pass great pass okay once i head back go i will defend i'm not c3 [Music] need boost [Music] what a save what a save what a save same teammate i was letting you take a ball across that my beat really welcome to a new segment called whose fault is it anyway we just scored in overtime winning the game but let's see what our opponents have to say emerson says you threw in the corner by the way giving them overtime so he's blaming his teammate let's uh let's check it out let's go to the replay see what happened here this is emerson's point of view it takes a really weird rotation we're backing up we're back up he's not in a position to make that save this is what sent us to overtime yep we get a wide view of emerson's rotation there he would have just went back post that's a easy save so toxicity overruled emerson's wrong [Music] [Applause] what is saving your teammate when it's one to one [Music] let's see if that pays off great challenge last one back probably don't want to be what a saving if you're gonna challenge like that we go to overtime double commit pack it on in baby [Music] don't think he learned his lesson [Music] brody gives me a dime thank you brody oh he would have saved that's kind of weird considering he just down me up right there his teammate is confused but brody doubles down don't be like [Applause] brody [Music] i suck this guy is an ass [Music] i really fell for that he's still talking mad [ __ ] not much time left wait for him to charge and snipe [Music] time for a pro gamer move he's been doing this all game wait for it patience creep up now [Music] don't say anything [Music] i am sure he will take this well zero seconds left we're winning the ball just needs to touch the ground this is a simple read [ __ ] i messed it up i think that would have hit the ground yep i don't blame my teammate though and i'm sure he doesn't blame me either since we both met go for the ball no problem [Music] got some good names in this video teammate sucks 90 of the time this guy really knows how to inspire confidence f word equals ban dumb kid game here's a wholesome one before you flame ask have i done it before i have done that before hi don't over commit okay thanks let's see oh did uh i sure hope he didn't over commit there [Music] yeah that looks looks kind of like an over oh i hope i sure hope he's not over committing it kind of looks like he's over committing a little bit he's very confused i haven't my name don't overcommit how could i possibly or not again oh not again [Music] wait a second what now it's my turn to cry a little bit look i i have that bump i have it what am i supposed to do i can never bump because i always go through people jesus he sucked gg here's another good one my teammates are problematic [Music] i'm doing this challenge on stream where i play like a 1500 it's so innovative oh he's a streamer let's check out the stream teammates and rocket league are the worst possible teammates you can get think again man this has to be the worst game when it comes to matchmaking ever man nice shot what is it with my teammates and missing open nets man they actually always miss every single time why would i go for that god that's the problem child if i've ever seen one perfect problem child all my same problem child by the way problem child tickle kid is also a problem show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] where are you going you're lost dollar tree headset so free freer than a public restroom you're literally dog water zero pr earning check oh we have none [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] freestyle this is my div for game i've never been to gclol i kinda need a win sorry no oh well can you go easy lol no could i get that right back i was typing come on bro you scored while i was typing you're so annoying to play against what a save what a save what a save go die now we come to the main theme of this video the forfeits gave up a goal there ah definitely time to forfeit it is two to three after all insurmountable lead surely for some reason i decided to keep playing but my teammate he's done it's kind of my dream to win a 2v1 though so i just keep playing sure enough tied up maybe my teammate will start playing now it's tied after all nope he's uh he's out we didn't win no down one with nearly three minutes left you know what time it is time to give up this guy really wanted to give up took the effort to let me know here really wanted to forfeit what a great guy meanwhile i'm just trying to play rocket league put the team on my back take this game to overtime again i put this team on my back man he doesn't care he just wants to leave i like the way this guy handled it his teammate leaves before we literally even kick off and he uses this very advanced method he tried to pause an online game pause fortunately did not work we did not pause two to one not again gotta be kidding me [Music] we're only down one [Music] this is way more fun than actual rocky league i mean what's the point of playing let me show you what the point of playing is remember the time when there were people in your life that did not believe in you remember there was a time that you complained so much but yet did so little that comes to a point in your life that you must recognize that there's a little bit more that has to be done and if you're not willing to step outside of your comfort zone if you're not willing to understand the principles and the possibilities that you have within yourself then everything that you are thriving for everything that you are hungry for will soon come to an end [Music] now i'm not here to preach to you about this i hate this [ __ ] rank so much [Music] so [Music] talented [Music] if you're real sunless i'm unsubscribing rip my sub count ssl [Music] who my mate no who asked oh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [ __ ] whiff [Music] i'm not sensing a lot of good vibes in [Music] here [Music] i'm never doing a video this long again holy crap i'm so tired of editing this thing but it's time to bring back whose fault is it anyway my teammate says my teammate can't play defense let's go to earlier in the game for this whose fault is it anyway i have the kickoff kill it basic kickoff where's my teammate he's not there where did he go let's go to his pov now i'm not going to tell you you shouldn't get the full boost on this kickoff i prefer a soft cheat but if you do get the full boost you definitely shouldn't do this you shouldn't go halfway up the field turn around use all the boost to go back and still give up a goal you should definitely turn back towards the goal if you're going to get a full boost personally i think you should cheat and pick up these small pads that you're in a position to make a play on the ball no matter what happens on the kickoff but that's just me either way if you're gonna give up a basic ass kickoff goal you probably shouldn't say my teammate can't play defense even if it's true which it is
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 3,151,939
Rating: 4.9369054 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: fU7BOPQGj8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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