Score a goal, your opponent RANKS UP in Rocket League

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wouldn't it be nice if you could score a goal in rocket league and poof just like that you're ranked up [Music] well that's not what we're doing today so wake up and face reality no this is much worse this is pretty much the ultimate rocket league nightmare every time you score your opponent ranks up but you you don't you stay the same it's like downgrade but backwards and more like real rocket league because even when you score and win a couple games you always get your dreams crushed and lose eventually it's called upgrade and here's how it works we have two teams with players from every rank from bronze up to supersonic legend one team is all pc players and one team is all playstation players team playstation is back in the console wars because last time they knocked off team xbox we start with the bronzes and every time someone scores the opponent ranks up until eventually someone has to face the final boss and score on a supersonic legend to win let's see which platform is the best in this arbitrary battle of rocket league skill and pressure welcome to our first ever game of upgrade our two teams are ready will they make their platform and rank proud or will they embarrass them and get lots of mean comments can't wait to find out oh my that kickoff really sets the standard for this match the playstation bronze drives it into the wall with authority the pc bronze has something to say about it too now look at this control taking it back never mind he's driven it into the wall again here comes playstation bronze and he's driven right past the ball turns around and drives right past the ball again here comes pc bronze he's got a shot what an absolute banger team pc has upgraded their opponents silver versus bronze now here comes the playstation silver getting a neutral 50. he's got an open net he doesn't have any boost though he hits it off to the side the bronze turn no wait the silver challenges him that's gonna roll straight on in the silver playstation player has upgraded his opponent you now have silver versus silver the best part of this game is it gives a chance for low-ranked players to uh take their shots at the higher ranked players or at least one or two ranks above i don't think this silver is gonna be going anywhere anytime soon though as we upgrade we get to the higher and higher ranked players the silver's got an open net he's thinking about it he's got zero boost he takes a weak shot and that's all you need to do to score in silver upgrade look at this opponent that he's upgraded to it's a gold battle bus you don't see that every day [Music] the gold player oh he's backing off now look at the half flip kind of clean gold players these days look at this shot he's upgraded what a statement this battle bus player is making i don't know what the statement is but he's making it [Music] oh he's going to i thought he was going towards the other goal because both players were on the wrong side of the field and the gold player capitalizes he has upgraded this battle bus playstation player is really feeling it can he take on the platinum though that is an extremely platinum looking car pc platt has taken his job seriously but he's having some trouble gathering the ball and here comes the gold playstation player again can he do this he leaps he shoots he upgrades what a run we are witnessing gold versus diamond now what an upset that would be if this gold player manages to score on this diamond doubt it's gonna happen though diamond players are quite uh you know anything can happen the broadcaster pulls up the scoreboard for some reason and the diamond has ended the gold's run upgrade to platt now here comes the plat where's the diamond on the kickoff he gets flicked by the plan the playstation plot has upgraded dethroned the diamonds we now have platt vs champ here's the champ pc player can he end the run the playstation players are making right now he demos the plot the plot got in the way and all he has to do is roll it in and he takes his time gets a little cheeky with it upgrade so now we have playstation diamond versus pc champion what who is that ladies and gentlemen we had an intruder on the field he's gone now but the players are in absolute confusion i honestly don't know who that was barrel movie 172 came onto the pitch didn't touch the ball so we're just gonna play on no idea who that was could have been a security issue you know one of these players may have leaked the password to their friends based on the fact that he didn't touch the ball i i think we can say it was probably a bronze or silver so that narrows it down to four people want to question them after the match now miller's looking confident it's a nice flick can the diamond save it yes he can albert miller's there for the follow-up and the champ has upgraded he has pulled the pc team even we are champ versus chip now miller was exactly the guy the pc team needed and there's barrel movie again he charges in and he fails to make contact again was he trying to make contact who is this mysterious invader and no he didn't touch the ball so we're just gonna let that stand the pc champ is now facing a playstation grand champ where is he there he is he's got to get back on defense the playstation gc is looking confident gets an extra touch at the end of that chip not sure if he should go he's hesitated too long the gc is gonna take advantage upgrade gc versus gc now another scarab makes an appearance this time a grand champion look at that ball control it's like a ball on top of a ball oh he's missed it though nice control here as he got it through yes he has he's dead but he's upgraded so now the final boss the pc ssl if the playstation gc can score on him it's over and he's won it looking for an opportunity flicks high maybe testing out the gc and the gc is willing to take that test in fact he scored on the ssl the gc has beaten the pc ssl team playstation has won game one we move on to game two plot twist we're not doing upgrade again we are now doing downgrade which means we start with the ssls and we'll have a complete cycle working up from bronze in the first game now back to bronze in the second game pc wins this we'll have to do a special game three this is our first time seeing the playstation ssl we didn't get to see him because uh last game the playstation gc was the one that won it for team playstation no ssl was needed see if the pc ssl can redeem himself here no gravity not giving him any room to go up the wall though he's coming up with this play of his own it's a flip reset but migs reads it team pc has downgraded playstation ssl versus pcgc now pcgc that really rolls off the tongue oh yes it's the scarab player here comes the ssl though he's cooking up something uh the flippery set didn't really go anywhere he'll try again on the left side another flip reset this one falls a beautiful shot time for a rematch of last games gc versus gc that scarab is looking hella scary right now he's got the playstation gc in a tough spot and he has downgraded now the playstation gc looking to feast on the pc champ what a save by the pc champ though a lot of pressure though gc steals his boost playstation looks for the flip reset he gets it and it rolls in downgrade we've seen some amazing goals but they're just going to get worse which is kind of funny see what i mean a kickoff goal for team playstation downgrade now we have pc champ versus playstation diamond this looks fairly even so far here comes pc champ he's got the air dribble can he beat the diamond yes he can downgrade everyone below that diamonds rank are going to be questioning his defense in the comments here come oh no that diamond has missed an open net diamonds around the world shaking their fists in anger that these two players have been chosen to represent them oh no surely he won't miss this one though he's got it downgrade finally we can move away from diamond the playstation plat gearing up now trying to get an upset opportunity he might have it but he lets it fall the diamond has an open net now and he's done it downgrade platt vs platt now very neutral kickoff these plats now battling it out flipping into nothing wow they are for sure hitting that ball around [Music] every challenge just goes nowhere it's truly incredible what an aerial from gerthy uh but he's not able to get punished it's like they're both so bad that they keep making mistakes but they're also so bad that they can't punish each other either it's really a beautiful equilibrium of platinum now the playstation plat should have an open net but they just get back in time like they're perfectly balanced that shot is just not even close who is gonna win this oh that's a nice touch that's what it took not a shot but a touch oh it's the battle bus the gold battle bus is back oh look at him go he scored on the flat downgrade we're gonna have a playstation silver against a pc plot now there he is oh and he's kind of done the plot again up but he does that girthy gets back girthy almost had a heart attack there he almost gave up a goal to a silver now he tries to dunk the silver he can't theoretically the net is open but it's kind of not because he can't touch the ball and pc platt has the breakaway he's done it gerthy has downgraded here comes the pc gold wait a minute okay he's got the ssg decal and the sunless con flag but in game one he's got the nrg decal and the musty flag so we actually changed it between games changed allegiances he's flexible honestly i can respect that he just wants to support both he says i'll take your youtube wars and i'll i'll reject it and i'll support both of you meanwhile we're at silver versus silver the battle has reached its penultimate round here comes the silver with a that's a silver musty it's not quite a real musty it's just like he kind of flips upside down a little bit so now we have bronze versus silver and oh he's late okay here he comes [Music] any minute now the pc bronze will will be here there he is oh ambitious shot from the playstation silver what can he do with this the bronze is going to take a shot huh he's gonna do something oh the silver gets by him and what is he doing though he he can't score there there he goes the silver has downgraded here we are bronze versus bronze the final round the first bronze to score wins it i swear these guys are just driving around they have no idea what they're doing here comes the bronze for the shot he's got it team pc wins we will now do a bonus game three for a tie breaker the end of last game all relied on the bronze so we're gonna jump up a rank go silver gold and plat and put them all on a 3v3 team first one to score wins for their platform so here we actually see them in a more uh team-oriented uh setting see what they can do in this extremely diverse ranking match oh my god gerthy has sent that to the side this is gonna be truly awful in terms of skill here comes the plaid ariel he's put it on target but team playstation stacked the net there they are just fully in a defensive position here as team pc is mounting tons of pressure they keep putting it away from each other there's zero chemistry this is the most awkward game ever that's a pretty good shot from the silver steals the boost decent rotation as well these ranks have never played together so it makes sense that it's this awkward team pc struggling to hit the ball and now they're chasing and bumping into each other here comes the gold gathers gathers he turns turns struggling in the corner there interesting shot from dpc that's a miss and it actually goes in what an awful goal to win it for team pc the gold player that was definitely a shot misses to the right he's in the net and the silver player hits it right off his back next time on console wars team pc takes on team kfc console
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,436,413
Rating: 4.9319959 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: eX-5KmwiDUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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