1 Pro vs 7 Golds (Impossible Rocket League Challenge)

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The silvers looked like they wanted to win, while the golds looked like they wanted to be the heros.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Exa_Cognition πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sunless’ commentary really makes this lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/10Eric04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So I was one of the gold's in this video. I didn't even realize the 3 other blues were supposed to be playing against justin, we were just thrust in with not much explanation lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zomgalama πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right so about a year ago this rock of the youtuber named Musti made this video called seven gold players versus one Grand Champion must he fought hard but wasn't quite able to beat these goals they were just two solid mechanical and they ended up overwhelming him with their zombie-like attacks getting bullied bro well that got me thinking I wonder if a pro could beat seven golds would it be really easy or would it be even tougher now over a year later as the player base has gotten significantly better so I asked one of the best players in the world defending world champion NRG Justin to take on the challenge but before he faced the Horde of golds I wanted to see what he could do to seven Silver's so let's go into phase one a pro versus seven Silver's if he's successful here we'll move on to the golds now obviously you can only have four on a team so three of them would be on Justin's team even though they were actually against him and it looks like we're ready to go here and the Pro versus Silver's phase one a little confusion there on the silver side but it looks like they have it figured out Justin takes a high-touch gets a second gets a third and he scored in seven seconds this might be a long day for the Silver's Justin's able to launch it really high and I don't think any of them oh no one of them did jump see if the Silver's can regroup if they're able to effectively swarm Justin they can stop him but he's up on the ceiling again and he's scored again it looks like the Silver's only hope is gonna be preventing him from getting those high touches because once he's up there man it's over one of them did get a touch on that though so there is hope here could just be nerves cuz you know it's not every day if two face-up professional rocket League player looks like two of them are just setting up camp permanently in their net sort of double goalie action see if the double goalie can stop this attack from Justin the high air dribble oh it starting to look like a triple goalie and they actually saved it now we have a Penta commit five players committing rare Penta challenge and again they shut down the attack from Justin this is looking much better for the Silver's they actually managed to put some pressure on them and they're bumping him now that's gonna be a key he has to go back and get boost see what hippo can do that's unfortunate meanwhile Justin is once again launching an attack and it's again shut down by the Silver's and again we have four or five going for the clear there they almost managed to get it out just through the power of community now Mars is chasing down Justin with a vengeance will he catch him not quite Oh a little triple team pinch attempt there Silver's getting fancy Justin fakes out one takes it high again this is dangerous goes for the foot preset hey the silver shut him down we're seeing some real composure from the silvers now after those initial two goals they looked rattled but now they've sort of brought it back together and they got a bump on Justin and that's gonna lead to the first silver goal this is really gonna be the key is the bumps that they can connect with this car like they did there they really have a chance in this just through the power of numbers and physicality there they go after him smart Justin launches it high on target but saved by Seb now the silvers are having a little trouble getting it clear but we finally managed it after a little physical discussion Justin now launching another attack well I'm ceiling for the ceiling shot it's just a little bit off Silver's can breathe a sigh of relief and try to get it clear but it's right back to Justin for another attack and silver whiffs two silvers with three silvers with hey fourths a charm they get it clear but right back to Justin Justin with possession in the back he might just carry this over everyone gets through about 40% but the other 60% is still a net Silver's getting ready to make it clear but it's another pass to Justin for hit another attack flip reset he made about four silvers missed but that fifth one saved it looks over his shoulder to confirm that yes seven Silver's are indeed chasing him up on the ceiling forced to jump and again the silver swarm and defense and make the stop they've got to be happy with that and a shot on target forcing Justin to use boost and get up Justin being swarmed runs into some trouble Silver's running into their own trouble Justin goes back for boo and arrow poles got a chance nice shot on net from the silvers Justin's already countering Silver's showing some real resilience here on defense and now they got a little counter-attack and I don't think Justin expected that touch from Seb's what a flick he's really doing work for his silver comrades right now beautiful little touch his own team calling him a smurf big compliment there see how Justin responds here seems like one too many silvers went for that kickoff they haven't really got down that line of communication and now a flip reset fake the silvers were getting a little too keen on these flip resets and ceiling shots and they weren't quite expecting the fake from Justin interesting mind games going on in this 71 this kickoff looks dangerous for Justin it's a goal for the silvers to tie it up another double commit kick off and it actually really works out perfectly for the silvers this time they almost always send three or four guys in the kickoff it's quite a strategy it's finally paid off Justin's a little wide on that shot looks like one of the silvers has demoed another silver ah there they got the right person that time now they have a little bit of an open net three of them trying to attack at least one of them managed to get through Silver's take the lead I'm not sure who scored that there strat seems to be just send as many people as possible and you know three or four might miss but as long as one of them connects it's gonna work out for them or it has so far see how Justin responds down one ceiling shot going put the double tap he's got it Justin ties it up with an amazing play wow what a game this is turning out to be silvers have no idea what just happened on the kickoff he's got a silver chasing him like a puppy and just to avoid it he's got a boost though will silver whip there and a silver fake there but a pro shot there plenty of power too much power for the several silvers and net to handle it now with a one goal lead can Justin hold them off the silver has blocked him and that's another kick off goal to tie it up Wow but not have cold how close this is there goes one silver there goes two three four and it's a goal for Justin slices through these Silver's like butter simple touch here there no chance for these poor Silver's can they get a goal quickly to bring it back shadow says bro you're insane Jarvis I'm sure if that's an aimbot joke or you forgot his name is Justin subs trying to start an attack but it's gone straight to Justin and it looks like a few too many silvers came up for that but they managed to shut down the counter before it ends in disaster for them time is ticking for the silvers looking for the equalizer that's a pretty good challenge for the Silver's it drops middle triple pinch attempt goes wide another Center again the silvers finished no Justin survives and takes the win over the seven Silver's just by one though and that means it's time for Phase two the Gold's see if the Gold's can get the win over the pro it was that close with the silvers surely were in for a treat oh it's a kickoff goal Justin just barreled through seven goals he actually scored in two seconds five seconds faster than against the silvers now I kickoff he didn't go for the full boost that time got punished twice in the silver game see how he adjusts his strat or one rank higher don't believe any player has won b7 Gold's successfully yet so Justin looking for history here the gold seemed to be spacing out a little better than the silvers but you have to wonder if that will actually make it easier for Justin in a way because no one's back on defense Justin off the crossbar though Gold's got very fortunate there maybe they should consider adapting the double goalie approach like the silvers but they're gonna have stronger individual mechanics for sure it should prove a challenge for Justin it's a lot of wits though sends it high and clear he puts it on target it's to nothing just like that he switched to the fennec for this game wasn't happy with with his performance with with the doc Dane I guess it was quite a close game against the silvers Gold's trying to decide whose responsibility is to go for that that is different than the silvers the silvers pretty much everyone just went if it if if available they went and the Gold's have let Justin score again Justin running around like a wild animal and the Gold's are shook it does seem like the silver strategy of swarming the ball and Justin actually worked better than the Gold's more spaced out approach Justin going for the double tap just off target goals are getting organized ready to launch their attack Justin has no idea who's about to shoot and it doesn't matter because it's wide here's some of the pressure we're expecting on Justin Justin looking for the pinch it goes wrong though tried to pinch it off the top of the crossbar and the Gold's are thrilled with that goal 4 to 1 trying to keep this one close see if the goals are able to settle down and make this closer Justin gets one to flip resets just off the mark of the ho splitter almost own goals and the Gold's managed to get it clear except it's right back to Justin and he just launches this shot straight on net and it's 5 to 1 this is getting ugly folks where is the defense it seems like they're going sort of seven attackers and no defenders it's an interesting tactic now we're doing a little dance in the back Justin gets it clear here's a bump on them we want to see more of that we have definitely not seen enough aggressive play from the seven goals they haven't really taken advantage of their numbers yet there we have a triple pronged attack and a bump Buttle again only one back makes it tough for them to shut down Justin's power shots there they get a bump but they're not able to counter Justin's already back he's able to clear it off of his back wall gets flipped reset Justin seems to be styling and the goals are just surviving they've managed to stop the bleeding keeping this at five to one but that early onslaught of goals is going to definitely haunt them this looks promising for the Gold's Justin scrambling but he's able to clear it and put it on net and again no one's back or two people are back but doesn't really matter at that shot Justin has countered in the blink of an eye Justin again off the back wall the control it goes for a Pogo tried to bring back the free style days for Justin didn't quite get the Fogo though Gold's trying desperately just to score one more to save some face does it stand the silvers have a lot to brag about but their performance compared to the Gold's well I guess that confirms Justin is good at rocket League and Silver's are better than Gold's [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 7,246,778
Rating: 4.9228387 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: ZyeffNVXuSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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