We trained two silver players for weeks, then made them 1v1 to see who improved more

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give me five double jumps right now one oh now movie go score 30 minutes a day of kev perth's defensive training pack so this forces you to use power slider you stop here and cut in go to the back post perfect oh you've gotten a lot but over a month ago we began an experiment called the silver project the youtuber sir classy and i would each take a silver ranked rocket league player under our wing training and coaching them to improve their skill as much as possible then after a couple weeks our proteges would come back together and 1v1 to see who had progressed as a player the most or as we like to look at it who was coached the best we also planned to compare the players starting mmr and ending mmr so we had another metric to compare rather than just assigning a player to cert classy and myself we decided to get six random silver players to play some games while we watched then we would both pick an apprentice from that pool based on how they did in the scrimmages needless to say our six potential rocket league students were very excited [Music] this is awkward i know i'm not going to get paid i kind of good luck everyone good luck everyone yeah you too this is exciting yeah this is exciting all right i might have a close look at their camera settings so the first thing that happened in this little scrimmage of silvers is we noticed this one guy satoshian was quite a bit better than everyone else his fellow silvers also sensed this he was doing a musty bro i love how he said i meant to front flip oh [ __ ] i accidentally did a double and as the games progressed sure enough he seemed a little more mechanically inclined than his comrades so classy and i agreed not to choose him so that we could actually get you know a fair coaching battle and to be honest as the tryout played out it didn't really help me all that much like they all seemed kind of the same like every once in a while one of them would score a kind of cool goal and then that same person would completely whiff the ball in the next play uh and that's the thing about silver is they're just inconsistent oh my god it's a lot of uh it's a lot of aerial whips i decided to pick this guy boomy in discord his name was ella simp i'm too old to know who ella is but i'm not too old to know what a simp is anyway so that was my choice it was between him and another guy literally just steve sure enough that was classy's choice as you'll see later boomi turned out to be perfect for my coaching style well it's 6 a.m it's time to get started man we are what's our goal here are you going to hit plot uh i don't think so probably not yeah give me five double jumps right now wait hang on higher higher since we only had a couple weeks my main focus was just to cram mechanics and try to get boomi as good as possible so pretty much all i wanted him to do was commit to training quite a bit 30 minutes a day of kevpert's defensive training pack which is super challenging and helps you read the backboard really well and then for offense long and air roll shots training pack which is another super difficult pack which i thought would be interesting to test out with a silver to see if they could actually progress in skill in a trading pack that they basically couldn't hit a single shot in for reference this is extremely difficult for me and i'm a grand champ in addition to those training packs i also scheduled 30 minutes a day of free play for boomi so to my surprise he actually agreed to do an hour and a half of training every single day grand champ in two weeks you know easy claps i really like boomi i was pretty confident that if he stuck to his training we could get the win over anybody just gonna 100 the training packs yeah and play rocky in the background of course is that even a question five days later i decided to check in on his progress how's it going so far the first day went great but i have been struggling since that you're kind of plateauing or what does it feel like the training packs feel they're still really hard but uh i'm more consistent with hitting a lot of the stuff and i think that's the problem with struggling to win games right now it's just my consistency what are you playing i've mostly been playing once you're probably getting a lot better mechanically but it might feel like you're not seeing the results because any number of tiny mistakes can make things difficult at once you know exactly yeah so i wouldn't worry too much about that as long as you're just still doing the packs that's the most important thing and we can watch a replay if you want that could be kind of fun in general boomi had the right idea about things but he did need a little bit of correcting in some areas i didn't want to overwhelm him with a ton of information i just wanted to give him a few things he could focus on especially since our time was so short from my understanding shadow defense is like staying at a distance where you can challenge or defend a shot yeah that's half of it but the other half is which side of the field you're on so it's called shadowing because you're mimicking the side of the field that he's on so you went to the opposite corner but you actually want to be on the same side as the attacker you want to go to this post as he's approaching because then his options become hit it straight at you or go to this side of the goal and if you're here facing that way you're prepared for that as the days went by boomi updated me on his progress and discord before long he had ranked up to silver 3 and then a few days later gold won next we played some casual games just to get a little bit of experience against some higher level players while we were playing boomi hit this corner shot just like in the training pack i gave up turn turned on yeah nice perfect oh the turn and shot now that's a cup for a training pack right there look at this the power slide yep yep yep yep that is that is nice honestly it's so funny because it looks like just a regular shot but people don't realize how mechanically challenging that shot is like to turn and get that much power with no boost so i'm pretty sure that's like the first shot in the bag yeah it's like from the corner yeah i usually struggle with that one too so hitting it in an actual game that's pretty funny that's dope all right you're progressing really well i think i think you're gonna win all right both it was the big day the 1v1 now i didn't want it to all come down to just a 1v1 so on our big day i had each student split off and play 10 games to get sort of a placement so boomi's starting mmr in twos was 273. classy student literally justi had a starting mmr of 324. here's the weird part after their 10 placement games they finished at 4 38 and 4 39. that's right boomi beat out just e by one mmr point so clearly i'm a way better coach but don't take my word for it it's time for the 1v1 [Music] first of all what did you guys do coaching wise i'm curious first thing we started off with was swapping up the controls then basic uh replay analysis and one map i didn't really give any training pace interesting okay now i'm feeling kind of hearing what you did i feel like kind of try hard oh yeah okay all right i was thinking just like decision making because how much are you really gonna learn mechanics-wise in like two weeks i was thinking so i guess you're gonna find out aren't you you're gonna find out how much oh no i'm scared because an absolute god now well where's my gc he's cocky too as you can see we didn't go over humbleness i don't need training to be toxic that just comes naturally we have two very different philosophies which is good i think that's a great way to test it out here we go all right class these people versus my people let's see how this goes oh god you're already nervous okay looks like uh boomi's got more possessions oh my god baby i'm gonna say that's a ping advantage you know we're on your servers right wait hold up look at look at the scoreboard real quick it looks like literally just the is actually having ping oh is it flashing for you too yeah it is new server ball start i'm still including another video because that was such a beautiful goal okay okay here we go you see literally jesse seemed to have pretty good mechanics to start off with that is true he had i think boom he had worse mechanics to start so it made sense that i did a mechanics overhaul did you teach boomi to score openness because he just missed one bro oh got me i guess we didn't cover that part did we i knew he streamed his 1v1 games here and there and i would like be his coach in his ear um and i would tell him to like try to hit the ball less because he would get little little touches here and there for boomi i taught him how i would want to be taught which i don't really that kind of stuff doesn't sink into me unless i get to practice it very directly so i knew i could teach him the challenge it probably wasn't going to sink in in two weeks so i just wanted him to kind of find his own path yeah he just gave him this wax and told him to do free play basically nice all right so this is just part one of the battle is the best of three 1v1 and then we'll do the ranked after oh literally just eat man he's got the kickoffs two kickoff goals he does have a very solid kickoff i tried to teach him a speed flip no you did it yeah they're they're difficult when you don't really have the full grasp of like aerial control and whatnot yeah i don't know i can't imagine people having trouble with that but for me this is one of the most difficult things i've ever done oh yes boomy he's gonna have to go for that all right nice play it slow here we go oh that was nice yeah i know let's go oh man that's very solid i want to boost him up i want to tell them that it was a great shot this rank oh no let's go i'm not good you got that boy that's not good what a shot oh wow are you playing are you playing for justin no i'm definitely not i believe in boomi oh oh no broomy oh no justine let's go come on no good demo let's go his name he turns no [Music] this is definitely a man after my own heart all right well i mean six to two and ones that's it's not as bad of a scoreline as it uh could seem okay let's go back and talk to our players let's do it i'm choking dude no you're not choking yeah honestly i i'm not gonna tell you all these things to improve i think you'll do just fine if you just keep doing your thing because it was looking really good at the beginning i just got to calm my nerves yeah yeah just relax and you'll be good i also gave off like four kickoff goals he's got a pretty fast kickoff so what i would do to counter that is i would actually try to slow your kick off down a little bit focus on jumping and flipping into it perfectly like go for that center you know what i mean his kickoff isn't so fast that you're gonna like completely miss if you slow it down a little bit so focus on good contact on that kickoff and you should be right all right this is intense this is intense they're both pretty nervous he said he was shaking when he joined the call he was like oh god yeah boobie was like i just gotta calm down as soon as we joined the call oh god i tried to teach him some basics of shadow defense and i was like showing him your 2v2 shadow defense oh really i actually use that video so much for coaching that's awesome let's go booby boom it oh oh no oh no moviego i was like where is he okay oh beautiful turn beautiful beautiful you get that boost nice you catch she's shadowing right here let's go let's determine it's a good challenge this is so beautiful i know i'm so invested let's go booby that was a great oh he's got the half flips here did you teach him half loops i did not yeah they already know that it's silver i guess these silvers these days and you got an open net you got no let's go with the fake boomy with the mind games look at this oh i skipped it actually turn yes good good good good good oh good bob you got the bomb thank god [Music] what a say he want to save himself he's complimented himself that's a skill that i forgot to go over meant to stay close why not say oh yeah we're going back to eu good game good game that kickoff is working much better to delay it yeah you're getting a little in your head for the open nets what i want you to do is don't try to be careful i want you to actually get more aggressive with your open nets like i would rather see you flop and completely miss than like tentatively poke it just keep pounding the net man even when it's open i think as long as i can keep my nerves down a bit i should be good go get him we have a little trick up our sleeve oh really yeah you see the topper he just threw on i gave him my topper oh you gave him this the the coach topper was dead that's hilarious i should have gave him my time he's wearing my topper too which is nothing which is lame all right let's go come on you go nice should be like boomy let's go to shake off the nerves of the open net i told him just to crush it into the open not every time oh you told him that huh yeah i told justin to turn his nerves into excitement interesting and i've never been this invested into like silver gameplay at the beginning uh when i would watch like silver seen the journey gameplay seen the progression when he takes it slow i'm like well played i'm smart you should take it slow right there you're handling your silver skills perfectly oh look at this drip let's go what bro i think that was my proudest moment good recovery take your time take your time no that's why you don't boo open this good real quick oh no no no no bad bad bad bad taking his time oh he takes it back okay how was his mechanics to start off with it was a little rough but that's why you know that's what we focused on i just thought he was he seemed very coachable damn nice shot you see justine would never shoot that that is all that training because uh that training is all about difficult angles and power perfect so he knows he can score those from those tough angles that makes him a lethal ones player but uh no i just thought boomy i a chill type of person that max that matched my personality when he was in the call yeah i didn't i didn't think too much about that since i'm eu i felt like it would be cool if we had eu versus n.a so yeah i'm not going to lie i literally justi was one of my choices and i was like i probably should pick someone that's my time zone just to make it easier to practice and stuff exactly yeah because it would be tricky they're so wholesome jesse was like that's it and then boomer's like three goals in one minute is easy you can do it they're so wholesome yeah they're so wholesome it's amazing oh no the double fake let's go wow two gold seven seconds wait says movie he did not go over the fake kickoff what a game what a series that was intense that was very intense do not like coaching that is nerve wracking wow what a series a lot of a lot of whiffs a lot of nice goals too i think you guys played really well yeah and pretty even too like all three games could have gone either way how do you guys feel nervous still nervous yeah anxious and disappointed oh that was a close one man you almost had me i was hoping you'd stay excited your chip didn't exactly work i actually thought justine was definitely gonna take it sorry boomy i did two 1v1 is a lethal mind game of nerves so that's why i wanted to also do ranked twos because that's a time for you to just play on your own and unless it's clearly the superior coach here don't accept any advice sunless gave you anyway gg guys yeah this was really fun yeah it was i enjoyed myself we got pre-coaching so yeah exactly you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 6,932,554
Rating: 4.9517255 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, gaming experiment, rocket league silver, rocket league vs, gaming coach
Id: lNi_BtCkItY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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