I gave a PC to a console Rocket League player. This is what happened...

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this video is sponsored by predator gaming alright so last week I did an interesting little experiment that I've wanted to do for a while now and it's pretty crazy how it all turned out all I did was give a gaming PC to a console player to see if switching platforms would affect their rocket League rank now the goal of this video is not to make console players look bad in fact it kind of does the opposite PC players have it easier and smoother with higher frame rates and much lower input lag among other quality of life advantages I know firsthand from experience what it's like on multiple platforms going from Xbox to PC myself this whole idea came from a giveaway I did three weeks ago where I received this laptop from predator gaming and decided instead of keeping it to give it away to a fan when I saw the winner was an Xbox player I realized this was the perfect time to finally put my experiment into action so what kind of upgrade would this be for a console player I'm glad you asked the predator Helios 300 is a monster 6 chord 9th gen Intel Core i7 processor geforce r-tx graphics card and key for rocket league a 3 millisecond 144 hertz refresh rate display so with those specs this thing would be the perfect mid-range PC upgrade where you'd see a significant buffer performance from a console you also have the portability factor that of course comes with a laptop needless to say our winner has been pretty happy with it so far learn more about the Helios 300 by clicking the link in the description and I want to thank our sponsor predator gaming for making this all happen in the first place by sending it to me so thanks but I still had one big question marking all of this with the winner be cool with being my guinea pig for this experiment well it turns out he's actually a great kid in general and was totally on board with helping me out I'm so bad I'll go easy I'll go easy I think my mechanics are all right it's just my rotation is horrible yeah that's pretty common I kind of go for it you sound like a rocket Eclair that was the voice of Jack his starting rank in doubles on xbox was platinum 3 so first things first I showed him a few tricks to max out performance and training on his new PC Oh it's why you didn't frame isn't it crazy so like you don't really notice it until you go back this is why pros when you watch them stream it looks crappy because they have everything on performance if you can get that little bit more responsiveness and you know why not an able goalscoring to have that disabled ah now okay so disable that if you enable the goal blocker and then click goal blocker editor you can create your own little like obstacles for the net oh it'll only go in if I make it there yeah that's sick use the d-pad and you can scroll through the playlist no I'm right it's so much better than that why isn't this in rocket yeah right the only question now was how much could he rank up in just one week probably diamond one maybe I'm into what that's all you think yeah you think we can only go up like one rank I mean unless you carry me yeah I'm not gonna carry you I want I want you to earn it do you realize how much training I just told you to do the training I told him to do was a collection of kempert training packs and free play it basically oh my god you can do workshop maps for the first time oh yeah those like where like people build them yeah oh we're doing a workshop map I already hate this sounds like someone that can't dribble if you go beyond the hour day you do like two or three hours a day of training I feel like I don't know a week is pretty short maybe you're right maybe there's no more I think about it over the next few days he updated me on his progress beyond both of our expectations he began to move up through diamond before we knew it a week had passed and it was time to check in on my young protégé you said you're reformed out you're not a toxic anymore nope that sure sometimes depends if my teammates are bad but that's not reformed at all jack well it's like 1 in 10 what it used to be said every every used to be toxic every game yeah Wow ok so baby steps I guess so much to my disbelief right before we recorded this Jack actually hit champ 1 then he lost five games in a row is back in diamond 3 I wanted to get him back to champ but I knew it'd be really hard since it was the beginning of the season and rocket leagues matchmaking would essentially pair us with two opponents of my rank so he'd really be going up against players two or three ranks higher than his highest rank ever it'd be a major challenge for us but I was confident he had improved enough to hold his own here's how it went I'm ready to see how you've improved on the ranked pitch not that different it's not that different it's like four ranks doesn't mean I've changed it kind of does maybe I just hired bad people to lose hahahah sauce scam I think you'd be surprised how much better you are but we'll see close Daniel Andrew Stanton thinking back taking all the boosts he's right behind you let's try to pinch it just I went all the way around I think there everybody starved something tells me oh shoot I'm playing extra bad shadow him so I'll get back we were off to a rough start but despite the few mistakes I could already tell Jack had improved a ton from the last time we had played easy we got these guys not even a little bit scared of these guys easy where's his defense stay with it not my pian again that's my only goal I need points yeah the points are important to get high-fives vetted again hey dude we should try to get a high-five I don't think I've ever got one they're kind of hard I've gotten to with my friend or like he got them right yeah it's hard to hit I think it's a bug all right yeah I was talking to my dad I told him I was going pro in rocket League and he asked if you're a pro you told him I was a pro right yeah okay good actually I didn't really answer you're just like stupid question dad I think I'm going prone rocket League and then he was like like sunless Khan you know so what do you think about the fact that you want a laptop was he like impressed he didn't care until I got it he thought his fame yeah that's how I was gonna say I was like there's no way your dad thinks this is actually real until you get the laptop cuz I remember once when I was in high school I won a TV I was like dad I won this 50 inch HDTV and he was like all right cool son she actually get it yeah it was real it was like a video contest that I won you know this huge box came in the mail he's like Jarrod I'm not gonna lie I didn't quite believe that you actually wanted till I saw it sitting in my living room we're gonna win again yeah that's what I'm talking about there's the confidence some elite PC gamer confidence nice Bob the play is all play special edit for the subway oh yeah it's to on yeah I was sick nice shot jack Wow look at my prodigy I am so proud hitting those open nets see I can't open up that's far away that's a little farther what I'm lagging lagging yeah I have no idea where anything is I just disconnect no wait yeah we're we're good okay I'm going for the play I missed him that went well I can't tell if what happening on my screen is real or not it is okay I'm pretty sure what's happening oh nice challenge oh I shot remember what I said about season 13 GCSE I'm lagging again me too but they forfeited oh the replay is it going in slow motion oh yes we won this is the most stuffed lobby I've ever seen there's no end there's no uh just looking at the screen like the replay but it said we won can't take that win away from us I've also noticed I load into a game so fast yeah whenever we play with console players it's like ten seconds oh that's interesting no problem like they were thinking the demo but it's open yes always loved em open nets oh I was very close to I'm going okay oh oh that we're gonna see nutty a nutty look mom I'm oh man that's a sentence should good fake patience you hit it harder when you wait for it hmm I didn't know that yeah he did cuz that's what you said in your video for the champ - oh yeah it's true forgot I said that well what man you surprised the heck he on me my bad you got me kind of chasing here cut you off they shot bar down pads oh is that toxic Jack coming through good the other team passed it to you no you passed it okay that's a Boomer come back nice save here we go ot clutch time oops guess is where boys become men in OT that's no problem try get back nice yes oh he's mad mad cuz bad - season 13 GCS good thing they suck might as well have a title that says free win this guy's chasing horde what he thinks he's doing what are you doing just get out of my way we win I got kind of scared thought he's gonna have that I sensed your fear oh oh I immediately got him back but the other guy who was there - we can punish their chases they both over there can't really try and make quick chat you're like by like using grammar when you type sometime I did this thing a long time ago like what do you mean I think I get spammed what a shame and then I just like type toxic exclamation point and like make it look like a quick chat just because you capitalize it and use an exclamation mark yeah no I can't say I'd go through that much effort hold my beer wow he's not even old enough to drink you know how to use that quick chat hold my Capri side much better hold my milk it's two on one oh geez I didn't want to put the pressure on you but I also didn't want to sugarcoat it you were basically screwed keep getting destroyed on the kickoffs yeah I was gonna say that but I don't really know much about kickoffs myself so I can't really help you mm-hmm I'm a great coach that was scared that's clear confident confident oh I just owned them both oh great bump let's go oh that's a good clear got some time and a good pass oh he doesn't need time holiday quit you gone Wow I told you have time you're like no I have a goal I have goal goal I have dream sir you are a verified champ one 100% despite what you said you had definitely improved I could see the mechanics in the back wall I see the clears the defense is there nice work Thanks any last words any shoutouts Nick bell pepper Sam Wow all the people aren't you gonna shout out to the frame rates shout out to 250 frames our Lord and Savior all right okay yeah I'm never gonna talk to you again now that I use you for a video probably most people like hitting one month later if you hit GC we will do another video all right bye forever [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 4,220,692
Rating: 4.942522 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, predator gaming, gaming laptop, predator laptop, gaming pc, pc giveaway, acer pc, xbox games, ps4 games, free pc games
Id: 5elR62lsPYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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