How To Deal With Impossible Situations - Kevin Zadai

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hey [Music] [Music] hello everyone dr kevin zaid i with you with the warrior notes and i am here in phoenix arizona and i we just got back from seattle and students be excited because phoenix air conferences about some things that i've never and the cd so on your way are already here unable to come we're going to be questions and we've got a bunch of i call it azusa streets points he's going to be speaking so i'll be speaking so i came to you tonight because i want to talk to you about impossible happens before rate of rejection comes into and got saved um there seem to be again that's that the that seems like me people and meditation if you're saying if you're not then you have to figure in it because god has already given this to us uh everyone else i used to blame god and when i met jesus i realized that i can never blame him for anything his personality is so strong that i i thought you know when people meet him there i thought they did because if you were like hey if i you get up there to him you're not gonna be able to say a word about that you're gonna be like totally messed up and i had that happen to me i could not blame god for anything and so the ministry of worriedness has always been about you take accountability and you work through it from the place that hey i've messed up god does not mess up and i'm the weak one he's the strong one and uh impossible situations are are for you to grow they're for you to excel to the next level and so i wanted to talk to the spirit of the lord had me come to you tonight because i i want to explain to you that it seems like this big gap between all these people that have all these supernatural things happen and then us all you and then you might think well yeah kevin you have had all these things happen but yeah but that's i'm telling you it was because i was sat in church services just like you did i watch tv just like you did watch christian tv all the time and there's always this big gap between what was happening to me and what was happening with others who who had had all these things uh wonderful things happen and i felt rejected all the time i felt like well what is it what is it that i need to do in order to get to get to where they're at and i used to blame okay it was my parents fault because i grew up poor and you know i didn't have the same opportunities everybody else did and then you know i didn't have a mentor spiritually and i would go through all these things and then when i died on the operating table and i met jesus i realized because he showed me said no i i've sent angels those angels have been with you since birth he said i had all this written about you since birth all this stuff is happening i even told you when you're 10 years old that you had three three year three times seven so 21 years left of your life so that would be 31 years old so he at 10 years old i wasn't even saved he said okay here is the next 21 years in seven years segment so i had this three happen those three sevens and at 31 he said he the lord told me at 10 years old this at this point you have accomplished everything that i've asked you to do and i was like that's 31 years old and i got saved at 19 and at 31 i died i died on the operating table and then when i appeared before jesus he said you know this is it but you know this is what i told you when you were 10 years old and i go yeah but i didn't do anything yet i haven't you know i finished college but i did you know i didn't become a pilot yet i didn't do all these things and he said no it isn't about the quantity of your life it's the quality of your life and he told me he said um you know satan was trying to destroy you since you were a child and he used everyone around you to to get to you and he showed me how when i would go to school even the the demon spirits were working and how uh at my jobs i saw this in a flash and so i thought i would talk to you about this tonight paul he struggled a lot with with um the he he was very learned but he he felt behind in in spirituality because he he was full of head knowledge and so he would if you read about him in the different letters it feels like he's got the he's pushed always being pushed to defend himself because he would call them super apostles and he would say all these things well you know what do i have what do they have that i don't have he goes you know i birthed you he says you have many teachers but you don't have many fathers and i said bingo bingo that's it and i said this is the key the lord showed me this is the key to deliverance this is the key to breakthrough and overthrow this is the key is it's not it's not just having teachers that mentor you sometimes you need a father sometimes you need someone who's going to love on you and and love you out of rejection and so this happened with me with jesus jesus mentored me when he sent me back he started to work me through my rejection and just like paul if you look paul he says these little things because he felt he felt like he was weak because he was now us to be a spiritual person and he came to the corinthians and he said listen when i came to you i didn't come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom but in power and demonstration of the holy spirit okay they they were they were expecting him in corinth it was a great place of learning so it's kind of like how egypt was back in the time of moses moses went to the best schools and he was being groomed to be the next pharaoh he was well educated but he ended up in the desert and when he did after he he killed the egyptian he had to ask god can you have aaron talk for me he said can you have someone else talk for me well he was very eloquent he went to the egyptian university that was like the best thing in that time well paul went to the best schools and then when he was in corinth i think that the church expected him to be very eloquent and you know because he was a pharisee and he felt at times as though he didn't measure up to other people and you know he he was working against the church he was killing christians and so if you if you look at paul this way now you'll see that he was actually struggling with rejection all the time so even the apostle paul was struggling that way but he nailed it on the head and i'm telling you i've seen demons leave people without even manifesting they that people have have gotten delivered because the devils just opted out they just they just showed themselves out they this is why is when when you have a father that loves you in your life when you have a father figure in your life that loves you then you it gets rid of rejection and then the rejection not operating the demons can't operate and that is the absolute truth about it so what does that have to do with spirituality and supernatural events in your life well jesus wanted us to be mentored by him and the disciples would be mentored by him so that they could do what he was doing so his whole goal was to get them up to speed so that when he left the holy spirit could take over through the disciples and do the same works but he said you're going to do even greater works than these that i'm doing and this had to do with because my father he started talking about his father so in john 17 he talks about his father loving them as much as he loves jesus himself so he said father you love them just as much as you love me well think about that jesus we put jesus up as the son of god but yeah jesus was saying lord you want to share that same love that you share that we share together you the same glory that we shared pre pre-existent jesus came came back but he was always pre-existent he said i'm going back to you father he said but i want them to share in the same glory the same unity that me and you shared before the universes were lit up and this is god's plan is that he wants to be a father so you know when i was in heaven i saw god on the throne i was not allowed to look at his face but i felt totally accepted by my by the father god and when i was there i felt as though i was part of the family i didn't feel like i didn't feel like what you think you would feel if you were in heaven at the throne room you know there were angels falling on their face there were saints that were worshiping but there was not there was not um this disconnect the father had bought us back and he wanted to be our father and so i felt love from the throne i didn't fail i didn't feel like i was left out in any way but then i thought i'm glad i'm not going back to the earth because the earth is deceived deceiving the realms so when i'm here like right now if i'm not on my game i can let evil spirits start to pull me aside and start me off on in the rejection and um they will create scenarios so that you feel like you're left out and it's absolutely i'm telling you it's all staged it has nothing to do with you at all and your relationship with god is not being affected in in your heart at the time you feel rejection it is a total lie it's a facade it's it's absolutely false now i knew this when i was in heaven so i turned to jesus and i told him i don't want to go back to the earth and he knew why i was saying that was because the evil spirits their whole idea it's not just one spirit of fear one spirit of rejection spirit of trauma no the all evil spirits they all want you to feel rejected their whole idea is to get you disconnected they want you to be isolated and rejected okay they want you to feel that way now christians especially they target christians because they don't want christians to actually get together and agree on anything and then there's a momentum that they cannot break or stop okay so this is what we see in this country now what we see in this country is an onslaught for the people of god to meet and be in unity and agree on anything and now everybody needs to come back together and even if it's a smaller remnant now that's very powerful because gideon only needed 300 men out of the 42 000 that he had available to him so anyway i'm going to get into this with paul and i want to help you tonight to understand that there is no real gap that jesus christ himself closed that gap between where you may appear to be in your own perception and where you want to go it's really not the distance you think it is you're not rejected you just need to know god as your father and you didn't know that you're fully accepted and that that being rejected is a feeling and it's a false priest perception that demon spirits in this fallen world create so that you do not connect with your heavenly father but i guarantee you when you get to heaven you'll see that jesus closed the gap and that you are a spiritual person you are walking with god and you're not rejected and you get into impossible situations in a a damaged mode where you're hurt and you're rejected if you if you find an impossible situation when you're rejected then you react like peter did you know we can talk about all the different people that we look at and say man they miss that opportunity with jesus but see if you're walking in rejection you miss your opportunity with god you automatically do because you have to be able to slip right through that narrow way when the opportunity comes so moses is one of those perfect examples and i'm going to get into paul but moses got down to the red sea and he got trapped but he had done everything he was supposed to do so when the people started crying out and say you know you brought us out here to kill us because we got the army behind us and if you've ever been over there where you they cross the red sea it's amazing there's mountains on each side and it goes down like a funnel and it just keeps getting narrow narrow to where they literally had no they couldn't even go up the wall so the the the mountains are so high that when they came down to the red sea there you can see this especially from the air and um you can see that there's a bridge underneath the water where they walked across when he blew that water away there was actually literally you can see the shot there's a shallow apart where the the waters separated and the all of israel walked across there and you know i've already seen the photos of the chariot wheels and all the different parts of the pharaoh's army they found them of course the smithsonian is not going to want to put that out on the news but that is all you know i've already seen the footage so it's already too late but the bottom line here was is that moses started to feel rejected because see the people were mad at him and god got him into the pickle because he was just being obedient but you know moses has already been through a lot so he had 40 years in egypt then he had 40 years in the midian desert and now he's taking the people out he's 80 years old and he just wants to retire and he's you know now he's like got this big problem so he's in an impossible situation so it says it says in exodus that the people started to cry out to moses so then it says that moses went and cried out to god okay so what he did was he took what the evil the evil spirits were were provoking and getting the people unrested they should have been in faith they should have said you know what 400 years is up we're going out we're left with the gold and the silver and there's not one female one among us they should be happy that god's delivered them but they blamed it on their leader and they blamed it on god well what they did was this is what evil spirits do they want to transfer they put pressure on a person and they feel rejected they feel they they feel pressured to perform and then they they lean on on if they can't lean on you they'll lean on someone around you and then that person will come and i'm serious they would want a there's a transaction that wants to occur where they're going to transfer their junk to you and how they're going to do that they're going to come pressured and then they're going to apply pressure to you and it's a domino effect so evil spirits try to get a weak person so you think who your weakest link is in your life is so you think about your circle of influence your free all the people that are in your life and you i can pick them out i can pick out if the spiritual atmosphere changes i know when not to answer the phone if i feel that something's happening in the spirit i'm not available to some people and um the reason why is is because they became the weakest link in a spiritual onslaught in a spiritual warfare and if if people can't cut it you gotta you gotta know especially if you are if you are a leader you got to know where your people are so when you when people can handle stuff then you you trust them if they can't then you got to train them to resist okay so obviously peter was one of those people that you know if when the spiritual atmosphere shifted he was he was the first to respond now sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad okay with moses when those people pressured him it pressured him and then he wanted to transfer that to god so he went and cried out and this is what god said you can read it in exodus he said he cried out to god and god said shut up it literally says in hebrew shut up and tell the people to shut up he said stop crying out to me he said what do you have in your hand so what he did was he jerked the slack so on the people and their the spirit that was on the people and he allowed that to get into him but he's supposed to be the leader he's supposed to be the standard he's supposed to be the one that resists it because he's got to lead the people it got into him and then it infected him and then it infected his relationship with god because he already had that staff he had already thrown that staff down and watched his staff turn into a serpent that ate up all the other snakes in pharaoh's court remember when the magicians threw their stabs down okay the same staff is what he used to send moses to pharaoh to begin with okay that same stuff he asked him what do you have in your hand well moses knew it was the staff he said take it down to the water so when he put what god had given him it represented his call it represented his mantle it represented his mission was the staff okay he put it in the water and bingo there it just it happened okay so god had to correct him and get him back on track as a leader because moses had taken on the spirit of the people but the people had taken on the spirit of evil spirits you get it so this is how rejection works somebody feels rejected it causes a domino effect and it can affect the whole church it could affect a whole corporation one person can affect and affect the whole walking and rejection but here's the thing the whole idea is not just rejection it's to dismantle you and compromise you so that when the time for you to shine as a leader in a impossible situation which is really going to be a miracle it's a setup you god leads you into an impossible situation so that he can display his glory through you and it's a that the devils try to dismantle you before that happens so whenever somebody's operating rejection i already know god is about to move in their life in a profound way i know that and i know those devils know they've got to leave okay so just so you understand if we fast forward this is exactly why moses didn't did go into the promised land he was forbidden because he once again allowed the people to pressure him he became angry and he struck the rock twice again instead of speaking to it and he did that out of anger he did not obey the lord so it affected his relationship so once again he let the people affect him when he went to god it affected his relationship and he disobeyed and when he disobeyed he lost his ability to go into the promised land period okay he he knew better because he had already been taught this so i'm sure you you haven't seen maybe you've never looked at it this way but this is what jesus showed me has happened it happened with moses and with paul paul said to the corinthians he said listen he said i'm upset with you and when i come i might come with a whip he said you decide he said because it might not go well with you when i show up and um he said also said you know i longed to come to you but satan has hindered me and he said i believe that next year i'll be able to come to you soon and he he was very expressive but paul always felt as though he was he didn't measure up because of his past okay so he had killed christians he had he had allowed that spirit to operate through him and so he always felt like like he had it was hard for him to be around all those apostles and because he thought you know you know i killed stephen you know i had k stephen killed and so eventually if you look he he said i've wronged no man. he would tell that in his letter so he he finally got over all that and he said you know i was set apart as an apostle since birth and everybody would look at him say well what did you do for the first 30 years of your life then you were killing christ you were working against the apostles you were and but he said i was called from birth and he was set apart and um see as he started to to to be loved by god and and have a father image in his life in the in the father god he started to say some amazing things and i want to read something to you that he said to the colossians because he's you could see paul starting to grow into that relationship with god so i'm pleading with you do not allow rejection in others to affect you but do not allow yourself to operate it because i believe that everyone watching is is called to be a leader i believe that everybody that i train is is called to ministry i i see it differently i i'm with paul paul said we're all called to a ministry of reconciliation so we're all supposed to go out and and tell people that the price has been paid that's what paul said go out and tell them that price been paid you have a spirit of reconciliation on you and you have a ministry of reconciliation he said this in chapter two verse one he said i wish you could know how much i have struggled for you and for the church in laodicea and for the many other friends that i've yet to meet i am contending for you that your heart will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love's fabric see that that is a man that's that's a man that's been delivered that's a man that understands the true love of god he is now a father not just an apostle like we know it he was a father because he's like laboring and contending for people in their hearts to be woven interwoven with god's love he said like this so it's like a mesh that's formed and you can study the words out in the greek and in the aramaic and you can find all this this good stuff it's called love's fabric it's a fabric that we're interwoven into so i'm actually being taken over by god so i don't cease to be kevin but i'm i'm being influenced by this fabric of love inside of me that's interwoven and i become like him and my personality starts to change and i don't i'm still kevin but i'm able to to to go beyond what i can in a normal sense and so paul started to to talk like this he said this will give you this this being interwoven with god's love from the father he said we'll give you access to all the riches of god as you experience the revelation of god's mis great mystery which is christ so you don't i mean honestly if you want to study this out like i have you didn't have that access unless this happened in other words you'd walk by a door that was always there but you would never enter into it because you need to have this love of god interwoven into your heart which the love of god if you when you're in heaven you'll find this out it's it's actually a spirit of full acceptance it's actually a a a spirit of adoption where you're just taken from the wife that you have and god adopts you and he dresses you up and he gives you his name and then you become part of the family and then you become heir of everything he has so all of a sudden you're in god's house and you have his name and everything is is is yours and you you you don't identify with your old life anymore and this is what he says that for our spiritual wealth he talks about spiritual wealth in verse three of chapter two he's of colossians he says our spiritual wealth is in him like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered heaven's wisdom and endless riches of revelation and knowledge okay so you you are about to be to have a deluge of revelation coming to you and i i feel the spirit of the lord so strongly when i'm saying this i know that everything you need for a life of godliness according to what peter said is already within you that god has already put that inside of you according to peter so paul says this as a father too he's writing to the colossians he says i want you to know that that this so that when no when no one can lead you away in error through their persuasive arguments and clever words even though i am separated from you geographically my spirit is present there with you right now now he's talking to colossians the people there at klossy he says i am overjoyed to see how disciplined and deeply committed you are because you have such great solid faith in jesus christ okay now in verse 6 he goes on he says in the same way you have received jesus your lord as messiah by faith continue in your journey of faith so he calls it a journey of faith okay progressively further into your union with him so this is what where this is where the discrepancy is you watch people and you hear about all these testimonies of all the amazing things that happened to them and you think i just want that to happen to me but see there is a better way to do this there's a better way to get there this way is love but this is full acceptance love is love the love of god is full acceptance which means that you can't you can't make god think better of you than he already does you you can't impress him he just wants you to obey him because he knows that's the way so he's saying that there are things that are going on that are gonna try to pull you away and he knows that your faith walk is a journey okay so he's saying you're gonna progress further in your union with him so just so you know with me and kathy our whole our whole life our whole day is set up in getting closer to the lord so that we can help people so we have to have an effective relationship with god so that we can effectively minister to people if we don't have something to give out then we can't we can't um we can't minister so if our relationship is affected with god by the holy spirit and the word and then we affect others and this is fulfilling the body of christ so you have to be absorbed and encouraged in god you have to be encouraging him paul says so you are established in your faith he says absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him okay so then he says this and this is this is where the rubber meets the road it says beware that no one distracts you or intimidates you this is what happened with moses in their attempt to lead you away from the christ from christ's fullness by pretending to be full of wisdom when they're really filled with endless arguments of human logic for they operate with the humanistic and clouded judgments based on their mindset of this world system and not the anointed truths of the anointed one okay then he says this in verse nine for this is the complete fullness of the jesus is the complete fullness of the deity in human form so when you saw jesus you saw god and there is no difference when you get to heaven there is no difference like i um i knew that like when i was talking to jesus i think well maybe i should talk to the father and ask him something and jesus was so that's not going to happen because you can't go back to your body if you if you see his face you're not going back so he was wanting me to talk to him and then i realized you can't appeal past him in other words i can't like say okay i don't like what you're saying jesus i'm gonna go to the father because it's the same thing it's the same thing okay so if he is the complete fullness of the deity in human form and our completeness is only found in him then we have everything we need and i am i i find this you have to find out not only what your weak spots are but where how far can you go like how far can you go and find out where your sticking point is and then once you determine what your sticking point is you find someone who's already excelled in that area and you put yourself in in close proximity to that that person who has already broken through so that's why we need each other so everybody around me that instructs me is way better than me i i listen to people that have already done what i want to do i i don't i i don't talk when my instructors are talking i don't i don't have anything to say and unless they stop talking then i ask them another question and then i keep letting i make them talk to me so that they transfer what they know to me so that i can become where they at where they're at i have to become the same mindset as them because most of these people that that that i am around have been doing something for 40 years and so they know more than i do and so i don't look at i don't stare at my weaknesses i i acknowledge my sticking points and where i am weak but i i don't like focus on them so i acknowledge okay here's where i am but i don't like focus on the weaknesses i say okay here's my sticking point so for instance my first book heavenly visitation it took 18 months to write and my second book took five days they were 18-hour days but i did write in five days but what happened the devil fought me on that first book because i had never written a book before and the tight truth i don't i didn't want to write books and i didn't like it it was um that was an instant gratification you know you you have to work at it and so i if you do things that you can complete quickly then you feel better about yourself but yes some things are just they don't come that way so once once i realized what was going on with me and and and kathy would she would my wife would pray me through we would we wore the carpet out actually it was here in phoenix arizona we had a brand new house we wore the carpet out from praying in tongues of pacing our floors we wore the carpet out we literally had to get rugs like you know area rugs and things like that and we did that with most of our houses we realized what our weaknesses were and i said i gotta write this book but it's like all hell like all hell would break loose every time i'd sit down to write that book all the time and i remember like kathy like we'd miss meals we wouldn't eat for days just because i need to get a chapter done you know and it's amazing that once i broke through and i i attached myself to someone who was an author and that person wanted to remain anonymous and this person said i feel it was here in phoenix he said i feel like i'm supposed to help you and he said just give me what you have and i will show you how you do this and so he mentored me and he helped me right kathy he helped me get that first book done and then he just he didn't want he didn't want any credit for it and he just disappeared and um you know i'm not even in contact with him anymore became a bestseller and the second book i did by myself and it was because this person had broken through and i just drafted off of them and now i can write a book very quickly well what happened well i felt rejected because i felt weak and i didn't feel like that was something that i could do but now it is something i can do and it was always in me to do that so what is it that's in your life that is a sticking point and are you dealing with rejection as well because see that's what those familiar spirits do they when you're supposed to be on a track that is supposed to have this this uh these these things that have to be done for this generation if certain things have to be written if you have a song you got to write that's in it's actually in heaven you got to bring it into this realm and the devil will fight you to to bring that into this realm because he doesn't want that song or that book or whatever it is to be made manifest because it will be a history making event that song needs to be played it needs to be broadcast that book needs to be read because it it's an impartation for the generation that you're in well those devils will all come all out and how they do it is they focus on your weaknesses and one of them is rejection and so you you know when i would go out at night when i was at the airline i would take my my per diem money and i would buy food and i would distribute it to the poor people in different cities and so every week they were in the same place and i got to know some of them and i would give them food and i would just sit and i say you know i said you know you're valuable and we need you to come back into society because there's gifts that god has given you and i would just talk to street people i would just talk to them like like uh they were scripted in heaven to to to to come to be a christian i wouldn't talk to them like you you're going to hell and you need to be a christian and get saved i would talk to them like hey you're valuable god loves you and yes i'm giving you this food but i want you back in society because god has put gifts inside of you that everybody needs you're valuable and next year i don't want to see you here i want to see you working at uh at a at a business i want you to come back into society again because you're not rejected and you should see the the people's faces would just light up because they just wanted to know that they they had value and they wanted to know that they that they they could have safety and so um when i did that i realized you know i've seen the same thing and almost every service i've ever taught in i'm watching all of you as i'm teaching and i'm watching your face and all of a sudden there's a certain point in the service where people their faces change and it's because the lord's glory comes in and the favor of the lord comes and starts to to chase away that rejection it's that spirit that you guys are always confronting always encountering and it's something that that you have wounds from your past and moses had wounds from his past think about this you know he was sent down the river you know in a basket you know he started out in rejection i mean some of you you know you're you're you know you feel rejected like like uh you know your parents gave you up for adoption or you know you were born out of wedlock all these different situations well you know this world's a broken world that the spirit of this world wants you to be born rejected because he wants to the spirit of this world wants to rule over you and if you're if you're feeling like you're uh a victim all the time you're you're really easy prey you know it doesn't take much to convince a person who's been victimized because they're just so beat down they just need someone to love on them and and be a mentor so it's very interesting i've encountered instruction from different people and some of it is like i it's been very hard like i uh some of the stuff that i've had to go through it was so hard i don't even know how i passed some of the things i've had to go through with tests and things like that but then i've had instructors that were like you know what i'm going to do this and i don't want you to do it so they would do maneuvers in a jet or in an airplane and then they say okay don't do this and then they would help me with it and then by the third time i've got it and i go man you got this but then there's others that like you know they tell me this is what you're supposed to do and then i wouldn't do it right then they would just like you failed you know they're like you're done you're done you know i'm like no i'm not done instruct me you know you there's a disconnect here and i'm not saying it's your fault but see what it was is they were not really teachers they were dictators they were they they were they were there were people that are on a power like it's like a power thing and um they you know a teacher is not somebody who's going to go around and always you're around the teacher and you think that they're bet they always think they're better than you that's not a good teacher that's not a mentor so that's not the way jesus was with me he goes listen here's how you do this he said here is the way and he listen he has shortcuts and you know that doesn't go over one religious circle but the lord said listen there are shortcuts he said if you'll just do what i say you'll skip over years and that's what's happened in four years our ministry has grown but it's because i the lord said this is this is how you do it you know if you ask people why they do what they do sometimes they don't even know why they do it that way and i remember this it's like do you remember kathy that time that um that uh the daughter asked the mother like why do you cut the ends of the roast off and put it in that pan and she goes i don't know i just my my mom did it so that's why we did well we we asked grandma and grandma so oh it's because i didn't have a big pan so i cut the ends off because it didn't fit in the pan there was no good reason except that the pan wasn't big enough and they thought it had something to do with the way you cook it so it the way that so you when you when things are transferred down have you learned bad habits the lord wants to show you a better way paul said this in roma in corinthians chapter 13 he said i'm he's talking about spiritual gifts in chapter 12 and then all of a sudden he stops because in 14 he continues on with spiritual gifts but in 13 says i'm going to show you a better way to operate in the spiritual gifts and he and he starts talking about love and i realized that when i was in heaven the father he was sitting on a throne and he wanted to talk to me but i had a mediator between him it was jesus and i was not allowed to encounter him face to face because i needed to be sent back to this earth and my body wouldn't be able to handle me my spirit if i had seen the father so that's why moses was told you know you can't see my face because you'll die you won't live okay so getting back into this so that you can resolve this tonight here's the thing you have to have a personality where you want resolution i know people that they really love the negative attention so they don't want to be healed because they have learned how to gather here we attention you pastors are like amen but this is this is what i see it's uh the lord showed me that there was a shortcut to being delivered from being a victim and he said when you watch a child in a grocery store with a mom they uh they they want something they see something because it's it's it's really hard for a child to be taken to a store where they see all this stuff and they want to touch everything and everything is is they want everything but if they've had a certain cereal and they see that box they automatically associated what that is because they've had that before so if if if they start to say i want you know i want this i want this or they're done and they want to go back to the car and they want to go home they're done with somebody you know you're not even halfway through your list yet what they'll do is they'll throw a fit right there and what they're doing is those kids are working the crowd they actually will take the whole the whole scenario there with all those people around they will get their way because they couldn't get their way between you and them so this is the same thing happens with animals it's the same thing it happens with people that if they can't get positive attention they'll get attention somehow and it's negative attention okay so this is what people this is what people do is that if they cannot if they want attention and they don't get it they will they will take negative attention and so people will act up and that is the way that they manipulate so now take this a step out with the evil spirits evil spirits if they cannot speak to a person and get them to react to the thoughts or the feelings then they have to create a scenario a negative a negative scenario so that they get attention so what they do is they create a scenario to get your attention if they can't no i'm telling you if they can't talk to you and i'm gonna influence you yeah i hope you're all listening to this if an evil spirit cannot communicate something to you because you're resisting them and you're laughing at them then what they'll do is they'll create a scenario so that they get attention but it'll be a negative attention so what they'll do is they'll go out a step and they'll influence people around you and they'll create a scenario and all of a sudden things will start breaking your refrigerator will break your you'll have a flat tire after church you'll have an unexpected bill they will get your attention if they cannot deal with you they go out and they start in the peripheral and then they're going to find people around that have damaged souls if they are operating a rejection what they'll do is they'll start to influence those people and they will make your business still go sour and everything's going fine with you and what you're doing but then they'll work it out and then someone will sabotage it you have to watch your barriers as you go out now this is a shortcut that the lord showed me he said kevin i always label the people that are around me in sectors and i'm like what he goes okay i had i had i had the 70 he said i had the 12 but i had three and then i had one i had john he said i had john he was in the a sector he said but he said actually no one was in my sector he says because i didn't john says that jesus didn't entrust himself to anyone because he knew what was in a man so he knew that they would all throw him under the bus they would they would preserve themselves at some point there's a choking point where people will sell you out everybody has that sellout point so really everybody will leave you at a certain point because they're going to self-preserve it's just the way we are so jesus knew that so he didn't trust himself to any man that's what john said okay but then john says that i was the disciple that jesus loved so he had john and it was true because jesus would whisper to him at the table and say hey they're like who's going to betray you and he goes okay i'm going to take this bread and dip it in i'm gonna hand it to that person so john watched he handed it to jesus judas so he knew judas was the one but see he didn't tell anybody else that and i don't know if he picked that up but jesus was actually like intimately sharing the future with john he says i'm to hand it to the guy so john watched who he had to then judas got up after he ate it says that satan entered into him and he went out and he betrayed jesus sold him out right there okay then you had the three peter james and john that he took up on the mount transfiguration so he trusted them and he what he did was he allowed himself to go back to his pre-existent state for a couple minutes and then elijah and moses showed up and look what happened with peter he totally reacted wrong to the whole thing okay then you have the twelve the twelve he would say how long am i gonna be with you he constantly saying you know i i'm leaving and you're gonna have to do this on your own and so he was fighting with that all the time then he had the 70 but the 70 were not the 12 and the 12 were not the three and the three were not the one and let's face it in the garden of gethsemane he was by himself he was left completely okay so jesus could have felt rejection and and he didn't he still continued to impart but this is the thing that you have to label you have to label who you have in your life and you have to see what's in them and you have to know their choking point and it's not it's not that you're judging them but paul said a spiritual man makes judgments about all things but he he himself is not subject to any man's judgment what he's talking about is if a person is carnal that you're dealing with you as a spiritual person can make a discernment or a judgment about that situation but that person himself is not able to make discernments or judgments to the spiritual person because they are not able to operate in the spirit do you get that so what paul was saying there is that you if you have eyes to see then you cannot ignore if you see somebody around you that is not able to handle the spiritual atmospheres when they shift then they do not need to be entrusted with the steering wheel or the throttle they need to be placed in a place where they have a responsibility but they do not have that they do not have the steering mechanisms for for your corporation or your ministry or anything in your life so this is why friends bail on you this is why friends betray you this is why churches split this is why corporations that are amazing they they end up they end up either disappearing or turning out to be something they didn't start with it's because of this very thing is this you cannot trust everyone and you can love everyone and you allow people to develop but and you you help them but you have to be honest and say this person cannot carry this and this has always been the problem um with with my my uh company that i worked for was a fortune 500 company southwest airlines i i knew at one point i was being groomed for management and then i decided i'm going to be retired i'm not going to do this so i stayed just in the workforce even though i was asked to go corporate but i really liked herb kelleher and i liked herb kelleher because he knew how to gain loyalty with his employees he valued his employees and he spoke to them and he would defend us he would say don't abuse my my employees he would tell customers would would write in he said don't abuse our employees fly someone else he didn't try to retrieve them he would tell you i mean you can read it there's a reader's digest version of uh article where he he is actually interviewed and um he he said no he said he said my employees value the customers but the customers do not dictate southwest airlines he said the employees are the ones that dictate where we're going and he said they are under my leadership and he said i'm imparting to them by allowing them to be owners in the company they're actually the loyalty that he gained in his employees was because he allowed us to be part of the vision and he rewarded us for being part of the vision and so he he did not reward bad behavior he rewarded good behavior and he didn't with with him he remembered your name and he had thousands of employees and when he would come and visit he would help you he would say well what can i do to help and he would he would throw the bags onto the plane i'd see him down and he'd come up and he'd say hey can i hand out the snacks on during the flight and i'm like you got to be kidding me and he could fly his own private jet and but he wanted to fly and he listen he went back through the whole plane and shook everybody's hand on the airplane and it was 140 people and um he he was he valued his customers he valued his his employees and i know that god his vision his vision was was eaten and it was taken from him and so he lost his family now i know this so when i was in heaven i saw that the father lost his family and he wanted them back and so jesus bought us back and so because jesus bought us back the father now is waiting for us to come to him and thank him and and reunite in union with him as as as restored but when you talk to people i see they have choking points and it has to do with that they had been victims and what happens is as you're talking to these people i see that this is where the evil spirits attach themselves is in that hurt and that trauma and that rejection and this is where your sticking point is so tonight i believe that that god has helped you i believe that he is is telling you that you need to let go of your hurt and that you're not rejected paul said that we're fully accepted in him paul said that the spirit of god and and he said this in romans 8 15 he said that the spirit that we've been given is actually a spirit of adoption but see the better word in aramaic is a spirit of full acceptance now if you're fully accepted you're not rejected it's amazing like at the end of a a a spirit school on a weekend like we're going to be doing this weekend at the end of the spirit school everyone is totally different than when they walked in the first night and what it is they've heard the word of god they've been transformed in their thinking but there was this impartation that happened where they realized that they're a lot closer in relationship to their god than they ever thought and it was the fact that they dealt with things in their hearts so we all have to deal with those things and what i found was is that i had to stop blaming people for my condition i had to stop blaming god i had to stop blaming people and you know you're taught that you're a product of your environment but see in heaven where i was taught that we're a product of our father in heaven and that we need to be restored we need to be born again and we need to be transformed and that i'm a product like me talking to you right now i just had a vision as i'm talking to you and i'm i was i just a second ago as i was telling you i was already in the millennial reign the thousand year reign in heaven i was watching myself doing this right now and i was already completed everything and i and the lord was thanking me for ministering to you from a spirit of full acceptance that there's nothing in me that's that's stopping the holy spirit or god in my life anymore i have i don't have those hurts i don't have that rejection anymore i'm not a victim and i am an overthrow and when when you get into overthrow and i just had this flash right now i saw that when people start to get into overthrow the demons will leave you alone because they they have no way to get to you they have no access points so i want to pray with you and i want you i want you to allow god to heal you right now and when this happens the demons will leave you won't have to cast them out they will show themselves out and they will never come back because you are fully accepted by god so let's pray right now father in the name of jesus i thank you that we have we have the spirit of god inside of us of full acceptance and that there is nothing that you're withholding from us father we love you we fear you we thank you by the power of the spirit that nothing nothing is impossible and that you have given us full acceptance into your courts and i thank you lord god that many businesses will be formed this year many many businesses will be launched this year through a vision that you're giving the people right now they're giving them an idea and that they are going to succeed at what you've called them to do this is the best time this is the best time because the lord says there's so many needs that people have and that god is going to give you his ideas his vision and he's going to give you provision for that vision and i thank you for that impartation right now and i break rejection right now in the name of jesus i thank you father for all the deliverance that's happening right now i break the rejection right now i command every evil spirit enforcing rejection right now in the name of jesus i command you to go in jesus name and by the blood of jesus and there's a spirit of of complete deliverance right now father i thank you so much for what you're doing right now just reach out toward the camera right now and receive this every one of you just that everyone watching all over the world just receive this deliverance right now in the name of jesus i break fear in the name of jesus i break poverty right now in the name of jesus i break sickness right now in the name of jesus father thank you you've pulled your sword out your word out and you've placed that blade at the throat of the enemy the lord is saying i have placed my word my sword at the throat of your enemy and he has been judged he's been found out and deliverance has come to your house the lord is saying deliverance has come to your house right now the angels have been given their commands to carry you into your next phase the lord says you are not rejected you have not failed i've accepted you and i'm gonna make it better i'm gonna correct it i'm gonna cause you to ride the high places with me says the lord all is well all will end well your past is erased that's it just release everything to the lord right now i'll hang with you a little longer because the spirit of the lord is moving so strongly right now and i see so many things happening i see angels coming in just making minor adjustments in your life that the angels are working as well as the holy spirit inside of you but there are angels working on the outside they're they're they're going to help the people they're going to help you with the people that are giving you problems and they're going to escort people out of your life and they're going to bring others in and your vision is going to be fulfilled god is with you and he's bringing in the people that you need to start your business to start your ministry whatever it is god's called you to do lord said there's many of you that are supposed to pick up instruments musical instruments there's many of you supposed to write books there's many of you many many says the lord that you're supposed to start children's programs and start ministering and making curriculum and teaching and ministering to children many of you are called them i command sickness to leave your body right now there's many of you dealing with all kinds of of weakness in your body and the lord says i'm i've bridged the gap i've bridged the gap i've come to heal you hallelujah the lord has not left you and you haven't committed the unpardonable sin lord said you still have a conscience you still love me i've forgiven you you have not committed the unpardoned the unaportable sin hallelujah thank you father thank you father well thanks for joining me tonight i i love you we at warrior knows we want you to walk with god in the the capability that god has already called you to we just want to help you along the way and the lord is with you in a mighty way and and stay tuned this weekend for our our women's warrior women's conference we'll be coming to you live with all the sessions and thank you for for all all the partners all over the world and thank you students for being faithful to god and we'll see you next time god bless you amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh you glory [Music] the whole [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is the whole
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 44,667
Rating: 4.9510803 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 4dt--peJ16I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 31sec (3991 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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