The Personality Of Jesus - Kevin Zadai

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hello everyone dr kevin zeta with you welcome to our spirit school we are going to be talking about an amazing subject the lord had put on my heart to come to you and talk about the personality of jesus once he always has plans and purposes and strategies and he is just a go-getter he is one of those people that that uh there's a puff of smoke where where he was standing because he had to go somewhere and do something he's just a he's a go-getter he's a get it done kind of person and that his personality is it will seem at times to be intense and he is he is not apologetic for that because he is running the kingdom for his father he is ahead of the whole universe and his name is above all names so he has a command about him so but one of the things that you've got to remember about jesus and please write this down is that he was pre-existent and we get this idea because we celebrate christmas we celebrate all these holidays we get this idea that jesus was born in a manger and that he was a baby and he grew up and he became jesus christ who is god and he walked on the earth but see jesus was an adult a full a full-grown adult in heaven before the worlds were formed everything about god was is is this this idea that he is eternal and that he always existed the reason why he always existed is because he doesn't have any limitations like we do he doesn't have time and distance and all the dimensions that we are are boxed into he has none of those so he's always existed and when i was in heaven that was no big deal i my frame of mind about him is is what i remember about about uh the throne room is that it always was it always will be his seat of his power will be forever jesus christ will be the the highest and he will be seated mo the most high god forever his name is eternal his name is the most high and and there's nothing that's ever going to take away from that ever and he always existed so jesus shared with the glory of the father before time began and he says this in john chapter 17 where he says that he said i'm returning to you father because i've done your will he said i brought glory to you and now i'm returning to you back to where i shared the same glory with you back to where we shared the same glory before the universes were lit up that is the eternal god that is jesus christ that we serve that we love he was always in existence okay so because of that when he came to the earth he was wrapped in flesh but he has no uh he has no heavenly mother there is no no mother god up there there is only a father and there is a um there is a misunderstanding about god and about jesus and about how he came in the flesh so i want to clarify that because it's very important to understand this jesus jesus when he talks to you he all he talks about is his father he doesn't talk about his mother he doesn't say anything about his mother he talks about the father god when i was in heaven i saw the father on the throne but i didn't see his face i was not allowed to look upon him but he he was up there seated at the right hand of the father and and when he came to earth he had a earthly mother which her name was mary but see mary was was overwhelmed and overcome and overshadowed by the holy spirit that's how she became pregnant she didn't become pregnant by a human being she got pregnant by the holy spirit so jesus's parent is is father god himself the one that impregnated mary was the holy spirit jesus recognized mary as his earthly mother but he doesn't god doesn't have a mother so when when it was time for jesus to do his ministry and after a while he separated himself so that when his family came he said uh he said that uh to the disciples they said your mother and your brothers are out here are waiting to talk to you they want to talk to you and he said these are my mother and brothers and he pointed to his disciples and all the people that were sitting there he said he who hears the word of god and obeys it are is my mother and my brothers so he separated himself at a certain point and so at the end of his life he just committed his mother to john to take to take care of her but in heaven there is a father god and there is a son and there is the holy spirit and then there's all these angels that are around this is the way it is and i know this is hard for some of you to accept but but jesus needed a body to walk on the earth with and he got that body through this lady named mary but he was pre-existent so he already existed he didn't he didn't come as as just as a baby and start to grow up his spirit his spirit was in heaven with the father long before all this so the pre-existent part of jesus is what he said when the abraham was questioned as being his father because he said some things about abraham he said well before abraham was i am and when he said those words he said them to the pharisees in their language and they knew what he was saying he was saying that it was the the same god that appeared to moses in the burning bush he said the same words he said you tell moses you tell pharaoh that i am sent you and he said those words well that's blasphemy to the pharisees because he's equating himself with god okay so this is the jesus that i met jesus didn't he identifies with our humanness because he was wrapped in flesh but he was always in existence he was always with the father from the beginning and i i say that and i i spend time on this particular point so that you can remember that even though jesus is considered our brother he's he's considered and a coheir with us an error we're an heir of god but we're co-heirs with jesus that means we got everything that jesus got according to john 17 and according to all the teachings of the apostle paul we are co-heirs with christ okay so jesus said i'm calling you friends i'm not you're not servants you're friends he he said these things but you've got to remember one thing about jesus he's still god he's still pre-existent he's still the highest name in the whole universe every knee will bow at that name every knee and so you have to remember that that's why there are certain personality traits about jesus that are not being spoken about very much and because of that people can get into a light a light hearted a way of dealing with jesus to where it's disrespectful you have to honor him and he he commands respect so when you're around him you don't talk when he's talking you don't you don't walk where he's walking you are very submissive and you honor him so he leads the way he tells you what to do he he tells you what you need to know he doesn't ask you for your opinion he's not really interested in your opinion he is telling you what you need to know and this is one of the personality traits that really struck me uh profoundly was that he was a commander he was the head of angel armies he was the the one who spoke the universes into existence everything that we see was created through jesus christ everything so his words everything about him it rumbles when he talks there's a command about him but yet he's very loving and kind but it's it's really he's he's really promoting his father while he's talking he's promoting his father he's promoting the strategies of heaven he's talking about things to come he's he's he's in command and so there's there's that eternal part of him there's a that personality trait is very very prevalent and very uh obvious when you talk to him okay another one is that he is he's very he's very very full of power but there's this presence about him that is what i would call the goodness of god it's it's it's kind of like the weighty presence the glory but it there it's a substance that that is almost like if you would take powdered sugar and throw it into the air when you get around jesus he's so good that it's like the air is sweet around him and you can feel that goodness it's actually a substance that comes from him and you find out when you're around him and you will do that you will see this when you get to heaven you will see that he was always good and that he was never limiting you and that he was he was not wanting you to walk in sin he was never wanting you to be hurt or be sick he's never wanting you to live in poverty you're going to find all this out when you get to heaven he wasn't the one that was promoting those those terrible things he was taking the limitations off you he's the one that healed you he's the one that caused you to prosper in everything you do he is the one that delivers you from devils he's the one that gives you revelation so his blood was enough to forgive you of your sin but then his blood was enough to also he completely destroyed the power of sin so there's a difference between you being forgiven of your sins and destroying the power of sin because i saw that that sin cannot have its way in your life any longer as a christian you can say no to ungodliness and worldly passions so there is this point where you're going to have to observe and and respect and honor this whether you you do it tonight or if you just wait until you get to heaven and you see this then it'll be too late to enjoy it down here but god is a very good god and there's there's this goodness a substance about him that's very sweet and he wants you to have everything that he puts in your heart he's not teasing you by putting all these desires in your heart all the plans and purposes he has for you he puts those in your spirit and then you delight yourself in the lord and he gives you the desires of your heart so he's not playing with you he's not like telling you he wants this for you and you're going to do this and you're called to be this and called to do this and then not do it he's very good so you've got to start to change the your mindset about that so so remember he is eternal but he's also good also remember that he's full of grace and so he's a lot more patient than we are so his personality is that he is full of the goodness to where he's gracious so he understands our weakness in the book of hebrews it talks about this a lot that he is a perfect high priest because he was touched by the feelings of our infirmities he was touched with our weaknesses he understands what it's like to be a weak human but through that experience he became the perfect lamb that was sacrificed so that we don't have to go through these things anymore because he went through them for us so you're going to find out when you get to heaven that that his grace healed you his grace forgave you his grace delivered you his grace caused you to triumph over your enemies and caused you to prosper in everything that you did this this is what's always available to you but see it's not being preached and so when it's not being preached you can't believe it see so you don't you don't receive what you don't believe but if you don't hear it you can't initiate faith so you have to hear the good news of the gospel and one of the things about god is that he understands our weakness and he's very gracious if you are submissive if you are humble about it and you ask for help so when you're around jesus when i was around him i wanted help i wanted to turn myself in constantly as he talked i just wanted to bow down and just submit to him i wanted him to help me i always want him to help me i don't understand everything i can't do everything but i know that he can and i know that he has angel armies at his disposal he can he can tell them to do anything that he wants them to do and they've been sent to minister for us so you can live this life out but you have to you have to rely on the grace of god and you're never going to experience the depth of his grave grace completely it's much deeper than you can experience he is so gracious okay one of the other characteristics that i notice about jesus as i go through these really quickly so i can get into some of the other things i want to talk about but it was that around him there was this cleanness and purity about him he was holy and so what it was is the son of god was set apart as holy and he had accomplished everything that the father had given him to do and now he's ruling and reigning in heaven and so when i encountered him i could feel that cleanness that holiness that sanctification around him he was set apart the father had completely perfected even in his flesh when he was here on the earth he had he was the perfect lamb that was slain and so there's this holiness around him this purity this it's a cleanness that you can feel the very air around you is it when you're around him the very air around him is is coming into you you can feel it in your being and i can feel that right now i can actually i sense that he's here as i'm even talking to you and i can i can feel his his holiness there's something special about jesus uh it's not just that he's the son of god that the fact that he was human and he endured all that hardship for us it's he was perfected and so you want that to come off from him to you to you so when you're around him you start to feel changed you feel enabled like you can do this you can you can be down here on this earth and you can live this life out successfully it just seems to happen when you're around him because of his holiness he won he penetrated darkness he destroyed the works of the devil and then he gave us the keys and now where to walk in this where to walk like jesus did and where to do his works and then where to do the greater works okay so that was another one now the another another interesting thing about jesus and it's it's a word that we don't use very much but it's the word imminence and imminence is the idea of when when um when you need something very quickly like like what an angel will come in a in a flash of light and appear he is being sent and he's coming at a very high rate of speed and then he stops and then you might see him for a second because he slows down and you might see him in the corner of your eye you might sense his presence but see with with with jesus there is this imminence about him he is able to appear in in a flash and he is able to do this many many times in in less than a second he's able to be at multiple places very quickly to where it seems simultaneously simultaneous because he he has that imminence about him he's he's always available he's always at hand and and because of that he is always at present help in times of trouble always so when you call out to him he's already answering he calls out when you call out he actually answers before you call out he answers and sends angels because he knows the future he already already knows what's going to happen and because of this i thought i would mention this that that that even in hagiai chapter 2 verse 5 it says according to the word that i cut i covenanted with you when you came out of egypt so my spirit remains among you do not fear so see he sent the holy spirit and the spirit is right there he's imminent at all times he's ready to go another one is acts chapter 17 verse 27 and 28 he is not far from each one of us for in him we live and move and have our being okay so this is the idea that jesus is as his personality is he's able to to go very far distances very quickly and and do this multiple times within a second so he can actually uh appear to people where they they think they if you check it out he could he could appear to multiple numbers of people at the same time but it would all be within a a increment of a second he could quickly go and help other people and angels do the same thing they will appear to be in multiple places at the same time but it there are so many increments between a second that that there is no limits with god and there is no limit with these angels so they can go around the world uh many times in one in less than a second in less than a second they can circle the earth more than more than eight or nine times because that's the speed of light they can go faster than that so imagine an angel can go in one second can go around the earth eight times eight and a half times and that's just that's just the speed of light and they actually exceed the speed of light because they're they become invisible okay because because of uh time i'm just going to keep on going but there's one more scripture jeremiah 23 23 and 24 says i am a god near at hand says the lord and not a god afar off can anyone hide himself in secret places so i shall not see him says the lord do i not feel the heaven and the earth says the lord so you can't even hide from him and that's what jeremiah is saying and this is a characteristic of jesus he has come multiple times where he has demonstrated this personality trait this is something that that he can do he he can divide up a second into such small amounts that it would be impossible for us to understand so like right now as you as you're listening to this and faith is rising in your heart you should be crying out to god and asking him for everything anything you need there is no limits right now uh you are in the heavenly realm as we're we're sitting here talking to you you are in the heavenly realm you can ask anything and jesus is going to do it for you he said ask and it shall be done for you and that's what you that's what you're supposed to do you're supposed to let the faith of god rise up inside of you and at a certain point you have the faith and you just ask and when you ask you believe that you receive it and you shall have it that's what jesus said okay so he's imminent he's right here right now ready to answer you and he is able and he is willing okay another thing that i noticed about jesus is he's he's he doesn't change and that is the word immutable so he doesn't change god does not change so he's not a man that he should lie and and it even says in malachi um 3 6 it says for i am the lord i do not change and uh in james 1 17 it says every good and perfect gift come down from above and from the father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning so when i was in heaven there was no shadows and there was no shifting around that that there the light is so strong and bright that there is no way a shadow could exist and and so there is no god doesn't change his mind and he doesn't shift he stays the same and so this is something we're not used to down here in this realm so one of the things about jesus is that that every time he he has come to me he he either reiterates something he's already said or he tells me something that's about to happen but when he reiterates it he is showing me his personality that he hasn't changed his mind a bit now you might have a bad day in between or a couple bad days in between when god puts something on your heart and you have a revelation in the from the word of god there are times where it's going to go the opposite direction in the physical realm or in your emotional realm but see then god will come and he'll reiterate what he said he'll reinforce what he said and then you will see that he is immutable he's he's not he's not changing because god will not change his mind see once he uh announces something he sends his word out as it says in isaiah 55 it goes out and comes back around and it has accomplished exactly the intent of his heart so whatever his will is whatever his heart was intending for that to happen hit the word goes out and and brings it to pass and so what it doesn't return void to him it does accomplish that which was spoken okay so it's the same with you there's been many things spoken over your life these things have been spoken before you were born a lot of what is happening in your life is just warfare over the words that have already been spoken to you your book that was written about you in heaven it is full of amazing things you're an amazing person but you're very complicated too because god made us very intricate we're we're we're made very intricate and we're complicated we're complex see so down here in a fallen world we don't operate very well because we weren't made to operate in a broken world we were made to operate in the high life of god we're in the spirit realm where it's very quick everything is simple and straightforward and so everybody everybody's frustrated down here because things are slow things don't always happen the way that they're supposed to and you you automatically blame yourself but see if you start to realize that jesus his personality is he doesn't change then you can just take him at his word and just hold on to it like a bulldog you just bite down on it on his word and you just say i'm not letting go until it happens that's what happened with joseph joseph was spoken to about being a deliverer for for his people and for his family but the word of god tested him until it came to pass and that's what the scripture says so the word of god tested him until it came to pass but then once it came to pass he became second in command of all egypt and he actually saved his family from dying in that in the famine because god sent him ahead god set him ahead and joseph said what what you meant for evil talking to his brothers he said god meant for good he was sending me ahead and so the lord doesn't change so whatever he has spoken to you whether it be in the word of god or through a prophecy or or just the spirit of god uh nudging your heart whatever it is you should hold on to it just do exactly what the apostle paul did he said to timothy he said take those prophecies that you've received and wage war with them so you take those prophecies and you use them against your enemy and you fortify what god has said because you're gonna make it you're gonna you're you're doing fine god is with you but you have to start to realize that the personality of jesus is that he's going to stick to what he initially said to you he's not going to change okay going on there's another part of him there's a righteous there's a righteousness about jesus and um there's a word also in in hebrew that it's zedek which is actually the word justice as well as righteousness so justice and righteousness can be similar and used in as uh in a same sentence where they can be interchanged so righteousness what is right and justice is is what are our um the idea of the throne of god that was given to me what our idea of the throne of god is is in psalms 89 it says that there were layers in god's throne so what in in heaven he has a throne but there are these amazing layers of different gemstones and uh material and one of them is a layer of justice one of them is is the righteousness one of them is truth there's um there's faithfulness uh around him that surrounds him it says um these i believe are the angels that are surrounding him they he calls them his faithfulness and and these this word justice has the idea as well as being what is right it also means that the idea of recompense so jesus is not just about destroying your enemies catching your enemies and and and letting them be punished he is about recompense in other words he it's payback and this is not talked about a lot but see jesus's personality is he wants to do something about what happened to you it's not good enough that the enemy was caught he wants to make him pay seven fold because he stole from you he wants to make the the enemy pay you back seven fold and all the substance of his house as well because that was what the law was in the in moses they they when they caught a thief he had to pay back seven fold and all the belongings of his house so there's this idea about that i've got with jesus about recompense and so this is another thing that that um i talk to people about when they ask me these questions because there's not a lot of teaching on this but jesus personality is it's payback time he's like that so he'll he'll talk to you and he'll say okay this is what we're going to do we're going to do this this and this and it's going to be payback now and the lord will send angels out to bring in recompense for for for the fact that you were mistreated and stolen from and uh you need to adjust your thinking to that now like i said with everything i'm going to say tonight and tomorrow night you're either going to accept it tonight or you're going to find out when you get to heaven that that this was true you see this these are things that you need down here when you get to heaven you're not going to need to battle the devil because there's no devil up there there's no sickness up there there's no sin up there there's no there there's no um there's no um lack there's nothing bad there it's all good okay so down here we're in a broken world we have to enforce everything in the covenant and in other words it's just not going to come to you because you became a christian and i wish somebody would have told me that i thought that everything was going to come to me in the mail you know essentially the angels were going to deliver everything and i didn't have to do a thing but i found out very quickly that i was going downstream fast if i'm not swimming if i'm not paddling i'm going downstream really fast i have to be always enforcing the covenant i have to be telling the devil he's like a disobedient animal you you have to put your foot down and be and be rude you have to be very forceful it's like a disobedient pet that you have you know they they know they can push the borders with you this is what the devil will do but with justice this is something that is that i notice with jesus he's telling me listen um you know in fact i'll just tell you what he said to me one time he there were some some things that happened to me and uh uh i forgave the people that did it to me but it was it really hurt and um jesus appeared to me and he said well he said because you forgave them now i have the case he said and he said they're gonna wish that they had dealt with you because now they're gonna deal with me and what what when he said that i realized that he wasn't going to be very nice in the sense of that justice was going to be brought now no what this is is is when god is dealing with people he loves everyone but those who are obedient who are humble he dwells with them see he is the almighty eternal one he inhabits eternity but he also dwells with the contrite and humble in spirit so he does favor people that are humble that that obey his word that forgive so with this justice will kick in as soon as you forgive and as soon as you're humble and you and you submit god is going to take the case and then it's going to be it's not going to go well with the people they don't get away with anything but see it releases you by forgiving and letting that justice system of heaven work but it will work so trust me in this don't and don't um delay forgiving don't delay being healed of offense because you don't want to have that to drag around down here you just want to release people and let god deal with them and he he will take care of it because justice will be served so there there's a lot of of scripture verses that i don't have time right now to go through but i will name them off to you so that you can write them down and then you can look them up genesis 18 25 exodus 34 6-7 nehemiah 9 32-33 romans 9 14 through 33 psalm 99 verse 4 romans 1 32 and 1st peter 1 17. okay now the next one which is an amazing revelation was was his love the way that he loves people he would tell me this he's told me said me and my father we love people he said we don't want anyone to go to hell that's what jesus told me he said he said i want you to tell people that we're not doing these terrible things that the god of this world who is satan is doing all these terrible things you see satan took what was adam and eve's they're rolling their reign down here on the earth and took it from them so now the god of this world according to what paul told the ephesians the god of this world is controlling the people he's controlling this world his name is satan he got god in on heaven our father is not in control of this earth and it's pretty obvious it's it's chaos down here it's everything's broken god god doesn't have anything broken in heaven so he's not in charge so because of this we have to be perfected in love or we're not going to be able to operate down here because because this world is corrupt so so there is this spirit the spirit of fear that is constantly trying to get into a christian's life so that's why paul said to timothy he said god hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind so there is a spirit of love and a power and a sound mind and this the spirit of love is is is essentially jesus displayed the love of the father by what he did he display the father to everybody so i encountered the love of the father through jesus but see now we we receive that love and then other people can encounter the love of god through us because we're perfected in love and i saw that this is contagious when you're around jesus that his love for people his love for you it's contagious it start you start to feel accepted and then you get over yourself of course and when you get over yourself then you can give out you can start to love people and and uh function down here even though it's a broken world so there the world the world doesn't accept you the world rejects you but they rejected jesus but see jesus so loved the world that he came and gave himself up see god so loved the world that he ca he gave his only son see but when they were in heaven they agreed to do this before they made man i saw that they they had they had this all planned before they even made man they knew that man would fall they knew that if they gave the man free will being like god but yet not being able to handle the knowledge of good and evil they he knew that if they ate from the tree that they would not be able to handle it they he knew that they would be tempted to do that but he still did it anyway because he gives us free will but see jesus said well when this happens he said i will come back and i will be the redemption for mankind so this is all planned from the foundation of the world jesus in his mind was already slain from the foundation of the world this is love so jesus agreed to come back he said i will go back and i will buy back humanity for you this is before man was even born and and this this is not um this is not hard for me to grasp now that i've been in heaven and come back but it might be hard for you but god's not limited by anything that anything down here in this realm he's not from this realm he created this realm but he created it perfect now it's broken and so we have to be perfected in love so we need to pray in the spirit so i noticed that i can sense the love of god when i pray in the spirit it causes me to be built up in my faith but then it keeps me in the love of god as well that's in jude 20. so jude chapter 1 verse 20 says this so so you you remember that you build yourself up and you're most holy of faith praying in the holy spirit and you then you remain in the love of god then like romans 8 35 says and then verse 39 as well it says who shall separate us from the love of god shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword neither height nor death nor any other created things shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord nothing nothing's going to surprise now see i saw this when i was in heaven but i read this verse all the time before i went to heaven but when i got there all these verses just jumped into into into this beautiful panoramic reality to where i could see the reality of what the bible the bible was dimensional in heaven everything that god spoke was like was a world that was framed so the bible is dimensional in heaven so everything that you read if you take it into your spirit it turns into food that that just kind of frames your world so you can frame your world by the word of god you can pray in the spirit and speak the word of god and you can watch things start to respond and that's why jesus said you need to speak to your mountains but you speak to them by believing in your heart that what you say with your mouth will come to pass and you shall have it it doesn't say you believe with your head or you mentally agree with it you have to believe it in your heart because it's these are matters of the heart love is is of the heart love is not a physical thing love is is not an emotional thing love is an eternal powerful substance who who is the very very substance of god so love when you when you meet love you're meeting god there's there's no difference when you say love and god because god is love that the very substance of love is god himself and i don't know how else to explain that because it's there's it's not able to translate into this realm but when i was in heaven it's a literal substance the very part of god that that comes into you and makes you born again it causes you to have the love of god shed abroad in your heart so you have the love of god down in there you just need to yield to it and and this this gets into this idea of being accepted so you you're loved which means you're accepted by god not that you deserve it but because he he chose to do that so jesus came back and bought us back but then he shed abroad in our heart his love okay so when you're with jesus you feel one with him because love is in him but love is in you and so you feel this commonality as he's talking to you you you totally get over yourself while you're with him because you realize that you are perfect inside your heart that god has perfected you the born-again experience causes you to be a new creature old things have passed away everything is new now and you are a new creature and new species so so remember this remember that god has mercy on you and jesus he is very merciful so he he is full of grace he's full of mercy mercy is is is causing you to triumph right now like right now he's having mercy on you and you're going farther than you never that you ever would have gone because you're hearing the word of god and you're going to go further now than you ever would have gone that's god's grace that has everything to do with his grace and his mercy in your life it has nothing to do with you pleasing him god has chosen to put you over in life he's chosen to put you in a place where you benefit you benefit just like jesus did you you get the same benefits that jesus got you are co-heirs with jesus you get the covenant rights you get everything that jesus got that is the absolute truth when you're in heaven you will see this the inheritance you have in the saints was bought by jesus jesus got it for you he he shares it with us he shares all his benefits with us we are we are fellow heirs with him we we get everything and i can't hold back on this i know that people get upset or religious people will get upset with you if you start talking about these things but when you get to heaven it's too late you're going to find this all out but you didn't take part in it down here and i'm telling you what i went through this already and so that's why i'm not bashful if you notice when i when i talk i'm talking to you as though i've been sent to give you a message and that message is don't wait till you get to heaven to find out the truth the truth is right here before you in the in the word of god and the spirit of god is more than willing to take you into these benefits and these benefits cause you to participate in the divine nature which is talked about in second peter chapter one you participate you are partakers of the divine nature that means you're like god that means that you can say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and live an upright life in christ jesus but this is because you you have received grace and mercy in your life so he's jesus is very merciful so if you if you ask him to forgive you if you ask him for help he's going to do it okay one of the other things about him is he he there's a lot of power a lot of authority with him and so when you're around jesus one of the things i noticed is that because of his his rank in heaven and because of his command about him he he actually would just raise his hand and you know he was telling me we were going to go to a certain place and he would raise his hand and the destination would come to us so we didn't i didn't feel like we moved at all but all of a sudden we are way far away in another place and you know some of them were points on the earth that that i remember flying there at my job and and you know the from where this happened uh in in and where i was taken from and where i went it was an hour and a half and ten minute flight and we were there like that all he did was raise his hands and the destination came to us this happened over and over again and this is because he's all-powerful and it's just not that explosive power uh that that i'm talking about here there there's this power that is has to do with authority where everything obeys him everything is a servant to him even when the translation says that eternity stands by your side oh god as a servant so can you imagine eternity being a servant eternity is unexplainable but yet the bible says that eternity is a servant to god it actually serves god it's subservient it's obedient this is this is an amazing concept so god god is all-powerful now when when um i encounter jesus everything he says to me is a sure thing i mean it's going to happen he says things because he's he's calculated at what he says he doesn't just say things to say things he doesn't joke around you know i know a lot of people think that he's a funny guy and he he jokes around but he's not like that at all because he his words come to pass so he can't like say something unless he means it because he could create a universe just joking he could speak something and and say he can't say something and then say i was just kidding he can't do that because that's how much power he has he he spoke the worlds into existence he spoke over you he sings songs of deliverance over you according to zephaniah 3 17 he's speaking um he's speaking songs over you and you're being delivered right now he is a warrior that's what it says in zephaniah okay so there's there's this all power there's this it's called omnipotence there's this character about jesus that he is all-powerful and he's got a command about him okay also there's this presence about him but it's so powerful that he can he can cover the whole earth he can cover the universe he he has this ability to be everywhere and yet he is a person that you can touch and sit and talk with but it's amazing to me how um when i at times when i saw him he would just appear and then he'd be gone but he'd be he'd be in multiple places and he it's just as fast faster than angels they are just so quick and he can do multiple things that we would be able to do in a period of time he can he can be anywhere anywhere anytime and it doesn't it doesn't even count as a second there's there's so many like i said if you could see the increments that are between one second the the the divisions that are there you could do multiple things and you can you can take a second and stretch it out to be a whole day to be a whole year and you can do thousands of different events within one second because he can stretch it out and he can he can build a whole other universe in a second if he wanted to because he can manipulate and stretch out time so we're not we're not understanding this because we're limited by time like you know as i'm talking there's just seconds ticking off there's minutes ticking off if you're traveling you know there's miles ticking off kilometers wherever you're at there's there's distance being being accomplished but with god he can go he can go backwards in time he can go back and do anything he wants and um this is this is what i saw when i was in heaven so he is everywhere he can be anywhere anytime anyplace and he can do it several times he can do it hundreds of times in one second and so he could have a sheet that he could have multiple events that would take like 30 or 40 pages he could hand to you that he did in a second he could say okay i'll be right back and in a flash he's back and he can hand you what he just did and it would be days worth of work he can he can do that so remember that about jesus this is this is the one you love and you serve the one that you have faith in but he can do anything and he loves you he's going to take care of you he is able to heal your body he's able to deliver you from those devils he is able to cause you to triumph to where you're not in poverty any longer that you're not in debt any longer he can break poverty in your life he can break the curse he can heal your body right now he can he can do anything that he wishes and he is willing to heal you he's willing to deliver you he's willing to help you right now and you you just need to trust him as your faith rises just reach out and ask god right now as i'm talking reach out and ask god to help you right now in the name of jesus okay another another another characteristic of jesus that might not go over well either is that he is he's self-sufficient that god is self-sufficient and um i'm telling you he would be the hardest person to get a gift for because he has everything and it's the same with jesus he has everything at his disposal he doesn't he doesn't need anything there are no needs in heaven when i was up there i didn't have any needs i didn't have any wants i had no doubts no fears i didn't want to leave heaven obviously because it's not broken up there everything is perfect and and so that's why i didn't want to come back but but when i met jesus there's this part this part about him that you sense that he's doing this because he wants to do it and because he loves his father he loves people but he doesn't need anything so when he comes to me and talks to me when he visits you when he asks you to do things it's because he loves his father and he wants his father to be glorified but he doesn't need anything he doesn't want anything but yeah he'll sit and ask you will you do this for me so he'll ask you for favors he'll ask you if you can help him and and this is because he wants to fulfill his father's heart so when jesus does ask you for something when he when he chooses you he calls you when he he gives you a vision and shows you what you're going to do if he's asking you to give to someone or to help someone if he's asking you to give up something and and go a different direction and it seems hard for you you have to remember that the reason he's doing that is because he knows more than you but he also knows the will of of our father he knows that his father must be pleased and that certain things must happen that have been said by the father that we have no business knowing did you know there's things that we'll never know god does things he chooses to do things and times and seasons are left up to him that's what says in acts chapter 1 that the times and seasons are only for the father to know we're not to to know certain things but jesus knows these things and so he is doing everything to please the father he's implementing the father's will so when he comes to you he has this way about him that he he doesn't need anything he's totally self-existent but he loves his father and he'll ask people will you believe me will you will you help me will you um you know come back from the dead and will you talk to people will you will you uh change jobs so that you can be here because i have some work for you to do see he'll ask you to do things but it's all because he's pleasing the father so this is another characteristic of jesus that i noticed when i was talking to him and another another one that i want to talk about is is the way that he deals with us so while you're talking to him he knows your thoughts he he actually will start to grin because he knows exactly what we're thinking so he'll say something he'll be talking and all of a sudden he'll just start to grin at me and because he already knows like what my reaction is to it and he knows that i don't understand exactly what he's saying and i'm taking it wrong so he he's asking me do you understand are you grasping this and you know sometimes sometimes i think i i have and then other times i find out that i did not and then i realized why he's he keeps asking me certain questions is because he knows i'm not getting it so isaiah says it's the best and so this is another characteristic of jesus isaiah 55 verse 8 and 9 says my thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your way says the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts okay so this is the the idea when you encounter jesus's personality he knows more than you and you'll be humbled in a very short amount of time you'll be changed because of the way that he deals with you he's gracious but then you realize you know nothing and every time that i've encountered jesus i walked away knowing more than i've ever known but then realizing i don't know anything every single time i have been humbled because he's changed my perspective and that's what he wants to do with all of us he wants to do that with you tonight he wants he wants you to grasp what i mentioned before it's in isaiah 57 verse 15 for thus saith the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity whose name is holy i dwell in the holy and high place with him and with him who is contrite and humble in spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrary ones in psalms 113 verses 5 6 it says who is like the lord our god who dwells on high who humbles himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and the earth and so god god understands our situation but he knows what we need and so you might not know what you need so you got to let him be the one who is the the one who is is uh is above all so he he is above all he is higher than than anyone else and he knows the truth about you but he understands that if he says something to you you might not grasp it that's why he doesn't tell you everything because you might misinterpret it and go out and mess things up and so he doesn't do that it's it's that simple but jesus said i'm going to go away in in john chapter 8 he said i'm going to go away and i'm going to send another one like me he's going to be a friend and he's going to help you he's going to be the one he's going to be the one that legion guide you and he's never going to leave you ever but listen if if you if you really want to get to the end of yourself you need to do it right away and you need to do it this way realize that you're coming to the end of yourself anyway there they're you're just delaying the process you're delaying that day when you allow the crucified life to overcome you and you realize that your life is not your own that you've been bought with a price and even your body is not your own and jesus is borrowing your body he's he's doing his ministry through you he wants to borrow your body he your life is not your own jesus started his ministry out like this he he said listen he said and unless you uh deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow me you have nothing to do with me but but uh this was before he died on a cross but he was telling people to pick up their cross and follow him to deny themselves and this is not always a popular message but see if you want the relationship which i know you do all over the world you're listening now and you're feeling the power of god and and this is these kind of things that i'm saying are setting you free well it's because you're realizing that jesus is a real person that is is in love with you but he is very very powerful he is he is your god and even though he calls you a friend i'm not going to cross that line with him and take advantage of him in any way so some of these personality traits that i notice with jesus have struck me as as as shocking and one of them is is that he'll tell you like if you start to say anything to him about your troubles or about certain situations you're in he'll he'll immediately start to direct you in in the solution uh direction so he'll start to tell you what the solution is and it's really amazing to me that he when he says it it's so simple that you think it can't be that easy but he says well you know i will i will send angels and they will take care of you he says but you need to do this so there was always something that i needed to do in the flesh an act of obedience that initiated that process of the angels starting to help me so whatever that is that god tells you to do whether you lift your hands and you start to worship god or he might tell you to go help someone he might tell you to go forgive someone he might tell you to to do the act of obedience that he had told you that you never did it and so he's going to take you back to that place of disobedience and he's going to make you go right back there where you where you walked away from what god told you to do you're going to have to do that and then things are going to start to open up for you but see this this is something that that doesn't have to be delayed but one of the one of the personality traits of jesus was is that he always has a solution for your problems and it's it's hilarious no matter what you say he always can tell you okay we'll do this this and this and it'll be done see but see we are not living off of him coming and talking to us every day in the in person we are living off of the fact that the holy spirit has been sent and the holy spirit is with us and he's not left us as orphans we're not left alone so the holy spirit is the one who represents jesus now and speaks for him so the holy spirit is the one that's in you he's the one that is leading and guiding you he's the one that's giving you advice he's the counselor so he's helping you and he should be your best friend right now he's gonna be the one that you're you're really relying on because he's all we've got right now down here the that third person of the godhead is the holy spirit he's been sent to the earth he was given at the day of pentecost he is poured out on all flesh in these last days the it says my spirit will be poured out on all flesh well what does that mean it means all flesh that means something huge is about to happen well when you see people coming in by the hundreds and hundreds of thousands when people are are giving their life over to the lord then you're going to understand that his spirit is being poured out on all flesh in these last days you're going to see that mighty harvest happen and that's what that's what we're called here warriors to do is just god sent me back to to get everybody ready to bring us all up to speed so that we all do the work of the ministry so all you five full ministers out there you you apostles and prophets pastors and teachers evangelists it's time for you to be lit up with the fire of the altar it's time for you to be ignited in power in your calling and make your calling an election sure stand up be the governments of god in the fivefold ministry of the church you're the executive branch of god's government the fivefold you stand up and you prophesy you plant churches you you uh preach the gospel you teach the gospel you do everything that your ministry gift tells you to do you do that with all your heart you build up the body of christ you build up the body in the unity and of the faith until we reach maturity that's what that's what we're supposed to be doing right now if if you are a believer that has uh uh obviously we all have gifts of the spirit so it's as severally as the the spirit wills gives you those gifts according to what paul said so if you have those gifts you that you're going to have the personality of jesus coming out of you that the holy spirit is going to want you to operate in those gifts those gifts are to build up the body those gifts are to bring us into unity of faith so that we're one body with one head and that's the lord jesus christ we're going to be without spot and wrinkle at the end of this age and jesus is going to come back and he's going to take us to the wedding feast this is all going to happen but before that wedding day we are going to see the greatest harvest because god needs us down here so he needs us down here to do this harvest and that is the absolute truth so when you when you allow jesus personality to affect you you're going to change he's not going to change i just want you to know that you you know i i'm just telling you i've spent more time with him than i can count and i don't understand all that i'm not i'm not in any way thinking that i'm better than anybody i'm just telling you that from what i learned from him by being around him i'm telling you what he is not going to change you're not going to change his mind you're not going to change his personality he's going to change you and in your best efforts to manipulate him in any way or to get him to do what you want it's not going to happen he will let you go your way but i would not want you to be in that position to just let god say okay you just do your own thing i would listen i'm telling you i will never let god say that to me ever i will not let him say just do your own thing i'm not going to ever let him say that because he has if he's not going to go with me i'm not going i already know this because when i met him this is the kind of person he is he's got all the keys he's given them to us but he is in charge and he has all the things written down that are going to happen in your life before they even come to pass he knows everything so you don't want to disconnect from him you don't want to say you know what i'm going to do my own thing you don't want that you want to do the will of the father and you want to do that by the holy spirit and by knowing the word of god and his personality will change you it's going to rub off on you you're going to start to be bold like like never before you're going to start to be bold because he's very bold he'll tell you exactly what you need to know and he won't apologize for it and and he's not going to ask for your permission he's going to tell you the truth the truth sets us free but but if if he doesn't tell us the truth i'm telling you there's there's there's freedom that we're being robbed from so you need him to tell you the truth so you don't want to go your own way you don't want to tell him what he needs to know you let him tell you what you need to know you you you just be silent and let him talk to you i'm telling you you're going to get visitations from the lord you're going to have angelic visitations at night you're going gonna have dreams and visions this is already starting all over the world this is going to continue to happen until the body of christ gets into the fullness of the godhead it's a fullness of the godhead where jesus is the head of the body and we are made complete a perfect bride and this is going to happen and then we're going to be taken up into heaven but we are going to have the fullness of the godhead is in in in our midst that means that the father son the holy spirit are all going to be part of the body of christ and and we are did you know that paul said we are christ in this world that the body is here it's not in heaven the body i mean we have saints that are in heaven but we have the body of christ here on the earth too and we we are the ones that represent god on this earth um i mean i'm just telling you you are an ambassador so the godhead the father son and the holy spirit they all dwell within us according to what jesus said if you love me me and my and by my commands me and my father are going to come and live with you now he also said that when the spirit comes he is not going to leave you fatherless he's not going to leave you as an orphan he's going to come to you and he's never going to leave he's going to be with you forever so there you have it you have john chapter 14 and then john chapter 15 it shows that we are one with god and that we have the godhead living in us according to scripture okay because of that uh there are certain there are certain things that are not going to change if if you go walk away from god you're the that's that's your fault that's your problem but if you stay with him you're gonna have a personality change god is going to change you and it needs to be done we all need to to be perfected in our faith and and he is the author and finisher of our faith he's going to help us okay so that this this uh compassion uh of the of of jesus christ that he has compassion on people and he explained this to me that that he i would see more healings in my meetings if i understood that that the father has passion and he he has an ability to take that passion and wrap people in compassion so he he he sends compas he sends passion out and surrounds people he wraps them up in in that passion he has and it's it's moves from him out so jesus said if you want to see people healed or delivered then you you have compassion on the people he said i had compassion on the people and i healed them that's what the scripture says he had compassion on the people well he identified with the weakness of people but what he told me was the secret to the personality of jesus and the secret to seeing people get healed he said was realizing that the father made man in his inception perfect and then they fell and now the father has lost his family see he lost his family his man and his woman and he he had planned on having a family on this earth and because he lost that through the fall jesus came as the passion of the father and that compassion rescued us it surrounded us and we're loved and we're bought back and it's the greatest love story that ever ever can be told okay so that compassion is when jesus would look at a person who was sick and he would remember that he made man perfect and so he said i was just reaching out kevin when i heal people i was just reaching out and correcting what was wrong because i was taking it back to the original intent for that person so he would reach out and touch a person and the passion of god would flow through him and correct hit their bodies so that they would be perfect again so they would be healed but he said all i was doing was correcting what was wrong because that's what the father sent me to do so this this uh this compassion that jesus has has influenced me greatly to to the place where i can do many many things at one time and do several things that would take years for other people to do i can do several things and get them done in a very short amount of time because i know that the father wants all of us on this earth to know his love and he wants us to know and understand his passion is that he created man because he wanted man and he loves man and he bought man back because he wanted them back so you're valuable everything about you is valuable you you are are loved by god and that compassion that compassion changes you but it also causes a transference from you to another person and they can see a deliverance or see a healing they can see poverty broken they can you can break a curse in somebody's life by having compassion on them you can raise the dead you can grab their spirit and take bring them back you can do that because you have compassion that's why jesus wept jesus wept when right before he rose lazarus from the dead because he went down there and he he grabbed lazarus and brought him back to his body and that's what jesus told me so when he prayed for somebody to be risen from the dead he said he went with compassion to the depths of abraham's bosom and he yanked the person out and brought them back to their body and it took it takes great passion to do that to raise somebody from the dead it means you literally go and you say you're coming back and you take them by the hand their spirit by the hand and you bring them back to their body and that's what jesus showed me so this this this compassion has really changed me and it's caused me to go further so that that's that's one thing as well now now also there is a difference between the holy spirit the father and and jesus so when you're when you're in heaven and when you encounter uh angels and you encounter jesus you can't encounter the holy spirit you encounter saints i encountered all these different things i encountered the father even though i didn't see his face they're all different they all have a different feel about them they all have a different voice about them i can i can i've only heard the father's voice a couple times and it was audible and it shook the whole building i was in the the several times i've heard his audible voice i knew it was a father he spoke from heaven it rumbled it actually creaked the building to where i could hear it creaking making noises as it shook i've had things fall off the shelves i've had things move when god spoke um but i've also heard jesus voice which was as as has a command about it but it's it's a more of a softer voice but very sure and then there's the holy spirit which is like a whisper at times but he can be he can be loud and he can be forceful but the the holy spirit whispers in your spirit most of the the time this is this is the witness you have in your spirit uh and this is the way that god communicates with you and his personality is the personality that comes through the holy spirit who is is different and so he will whisper to you so it's a still small voice it's not something that's forceful so angels i can tell when an angel is talking and uh the angels voices are different and there are warrior angels that have a different voice than other angels um there there's angels in heaven there's creatures in heaven that i'm not even allowed to talk about they had they had way different voices there were there there were creatures that were singing everything um there were there were creatures that were talking to each other but then they uh i couldn't understand what they were saying there there's there's all kinds of uh different uh creatures in heaven that are doing certain things that i don't know what what it is they do uh but they're all kind there's all kinds of personalities and so there is a distinction between jesus personality and the fathers and the holy spirit and so that that that uh that is being uh told to you by me knowing that i i you know i went to heaven now down here you know i i want to tell you it's not easy to to differentiate between voices as well uh you know when i went to heaven it really helped me and i'm going to be honest with you that it helped me to discern these things but i wasn't able to do that before i went to heaven so i was able to just differentiate between who was speaking to me after i came back from heaven because i i was out of my body i was out of my mind and i could hear the voice of god clearly and so i'm telling you that the only way to do this is to build a relationship with the holy spirit read the word of god meditate on it and and constantly be speaking the word of god and building up your spirit and being perfected in the love of god and then eventually you will start to encounter these things and you will start to to to be able to differentiate between who's talking to you but you know god's word is very loud to me so when god isn't speaking to me and i can't hear his voice i just simply just go to the word of god and when i speak it out i speak out the word of god that's god speaking so i start to prophesy about about jesus i testify about jesus that's the spirit of prophecy so you see you can take the word of god and start to say it and that is god's voice that is that's truly what god is saying when jesus was with me he started talking to me he was quoting scripture the whole time it went on and on and on he was just quoting he was quoting himself all the time he was telling me chapter and verse and who he who he was saying me to i had to go look up some of these scriptures i didn't even know they were in the bible it was kind of embarrassing i i realized that i didn't know a lot of scripture that i thought i knew but um what what what what would it be without the holy spirit what would it be without the word of god you know we wouldn't we wouldn't be able to to do what we're doing you know if it wasn't for the holy spirit giving us revelation if it wasn't for the word of god framing our world and telling us what the truth was we wouldn't be able to function down here the way that we do so take advantage of the of the holy spirit being inside of you and take advantage the fact that you do have the word of god in your own language and and and really meditate on this now what hinders us the most with jesus is is doubt and unbelief what hurts him the most is when we don't believe him when we we don't trust him we don't take him at his word he it it hinders us and he is hurt because of that because he knows that if we are not perfected in faith that we're not going to be able to function correctly so how many of you right now you're dealing with stuff and the very fact that you're just doubting you're wavering that you're you've got yourself in in the situations that you shouldn't be in it's because you died and you wavered and you need to just reinforce your faith by meditating on the word of god and building yourself up in the most holy faith by praying in the spirit and this is what i saw was was the most damaging hindering part of our of our relationship with with jesus his personality is is that he is been named the name above all names he has accomplished everything his father asked him to do so he's in complete charge now in heaven so what he says goes so he's very very well respected and honored in heaven he's seated at the right hand of god that's the highest that's the highest honor and his name is above all names okay he's being worshipped right now so when he tells you something and it's too good to be true for you but it is true if you don't accept it it hurts him because he would never have said it if he didn't want to do it so he never tells you something unless he wants to do it he's not a kind of person who's going to build your hopes up and then not do it he's not teasing you he's not playing a game with you so his personality is is strong in that sense of that he wants you to acknowledge that he has good plans for you he wants you to acknowledge that he can do it and that he wants to do it it's not just that he can do it but he wants to do it he's willing and this this lack of trust really hinders really hinders your life and this is this is the biggest thing i saw that hinders our faith and and hinders our our relationship with jesus and it hurts him his he can be hurt and he's hurt because he has so many good things for people but they don't recognize it and they they almost don't want it because they've been told that they can't have it and it just amazes me when i was in heaven and i saw how beautiful everything is and how excellent it is and the wealth that is in heaven and that we're the most expensive thing in heaven because it cost us everything to be bought back so when jesus brought us back we became the most most valuable thing in heaven so even though the streets are gold and all these valuable gems and and just just an amazing architecture up there gold everywhere diamonds everywhere all these different colored stones just beautiful but when you walk down the street you are more expensive than the gold street that you're on that's because god bought you back with his own son and your most expensive thing to god you you cost him more than anything and so all of heaven is filled with people that are very very valuable and and when you walk down the streets you're being honored because you're a child of god and you're an ambassador of god so start to live that way down here start to allow the personality of jesus to to come into your into your world and start to let him allow you to be loved he wants he wants you to allow him to love you allow him to love you allow him to shift your heart right now you know sometimes you just have to go back to the cross and you just have to to bow before the cross and you just have to say you know what uh thank you for redeeming me sometimes you just need to do that you'd be amazed jesus has told me this he's told me that the father loves it when you recognize that he did something for you he does things for people all the time in secret he tells angels to do things for people and then when it happens he waits to see if you're going to recognize that that god did that and sent an angel to do that for you even if it's something small these angels are doing this because the father said hey go do this for them today and then he waits to see if you recognize that he did it and then when you come to him and thank him it just it just warms his heart and jesus showed me this and it's the same with jesus if you say jesus i believe you i'm going to make it worth your wh what you went through i'm going to make it worth it because i'm going to love you and honor you and i'm going to help you to establish your kingdom on earth by being obedient and trusting in you and and having a believing heart and allowing your personality to come through to me and i i i just really feel like i just really feel like a lot of you have let the enemy alter your personality you know that evil spirits have come in and changed your mind and changed the way that you view things and and you're you've gotten into fear you know don't let the personality of an evil spirit have his way with you let the personality of jesus overcome you and just be perfected in love let god love you right now and don't and i'm just going to break the power of those evil spirits that are influencing your personality right now you know you are a child of god and you have nothing to do with the devil he has nothing in you just tell him to leave right now and i just break that power i break their curses over your bloodline i break the power of of of satan over your life and i command all those evil spirits to shut up and leave you now in the name of jesus you are you are going to succeed the lord is loving on you right now just let him touch you right now let him fill your heart with his love and fear is going to be driven out we break fear right now in the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus christ fear is broken now hey thanks for joining me on this special spirit school on the personality of jesus and join me again at the same time tomorrow night we'll we'll get back into it we're going to talk more about the personality of jesus and just know that the perfect love of god is driving out fear in your life god bless you we'll see you next time [Music] huh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 196,648
Rating: 4.9109097 out of 5
Id: i27aa2MHkUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 36sec (4776 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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