My Conversations With Jesus Concerning The Future Houston Update

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29. to order call 888-340-1460 with offer code 1003 or go online to offer you supernatural we're just gonna the others can just come in we are we are full and uh we have been on this weekend thank you now now sunday sunday morning people be here this morning but but right into people people that we're starting we're starting they take out moses he tried to take out no way tried to take out jesus out of the womb and uh he failed he failed to get the proper people in that in that situation so in this legalizing abortion he tried to take out this prophetic generation in the womb and he missed he missed again so it's this so jesus jesus told me i can't mess this up even if i read his lips he was three feet away from me he said he said from now on every child that comes out of the womb is a prophetic voice that's what he said so what he said was most of the time children won't be allowed to be on tv for different reasons and some of it's even monetary because they don't have a book they don't have anything to sell but uh the lord said we you know i know you're crazy enough to do this he didn't say crazy but he said i know you'll do this you know so so we're gonna have these kids on and they're gonna prophesy we're gonna we're gonna treat them like adults we're gonna train them up to prophesy from the fire amen and so along with that he instructed me to do warrior parents so we're going to have parent shows where parents are going to come on and discuss how they brought up their children we're going to talk about how to bring up prophets and prophetesses come on amen okay all right so so let's let's raise our hands and let's honor the eternal one right now father you are the eternal one you're the high and lofty one and you inhabit eternity eternity is your servant you also dwell with the humble and the brokenhearted and contrite in spirit and that's us lord so today we all acknowledge you but we also need you come dwell with us right now no no feel no feel his glory don't move don't move see your spirit get ignited right now as he comes the father's here don't move just say about oh he's healing your broken heart right now this is your last day of being hurt just let him walk among us here thank you uh so i just i just saw the lord command the doors to open that have been closed for you father fill these people with tenacity to not take no for an answer it's always yes and amen it's always yesterday [Applause] [Music] welcome to the church of the living god amen you may be seeing it if you can if not lay down amen just let him love on you there is no order of this service and i'm just a flight attendant the praise in tongues i don't ever want to become a professional if william seymour was here he'd be hiding behind this pulpit um [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] okay in conclusion [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] and furthermore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah receive your healing right now [Music] the lord's saying let my people go hallelujah we're leaving we're leaving egypt there's not going to be one feeble among one among us we're all going to be healed we're all going to be healed we're all going to be healed we're all going to be healed we're all going to be healed we're all going to be healed hallelujah they left egypt with the gold and the silver and there was not one fibo mon one among them what don't you understand about that um okay so god has times and seasons and obviously another season has begun and it's not for us to even interpret the times in the seasons but it is reserved for god himself according to acts chapter one but i have a feeling that we've gotten a briefing from god this morning i think we've gotten an insight that something has begun which has been spoken i knew that this would happen because he told me to schedule this meeting it wasn't supposed to happen this way but she had it has begun it was interesting last week i sat with john kilpatrick and something jumped off on me [Applause] and we knew that it was accomplished its intention isaiah 55 is clear that god speaks and it and it does not return to him void this is the absolute truth so when he sat i stood on this spot when he sat and spoke me into existence in my mother's womb i returned to the very spot that he had spoke me into existence and i presented myself before him and that's what will happen to all of us we will stand on the very spot that he created us we will stand before our heavenly father who loves us who has not done all these terrible things that have happened to us and we will realize that the holy spirit was here to show us and to help us discern between good and evil he was here to help us to avoid satan's plans that he was not doing any of these things you'll find this out but why wait why not find it out right now that your heavenly father loves you he never intended for you to have the traumatic events that have happened in your life and that the god of this world is bent on terrorism and destruction and that we are to stop him we are to proclaim the year of the lord's liberty the jubilee we are to heal the sick we are to drive out devils we are to proclaim jubilee which is forgiveness of death [Applause] you know i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go the whole way with this i always hold back because you know i don't want to offend too many people one time okay are you ready this is this is what i was shown i was shown that this monetary system down here is rigged against you okay however the lord said to me he said because you're my child he said someone else has your money see how that could be offensive there's plenty of money out there there's no money in heaven you're the currency of heaven you have the most value in heaven did you know that because you cost the most your father dumped everything into you so the lord told me he said someone else has your money because the devil doesn't want you to have it exactly exactly so you're you're no one's going to ever appreciate you for what you're worth no one is going to pay you what you're worth so there is this verse since i haven't offended everyone yet i'll go a step further there is a verse that says ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened to you okay what part of that do you not understand there is no gray area there and there is no asterisk where you go down and say well you know except in this case except in this case and really you know the greek didn't mean that no it's actually stronger if you look in the strungs and look up those n those numbers it's stronger strong makes it stronger the word there is demand and it shall be given to you well what we don't demand from god you see the covenant kicks in when you demand because it's part of the legal document of heaven so if if something is yours through covenant you don't have to ask for it you demand it so you're not going to god and demanding anything he's the one that wrote the covenant you're demanding it from the one who is withholding it which is not god so your healing is part of the covenant so you demand it you're not demanding from god he's already said it's yours are you starting to see what i saw on the other side and how messed up we are down here i don't demand anything from god he's the one who started this he's the one that said you're my child here is your adoption papers and here is the covenant and everything i have is yours i've already heard them say that but i say that down here and i can't get into a church i have to rent a conference center because peter says we're partakers of the divine nature oh that goes over well partakers of the divine nature what did peter mean well it's even stronger than what he meant or what is written we are made in his image we have been restored back spiritually to that image we are new creatures in christ okay so the cycle the times in the season uh they come back around and there's a there's a there's a cycle of revelation as well did you know that even though the spirit of god is with us there are cycles where there is moves of his spirit and we are behind the curve right now at this time so there's an acceleration that has to happen so you're going to encounter visitation and the angels will visit your house and if they want your opinion they'll give it to you that's the way it's going to be and you're going to say why are you favoring me and the angel won't even know the lord god sent me well whose side are you on neither but as the commander of the lord's army i have come they're just going to come because they were told to so the moog the move of god of the move of the glory of the father is the last move he reserved the last move for himself jesus told me he said the last miracle on earth will be the first miracle i did turning water into wine he said at the end of the age i will take all the tears of the saints and i will turn them in the wine and there will be such joy that we will laugh we will laugh our way out of here so i noticed as some of you were sipping this morning [Music] but there's plenty i'm not sipping i got one of those backpacks with a straw right here i'm gonna walk in the spirit and i may be sober sometimes i may be but i might not be because this really is really not easy down here sober but it's pretty good when you're not sober when you're drunk in the spirit i can tolerate even crazy people and if i get so full of the spirit i might even go to california and stop by portland and seattle right why because the spirit of the lord brings freedom okay freedom is good in your own home but what happens if you go out and you rent a convention center and the freedom's there too and then all those people walk in freedom and then they go out and they talk to seven friends and while you're talking to those seven friends they encounter that freedom and they want the same prescription you're getting you see this life can be it can be fun but i want to be full of joy because joy is from the other realm it's as fruit of the spirit so if i have fun it might go away if i'm happy that might go away but joy is forever because it's spiritual so from now on we are going to be full of joy because this is the season of it when you appear before the lord at this spot where you were made you will realize that everything you needed for life and godliness was given to you through the precious promises and that you are partaker of the divine issue you can see all this and you see that if you had added to your faith all those virtues that we went over this weekend that you would not be able to fail even if you tried now i got something that's going to flip you out because none of you got up and left so i didn't offend anyone so i'm going to do something that's going to really offend you but you're not going to be offended are you ready for this jesus said that with every life failure was already put in the equation you're still going to make it he showed me where he left space if we decided that we knew more than him it was already in the equation so the math at the end still came out as though you had not done anything wrong it still works out all things work together it's a math problem all things work together to those who love god are calling according to their purpose so you don't you don't plan on failing you but if you do if you have it's already jesus told me he said tell the people it's already in the equation it hasn't caught him off guard at all you can start right now and get back on your track because we need you we need you to be on your track we we are a body right we all suffer if you get crazy but but i need crazy friends i just need the righteous ones now one of the things that was said to me that's very profound is jesus jesus was explaining to me that at 31 years old i had completed everything that he had asked me to do and i said well yeah but you know what about 120 years old you know what about you know going for the goal of 120 years on the earth and he said it's not it's not quantity it's quality he said you obeyed me and he said and listen he said in heaven you're known and he equated faith with obedience he said you're known in heaven because you always dropped what you were doing even as a little boy when i spoke to you and you went and did it and you never questioned me about it i said well that's what you do he goes well that's rare he said that's rare on the earth he said you're known in heaven i said you've got to be kidding me and he wasn't joking it really touched me that people in heaven knew our lives down here glad after i bothered him he said that's why he said he said you need you need to do this you need to do this and he just started going through the whole game plan i'm like i'm looking around thinking has this really happened he's got his feet up on his desk in heaven in heaven with his hands behind his head and he's talking to me about the greatest move and the greatest harvest and then i met boaz you know in the in the bible boaz oh my gosh he was rich is this a little jewish man with these little curls he was very wealthy he taught me he taught me the most amazing lesson and jesus is standing right there with him he taught me about the kinsmen redeemer jesus let him teach me i understand what my father and your father is doing right now see it's time for him to love on you he's redeemed you but now the show begins because he's going to show his glory to the world and he's going to use us his children [Applause] so enoch walked with god and he was not because he pleased god enoch didn't hide in a cave and watch dvds on the antichrist with his rice and beans he went out and he prophesied repentance to all those cities i saw him i saw him take his last step i was shown his last step on the earth i saw elijah get into a chariot there was this whirlwind of fire around them but these men didn't hide oh they tried but god got them out of their cave and we're not going to make the same mistake in these last days and so when people ask me who you voting for i go i just started saying thus saith the lord this nation shall not i just start prophesying about our country i don't answer the question the question's already been answered in heaven it's it's it's about the body of christ now it's about justice in this country but see when people ask you certain things you just start prophesying to them this is what i used to do at work you see the ministry is in the marketplace right here this is this is the five-fold ministry ministering to the body right here this is a believer's meeting i'm to prophesy to you and build you up so that you get out of pampers and put your bottle away and then you go where's the beef i'm in texas where's the brisket see you want to get out of your diapers you want to get dressed up look good and you want to eat meat you don't want pampers you why why because this is god's season this is what he ordained for this time was that the body of christ would be built up by the fivefold ministry and then the fivefold jesus explained this to me in may it's so so sad i've been to two bible schools been to heaven a couple times and he comes and has to explain ephesians chapter four to me and when he does it it hit me so hard that we're so off i i couldn't even talk which was good because i already know what i know it was better for him to talk but we will come back but we'll come back with him this is going to happen i've already saw it it's already set in motion so what what god has written about you in your books is what he expects to come back to him but so many people have not been made aware that psalms 39 139 even exists and nobody comes against me with about abortion because my whole ministry is is based on psalms 139 16. so no one even says a peep about it because they know what they're going to get so this is what you do with your life you let people know this is what i believe and then they just like gingerly approach you because they already know where you stand why even go there now there's no story if it's already out there is everybody here there's no there's no new news flash if it's out everywhere this is what we stand for and you watch what happens with the favor of the lord the favor of the lord will come in see the favor of the lord i was shown because jesus explained to me that favor is when the father just smiles at you and his beams from his face hit you and he will sit back and start laughing because all these things in your life will start happening because he smiled and i'm not kidding you it is i cannot i'm not even oversimplifying it when god smiles at you it's not going to be fair to your enemies they're going to think you've got to be kidding me see see they burn down your building next thing you know you own the city and they don't even know how no i'm serious i know i know i know that we've got to change the way we think but your father smiles and when he smiles it's jubilee debt is canceled it's unexplained so you need to take hold of this you need to continue to work and be diligent and do everything you can if he tells you to invest you invest but if you don't know what to invest in well just find an orphan or a widow just find a child just find a single parent i don't care if it's a can of beans just do something for someone and get god in a corner which he will not be put into a corner you put him you put him in a place where he has to pay you back because those people can't i do it all the time i do it every day but i have a supernatural thing happen every day just ask my staff we have something supernatural happen every day because we chose not to do this ourselves we've chosen not to do it ourselves how many of you are getting tired at the controls amen well think about this that my students ask me this all the time how can i practice the presence of god this is this is the secret the secret is is jesus told me that his next exhale is my inhale it's mouth-to-mouth i'm telling you what there ain't nothing like the breath of jesus so he's life right his words are life his words are spirit and they are life that's what he said okay so can you imagine him giving you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but see to me he does it every day why because on the other side i couldn't get back into my body i had died so i couldn't save myself i couldn't bring myself back and unless he gave the command he had to give the command for my spirit to return to my body and that's why i stay humble it's because i have no control i'm just brave enough to admit it most ministers won't this is not my show my show is on my back porch with my wife in retirement drinking tea unsweetened throwing rocks at alligators that's that's my gig but jesus the times in the seasons have come for nobody's to come forth and jesus told me if the adults don't do it the children will so i'm already getting that ready because i've met these kids you want to be humbled real quick give a mic to a child who has the power of god in their lives and they start prophesied and all of a sudden you just want to go home and read your bible right so one of the first things that jesus talked to me about when he appeared to me was my words he said that you'll be held accountable for every idol word that comes out of your mouth and he said i meant that and he explained to me that the worlds were formed by words he explained to me that this is the way that him and his father chose to do creation so all the laws in motion that we encounter even gravity it's all because of his words everything was set in motion and it continues on even in a fallen state even even adam still lived 930 years outside the garden that's how much life was in that man all those people for hundreds of years still lived even though they're in the same condition we're in spiritually before the fall so now it's deteriorated to where we're we're wanting to live 80 90 years but what happens if the seasons are changing and god allows this generation to live longer what what if it's about to turn and the doctors will be scratching their heads see this is the way i think because that's the way my father thinks he said i can do anything i want if i want this generation to last longer to fulfill prophecy i'll do it and he doesn't even have to get up off his throne to do it he just gives out the command and i realized that we're his children we're in his house we're his family we don't have to knock we don't have to set up an appointment do you realize that we're family so jesus said when i was talking about removing mountains in mark 11 23-24 i wasn't quoting kenneth hagin that was that's in red he said this is the way it was set up i'm teaching you through these scriptures on how we're supposed to operate because it's already set in motion that way so we have to watch our words are he said kevin we should only be talking our destination we should only be talking about where we're going so are you are you ready to be flipped out he took me and showed me all the different things i own like my car all my keyboards all my instruments everything we own that has a serial number on it and he said as those people were assembling your car it was your car when that little chinese guy was doing your cello he was doing that for you handmade you know and all the little things would have serial numbers on them he said it was in heaven that you would have that before it was made so even though people who might not even know god they were doing god's work but it was for you are you getting it somebody made the chair you're sitting in somebody made that chair they might have not even wanted to go to work that day but god knew that someday you would sit in that chair and hear his good news are you following me those cameras the first camera we bought me and kathy worked extra at our jobs to buy our first camera but that serial number on there that was always designated as being part of warrior nuts and when the lord said give this camera to this church we took the one of our cameras and gave it we give them to churches well he already knew that so in this room right now he knows those who have ears to hear and are going to put into motion what they've heard because jesus loves manifestation he wants your back to be healed right now especially like right down there where in where it hurts right here in the middle of your back right here he's been telling me that since we started a service that he wants to heal back so right there in that small part where it's it's hurting right now where all that joins you know your hip and everything joins back you know all that is is there's a place that is really really the s it's the strength of your whole back is is that area that that's it you receive it anybody else just receive your healing right now and then all those vertebrae in your neck too let's just go ahead and get rid of that pain right now in jesus name and you'll feel really warm i i feel the warmth it's it's oil it's literally the healing bomb of gilead it's the healing balm of gilead right now see it's it's time do you realize october 6th it'll be 40 years i've been waiting for this i was called to this 40 years ago and it's just starting to happen now anybody else want to receive a healing anybody else want to just go ahead and receive there's oil it's it's not listen it's not this receiving is easy it's as a child you don't have to build up your faith it's here just take it that's your faith take it there's ears too there's the ear pain all kinds of ear things going on of the equilibrium type things too with your inner ear the lord is healing you right now so what is your mountain you need to speak to it but you speak to it from your heart not from your head jesus said if you believe in your heart that what you say with your mouth shall happen you shall have it not from your head faith is not a head exercise faith is of the heart your spirit is lit up you got a portion of faith in there it's a gift just use it right now stay out of your head go down in your spirit and stand up and receive your healing receive your healing right now don't wait till the end of the service this is it this is your healing time right now as he walks through pouring oil on you there's all kinds of problems in in your in in ladies the womb the lord is healing that in your womb right now and in in your in the in the the female area there's all kinds of healings going on right now and uh you're going to release forgiveness because that's how you're going to be healed you're going to forgive oh yeah it's easy just let them go they don't get away with it you're just handing the case over to jesus he's going to take care of it just just forgive hand the case file over it's not going to be pretty but you won't have to deal with it anymore be healed forgive let it drop when you stand speaking to your mountain if you have offense against anybody take care of it and then speak to your mountain this is your day stay out of your head and receive i'm telling you the whole place is supposed to be healed right now i think my hair is groping back this is real people this is it the prophet joel is spinning in heaven right now dancing this is it we are about to be extracted out of this world so let's make it a big big celebration okay hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh okay so jesus also explained to me about lukewarmness and a lot of the reason why these kind of things are not happening everywhere this this is this is the move of god that is all over the world right now in all the churches and all the believers but it's not manifesting because we have this mentality that if we can just hold on until he comes if i could just pay my bills for next month and we we've gotten to this compromise position because we have been traumatized by this world system but we're not of this world system so we have to separate ourselves and come out from among them how do we do that we do that because we discern that our father is able to take care of us we trust him when we trust him he starts to manifest his goodness to us he shows us his goodness and we repent but after we repent we need to walk with him but i don't have to ask him every day if he still loves me so if you have those feelings that you think that you haven't measured up you should look at the blood of jesus that is between his legs on the mercy seat because he's sitting the father sitting on the mercy seat and those cherry of them are real they're not gold they're the real cherry of him and he is seated on that top of that ark of the covenant it's god's throne and those cherry of them are huge and the blood has been applied so we don't go by feelings that blood speaks blood has a voice right well what happened when cain killed abel and god came down said hey where's your brother i don't know well isn't his blood crying out to me so blood has a voice can you imagine how loud jesus's blood is then it's speaking right now it's speaking good things about you [Applause] it's speaking as though you've never sinned or messed up at all and so if jesus appears to you he's not going to know what you're talking about as you go through your story starting with when the dinosaurs were here and you go through your whole history first there was the dinosaurs and then they died then there was noah's ark and then no you don't have to go through all that you have no history it's gone paul said i've wronged no man stephen's like excuse me i think you killed me paul said i was appointed as an apostle since birth excuse me didn't you get knocked down on damascus road weren't you like really being stupid until you met jesus like all of us see there's times and seasons and cycles and we have started this this is the this is the day this is it [Applause] so now we go into september and we are a we are the new sheriff in town and they're expecting barney fife so they're used to deal with barney who didn't even put his bullet in his gun he had it in his pocket he had he had one and if you even looked at him wrong you got a ticket because you were disrespecting him and he would arrest people under suspicion yeah go barney but see but see people won't know how to take you when you walk in authority see even the people said about jesus they said listen he doesn't speak like the pharisees he speaks as one with authority he's not like them they knew there was something different about jesus but see what it really was it was the demons that had entrenched people that were nervous so there's been a lot of lawlessness been permitted it's just manifesting now but those demons have all always been ready to implement what you're seeing and that's why the lord showed me how bad it's going to get in the fall if we don't pray i saw cities on fire i saw troops in cities this was before they actually were sent i saw attorney general barr with a handful of indictments see i saw these things and he showed me if the church prays you can change history but see what happens is is if if you are really anointed and appointed and chosen and sent all those words which you are then a demon will not know how to deal with you because it would be like they're dealing with a new breed do you get it because they're they're so used to lukewarmness and compromise and they sit they sit the demons sit on the front row and they get to some of these songs where they're talking about god and not to god they're like oh this is our favorite song the demons love some of the songs we sing you know when you're doing this song i like i have no idea what that was what that meant you know jesus is in here because there's more than two and we talk we're talking as though he's not here even here he's right there and we're talking like he's not here that's not worship i mean this isn't a situation room or the the lawn of the of the white house this isn't cnn we're not just informing people this is a relationship what happens when someone approaches one of these loudmouthed legislators that have been in for 47 years and no one knows how they get reelected and you walk in within the power of god and they can't talk no matter what they can't say a word and you just start prophesying what happens then the power of god well then they got to get rid of their invisible friend the demons start leaving then all of a sudden they don't have the power they did anymore i'm telling you the truth this is what we can do from our house we can stop the power behind the evil [Applause] so in these times and seasons when this anointing comes on on people and on this in this dispensation the church that the lord what the lord is doing now is the church but it's not it's not the lukewarm organizations it's people that speak from the fire so if you're five-fold you speak from the fire that's where i want to go because i want to get built up listen i'm telling you i know people when they have they can choose to go to the lake on their boat on sunday or go to church because the the factor is not the new engine you just got the new motor you just got for your boat and the new bass gear the factor would be i want to be where god is and if he's in my church i'm going to go see but they choose the bass boat because at least they can have fun but they go to church and they don't get nothing okay so if you go to church and you get something or you are able to minister and give something then i would trade that i would go there because i want to be where god is okay there's no one here that's a christian in their right mind if god is in a house where you would want to go you would pay if you would pay the per the pearl of great price you would you would sell everything you had but you want god but if you're going to sit there and sing kumbaya with a three-string guitar and hope that he comes by i'm sorry do you understand why people do what they do they they but see it's got us into a lukewarm state but the problem is is that just like moses built the tabernacle of meeting the tent of meeting and god gave them another chance when they rejected him didn't come up on the mountain he gave them another place to meet and guess who showed up in that tenant meeting nobody but moses and joshua they would come out of their tent and watch moses and joshua go because the fire pillar of fire would come onto that tent and all of israel would come out read it and they all would he would walk down and they'd watch him go in and disappear and none of them would go in and that's where we're at right now we would rather have someone do it for us can you pray for me last time i checked the holy spirit was a counselor seven miles up you gotta start down between 160 miles out of your destination or you'll miss your state in an airplane can't just come seven miles out of the air it takes a while takes a hundred miles sometimes so you gotta start down at a certain point or you're gonna miss your whole state that's okay if you're by yourself but usually you're not there's going to be some people mad at you i thought you were a pilot why see you have to learn to manage and think ahead okay that's what the holy spirit would tell you the reason you're in what you're in is because you didn't manage your approach with him you didn't let him you give him the controls when you're ready to crash thanks a lot it's all yours thanks a lot no think about it the spirit of the lord speaking to us here you end up in your destination because there's times and seasons of the lord and he will interpret those times and seasons now you know this i checked it out because perry stone did all these studies but i checked it out but hillel is the hebrew word in the bible for lucifer lucifer is not in the bible that's the way they interpreted that word but it's clearly hillel in in hebrew which means bright and shiny one he had nine stones the breastplate of the priest with 12. so i thought well i'm going to find out what he doesn't have what's missing because he in you know in a government in government we compartmentalize everything for security reasons so no one has the whole thing it's like i have friends that are working on aircraft right now that are classified it'll be 20 30 years before you know about it but they only have a part of it and they cannot tell by the part they have what the what the what the aircraft looks like or the spacecraft they can't tell they just have a piece of it and that's good because then other countries only get a piece of it okay so god in his infinite wisdom he already knew hillel would become lucifer so he didn't give him everything guess what's missing issachar issachar's stone is missing out of his breastplate what does issachar's anointing in the bible say they were able to interpret the times and the seasons of god well that explains why he missed moses he missed noah he missed jesus and now he's missed the generation that's the prophetic generation you get it he doesn't know [Applause] so while you're waiting for the antichrist and trying to figure out his number in his name jesus told me that every generation had an antichrist because satan doesn't know when his time is coming so he grooms someone every generation in the slot ready and they die unseated so i'm in the mood you want to unseat this one okay well then what we do is we rise up and we be who we're called to be and we start owning everything i don't i'm just i don't need a middleman there's only one mediator between god and man and it ain't any of you last time i checked it's not even the pope it's jesus small wars have been fought over this denominations have come and gone because they tried to take the place of the counselor i got to go to a priest i got to go to a prophet those who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god not those who are led by the fivefold i think we have an elephant in here is that that's a shofar okay that's a show for [Applause] [Music] so the times in the seasons of the lord are being revealed by his spirit but see satan is not in on this he always has to have people like herod working for him and pharaoh and the wise men magi he's always trying to figure it out with the stars those buckets man they'll get you every time at what point do we just put it down and say you know what you can have the controls you started this you can finish it you're the author and finish of my faith i am in your hands and you start to realize with him i cannot fail even though the circumstances are screaming otherwise and i remember this i remember this one day when when i was struggling in turbulence to keep the airplane right and i didn't know it but the turbulence had actually had subsided and you know there it was amazing to me that even the autopilot will hold you to a certain point and then at a certain point it'll just give it back to you because it cannot do it and it just says you can have it i'm like thanks a lot but there's a point where we get fixated on the problems and it subsides and we don't know it's subsided and i'm telling you this because that's what the spirit of lord is saying right now you have to discern the seasons and times and the the captain for our airline was also my instructor one of the captains that i knew he he was instructing me and he said let go of the let go of the aircraft let go of the controls i got it i go you got it you sure you yeah and he didn't grab the yoke or the throttle when i let go and it went to smooth perfectly smooth and level flight he goes see the airplane does better without you i was fighting it because i didn't know that the problem wasn't even there anymore i was shadow boxing and i'm telling you by the spirit lord as that is what's happening to you right now satan did this he did some traumatic events in your life he's done what he just did but he you don't need no but he's left the room [Applause] i remember this i have to share this with you because the lord's asking me to i don't like to tell stories and things like that because i don't want to talk about myself but this might help you after after i got the call that the lord had instructed jesse to plan us to call jan crouch because the lord had told him this guy's for real and the world needs to know this he called me and told me we're going and doing this and i go how did this happen he goes because you didn't bother me about it you didn't ask me you went to you and your wife fasted and prayed in your prayer closet and god talked to me he said he did it the right way so we're going to tbn and i'm going to i'm going to interview so we went there and he interviewed us and then it was just that's where it was launched but when i got home the next day me and my wife as usual we got up at 4am and we started praying in tongues we prayed in tongues till about eight and we could not get through which is impossible for four hours in tongues three cups of tea and nothing and i told kathy i said something's going on here let's take a break let's back off we had so many salvations called into tbn there were so many people getting saved and all this this fruit and jesse said this is what you're made for and um so i went into the hot tub and i just sat there and i'm waiting on the lord and i fell asleep and when i fell asleep you have that little in between state so i fell forward and as i did i looked and there was angels standing staring at me there were four of them standing there staring at me as i fell asleep and i'm like i woke right up and i looked and there's nothing there but you then i i went like this down in here and i could feel the power of god but it wasn't up here and i want to tell you something i felt depressed and i don't feel depressed i said something is wrong and i fell asleep again and when i fell asleep again they were smiling at me and they spoke and they said get up get dressed and get ready you have one hour so i woke up i told kathy i said get ready i know you need an hour and a half but you got an hour no just kidding relax relax relax she was already ready she was already ready of course she was yeah it was my problem anyway no no she was ready we were all ready you know what happened here's what's going on here's what's going on you might feel the total opposite of what's really going on in the spirit because satan will do that what had happened was three weeks prior i was i was in another room where we had jesse's magazine and i just opened it because i pray for him and wherever he goes well he was going to be at this really cool singer dell ways church he's a really cool singer on tv and i loved him and i just said to the lord from my heart out of my mouth remember from your heart you speak and you shall have it i said i love that man i would love to go to his church and i had had a dream that i was at his church and we were walking and going from building the building and then we went and ate in the dream and i knew the whole layout of the church so jesse calls me he goes can you meet me at the jet the lord's telling me you're supposed to go to delaware's church this is within an hour from having this depression and falling asleep so we went and when we went i met him and then we went and walked and i already knew the turn so i didn't even wait for somebody to tell me where to go because i already knew the layout but i've never been there except in a dream and the angels knew this and they were sent to make sure that we were ready and they were smiling and i say that it's a very personal story but i'm telling you this just to show you that what your experiencing in this realm might not be anything close to what's about to happen for you and they were so bright and they were so happy those angels and i got to meet him and and it was just a blessing and this this happens to us quite frequently where suddenly something happens but up until that point it's war but see it's the times and seasons of the lord satan is left out of it but if he sees four angels standing beside you he's figuring something is about to happen so those angels must have been there and they saw that those angels were assigned to me and they saw that and and i felt depressed but i had no reason to be depressed so jesse pulls me aside and he says do you realize what is happening to you and i go no i don't he goes you have nothing to worry about everything is already taken care of for you do you get do you get it everything i have is yours he said do you realize what is what what has happened to you doesn't have the people of 40 years of ministry and it's happened in one year six things have happened to you in one year that don't happen to people that i know in 40 years of ministry he goes you're going to be bigger than me i go i don't want to be bigger than you i just want to be your friend what's going on i don't know but see the times and the seasons of the lord determine these things beforehand so you're all part of what god's doing on the earth you just haven't been informed but activity around you would dictate that something's going on or you wouldn't even be here why would you waste your weekend right amen okay so what you need to find out is you need to this is what you need to do and this is not me because i am on the sapphire floor in heaven right now i am not here even though you can see me i'm talking from there you need to write down and listen because this is not me it's not even going through my head right now the lord jesus is telling me for you to write down on a blank sheet of paper everything that you have everything that you have that you need to give to him all your businesses all your friends all your family just write it out in a small graphic use the whole paper map it out give it to the lord and and pray over it and the lord in the next week is going to start to give you wisdom on your business on your relationships on your job everything about you give it to the lord this week and see what happens he takes that up and he starts to explain things to you he wants you to lay before him there's a blank sheet in you if you have your study guide there's a blank sheet in your back this is the season something has just happened and there's an open heaven and you all are part of this the lord asked me to do my last meeting scheduled meeting here it was moved and shifted because he's asked me to start working on these programs i have eight or nine of them i gotta implement including warrior church all over the world we're gonna be having bible studies weekly all over the world and i need to i need to get those things done so this this period of time i will only do go places where the lord tells me to for the next four months he's told me to open up so so one of those one of those because we shifted everything something opened up for for this week and so i'm going to daystar on tuesday but see that's because i was obedient to shift things around and this is going to continue to happen i'm going to show up in places where he tells me to go that's strategic but it's not going to be on paper necessarily but god wants god wants to take it to your house i'm just telling you the truth he wants it so that if the devil ever has another lame idea to to keep you in your house he's going to regret it the rest of his eternity which is a really long time by the way he's going to think why did i just do that why did i keep them in their house now they're having church in their house angels are showing up their kids are prophesying when they wake up they're washing their own sippy cup they're doing they're they're cleaning their rooms because there's angels in there i'm serious this is this is not i'm not this is a make-believe world if you click your heels three times you'll still be here you won't go to kansas you're here and this is you're hearing this because it's time for the church to shine and there are people who are afraid to be the leader they are so we need to help them we need to encourage our pastor we need to encourage our leaders but we need to do what we can do can you build yourself up in the holy spirit praying in tongues can you meditate on the word of god can you stand up as the new sheriff in town and proclaim some things and give out some commands okay you do that and then and then after you've voted you've bound and you've released you voted in heaven then you go to the polls and you vote i'm serious i don't care if i have to hire a police officer to be with me i'm going to vote i don't care i don't care what it costs me if our president can give up his salary and and help other people with his salary then i can i can hire a cop to take me to the polls and pull a lever come on this vote really counts but it's got to be the right vote can't be some fake thing where it's there's words misspelled like like the president's names misspelled that's not a real ballot don't say it too loud they'll turn us off youtube so if you wrote out you've wrote out your you've wrote out your uh some sort of graphic about your businesses your family named family members named people people that are involved with you and then place that before the lord if you have any business that you want to start the lord's telling me that this is the time to start it and he's going to give god ideas he's going to give people the idea of the needs that are going to be uh prevalent in the coming months that you're going to actually have the product ready to go and and the service for people to ready to go you're anticipating the needs before they come and this is how the lord will make you successful he told me this he said i'm going to give people ideas that are anticipating needs that that you're going to meet so he places the gift inside of you and then he places the demand around you and your value goes through the roof did you hear what i just said the lord plants it in you and then he makes a demand for it your gift around you it's rigged amen give him glory praise god okay everything you need to do this you will succeed if with all your heart you will believe and not doubt for i am with you in a mighty way this was already set in motion long before you were born it was predetermined that if you would believe and obey that nothing would be impossible to you it was already set up this way if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you so father by the spirit of god and by the authority in jesus name i break every debt in the name of jesus i break debt in jesus name i break the oppressor's power in jesus name supernatural finances come supernatural provision come debt forgiveness and father just heal your people so that they don't have those doctor bills i was going to close but the lord says there's there's those of you who still need healing in your soul and i was reminded of jesus showing me the damage that was done to my soul because of words that were spoken over me and curses that were spoken over me and how i grew up warped and the lord is telling me to share this with you so he showed me when i was on the operating table that that i had soul scars i had curses spoken over me and jesus gave me four ways that he heals that and he said kevin i could just reach my hand over a person and yank that black vest off their their their spirit because the soul as surrounds your spirit in your chest area from your stomach up to your throat and the the the damage is done as a child because you're impressionable but it sets you for the rest of your life unless god intervenes so he said i could buy a miracle come in at night and just pull this off and he pulled the black vest off of me he said or you could use use uh the time to meditate on the goodness of god in the word of god and that this would transform your mind and renew your mind to where your spirit would be allowed to be dominant he said or you could build your spirit up to where you went into overthrow where your spirit would take your soul and pin it down and make it listen and it was a dominant and then he said the last one is that you could receive godly counsel from someone and go through and they could walk you through your your healing but he said he said the one that is the most important is that is that you are dominant in your spirit and you allow your soul to be dominated by your spirit and that would be either by renewing your mind or in or building your spirit up the most holy of faith staying in the love of god by praying in the spirit building yourself up and he told me to tell you this because there's people who have questions about this when you pray in the spirit and you say phrases over and over again and you can't seem to leave those it's because the spirit is reinforcing something at the place you're stuck and he's pounding at it like a hammer until it's broken so you will say as something over and over again because you your spirit is reinforcing something until you break through if you continue to do that you will break through and then there will be a fluency to where you will go to other phrases [Applause] so don't don't be discouraged if your prayer language is not allowing you to be fluent it's not going into a fluency because you're in a battle and there's a partition between your soul and your spirit and only the word of god can separate that it divides between those two amen i want to be out there with those kids they are having fun the spirit lord's still hovering over everyone and um if i were you i would not leave i would not leave this i have to leave because if i don't i'm not any good for the next session i have to rest because i've been doing this non-stop but you you should you because this will go with you but if you go somewhere where it's busy and a lot of talking it will start to fade you want to stay in this so if i were you that's why i've asked charlie and jill to to worship at the end so that you can have time to respond back to god and let this get really deep within you now i'm telling you if you will write out on that paper all the things that you you have under your possession as far as your dominion [Music] the lord is going to also allow you during this time to write out your vision of what you don't see have yet but you see because everything that we wrote out on a piece of paper years ago is now in our possession and it's happening right now [Music] i was asked i was asked i was asked [Music] what do you want to do kevin and i told jesse i i said i said the lord has already shown me he goes well what do you want do you want to be my pilot do you want to be a pastor what do you want to be what do you want i said no i don't want to be a pilot i don't even work for you i just want to be your friend but i said i want a school i said i want to be on television or media i said i want to write books and i want to have conferences big conferences where i can just disciple people he said that you shall have that was three and a half years ago [Music] and it's all happened amen okay [Music] i had six partners he would pray over that sheet every week when we would be with him and it's grown to over 9 000. nine thousand of you helping in three years you see what god's doing [Music] but of wise man like him asked me what do you want and i said i want what's in my spirit and as i i see a school where i can teach people online [Music] i want to write books i want i want to have a studio i want to be able to broadcast all over the world where no one can shut me down so we have our own network now this is in three and a half years so i'm telling you this this is as a flight attendant a hairdresser what can he do for you what does he want to do for you what does he want to do through you where you can change history amen so sit in his presence and let him speak to you he's going to talk to you right now and i love you all but my my words are cheap i'm showing you how much i love you [Music] i've given you everything you need for this weekend i did everything but buy you your meals you have everything you need now to change history and texas is never going to forget this this weekend was for texas as well as our nation amen all right so tonight it it's 6. i'm going to come at 5 30 and pray if you want to pray with me and kathy we're going to pray in the spirit for a half hour at 5 30 if you want to come early okay i love you nope now if you have to go go but i would not go what's here is sacred okay bless you guys lord jesus of all nature [Music] thee [Music] glory joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] me jesus is [Music] is hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] oh yes [Music] so [Music] glory [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are the lord of the nations oh yes you are you're the lord [Applause] you are [Applause] you beautiful brighter hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] we worship you [Music] lord jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] glory to god [Music] the king of kings [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] your face speak to them [Music] please [Applause] [Music] many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand new study guide and three cd set the notes of a warrior volume one dr kevin zadai helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on every level kevin's brand new study guide and 3cd set the notes of a warrior volume 1 will help equip you too learn to recognize god's direction for your life encounter clarity in knowing god's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the holy spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer kevin also prays impartation prayers on each cd to help you in your advance against the enemy order today kevin's brand new study guide and exclusive 3cd set the notes of a warrior volume 1 for a donation of 29 u.s shipping and handling included to order call 888-340-1460 with offer code 1002 or go online to it's time to stand up for your rights as a christian and give the devil a headache [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 68,176
Rating: 4.9308357 out of 5
Id: pASq3sh746c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 4sec (6124 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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