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no convinced if the thing on this table isn't he'll know it's cries a human do you know what it is what I began with no an animal welcome back to the dungeon kids and sometimes sometimes somebody shoves a game through the slot that city's never heard of and honestly doesn't have much hope for we have a sector beast with it it's a Ukrainian made game from action forms who are responsible for oh look at this a frequent press for this show chasm the rift maybe one day kids seems like a fine little game and the card of wars games and Duke Nukem endangered species which was cancelled and apparently reworked into this game what the [ __ ] doesn't matter what we've got here is a ridiculous plot for a game a bad scientist is create an animal human super animal super soldiers on an island kind of based off the island of dr. Moreau but yes Danny go to be able to join us no not that one no not that not that at all I'll tell you I'm not looking forward to this I haven't played chasm people tell me it's great you know and this company does iOS versions of carnivores games now and the Wikipedia page on vivisect er looks like this this is the episode civvies hoping to break out big on YouTube like it subscribe kids so let's talk about the Dukes involvement which is kind to nothing this was supposed to be a game where Duke Nukem hunted animals kind of in line with the carnivores games the studio had put out tracking hunting killing and you'll see some of this stuff made it into the final game since that game didn't happen and we can't even blame Randy Pitchford for that though I still feel his Specter this influence looming over this place ever since aliens colonial Marines and then down below probably the lowest form of magic is mentalism so I'm gonna perform a mentalism trick for you what I need to tell you something come on Malika you know it's over listen please you need to know this it's really important how important could it be lady we got a pregnancy scare or something now's not a good time no I think everything's gonna be fine I had no time to explain the assignment to you so wait stop hold on back on earth that's got to be a bad translation that's not that's not what she means so listen carefully as you know a week ago Liam played squad was sent to the conflict zone with short notice without taking necessary precautions we've lost contact with them and need to launch a rescue mission immediately damn it there's no time and that transparency on that netting back there that's that's not transparency and Kurt he just picks up a moth and puts it to his ear Kurt this is important you really should be listening there's like symbolism here kids it's it's deep stuff the only thing we've got is a working radio DJ will get airlifted to their possible location and Pope for the best at least we know who we're looking for with our combined efforts we should all make it back hopefully okay looks like I take point to check out this wooden shack lots of fish this radio this is Liam Quaid if you're hearing this message we are probably dead I don't know what's going on here but it's not a military operation for sure nor is it related to our assignment here the only thing I know is you gotta get out of here right now oh now we're right into it holy [ __ ] she's already dead I've been playing this game for a hot minute this is brutal turns out of being stalked by a thing this is very b-movie kind of endearing the way that they put this toothy overlay over a cinematic camera this large open area is pretty intimidating but you're supposed to head to these green beacons and navigating this game isn't too bad however I have to mention this well you can move pretty fast on even terrain if you're going uphill at all it's kind of like in real life where you get progressively slower and instead you just have to bunnyhop to get over it yeah this game has some weird dismemberment and damage physics where you can just blow big pieces off your enemies it's kind of cool not even bad so far the movement like I said it's a little wonky but it's got a nice atmosphere these rain effects aren't bad I mean for 2006 they're questionable but overall really not bad whoa guys give me a break here Oh looks like the animals are back but they aren't interested in me these bastard hit scanners who were half a mile away in the tower who I can barely hit they are some fighting soldiers their Humvees are getting blown up there's electric cyber hyenas teleporting in and out of nowhere and if I mislabel an animal during this video police don't start bitching about it in the comments animals aren't people they don't care I'm having a hard time keeping the ammo for the m16 filled you start out with an m16 a knife and a pistol and I mean they're not terrible the hyenas aren't very tough I can't seem to pick up any of the weapons that the enemies are dropping I've got some kind of device that's gonna let me upgrade my stats I've also noticed that the fall damage in this game is kind of [ __ ] you can climb ladders at light speed I'm just walking around when I fall through the floor into this electrified whatever I'm getting mixed signals from this game it loads a save that isn't my most recent quick save but is a quick save ok let's keep following that green beam and I'm in a cage surrounded by hyenas and I'm long past being on m16 ammo I guess this pistol isn't too bad I'm noticing that when you backpedal it's significantly slower than you would expect in a shooter I'm glad that this game about genetically enhanced super animals is doing realism where it counts we're still supposedly headed for an extraction point okay nevermind I'm getting points for exploring plane wreck its yeah points you use points to buy upgrades this game is really starting to confuse me points no reloading on weapons obvious traps I want to avoid but can't because that's where the Waypoint is oh now [ __ ] this I think these are leopards that breathe fire that's not first level enemy stuff guys so I go to the plane and lose like 40 health from the drop the pilot is dead let's see what Oh God we're flying right into an ambush it's not that the shotgun is bad I'm just kind of bad with it right now the shotgun itself is fine so Liam Quaid we were going to rescue him you remember him Liam this is Kurt Kurt Robinson we came here to find you but guys I've got the connection with cutter obviously they found my tracer we've gotta get outta here after all Liam listen to me it's not gonna happen there were five of us now I'm pretty sure I'm the only one left they're all dead too the students been here for two weeks dodging electric hyenas at fire-breathing leopards maybe you should let him down gently and this girl he has a history with also dead look at his face that's the face of a heartbroken man if this cutscene is right there are just infinite cyber animals on this island we should be carpet-bombing it by now nuke it from orbit napalm that [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] happening outside right now I don't want to say you spend a lot of time in this game running from point A to point B and wide open space is getting ambushed by animals that spawn out of nowhere right in front of you and right behind you but guess what [ __ ] that's exactly what happens apart from the fire-breathing leopards and the electric hyenas you get lions that spit fireballs at you I'm not gonna go into how they don't burn themselves or if the monkeys the [ __ ] monkeys that have grenade launchers in the game sponsor them a mile away where they can still accurately hit you and you have to Stipe them and find them at all of this [ __ ] it's a three-ring circus of pain and you're the guy cleaning up the elephant [ __ ] while Liam keeps telling you to get in contact with the general and the invisible Black Panthers oh god the invisible Black Panthers they're sections of this game where you can't go 100 feet without getting ambushed by creatures that'll move way faster than you especially if you try to walk uphill you've got giant armored bears with rocket launchers this game it's drugs kids finally get to a radio and contact the general this is crude Robinson Curt affirmative this is general Dawg stone Liam and his men are on their way here he said that you're the sole survivor that's right so why didn't you level with me general what the hell is going on here why am i shooting that crazed beast just to survive oh yeah the cutscenes in the dialogue in this game if you haven't noticed they're just the pinnacle I mean that they're so bad but bad in just the right way I love them there's no easy answer occurred I know what assignment you were sent on but there are no rebels here copy that no political conflict either that was the plan this makes sense later okay it makes more sense later the subtitle from the beginning of the conversation stays on my HUD for a while and is what it is so you're led into more little arenas with a horde of animals and this [ __ ] is so frantic and incomprehensible at first that you don't even notice that every time you kill something your health goes up a little and thank God because otherwise she'd never make it through over and over I get locked into an arena I fight some hyenas and lions and other giant cats then when I'm done with them the game spawns a bunch of grenade guerrillas far away that I have to snipe [Music] you have a sniper rifle that sounds like it has a reload animation but doesn't god this is awful just janky and unpleasant going from point A to point B to get a well vivisected by cyber cats it seems like there's no rhythm to this combat it's like being attacked from all sides by teeth and claws and fire and then there's this [ __ ] [Music] these gorillas can apparently target me when I'm Way out of sight and range I mean look at this I dodge those because if I stop stipe them to blow me away as soon as I think I'm past them that's [ __ ] I look out because these two gorillas who I'm only now getting a good look at because they're still idle for some reason and whatever you see that right there that's at m60 and you can't [ __ ] up an m60 in a game you know unless your postal three and this one it's great perfect wonderful I wish I'd got to two levels ago I've been picking up ammo for it so I probably missed it in a secret I go into this Canyon and the guerrillas that are outside the canyon like a quarter-mile away are still tossing grenades at me but the music just ramped up so I know what's coming yes glory hallelujah that he's a God so far the guns in this game haven't been bad but this is the first one I've used that felt powerful and fun one that does what you'd expect to stream a hot LED to do jungle creatures that the human race conquered centuries ago we're going on Safari [ __ ] no more fire spewing leopards no more electric hyenas no more fireball belching Lions and oh those monkeys are gonna pay I got a handful of belt-fed machine gun in a head full of what the [ __ ] is that hey that was actually kind of fun that can't be intentional they just didn't make the ground you're fighting on really uneven so you have to be way slower than everything else that's got to be yet we land on the speech and get some really important plot from this wooden thing see when Kurt was a baby he was on the ship here and yeah somebody tied him to this piece of wood and he floated away and we get a batch dissolve straight to Kurt you know implying that that baby was him it's really deep storytelling kids I don't have to explain it to patrons of the arts such as yourselves anyway this is as good a time as any to tell you how you get items out of crates in this game see the crates don't break all the way unless you shoot them or stab them a lot so you got to shoot them and then run into them to pick up whatever's inside it's kind of [ __ ] but you get used to it and going forward you don't have much of the ammo shortages he had before you're still running from point A to point B but now you're getting the crazy ramblings of some mad scientist dr. Moorhead dr. Moorhead yeah too easy faith people lose faith every day our hourglass counts the depths of our souls each brain just adds to the void only then the question about the meaning of life will emerge once I hear that I'll know what hasn't all been in vain I'll tell you kids this is a game that wants you to shoot ed to think if Albert I mean Eva Tain's meaning of evolution in the face of outside forces this game is clearly too smart for me I was expected to pilgrim fighting animals but now this is this is transcendence but soon enough I'm back out in the wild getting reamed by fire-breathing cats cut keep away from the cages they're ready to blow yeah sure man what cages he's everything sick here we go okay two things heavy weapons guy one you didn't wait until three and two what cages what cages before he's even done talking I'm getting ambushed again why were people recommended this [ __ ] game to make I blow up the building or at least I break a shitload of glass before I get to the next boss and get to try out this rocket launcher the kind of socks compared the m60 which owns wait what did what it wait what what is health Borgess Rico I've never mind his health bar filled again and like his lower half or another or what you have a cheetah's have guns what is happening they have Tesla guns this thing it's fine it's not bad but the m60 still outclasses it curve the areas controlled by the guards they're under my control but you have not been authorized the guards rely on their devices not their sight they consider you hostile so you decide stealth or force wait when did stealth become an option I'm in an open field in broad daylight they don't recognize that I'm human now you've got the guards versus the energy weapon wielding whatever they are and even though these weapons blind to you the combat in this game sure gets better these guys have better feedback when they get hit and don't immediately surround you and set you on fire you can actually snipe them since they're not be lining towards you after being spawned five feet from your face the terrain is a lot more even so you're not constantly slowing down or trying to walk backwards into more creatures I make it through but soon enough we're inside again shooting soldiers and the weapons are good impactful decently accurate even the shotgun is more useful now it's about now I realized that this game from dusk till dawn mate I'm already for a few more hours of [ __ ] dreadful fire breathing lines and invisible Panthers and [ __ ] they never show up again no more electro hyenas no more rocket bear tanks no more grenade monkeys oh no from here on in it's humanoid animals with guns and it's actually pretty goddamn fun why the [ __ ] would you front load your game with this terrible [ __ ] you start getting more score points so you can actually upgrade you start getting much better weapons like twice as many weapons you get a machine pistol you get a better sniper rifle you get a double-barrel shotgun that kicks ass the combat is brought in to more control the better designed to Riina's in hallways copy-pasted areas sometimes yeah but this is a bunch of title which is why I was worried at first and why I expected the whole game to be the [ __ ] show the first two or three hours was what the [ __ ] vivisect er if you're worried about spoilers now's the time to turn the video off the cutscenes they don't get any better because you really can't improve on perfection Moorehead I've met your demand hmm really see for yourself Kirk my boy you are with us again you've certainly grown into a fine young man I've been waiting for you dog Stone took Curt away after he found out that Morehead was experimenting on him you know because he was a baby and some people find that objectionable Morehead what are you doing oh my god it's a baby a human baby hold on there are you crazy have you forgotten why you the science expert were banished from England I'll remind you for experimenting with animals professor that's what you're here for damn it I didn't bring you here to experiment on people this has gone way too far I'm taking him with me back to the mainland of course he did make a deal with Morehead to bring him back so yeah time for your part of the bargain Morehead call off the beasts calm him down whatever it takes we're tired of fighting now I know you've lost it by creating these monsters you're going against the very ways of God you still don't I am the God so yeah this game gets way better way more interesting way more fun you know you just have to wade through a couple hours of [ __ ] after that it's smooth sailing it's actually kind of easy most of the time I guess with the exception of some parts we'll talk about later but every hour so you think the game's gonna end like when dogs stone gets a helicopter and you got to fight your way up this tower while fighting off these guys this isn't Revolutionary [ __ ] but it kind of reminds me of something like quake 2 you're dealing with my favorite enemy in all the video games rams with shotguns right before this you're on that helicopter trying to land with these animals jumping on and trying to kill you I thought it was gonna be a turret section but no it's actually okay it's well done so dog stone and Liam are ready to pull you out because I mean obviously this place is ridiculous and can I just say that transitions between game and cutscene for what they have it's amazingly smooth can't get down there we'll pick you up there but it turns out general dog stone is evil rot story [Applause] out goes Liam in comes Lyon that's his name Lyon and oh he's brilliant kids top dutch for the last 10 years I've watched soldiers die here not from bullets but from fangs and claws what's that on your chest lion-o some bandoliers he's introduced a little earlier saying are we there are five fingers on our hands but we're not human there are five fingers on our hands one true three four come on paltry humans who have a penchant for self-destruction so naive and gullible to put it simply you are human beings you let the general go bring me to him I believe we both want this am i right oh my god I [ __ ] love this Kurtz anon reaction to everything makes it perfect he's just standing here stone face to this ridiculous [ __ ] I can tell by the expression on his face that yes he absolutely wants this a hundred percent I could see it in his eyes sorry about Liam Kurt I take it he was a friend to yours I don't know he could have been try to understand I've spent most of my life here on this island no way am I gonna leave it to the Beast whoa that is super racist that lion has better lip-syncing than you do this game is so much better in small spaces corridors bases all that where your movement is less restricted and you can roller skate through like it's some kind of classic FPS game good on you action forms you pulled it out and I'm wondering what this would have been like there was a duke nukem game [Music] [Applause] half-man half-animal all dead what a [ __ ] I'm gonna tear your heart of [ __ ] lucky King Kong ain't got [ __ ] on me it's just these trenches you have to stay in these trenches because if you don't you walk into buyed fields in the minefields oh boy how do we deal with landmines kids just like in half-life we toss grenades and not they are actually mines I have a theory about how this game blows up the player-character which all right I got to talk about the bomb Panther Panther smart but not perfect it's a shame she has to be destroyed she shouldn't be turned over to the humans they're too weak to keep her the bomb Panther is your fault Kurt you [ __ ] and so what happens with him is he accidentally let him out while you're trying to destroy him oh that close failed again you're a loser Kurt a real loser and also a dangerous man everyone you meet dies that's just wrong you should feel real guilty right about and he's the worst you can't fight him you think you're gonna do a boss fight but you're not cuz every time he gets near you he locks you in position it puts a bomb on you and civvy was dumb and he quick saved at the wrong time so he just kept killing me oh no nevermind that one's an autosave so I turned out god mode which gave me a little glimpse into how the player exploding works in this game I assume it's some kind of script that spawns explosions on you until you're dead and if you have god mode on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a real loser that's just wrong [Music] there are a couple times you might think you're gonna deal with a boss like this giant cyberdemon looking [ __ ] here okay you're supposed to shoot him a little cuz I gank the soldiers that spawned over there before they could do it so what happens is so what you're supposed to do is get right up in his crotch area and heard of a little until he breaks out of his restraints and then you got to run away and you got to get him to shoot rockets towards you to crack this door open my rockets won't do that the rocket launcher kind of sucks and I think that's because this game has a damage system that likes precise hits more than Splash Damage so the m60 is better anyway you make it through that door and you never see this guy again so now you're being commanded by lye and rather the dog stone and he sent you into this train and the game keeps switching up locations to stop it from becoming boring which sometimes it is anyway it's still fairly repetitive but the game keeps introducing new monsters and weapons even though I could have sworn I had all the weapons see you think the m60 is the king year machine guns till you pick up the Gauss cannon which is better fires a million bullets per second has a scope and is more accurate you get the Gauss cannon in the same slot as the m60 you get an armor-piercing sniper rifle you get a plasma cannon as an alternative to the Tesla gun and for the rocket launcher you get a howitzer now the only other game I've played with a howitzer is uh blood - we all know how that went this one kind of functions just like the blood - howitzer you know except only not dog [ __ ] perfect wonderful this train level is actually pretty cool there's a lot of work put into it especially where you're on top fit and the pieces are flying off of it hitting the monsters good stuff how the [ __ ] at the beginning of this game sucks so bad you crash that train because this is a video game after all and Dog Stone is an [ __ ] such a clever move too bad you're no better off thanks for doing my job now for your prize ah meet my Awards over bruits yeah this is one of those times the game gets hard again because you're in a giant room with hit scanning monsters and they all have em sixties they're wolves I think and then in the next big open area they give you an armor-piercing sniper rifle so that's nice you're still dealing with the over brutes but you never get a lot of sniper ammo in this game so it's best to stick to your main good weapons the m60 or the gas gun or the double-barreled shotgun which if I may repeat myself is goddamn glorious sooner in a research lab where the bomb Panthers let out you have to fight against these half-finished animal clone things which are about as easy as I would think half-finished clones would be and it fly to the rescue I'll tell you what Zippy's a friend to animals except for squirrels cats dogs goats cows snakes most aquatic creatures amphibians rodents pachyderm don't come near we're in the last hour of this game now kids and it's snowy sure why not except it's a lot of being hit scanned from behind a fog I'd complain but I've upgraded so much that I can't act most of it I'm actually having a good time we're in some kind of underground cryogenic facility or mountain cryogenic facility whatever this game just keeps going on and on and changing the scenery and monsters and escalating properly you know like a real game what if this has been a Duke Nukem game would it have been the last good duke nukem game or lion though he sacrifices himself to save me taking the bomb from the bomb panther and well no he comes back to save you again when you board this airship I guess player scripts don't work on him and Dog stone gets in a big Bek well you have plenty of time to shoot him instead of standing there staring blankly while the old doc tells you that you're a perfect specimen you know could be a good father Kurt no doubt dream of any woman of that nice young lady for instance Malika we might get another chance ah you already met that makes me happy I wasn't wrong oh don't worry she's alive safe and sound look she's just sleeping she's fine she's asleep the cutscenes in this game are so good guys I have to stop myself from showing you all of them because they're legendary general thought I was dead didn't you it's your turn now general as my brother's turn and then he's the final boss after lying blows him up and y'all sink into the ocean you only have your pistol and have to hit the weak spots on his back it's lame but whatever the ending is just the best Oh slow your roll paper sector it's getting a little jesusí in here don't be afraid to fall down Kurt it allows you to rise you cannot rise without falling first that's how you can know we are the stairway of desires was to live the general my stairway is even higher but I choose to stay on the lower steps the wind is blowing hard upstairs and the light is often too bright nature is full of controversy we have been awarded an eternal life this is a change of generations everything has a beginning and an end to stay in one's own time is the most important thing this is the end of the road kit let the newly-born become the future I don't know bad this is beyond me this is beyond anything I've ever seen in a video game these cutscenes are just blowing my mind they're completely [ __ ] with me they're taking me [Music] [Music] best [Music]
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 560,654
Rating: 4.955389 out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, fps, classic, retro, review, entertainment, comedy, vivisector, action forms, beast within, duke nuke, duke nukem, randy pitchford, retro gaming, chasm, the rift, carnivores, endangered species, island of doctor moreau, dr moreau
Id: DDLFCxaxb60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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