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you guys hear there's another throwback fps game coming out another big boom or shooter coming out yeah you guys hear about this a hammer a hammer hey hammer you there's another boomer shooter out go away i'm busy you guys hear there's another throwback fps game finally coming out cheer about ion fury oh baby here we go the wait is over i thought the day might never come when we finally got to see what those madmen at 3d realms and voidpoint were doing sure we had a preview campaign we had haskell's house of horrors which we will see again but those were just a taste of what ion fury had in store i was so worried this thing was gonna come out and be a massive disappointment like they were gonna rush it and meet a deadline or it would suffer from a million little problems because they're using the build engine or an old new wave british heavy metal banded suit 3d realms out of existence before we got a chance to play it all right how could i not bring that up it has to at least from a tactical standpoint blow everything else ever made with it out of the water i wasn't sure they were up to it sustaining that level of care and mad cap design throughout an entire campaign well they did mostly it's hard to compare to anything else dusk and a medieval especially because this is closer to a build engine game made in like 1998 or 1999 i got a lot of sin vibes from it if you're expecting a bad review of a new build engine game that delivers on everything it sets out to do while also looking like it was an absolute nightmare to make what channel do you think you're on and i put in two playthroughs now i don't recommend doing what i did for the first one where i marathoned it you'll get exhausted cause it's certainly the longest build engine game i think if i skipped any secret hunting it would have taken me eight or nine hours then again if i skip secrets i would have died a lot more trying to describe this game it is build engine to the core it is so 90s that occasionally it gets cringy yeah shelly you know what's cool and relevant the offspring we need to just get into it or else i'm going to ramble about random crap before actually getting to the game i got a review code for this game a couple weeks back because civi's hot [ __ ] now expect a glow in review of borderlands 3 and the so my first playthrough was on the medium skill wanting carnage and man did i not have the best time because i rushed through and because i couldn't find the setting to turn auto aim off which is in the mouse options for some [ __ ] reason the hard mode is ultraviscera which is what i recorded a playthrough on and the only harder one is maximum fury the description reads you die a lot and then uninstall the game so let's not do that one when a build engine game has to tell you that you're going to uninstall it in frustration in 2019 that sounds like a bad time i did die a lot in the beginning this game is pretty hard it's harder than duke 3d it's not harder than blood i don't think the whole thing reminded me more of shadow warriors difficulty and not just because some of the common enemies can one hit you if you're unlucky if you have any doubts about ion fury's dedication to pushing the build engine to ridiculous extremes boot it up and play the first level you're lucky i can't fit a grenade launcher in my bag why yes these cultists are hit scanning the crap out of me immediately my friends we've come home [Music] all right there's a story i forgot in the near future the streets of neo dc are wrought with crime you are corporal shelley bombshell harrison leader of the gdf's domestic task force and the baddest [ __ ] bringing it to augmented criminals that dare to defy the long-standing order of permanent martial law i know i'm supposed to save this city but it sounds like kind of a [ __ ] i'm not really on board as you fruitlessly attempt to get sloshed after another horrible day in urban hell an explosion rings out and your overpriced watered-down drink becomes one with the ground it's time to get furious those cyborg bastards are gonna pay for ruining your drink i've kind of always wanted a retro fps in a cyberpunk city shut up that doesn't count katie you [ __ ] i gotta mention this now because if i don't it's gonna get repeated with most of the levels in this game look at the amount of detail that everything hey look an arcade oh hi bio menace major striker monster bash slam [Music] machine spray you pray let me say this right now i might have some problems with this game there are way too many secrets that are hidden so well that'll never ever find them and they can't possibly be rewarding enough to warrant that kind of secrecy but i will say this there isn't a single thing in this game that is lazy or slapdash the amount of work just to make the build engine do all of this here this game has a lot of huge open areas that would have made a build engine game in the 90s set your cpu on fire let's just start with all these voxels all the pickups and a lot of the environmental objects are now voxels and they're like twice the resolution of the voxels you'd see in blood or shadow warrior and they look amazing even when they're animated jesus will you look at this in fact all of the art looks amazing for your weapons you start out with the electrifryer yes it's called that but this pistol the loverboy basically brute forces its way into being one of my favorite pistols in a video game it holds 18 rounds and fires three of them at a time it's the first weapon that'll give you one of these amazingly satisfying head shots talk ship gets shot [Music] and the secondary fire is going to be absolutely critical to your survival and enjoyment of this game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i also just picked up the penetrator i remember when this was just an smg now it's a flaming fletchet weapon that whoa you can dual wield them when you find another one just set things on fire aiming for the head in this game is crucial it might take two hits to decapitate but it's worth it this is a public service announcement return to your homes or face death we're there's only two credited voice actors in this game our hero shelley played by valerie arum and i could go into the history of the bombshell character maybe another time it's just i mean it's related to the other voice actor in this game the famous john st john who gamely choose the scenery as a mad doctor with like six frames of animation sit down little girl this is your final warning what are you gonna do send me to my room haskell is a mad scientist who makes evil cyborgs he also plays the piano don't get me started on that [ __ ] piano it kind of sucks that the cyberpunk city is my favorite part of this game because it comes first the preview campaign was all very duke 3d street level city [ __ ] we're above the clouds here god it's beautiful this is my boom stick [Music] oh yeah these guys they either carry a shotgun or a grenade launcher the blue ones have grenades see your shotgun secondary is loading it up with grenades and the shotgun's pretty nice very impactful the grenade launcher is fine i have a little trouble aiming it but your enemies don't mr roboto [ __ ] [ __ ] you i live on the edge i just did a quick save with one health there's seven zones in ion fury instead of episodes one area leads directly into the next for the whole game like half-life except they didn't cheat by having you get captured before you leave a level it'll tell you how many secrets you missed and you're gonna see that a lot in this video because i only ended up finding like 56 percent of the secrets in this game yeah who's laughing now boyd point right into the next area oh look the washington foreskins i get it so besides the regular cultists and the shotgun guys forgive me i don't have a manual for this game crossbow guys we'll talk about that crossbow a little later because you get one too in their hands it's possibly a one-hit kill this sound when you hear that run the game gives you an idea of how powerful this attack is because when it misses the screen [ __ ] shakes this is a run like hell kind of game be quick or be dead where you are at least on this skill a glass cannon capable of turning out a ton of damage really quickly while also possibly dying from a straight crossbow bolt these enemies don't usually call out to you as an alert sound you're gonna hear them preparing to fire that's a nice touch you get bowling bombs here too fun stuff hold down the fire button to charge toss it let it lock on you'll get a lot of use out of it if you have the high ground or if you think there's something waiting around the corner to kill you there is use it around here you'll meet the most obnoxious enemy in the game these mechanical head things they'll knock 10 points off your health with every hit and they have a nasty habit of jumping around when you're trying to shoot them and they're everywhere hanging on the ceiling just waiting for you they still do this thing when you hit them with the electrifryer and that's cool i took to auto targeting them with the lover boy the secondary fire on the loverboy is going to become real important when these flying drones show up with their confusing hit sounds in their weird patterns yeah lock on and after this it's time for yup bennett steam oh i see what you did there little some steam bennett there's so many references in this game trying to catalog all of them would be impossible i'll leave that [ __ ] to tv tropes or something because i don't have time the secrets are insane and some of them are hidden so well that i'll never find them sometimes you have to push an environment object around to get there like a chair or one of my favorites a broom [Music] here's a good example of how involved these secrets can get you have to run along this ledge and then jump over to another rooftop there's some goodies here but you're not done your stun baton can activate certain machines if you whack them it's about to get [ __ ] rowdy in here the cluster puck now you can throw this thing like a frisbee and it explodes if you get close to a wall you can plant it right there and the secondary fire explodes so ridiculously that i can't imagine it existing outside of a build engine game speaking of the build engine as i seem to do on almost a weekly basis at this point build engine games have a habit of overlapping sound effects your octobrains your rippers well we got a new addition to that club these things i've taken to calling murder peeds it's about here where i find this secret which has the ion bow in it the best weapon in the game state of the art bang bang remember how much it phones you when the enemy has it it's exactly as overpowered in your hands a single well-aimed shot will kill any lower enemy and judicious use of the secondary fire will kill any mid-tier enemy and reckless use of the super duper powered up secondary fire yeah it gets more powerful does this to the first boss talk [ __ ] get shot imagine the future because you're not once you make it out of the sewers steam tunnels slash fan storage it's time to go back into a really impressive urban area where you have to run like a mad woman through this marketplace dance [ __ ] i don't think this story has a happy [Music] ending that whole bit that was just awesome so i included it this was the part that convinced me that ion fury had no intention of [ __ ] around when it came to level design you want insane set pieces how about tetris cool oh well we're done with the more intricate cyberpunk city levels i mean there's a bit later where there's a mall inside of this area from the preview campaign yeah they copied a few rooms from the preview campaign and placed them differently it doesn't bother me except this secret here [Music] they promised me cake i can't abide a cake as a lie joke in 2019 [Music] there's actually a lot of valve references in this game down to an entire level called power up unfortunately the city areas were my favorite part that's not to say the rest is bad by any means there's a few too many underground tunnels for my taste first you have to go to the old gdf training facility that's been overrun with cyber cultists this is another giant set piece full of cool [ __ ] that leads to the first boss we've already seen him you're gonna have to do better than that you bald-headed [ __ ] i'm coming for you heskel all right everything else is going behind spoiler tags [Music] afterwards shelly heads to haskell's tower welcome to my humble abode what you should be humbled over is what you're compensating for with this building yeah now this one has a lot of interesting stuff in it state of the art bang bang one of the levels from the preview campaign these references damn good coffee and hot some level designer is a real twin peaks fan if you didn't want me to show it off you wouldn't have put it in the preview campaign wait i'm glad we're working season three into this i wanted to put that clip in context but how something going on here in this tower that boils my blood and not just these horrible experiments built on all this human suffering after you get to the top and fight this boss as some kind of build engine black magic i asked one of the devs and they explained it to me in a way that you try to explain quantum physics to a child and i still don't understand so i call it black magic notice this [ __ ] piano now i know this is important i found a secret in the previous map that was extremely well hidden i know this piano is important and i have a good idea what it does maybe if i had real hands even then i've never been musically inclined they show this piano off in the trailer but they ain't playing the music you need to play to do this thing which i assume gives you a purple key card which opens this door downstairs that i know clip through because i spent 45 minutes trying to play this [ __ ] piano in time with a metronome they didn't just make a fully functional piano with a metronome for shits and giggles it's timing it's the timing it's like come on and slam and walk into the jam but i can't slam so i'll tell you this that purple door leads to a secret level which i won't show because even though i'm 99 sure i know how to get there i still cheated my way in but i assure you it's a home run we got another one another build engine level on a big vehicle pretty good one too leading to the earlier mentioned half-life homage more underground tunnel levels which aren't that interesting they're fine it gets better once you leave the city and end up on the outskirts of town exploring a hospital a fun thing about the design is that there are usually multiple paths to an area that allow you to flank your enemies a lot of the time through vents here's my favorite secret in the game not because of what you get but because of how much it takes to get there there's double jump power up right and if you jump on what you'd assume was out of bounds you get this secret [Music] no but i'm sure i will at some point if i want to find more this is starting to turn into my own personal shitty pipe dream oh what an incredible smell haskell's discovered yeah i'm skipping stuff i know if i stop to talk about all the interactive stuff the density of the design of some of these maps this video would go on forever whoa shelly control yourself some of the newer enemies you'll meet zombies missile torsos who you can one hit with the eye on both secondary these hopping bastards that remind me of the fiend from quake he hits just as hard don't let him get near you to give you an idea how these levels flow together you entered this hospital you went under the hospital into the sewers and the water works then an elevator takes you back to the hospital which has another exit that takes you up to heskel's mansion it was released as part of the preview later on cool map too full of action and there was this one thing that kept driving me crazy this building right here a locked door on the outside but now in this version there's a small window that lets you see inside and i knew there was a way in so i dropped a bomb down the chimney and if you swim under the fountain it'll let you in and you get a radar you have two inventory items in this game one is the radar power up and the other one is the portable med kit the radar does exactly what you'd think i didn't use it very much and i probably should have there's some other power-ups too this damage amplifier is nice the bowling bomb power-up is awesome oh i don't think that's covered under warranty closer to the end there's an area where the game throws an insane number of enemies at you naturally and you get one of those power-ups if you're quick and lucky a container gets blown open and bam once you enter haskell's lab all bets are off you've met all the enemies in the game by now i haven't talked about these mutant cyborgs that are either build engine jank or a knowing exploitation to build engine jank they fly around they go invisible they have the most health of any common enemy i'll usually stun lock them with the chain gun which for some reason i haven't talked about yet because i save it for these guys it's plenty good for plowing through low level enemies it's a gun you steal from a giant armored mech and carry around which is absolutely badass other than that there's some larger mech enemies that shoot bouncing fireballs careful aim with the grenade launcher is good for them you think i'm skipping over stuff but this game is basically one long campaign there are single levels but the progression is so fluid most of the time that it's nearly unbroken throughout the whole thing from the start and this bar to the end at heskel's underground lab and all the way haskell's being an [ __ ] i'm afraid it's going to take more than a glorified meter to shut down this operation chevy there's a lot of this lab to go through it's treacherous full of traps monsters and just unrelenting ass kicking [Music] bowling bomb likes you like your ribs so yeah this is everything i wanted right here sure the game has its issues but it's almost everything it should be a build engine game in the 21st century with everything that entails you want to know how it ends shelley wins against some overwhelming odds the final boss is heskel and his [ __ ] in terror dome this dude has a lot of weird inventions he tells you how the gdf funded his experiments like i give a [ __ ] i'm here to kick ass and no that's it i'm here to kick ass and this endless parade of enemies while tossing bombs into his dome this finally cracks him hear him finally loses cool and say you cannot follow what you've just done no that felt good [ __ ] you your dime store dr proton go back to taking piano lessons and being too creepy to bang your secretary you weird bald [ __ ] gotta say my second time through was a lot more fun than the first this one's closer to shadow warrior in my opinion it requires some ninja [ __ ] to play well maybe one day i'll torture myself on the hardest skill but honestly civi feels like a song what you don't like music dance [ __ ] dance oh yeah shelly harrison signing in i've got an appointment with the doctor and the doctor's got an appointment with death i've got a present for you holy [ __ ] we're done when i say we're done [Music] i never miss bowling bomb likes you i'm gonna kick your shiny metal ass i like it i can't have it
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 1,201,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, review, ion fury, ion maiden, build, 3d realms, voidpoint, entertainment, comedy
Id: oNk-W3nHJZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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