Yoga Time.png (r/FacePalm)

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hey so uh what is idek mean I don't even know well well then why would you comment welcome back you lovely degenerates we're doing some face Bob today let's get these things out of the way hit on the video at the dinner-table my sister asked all of us what color we thought her boyfriend shirt looked like after we all said grey she turned to him and said now tell them what color you think it is and he just quietly replied gurth why hi blank is this still available yes it is would you like to come pick it up no thank you okay Johnny Depp I decided to divorce amber when she defecated our bed uh I mean yeah that would I would do it for me too man I'm just always learning a hundred percent of brain usage I had a copy files between two different beasties question mark one right click copy to unplug the mouse and connected to the other PC three right click and paste oh my god does this work no one yes the files is stored in the mouse no no no it's not it's not stored in the mouse phishing Virginia 14 inches the biggest fish I've ever caught in a lake hey booty shorts are for girls you know last time I checked Natalie isn't a guy's name Joe fact white people abolish slavery how can we never hear about this oh gee Dolan dark who else was gonna do it the slaves bail he's trying to take photos of me hello he caught me off guard with this one okay so people need to stop saying I took the photo my husband is white that's why you can't see his shadow I'm not a liar upward thrust in buildings ejaculating into the sky do cities have to be so sexist oh boy here we go toxic masculinity is built into the fabric of our urban spaces rights Lesley author of new book feminist city and the results are just divisive they can be lethal hey hey Leslie no one thought those were upward dicks until you said it get your mind to the goddamn gutter Jesus Christ did anyone think these bridges to let boats go through we're dicks no just Leslie got it so someone on reddit suggested that maybe US presidential candidates should have to pass tests of civic knowledge as well as basic cognitive ability before being eligible and one actual quote from the thread is that that would be unconstitutional as well as authoritarian Alabama governor defends Confederate monuments we don't need out-of-state liberals telling us what to do I mean I mean yeah you kind of do that's literally what the Civil War was man I just hate how Nintendo still does this [ __ ] with download codes now I have to put this long-ass code in yeah I just just send a screenshot of the code wait woah hey you guys my code doesn't work that was a $50 EA hop Carter goddamn it next time send a picture after you use the coder are you so flexible that you can turn your head a hundred and eighty degrees and then make direct eye contact with the person doing yoga behind you and just stare at them anyways that's our goal here I just fit gonna be so flexible your spine will turn 180 degrees around your body your throat will be bone and the 1980s A&W try to compete with the McDonald's quarter-pounder by selling a third pound burger at a lower cost unfortunately the product failed because most customers thought the quarter pounder was bigger as apparently Americans can't do fractions or math for that matter which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone 88 IQ top 81 person who ki top dead oh no the average IQ in Canada is 99 and you take the test now is it 88 like super low I have no idea that that nineteen point thirty one percentile does not mean you're the top 81 percent it means 81 percent of the population is smarter than you but at the same time this is also another Facebook IQ test so don't trust the thing it says it's so like I bought my friend for pregnancy tests they all came out positive and now she crying she gonna ask me how the I'm a good afford to feed 4 kids parents against vaccines facts if the earth was a globe water flows to the lowest point you are so stupid I'm going to scream woman sues twelve-year-old cyclist because her car got scratched when she hit him yes you we read that headline right I just almost committed vehicle er manslaughter but instead I'm gonna sue you for scratching my Subaru it's just prison coronavirus Koval 19 look its Islam I mean yeah because you um swapped a couple letters out and randomly chose them like a dyslexic child trying to play pin the tail on the donkey so I mean you know there's that I just love this smell of incest hard eyes our ties are ties she's Simek racism debunked racism was made illegal by the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 therefore there's no racism what do you mean you're being murdered it's legal people can't do that Peter cows milk has long been a symbol views by white supremacists one more reason to hashtag ditch dariya a PETA you ever just have one of those days where you kind of just up and you know put the glass down wrong side up and kind of just yeah Herman Cain at the air I mean Cain he's a politician so I can call him out masks will not be mandatory for the event which will be attended by President Trump people are fed up we are sorry to announce that Herman Cain has tested positive for kovin 19 and is currently receiving treatment in an Atlanta area hospital respect Akagi speak English yeah but speak English or least learn to your god a vaccine Education Network natural health aunty vex community hey guys is is this true is this eating fresh subway makes bread with an ingredient called dihydrogen monoxide dhm always an evil chemical used as an industrial solvent and pool it it's used in the production of yoga mats and as a fire retardant it's even a waste product of nuclear power reactors it is definitely not fresh asked subway to remove dihydrogen monoxide from their products subway hashtag h2 out gills I mean it is it is true but oh look it's the movie yard for it I don't know if this is the 28 days later 28 months later just just one of them what's up with the image - Corona verge of stop trying to sound smart by saying the actual like family of the corona virus saying Corona Verity doesn't make you sound any smarter it just means you Google coronavirus selling a nuclear danger simple yeah death is real oh okay uh so first off those are eyes because it's about zombies and secondly that stands for biological danger like zombies you can go ahead and vaccinate your crotch goblins but my womb fruits are organic did not refer to children his wound fruits I mean if you're not gonna vaccinate you could just call them like womb vegetables or something like that but it's more appropriate god it's just ah bloom fruits like a grotesque vegan candy oh if my child grows up gay I will abort it that's a it's not how that works don't mind me just emptying the water out of my backyard just emptying out my backyard of all the water that's flooding it it's kind of taking a long time isn't it I will not shop at Costco it's will you remove your Mediterra guys kill wholesale thank you for taking such a brave stand Sharon we look forward to the documentary they will make about you someday Jack Wow not a very professional response costs go what looks like I will be getting a membership refund myself it should be a choice we have chosen not [Laughter] when people address like companies like this in the comments of tweets and Facebook posts they actually expect me go you know what Dave you're right yes because that one tweet we're gonna roll back in a corporate decision made by some bigwigs yeah thanks thanks for the Enlightenment Dave now instead they're you know they're PR boy they hire for minimum wage is gonna post on you that's what's gonna happen Dave so uh middle school administrators couldn't decide whether a trained students should be sheltered with boys or girls during an active shooter drills so I'm they left her outside trans dude and barred from shelter during Virginia schools mass shooting drill yeah that's that's right they um according to the drill during an active shooter situation they would leave a child outside and why is the drill Jenner specific at kanye west we all know what these tweets gonna be done we we must now realize the promise of America by trusting God unifying our vision and building our future I am running for president of the United States hashtag 20/20 vision and then goddamn it Elon you have my full support Elon what the hell two thousand miles isn't that much honestly I could drive that much a day no if you drove his thirty seventy-five miles an hour without ever slowing down or stopping it would take you over 26 hours to drive 2,000 miles more than a day well assuming you're correct and let's suppose that I didn't sleep to have more time in a day then I could probably make it and what are your sources for your data source 2000 divided by seventy five is twenty six point six six six six seven it's called math you should try it sometime well I'm not sure if I agree but but okay the only way to go 2,000 miles in a single day would be to be going over 84 miles an hour for the entire trip for 24 hours without stopping for gas food bathroom breaks without getting pulled over because you'd be speeding and every state except for hexxus depending which road you're on and it the list just goes on so no it's I mean it's possible but then you're starting to get into the Cannonball Run territory and yeah well you left his socialist liberals why don't you go tear this one down I don't know why this doesn't receive more publicity but this new 50-foot sculpture was unveiled recently in South Dakota it's called dignity and was done by artist Dale lamp here to honor the woman of a Sioux Nation that's a pretty metal statue but ups but it but it all in all seriousness that's actually a pretty gorgeous monument Kevin Rhodes I don't care if I pronounced your name right there is no black man alive that is dealt with a type of racial division it all bites have endured in the last 30 days alone deal Kevin I know you're running for office in my state stop Jesus Christ Kevin you Kevin you are like one of the worst candidates for a House Representative in Idaho to have an you better hope you don't get elected Boyka see when you're a politician you can't block me on Twitter I hope you like cbt postings hey thanks for making it this far you lovely degenerate anyways um yeah do the YouTube stuff like liking and subscribing and whatnot and and yeah the more of you that subscribed the closer we get to the mini ah special which is in the works right now god damn anyways follow me on other platforms I got a Twitter a discord and a gaming channel so I'll see y'all next time
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 687,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of reddit, comedy, face palm, facepalm, funny, me irl, me_irl, meirl, meme, memes, oz media, r/facepalm, r/facepalm best posts, r/facepalm top posts, r/me_irl, r/meirl, r/wholesomememes, reddit, reddit top posts, satire, wholesome memes
Id: 8U0mOwBDuwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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