Trying To Watch: The (NOT DREAMWORKS) Collection

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My favorite part is picking out all the 4kids-esque voice actors from my childhood

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SlitBodmod 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm Pickle Peter

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello and welcome to trying to watch the Was it called the not DreamWorks collection? I'm here with a Jim from JAR Media is my assistant for this one Yeah We're going to figure out the order of which to watch it might be a little bit different to the main search for the worst video But we've really got to Like figure it out because I don't...two of them are about bees. I don't want to watch two movies about bees One after the other so let's figure out the order. Jim you choose which one we start with. Where are the bees ones. Look There's Plan B. And there's Little B. So you gotta choose We've got to choose some kind of order here some....some order to this chaos Hmm. I'm quite liking the look of Ratatoing to be honest What is the first one yeah, put Ratatoing as the first one and then I'll choose I Want to do little B. Secondly, I want to get that one over with now you choose one I'm gonna go with Plan B. No you fuck off that's what we just said we can't do. Seeing as Little B is your least favorite I'm gonna go with my least favourite and go with Little and Big Monsters Man it's like having to choose the way you want to die Here Life's a Jungle Life's a jungle yeah. Is it possible to do Plan B yet? Yeah, I think that's fine. This my Plan B. Plan B. There are only four left just throw in Chop Kick Panda. Yeah, that's a safe bet that one. Seeing as this one's quite unique in that it's got a DVD case from the fucking caveman era And Let's just do Puss in Boots: A Furry Tail There we go. Sorted. Let me just get one final shot of this order and this is what we're gonna do Jim what is Ratatoing a ripoff of? Uh, Bug's Life? No. It's obviously Ratatouille but this is the Not Dreamworks Collection so there has to be another link, what is the link? Flushed away. Flushed Away. Remember that hit classic? The slugs? They were minions. Yeah minion slugs. Fake plasticine It's great that.....are these names? Or...? Yes, but it's in French, I think Or erm Spanish Well names are universal. No but look, texturas. Setup de Personagens What? Who made this movie? What nation? I think they're from Brazil actually. Brazil? Yeah, I think so Argy just slammed the door shut Yeah, he's not letting us escape this movie. So I'm pretty sure this film is actually made by the same people who made The Monsters vs Aliens one that's in this same video. You mean Little Monsters vs Big Monsters Is that actually what it's called? Little and big monsters I can't remember if I actually introduced you in the intro or not. What's up guys, it's me. It's me we have the same voice apparently according to everyone in the YouTube comments for the last trying to watch we did You're the same person as I because you have English accent. Well. You're the same person as I oh? That's getting deep Why is everything so tiny No why is everything so massive but it shows the building to be like normal size I'm just looking at your face. This is brilliant How long is this? It's 44 minutes long Hehe, look at that drawing in the background Rio de Janeiro jewel of South America, and we're the most gifted chef in town we're a mouse Muscle twins is the world's best chef and his restaurant rata toying is always packed, but how does he do it? mousetraps cats and evil mice all try to Try at stop Marcel his friends from exceeding There's actually a spike a spelling error on the back. There's two Because there was the other one I forgot to you when it says his name That apostrophe shouldn't be there fucking for real Oh, yeah Mouse traps cats and evil mice all try at stop Marcille and his friends from succeeding join Marshall and his friends Carol and Greg as they risk everything to obtain the best food in town All family will love this hilarious and fun pack Adventure that is ratatouille the thing is like Why do they even put any effort into this film and it you know like this can't be anyone's vision One if you're watching it they have one Yeah, if you bought the DVD and you put it in about some more than they ever like expected to get So why do they even bother they might as well have just had the rat on a white screen just been like Sorry, but I didn't make a movie. Would you show this to your child? What would you show this to your child? No they wouldn't be able to sleep for like the rest of their life Yeah, it's quite creepy. Isn't it how the fuck did they manage to make it look like he's on a green screen You made a funny comment earlier, and you said it's like those steam They think they serve the same purpose as well why he had no pupils just them a Weird sentence Hasn't been aware They've escaped the Thursday night mission, what are you doing your Thursday night mission? This is so fucking awful. This is shit. Why is it like a completely white background? Where are you housing mouse? Where are you Marcel time? Well I'm preferring it when they're in this realm This is my favorite room so far you can't do that when let you can't see the background like it means nothing That is pretty cool Avengers trailer Where are they going? What are you doing, Jim? They're getting food for their restaurant the secret recipe is human food oh Is it so it's a bit complex for me to understand? Do you know do you know what this animation reminds me of what you know we the other day? We were watching those on pacman versus Mario Yes That's the shit. It's just like that. It is actually. It's really similar, but it looks worse. It does look worse And that the person he made there's definitely like 14 No older the thing is we're just scratching the surface. This is the first one of 9 the first one And this won't even be the worst one, but this will be nice this will be really nice this one Is that some of the others this is like an hour short? One of them is an hour of 40 minutes long His training Training me as well Jeff. It feels like one of the walking like that. What's wrong with him Arthritis they have these like 10-minute long scenes explaining something you could say in One There is this thing called the bathroom that you can go in and use It to go to the toilet that is the thing that many people can do humans do that all the time? Rats do not use those is this what a bad trip feels like You should edit frames of this insulate the transport, thank You all so bad bad news Inge zinged rata towing We're getting a hyper zinged back there because we're watching ratatouille I paid money for this gym this movies are 40 minutes in He sounds like Malti I was about to say that He does sound like Malti Come on granite We're gonna run a toy I don't see someone cosplayers rata toy People already do all the time true my first owner is a Marcille time What my first owner is Marcel time mine is Carol it's at her yeah All right, so you change your gender with your persona. Yeah, I'm a trans mom binomial Right you know this brush Is it supposed to be a joke that he's wearing the Mickey Mouse ears even though He is a mouse like they already have ears like that Look at the front cover. They already have Mickey Mouse ears. Is he not just wearing something over his ears Oh, is that what that supposed to be? I don't know It just looks like he's wearing Mickey Mouse Mickey. What the Recording we show this but What is phasing around is this intentional What is God it was already weird, but this is like I feel like I'm watching the ring video now Oh Shit oh No, no no. Oh my god the third time Go that is efficient isn't it for the budget? Sorry, not the budget the running time because this has new budget see it does that like he's wearing Mickey Mouse's it does I think It's supposed to be a hat cuz that both of them are wearing things on their head that just cover the barriers But his one doesn't He looks like the Splinter Cell guy That's the best joke in the movement Thank You, Michelle And we go research like who they actually are and they don't exist they've been dead for Well Was a good start wasn't it What do you think of that one um? I thought Auto Evan to do the music precisely Would you give her a ten Darienne's knew it then do what say seven I Was thinking like a low seven Precisely That was just dreadful. I was unbelievable that was worse than I was expected The box oh My god Did you like the fact that the whole film took place in two differently? Those like no beginning middle or end that's just like middle It wasn't anything it was nothing No attempt to anything is completely pointless Michele Gabrielle is going down this time Super Let's press play I've just discovered that Little B. Is made by the same company as rata towing, and I'm pretty sure more of them probably gonna turn out to be We are boned I hope that our in a forty minute one These guys oh my god So what's this a? ripoff of Jim This Could be not She looks like an alien Mom so did you just hear the name of that character they know what bu T. Yeah? I Didn't think you can make that all could be puns any worse than in b-movie But they have managed it wait hang on a minute it says on the back There just might be a sting in the tail Doesn't the other movie about bees have that exact same? But lying on the Box There's little B, and there's It's not on the front it's on the back the last one was on the front Yeah, but it's the same one isn't it it's the same right, but it was tal e And this one is ta ILS. It's not even clever. It's a awful pun. When did this movie come out? Well, they've really upped their animation game, so I'd hope it's off from 2007 the character models are a bit better than the wrap I don't know because Like the way that he's wearing like a jumper, that's way more details make me wanna fucking I don't understand so does he not want to be a soldier Few kids are fucking shit Who cares do you know I hate the most about these What? You can you can like see the humor From the actual Disney movies and pick some Movies like The same type of shit, but just done we threw the clip through Sorry continue Like with her saying no More friends even the annoying ones you could totally see that in like a DreamWorks movie. Yeah The babies won't laugh to it because it's You know like who are they who they think they're servicing. Yeah exactly Because it looks like this look at it. I really thought they were so clever B. Nod. What wouldn't what would be a better name to shove B's into Because like B. Nod doesn't really work does it? It's actually quite a difficult I'm gonna search names beginning with B. Delia is a good one Yeah, do you hear the static I think I hate this one the most. This is my least favorite. We've really seen two or nine Yeah, this is why I'm glad I put this one like near the beginning. There's something about his Arrogant pose on the front cover that really gets under my skin By me I'm still looking at names beginning with B. What does the cat the B in B miracle berry Benson Berry I think it was called berry Berry B. What's wrong? I'm just calling it. They could have just called him be All bees all of them have a be like start to their name Look at their bees out. It's just like the way humans all have like you at the start of their name Why are they wearing like nazi helmets Imagine actually putting the energy and effort into making something like this because that you have to Something has to be written down. This is not improvised Someone's spent their time writing script Sorry the most for the animators What if it's the same person because I know the cause life, but Things made by one guy Be art it Just doesn't work like the English language none of these work. What about B or? I I hate the film be me I would watch B movie a thousand times over this Belief B. Movie has the wheelchair guy from family with some awful dialogue No he's amazing in that He gets annoyed he's cooked by a be Girlfriend to Abby wouldn't you be pretty fucking pissed if you lost your girlfriends or be? The buzzing sound oh, yeah slightly put in and it fades out every night half second Beowulf lovely good name for Beaver Lee That kind of sounds more like a beaver pond there All right, let me get the budget to direct one of these movies 20p yeah some of these is complete bullshit look at that Pod mod wait they've broken the song yeah, I just realized this feel like I'm watching big mouthful of a sudden Life is awful life is like a bee. My name is bod mod If I ever have a son these can be put bot mod You name your child pod mod when you resent them in every way possible, and you want them to have a miserable life Kansas's you giving your child when you're naming them If you look good bod mode you're gonna make it in some regard you've got to prove yourself You got way more to prove than everyone else name is plod more Well there are fruits keep in the background Who gives a shit every shot reinvents a new? definition of awful like I've I've never I Couldn't dream up something this awful. Even if I tried do you think this is what was in the suitcase and I'm Thinking it was a copy of little B. I thought it was glaring or English It was like this place the honey from from the scene But my my question is why do they fill it with so much filler When it doesn't matter you know? like it's 50 minutes long I Guess you it's gotta be 45 minutes at least right why why isn't it just like 10 minutes long because You can you can probably sell movies for more money than like a short But if you saw like this cover and you purchase it then You're you're a bad person I would agree with that you're the kind of person who deserves to be punished Maybe not directly, but indirectly punished like being stung by a bee for example like being stung by an army of Nazi bees Unless a star was screen wipe That was too weird what the fuck? That was one of these moments when both ways quickly when worth globe from spongebob, or world's come on. We can be your guy What mod strikes again? Well no or for name I refuse to believe that anyone in the world is called bottom, or just definitely at least one body Like Google like pod mod and see famous pod months Problem is when you search pod mod all these body Modifications pages, I thought that would be the case So there's this famous person Called mom's aid Because their real name is Labors aid Odd ma, but they called maybe you could've be the first person to Leave Us a suggested name on that website. I can't think about anything worse It's not as bad at Bob mod something about The first half of your name rhyming with the second healthier mail just can't be beaten I'm ignoring this this dreadful film just to try and think of a name worse than Bob mod Do you think like just calling a child slit? Is too much as Yeah, that would be worse The register school, yeah, yes The best like second name be for pod model slip Slip I didn't know this one was gonna be a musical This improved dis ranking It doesn't even like flow properly the repeating animation it gets like stuck in the middle Or the end it says directively slip I really want to see a youtube user with the name slip What if his name was like slip digits been a dab Look like they're inside an artery Honey I shrunk the little bee I Can't stay awake. I know It's weird these fucking movies The little panda fighter had the same effect on me really it just fucking sucks everything out You just want to give up to it Babe, maybe that's their like true intention they're like devil create. Yeah, they suck the life Just to make more be themed movies like I don't feel like this film deserves attention No, I don't even know Why they have to present something that Has had thought enough put into it to deserve our brains engaging You know what the fuck is over that guy's face Like what is the point? There's no point to any of these movies. Okay. Stop looking for a point It looks like Max Payne and under the original match Is it is it cartoon Lord that your characters have to have four fingers Simpsons did it so everyone else Do they have four fingers and Rick and Morty I think they have the No my fingers, and I think they do as well hang a look You go sort of Rick and Morty hands Rick and Morty Chances are a characters gonna have hands in the picture, but listen the music's back I Don't know what to say about this Alex. Why is it still going? The legs go all the way up Griffin Poor family ghosts and poor family go they get a million dollars an episode you just wanted to be the Simpson they get a million dollars in episode and It just goes to the voice Talents Louis, I've been turned into a pickle shoot one frame You see, if not one frame, I just want to have an interview with the person responsible Just want to ask some one question and it's one word Why? Look at my word He's not funny. He's Brazilian oh I'm so ready I Actually have might have had my name and changed And it wasn't even hassle for me, so I'm so rich or what's your name now? Slit Slit Unless your last name well, bud moss that is a cool name. Where did you get that from? Your commentary is you rubbing it in our faces? The director changed his name to just on what? I'd like to see an animated movie when they look just like a coupie yeah I Quite liked for the discus shootout and cut my head off Imagine it the Daily Mail reports nerd killed by little V on DVD Nerd dork Goodbye, little feed peanut strikes again So do you rather watch that or B movie? B movie I already said I'd prefer to watch B movie a thousand times Niren I would He movie sucks, so does this film I actually kind of like B. Maybe We're playing tennis, and he's stuck to the tennis ball. He's And then did a voice for wheelchair for Family Guy Nobody can do it apart from him fuck cuz it's just his voice His voice is fucked Anyway, um this movie Did you like it more than burn rat one rat one was like five minutes shorter It comes down T. That is that is it then? Dad that funny bit or glitch that was pretty funny, and it had means like them precisely That was a good well written thing precisely This one had a slit in it It was the same year it was so boring maybe had to come up with our own entertainment It was so boring and vapid we had to invent our own entertainment. We're too Quickly watch them? offering the Invisibles Stop it. I can't it can't say anything else. Oh my god Surely they can't get worse this was the one you said All right Jim are watching little and big monsters now. What's this a parity of? Yeah the famous health bar video the Monsters vs.. Ghouls monsters vs.. Aliens by DreamWorks featuring Seth Rogen Yeah, is this Seth Rogen's character So there's a Rubik's Cube again that was in yeah because I was about to say The thing you quickly learn about these guys is that they love using the same voice actors the same character models Over and over so you thought this was going to be the worst one Just from looking at the front cover because that is it's dreadful. Yeah, it looks like an icy teeth the graphics We all had to make our own like movie covers That covers worse than one and I gave zero shit It's not the simplest actors from little B. Yes all the same Paychecks a paycheck I mean prostitution pays, but people don't tend to want to do that Jim would you not be a voice actor in this thing for a healthy paycheck it depends on how healthy the paycheck is To retake any lines Before some of these voices are like big deals. Well. I don't know a big deal is the right word as much as You know on actual shows? Every scene is so boring They're completely pointless to the overall story Well they're not pointless what they do is they take Three words of plot, and they extend it into 15 minutes John know the story of this film Jim based on the back of the box yeah reduce Description to wacky and goofy scientists whose experiments always seem to go wrong We managed to do one thing right. We are incredible monster Hunters when one of their experiments goes wrong it forces them to put their monster Hunting skills to the test they team up with two witty kids to save the world from some really quirky little and big monsters with the sweet tooth what a fun mess To look at The people that watch your film are supposed to call it work, you know yeah, not you yourself like work work is done Videos I should call them easy to videos But like the work is of varying levels of quality as all I Respect the guy does the four monkeys jumping on the bed Toys in Japan yeah in Japan I Probably enjoy those videos more than I I couldn't I could watch 40 minutes 40 minutes worth of these videos yeah For sure even though. They're the same thing well I'm confused the Sheep his Little brother I Thought she seemed to like sister like you know Three people wrote the screenplay blissful three people yeah, so there's a genre Called the mach buster NATO is as well. Yeah, did you have like? Mockumentaries, yeah, well they're not inherently fucking Awful a Mach buster is inherently awful, but they are mostly over What's a good one though? Well, it depends. There's something like Spaceballs Mach Buster is making fun of Star Wars. I guess like Hot Fuzz as well Alex can you explain the scene to me No, it's weird because this story is actually like a lot of animated films go for this Yeah, they like hide something and then it's revealed later That's what I was trying to say when we were watching ugly little B. They used these tropes, but like They fall so flat on their own faces Because I mean just look at it where exactly So I don't know why they bother to be just lines Why do they even bother trying to write some sort of why do they pay someone to write it? They could just jokes or whatever. They could just have like Scenes that have no link you know they could just have a motion yeah It's also confusing to me like white Effort has gone in But someone has put pen to paper It's one of the be helmets you see that Nazi Bisou that let's just so you can reuse models No, it's a reference you Know the way Pixar movies always have the thing from their other movie Background somewhere. Yeah, do you think someone really believed in this project? Maybe maybe early on They might have like delusions of grandeur and think you know this will be the one We're actually gonna make some allow this one. You know I'd really like one of these films like if 20 minutes in Like a green screen guy like a real person like looks nice. The middle screen is just like what you don't Why are you still watching this like thanks for the money and everything You don't have to watch the rest of this night. He's just got a Couple of Fringe get so far off her her neck it's like the way that the teeth just float in their mouth, yeah It's so creepy It was great Billy now. He's a little monster. He was a big monster, and now he's little monster God took a turn for the worse pretty quick yes Guantanamo Bay No, I wouldn't do this 400 pounds below You and be a voice actor in little one big monsters a framerate drop is it It's just insane Like how about you? Just don't have so many peanuts have like a few less peanut It's just unbelievable, I can't icons I can Who at DreamWorks even came up with that idea monsters vs. Aliens Seth Rogen smoked a fat doobie Decided there's a great idea What do you think I monsters vs. Aliens? Um before watching this I thought it was pretty fucking shit But I've got kind of appreciation I Can't believe how long a scornful yeah, this could have been done in 15 seconds Every scene in this movie The whole movie could been done in 15 seconds. Do you think these films are like? alike if you gave A a PE teacher you want her to a PE teacher was like Make a kid's movie in a week And they had like a team of people that they had to like make every decision Jingo be some others yeah, that's probably the backstory for this movie. Oh Fuck here we go wallace and gromit who wrote wife this movie called little and big monsters when the little monsters are big monsters because sometimes they're little and sometimes they're big depending if the salt or sugar I See apparently one of these aliens is voiced by Kanye West This is Kanye West's vision He came It's uncharted He's Nathan Drake And then the woman is Elena Her camel toe is very extreme oh Jesus Christ, so I Didn't see you as long as like no I I'd say it was that's really the best one Erik I'd say it's better than rat 13, but ratatouille had that glitch part where at stowing was funny. Huh yeah Wave fun. Yeah, it's famous is nothing Absolutely nothing I've already forgotten it. I like the bit with Thanos showed up and destroyed the universe And then got defeated by captain this is the next one I'm really scared of yeah, but As soon as you finish one of these movies. It's just like that time That never happened in your life that you just lost some of your life Jim give Louie what's this a parity of? Our favorite film Mac Mac a Gasca the Madagascar The trilogy the epic trilogy one of the best trilogies of all time as we all know So this is the one we've both been dreading to no end it's almost two hours long Honestly I was expecting it to look better than this This much time into making it that long like it says on the back that it's some 70 minutes and it's actually longer, it's 30 minutes longer What this is actually brilliant? Yeah? It might be it can't be as bad as like some of the others though. Yeah, it can It can be almost as bad, but then it fucking overstated Chris a is didn't he direct suicide Here we go so no ID looks creepy looks like ripped my hip I see ribs Wait why so he doesn't speak English then it's gonna be like a silent meat he's saying the way this dude is driving I Quite like this one not gonna lie so so far. It hasn't been t-bird. It's this one is Somehow is is riding the so bad. That is funny like Where's the other ones? the other ones felt more malicious the more cynical somehow I Don't know what it is though. This is reused shot as well not See the kid keeps like talking This is gonna be the whole Car cuz I'm fuckin down for that. Would you bring a Jack Russell one at Holiday to Africa Jack Russell, thanks? How did we get here? What the yeah? How did we get here David djembe isn't it? I I was not expecting this I wasn't expecting either I was because we've been conditioned by the first three because they were all video ranked way--do Products, but this is nothing like a ballpark. Yeah. This is fresh. Oh, what the fuck is that I was a skeleton, okay? Giving him a nice little bit of fish so he can talk Yemen GTA First cutscene he cheats, yeah He's barking because he can hear the jingling Things Billy is it Stop it movie stop it What is going on It's Billy Is he called poop as well, do you like how every time they say where with a pee pee in it Like in the mic is this like a dream sequence or not he's just here Do you like how like his coke stain is meant to be like a shine no matter where he looks So it is just coke This is actually like unreal like I can't believe I'm seeing I think this is might be the worst thing. I've actually ever seen Hi, it's me yeah So I'm making this film did you want to be your voice in my film? What's it about Who If someone showed you this and asked to be like a voice in it I'd be surprised if you said no think Lion King cross with Madagascar I'm a poop but with more of a heart And a bit more realistic so the stories like white boy in the black neighborhood His pink t-shirt is Really confusing to me because I keep thinking is like muscle arms. Yeah, I kept thinking that other stuff dollars All that mumbo jumbo is worthless out here in the wild I want more donkey someone like needs to pay for this What do you mean? Like this can't exist and not have ruined someone's like its high reputation in Korea Everyone that's involved Our lives are gonna. Be ruined because there's only fair looking like guys proportions But isn't that a character that's I recognize that character from something I've seen that before That really looks like few fun. Yeah, those. I knew I'd seen it before I know I'd seen that character before Because they made the prodigy, that's it the prodigy is a Kung, Fu Panda ripoff But I'd forgotten about I don't know how many more Kung, Fu Panda ripoffs. I I can do witness. Especially if there's anything is One of the reviews I do be the headline is everyone involved in making this should be euthanized Let me preface this review by saying that my four-year-old daughter really enjoyed this movie. I'm not proud of that if you have young children Think you may want to watch this and if yours any fair to warn you released on 15th of May 2012 to capitalize on Madagascar 3 europe's most wanted go so it wasn't even the first madagascar movie. It was the third one That is fucking embarrassing It's longer than Madagascar 3 as well it's longer than it you serious. Yeah, I thought maybe that's the reason Like you just wanted it to be the exact same length Come here, yeah, that's not your dad I Really I really hope that bird is in it Something weirdly epic about this it is cool Its woken me up Can you imagine Getting to work on this For like Like it doesn't it doesn't take a short amount of time to put together an hour and 40 minute long piece of media No, it doesn't it takes a lot of time So like a lot of time has gone into this yeah definitely Anything's just really weird It's really weird because like it was just a cash-in on Madagascar 3, but they went Made it an hour and 40 minutes when these other ones get away with doing like 40 minutes. Yes, this one goes above and beyond It's trying to be the next masterpiece - why did you just look at the camera it's no better than than any of them they Know it's not well I mean it kind of is Is it they yes way better? It's got late. He's late leaves the bird Why is this character doing this all of a sudden He's gonna do pay the the story of this bit is literally to do a play it kind of reminds me of The Shining Why like I'm getting the same feeling I go when I watch The Shining you in creeped out mean worried I'm anxious What is it with these movies just showing things Who show them for about 75% too long We still were like an hour left Vomiting out kidney stains Please again what we need to see Lu combined with that thing wiseguy So bad She's actually late They're team that still talks like a baby She looks like that app where you can like yeah, get it to say things. I cannot believe how long this name is Mike I'm just blown away about how long is There's so much left There's so much content in this film Please just tell me the credits are really long or something that there's a lot to unpack here, Jim There's only the best thing I've ever seen my ribs actually hurt Why did some things have sound whether things don't produce any sound when they bother to put in a sound effect ously unfitting Why did you sing up in here? Because he was writing it knowing it's for a black person Yeah, nice here. We go now is when things heat up It's been a long time coming, but we're about to reach the climax At least the action is really good Okay Love it the rhino-rack What is left for their this first pencil like Dave He's resolved every conflict. No whoa it's kind of weird that um like He never got back with his owners. You will in the last 10 minutes Serious My son one hour and 40 minutes. I'll never get back 40 minutes of regret, what did you think that Jim? That was probably gonna be the best one like I'm serious I Actually don't think is gonna get better than this than that Rhino seen Everything all right one atrocious film fuck you Chris a is Seth MacFarlane the company animators worked on this we're good Look how many? Brett Dean Has made of names This is what I mean about like a lot of time went into making this hour and 40 minutes on film I hope they fucking just lost money On the streets quite good one in the end I Honestly, I am surprised by how much enjoyment was taken from this movie. It wasn't as bad as it was actually expected. Yeah But not not because it's actually better than what I was expecting because it was worst Thing I've ever seen in my life, let's be real that is awful how it's just terrible Interestingly terrible work Jim must plan be a parody of what I'm already in a ripoff of I think is a ripoff of precisely To get into this I assume is another b-movie one yes, it's just be movie again Made by the same company with the same voices and the same everything okay, so far does it look better, or worse than little bit Better. Oh my god. It looks better because the character design isn't is I mean it's still bad It's really bad. It's really bad, but it's nothing as bad as theirs No, not at least these look like B's yeah fucking terrifying actually More depth than anything in this film's gig I Think this is nasty video brink way, dude This is the people who dig a cars life, but a cars life was very bad Was it like this it was like this but with cars That's too scary for like yes Really really horrible the eyes the mouth the legs the legs on all of them look How creepy those legs are they just felt like actual? B legs yeah, it's too much So listen to the film's this director is directed And guess what film they're completely ripping off a cars life sparkies big adventure That's cars and a bug's life Plan B Piper penguins and his fantastic flying machine Due to the penguin bit, I just seem have a happy feet it looks like yeah, and then cars life to the adventures of scoot to the penguin and cars life 3c scoot to the penguin yeah The crossovers are crazy And this guy's the cinematic universe did he hear one of the bees having a rant like ob1 about democracy no Why do they always do this where they make you look like they're in front of the green screen I know because they can't be bothered to Render a background, but you actually make a background Never write the words spun into the kids movie. Yeah, especially in that context as well the female saying to the male protagonist Being I like your spunk About your be spunky little spunky you imagine. I can't think of anything more embarrassing than like a small team of people Rushing their little busy bee worker bodies off to try and get plan B out before the real B movie comes out And let me give anything more pathetic How about being a worker bee that's not pathetic they're communists. They're working towards their goal Everyone's the same so everyone is nothing When everyone's a superhero no one is when everyone's a bee Everyone's a bee yeah, I hate looking at inserts Yeah, trying to be entertained. They look if I want to be scared then yeah show me big scary insects with human mouths You know I think it's why every time. There's like an animated kid's film about bugs They change the design of the bugs so so massively that they're new Impossible to recognize them in a bug's life They're just that They've only got did their forearms a bug's life. They do a forearms that their forearms like 400 yeah, I think so but in ants they only have two I Got it the wrong way around doing my research now How many it must know it must be two hands like two arms cuz Okay, how did the wrong way round bugs life has two arms? Ants had four arms. That's what it was and there's why everyone thought ants was really freaky. Yeah, ants is really freaky That's not the only reason. It's really freaky good. Yeah I was just thinking about Kevin Spacey in it, and he's only got two arms. No he has four arms He sure yeah, it was a big part of their character designer they have four arms Speaking of bugs life John lessened John Lasseter's had some drama. Oh is that selector another director He's one of the like founders of Pixar he directed um I Don't know if you directed Toy Story. I swear. He what he made it, but yeah, I read that he was yes, sorry He did director. Yeah, I thought so story story. He has a hand in basically every one of them. Yeah You director hand in a lot of other places, too He directed Toy Story Bug's Life Toy Story 2 cars Cars 2 so directed like the best and worst Pixar film He directed cars - yeah I'm amazed this the the one to DV his whole thing the weird obsession was with cars I don't know just loves cars. It's like the most generic anime to think you could possibly do cars with eyes Cause the tall so normally pics are quite good at character design, but the cars ones are like well They did their best, but yeah, there's not a whole lot you can do with a car exactly they're just not very interesting cuz it's just a car with our he's No, how much you can do with their like they try their best in the first cars to make that premise interesting yeah man Do you remember like years ago? I'm talking like decades ago at this point We went to our uncle's house who had but part of his like course that unit Had done some like identity was at uni or whatever Some work thing he did like an animation Thing a woman sat on her dog. Yeah, but it looked like this Yeah, it was like amateur CG stuff Like he didn't try to sell it as a product. He just had it on his little CD and he just showed people He knew like law like it was a postcard or something yeah, he animated Yeah as part of like a project XD. This is my little funny project that it was part of some like I don't know what it what the context was well he did like IT didn't they yeah, so I was just like a sec I'm CG like the stuff was quite new very knee there wasn't when this film came out in 2001 ever as an 8 or 7 even, but now in 2017 the novelty of this this is just worn off yeah, you know was especially when In 2007 you have video games that you can play that look better than this yeah, there's been yeah What was that the same year as Bioshock Halo 3 Cod 4 yeah think so there's only so much you can criticize like a cash grab On this it's not like they value it at all. Yeah exactly. That's Why I would find it really difficult to talk about like like an epic movie, or you know yeah Those whole string of movies that aren't movies. They're just like references Well, we were talking about those kind of shit comedies Thus Oh yesterday when I'm yeah? And we started watching Maybe could get hard get hard, which is just awful like do they even give a shit Less, that's the thing when you can't when you even have to ask the question something is wrong Yeah, you know buy some films are fun to pick apart like Like some of the Transformers films are fascinatingly bad Well the room being relevant at the moment is fascinating because like Tommy was out He's just a character. He's just a strange person, but he genuinely thought what he was making his later. Yeah. He thought was really great But I don't even mean films on that level like that that's quite an extreme spectrum yeah from rim to transformers like because of like transformers Michael Bay like he Didn't care He did care a little bit with the first one yeah. He definitely cared with the first time He cared with the first one a bit, but it's just his talents just aren't suited for it, and they like it was just confused tonally and The story was all over the place. It's weird like Michael Bay's seems to desperately want to be dark But his humors. It's so juvenile though. Yeah, so he makes things really serious and epic and cool Linkin Park and then but then a dog comes out on humps a robot and it's late And he's making a movie based on a TV show that was advertisement for toys yeah Ironically, I think that's kind of what has made this films so popular The sort of edginess yeah for sure yeah, well wait we loved it when we were looking yeah But we were that we were the target that at the time And it was the first one and when we saw that those effects at a time. We're really impressed. They actually work I had never seen anything like that before at that time those effects back. Then a better than the transformers A flair because there was some restraint. You know they were like okay. We can't have the whole world get transformed For now we've got to sort of think of it in service of the story a little bit Hi, I watched the last one the latest one from I guess this year I don't even know but again with the novelty wearing off thing. Just like Plan B. Yeah, just like Plan B it Was just tiring because it's a well every films does this now every film is filled with CG Explosions, you know huge armies and stuff like that big robots fighting each other It's not not that's not impressive on its own anymore And it was a novelty to begin with yeah exactly Like transforming transforming like cars and Machines like you can't base a whole film a flat unless you have like characters in a story and ideas That's one of the problems with b-movie as well like That film was made of Jerry Seinfeld having a funny romp with Steven Spielberg like over lunch Like just one Jew one bit one one like to line joke You know like two sentences of a joke and he met a new they made a whole film on it And that's why the film doesn't work Was not funny was the original joke so better of him fucking great. I was like wouldn't it be funny if bees sued humans For just taking honey from them, you know in a Seinfeld way you would have made it funny, and yeah, yeah You know just his observational kind of comedy that he does and Steven Spielberg thought it was so funny that he was like let's make that a movie because I think that's such a great idea and all it was was like an hour and a Half and just be punks and say what do you expect? That's not like a great idea for an animal. It's a great idea for a short few minutes short, yeah Fact-check if bees can get fat They can't know Nothing in like the the wild can get fat. Nothing cuz it just I mean I mean like in terms of if you if we captured a Tiger and just kept feeding your loads of fatty stuff it rightly fat Yeah, could be kept for a B and make a B get fat We do capture beasts, and can we make them fat. No. I don't think you can make insects fat Because they don't like eat for pleasure do they? Tell that to a spider What the spiders even eat they just suck blood don't know They suck blood Isn't that what they do they tie up their victims, so they're still alive, and it keeps it warm Then they stick their little fangs in god. They're fucking terrifying nice Here we go it's gonna be a crazy the car scene like him being you Why do they even try to give them like in these films an original story? Yeah, while some be suing the humans at this point Where it might be funnier if they'd like seen the trailer and they tried to guess the story yeah based on that It's just to see how close they could get that would be something Was the effort they put into this even worth it though is my question like did these films even sell by Users me yeah like if you look at every one of the filmmaking movies Well video bring Cueto's down. Oh is it? Well like the cars life When three of them so it must be worth it for yeah, it's because of the the grandmas like the cliche joke where Little Billy was like that no cars for cosmos Yeah, and then grandma with those glasses that she needs a new prescription I See cause yeah, just buys the DVD at the pound shop But they seem like they're made to try and trick people yeah That's what I'm talking about the grandmas with the old glasses the light is that audience really that big? Like I remember for the not Disney collection There was one called frozen land, which was just some weird Canadian film. That was made I had nothing to do a frozen, but on the cover. They just stole that the Were like bomb from frozen and put it on the cover. That's designed to trick you into buying it you like people who have heard of frozen and They want to see it, but they're not informed enough to know what like a coverlet Sakurai's I? Believe this the covers are so obviously just fuck yeah horseshit, but are they though to people who like So like surface level, but they didn't care about movies or anything like that yeah And they've just they've got like a young kid who wants to see a movie If they point a plan B R. They're just gonna be like yeah, guess it looks like a kid yeah He's got a you racing or something What does not favor you racing us but no rating that? They usually have a you racing if they have one say that means anyone can watch it Then if you should be reference in sweatshops, and you yeah Okay, what's a sweatshop? You know I'm surprised they actually had them flying yeah, it's more to like anime and have music I mean is it's like two friends. It is two frames, but like it would be easier to have them walk around I don't know because this way they don't have to animate legs You're right actually was like my wrecking a segue is you I suppose they can just be static yeah most of them are What do you think of that like spiky bodies? Well, they've just taken a be because that's how B's looks really look at the spikes. It's not like fur like a bee There's like segmented I think that's how insects are built no, but I mean the spikes They have like Mad Max spikes all over though. That's supposed to be yeah, they're supposed to be hair Yeah, but it looks horrible. Oh, yeah, looks like plastic or something. This is quite an epic action scene isn't it? It's got me quite. Tense. It looks like the fight scene oh shit What is the son of a dog have you noticed an animated movies like anything with four legs just bow yeah Just becomes a dog I Think a bug's life had like a dog thing in it Can hate fit I think it was the dog Yeah, I think you're right We call it 1 enhance as well No, oh, okay. I'm saver so ended about 10 minutes earlier Anticipated for animators better than the other one the other one about these I'd prefer to watch this one over the other be one really any day. Oh, yes. I hated that one I really hated that one as well. I think it was about five minutes shorter actually I was really some assist when I might have been like the exact same month I Hated that one way more. I just hated looking at it more. This isn't exactly the visual pleasure but I Mean it's it's choosing between a rock and a hard place you know No Top Surgery panda Sandia Panda all this is a ripoff of Boggy jumps on you what a baby? So this is obviously a ripoff of Kung Fu Panda How did you guess? This is our second kaing kaing kaing food pan? Well, yeah, you joined me many years ago to watch the little panda fighter Which was one of the worst things I've ever seen that one was terrible Did you bring Cueto it just looks like a Nickelodeon cartoon yeah, there's a bit worse animation. This is probably the most competent one so far. Yeah, I was gonna say There's probably like a sect of 35 year-old men who are like obsessed with this and think is amazing only 35 It might be 36 by the end of this movie true a tiny resistance speaking of Family Guy It's kind of Family Guy animation It's like as lazy. Yeah Family Guy might have the worst animation out of like all of the old TV Of all like popular animated movies. I mean shows the dynamics a bit different when I'm the main character as a son, yeah It's a big part of the Kung, Fu Panda stories that he's an orphan you Think he's old, but I mean they would have only made this movie off of like a trailer wasn't that day, I guess I actually really like Kung Fu Panda 1 into an ad You've never even seen them. I've seen the first one I think I've seen the first three quarters of the first one in one sitting and then the last third in another Sitting they're genuinely good That they seem like the kind of thing that would be lame I Just don't find them funny. They're not funny. They meant to be funny They're not like cut comedies really. They're still like the story of a story There are comedies there every kid's movie every kid kids movies comedy comedy There's enough that works in it. That's fun like All of the fighting styles like the animal they're based on does that fighting style like the crane and praying mantis and All that lot it's just funny unique Yes This is the most competent movie so far. Yeah, is it by a long shot. They don't have like these scenes that go on indefinitely Yeah The best thing about Kung Fu Panda is in the first one there's this turtle And that turtle is so good Lee for it to be so what do you mean by so good a character design is amazing the? Wise man, and that character is really good. It's got some good lines What about the devil you see? The Ducks funny. Yes, I like the duck our English people really that hard to come by Call me if I can do a voice Do some craziness So the guy who directed this also directed Tom and Jerry Rose he's serious for a couple years There must be like a modern 124. Yeah, yeah, 2017. Oh he also directed a Person boots of furry tail which is also coming up And also toffee toes which are not covering, but I own Are you gonna cover it someday? You know can I have it, then if you want I? Don't want anymore so this one didn't actually come out at the same time as Kung Fu Panda 1 this one came out the same time as Kung, Fu Panda 2. Oh really Yeah And also apparently it says the back of the DVD box description of the movie has barely anything to do with the phone even gets in the name of the main character Rob Let go grab the box. Yeah, you get it Make sure you tell me what I missed You didn't miss much Alex. He was just doing some battle conditioning awesome battle conditioning sounds like something from Metal Gear Okay this one says on the backs Lou is a large okay fat lovable Panda Who is the sixth generation owner of the take wand Oh Jojo? type oh Well who doesn't know is that very beneath the dojo is the ancient amulet of fury the mythical amulet goes gives its owner ultimate power and protection when the villainous Tiger warrior Kudo Terrorizes the small village in pursuit of the arm Euler masters Sorry amulet Was up to Lou and his ragtag team of martial artists to stop him also know the running timer says in the back is 66 minutes but On the DVD it says it's like 40 minutes It's good for us. Not good for someone who wants value Yeah, but it's just for a baby anyway, so what's that main character actually called if he's not good, Lou he's cool It's uber or something that's right. Yeah And he doesn't own the place he's the janitor oh yeah, yeah, it's just completely wrong at least This is appropriate for children. Yeah, the previous ones like you just are not in any way suitable children But I'd actually show this to my kid Yeah, so far. I think this is fine to show to a child like you could see this on like TV some some time of the day 1 p.m.. They think that monkey looks like it's from the Powerpuff Girls or something you yeah There's like 8 different out stars over. This is that you always think Jim This is fuckin boring Yes, completely off my attention. You know the best one was that one of it the little guy don't you pip I? Miss pissed I miss pip it was like 2 hours long, but I kind of miss him oh, I miss his weird fucking voice I recorded on an iPhone yeah What terrible terrible? Really enjoyable that was the hardest one to get as well hey lady so much money to get Was it worth it Union yeah because every one of them were like easy to get and they were like one or two pounds but That one I guess cuz they made like no copies of it really I had to get off eBay for like 12 quid or something Why doesn't he just do it himself? Lazy lazy boy because he's banished by his own brother Alex All right, so I even paid more attention I know He's a tiger. There's one of the tiger in the movie. It's just so cheap. It's really cheap The only thing they like to animate is the mouse I think they censored out him same bloody really yeah You can't win Slade if you strike me down. I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine for the love of Pete so weird stars reference Yeah, we got the patron wrong it's not be one maybe oh there. We are yeah Die Alex how do English people say die they say like this Jim die now die But he just got beaten by one dude, but then he's got revenge No, I mean the tiger, dude These stars references are really weird not of place What did he say he said do or do not there is no try oh? Dude a reference the director just likes Star Wars for the rights. I guess ah That was nice That was nice. I mean really boring That was nice. What do you think that one Jim that was a lot of fun wasn't it? I'm thinking Mid You doing stretching oh It's a high seven really boring, and I never want to watch it again You watch it again if you fucking give birth to a five year old boy right now What Their print source eyes tan does printer night chipton so this is the famous for Moses der Prince Oh Egyptian a parody or copy of the film Mo's also called the Prince of Egypt yes, it's the one fantastic movie with a lot with one as a child because I like the songs but So I'd read the back of the cover, but it's in German so Can't clean up the films in German if it is we're gonna end it like right here Kind of hope it's in German then a little bit The animation kind of reminds me of um that Star Wars thing we had or the great Heat, yeah Yeah, it does a little bit Okay, it's worse than that I heard English. I think it's in English from code English as well fuck god damn it I've seen this story a hundred million times and argue. Just farted You're playing with the big boys now Yeah, he doesn't sound like the same person. I don't understand. Why did he just like lick as sure See eating eggs Crocodile eggs They're really cartoony compared to everything else Yes weird I kind of really hate this movie why? It's like it's just the story of what happened in the story so fucking hasty, Jim You should be glad that it's hasty. I am glad That is okay, but like why bother trying to tell a story to cash in on the big big movie They came out in the same year. It's quite a good story. I liked the story of Moses So do I apart from? People that think it's like the trees all right. Yeah, no I say the story is in like fiction It's a good fictional story. Yeah, the word. I really de burning bush Now the burning bush sure is real the things that didn't happen was the the Whale witness in the ocean the whale in the ocean But he did still part it yeah. He parted it there Just was no way although the Whale is a bit of a step too far. Yeah, it also rained frogs for real Does it rain frogs Jim are you blind? I thought it rained locust no, Jim There are frogs and locusts are separately Iced what was the crocodile day? There's nothing to have crocodiles, but in that new movie with Christian Bale. There's a crocodile it has really yeah I'm not that read up on the Bible so don't really know maybe you're right. Maybe there's a crocodile day, Crocodile, Dundee day Jim This is fuckin boring That seems to be the trend Accent News for my Brooklyn boy stricted any magician ever loins how come any other movie? he's saying this to his brother I Think they made his brother the Pharaoh, and I'm in the movie Just for drama, so yeah dramatic verb ceases works where more CS. Oh gee Why are they all scared of frogs? I don't know I think they're quite nice. Yeah for examining I won't want to stand on the necks they're everywhere this is more or less boring than shopkick Panda I Don't know because Or is it like the stacking effect? Yeah, the stacking effect definitely plays a big part cuz this is making me one of an hour not gonna fail Yeah, we'll both right Jim what we're both right frogs and locusts Put one under the crocodiles that's probably just for the terrible movie I Remember being quite cool in them to the DreamWorks. Well. It was pretty cool name, but the wares and everything with the whale I Just remember the music being really good in that movie now. They will starve in the desert and die doing that one Jim This is the best bit this music it's been the best bit of the whole movie I guess it's worth it if you want to listen to some fucking sick Think of what they'd put on like the the Sunday school for kids you know yeah, yeah, exactly how it feels to me absolutely This is the only one of the films that Is like being ripped off? But I haven't seen the DreamWorks version of oh really yeah. I never saw the person be I never standalone movies Overseas so Shrek which is what made him famous? So this is done by the same people as chop kick Panda, so it's just gonna be the same exact thing as that It's better so far though he looks like Garfield the voice acting isn't as bad, so far. You know this that cat would I think What about the hurt but not the Cat in the Hat the cat? That's wearing a hat What put some business like a cartoon Oh? Top cats top cat and he always looks like he does not give us a flying fuck. It looks just like that. Yeah, it's Lois Ages ago who's this poster pretty you pretty average dude a yeah - - Yeah, what would they weigh yeah at least Ralph the movie makers covering this one This is kind of film he won't fucking Watch nine of them you know, it's true he might think it's five this is this is like So nothing he compared to the other one and the Panda one us were the past three. We've watched including this one I'd say the the Egypt one was pretty bad. It was bad wasn't this quality it was actually really bad This is the best one Objectively, I think this is the best no I'd say the Panda ones better on this you think so so far I think this one's funnier I think this one's better written and the Panda one maybe But it's like comparing a poo with a poo with sprinkles on it. You know Yeah, and are you saying there is just something about 2d animation that I just find inherently charming compared to bad CG Yeah, thus animation is surprisingly not not the worst thing ever is because of the visual style has got like a Distinct art style to it. Yeah whereas like what does? Any of those previous CG yawns what their style bin pips pretty unique? their style is is I want to claw my own eyes out style because it's so disgusting to look at I Wasn't expecting Puss in Boots to be in a cage for the whole thing? Yeah, I know it is like over half with you the media knows. Oh, yeah. Oh my god the dogs non-stop They just filter to do What they did the same thing they did in the Panda 1 So all about Boy he just inserted into his asshole you serious yeah, I wasn't even looking I wasn't expecting three rats to be in the movie more than to make out some boots. Yeah It's three blind mice three blind mice. See how they run see how they run Here we are Jemma. It's getting close only 50% of the way into the movie more than 50% bro suddenly got really like epic I Didn't know there the budget every one of these films. Suddenly just becomes I think as an epic bit I'll give it that One of the best lines of all time, but that is wrong on so many levels Cuz that's not totally creepy, that's not creepy at all That was really good wasn't it. Yes brother. Thank God has only one left. He's so happy That that's honestly probably the best one In my opinion, it's worse than pip oh Yeah, no. It's not it's not my favorite one, but it is objectively the best one Tabitha Thanks James you like a bug's life. I do actually Jim Do you like ants no actually well that's what this film is parroting the pair of them It's like a 2/4 Aggie. You dare not bark in me ever again Yes a twofer So this is the last movie, and I'm so excited to join their way Because it's like a half the length of all the others because it's the last movie as well This is already way better than a lot of them to the MS Yeah, this is like a different. I'm looking on the box It looks like it's made by a different company Fucking hell Max go away get out No, I you know. I'm also glad about What you glad about weird intro Chris Stockman is doing us one sooo? Yeah, I never never have to lay my eyes on this after we see this ever again He's lucky, then he got the shortest one yeah. He is lucky. Well the thing is it says, it's 45 minutes on the back of the box when it's actually 25 I'm not complaining like I'm really good about that, but she and Jon know something Yeah, it's phone came out in 1998 really yeah The psyche the CG isn't as bad like 3098 compared to his other ones which came out in like 2011 That's what I was gonna say it's better than some of them. Yeah, that's backwards the animation was backwards for it like Yeah You know it's so old and terrible that it doesn't even have a director credited on IMDB Wow all it has is the writer, but get this the writer is also the same producer for Plan B and the cars life through Fucking hell well. You know what the cars Location they forgot to animate the wings They have motion now from the oh there we go now, they're not moving well, what the fuck is this? Seems a bit That's weird I'm looking on the box, and there isn't actually a director credited all it says is written and produced by Michael schlep surely he directed it then he must have but for some reason they've specifically chosen to not use the term director That's really bizarre Maybe there's like a director's tax Probably it's probably something like that the back of the box is so sloppy. There's like a Thing saying like if it's region-locked or not and it's got like brackets USA Japan and South Korea feel like the brackets aren't even close. They just did one side of the bracket These films like they never make any sense so you have to read the back of the box to like figure out the truth in This case the back of the box says it's not easy being an aunt just ask hang a weary worker Who's building an anthill for Queen Joe? saving Sal caterpillar from the rapacious geckos the fucking weird word is that to use on the back of a children's movie rapacious and Gathering seeds for her hungry sisters poor thing it's only got six legs But is but is she spending her time wisely our fangs overtaxed antennae Missing danger signals he joined this intrepid arthropod and her quirky sisters as they embark on An action-packed adventure in an unpredictable tough neighborhood the backyard This is weird sexual thing going on with this movie with them touching each other's antennae and laying eggs on top of each other and Quite a few of these movies have had some weird sort of do you think it's intentional. We'll just a complete oversight Because the people who make these films are like these 45 year old Men looks like you're having a good time Not biting that leaf. I don't understand what it would it be too. Difficult to just lift It's just so lazy if you sit down to write a ripoff Disney DreamWorks whatever movie And you got to think of names for the main character Is Fang ever something that hits the paper? If you want an edgy character, it's too close to thong though wait. Did you say Fang no Fang th? Ang I thought we said Fang. That's what the character in his movies Fang It's also really hard for a kid to pronounce. Yeah, and spell is really confusing Eh, not a single bit thought went into this this one Isn't actually making me tired, but just because I know it's the last one. Yeah, but Normally, just know like if this was the first one. I probably would be asleep. By now, okay, I'm over this phone now I'm already really bored I Just don't understand like What do you understand from the complexities of an amps life Was late but we meant to be following these ants why do we keep going back to that grasshopper? because These people are con artists Jamie They are con artists. They have to fill their grasshopper quota. They're like okay I'm which we're already taking the piss just in premise alone. Yeah, so What's the what's like the minimal amount of effort we can put in like these random Scenes like I saw the trailer for a bug's life and hands. There's something about eggs collecting food stuff like that the dangers of the wilderness for an ant let's just throw that in Like I died They must have written this in in 20 minutes if that that's giving it a lot of credit Why do they all do this they just have so Many scenes that just never end. I was just showing something that doesn't add anything to anything That was like five like six or seven shots of just a moth flying So imagine imagine this forum an hour and 40 minutes here Yeah with slightly better more polished Models and stuff, but that's what cars life too was It's the only time I've nearly just given up fucking hell Taron be Rubin had to go because it was near New Year's or something Right coming what the context was he had to go so he left about 40 minutes in so I still had an hour just sat there by myself watching cars life - it's probably the most pathetic thing and he Adult male has ever done I don't think the soundtrack of any of the previous movies have annoyed me as much as this one there This is just like what all the other films by these people are it's just like cars life They just used like this jazz stuff. They have like three bits of music in this one way, yeah So annoying this is like a weird and orgy It sounds like it as well. Yeah it does And it looks like it So Jim what's spinning it? What's been the best and the worst out of all of these movies the best was obviously a jungles life? Which is amazing because it's the one we were dreading the most because it's so long Yeah, that was really because it was so funny And what was the worst one? Like well, you really don't want to watch again. I don't want to watch any of them again. Yeah, I really hated both be ones Yeah, I think my least favorite was that second b1 the Plan B. No not not Plan B. The one where they look like babies Little little B. That was people who watched yeah, all right? Yeah, that was probably my least everyone yeah rata touring was funny Little B. Was horrible. I don't remember like laughing once a little big no Little and big monsters That was pretty bad. That was bad, but I Don't remember hating as much as little B. Or even planned because it's so short I'm pretty sure Plan B. Was like 45 minutes long. You know what Jim When I was walking into town earlier a bug flew in my eye I made my eye go red, so it made it look like I had pinkeye when I was hairdresser And then it made me think oh wait. I'm watching an ant's life as well today, so it's all that come full circle Maybe it was the moth from ants life as it flew in my heart. Maybe it was Getting its revenge for your hateful move movie. I feel like as controversial as my channel can be These films are like one of the things every everyone in who is part of humanity Can get together on and agree on the hatred for what about the people that made them I? Don't know they're probably like They probably agree. They're like yeah, you know they're pretty bad on it. I Hope they hate themselves for making this So it's done, Jim. We've don't we finished it. We were actually easy that was As well hey yo John Wolfson guess who's responsible God that was That was something I mean this one obviously can't be the worst because it's so short Yeah, but even if I did have to watch it again. It's still like less time than you could fit this one in like seven times the same active sampler yeah Right we're done, then thank God So, thanks for watching this video Make sure you check out the trying the also called. Yeah the search for the worst like the whole episode So Jim's holding the if you just to remind everyone the worst one ever little be avoid that at all costs, but life the jungle is one you should also not check out but It's kind of funny. It's somewhat funny ugly loves it and Did you do a little fart? Oh, but yeah, so make sure to follow Jim? I'll put on the screen At Jaime belt mine on Twitter any final words Jim
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 1,899,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE
Id: tmODjYvROb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 30sec (6510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.