Noah Antwiler (Spoony) | Down the Rabbit Hole

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Looks like we got that Spoony movie we were promised...

👍︎︎ 172 👤︎︎ u/SpitefulHammer 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

This made me sad.

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Didn't think that Fredrik would cover this.


👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ya know, watching this, did anyone ever believe LordKats bullshit that Spoony doing a bit made it where he, completely unrelated, was denied a contractually agreed interview by Notch's handlers, not even the man himself? And, more over, that it would've made anyone care about him?

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/TheDapperChangeling 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is very well-made, easy to watch and brought so many memories AND new information

Also made me sad too, no matter who it is I always feel sad when seeing wasted potential

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/hug_your_dog 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Am I the only one who thought Counter Monkey was better than anything he did that was video game related?

Except maybe the Ultima series and a couple "let's plays".

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Brendan_McCoy 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

This made me pretty sad. Spoony had a lot of potential, and even with all this behind us i'd still say love him or hate him, he made some pretty priceless reviews.

I pretty much decided to just go around youtube and grab the videoes today, because who knows if they'll be around tomorrow. Already had a lot of issue finding Highlander:Endgame's review.

Also made me feel a bit sad hearing LordKat again. Glad to see he's still around. Very few people from the TGWTG era left unscathed.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/AnonTwo 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

As much shit as Spoony deserves, I'll always love his Phantadmagoria videos.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/TheHatMan90 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for this!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Plastastic 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] whenever the subject of Noah and Wyler also known as the Spoony one is discussed online the conversation will almost always turn to his loss of popularity most discussion around him takes the form of informal opinion pieces either written as forum posts or recorded on video typically created by fans and former fans and bees follow a similar pattern they state that the quality of his content has diminished considerably and while they hope he will one day return to making his old style of content they believe this change unlikely these critiques often read like eulogies and from them it is clear that his reputation has turned from that of an amusing reviewer to a mentally unstable Rambler so who was Spoony why was he so lauded and how did he lose his fame by the mid-2000s Internet video media had grown in popularity both in terms of creation and viewership though consumer grade video production tools were limited at the time amateur producers would use their limited resources to create content centered around media especially video games and movies the most notable example was James Rolfe later known as the angry video game nerd who began creating videos in 2004 playing an exaggeratedly angry character delivering harsh criticism for bad and sometimes obscure games released on the NES this came at a time when internet speeds were generally increasing making video more accessible as long as they were sufficiently compressed and in fact this compression made the quality of the recording equipment relatively less important with no centralized location to host their content these producers would purchase their own internet domains and upload videos there where they could be accessed with proprietary video players or downloaded knowledge of these sites spread by word of mouth and on internet forums where they gained significant popularity however the perceived entrepreneurial opportunities were limited and so these videos typically stayed in the realm of hobbyists as these videos were growing their audience a few web designers and programmers were creating video hosting sites where users could upload their content without the need for purchasing or designing their own website for example in February of 2005 YouTube was made public and only three months later in May left TV was released over the next two years as these video hosting sites were being discovered Internet users would be inspired by content such as that of James Rolfe and soon they too were creating reviews of media that they perceived as being mediocre or poor which they would upload onto these more convenient services it was in this wave of content production that Noah and Wyler created his first videos On January 4th 2007 Noah released his first video a review of the game The Adventures of Bayou Billy for the NES referring to himself as the Spoony one the content was derivative of other contemporary bad game reviewers a point he admits in the opening of the video there's a lot of guys out there doing video game reviews like the Angry Video Game Nerd and arm 821 I love those guys to death I'm not necessarily trying to steal their thunder the core structure consists of himself improvising narration over footage of the game interspersed with clips of himself talking or miming playing so Billy's got to attack the punch and a kick the punch being a short-range attack that doesn't hurt and they kick which is a slightly longer age type of history this first video received significant attention at the time and so he went on to produce more videos in a similar fashion with what came to be his signature crude humor hyperbolic rhetoric and exaggerated demeanor in the shins he's dead Conan is the ones who keep he also would create videos featuring audio CDs where he would listen to them and occasionally pause them to deliver commentary the general production quality on these videos would vary but as he created more he would begin to borrow editing traits similar to those used by people producing similar content [Music] in these videos he would sometimes allude to certain facts about his life he referred to himself as a quote psychological mess and noted that he had depression was jobless and had been living in his parents house for all 27 years of his life up to this point during 2007 he created a seven-part review of the game Final Fantasy 8 which grew his viewer based considerably this series was released over the course of six months from April to October though he would later return to expand this review with four additional videos for those of you who can't speak Latin the the chorus is saying his popularity would earn him a place among a body of other well-known reviewers a place that would also serve as a refuge for his content to protect him from the attack that was about to occur [Music] [Music] in early 2008 YouTube abruptly began suspending the accounts of numerous high-profile video creators claiming that they were infringing upon copyright by including footage of movies and games they also were flagged for having inappropriate content of a definition of inappropriate seemed inconsistent this was likely a move made by movie and game producers to prevent negative opinion about their work from spreading as well as music licensers attempting to retain control of their intellectual property this purge of content was highly visible affecting some of the most popular creators on the platform Noah was no exception to this problem three of his videos had been struck by copyright claims and his channel was clearly in jeopardy of being suspended entirely like the others in order to continue safely releasing content he created a video in May people to visit his web site Spoony where he had subsequently been uploading his videos as an alternative platformer but not forgotten and the latest casualty the Angry Video Game Nerd also suspended for various reasons now a lot more I'll say that again do you want to find me go to my website I'm gonna put the link up there again at the end of this video if you like these videos I have more on my website plus I have those hosted on an account where I actually get paid if you watch them I was thinking of leaving YouTube anyway because I don't get paid here but this would not serve as his primary mode of content distribution for long approximately a year prior another content creator named Doug Walker had quickly found success reviewing older movies such as the live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films and spacejam under the moniker of the nostalgia critic in light of the channel shutdowns on YouTube Doug had moved away from the platform to release content solely on his own website that guy with the glasses in April of 2008 with videos hosted on blip TV only two months after Noah voiced his concerns about his channel being closed he was invited to host his content on that guy with the glasses alongside the nostalgia critic making him one of the first to join he began by uploading some of his earlier reviews to the site likely so they could reach a new audience and be safe in cases YouTube channel was taken down but soon his core content was exclusively being uploaded to that guy with the glasses and his personal website consisting largely of edited reviews by utilizing online advertising the website was beginning to make significant amounts of money enough so that when Noah lost his new job late that year he opted not to look for another and instead devote himself full-time to producing videos it was during this time that he met a woman named Scarlett whom he would begin dating and soon she would redesign his site and serve as webmaster while helping manage the forums over the course of 2008 and 2009 as that guy with the glasses gained increasing popularity noah would release some of his most beloved content while he improved his creation process though it was still marked by a characteristic amateurish 'no switch internet users found endearing or less important than the writing and acting he quickly expanded to include other forms of content including vlogs and commentary style videos reminiscent of Mystery Science Theater 3000 his riffing on phantasmagoria 2 and Ripper proved particularly popular do you ever sneak into your boss's office and start just pawing through his photos you've got to stop into my room son of a [ __ ] ah yes the Christmas party we all have fond memories of that one I have a photographic memory of all the times I've been beaten up however his most appealing content remained his reviews which would still be released on a semi-regular basis sometimes less than two weeks apart eventually the site grew so popular that blip TV made an advertising deal with YouTube so videos on that guy with the glasses could appear on the platform again returning their content to the place from which they had originally fled as time went on and more reviewers were added to the site's cast Noah would participate in crossover episodes which quickly had become a tradition on that guy with the glasses and he became one of the most prolific crossover reviewers often at the expense of his own production cycle On January 19 2009 he made his first appearance on a comic review series entitled atop the 4th wall created by a man named Lewis love hog where he played doctor Insano a parody of the mad scientist trope who had eventually become an antagonist for Lewis's character soon dr. Insano would make appearances in Noah's own work as a frequently recurring character and as a mascot this was an early part of another trend for the site where significant time in the videos was given over to skits usually placed in the opening and closing of videos and they helped to spread Noah's influence and raises viewership even further Noah's own videos however seemed to be mostly devoid of these skits and elongated cameo appearances preferring to remain mostly dedicated to the central theme of his work which helped him stand apart from the other creators on the site and exist slightly outside the group but alongside this positive attention the first signs of trouble were beginning to show throughout 2009 even as his popularity was growing his attitude towards some of his viewers was becoming more antagonistic as he reacted strongly to negative criticism the forum's on his website became notorious for the way that less than favorable discussion of Noah would often result in a ban in March of that year he had created a Twitter account where he would sometimes react strongly to those who criticized him in one tweet referencing his forums he mocked those critics writing quote where spoonie's being mean and angry again and he's banning people and he took my lolly it's my site ban meet I'll do the [ __ ] I want since Scarlett was often the one to issue these bans she received much of the ire from the forums despite these issues the discussion around Noah was still mostly positive on December 16 2009 the online publication Mashable revealed its open web Award winners which conducted online polls to select exemplary users of social media of the 50 Awards Noah won funniest person to follow but his reception was lukewarm he wrote quote I debated with myself a long time on whether or not to post anything about this matter I thought I might be feeding the trolls but I think this needs to be addressed first of all thank you all for the extraordinary support and well wishes this year that helped me to win the open web Award for funniest person of the year I'm truly touched and honored by your support and hope that I'll continue to earn it that said the celebration is tainted a great deal for me because of a few bad eggs out there who continue to post cruel and hateful things on the blog and on the forums I'm very very upset right now in fact some of the comments lately have left me completely outraged I've taken down my latest video and I don't intend to remake it because honestly I'm not in the mood I don't feel like being funny and you don't want to see me in front of the camera right now these wanton emotional attacks on hard-working innocent people have to stop I don't mind if you come after me in a way I open myself up for it I prefer if you didn't insult me of course but I can take it where I draw the line is when you make hateful ignorant comments about my friends family and loved ones these belligerent crude comments have caused more harm than you know it's not fair it's not warranted there's no call to ever say such awful things to anyone and I'm tired of it and I know that I'm only addressing a scant few people out there I have thousands and thousands of fans almost all of whom are astoundingly generous kind and supportive I know you're good people and I never get to thank these fans enough it sucks that I have to stop the presses drag the whole party down and give these cowards the attention they don't deserve unquote during 2009 Noah was beginning to diversify his content in December of that year he had begun a series entitled Russell Russell where he talked in long-form unedited videos about pro wrestling especially TNA and WWE these rants would consist largely of complaints about the most recent events often being shouted emphatically and passionately we're watching because it tells a story we're watching because we'd like to pretend we'd like to escape for a little bit but you might as well you're not even trying are you these videos would range from half an hour in length to an hour and a half [Music] the popularity of these videos was far below that of his regular content and people complained that he was beginning to create projects that distracted him from producing his core reviews to help mitigate backlash he gave this series its own website in August of 2010 one month later Noah announced a contest based on his popular reviews of the Ultima series in Ultima 3 one enemy was apparently the ground than the grass which would spring up and attack the player and so he put out a call for people to make short films based on the concept of fighting grass how he handled this contest however was controversial the prize for the contest was an autographed picture of himself a fact that reflected his growing ego once the entries were given he would re-upload them and collect the ad revenue any negative discussion of this was censored on his forums but even so this seemed largely not to bother his viewers this contest was remarkably popular over 140 different videos were submitted by people eager to receive Noah's attention and if the original video creators had qualms with Noah's handling of their content it didn't show online soon afterwards however Noah's relationship with scarlet ended the details of the break-up are uncertain but it appears that she was the one to break up with Noah and he would later refer to her in an unfavorable way even as she maintained her relationship with other that guy with the glasses creators despite this setback Noah was becoming a regular at gaming and nerd culture events and conventions including the Electronic Entertainment Expo the ScrewAttack gaming convention and the Penny Arcade Expo among numerous smaller ones where he would often speak at panels it was also during this year that he started another series entitled counter monkey in which he recounted stories of tabletop role-playing sessions while mostly unscripted and unedited these proved remarkably popular though still nowhere near as popular as his normal videos 2011 went on smoothly for his content as it grew ever more popular and his goal of becoming a film actor and comedian came closer to realization but very suddenly this run of good fortune would end [Music] on May 11th 2012 NOAA published a series of tweets to Jesuit aku another content creator on the website which read in part quote you know if things don't work out with you and Nash zero seven six I'd be happy to chain you to a pipe in my basement and love you my way my way of loving someone is dirty and painful and ends in tears he apologized to her shortly after while this tweet went mostly unregarded for a month it was referenced again by another person from the site by the name of obscurus lupa in an interaction between the two part of it reads with lupa saying quote seriously I can't follow you anymore dude Noah antagonizes her by saying aw obscurus lupa hates me now too gonna have to bust out the adele playlist for this breakup lupa replies by saying you joked about chaining hope up in your basement and raping her I got no sympathy for you this negative attention was eventually made known by other creators on that guy with the glasses then renamed to channel awesome Noah group passive-aggressive he wrote is their punishment harsh enough for scum as loathsome as me I really don't know what else I need to do I've apologized I begged is it blood you want tears I could rend my clothes asunder and wear sackcloth flagellate myself with a barbed whip I can do it I will I mean god I made a bad joke I'm sorry I [ __ ] up Jesuit aku obscurus lupa I'm sorry already please take my penis burn it I'm worse than Hitler I should roast in hell if there was a pit deep enough for my sin I beg forgiveness knowing full well I wouldn't be worth pissing on if my face were on fire in response Noah was given a three-week suspension from channel awesome while some accused obscura sloop of dredging up a tweet made a month prior to cause drama she reinforced her opinion and a blog post entitled the uncomfortable subject of rape jokes where she states that there had been discomfort between her and Noah before she wrote quote was I offended yes did I only say something a month later yes and it doesn't matter that doesn't change what it was and I'm standing my ground on this I'd care if the person who said it is popular or more funny than I am that doesn't make it right it was a co-worker and a friend was this the only thing that set me off absolutely not was this the reason for what eventually happened no but this is what my deal was and why I said what I said somewhere in Noah's rash of defensive replies he attacked one of the fans of another creator at channel awesome named Jason Polara who went by the name bored cat shortly afterwards On June 21st 2012 Jason recorded his regular live talk show called Lord cat live and in the second part he talked extensively about his experience with and opinions of Noah I've worked with Noah before just like I've worked with many people with a guy with the glasses I've had a lot of respect for people with that guy with the glasses and I no longer respect Noah and Wyler I used to respect him because I felt he put a lot of work into his videos the man is possibly the single largest waste of talent I've seen a very long time and I am sitting here today telling you Noah and Wyler you need to give up you are the second most loathsome person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing you [ __ ] all over your fans and then you [ __ ] on my fans you think you're something but you're a [ __ ] nobody you live out there in your [ __ ] desert in the middle of nowhere proclaiming you're gonna be this [ __ ] actor somewhere and you're too much of a [ __ ] to move out to LA and follow your dreams you're too much of a [ __ ] [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] coward you're a loser you're a loser you don't know why Scarlett left you because you're a [ __ ] loser you're lame you got a small dick and you're [ __ ] afraid of it how about you act like a professional for once [ __ ] [ __ ] he also blames Noah for ruining career opportunities for him I think it's time the whole world spoonie her just how much of a [ __ ] idiot you truly are you and that other idiot JAL when you were at e3 that one year and you decided to go up and down the hallways screaming about ex comms betrayal and Joe decided to ask people can I choke you on camera and so we I saw the footage and there was one word searing through my mind like like bolts of fire and that word betrayal lot be trail betrayed me this game sucks it is nothing to do with XCOM nothing nothing I think this is the birth of angry Spoony nothing to do with XM like the first thing they did they were like okay here's XCOM and it's good it's got aliens guess what happened spoonie guess what [ __ ] happened the whole gaming industry turned its back on me not you not Jo not blistered thumbs me I went to GDC the following year Spoony I went to GDC the following year and I had a chance to interview knotch Mojang specifications minecraft had a chance a [ __ ] chance he was hot then that was gonna be huge for this week in games that was gonna be huge for the stream it was gonna be amazing and you know what happened the representative at Mojang caught wind that we were gonna interview knotch and he stepped in and he said oh I've heard of you you with that guy with the glasses you're with blister thumbs I tried to tell them though I'm not but he said my name was associated with them and he heard what you did making a [ __ ] jackass of yourself at e3 you [ __ ] [ __ ] so they shot it down and then word spreaded GTC oh I heard about you you were the guy at e3 they thought I was the guy at e3 making a jackass everyone I was there trying to be a legitimate member of the business of the gaming industry and I've worked my ass off to separate myself from you every time you just don't get it every single [ __ ] time you act like a complete [ __ ] jackass it has repercussions for everyone you're associated with and you don't give a [ __ ] the day after Jason's stream On June 22nd an announcement was made on the channel awesome website it reads in part quote after recent events Noah the Spoony one aunt Wyler and channel awesome have decided to part ways Noah has made it clear that he wishes to pursue a course that is different from our own we feel that with these different aims it is better for Noah to be free to pursue his own goals unhindered by us unquote four days later on June 26th Noah revealed that he had been diagnosed with bipolar two disorder which compounded upon his already present heart troubles on September 12th less than three months later he spoke about his departure in a commentary track for the channel awesome film to boldly flee in which he had taken part I suppose that I should address the pink elephant in the room by talking about my departure from channel awesome something that has been kept mostly under wraps most because there were some bad situations that that stemmed from it the people kind of settled on the theory that lupa got me fired somehow for making a joke on twitter i I handled it very poorly knowing me I'm the kind of guy who likes to touch raw nerves and so naturally I started poking sticks that you know lupa so to speak that was not what got me quote-unquote fired and it didn't really stem you know my departure it wasn't any it wasn't like that it didn't help but that wasn't why I guess the first thing I would talk about is there's kind of a financial aspect to this and and in many ways I just didn't need channel awesome anymore I just didn't in the sense that it was a really one-sided relationship but also on another respect their website is so poorly designed it really is atrocious my videos are so buried beneath a nest of you know layered rooted menus that if you wanted to find my stuff I think I'm under like blistered thumbs side critics and like I'm so far buried you can't see what I'm doing and I'm one of the more popular guys on that side or I was and the reason there were hurt feelings was because of the nut nut so in a situation on Twitter where I really did start acting like a bastard and started like really slacking people online you know you just you can't go doing that and not expect repercussions and so you know that kind of spurred the discussion on where I wanted to go and how how much I was willing to basically they talked to me and they said you know you're you can't go you can't you know you can't be this way online and I go why and why you know I can say what I want and so that was my being a [ __ ] but they were like you know you represent the company now and we can't have somebody representing the company if they're going to act like this and I go fair enough you know I said I said fair enough I want to be me I want to say what I want to say even if that [ __ ] is offensive and so you know even even the situation with lupa I it was the kind of thing where I I wasn't really sorry for what I said I was sorry the situation turned so ugly but you know it wasn't even the kind of joke that everyone thought it was the kind of joke but even so if it was inappropriate so what you know it's not the Noah's departure from channel awesome didn't stop him from publishing videos and he still would do crossovers with the members especially Louis he continued to release on a fairly regular basis on his website and his YouTube channel shortly afterward he began dating a woman named April and by February she had appeared in a vlog style video with him reviewing food items from a Japanese supermarket they carefully they they blend the Panda into a fine page by 2013 the release of his core content had slowed to a trickle throughout the year he only released 11 reviews in his normal format which was approximately half the number of releases compared to 2011 a concerning metric when his release schedule was already slower than that of other contemporary creators he still had significant clout in the gaming community however and he would continue to speak at conventions and even conduct an interview with Richard Garriott one of the leads for the Ultima games despite the slower release schedule Noah had become remarkably active on Twitter chronicling much of his life and his thoughts on social media he became known for his strong emotional responses to provocation for example on July 18 2013 when some people disagreed with his middling reception of Man of Steel he wrote what would have made you happy ecstatic high-speed masturbation on the movie poster self-flagellation you wanted an opinion but his largest change wouldn't come until the following year on April 14th 2014 Noah opened a patreon campaign where viewers could pledge monthly amounts to support him in exchange for rewards some of these included an autographed photo at $15 a personalized voicemail message at $25 and a personalized movie RIF video at $50 the strangest however was the $100 reward tier the opportunity to watch a live streamed session of cards against humanity' soon after launch this patreon campaign was a massive success while the records for the first 11 months appear to be lost it's known that after only six months he was receiving $5,000 a month on it this amount was a threshold for him to create a feature-length movie but when he made a video to announce it he seemed more concerned than elated somehow you guys have reached the the patreon goal where it was listed that I would start work on a movie I was blown away by this I didn't really envision like a in character Spoony movie when I was thinking of a movie and hopefully that wasn't misleading maybe it was and I'm not ruling it out maybe you guys would enjoy seeing something that was something you know something that I wrote and produced especially since we're talking about like we're in continuity this falls in it no no but it's one of the ideas that I might start kicking around when will you see results that's the tricky thing I don't know once I kind of get an idea of what kind of movie I want to do I have to get an idea of what my limits on budget are the reception to this announcement was so negative that he disabled ratings and comments one comment from a disappointed fan reads so well it's happened donations aimed towards helping someone make internet reviews have now officially given them an excuse to make less reviews in fact the movie is a disastrous idea it'll never happen and Spoony knows it'll never happen another wrote I have taken my patreon away because I have lost faith in your ability to deliver any semblance of consistent quality content I haven't seen an increase in the quality of your videos in fact most videos are now V logs that have basically no editing and even then the wrestling videos are completely unintelligible to anyone who hasn't grown up watching wrestling and the patreon goals what happened to those are you telling me that you can't edit together a three-hour cards against humanity' for the people who are personally paying for your livelihood are you telling me you can't piece together a single DVD together in almost six months all of this without providing any semblance of updates or feedback unquote three months of that year went without normal review videos though he continued with other less scripted content this however was not enough to satiate his fans and his patreon began to steadily decline what's more people were growing more critical in the comments sections of his videos but these appear to have been lost this is because in response to the negative criticism he closed the comments on most of his videos On January 8th 2015 he would only release one review that year divided into two parts in May he began irregularly live-streaming games following in the trend of other content creators of the time but the views on these would drop off as the months passed and they would quickly cease to receive more than 10,000 total views during these he would sometimes grow angry at his viewers in the chat by June of 2015 monthly pledges had dropped from five thousand dollars a month to four thousand by the end of that year it had plummeted to two thousand five hundred his infrequent uploads also lost him much of his viewer base and even when he uploaded full reviews they would receive far less attention despite his decreasing viewer base however he would again begin to receive attention though not for the reasons that he may have been expecting Noah had become more active on Twitter as the months had dragged on even as his release schedule grew ever more protracted he had become known for feuding with others including content creators that he would occasionally mentioned that he was working on reviews that would quote not pan out however in mid-2016 as Donald Trump was emerging as the most likely Republican presidential candidate he began tweeting even more frequently railing against him and his followers he would soon be releasing dozens of tweets throughout every day and he grew even more angry when Trump was elected growing more active on Twitter even as his content production reduced to the point that there was a six-month gap in any content at all from January to July of 2017 unsurprisingly his patreon continued to slide downward by 2017 he was making approximately $1,000 a month this number was nearly halved by July he began complaining about not being able to pay bills or the mortgage on his new house which he had recently bought with April but even so no edited videos were produced through the entirety of 2017 by this point he also had stopped seeing his psychiatrist in May someone alerted Noah to the fact that someone had been placing banner ads on his web site teasing him over his lack of content production in response he removed all of his banner ads on May 30th his return in July of 2017 only included his live streams though these streams were one of his last sources of income he was doing them far less frequently with no more than four in a month through the rest of the year and into 2018 this degradation would soon reach its apex on January 14th 2018 Noah's Twitter account was suspended after he made a comment reading let this be an important lesson your health insurance doesn't give up hiss whether or not I kill myself or how many people I take down with me neither this comment nor his suspension was surprising as he had been suspended only a few months prior but as the days passed he will began to realize that this suspension may be permanent as of the production of this video the account is still suspended with his tweets only surviving as screen one month later on February 16th his forums also went offline one viewer of his expressed the belief that this was due to an update on his personal homepage which was incompatible with his forums these forums as of production are also still defunct the website itself has numerous non-functional elements including a broken search bar but the links to Noah's Amazon wishlist april's Etsy store a donation button and the link to Noah's patreon are still at the top of the site with Noah's chief methods of communication with the outside world cut off his hopeful viewers are left in limbo while his finances and apparently his mental state continue to degrade with few answers to any of his fans questions while a few hold out hope that he will return to making content almost all have abandoned it his youtube subscriber count' continues to hover around 115,000 the less than a tenth of these subscribers seem to be watching any of his new content no word on the progress of the Spoony movie has been given for years he now serves as an example to other content creators about how Fame and viewership on the Internet can be so powerful but also how the good will of that viewership must not be taken for granted if one chooses to linger in the online space [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Fredrik Knudsen
Views: 3,931,018
Rating: 4.8978839 out of 5
Keywords: Noah Antwiler, The Spoony One, Channel Awesome, That Guy with the Glasses, Angry Video Game Nerd, AVGN, Spoony, LordKat, reviewer, Spoony Bard, dtrh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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