Viva Las Vegas! Incredible Fall Rockies scenery

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at the range we're tell you right is straight up ahead 35 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my clearance it's a quick turnaround yeah nice pretty much used to doing that right that's what Starbucks gift cards yeah I took the Starbucks gift card there was an exact lots of sticks for the next I think oh yeah pack up or zero paste luckily a left now your 4-0 when commonly eight and lift through the option like a fourth record for the opposite leg left Oh Sara come on Hannah lychees have to tell anybody or hate rice well your 270 votes only in the focus our wouldn't call it right coolin you're following a serious approaching 5 mile final 8 right clear the land holder that's the series 4-2 it Dylan Talon 5:01 calm runway a right cleared for the option that make a right close traffic the option right the right clothes have a common my job italicize make that a touching touching overlay erect click that's going right down hydro sector for three days right lightning left take a 4-3 win Coleman weightless there's the option I can port three when I hate left clear for the option take your three three contact support you three our one buggers ivory base i in classical up tiger five-three-one calm when we ate left the left side be ready [Music] the patient with the automated weather observation one three five degrees cooler we have to come I clear be the one to that temperature minus one viewpoint for the area they will fight their international airport in effect he was thinking perspective approach on one to 0.1 if eyes on this to contact goodness return right but although three contact off Califf I hear you found a Learjet on a two mile right face but when your discussion I can one girl fades away but Tiger 4:01 calm when we ate let's put the out for the packed Isola at the Apollo grand premiere 390 off mic taxi with whiskey premiere three and under zero Charlie Mike below ground runway ain't right taxi via Delta alpha cross 43 5 ok Delta alpha across runway three five three nine zero Mike this is like cutting across the middle of a parking lot I should come over that way what's that Landon 45 I believe pretty bigotry one really bright taxi via alpha one one a lot of training out here go back in the day Wow they do these aircraft here ladies if you don't leave it clear out behind that's part of the Air Force Academy the ecto straining out here or what it is around to get a place to do it I imagine I think so I'm good out here for that thank re about that over to hotel we attack direct about the most calm morning I think I've ever seen really high reason she's super clear too said it was crummy day yesterday they could all pass through buster well it was pretty much cloud cover all the way out to like Kansas City boy it was pretty rough wasn't it yeah yeah runway right Bravo one two left how's your request reckless zero proof where we at is this Pueblo yeah their premiere three nines are about my culture to a tree ready in sequence Mike Darwin called them way eight right clear for takeoff siren wailing but why eat right cleared for takeoff runway heading three nights are gone five one five sighs set to the right force a few trucks behind you and proceed direct yard pretty bright looking at something yeah thanks second 4-0 page for Leyland Tigers 4-0 win color only eight left this capsule secretary for the el traje left talents on zero traffic a premier departing runway eight right reporting site traffic talon 5-0 and calm when we ate right close the optional collector this clip I can eat right [Music] be a part of it off back to do you get me Roger cleared touching to than fly runway heading off I return the north so I'm heading your heart my parents out there Tiger won five attack torture last call for Tiger once I have a son I take departure premiere through your mic I'll take the partial with a check off Micah day 6000 cleanse 7,500 I got 1/5 never departure radar contact [Music] Denver premier 3 9 0 Gulf Michael's with your level at 7000 in a three Niner got Mike Dover the part where the contact on anything one 2056 up creek that has found one 2002 dove Creek Zerg of my Ramirez throws off my contact dimmer Center one to eight point three seven twenty eight thirty seven circuit Michael SIA Denver premiere 3 9 and 0 golf mic 8500 climate 12000 sort of direct dub green I'm a 300 or Gulf Mike Member Center are you in a right turn or less negative Creek left turn sir I got my remember zero pelcyger comma maintain one 4,000 football cemetery zero three six what 4030 36 sir marna Denver Center he has 53 67 one 2700 cover two one six thousand heady number one three zero to intercept three five for renewables it was fifty 367 every kind of comin eighteen-month-old huge big girl I maintain 12 - 6 0 53 67 os 3000 future king I guess an hour to wanting a it seems like nothing yeah Oh never hear about Mike on the name game puzzle to fix girl remember screen under Zozo Mika's scratchy on my side sir if i come in a bubble six zero three nine zero zero got Mike were going up to flight level two six zeros are combined thank you okay with 30 euros you contact every center one three four point one you kidding like to speak out there to the right Colorado Springs at the base of it right here yeah inside of it yep so John is gonna he's planning to tell you right he's playing or not meet us there at about the same time oh cool I was wondering which one of your how many of your buddies were coming well and the one guy from Napa he mailed me yesterday we were going to get said that with all the fires that have happened several of his friends in the houses of burnt down staying breezy yeah I mean it looks incredibly bad in over a hundred homes and you got a match those are pretty nice homes right area it's his house threatened at all I don't believe so images of that were just awful to videos with the with ragin and fluent those fires all around I was bruised certified to 95 Denver's honor just to be a dagger three rebels upper out senator 3:03 cute number two 4505 suspect approach one to 0.35 today it's really not much of a flight from Las Vegas up to Montana oh really oh my gosh before that I had to us but look how here it is oh my goodness I didn't see then we lucked out remember zero go mic context ever Center one 35.4 morning 35 for zargarf michael SIA thank you everything Debra premier three nights our golf black flight level two three zero climbing flight level two six zero Servius 300 off mic deborah fiderer what to work on maintain out three things Irma PI over three six zeros are combined so you're gonna pass right over the top and tell your right Oh thinking we might yeah 21:25 contact Denver Center one three four point one two 21:55 stuff to 21:55 furnace one three four point 1 2 1 3 4 2 2 are conducting then America 588 but i'm a-free void 0 break5 et impera welcome look so chilly out there done it goes at the range where tell your ideas straight up ahead you think you know the morning pending 3645 fast this right let's past that then it's 30 to 45 minutes there welcome that might be like that might be or defender Kevin Hart reiationship I little kissy really darn by long right yeah see they have nurtured I welcome for climbing King fallible three to zero I mean Table three to zero there were ups 29 31 12 level 3 thunder oh thank you get to announce everyone checking on mr. EPS 29:31 to every federal what they called seeing FedEx 3670 one contact Denver Center one three four point one two one three four one two places don't look at it EPS 2909 contact Denver Center one three four point one two today three four hut birthday just so fun to look at it where the light spin those at the shadows and every day this was more time 14 by level three to zeros food Nick 4:14 never said it was going for together architect on unanswered duh persecutors you'd never stairwell comport on maintains a level three three zero [Applause] la better dealt with my level 4 0 0 definitely Center actually running ahead of schedule ahead in 1435 after the ruby one arrival North County after day neither Ruby to arrival in Dornan counties in Ohio yeah nobody's nobody sold you that your winds are hurt you too bad up here either have the a little strong Irish you never give a contact I don't bumpy weather oh yeah mother 20:42 gonna clear it up a little bit with 1185 contacts always better when she buys first a 27-point energy but you have a nine to self 11 Eva so 2377 to fund a saint but we'll see five girls of the 1483 contact le Center went to four points needed it number seven is a 82.7 Louis need to be available for children instead it for my appointment before that for a meter for Delta litora good morning United 707 23 to zero the dress that is pivotal to the finality her three layers derelict self Mike's enemy faint by the books before what level to four zeros are got Mike la loi chef keeps your feet up to anti-gravity field just as gifted another hunter funny seems my level 3 three neither Hill was just 15 blowing in Nellis Air Force in Vegas at area Custer we're here for work years ago trying to think is probably at the mu2 I don't think we took the airliners I could be wrong but I can't recall alien 25 pretty tough really taking the arrow next to new places now American 25 3 since we got this yeah I got the premier I don't think we've morning la got certified if you want my sensitive there are 35 51 le America coming out together 26:43 consiguiĆ³ Oscar went there's like one hospital and one doctor if you recall like you might have been in LA I got back Elliot Center 14.4 you today 24 to Zurich off my cadet La Center prepared 390 our golf bike 26 2 descending flight level two four zero Corbin at sixteen thousand and three zero one five I got my yeah think of that I was actually on spring break and provoked back 20 does not scale you can hope for an afternoon I think or part of a day right yeah I think you can Los Angeles Senna's McLaren optical limit of coq10 supplement was about of a few beers we thought of a few previous surgery Jerry and I didn't need anyone shoot the lights out there is Vegas up that weather clock everyone who get off the sacred sentiment a one-year about the offerings altimeter three-year what fine yeah they're the 2125 made here that have a future and it went through five five five go straight to an additional traffic 1.7 37,000 people there was 300 years of slight delay three one seven thousand for coming penta delays through 17 check out mine Sam I want a picture 25.6 today Las Vegas 25 25 about a seven point five days forty-five go straight to night at Kansai Kelly said it was three four point six five lucify right here but it was food free there five eight eight two three zero very contagious American facilities underwent three five five three five five five Americans pretty dry I'm fourteen eighty three hundred fifty five point six today what if I pick no.43 very dangerous fighting fighting 24.95 zerg off-mike a day his operation being connected a very long drop Nell's approach come here 390 golf Mike what's uh what's 6,000 what golf the buildings out there yeah as people one notes approach either article 1 the rubicon 47 the Charlie not even lunchtime back home that is thinking about the everyone will in the research room I just want for 65 step number five for seven surely know what's the furture I didn't pedicure one and I'm thinking of betraying splendid finish every second we're four seven Charlie really can take without that let's notify the 4040 so Nellis Air Force Base is right off our nose got two parallel yeah it does that's still pretty active I believe so they just have so much good airspace Saturday yeah right plus the letter one here one can you see if you're taking only pick up fighter weapons school is there well there's so much open area out here to fly right yeah are you sure when your element second element traitor Catholic ones your mom's birth even though they're becoming 8500 static woman are you trying to terminate when you get outside those are nice and beeper I've been one rider a report completion ever hear about Mike generating a to forger I think to four zeros are got mine never before seven trillion familiar with restricted airspace number four seven Charlie Roger reason one allegation your radar contact maintain VFR in traffic Northwest the amount of these found as 6500 732 Hawk orbiting technically to come juicy strips of bacon ethnic Billy certain 24.2 gate one copy 14x belly never was year ago from like different maintain one 2,000 12,000 circling 47:22 climbing thank you eirick 101 traffic mr. Mellott does whetstone there's a Learjet what 6000 sending under one mm like one one round to climb maintain one one thousand - 89 70 can accelerate center one two four five dukkha day today in article one that I prefer to climb maintain the trigger another portion of the charlietravels platform ourselves these funds are really CLE 2500 130 kids the teachers here at rabbit southeast but three miles northwest on the million six thousand five minutes eight thousand five in the gears thank you I never of course I'm sure the headshot is now turning northeast I'm negative there's the main airport to the left oh yeah turn around your business separation yeah that's right that's right by the stretch okay you get off your left wing 4.2 or c4 3.6 pretty great for me 801 one that's three forty three point six three four three six never reserved of like nineteen ninety thousand nine of thousands we got mine number four seven Charlie contact melons to control one-one-niner point three five day and calling the name cheating they dress remember to phytate hotel got that won't approach no so 3301 fight they've got a collision course with this right in front of us all terrain over there okay yeah it's pretty high up television without language from the infection needs to be maintained one for the journalist I have in traffic south of McCarran is gonna be number one that 8,000 other cameras yet okay we are slowing to 170 is there got my Oh like click but a turn the turn left heading or 1q 2-0 left enecon what 2-0 cup there's okay Nellis felon approach upper nose las vegas-style get yourself away right there at the end of it yeah every three winter popping those roots Reggie no thought to me two three was a zero one five three zero one five Rogers through one man or other papa the Ruidoso fell for you proceedings Rick registry you're familiar with restricted airspace to north November's you're above mic turn left heading zero three zero left aren't having zero three servants are gone Uncle Roger puppy remember teacher sure can take away those biggest and one to five point seven green the number 920 probably your cle-cle get some air space beyond navigation maintained via fire flew through bravo airspace maintain the up our old navigation zero three one Niner Charlie papa the merger of of Mike turnip heading three Jews your traffic is about five miles from the airport freezers are on the headaches are gone so he's got us pacing on a damn plane pattern so we're not running parallel to the runway we're landing on so now we're kind of going Rexie and it was a pretty nice aircraft I think so maybe not as much as this airfield as we would and Henderson which is what we're about like we're hitting q4 you do for TL headings or got Mike we do out the field site Reggie Nevers you're about like clear fish approach to running one right clear division want to write sir got my [Music] what an elf approached premiere three two three kill Mike is with you and what take thousands of calls three-two-three can make the whole expression different purchase three keelback would take when available symmetry kumite is requesting lower altitude was available because shakeela my credits from the main team won the four thousand traffic south three miles north east bound on one $3,000 that's caravan okay not fourteen thousand three two one number eight house overall subject no control one two six point six marketing what's John fun gonna make sure enough my can I take another finger one two five point seven two point jerk off Mike see ya north las vegas tower premier 390 off mic left base to our one two right here three nine zero golf mike north las vegas her and when she raked cleared to land what t reckt clear to land three nine zero go because the to 0-0 change I mean once you write our curriculum they went to left when I run to left cleared to land is number two pulling that says mentoring file - laughs clear the line number two look at the traffic users yeah come here zero brother Delta you can contact unicom 122.8 oh five 2,500 if that eight Juliet Charlie run a 1/2 right clear for takeoff no delay traffic for mile final premier jet there cuz they got one right hundred zero golf my track of taking the runway predator arrival a clipped jet Roger that sir Cup 1,000 but just eight you let Charlie begin the right turn contact wants tickets purchased right there such as parking Las Vegas our about 5-0 part BLM ramp if we're making golf like a sellout the bar children Rachel and the fudge you're in our thoughts to get search from the beyond katha pollitt Emirates West Warwick these are sir Rick turning kilo text to be a kilo del hotel hold sir and I want to read Hotel kilo Delta hotel hold short what direct hotel there five hundred just that you November Mike Rinder once you left here for takeoff what do that clipper think up to November me just the five Niner migrant I want you left cleared for the option there's a balance you left five men of Mike Emma five-0 consequence biggest tower a miser for the same-sex beauty that's pretty nice yeah Las Vegas has 2 4 4 5 5 Charlie's rolls them for some film just the 4 4 5 5 trying our foster guitar make sure it didn't under 1/2 right what to turn red zero golf Mike left turn on kilo holder or anyone to left left on kilo Hertz should have one to left 390 off Mike North Las Vegas bonanza 573 kilos inbound finances 573 kilo North Las Vegas tearing our West face and I want to write that face room I want to write we may need victors I think I've got the airport I saw an NZ 3 kilo fly suggested heading of 2 5 0 tonight a procurement instructions let's just heading up to seven zero seven zero thermistors we'd like to cross the approach into seven by the 95 introduced again like across the seven approaches I could do a pretty read is about the this is the whole shoreline out in front of us right here cut the drop you cannot have any party to turn a question over the rats when they went to write at hotel under the ramp correction contact growing up what good right through the ramp will contact ground went off yeah five-five Charlie when you want to write for glance say three kilo calorie restriction I'll fill the vacant hours at 5:50 during November 10 miles northwest that one called at the tuner mic when I want to buffer for the option module are clear for this just in a little coverage it zero golf my crust when I went to left at Kibo and contact unicom 122.8 or five ok one two left at Q low and go to Unicom after that 390 go Mike five Caesar November narcotic a star again there's no mic why not North Las Vegas kena comm premier 393 golf Mike texting in on a kilo very nice zeros off mic there should be a white man to it this dude Oh in sight it's 40 feet in front of me right next to premier huh yeah and I would imagine done they'll park right next to us too oh yeah you got in this plane here yeah hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premier one driver and I don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website premier one driver comm and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 67,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: private pilot, ppl, jet pilot, corporate pilot, Beechcraft premier, single pilot jet, cockpit, airplane captain, airline captain, airline pilot, private jet, flying, clouds, pilot pov
Id: Dk9RpSgqbjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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