When your clearance just doubled your flight length!

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well greetings from philadelphia pennsylvania philadelphia international airport on our way up to kipc new york today a really short uh flight 120 miles or yeah 120 miles about 20 minutes and uh you see weather's a little overcast today i do get clearances here on pdc so i will talk about that in the cockpit but otherwise come on aboard and let's head up to poughkeepsie [Music] space quickly philly clearance premiere three nine zero golf mike we're at 390 golf like i got forward to poughkeepsie when you're ready to go go ahead three behind the golf mic for three nine or zero golf flight cleared to destination via the philly two departure radars pots down papa tango whiskey direct to chelsea intersection charlie mike alpha alpha romeo charlie correction actually that's uh mike alpha romeo romeo charlie then direct wilkes-barre vor lima victor zulu tango 212 to lake lima alpha alpha yankee kilo tango 216 to kingston vor india golf november direct maintain 5 000 on the departure expect 1 3 000 one zero minutes after the final squawk one six three one okay 390 golf mic philly 2 radar vectors pottstown direct chelsea picture 499 to mark direct to lima victor zulu tango 212 to lima alpha alpha yankee kilo tango 216 to india golf november direct 5000 initially 13 as final one six three one squad three ninety zero golf micro pack is correct it'll be runway eight for departure and this uniform stand see ya okay man this is going to be a mess putting this in america 564 for the ground in yo good morning you ready to go okay let's look at the philly departure blue shield 53.99 you're going to be ready all right towers 18 53.99 the 321 away for you today 24 35 departure freak american 564 wait for an rj7 then taxi nine left via kilo six kilo towers on eighteen five today [Music] atlantic with uniform taxi there are three nine zero golf bike philly ground runway eight via alpha delta towers eighteen five g'day runway eight via alpha delta tower three ninety golf mike hello ground american 1970 approach and spot a uniform thank you so much good morning runway nine last taxi november kilo sure to kilo six do you have your numbers november kilo six we have numbers american 1970. american 1978 kilo six you'll fall in line behind the company airbus 321 towers 18.5 today okay we'll do all that 18.5 take care america 1970 okay for that departure uh for the root flight you can check out the info section for that i am bordering test saturation here so guys i am just going to concentrate on flying and tower 53.99 five sixty four is ready dragon five six four philly tower wrong way uh not our left bother separation by the time you roll heading off zero i'm sorry zero eight zero clear for takeoff zero zero clear for take american five six four three major at 390 gold mike julie terry all set all set 390 golf back hold and short i'm gonna get 300 like one more departure off nine left and i'll get you going so run by eight take your time line up and wait okay take my time line up and wait three nine zero golf mic runway eight [Music] related okay i'm ready as soon as they clear me there's the flight he was waiting for heavy's holding shorter yankee information uniform hey richard three nine zero golf microphone eight fly heading on joey zero clear for takeoff runway eight clear for takeoff three ninety golf flying zero eight three on the heading i'm back in five before kind of departure ups uh what was the call sign two or three that's 208 heavy finals piedmont 60 73. let's turn one able right on sierra hold short not after that go echo you'd be a choose your head heavy cross roaming down the right at uniform and then uh make a actually you say your yankee cross going down and right at yankee then right on pop it up on whiskey tower 185. okay nine right a yankee [Music] loud and clear give you the green light arrow final there total final to get the final vector to uh give you the landing clearance as well but uh you're good to go tax via sierra and echo ultra not today american 1970 philly all set up mega 970 takeoff on the zero eight zero heading clear for takeoff niner left american 1970. american departure premiere 390 golf mic 3000 climate five thousand number one charlie julie contact downtown approach 124.45 three nine or zero vote mike fell off your departure radar contact climbing team one zero thousand ten thousand circle exits at one forty five ten left hitting three three zero three thirty heading one pretty fun frontier 802 just verify you're on 24 35 one two four point three fast pay firm philadelphia blocker one four six eight one belong to consulate okay away we go a little cloudy today appreciate you directing ravensville direct robin remember zero golf mike ten left hitting three six zero left heading three six zero zero mike november three uh double zillow contact washington one two seven point seven american 1652 to 17 3 000. 3 000 american 1652 american 1652 the center maintain 3 000 conic silly 199.75 down to 3 000 1975 so i'm going to go ahead and set up an arrival two full tower 118.5 thanks 185 good job dude [Applause] that's philly uh good morning one two four two brother set up an apartment contact let me think three thousand and uh information hotels current expectations runway two four five pounds good morning conquest i don't want too much conquest constantly uh departure brickyard 44 43 1600 climbing five thousand heading zero and zero percent 44 43 fell out of the battery contact climate maintain one zero thousand climbing one zero ten thousand mercury forty four forty three and november zero golf might come and maintain one three thousand one three thousand zero so they're obviously working me around the new york air space 4310 hitting zero one zero zero zero breaking on 44 43. so it looks like 120 some mile flight became a couple hundred mile flight that's all right american 564 contact new york center one two four point six two one two four four six floats uh one two four point six two america five six four four two bravo turn left heading one eight zero vectors aren't that runway three three approach okay so that airport is a pdc airport i actually didn't get my pdc clearance my pdc clearance setup for charlie contact philly 119.75 a contact clearance delivery i've had that happen a few times recently 802 traffic eleven o'clock and five miles southbound is assessment three thousand 258 cross rocky intersection at 1 3 000 l 10 altimeter 3007. november 536 zero x-ray clear exit the land seat directly after these experiments retain the golf mic at one three thousand three nine zero complaint here [Music] november three nine zero golf flight contact new york one three two point one seven thirty two seventeen zero golf mike good day today you can see how much higher the fuel burn is down low here 730 pounds a side roughly 770 on the one side but true air spray 64 climbing maintains level 280 flight level 280 america 5 6 and 4. for a true airspeed of 367. i'd be going 80 knots faster up at altitude and burning half the fuel after lake ranger and then direct to the field 390 golf mike thanks november 390 contact wilson approach one two zero point nine or five twenty ninety five zero five maintain 5000. [Music] execute airplane will follow that that vertical guidance cued across ranger at 5000 feet coming below 10 000 feet need to be below 250 knots indicated airspeed airspeed in the window is ground speed miles per hour [Music] commercial golf mike contact new york approach 132.752 3275 from premiere 390 gulf mike new york so it ultimately is three zero zero five uh information sierra is current dutchess you can just maintain four thousand we have dutchess down to four thousand three ninety golf mike [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is rager at 5000. continuing on down to 4 000. alpha golf descending eight point three four six with delta transition six five eight off the golf new york state ultimate is three zero zero five can proceed at the po po for the visual two seven 5621 check in with the speed contact new york center 125.32 take care exactly 697 new york climbing to one seven thousand direct days oh there's a racetrack gulching five mana golf direct to neon contact the air center 132.17 looks like a nice track exercise 431 he researched the valerie your valerie execute 431 american 331 new york climbing team 1 7 000 at the robinson 2500 surrender altimeter going off as some of these uh hills are climbing up towards us a little bit dixie all right off the kingston actually if you're going to schenectady um just give albany approach a call because they're going to have all the information and they'll be working you basically leave my airspace right now so give albany approach a call on 132.82 they should be able to help you out all right we'll switch over to albany thank you for remember hudson river is what leads down into new york city three nine zero golf mike in the cinema team three thousand seals 12 o'clock 10 miles down to 3 000 with the field site 390 golf bike contact tower one two four point zero take care again use caution for that tractor more right side north of two four rod your deck left take off army two four hundred dutchess tower premiere three nine zero golf mic with you about ten to the west premiere three nine zero golf mike touch tower you can enter right down for two four right that one runway two four three ninety don't mind so right patterns in a seat in which you sit on the left and an airplane in which you were set in the left seat are rather difficult because you can't really see the runway 2500. roger hold short runway two four uh holding short for runway two four nine six five 567 you can make a left closed traffic runway 2-4 cleared for takeoff uh make left close traffic runway 2 4 cleared for takeoff 96567 premier zero golf mike did you have carnegie sierra circle like affirmative large 4-1 golf confirmed the heading going to crowd confirmed we're going to grind on a phone call roger what's your encore setting okay thank you okay this is pretty tight premiere zero golf mic runway two four clear to land use caution there is a tractor mower in the grass north uh arch 4-1 golf you can contact new york departure 132.75 for advisories good day 132.75 turkey night to november frequency change approve today we'll talk to you later cessna 567 extend your downwind i'll call your base you're gonna be number two i'm extending downwind you will call my piece nine six five six seven one thousand okay this is working out all right 500 500 so well the train is just right right here around me five six seven you can turn base and runway two four clearly uh turning base uh clear to the option nine six nine six seven five six seven roger runway two four cleared for the option for the option five six seven well is there any doubt we arrived hudson valley tower four four three one zero foxtrot ready two four i'd like to do one full stop landing all right four three one zero fox shot dutch star roger hold short runway two four four four two four one zero five premiere zero golf like do you have taxiway hotel i do premiere zero golf mike roger left on hotel maintenance frequency taxi alpha fox shot to the terminal hotel alpha foxtrot to the terminal stay with you 390 golf okay man that was that was a lot a lot of flying for a short flight 43 minutes 20 minutes longer than i was planning 219 miles almost double the distance 1040 on the fuel so warrior one zero fox shot you can make left closed traffic runway two four clear for takeoff you're also following uh cessna that just took off he's in left close traffic as well 20 miles further than we needed to on the 120 mile flight to vector us around while they're back yeah they rerouted us around [Music] so that's why the 20 minutes [Music] oh yeah [Music] well [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 175,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek, pilot, avporn, aircraft
Id: m5dWtyRdm4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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