World's Smallest AK vs 300lbs of Butter

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vicki always gets all the sales and then she brags about it like she's so good no one ever calls me hello butter delivery service best butteriest butter in the whole bayou business this is chainsaw truck speaking how can i assist you today yeah we can do that wait how much a whole stick vicky suck it this was that whole stick you never saw a whole sticky winch sorry man yes ma'am yeah i can i can deliver that today yes ma'am how soon you need it i'll be there in three minutes i'm gonna put my best man on it butter me let's ride [Music] getting the opportunity to shoot 300 pounds of butter and having this episode sponsored by my friends at warpath makes today a pretty good day and unfortunately you won't be able to shoot butter in the game but there are tons of other cool things that you will get to shoot in warpath if you don't really know what warpath is you're in the right place it's an authentic real-time world war ii inspired strategy game the game is based on real events and uses real weapons and tanks from world war ii and there's all sorts of realistic details in the game which i really appreciate what i really like is that the normandy landing is now included in the game they made a super tough guy character randall miller or war machine that's part of the game with a name like war machine he definitely could be part of the demolition with warpath you can lock and load your favorite world war ii arsenal and establish an army ready to wage war on the global battlefield with fully customizable weapons and tanks you can really think strategically you can drag your troops to wherever you want and let them battle right away or you can let them stand by we're talking real control where you'll be able to operate tanks with the same mechanics as in real life i really get into the game thanks to their amazing graphics and find myself drawn in with all their realistic sound effects and you can join global alliances and fight your enemy and expand your territory so if you have not downloaded warpath yet like this idiot then you should go ahead and download the app now through my link in the description and you can use the bonus code demolition for some extra bonus features and there's more if you invite your friends you may have a chance to win a ps5 a switch or tons of amazon gift cards all you have to do is check out the giveaway link in my description demo thanks so much to warpath for sponsoring this episode of demolition ranch i really look forward to you joining me and sergeant randall miller aka war machine as part of our global alliance your support of a brand that supports demolition ranch means a lot i really appreciate that go check them out link in description below especially because like not only are we spending money on like guns and ammo butter i also ruined a pair of pants for that intro welcome to demolition ranch i have a totally normal totally regular video for you um normal targets here these are it's just butter we just bought a bunch of butter i don't yeah this was highly requested i'm pretty sure i saw this in the comments a lot but the gun we're shooting today is made by heiser and it is a pack one you can see it's got hyzer right there pack one and as you can see it's a very unique looking gun sporterized it's got a compensated barrel and it's got a some speed holes in the trigger there so this is a pistol of course it's a single shot pistol break open you put the round in there and what's unique about this single shot break open pistol besides those facts is it fires very large rounds this barrel that i have on it right now is chambered in 762 by 39 which for those who are unaware that is the exact same round that an ak-47 shoots we also have a 556 barrel which is the same round than an air 15 m4 shoots and we also have a 410 45 long colt barrel which is like a big revolver caliber all out of our tiny single shot hyzer pistol and we wanted to see like what would happen when you shot butter with a pistol it made more sense in my head earlier it's gonna be good up first my favorite gun the bear i'm just kidding it's not you guys probably thought it was but it's actually this this is my pawn shop 25 auto teeny tiny little bullet we're shooting at 25 straight at the butter and i think it's not even gonna go through one block this is by the way uh like 350 pounds of pure butter and i didn't really tell you guys i got this thing pointed in safe direction it's hard like it's chilly out here it's like in the 60s and the butter is room temperature outside so it's not like butter that's nice and warm it's like butter like when you pull out of your fridge and it's still pretty solid okay 25 auto check that out it's pretty cool the entry there looks like it's almost 50 cal size so did it go through i don't i'm gonna be covered in butter by the end of this video got my butter gloves on so entry and oh dang holy cow all right i'm actually pretty pretty surprised at that entry hole in the second block of butter nothing so the 25 auto went through probably a block and a half let's step it up it's a well-known fact that hitler loved butter so uh we have this luger that didn't make sense nine millimeter going straight at the butter i'm gonna say this one's going through two and a half firing dang look at that it's crazy seeing an entry hole that looks like that it's pretty neat you'll notice this stick we put the stick in the old hole so we knew what the new one looked like so that's our 25 that's our nine we also put sticks on this side too the stick actually made it more confusing but there's a hole there and a hole there that's our nine going in right there the stick is in the 25 hole what do we got nothing dang i can't believe this is butter i wanted to see after seeing how big of a hole a nine millimeter put in the butter what a 45 acp would do for the butter so i'm gonna shoot it out of this 1911 try to move over a little bit so we don't get our holes confused that's the worst wow you can see the big one is a 45 acp you can see light through it and then we go straight into this block right here is our entry still fairly large now that is a big heavy bullet did it carry its way through the butter dude that's crazy that's totally it let me get my knife i was pretty confident we would never find these bullets because to find them you got to go digging into all the butter but we got super lucky on this one that it was right here totally fine it's not bent at all it stopped it perfectly so it went through exactly two blocks and stopped right here did not even make a dent on the third block and stopped it without deforming the bullet at all it's pretty neat time to shoot the hyzer oh i called it a pack one earlier i thought that was the name of it but this barrel i just put the 45 colt on there it says ps1 so apparently that's not what this pistol is called it's one second let me do some research after extensive research i've decided they just name each gun based on what barrel has ps1 par one pack one i don't know if that's true or not but that's we're going with i'm gonna shoot the ps1 sounds like a playstation and we're gonna shoot a 410 shotgun shell out of it okay so this is my first time to shoot it see what it does i feel like it's really gonna kick a lot i probably put two hands on it here we go i'm gonna just shoot right here wow i don't like this at all i mean it's fine it didn't hurt i don't know if i hit anything yeah so that short barrel just spread it so i was shooting birdshot there and it just spread it all out okay let's get really close to the butter and shoot it with a 410 birdshot round firing wow that looks really cool well look some came out right here go wait just it's fine it doesn't hurt you can see a little like peppering that's the powder there's our wad right there okay let's see if any of them made it through no not at all okay let's shoot something bigger i found a 45 long colt hollow point oh this is gonna be worse than the 410. all right hollow point should make it slow down a little faster we'll see ah that wasn't bad all right i'm okay the glove helped look at that all right i'm actually gonna switch gloves so i don't get butter all over my shooting glove i got shooting gloves and i got butter gloves there's our bullet then going in here and didn't go through it has more speed than the 45 acp but it was a hollow point and not a full metal jacket so stopped in second block we have not got anything to go into our third block of butter yet but maybe we should step it up again rifle round five five six okay so we're doing this because i think the 762 the ak round will have a better chance of making it through the butter than this one will this is a rifle round there's made to be shot out of a 16 inch or longer barrel the bullet tip is like right here which means it will fly like less than an inch before these ports start blasting fire out of them firing five five six out of this crazy hyzer pistol at butter never thought i'd say that sentence oh wow that actually didn't kick at all it's such a light little bullet i guess the 410 shotgun shells just i was like really worried it was gonna hurt but it didn't kick at all but i also now it's jammed and i can't open it oh got it we looked all over cannot figure out exactly which hole was the five five six i think it went in there we're not sure so we're going to actually just shoot the second block so we'll have a fresher area there to figure out where it goes there's one hole in that block already so we'll know where this 556 goes geez it's crazy because it doesn't kick a whole lot and it doesn't move but i see this huge flash and my ears start ringing even when i have ear protection on it is so loud so nothing so far has come out the back besides that 45 wow so the 45 was right here yeah so that's where we dug the 45 up somehow the 556 did not go through one block probably because it's moving so much faster and it's lighter dissipates its energy faster probably breaks apart some little physics craziness there we are going to go ahead and go up now to the 762 by 39. all right it is time for the 762 by 39 that big old round it's gonna do better than the 556 i think we're gonna shoot that second block again but i don't know that 556 was surprising i don't i really thought it would go through i think it's just going so fast that it broke apart let's see what the 762x39 does definitely kicks more so that's the hole right yeah it's right on top so there's another one right there that's the 762x39 let's see if it went through dude it went through sideways look at that so that thing's tumbling in there coming out sideways going into our second block entry sideways i'm gonna say it didn't go through nope okay so our 762 is in our second block which means we're gonna have to get something bigger guys all right we're actually done with the hyzer pistol now very interesting pistol but we need something bigger had an idea wanna actually just compare it real quick to the exact same round but out of an ak out of a long barrel i'm gonna shoot that second block again and just see if it's different than out of the short barrel pistol wow threw a lot of butter back at us so obviously already off the bat you can see it's a lot different that bullet and that bullet were exactly the same but this one was out of a longer barrel when this round is in here the bullet goes to about right here so as soon as the bullet moves half an inch it's losing energy right there all that's coming out here on an ak we've got a 16 inch barrel that is picking up speed the whole way so going a lot faster let's see what we got on the back side whoa hold up dude dude it just cut through it like butter dude that is a big cavity all right so it's going down let's see what happened here dude look at that it went in here hit the table and then went out the side i guess it must have lifted it up how did it not scratch the table okay still didn't touch this uh i kinda wanna shoot that one more time actually no we probably just shoot a bigger round we got so many rounds let's do that one okay i i was looking over here for the hole it actually did go through the table so it went right there as it went sideways and scratched our butter and really messed up the table we're gonna put these back in line and actually shoot it with the 762 by 39 again because i want to try to catch one going a little more straight see if we can see how far it goes i'm going to try to get directly in line but i was directly in line last time and it still wasn't straight so even though it's hard to be straight i'm going to try today yeah i have a feeling that was not going to be a good shot either it's cracking our whole block it came out here but that block is cracking entry there did not come out check this out you can kind of see how it's still spiraling it kind of twists as it goes down in there all right that's all we got um thanks have a nice oh wait no we have a 500 magnum i'll shoot it for you guys 500 magnum 350 grain that's a big boy out of this after seeing how good the ak did compared to the small little pistol i thought let's get maximum velocity out of this 500 magnum so we have a 26 inch barreled magnum research 500 magnum revolver going straight at our butter i got hit with butter oh i got blasted with butter my cameraman has butter stuck to him i got hit here butter is in my arm hair i got hit in his shirt and shoulder hit me right here in the thigh i was like squatting down like that you got me yeah it took a pretty good hit cut it in half there's half of it down there jeez oh there's i wonder if those bullets are 500 magnum or if those are from the other rounds that is pretty neat it just chopped it right in half so we've got a little bit of piece of metal there there's some metal there there's some metal there safe to say uh it went through the first butter here's our entry hole into the second there's some pieces of metal there so that is the 500 magnum breaking apart nothing can make it through two blocks of butter we actually may have just discovered the best body armor material the world has ever seen hear me out blue tip 50 bmg this is incendiary which means it has an explosive in it the problem is i don't know if that butter's gonna be hard enough to set off the explosive it probably won't perfect we got this awesome stand we're gonna go ahead and hit the butter with a 50 bmg that actually might have exploded there's a lot of black over there it smells like a hamburger shop in here uh oh yeah it's really melty so you can see all the black all over it there is a nine millimeter from the luger earlier that fell out there's another piece of metal right there oh there's something else what is that that actually could be our 500 magnum there's our 50 cal so it went through one it split it in half and threw it off the table that's our first one and over there it went through the second one and split it in half with less energy so just opened up you can see the size of this hole is like this size passing all the way through here and then this is our third one that we hit i can't it's so slippery there's a 50 cal in there that went in there and then it came out right here there's a little slit but it's it's much smaller than a normal 50 cal and then this one we had not touched yet but there is a hole there i don't think there's metal there though i'm gonna have to start digging with my pocket knife and figure this out that's it i gotta get it out of there oh sweet dude crazy oh i just touched oh my gosh crazy okay so that was an incendiary which means in the tip of it it has an explosive round it's also missing all the jacket the jacket is gone the tip is gone because the tip exploded all that black stuff is from the tip going i guess it just shredded the jacket as it was going through which is why the hole seemed so small coming out because just this was passing through and it didn't have much energy anymore exploded the first one broke the second one in half made a large hole through the sec the third one but then made a small exit hole and then stuck right here and we found our 50 bmg in the fourth stick of butter that was actually pretty interesting like to see the results of it going through and then stopping and then like flashing a lot of stuff i didn't know what actually happened thank you guys for watching make sure to like and subscribe actually if you guys could not subscribe because i made a promise that once we got to 10 million i would show all my guns and i know there's some atf agents that recently subscribed to me because i want to see that so if you guys are actually unsubscribed like and don't subscribe to the channel okay i appreciate it thank you guys so much for watching this episode i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor oh you stayed to the end you
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 4,693,153
Rating: 4.9286022 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: Va9ufVudVEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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