How Strong is a Solid Block of LEAD?

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what's that what's my favorite type of music oh well I'm really a heavy-metal kind of guy really led you into that one Oh [Applause] Led Zeppelin dang it welcome to demolition ranch we have a block of lead a huge block of led this was sent to me by the backyard scientist Kevin yes in it it was like over a year ago pretty sure he sent this the exact same time he sent the block of aluminum which we shot like a year ago I just forgot about this one and really I think this one's gonna be cooler because let's really soft plus it's heavy I think it's gonna be neat to see what happens when I shoot bullets at a block of lead by the way if you have not seen the backyard scientist go check him out his channel especially since the time that I first started talking to him has exploded he has done some really cool things over there and he he might pass up the demolition ranch this year it kind of looks that way his channel is going crazy go check him out I appreciate him sending this to me in the past a long time ago so as most of you know bullets are made of lead which is a heavy metal and it's soft this is lead very heavy and I mean soft I mean it's hard it's metal but it's it's soft compared to other metals I want to see what happens when I shoot bullets from a gun lead bullets from a gun into a lead block but first let me show you one thing this block is crazy heavy I mean you can imagine how heavy like any block of metal would be like I mean you probably picked up a rock that big and it's heavy a block of metal is heavier and a block of lead is like ridiculously heavy I'm gonna just drop it on this thing I won't bet it weighs a hundred pounds in a little thing like this big I'm gonna drop it on the cinder block and see what happens okay that solves that it proves that it is SuperDuper heavy actually vehicle video just to crush things with it note to self in the video the video with the block of aluminum we had the bullets would go in especially the really powerful rifle bullets would go in and make a little hole and then it would break apart aluminum and shoot it back straight out of that hole back at us so for the big rifles gonna move back but for everything I'm wearing eye protection these are shade tree everybody always ask when I wear these just because they're bright and see their America on the inside it says land of the free because of the brave their bamboo polarized and the best part about it is if you use code demolition ranch no no sorry if you use code demo ranch I'll put a link in scription below you get five dollars off your order of these or any of their sunglasses on their website but I would highly recommend these also if you buy these in particular five dollars of your order goes to support Operation Homefront which helps wounded veterans and their families so have used that you get awesome shades it helps support the channel and veterans I can't go wrong that I have it set way over there you guys can probably barely see it but I want that thing as far away from me as possible so that I don't get hit by anything I hope I can 22 pistol it sounded like I hit it let's go check it out so that's 22 long rifle shooting a solid lead bullet no copper jacket or anything on that one Wow look at that hole that is awesome so deep way deeper than I thought it would be with just a 22 long rifle this is gonna get good when we actually use real guns nine-millimeter out of my Slovenian pistol this is a Full Metal Jacket so far well barely hitting on both of them Wow look at that bullet that is so cool awesome so just buried itself in there very very neat 22 right there at the edge and our nine-millimeter is it hot now let's just warm you can see how it's it peeled the jacket back same 9-millimeter gun but I'm shooting a different bullet now this one is a solid copper bullet no lead in it and it's a hollow-point I screwed it up a little bit too because it's the only one I have in here I didn't want to crazy Oh what do you make of that that's pretty nuts I don't know why it didn't spread out nearly as much as this one I mean it the hole was like the exact same size as the 22 hole maybe it's going slower or faster I don't know probably slower all right let's turn it up 45 ACP this is just a Full Metal Jacket I think it's like 230 grain so a lot bigger than those nine mils we were just shooting alright took so long just wanted to make sure I made a good shot and I did killed it dang look at that I wish I could get that out it's like totally flattened then pull it out in there oh I can maybe come on get out of there oh it's so cool man he can really see how soft that is I can bend it around with this steel knife come on I'm gonna break my knife that is really neat okay twenty-two nine mill nine mill 45 ACP well I didn't bring anything bigger good one Matt we all know at one point it would come down to this the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum oh it looks awesome it's not don't don't think it's cool it's not look at this thing look at that that is a 500 Magnum this thing's got like I don't know like a hundred times the power of a 45 that number might be exaggerated but that's what it feels like in the hand hit I flinch every time I shoot this thing okay I think I missed it which means I have to shoot it again oh no I didn't miss it I just blasted the corner off of it geez I really wanted to hit that though do I shoot it again no nope sorry I love you guys but that's enough I don't like shooting that gun fine I'll shoot one more hmm Hersh my hand just looking at it he's an Underwood ammo they pack these things hot like they're the hottest rounds I found I don't know why I keep using the hottest rounds I found now I'm not gonna worth it okay oh it broke my sawhorse okay I mean it's pretty obvious to see that 500 magnum has a little bit more power than everything else geez that went about inch and a half maybe two inches deep you can see the little 22 hole there crazy just crazy that was my most powerful pistol but before we go to rifles let's try shotgun with a 1 ounce slug this is the mean slug super-powerful got my slug barrel on this thing it's rifled so it should deliver that slug right where we need it to go cool weird now it's hot so that looks I mean it's similar to the 500 Magnum but it's not nearly as impressive the diameter is about the same on that opening but the depth is about half of what we got out of that huge 500 Magnum hole I'm surprised I thought that the slug would do a little better than that time for rifles and we got to scoot back with that cos you shouldn't shoot metal super close especially soft metal that might bounce a bullet back or throw a piece of metal edge so target is here my truck is back there probably at about 50 yards I don't know shooting five five six out of the most beautiful and best ar-15 in the entire think I know where it's aiming I just threw this scope on it crazy so five five six is moving really fast and it made a pretty deep hole and a little bit narrower as a little piece of jacket stuck in there you can see it kind of bulged out the side a little bit a little bit actually cracks Wow that's cool there you have it that's what a five five six does let's do something a little bit bigger it's 308 times out of this beauty got it good looking good alright is a lot bigger than a five five six looks about the same looks deeper but about same diameter it's way deeper cool let's get this jacket out of here maybe I can't reach it get out there so there's copper jacket it is crazy how it cleans out all the lead out of this hole is just gone what you can see the difference between these guys these slower moving ones all the lead is kind of just pushed out kind of squeezed out but here you can see a little bit on this one a lot on this that the letters actually broken out it's going so fast that instead of having that kind of slow push bending the lead out without ripping it it just breaks it tears it off which is why I wanted to scoot back for the rifles because this is what it was doing on the aluminum as well it was ripping it and firing chunks back at us this one's a little safer this one if you're close you'll probably get hit by those chunks of lead so I hope you guys can appreciate that the depth it's probably about it's probably twice what the five five six is it does go pretty dang deep so I'm gonna turn this thing around let's get us a fresh side and let's not play like we haven't known what was coming next we're gonna hit the 50 BMG out on a fresh side and blast this thing oh this little guy is that what you were looking for not a problem let me show you the difference there's a 308 there is a 50 BMG look at that cute little thing so as you can imagine it's probably gonna make a bigger hole but I don't want to just assume that I presume we hit it very hard because that was the first one to knock that block over there it is the hole in the lead from the 50 BMG probably about 4-5 inches deep that's actually the bullet right there that thing right at the end of my pinky finger that's not focused that right there is the bullet turned sideways in there so I went in there you can see this little stress fractures all around here it went in there so fast that it actually bolts it out made enough room for it to turn around in there which is pretty crazy look at that crack going all the way down the side that is a lot of power very crazy I wish we could see it in there a little better I really were some way we could cross section this thing so I could see what the wound cavity looks like in there that'd be neat also I definitely want to make probably a hole off the ranch episode of just smashing things with that so if you have some good ideas of what you'd like to see smashed with a hundred pound block of lead comment below also thanks backyard scientists for sending that thing you the man also if you want to look as good as me sweat not included use the link below and the code demo rant you get five dollars off of any shade tree sunglasses and if you choose these it'll look really good on 4th of July you'll be the coolest one at the barbecue I promise there's no better way to show that you love America also Father's Day is coming up pretty soon and your dad you look good in this - thanks for watching - Astraeus thanks for being here Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 14,828,789
Rating: 4.9057131 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., lead, lead block, block, cube, square, metal, aluminum, titanium, heavy
Id: lCMUrp58cPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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