A Bullet Proof Wallet... Does it Work???

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mike12388 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice now I can protect my right butt cheek!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MenacingMelons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey give me your money what oh this money all this money in this wallet yeah obviously you mean this money oh wow oh yeah how much it just yeah give it all to me or i'll shoot oh you're gonna shoot me with a pistol yeah i'll do it i will do it oh i'm so scared mr big man with this big pistol oh don't do it i don't want to do it bulletproof wallet fine craftsmanship here welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt we are testing today some bulletproof wallets it doesn't make much sense but uh i'm actually pretty excited about these they're super thin much thinner than i thought they would be and they have a little strip of kevlar on both sides to keep your money safe should a bad guy ever shoot you in the wallet it also will keep your most prized possessions safe your left butt cheek unless it's on the right it could be the right one of your butt cheeks will be safe unless you have two wallets and protect both a lot to think about let's do a gear review okay everybody loves gear reviews this is a wallet from premiere body armor and it's got some credit card slots and some money slots and all that kind of good stuff and some uh kevlar in here this thing is level two level two will stop up to a 357 magnum we're going to test it today and see if it does just that i also have my daisy dukes on this uh this guy nipply nate here but he really doesn't fill him out like you need to start doing some lunges or some squats bro come on looking weak starting off first with a 50 beat just kidding it's a 22 long rifle big surprise here okay let's see what happens right in the buttocks yes sir bit me directly in the butt talks so you know we caught that bullet it went in right here through our little piece of black fabric and totally got stopped in our kevlar i kind of want to open it up and see what that bullet looks like yeah i can feel it the bullet's right there stuck in the kevlar we're not going to get that out without really destroying it well that means we need to shoot her again with something bigger something way bigger like this 380 this is a hollow point 380 acp out of my old bodyguard 380. these are actually my favorite pair of shorts too so i'm really sacrificing a lot for you guys hope you appreciate that oh yeah 380 went in right here did not come through you can see where it started stretching those fibers but did not go through it i actually ripped that side a little bit yeah i can feel that bullet it's all opened up right there all right i gotta get that up hot oh i thought it was opened up it's not wow way to go hollow point really did a good job of just compressing into a full metal jacket not very good i was just actually thinking so we stopped at 380. this is level two but only like this side of it's level two it's protecting your cash in here so that's level two but then on the other side there's also level two over here so you're going to always have like this in your pocket doubled up two plus two that's level four this should stop like a tank round or something i don't i don't actually know if that's how it works actually no it's not how it works but it's kind of fun to talk about sorry i'm just touching this guy's butt while i'm talking quietly to you guys it's kind of weird okay we're gonna shoot a nine millimeter full metal jacket out of this bull armory race gun straight at the man's booty giddy up partners oh that one hit real hard okay uh it definitely pushed the wallet into his butt i think it caught the bullet but uh yeah he's gonna have a little bit of bruising there okay oh got it stopped it i kind of want to see you don't you want to see his butt will i get demonetized with it i'm going to give you monsters anyway there it is it went in right there into his leg okay that's fine wow didn't even go through cool i kind of thought that one might because it hit so hard but there it is i can feel it it's right here dang so that nine millimeter squished way more than 380 because it was going way faster and it's a full metal jacket still squish that much okay stopped a nine millimeter as well that's pretty good but we have bigger bullets 45 acp full metal jacket that mag sure is gold oh we got the gold 1911 coming in hot all right this also should not go through we have them in the right pocket this time [Laughter] oh his butt swallowed the wallet like it's the wallet's not here i don't i actually know how to oh my gosh oh his butt literally ate the wallet oh shoot my daisy dukes those are gonna be a little drafty now these are actually the same pants that you see me wearing at the end of all the demolition ranch videos um in that outro i've had these for a long time and i'm pretty sad that i just ripped them oh hold on it's coming it's just like delivering a calf you know you just got a little bit at a time ah he's got a gentle pressure just keep pulling you might pull some things and rip some things but eventually that calf will come out and you give birth to a beautiful little animal went in here did not go through oh it's still in there i feel it it's right there did not go through stopped at 45 acp can i get it out of here there it is looks just like the nine millimeter but bigger dang we're gonna have to go bigger what does his butt look like oh it's it's not pretty don't don't look at his butthole i definitely want to tell you guys too we're shooting the same wallet every time this is the same wall that we've shot every time stopping all of these we switched pockets a few times oh my gosh i'm gonna have to cut me some new cutoffs okay we're going back to this pocket because it's better than the other one we're gonna shoot it with a 38 special it's going faster than a 45 we should have a better chance of penetrating his butt now since we're moving fast so left pocket at the wallet can i get into this man's butt no that didn't do it that for sure didn't do it not enough power okay it's it's in there a little bit yeah got it yeah the 45 went way deeper whoa whoa man it actually it's cutting that but it actually did not come through that one's close okay it's closer than i thought look at that kevlar's coming through but bullet is still on this side of the kevlar yeah for sure we're good we're good there's our 38 special right there not inside this man's butt the cool thing about a colt python is not only is it chambered in 38 special it's also chambered in 357 magnum and for those who don't know a lot about guns there's a reason you've heard of 357 magnum and not 38 special because 357 magnum is way more boss than a 38 special it ain't that special all right this is going real fast this one has a pretty good chance of getting through that wallet like probably a really good chance yeah i think i might have heard metal well it's gone again let me go digging in this man's butt that wasn't bad he just came out pretty quick ah oh oh yeah okay so that one went straight through is there there's not kevlar on the other side oh i thought there was okay so there is only one layer of kevlar so what we're going to do is actually shoot a 357 magnum again at this thing at a new one we have another wallet because this one was pretty compromised so i want to give it a fair shake one more time in the butt okay i went and got a second wallet and i was like no it does have kevlar on both sides i found it the kevlar's coming it was coming out of his pp right here uh it actually did not go through this so it just pushed it out of the wallet through his leg and came out the other side we're gonna go and shoot it with 357 magnum again though just to be sure just to be sure 357 magnum this is a fresh wallet going straight into it [Music] a piece of his butt just fell out onto the ground that's never a good sign while it's gone like legit gone is it there it is it was in his leg i just trying to find it this is not looking good either okay so it definitely i don't know that it's actually going through this body armor i think it's just hitting it so hard that it's pulling it out yeah for sure that's what happened look this is where the first one hit you can see it went through about half of that and then it hit the second one it did not go through it just hits this so hard and he doesn't have a real body so it just gives and rips this through the wallet and then we're left with just our kevlar pieces so sword accounts if we had someone who was brave enough to let me shoot this on their butt it probably would i mean this that stops it sort of if someone has a 357 magnum i would not rely on your wallet body armor one more try with 357 we have that same wallet we just shot so it's been shot once i just stuck the kepler back in it we're gonna shoot it here where it can't get sucked into his butt i'm a child 357 magnum at the wallet center block uh cut the cinder block in half what happened here though oh yeah that's a bullet right there so it caught it my bullet is right here in the first side did not go through and it caught it even with the cinder block behind it not bad not too shabby we have eight more brand new wallets we're gonna line them all up now and shoot them with a rifle round to see if it will stop because kevlar is not good at stopping really fast moving rifle rounds but maybe eight of them lined up which is actually going to be 16 layers of that kevlar could stop it five five six of the terran tactical ar place your bets demilitia i'm saying this is gonna go through i i think because kevlar's just really bad at stopping ar here we go let's find out together oh the cinder block did not break okay so i can see i guess the sixth one looks like it has the exit wound oh yeah it's right here sweet so yeah that's eight this is the seventh one and we caught it dang that's crazy so it stopped in the look how tiny little 22 caliber bullet is so it stopped in the first layer of the seventh wallet which makes it the makes it makes it like the seventh wallet five five six right that's when we just fired this is a 6.5 creedmoor what i want you to notice is the bullet is a lot bigger it's a little bit bigger in diameter but it's a lot bigger in length and weight but also look how big that case is that case is a lot bigger as well this thing's going fast six five creedmoor out of the daniel defense delta five we got a vortex scope and a silencer co-suppressor on the end of it going straight at those wallets this is for sure going through all of them in my opinion still did not break the cinder block interesting these are all stuck together i mean that bullet definitely passed through all these it's hot is it still oh this spun it around that's definitely going this way i don't know what happened and it chunks some wallets way over there so i can't find the bullet and i think something might have gone off to the left too but there's pieces of the bullet here i mean that's pieces of copper and lead this is a big old piece of copper and a bunch of lead around here too yeah that's actually that's most of it so it did stop it actually ow that's really hot that's probably about half a bullet the other part of it just got broken apart nothing hit this so if someone is chasing you with a sniper rifle and you got eight bulletproof wallets you're probably good stuff like this i think is very cool practical i don't know but cool yeah like it'd be a cool thing like buy for your you know your friend or something who's into guns into body armor stuff it's kind of neat so anyway if you guys know of any other stuff like that stuff that doesn't really you know not not normal stuff but it's kind of neat that you'd like to see us shoot on demolition ranch let me know because i'm interested in getting more stuff like that on the channel hit me in the comments below these are mine thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the most frantic i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 4,765,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: n8dMphrO2jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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