Can 300lbs of Play-Doh STOP a Barrett Sniper Rifle?!?!

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There’s nothing I love more than a Demo Ranch penetration test. I’ll never get tired of seeing how many X does it take to stop Y

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/jakeypooh94 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
some homemade bulletproof glass now if you remember we've tried this before and we did a pretty good job stopping pistol calibers but today i wanted to take it a step further what in the world what the heck man hey guys welcome to demolition ranch so yesterday i came out here and i set up all these play-doh tubs in a line uh just to get ready for today's video but something's been messing with them or someone these are all on the ground but even more peculiar these are on the ground and opened and chewed on that one's this one's totally out of the bag something's been eating this has lunkers been here that's neither here nor there today we are here to shoot play-doh in a past video i shot 10 things of plato which each weighed three pounds i think we had 30 pounds of play-doh and it was really interesting but then we just kind of didn't have enough player to stop the really big rounds but it made me start thinking like i want to know how much played it would take to stop the big rounds and so today i have 100 tubs of play-doh 300 pounds total i figure out how you can even see it all in frame look that's a lot of play-doh right there first i'm going to shoot a 556. it's relatively small in the rifle game it's 22 caliber but it's moving super fast and obviously it's very powerful this is an ar you guys have not seen in a long time old f1 ar that i've had forever all right we're going to fire into it without taking it out of the plastic first just because i want to see how it does like this oh wow okay that's how it does kind of just what i expected there it is there it is this was the first one this is the second one so it totally liquefied the first one just gone and then it went into the second one but did not come out and i might be able to find it but it also might have busted in a million pieces i'll start digging look at all the pieces of plastic that are embedded in that play-doh found this little guy pretty close to the outside and then you can just see this i just peel it open there's this path of destruction going in here pulling all the plastic with it and then we have a very flat bullet right there and then just a bunch of chunks little pieces like that are everywhere throughout this play-doh which is exactly what a 556 is designed to do goes super fast and when it hits something it just tears apart causing maximum damage and minimizing penetration same gun same caliber but now they're unwrapped see if we have the same results oh my still raining we had 10 stacked ups now we have one two three four five six seven eight so it did the same it hit the first two but instead of just stopping in the second one it just exploded the second one as well let's see how far that red play-doh goes here we go over here oh my gosh there's some red play-doh right there here's some red play-doh right here here here all right i think i think that's the furthest one i see we're pretty far it did that in all directions now i just kind of want to see what it would do with a even bigger caliber this is a 30 30 a very powerful caliber old school round been used for a very long time should have a little more knock down power we'll see if it goes through two or more oh jeez knocked down my ow still getting hit with stuff wow cool to walk we good this stuff's just still raining from a lot longer than i thought it would alright we got a left so it did kind of the same thing but it did go through two exploded then made him gone but then also came in hit the third went all the way through it hit the fourth there are pieces of it there so it was breaking apart as well so it did hit the fourth one but it still only exploded two let me try something that's got a lot more knockdown power tons of knockdown power not very much penetrating power though but before we go any further this video took a long time to set up and film and it was fairly expensive to get this much plato so i want to say thank you to our sponsor simply safe did you know that simply safe is incredibly reliable and effective home security you order it online it is shipped directly to your door and you can set it all up by yourself are you listening all of their devices attached with either tiny screws or double-sided tape like these door and window sensors glass break sensors motion detectors keypad cameras key fobs panic buttons water sensors freeze detectors video doorbells smoke detectors smart locks plus more and they're all installed by you with simple tools i was first interested in simply safe because i wanted to make sure my home was safe and i wanted to make sure it was locked because most break-ins occur through unlocked doors with the smart lock i can make sure that when i left earlier i locked my doors alarm off simply save on pretty simple and now i feel safe super easy to test and make sure everything works like for instance i will take the battery out of this water sensor laundry water sensor not responding and it lets you know there's something wrong with one of your sensors if there is a break-in and your alarm goes off it's fine the monitoring system will call the police and let them know in the event of a break-in that something is happening in your house an alarm works really good go to devil ranch for more information and there's a link down in the description below thank you simply say for sponsoring this episode of demolition ranch how about the old benelli m2 this is a 12 gauge long barrel so we should have lots of speed and we are shooting double hot buckshot out of it not much penetrating power out but lots of energy transferred interesting this one actually knocked three off the table because we have seven left and the fourth one has a couple bbs that hit three bb hit there bb hit there bb hit there and looks like they all came out so there's one two three went into the fifth one that one looks like it came out and went that way another one skim the side here looks like the other one missed so we hit five out of ten with double hot buckshot i am surprised by that this is the 30 30 it's the round that we shot earlier great cartridge very powerful it's been used forever your great grandfather shot a deer with this caliber i know cause he told me why your great grandma made us some lemonade nice lady this is a 338 lapua magnum super powerful way more powerful than this tiny little 30 30. way bigger bullet way faster bullet this thing is crazy your great grandfather definitely did not shoot a deer with this round because your great-grandpappy couldn't handle it great storyteller though and we'll be firing it today out of the armalite ar-30 look at that beauty a gun all right we are going straight at the play-doh from point-blank range with 838 lapua is it gonna stop not surprised it took out the first four it hit the fifth one but you can see it was deviating it started bouncing out this way so we're not getting accurate results anymore so we're gonna do what we did in the last video i'm gonna open up all of these tubs because we are just not gonna be able to pass the bullet through something this narrow without deviating going out the side or the top or something we're gonna open them all up put it in one giant blob and then see what it does hello my name is matt and i hate plato i just spent one hour off camera opening up 60 of those bins of play-doh and shoving them all into this big blob it's actually way harder than it looks and way harder than i thought it was going to be so now we have 180 pounds of play-doh on this table i want to see if it will stop a 338 lapua magnum just like before we are shooting a full metal jacket 338 it really did literally take me an hour to put that in a big ball and a split second to totally tear it all apart father but from the looks of it nothing came out the back side 3 38 like five five six are going super fast so they're breaking apart that's a piece of a bullet that is a piece of a bullet right there little bitty piece of metal what if i can find a bigger piece all i can find are these little bitty pieces everywhere i'm pretty sure the 338 full metal jacket came in here and just exploded which would explain why there's so much damage but nothing made it out the back but can we stop a more powerful round i was thinking like after that clip after i said that like the next scene would be me with a 50 bmg going and then i would fire it and see what happens but then i remembered i have to spend another like hour putting all this back together so i'll see you guys a little bit okay perfect that was cool right barrett m82 50 bmg versus that play-doh me so hard i just got punched in the head with play-doh where'd the tree limb come from oh there's play-doh on the tree oh that is awesome yeah i got hit in the face with some of that play-doh as well safe to say yeah that 50 kept going it did not stop it just exploded everything which means i have to put a little player back on the table and then get all that play-doh on the table and see if we can stop the 50 with all the play-doh almost all we've lost some of it into the trees but almost all of it i'll be back in an hour that's what 300 pounds of play-doh looks like we're gonna call it 300 probably missing like 20 pounds of play-doh like sprinkle along the ground and up in the trees and everything but this is pretty close we're going to call it 300 for ease we have 300 pounds of play-doh in this big caterpillar-shaped log here dang it's like four feet long probably a foot by a foot this way jeez okay guess we're gonna just go ahead and fire 50 in there and see if it goes all the way through i can't there's no way four feet of play-doh 50 bmg out of the barrett at the 300 pounds of play-doh holy cow it's really raining oh we broke the table wow before we inspect the damage let's just look gopro covered in play-doh and this camera covered in play-doh as well i too got a pretty good play-doh shower also a lot more play-doh on the trees even way up there and way up there and doll over there this is all new you guys want to see the table though because i think we flipping stopped it boys it looks like we took out half of the play-doh here and nothing else like this play-doh looks untouched in the back half we this half of the table was full but this looks like it's good let's just see if i can move it and see if there's maybe a bullet somewhere in here that would be too cool i found this that's a piece of a bullet so that tells you it was exploding something made it come apart which i think probably just happened because it was going so fast but everything else looks pretty normal here uh it doesn't look like the bullet traveled back here there's some metal flake there so i think it was just breaking apart expended all of its energy in the front half here i'm gonna do one more thing just because i'm curious as to what it will do this is apparently an armor-piercing incendiary 12-gauge slug that's what they advertise it as i don't think it actually is we're gonna fire it down into that and see what happens wow okay okay i see you incendiary means a flash or a little explosion i did not see a flash but it did pop all that out of the way so there may have been a little flash down underneath all this that we didn't see and it did penetrate this was a flat table with no cracks in it and that went all the way down there's pieces of the wad right there it went straight through all the plato and possibly probably exploded right here popping this 50 pound piece over upside down so i think we did uh armor penetrate and incendiary pop the play-doh so as advertised good job do you remember when you were a little five-year-old kid and you're playing with plato and you thought to yourself i wonder how much of this stuff it would take to stop a 50 bmg yeah me neither but we went ahead and tested it anyway just for you demolition and now we know that 300 pounds of play-doh will definitely believe definitively stop a 50 bmg also lunkers if you're still here feel free to come eat the rest of this play-doh i'm done with it it's creepy thanks for watching demolition range i love you and i'll see you next time that's a great idea [Music] bobby [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,088,303
Rating: 4.9488735 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., playdoh, playdo, play-doh, doh, play, dough, barrett, baret, barret, barett, sniper, rifle, 50, 50cal, caliber, 50bmg, bmg, 50 bmg, vs, versus
Id: cCk0qWthMcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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