Forcing Hickok to review Guns he's uncomfortable with...

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2 great guntubers in 1 place - much epic

also micro roni anton pls

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Cyberchaotic 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I never thought I'd see Matt and Hickok in the same room, nevertheless shooting a video (and guns) together.

Cross that one off my bucket list!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Monk_DNotA 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Folding Glock plz

Throw in a version that folds into an origami swan as well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MagFrag5891 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh man I smell the kids pot smoking on the range again oh man oh man I think this range is good by illy yeah bro I know it's a full-time job keeping the kids off the range and smoking all my pots welcome to demolition ranch we're here at the Hickok 45 range with the Hickok 45 oh is that who I am thanks for having us glad you could drop by we're pumped to be here and you're the neighborhood thank you I've been watching Hickox videos forever and you guys been commenting forever that me and Hickok should make a video together and we kind of did like a little intro not too long ago wait around we didn't have enough time to make like a full video and we still don't have a lot of time today but I I've been watching you do your gun reviews I and whenever I'm gonna buy a gun I go see if Hickok has reviewed that gun but there's a few guns I've not seen you do and so I brought some of my guns that I don't think you have shot you may have shot some of these it's not a 50 not a 50 Cal in there no and I have not actually showed him what I brought today right that's that's right and it's actually making it very uncomfortable I have no idea what a blunderbuss so I have three guns in here each of them more different and unique than the last and I'm gonna give him two minutes to give his review his opinion his take on each gun oh wait I need 20 minutes for young artist program it's not that he doesn't know what they are it's that he only has two minutes to do a review on each gun so why did I agree to do this all right you ready for number one I guess the first gun is a gold-plated 1911 alright who did you have to chase down okay I never fired have you ever fired a gold-plated anything I don't think so you're gonna look good actually wanna play they kind of pick specific guns that I thought I would just enjoy you shooting you go did you actually buy this so I bought it as a regular Matt flak gun and go with your white Leisure Suit and then we got it gold-plated just for fun yeah just for fun come on there this is your barbecue gun Texas barbecue gun well at least it's a real gun I told him the first gun he would be comfortable with as far as shooting yeah I mean it's the 1911 I can't I can't say too much bad browning we're sorry we apologize because the magazine look at that they did a pretty good job I mean look at the internals they took that thing all apart oh look at I don't see anything yes is it really gold players it's titanium nitride plated okay so you want me to review this yes sir well you know it's a 1911 and it looks pretty much milspec and Cimarron Firearms they kind of know what they're doing not like shot law their firearms well let me shoot it man I'm flabbergasted John we might need some of our farm bill a they don't like that maybe a clock we can make that happen all right gold-plated clock we got our magazine well let's see where it shoots let's I really need to smoke some pot with this there's another pot they need to smoke pot with us the sights are all I'll try the boiler ones out there whoo all right the 1911 uh you know a1 right ya know it's kind of interesting oh that's a little different yeah it's got a little sharper not sure and you know it's not got the cut out you know the relieved frame as much so it's kind of like a hybrid between a 1911 and an eighth one Bob a is still 1911 and feels good burgers not horrible through that titanium nitride also helps slick everything off so those are all the internals it yes it's a really hard really smooth finish so all the internals are done in that - I think it makes it more accurate - officer yeah well let's go faster out of that stuff I shot that gone let me shoot the gong two minutes expired think we may be over two minutes but I'll get it - it'll quickly okay actually the gongs there have been hit that where the gold plated the next gun you have you will not be able to the gong with it I bet Charlotte so you better get that gun while you can I forgot about my time limitation all right I think it goes like that one that's not bad that's not bad I'm glad it's yours or not mine they will see you coming all right all right shun number two okay Wow at least had a decent gunner let go sir go ahead with your review there's you a mag here's you some extra ammo should you need it 25 auto all right what a jewel that's not a variation of a baby Browning is something I bought this thing at a pawn shop man I can't remember how much I spent on it it was it was like a hundred bucks or something sit at my Spanish is off here redneck Spanish oh I don't know I'm finally I don't what that's exactly does it say made in Spain let me read that it's a necktie equal Tonya that's a beauty now that's a beauty this is one of your carry guns huh yeah here that thing in the boot you know so okay my reviews this is a very small gun a very weak caliber 25 I picked this guy just because I wanted to see it in his giant hands how tall are you know six eighty six eight nine you know I using the straight finger method on this bottle because the best strategy look at that I read Mosul boy I suppose don't burn I can almost get my finger from the muzzle I can all right let's try it good on you I didn't know anybody still bought these things yeah holy knows me oh man a grip safety mm-hmm yeah fancy get my finger out from fro that mostly it actually just kind of scary all right good luck let's try two liter 25 power yeah look at that just hit a stop sign new favorite gun right there oh yeah that's beautiful I think okay that's a firearm that no you gotta see if you hit the gong with that thing okay we'll take a shot to go on with it here's the that first gun was a 45 ACP that's what a 25 ACP looks like some say I have 22 long rifle was actually more powerful so would you say you went looking for a carry gun and you bought this yeah I just wanted something lightweight you know that wouldn't hurt my hand I'm impressed that you admitted to owning it that's my favorite gun what are you talking about all right think that's all I could say you got five shots okay we'll try one keep going Oh see if it's going worthy you leave the rain stop just for the perfect okay okay hold on before you shoot it do you think you can't hit the gong with that probably not but I think I'll get close bar shots you did good on that bottle I didn't know you're gonna hit that thing all right anyone could do it it's you I think because it has those highly adjustable sights maybe I can adjust them just it just has a groove yeah get the screwdriver out I mean I I feel bad having my finger inside the trigger guard but in with this gun it feels like the safest place to have it yeah I'd rather have it in here with exercising trigger discipline than having out here and get it shot off and out there in the wind tough choice yeah all right my first inclination is to keep it away from the muzzle all right let's see like telling where it's going right low oh what an amazing thing at malfunction what so it was right I'm sorry barely right sorry to disappoint everybody I could hit the gong with that thing I think you'd do well to hit anything I was surprised you hit any of those things there you know so you can put this back in your your chrome-plated holster that you carry do you like it not really all right I've spent the next gun I don't I don't know if you've ever seen one of these either for free oh no this one should hit the gong the folding Glock oh man I should have known you would have one of these everything falls the stock get this okay so alright it's unfolded yeah I've got a magazine in it yep I'm loading motors I'm Dolph oh okay all right this is the little row nice no sister brownie stocks the micro micro yeah it's made for that folding Glock it's amazing room yes because this one's special because this folds up into that as well oh that's the beauty of it okay how do you fold blue so the worst in the connect the problem has been right here and you want to leave the magazine in it yeah you leave the mag in and it folds up like that and you put it in your your briefcase and go to work there you go I see I didn't see that on the back of it yeah I looked at these at shot show talk to those people this is an interesting gun doubt about it so I'll say it's interesting all right well now this is a walk was it a Glock I got 26 no it's a it's a Glock 19 I think okay I believe the frame is cut a little bit but it's a Glock 19 you know the length of the frame feels more like a 27 it's a little shorter but it's a 19 all right interesting what shoot to think so you have the sight on ah yeah I think it's on actually you gotta get way low yeah yeah it's oh yeah it is on whoa this this is a problem for me I think if your normal size person that it probably fits you fine you could cite that okay and everything but it's really really tough for me of that short that's your stock as far as being folding I guess doesn't make a lot of difference as far as the shooting but you know depends on whether you are still safe and you feel comfortable with a firearm that folds up like that with or without the mag huh you have to believe the mag in it okay so now it comes down to the traction you have to choose one of these to protect yourself in a situation you have to conceal carry and then this is what's going to protect yourself which one would you choose well that's a really tough choice but I don't have to think well maybe this baby right cashier one more time real quick yeah for sure just a couple rounds I knew he'd pick tonight at home and I made it go first LZ you're actually gonna kind of like the 1911 the sidewalk you know let me just let me just make sure this is my choice I think even though it's an ugly goal all right bowling pins yeah this is my choice that's the one so I appreciate you bringing this to me and and since you made me go through that we're clear I'm just gonna keep me and keep that one yeah so that's good go check out Hickok 45 I'll link the channel in the description I know you guys have seen them already but thanks Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 14,489,581
Rating: 4.9291115 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., hickok, hickok45
Id: 9aBXIom9EuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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