I Got a Brand New Hi Point Rifle with Whistlin Diesel

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50 ae that's a big boy out of this desert eagle you may notice it's gold but not only that it's the tiger striped gold yeah i want to shoot it yeah you should shoot it i can shoot it yeah be careful hold on tight it's loaded ready to fire go and rack it in there pick a target just enjoy yourself whatever you want to shoot all yours buddy i like that hold on tight welcome to demolition ranch also welcome whistling diesel what's up dude hey i uh didn't want you to mess up my nice gun so i got this one it's actually brand new i got it just for you really yeah i want to show the 50 count it's a 50 cal ish this is a high point carbine have you ever shot a high point anything i just shot the 50 cal what 50k just all of them i've actually never shot a high point carbine before it's made by the same company makes those really ugly blocky bulky stupid pistols that actually run pretty well like it's i mean i hate them like i hate them hate them but like we've actually had fairly good luck with them so we saw this and i bought it it is brand new i didn't get it at a pawn shop all we could find was camo which is the ugliest cam i've ever seen also high points come with giant warning labels can you read this one for us just so we're extra safe do not shoot within six inches of target yeah as short barrel do not hold fingers in front of barrel when shooting you really say that pretty much they're not those fingers beyond the carbine has a short barrel do not extend your fingers past the muzzle of this weapon this label may only be removed by the owner of the firearm you can't do actually screw it let's break the rules you two can't see it be careful so i gotta take it off oh great even their stickers are poor quality for safety do not fire a gun at any time you could die gun could dismantle spontaneously is that true yeah okay that actually could that could happen we uh went ahead and put a red dot on there and we went ahead and put a flashlight on there and then there was more rail up here so we could put another flashlight on there also the barrel's threaded and i happen to have a quieter that i'm gonna put on there now it is quiet oh i didn't even tell you the best part this is chambered in 10 millimeter which it's been years since we put a 10 millimeter on this chain is that like a 50 gallon yeah it's basically like a 50 cal and oh you want to see what we're gonna shoot this is actually made by one of you guys it's homemade bulletproof glass and they actually did a really really good job oh i didn't tell the other good part about that southern show the spring oh look at this the buttstock's got springs so it's like a super comfy when you're shooting it like a bump stop and this is the softest thing you've ever felt basically it's loaded with features it's the best gun we've ever bought none of my other guns have a spring-loaded buttstock gel pens all right here you go you can see what he has really thick layers of glass and the guy who made this did a much better job than when i tried to make bulletproof glass because his is pretty clear you can see through it really well he has a little bit of air trapped over there that messed up but all this is very clear you think i could punch through it normally we start with a 22 long rifle but today we're going with something weaker whistling diesel 22 long fist what kind of glove is this oh it's a bunch of doubt big time i don't even have the that's a genuine punching glove oh my dude that's heavy that's hard that's hard yeah it's four inches thick that's what she said don't break your oh i'm scared that was insane i was gonna let it go with you i can't i can't i'll break my hair don't do it okay 22 long rifle time 22 long rifle out of kel-tec old wds got the the last time we put this gun in a video i said we should clean this we didn't clean it all right let's see we got dang direct hit nice oh that's like a dead bullseye that was great you can see the bullet so feels like this is not glass on this outer layer at least it's some kind of softer plasticky stuff plexiglass but ate the bullet it is inside there's no cracks i wonder if it like flattened out yeah so there's no cracks like uh they're like it's hit any hard glass yet did it make that yeah that's all new so it let some air in there i think now we're gonna go ahead and step it up to a real caliber out of a real gun 10 millimeter is a sort of not as well known round here's a very well known round a 45 acp a nine millimeter is much smaller than this and a 40 cal is quite a bit smaller also this is about the same size as a 40 cal but you can see it's as tall as a 45 acp so there's a lot more powder behind it making that 10 millimeter go really really fast 10 millimeters are powerful and when you shoot them out of a long barrel even more powerful especially if the long barrel is awesome like this high point yeah we're gonna shoot it my first time shooting it we'll see if it runs let me turn my flashlights on okay ready to rock it didn't jam all right dang all right we're gonna load another mag let listen the diesel have a crack at it that's got a little ring you got one more did you hit the glass no that would have been awesome i think you're out now right i hit the mouse that was running wait you got one more maybe i liked your quick draw though what i liked your quick draw where you're like oh yeah oh that holy crap i nicked just the top of it you hit i hit the glass but i think i just hit the top you want to set it up [Music] okay not gonna lie i kind of like it wait is that my first shot right yeah that was your no that was your other one just now what is that that you just mutilated it what that was just now what is that that's the one where you nicked it just now you had me put it back up so i did hit it yeah oh i thought it hit like up here no cool hit it twice no big deal so there you can see we are cracking glass now so we have hit hard glass dude that's pieces of it look at all the little metal shards in there oh yeah so there's lead there that's it right there right is that a big 322 that's your 22. oh okay dang but yeah you can see all those shards somehow spread out underneath that first layer that could have been in my head that's true 10 millimeter will not go through but we have bigger rounds desert eagle 50 ae at that at the glass and not at the truck okay you're on safe flip it up i meant i was good to go make sure you're paying attention wow i got hit in the head with that that thing shoots the shell straight back at hit it no i all right quick draw it hi dang that was a hit nice workout first try look at that okay so that shows you what his outside layer is it's oh yeah it's just really thin stuff before it gets to the hard glass i'm super confused ooh is that it yeah that's one that was new crazy that went in and fell down that's right under this so like it didn't even go into the glass or what i think it went into the glass yeah holy crap so that cracked even the back layer oh it's because when i hit it it weakened it when i punched it that weekend that is true yeah these are stress fractures that have been there since the punch you can tell 50 ae did not go through but it really wanted to i think we need to move it up to a rifle round all right in the comments below predict if this will go through or not what do you think i think it's gonna go through but if it doesn't it probably won't that sounds like sound judgment to me i think it's definitely gonna stop a hundred percent of the time most of the time all right 762 by 39 going at the glass yeah i think it went through did it i think it went there i didn't see anything i had my eyes closed the whole time yeah there's pieces of it right there that's that's new right that's new dude all the jackets stay in that first layer there oh no oh oh oh that's it dude it almost went through but it didn't no no it's in there just as i predicted i have one gun that will go through probably have you ever fired a gold 50 no check this out wait hold up no way okay i haven't haven't shot that yet you're gonna like it but how do we install that just slap her on there yeah that's probably fine now shoot it it's good 50 bmg yeah now you're heavy on the end all right i think it's going through yeah are you gonna aim it or not did you see that one blow up in the end of the barrel did you see that big flash that happened the other day too those things sometimes go off in the end of the barrel and go hey you hit it twice yeah i hit something pretty sure it went through it went through just a little bit like actually a lot of bit i don't even think it tried to stop it you hit it twice and those were not those were not armored penetrating rounds this is the side it went in look those were oh gross and so it went in exploded under here and then just blew out the back baseball sized holes in that armor look at the hole in the ground here and here so that last round i don't know if you guys could see it if my camera caught it the last round the incendiary went off in the suppressor i could feel the heat by the way i could i felt it yeah well it was it was flashing way down range and then this one went off at the tip of the suppressor the shock wave i actually don't think that's the shock wave i think that's the camera well maybe i don't know that's that's like the front so oh cause that's coming straight at this camera yeah that's a flash coming right out at the camera you can't see how the gun is engulfed i felt the heat on my hand that's crazy so you can see this kind of like smoke around here that's because that flash went and then if you look here it actually hit the tip of that so those rounds when they hit something they flash they explode so that hit right here it went through this whole suppressor hit the tip and then went boom and all that fire came out right there and he's still alive good to go it just feels so junky you know what i've noticed is my shoulder actually feels really good thanks to that spring in the stock it's good quality can we retry that once the goal is to hit them all in a row as fast as i can action going yeah dang it we got more ammo okay this is uh for his first time shooting it right now we're gonna see how how we're gonna see how it runs pretty good are you shooting like a pistol wow we did get a jam i think it's loaded actually i'm gonna admit kind of like the high point the first time i've ever said that hopefully the last time i ever say that because high points are the worst but this carbine's kind of legit like fairly cheap 10 millimeters so lots of power to fit in the house with this and it fits the suppressor which is pretty cool go check out whistling diesel he's going to take my raptor for a spin on the channel freshly detailed i did i cleaned it for him actually it's it's a beauty right now go look at his channel though it'll be featured over there have fun thanks for watching this episode demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor hey you guys made it to the end of the video congrats uh check this out i look through this thing see if i can see it we definitely have a baffle strike in there so you can see it's not a smooth circle in there definitely had a baffle strike in the old barrett suppressor my genuine barrett suppressor shooting on a barrett regular ammo and it blasted it so yeah i'm gonna send this thing off get it checked out you'll be okay little buddy
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,880,091
Rating: 4.9192338 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: iqLMU35qpgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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