Women, What's Your CRINGIEST "Nice Guy" Story? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit women have read it what's your cringy nice guys story I met a guy one night after a night out exchanged numbers he was handsome seemed normal we met for dinner and I was surprised when he brought flowers and a bottle of wine as it was our first date and we knew nothing about each other yet throughout dinner I noticed that he would ask questions but not listen to my answers he seemed in his own world as if he was preparing his next question very robotic he mentioned that his sister was out of town and he was house-sitting for her in the building a few blocks away okay even though he weirded me out a bit I was young and still felt like things were going fairly well anyways when we left he was walking me to my car I was wearing wheels and as such felt comfortable holding on to the crook of his arm for support as we walked as we walked he tried to persuade me to come into the apt building that he was supposedly house-sitting we'll go up to the rooftop he said best view in Hollywood which was the clincher for me we see it was so corny and also so creepy I kept saying no no I have to get up early et Cie when we got next to the building he tightens his grip on me and said what's your problem his facade dropped and he looked scary and angry I bought you flowers I brought wine I paid for dinner as if he was checking off ABC is supposed to equally then we were having fun we're and way and was pulling me towards the door and twisting my arm I pulled away from him and literally ran to my car and pulled off I have no doubt he would have raped slash worse me if I hadn't I know this is beyond nice guys but the way he felt that he had systematically performed his steps and earned more from me the horror stays with me was playing video games with a friend of mine when he asked if his friend could join us invited him to the match in the discord call Duda was friendly enough and a pretty decent player so we added each other and would play a couple matches together whenever we were both online we kept playing together for a couple weeks but every once in a while I'd get burnt out and switched to a different game or just not play for a couple nights at first he'd just sent me casual messages asking if I wanted to play a couple matches I'd either join him or politely decline but as time went on he became more obsessed with playing matches specifically with me every single night he'd ask if I wanted to play and every single night I'd have to make up some excuse if he saw I was in a full party he'd PM me and try to guilt me into kicking someone even after I'd explained it wasn't a random group and they were my guild mates and iral friends it didn't matter to him if I was playing it should be with him I tried to keep things amicable between us and still casually chatted with him when we weren't playing video games he was from out of the country lived in the next state over and always complained about how lonely he was I told him well he wasn't alone he had me as a friend and that's when he told me he'd much prefer me as a girlfriend instead I was absolutely dumbfounded because I'm a raging butch lesbian with an extremely deep voice we had each other added on Facebook and I tend to wear my sexuality on my sleeve I gave him the benefit of the doubt and broke it to him that I wasn't into men and he told me that he didn't care I laughed it off and stupidly assumed that meant he didn't judge but obviously not what he meant I just tried to see the best in him I stopped reaching out to him at that point but he continued to message me every time he'd see me online he'd p.m. me and asked why we weren't hanging out anymore he missed me he was so lonely he'd really like some company I continued to gently tell him to fuck off but he wouldn't take the hint he started to get bolder in his advances and would constantly complain that I ruined his day because he'd work hard all day and come home expecting me to play video games with him and it was so disappointing when I wouldn't let him into my group or I'd be a Fline or playing a different game eventually he just straight-up started asking me to be his girlfriend and to come visit him I tried to explain in every way possible that I was a lesbian and was barely interested in being his friend at this point again he'd just counter it with I don't care I finally got fed up of being hunted by this guy and told him he could either knock all this collective shit off or I'd block him and kick him from my discord server he persisted and so did I said goodbye and blocked him on all our shared social media and kicked plus ba and led him from my server while he alternatively tried to beg and guilt me out of it the friend that introduced us has no idea what happened just that we don't hang out anymore I don't know and frankly don't care what that guy told my friend if anything at all but we are close enough that I'm not worried about it if he ever asks then I'll tell him that I haven't seen them hang out in over a year so I think the feeling may be mutual my best friends we'll call him Dan mom through a joke moving away party for him because he was going to be traveling abroad for three months we had a big dinner at a restaurant that Dan chose dan also got to invite five or six of his friends after the dinner we went back to his place and had a very relaxed house party it was really just me and Dan having a blast dancing to music and laughing everyone else just kind of sat around but one of the other guys let's call him Jack came up and starting talking to me just generic get-to-know-you type of questions I figured he was just trying to make things less bland since Dan was the only one who knew all of us at the end of the day he added me on Facebook which is pretty typical for college in their way did either of us indicate we're interested in each other and two weeks later Jack posted that he was moving out of state for a job a few weeks after that I get a message from Jack where he tells me he's really interested in me and would like to date my dude you're a three hours flight away aside from all the reasons where I'm not really even interested in him he accepts and tells me that he understands just kidding he acted like he understood but a week after the fafsa book message he called me at 2:00 p.m. on a weekday class stood out of his mind telling me he loved me and that he could have seen himself being with me i asked him what he was doing drunk on a weekday and he replied drowning out the sorrows of your love he asked me why i didn't feel the same way and let me tell you him just not into you was the wrong answer he just kept saying over and over that he was so nice to me he hadn't done anything wrong he couldn't seem to understand that it doesn't mean not automatically fall for him we had known each other for months and had only met once it was the strangest thing I've ever experienced to be fair though he was really nice we met through a mutual friend at a party I was really into him and he seemed into me we talked for hours sitting in her living room exchanged numbers and then talked for hours again the next day we covered so many topics I couldn't possibly remember them all but one thing we discussed was relationships versus hooking up he said that he was only interested in an actual relationship and he preferred to take things slow I was fine with that I was supposed to be leaving to go with said mutual friend and some others to a convention that weekend so he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner together the night before of course I said absolutely I was really looking forward to it some plans changed on his end and in her route turned into breakfast out the morning I was supposed to leave since he lived a few blocks from my friend's house it made perfect sense to me so I said yes again when he picked me up from her place he told me breakfast out would have to be breakfast in at his apartment but it was okay because his roommate wasn't home that's when things got weird okay breakfast in someone's apartment isn't the worst thing in the world but a breakfast only I was expected to eat was extremely strange he just sat and watched me as I tried to finish this module and scrambled eggs as fast as possible so I could stop feeling like a zoo animal when that was over we started chatting and for a while everything was normal again then he kissed me and I was okay with that but he started trying to go a little further and I put a stop to it I said look we'd both discussed this and made it clear we each weren't interested in a hookup I pointed out that he had been the one to bring up taking things slow and not jump into bed right away while still trying to kiss me he said I know that I'd make an exception for you cool I wouldn't I called an end to the date and walked back to my friend's place all that effort for what to try and manipulate me into bed he could have said all he was interested in was sex and I probably would have still slept with him but instead he felt like getting sex required some sort of clever plot to convince me I was special and wound up with nothing I'm seriously just going to hand out stickers that say actually talk to your partner honestly one of these days edit in hindsight I'm starting to wonder if he didn't just play The Sims a lot it was basically 200 chat options queued followed by a meal and some suggestive touching holy shit he was a sim I almost dated a sim I had started to see this guy we had a lot in common and he was pretty cool that I started getting weird vibes from him it came to a head when we hung out three times and he blew up at me for not inventing him to my house at this point I decided I was dollar ski I tell him politely that while he's nice he's just not for me shortly thereafter I start dating someone else nice guy pops up every now and again for small talk I'm polite but distance and I inform him I've started seeing someone else he gets offended by this and proceeds to tell me how much better he will be for me but I just didn't give him a chance at this point I tell him that while I appreciate how he feels I'm just not about it he goes away for a couple of weeks then starts messaging me every couple of weeks asking if I've broken up with my BF I'm not responding to him so after about two months he decides to tell me how much he cares about me and he can't believe that I would have ever ever treated him this way he's been telling his friends about me I was special and my favorite part you used to be the sweet southern belle and now you're just a southern which I explained to him that his extreme reaction and inability to listen to me tell him I'm not interested was very unattractive and while it's unfortunate that it didn't work out things would have been resolved and he could have moved in forever ago had he just listened when I first told him how I felt he then messaged back blocked bitch I don't know that I'll ever recover I married my high school sweetheart so in college we had been dating for three years already very solidly one day two of my close Amahle friends came to visit me at my on-campus job and both were really odd and kind of pushy about us hanging out later my boyfriend slash future husband was in school about 30 miles away and was very secure in our relationship had no problem with me having male friends so I go hang out with these guys and they get really sweet and over-the-top with compliments and making dinner and all these things so I get really weirded out and say I'm going to get going me and my boyfriend are hanging out later and suddenly the feeling in the room shifts and one of the guys says why are you going to see him I thought you broke up turns out some other girl with my name broke up with her boyfriend that day and they both thought it was me so they decided to have some weird competition to be my next boyfriend or they wanted a threesome I have no idea I booked it out of there in case you are wondering neither of them were invited to our wedding edit I guess I didn't give enough detail about what was said and how things ended throughout the night no one ever mentioned my boyfriend or said anything like that sucks or how are you feeling those seem like things any basic human being would say out of concern but there was a lot of I've always wanted to tell you how pretty raisa etc after a while those comments were getting more personal so I started to feel uncomfortable I decided to leave but not make a big deal about it that was when I mentioned my boyfriend and both guys got mad one kept saying but you said you broke up I know you said it instead of just laughing about a silly mix-up they both were accusatory that I had done something wrong all led them on in some way in the following weeks they both avoided me and eventually we just stuck to a polite hello in passing prior to that night our whole group of friends hung out a few nights a week I had two classes with these guys so we would sometimes study together but all of that stopped after that night I didn't end it they did I tried to let them know it was cool and we should just laugh it off and move on they chose instead to end our friendship it's not a big deal life moves on but I feel like I need to say this if you are friends with a girl for a year and expect sex to be your reward you aren't really a good friend or a nice guy I'd actually like to share a gender swap story that made me realize the kind of shit women usually have to put up with I'm a guy and this happened a while ago while I was in college I went to a bar with my two closest female friends and at one point when I was ordering a drink a girl sat next to me she offered to pay for the drink so I said sure thanks she started some small talk while I drank she wasn't particularly interesting but seemed nice enough so I kept talking to her when I finished my drink she offered another this continued for a while I kept assuming things were done and she'd offer to buy me another drink I honestly thought this doesn't happen much so I guess I should see how many free drinks I can get out of this I lost count at six drinks and I was getting really drunk so I told her I'd had enough and was going to find my friends she pretty agreeably said okay so I went over to my friends told them the story only for the girl at the bar to come up behind me and say oh these are your friends I said yes introduced them and then went to the bathroom when I got back my friend said the girl had been super weird she'd asked them if I was sleeping with either of them then when they said no asked if they knew if I was clean as in no STDs I said we should probably just go to another bar so we went to leave the girl who had rejoined a group of her friends followed us to the door and said where are we going I lied and said they were just going to take me home thinking she'd get the hint she said sounds good and started walking with us one of my friend said uh shouldn't you tell your friends where you're going the girl replied I can call them in the morning at this point I'm very drunk and very creeped out I run into a male friend of mine on the way out of the bar tell him this girl is being super creepy and to run interference on her so I can get away he agrees straight away and starts talking to her while I run down the street I get to a restaurant on the corner and go inside there's a waitress there stacking chairs on tables and she tells me the restaurant is closed I tell her I'm avoiding someone and I'll help her clean up so for about 15 minutes I help her stack chairs and clean up while telling her the story of my night at this point the friends I went to the bar would call me to figure out where I am one of them is the DD I tell them and they come to pick me up when I get in the car they tell me that the girl from the bar followed them to their car when they got in their car they heard a loud knock on the window the girl from the bar asked if they'd forgotten about her and asked if they were going wherever I was they said we'd gotten separated and didn't know where I was but the girl didn't buy it they took 10 minutes trying to convince her but she wouldn't budge so they just started the car and started to drive away she ran after the and it was at this point my friends realized she had inexplicably taken off her shoes not heels and was holding them in her hands while she ran they drove around the block to lose her then called to pick me up absolutely the fucking weirdest thing that has ever happened to me and those two friends from that night still give me shit about it to this day that experience made me feel terrible for women who have to put up with that I bought you a drink you owe me now bullshit I'm sorry you have to deal with that lady's sin well see I'm a teacher a pretty serious gamer and I sound cute so I've met quite a few clingy dudes one however takes the prize at one point I was part of this small gaming clan we were about 40 people or so and I was the only girl I kind of ended up being a den mother of sorts since many of the members were between 18 and 25 and I'm older I listen to their tales of woe offered advice etc I wasn't clan leader but I was respected by most one of the clan leaders however was the cringe East of all nice guys at the time we were heavily into GTA V spending hours playing online every night nice guy was always trying to protect me which really means that he would kill anyone who came near me who wasn't in the crew and used me as an excuse to justify it sometimes I think he really thought I was my character outside of games he messaged me good morning every single day on discord and if I didn't respond because I was working he'd put something in the group chats about being worried about me like seriously I have two dozen middle schoolers to deal with I don't have time to be on discord during the day and when someone put a meme or comment in the chats that that was somehow offensive he'd take exception calling out the person while invoking my name as a reason why they shouldn't make offensive jokes even when I was laughing at them the white knighting was making me crazy I actually knew nice guy in real life and if anyone even showed the slightest hint of being interested in me he would brag about knowing me like I was some kind of trophy he is 35 unemployed and still living at his mom's house none of that was his fault of course everything was excuses and blame one night he confided in me that he was still a virgin he asked if I would let him have sex with me when I declined it was all after everything I've done for you and no one appreciates the nice guy it was really kind of pathetic I felt bad for the dude I ended up leaving the gaming clan shortly after that for a variety of reasons although I'm still friends with many of them and nice guy he got himself blacklisted for making fun of a 15 year old kid who committed suicide who was friends with one of the clans younger members and he still sends me texts every few days even though I haven't responded in a year I feel like this counts but I'm not sure I was in high school and there was this one kid who clearly home issues he would throw little temper tantrums or lash out when he got bad grades on something clearly something was wrong with him people would avoid him like the plague because he was socially awkward so he would oftentimes just sit alone by himself looking at the floor until classes started or eat his lunch alone in the corner I felt so sorry for him because I didn't have very many friends either but any time I would walk by would make a point to say hi nothing more no small talk just a hi I happened to be sitting at a table with a couple of people eating lunch he awkwardly came up to the table and said hi then stood there for like two solid minutes just staring at me with this huge grin on his face everyone frozen that got painfully quiet so I said I forget his name and asked him if he was ready for the English test he said a couple of things and then said okay bye and left everyone at the table burst into laughter that's when I knew maybe it wasn't the best idea to always say hi then started the notes little trinkets he'd find he would put on my death always wanting to borrow pencils or turning around awkwardly to stare at me for long periods of time it got to the point where teachers noticed and moved him to the other part of the classroom because I clearly was uncomfortable anyway Valentine's week comes around and I was a part of one of the committee's just not this one it was one of those bye rose and leave a note sings when one of my friends came up to me and mentioned that the boy came in every day to pick a rose for me and write a note except he would come in every day and change what he wrote apparently it was the talk of the class and everyone wanted to know what he wrote the day of Valentine's Day rolls around I'm sitting in English class and I'm anxiously awaiting my rose wondering what it says and everyone is whispering about it I turned to see if the guy is there but his seat was empty I finally got the rose the most miserable saddest pathetic and wilted Rose the note says your heart never saw the kid again lesbian nice guy she contacted me on plentyoffish saying she knew she didn't meet my criteria I'd said I wasn't attracted to butch which she was but hey can we be friends I wrote back that your friends are good we met and she absolutely grilled me on my life plans took a small bit of info about a job posting that I wasn't interested in but that was in her town and ran with it she made several remarks about how big the house was how well-off she was and how if you don't like something just buy a new whatever it is kept offering me several things she had just lying around started texting people non-stop during the dinner about the job I didn't want the following day she passed on info of who I should contact regarding said job I didn't want next meeting she insisted to the staff that they treat me right and not accept my money again grilled me on my job situation to an uncomfortable degree last meeting she showed up drunk made a huge show to staff that I was to be kept happy at all times insisted oddly that she pay for everything and that I take it home again grilled me about job possibilities after a day or two she started doing the emotional blackmail thing though she stated she was dating someone she relied on me for emotional support tried to get me to go on a hike alone with her on every date she ignored my I've hit my limit and do not drink more than two drinks comments she continually ordered shots / drinks and begged me to drink along with her while she continued to get shit-faced drunk I drank my drink slowly so as not to get drunk drank plenty of water during between and after she drank so fast and sloppily that I was questioned by staff about whether she had a ride home or not she kept insisting that I could sober up at her house firstly if I'm too drunk to drive I'm not driving to your place second I know you're hoping to corner me in your house try to force a sexual encounter and then if rejected chalk it up to oh I was drunk every single meeting was like this I knew it was an effort to get me drunk enough to make a bad decision based on her behavior in public I was not at all comfortable being alone with her and told her so I blocked contact and have been happier ever since I don't the friend butch girls in a more BC sadly this type of thing has happened more than once so a few months after I turned 18 my high school boyfriend broke up with me he was cringy himself but that's another story I decided to go out dancing with a group of girlfriends who had also recently turned 18 and we were celebrating one of their birthdays we were dancing mostly with each other just having fun then this guy asked me to dance we danced for a few songs and he seemed nice enough we talked a bit and he asked me for my number it's important to note here that I was very introverted and the boy that I had just broken up with was the only boyfriend I'd ever had at that point I literally thought what the hell what's the worst that could happen and put my number in his phone the next few days were unavenged he seemed nice although a bit awkward he told me he was training to be a cop and was going to graduate soon and that's when things got weird he asked me if I'd like to attend his graduation the following Saturday because his parents wanted to meet me we had literally known each other like four days luckily for me I already had a prior commitment for that day so I explained that unfortunately I couldn't attend because I had to do this other thing so naturally he asks if he could tag along to this thing with me instead of his graduation question mark question mark question mark we had a long conversation about how I wasn't interested I was moving off to college soon it wouldn't really work out between us etc everything was fine and we stopped texting eventually about six months later I was in college and had moved about three hours away I had the same number but a new phone and got a text in class one day from an unknown number hey how have you been after a few texts to figure out who it was I discovered it was him we chatted casually for a bit until he asked if I wanted to try dating him I declined for numerous reasons it didn't end so smoothly this time I got random dick pics a few times a day for about a week if I blocked his number he'd use those texting apps to send me another from a different number he even found me on Facebook and messaged me a few there when I told him to stop harassing me before I called his police department to report him his answer was that he would use the police computer system to figure out where I lived so he could come talk to me in person and convince me to date him thoroughly creeped out and because I did know his first slash last name and where he worked I really did call the department there because I lived alone and that sounded terrifying it turns out that he wasn't even a cop never graduated or even went to the Academy but his dad did work for the department it was a small town so they basically said they'd just let his dad know so he could handle it but that I could also file a formal complaints if I wanted to I didn't file a complaint then but intended to if I ever heard from him again I never did though I have had a lot of these moments my boyfriend says I come off as flirty because I'm too nice and liked a chat which means I carry conversations with pretty much anyone that being said one of the most cringy moments was one I really really truly had tried to shut down I worked in a store that had three departments I worked in two of them as one was a seasonal garden center that I moved out to when it was open in the fall and winter I was inside this guy worked in the department I did not working he would make excuses to come into my department and chat which I was fine with as I thought he was just bored this slowly morphed from casual conversations for five minutes on his breaks a half-hour ones where I was trying to work around him while he followed me around when the garden center opened he would leave his department and come outside completely ignoring his work and trying to help me with mine I would remind him that he had his own stuff to do and that it was nice of him to help but that I was alright by myself none of it worked I knew that this wasn't just him being friendly anymore finally he asked me to the movies I politely declined and said I wasn't interested he said he would keep asking until I said yes I kind of blew it off and laughed about it but he was serious he kept coming out and kept asking like once a week I finally was starting to get Curt and wasn't being my normal friendly self anymore but he didn't seem to care garden centre shut down and I was back indoors I started dating someone outside of work I was chatting with a different cow or car about the busy weekend I had had and how worn out I was and that I had plans with my bf that night which I was debating about delaying for a day since I needed to sleep the stalker cow walker walked in during part of this conversation heard that I was tired and was dating someone and blue screaming that I wouldn't be tired if I hadn't stayed up all night fucking my new boyfriend I felt my face drop in horror and the only thing that I could spit out was that's none of your business get out of my department now my another cow Orca looked at my face looked at the guy and said you better do what she said Mike our convention did to my manager he spoke with me about it the next day and asked if I wanted to lodge a formal complaint I declined and said as long as he didn't continue coming over that it was done told myself everyone makes mistakes and maybe I hadn't been clear enough stupid really he got all worked up in territorial dropped his nice mask and all for nothing I never did sleep with that boyfriend thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 47,068
Rating: 4.8432431 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: 6421Pl3ngCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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