CREEPY Things A Guy SHOULDN'T Do - (r/AskReddit)

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ah /oscar did by rediff i girls of rend it what is something that guys may consider nice but is actually creepy to you this one guy sent me a video of him doing kinky stuff with other people he thought it would be a turn-on for me and make me want him i thought it was a weird thing to do especially because he and i had just met and were not dating I had a guy that I was dating do that he sent a pic of his penis early inserted into a woman's [ __ ] and they were in a ducking car I could not understand why he would think I would get turned on by that well a lot of guys get turned on by anything excel that women do their logic is that it works both ways which of course it doesn't following me to my car smash house / next class when I say I'm fine you may think it's protective of me but I said no and you might actually be what I'm trying to get away from interesting one this Watts protocol after a night out when out with friends the general rule is walk them home after if they live near / leave at the same time but if not then what I normally just say give me a text when you get back but I'm never really sure what to do I should note that in this context it's just as friends I think what you're doing is fine I usually let my guy friends walk me to my car but when I decline and say I've got it they ask if I'll just shoot them a text when I make it home so they know I made it okay I've never had a problem with doing that the amount of times I've had to tell people to stop yelling out of my car window to girl on the street is pretty sad you look like a fool trying to impress anybody hanging out the side of a neon I don't understand what anyone tries to gain in that moment don't want no scrubs he's also known as a buster a guy I work with that's close to my dad's age constantly talks about how I looked like his wife did when she was younger but that she's not pretty like me anymore I find it super odd also I'm a super UN touchy person with people I work with especially the men the same guy forced me into a hug he's at least twice my size and wouldn't let me go because insert other female cow Walker's name here let's me hug her so why don't you and then later called me rich because I told him to let me go edit for clarity I have spoken to our general manager about said incidents many people witnessed the hugging and didn't say anything despite my angry attempts to get him to stop my company is extremely small so the person we have handling ours isn't technically in our person as she wasn't trained nor has any experience with ours both are aware documentation doesn't exist for the situation to my knowledge and nothing was sent to him either again to my knowledge however the hugging event was the last time he's touched me thank God if it happens again there will definitely be a larger complaint filed to the labor board if I have to although my memory on dates is a bit fuzzy so that may be an issue right now I basically avoid this person at all costs and only speak to him when it's absolutely necessary that guy is a super creep super creep he's super creepy a stranger I just met offering to walk me home because it's not safe to walk home alone there's no nice way to say but you could be a rapist plus now I know you know I'm walking home alone and you could follow me I never know how to deal with situations where I am walking behind a woman both heading home from a night out and apparently almost neighbors if I can't overtake her and besides speeding up might scare her even more I usually end up taking a detour just to ease her mind except then she's all alone on the street instead of having me a good guy behind her edit that last part smells of white knighting or entitlement that I'm a kind of unkicked super hero vigilante that kicks rapist tears in his spare time it's really not I don't even know how I would react should I come upon such a situation just run up behind her grab her until her I'm not gonna rape you I'm a little boy no does not mean convince me or maybe it means no one time someone asked me out and I replied that I have a boyfriend and they asked me if so is that a speed bump or a stop sign try road closed either of the first to imply moving forward after a slight delay I work part-time at a restaurant that's huge for delivery orders the amount of guys who ask me out over the phone is extremely uncomfortable I'm not flirting I'm just being polite and trying to get your order guys will frequently say stuff like I'm sorry but you just have a wreck see / pretty voice and I wanted to let you know it's inappropriate and so unnecessary I have to ask for their phone number so the delivery driver can call them and they'll say stuff like only if I can get yours or you have my address you should stop by after work when do you get off what the duck you have no idea what I look like I could be ugly as hell my least favorite is when I ask anything else I can help you with and they reply depends can you be delivered with the pizza whenever I get upset or don't respond well to these remarks they always insist they're just trying to be nice just don't say a word only if I can get yours and you just go dead silent let them frazzle themselves they'll feel awkward in their own responses when you haven't said anything when they ask if you're still there just respond that you're still waiting for their phone number oh god I feel awkward just thinking about this it's perfect calling me after a rapid fire of excessive texts that I don't answer I don't know if this qualifies as nice but twice I've been at work with my phone away and when I've come back to it have a so of texts asking where I'm / what am i doing / am i okay followed by a phone call damn son I'm working chill out those screenshots in / r / cringe epics where the slew of texts ends in a missed call those are the ducking best agreeing with everything I say I have a male friend who does this never disagrees with me never brings up any controversial topics always expresses interest in i express interest in even if I know he doesn't like it never talks about his hobbies and basically matches himself to me in every way he can I know he thinks he's relating to me and trying to make sure I like him but it comes off as a duck boy move or I want to stay in your good graces so you let me hit that or I'm so insecure in myself that I feel like I need to conform myself to this girl so she'll like me it's very creepy not to the going to wear your skin as a suit point of creepy but the I'm secretly stalking you and copying what you do point of creepy a guy briefly / very casually dated a guy like that a couple years ago I speak a bit of French and was about to go to Europe at the time we were hanging out guess who decided he was going to surprise me by learning French I have a lot of tattoos he has a horrible needle phobia but decided he was going to start getting tattoos - I play guitar he bought a guitar because suddenly he had always wanted to learn it started to get super creepy like get your own life bro any one of those is fine all of those is not fine I had an agent relative who used to tell the story of how her husband then of some 50 years had first asked her out over the phone she was a telephone operator and then continued to call back and ask to speak with her so he could ask her on a date over and over again for months until she agreed to go out with him he then asked her to marry him and was rejected some seven or eight times before she agreed I've never heard this story and thought aaww that sweet on the contrary it always felt weird pathetic and stalkerish and left me wondering whether social norms had changed or if my relative had just developed Stockholm Syndrome over the years I always get weirded out when I hear couples say they got engaged in less than a couple months of dating I work with two women who did that one woman's husband proposed on either the first or second date I could never agree to that or find that attractive no matter how much chemistry I had with depends on the chemicals used randomly adding me on Facebook and trying to develop a friendship maybe more and then not getting the hint that I prefer making friends outside of fatter book and keep texting me honestly it is not cool or modern I find it rather disturbing when I receive random friend requests from people I haven't even one common friend with has that ever worked in the entire history of fessor book I guess it's low risk potentially high reward but how do you not come across as creepy work for a friend of mine I asked his girlfriend how they met and she said he added and messaged her on Facebook and they didn't know each other before he's a really great guy and knowing him I believe he'd do something like that so yeah it has worked before I will say this girls do not care for the I know all about you type believe it or not some people just like knowing who they are in a one step at a time any one man who claims he knows all about women does not know all about women gotta watch those who think they know everything they're almost always wrong about that you girls love it when something stupid that I and every woman I know hates somehow man it's said in a self-deprecating way it's even worse than in an arrogant way not exactly creepy but a lot of guys are convinced that telling a girl that she doesn't need all that mchupe is one of the nicest things you can say to a girl don't get me wrong it can be super nice for girls who genuinely think they need mchupe or won't bail out in public without it but if a girl is wearing really dark mchupe or Mac loop that is obviously not very natural we are probably not wearing it because we feel self-conscious without it Mac hoop is an artistic outlet for a lot of women and personally it's the one thing I do in the mornings a few days a week that is really fun for me and it's frustrating when guys can't see it as anything more than a girl trying to look prettier believe me I know I probably look more conventionally attractive without bright purple eyeshadow but I don't really care because it's so fun to put on also correct me if I'm wrong male but if I spent a long time applying Mac OOP it wouldn't exactly make my day for somebody to tell me they don't like it yes this you would not go up to someone and say I hate your shirt but why is it considered okay to say this about someone's mchupe when guys talk about how much they love eating girls out and then when I say that I don't enjoy receiving or elects they tell me that I just haven't been with someone that knew what they were doing I'm pretty sure I know what I like and what I don't like and what I like is to give pleasure and not to receive it maybe it's just me but even the term eating girls out sounds gross to me it just brings up images of chewing and the Jolly Rancher story getting honked at slash stopping your car to talk to me while I'm out running also telling me I'm too pretty to have a boyfriend when I'm out with friends what the duck does that even mean had this exchange while out eating alone I like alone time guy you're not married me nope gee beautiful girl like you not married me still no G can I buy you a drink me I don't drink gee can I get you an iced tea me no thank you gee we should hang out next time you come around here me I'm not in this area often gee so is that an event me painfully awkward stare I cringed while reading that sending you multiple messages on fats a book over a span of time saying hey hey hi Watts help you're beautiful hey hello wats up and going on four months when you haven't replied to him a single time ever damn the more I read this thread I'm realizing my advances seem to be really classy and mellow in comparison I would die if I tried some of these things Yeah right ek how these guys do it without hating themselves I hated myself for other dumb things I did I hate myself for thinking about approaching women sometimes just walking up and asking if they want to go out seems like lunacy asking why I'm not smiling and telling me to be happy maybe I'm fine and relaxed and enjoying myself and just don't feel like smiling maybe it's none of your goddamn business either way I was operating a camera at a concert recently right at the edge of the stage the singer actually stopped his show to come over and ask me why I wasn't smiling um I'm working ye olde prick I am NOT here to entertain you nor am I here to be entertained by you I'm here to make money and go home so leave me out of your show and let me focus on my job the singer seriously said that that's so weird what kind of person does that a narcissist who thinks they are charming and can't understand why someone wouldn't want their attention cat calling just know it might seem like a compliment but it doesn't feel like anything but intimidating I've never understood cat calling I never really realized just how much some women experience it I'm a guy and was cat cold or whatever you'd call it for a guy once while walking home from a friend's place that woman and situation creeped me the duck out and I can only imagine what it's like in the opposite scenario yeah it's unnerving I've always assumed it was more of a power move than anything being told to smile by anyone we are not smiling for a reason doesn't matter what reason leave us alone thank you I had a guy won a first date who just started massaging my back which if he had asked I would never say no to but he didn't ask anyways he it was too hard and rough and hurt a ton so I asked him to either start or lighten the pressure and he got offended because he was only trying to be nice I was nice to you you owe me now ha ha ha asking if I want to see your pee nota have x over a messaging website just y pro top 4 guys never send a pin pic ever women don't work that way if you do we've immediately shared it with our bestest squat a the girl whose number we just got last night at the bar and it's not a compliment insisting he pays for everything for me it's not an ego thing and there is no expectation I was just raised with that being how one treats a lady if you insist we can go dutch but my grandmother's voice will be in my head chastising me it's the insistence offering is nice but I don't like feeling as though I can't it makes me feel as though I have to be careful about where I suggest we eat because of your financial situation course now I know I'm gay and I'm butch so I use this knowledge to keep the other lady from feeling how I felt when I dated men make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 67,478
Rating: 4.906714 out of 5
Keywords: CREEPY Things A Guy SHOULDN'T Do, creepy, shouldn't do, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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