People Share WORST Ways Their FRIENDS CHANGED After High School (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit what was the worst change in a person you saw at your highschool reunion a friend of mine was super smart he had skipped a couple of years he went to college and majored in engineering he had a great job lovely wife and kids a couple of years later he just dropped out of society moved to a tiny one-room cabin off the grid his wife thinks skipping grades and school messed him up for most of his education he was three years younger than his classmates doesn't sound like much but at that age it's a big difference he was smarter than the older kids and had no common interests he didn't know many kids his own age and didn't have much in common with them either everyone expected big things out of him and the pressure finally got to him he just got in his car after work one day and drove north didn't tell anyone he married well his wife was 100% supportive he lived like a hermit for years while she raised and supported him and the kids a couple of times a year he'd show up for a visit about ten years later he just showed up one day with all his things and moved back home he works on a night crew cleaning movie theaters after hours everyone thought he was going to change the world he was voted most likely to succeed I think the expectations from everyone else led him to make decisions based on expectations and not what he wanted great guy amazing wife good kids I still can't believe he's cleaning theaters at night two stories coming up on my 40th have never been to any of them zero interest last year started receiving email notifications that someone was putting together the 40th class reunion and wanted to verify contact information and life change updates et Cie the person in charge of the reunion was actually someone I knew from school graduation size of 600 so I supplied some information for the request and was kindly kept in the loop of the details of the upcoming reunion in June three weeks ago Seve dan nao that the person that was ramrodding the whole damn thing dropped out for whatever reason and subsequent ml's with new emerging details would be forthcoming since then nothing nada zilch I live in the southwest and graduated on the East Coast was actually seriously thinking of making the trip not now though to about ten years ago when I first started to get introduced to Faso book I started looking up old friends acquaintances and co-workers to see who's who and what's what found my old high-school girlfriend and sent a friend request months went by without a response then one day I noticed the friend request had been approved followed by a message apologizing / explaining why there was a delay from one of her kids the message went on to say that she'd been fighting cancer and had recently lost her battle I was saddened to learn that news followed by the numerous condolences from family and friends albums of photos throughout the years and one particular album from her school years including pics of us together 30 years prior took me quite a while to stop thinking about her I didn't learn this at the reunion but this is my saddest post high school story there was a girl that I spent basically my entire childhood in love with we were close but I was always too shy to tell her how I felt about her as she got older she went through a pretty wild phase and was making decision that could really [ __ ] her life up and then she got pregnant she gave birth just a couple days after graduation and just before she turned 18 to make it even harder the baby was born blind I really thought that was going to be the start to a horrible story but to her everlasting credit she cleaned up her act and I can honestly say she became the standard that I judged good moms by now she was really great because of this though she ended up staying in our little podunk western state 8-k person hometown are left for the Marines and by coincidence ended up moving to California and then on to Hawaii where she had said she always wanted to live I kept distantly in touch with her and for quite a while even into adulthood nurtured the idea of someday starting a relationship with her once I was secure enough to support her family well life didn't really work out that way for various reasons and I ended up married with kids of my own and she ended up in a long-term relationship with the captain of our hometown Police Department they had another kid together though they never got married I used to invite her and her family to come visit me but she never took me up on the offer then one day in late April a few years back I got the news that she had been killed she was having relationship problems with her boyfriend a cop and he shot her in the driveway of her best friend's house before killing himself I couldn't [ __ ] believe it I was fortunate enough that her mom asked me to be a pal before her funeral I can't really explain the feeling that gave me but it was a type of final connection thing and I'm so thankful I at least was able to have that it's been a couple of years now but I still think about her I miss her terribly still and it breaks my heart I went to a small rural high school and didn't attend any of our official reunions but our town has a 4th of July festival every year that served as an unofficial reunion for those of us who went away to college the summer before my first year of college I was hanging out at the festival with some of my friends when I heard a familiar voice call my name I turned around and there was Debbie a girl in the class a year ahead of me whom I and my friends had crushed on to varying degrees but the person standing before me was no longer than Debbie high school Debbie was slim petite and pretty with long dark hair this person was massively obese marred by terrible acne and a nose ring that appeared to be infected and sporting a ragged short haircut that had been dyed an unflattering shade of brown we conversed briefly and she mentioned that she joined the Peace Corps and spent a few months in cages turn hike but otherwise offered no explanation of her changed look there was some more small-town [ __ ] shirt and we went our respective ways maybe half an hour after running into Debbie I ran into my friend chat and he who had crushed on her the hardest asked if we'd seen her I said that we just saw her and that she was probably still close by it was a very small town but he should know that she looked very different these days I didn't elaborate further as it was kind of depressing to see her the way she was and I didn't want to come off as mean we walked around a little bit more and sure enough there was Debbie again I pointed her out to chat who seemed unsure about who I might be pointing towards but then he saw he saw and made a face Debbie saw the face and walked away the other direction I came back home for the next three summers but never saw Debbie again at any of the festivals and even years later after faster book became a thing and everyone started reconnecting online I never encountered her I wish I could apologize for that moment lord only knows what might have caused such a dramatic change over that one year of her life too many to list at my school but the guy who popped a guy in the head over $38 and is on death row is probably the worst he didn't show up obviously second worst were the two guys who were really close all throughout junior high and high school turned out to be pedophiles molesters and had started a major pornography ring the one guy I think got a total of something like three hundred and seventy five years in prison the other was on the run last I heard but people were looking still they were both at the ten they won't be at our 20th this fall for sure a bunch of others quiet shy nice girl who was a sweetheart killed herself the rich kid who grew up to never change and just continue to live off his parents and be a total ass cheating on his wife regularly with other former shoe mats last I heard the kid who cleaned up after getting into heavy drugs in school only to suddenly die from an undiagnosed brain disorder right after getting engaged the swim team captain who died from a heroin ODS I could go on and on and on to be fair we had a kid who had a book hit than it bestsellers list a couple kids who grew up hard got their lives together one even retired at 27 I Ike good stuff to go with the bad but it was almost like a split with hardly any of us ending up in the middle ground it's almost surreal how much has happened to my graduating class and for only being 20 years and how many of us are dead edit out of curiosity looked up the guy I heard was on the run caught in January 2015 but guy didn't deserve to be out if even half of what I heard was true somebody who might known since I was in grade school who had a really good heart but was always a bit troubled he was also Hispanic in a very white town and even though he was not an immigrant I think school was always a little awkward for him we were friends in grade school and middle school but sort of drifted apart in HS due to different activities and classes didn't see him again until my 20-year reunion had a fantastic reunion saw tons of great people and really enjoyed reconnecting but this one friend was present but absent he stuttered and had a lisp that he'd never had he wasn't drunk and I don't think he was on drugs apparently according to mutual friends he had suffered some sort of breakdown at some point he was there at the reunion with a girl who was a sex worker while also basically living off of him she did not treat him like a girlfriend in any way but they clearly had a long personal history meanwhile my old friend was trying to talk to people getting confused losing the thread and failing to connect then moving on to the next group at my encouraging finally I realized I was only making him more scared and withdrawn the entire exercise was haunting him further nobody was able to be more specific about what exactly his breakdown had been but there was a hollow bracing look in his eyes as if this quite frantic personality were being read read every day by some unknown I tried hard to talk with him just one-on-one and get him to open up but he looked like he'd lost himself in some sort of accident and the scared lonely brown kid I'd the friend in twenty five years ago was long gone replaced by this shell of a person I've been out of high school for seven years I didn't attend the five year but my class had a few that really [ __ ] up Hannah was near the end president of the Flat Earth Club freshman junior year until she got popular senior year for her mom buying the kids alcohol and letting her throw rages she was bulimic and did a lot of coke she completely dropped off the map and the last we saw of Oh bursar mugshot DUI blowing a point four and she had gained about 70 pounds Billie was star of the baseball team and all the teachers loved him he peddled small amounts of weed but none of us expected to see him get busted for trafficking cocaine and ecstasy armed robbery and kidnapping Jacob an extremely smart and talented guitar major was arrested for felony cocaine possession and intent to distribute my best friend who graduated with honors and a 4.6 GPS dropped out of Community College to marry someone she had only Skyped before from the Army he turned out to be an abusive miss gonna stick [ __ ] who left her with three children had one baby less than a year later had twins that'll have autism while dealing with the death of her mother from cancer she still lives at home with her grieving father taking care of her children the joke's on Hannah Billy Jacob and their friend group though they didn't get into drugs until senior year I had a pill addiction by sophomore year and ended up in rehab by junior year and everyone talked [ __ ] about me and my party girl reputation seven years later and after only smoking weed for years I started abusing xanax turned to opiates and spiraled down into full-blown heroin addiction for the past two years with multiple arrests and Stinson treatment kinda sucks that everything they thought about me was right but we all [ __ ] up and we all have our demons just had my 20-year high school reunion the head cheerleader was overweight and single the class clown is now a district attorney and my buddy who was at one point in time getting a medical degree in to know biology the study of alien life seriously ended up becoming a very boring patent lawyer all unexpected but none of these were the worst change I saw there was a girl in high school named well let's call her Connie Connie just kind of had a sultry way about her all the time she wasn't playing at anything she just sort of used sex it was like a combination of playful comfortableness with anyone in any situation and come hither looks that she held a little too long and she had this hair that was like a giant unmanageable rat's nest that hung down to the small of her back I don't know what it is about hair like that but I find it irresistible it's incredible and luscious and oh so unkempt it didn't look like she had given up but was rather more like an armistice had been declared and she and her hair had an uneasy truce resulting in the hair sort of doing its own thing provided it still looked good and here 20 years later stood Connie looking for all the world like she hadn't aged a day same smile same eyes same damn hair and yet something was different she was broken it was clear that with the onset of age Connie had given up on herself the way she hung on the words of other attendees when they talked about their children the way Connie asked after the other girls husbands it was sad somehow Connie had transformed into Blanche DuBois as the night wore on Connie got drunker and drunker she started resting her hand on my chest while we talked and they're not another guys when he walked over and then a third she would lament her absence of a beverage and all of the single guys would volunteer to buy her a drink the other girls started asking each other to look out for Connie and make sure she got home okay it was sad she had decided or been told that her only value was a sex she had given up all hope of ever being happy or having a family Connie was looking to fill her figurative void literally and was clearly following a well practiced routine probably the result of years of bar hopping and one-night stands seeing someone who had once been so vibrant and mysteriously bare like that knowing that she still had the magic that she'd had back in high school but also seeing that she no longer believed in magic at all and realizing that some people who deserve to be happy will never be happy purely because they've given up on themselves that was a horrible thing to witness Connie you're better than you think you are good luck edit people seem curious what I mean when I describe rat's nest hair I mean her hair looked like this re-edit for her sink Amy Winehouse hair credit to you / I've Mir for thinking of it as an example edit to the [ __ ] going through and down voting everyone who commented that they liked my writing [ __ ] you feel free to down vote me if you don't like my answer but don't hate on other people for having an opinion that isn't the kind of pure internet rage your body screams out for during your periodic affine resting periods maybe go outside and take a walk you'll feel better trust me I skipped my 10-year that found out some pretty interesting info from the few people I still randomly talk with from high school the girl I asked out junior year that turned me down has been married twice she cheated on her second husband with her best friend's father she destroyed her own family as well as the family of her best friend two girls got into a fistfight see above story as it was the two girls mentioned they were arrested one guy got so drunk he blacked out and they found him in the back of a pickup truck in the parking lot not sure how struck but it was not his the class president had AIDS which was interesting because throughout most of his HS life he was the handsome guy captain of football team smart etc always talked about how he wasn't some man-whore and very religious two girls were married which will have been so strange but it was one of the teachers and a student I think they are around 25 years apart in age difference bonus the teacher that was married to her was the religious studies teacher from sophomore year I went to a private Catholic High School four of my classmates died in various ways one guy was in a bad car accident one girl fell when she was mountain climbing and broke her back slash spine which paralyzed her from the waist down she took her own life shortly after her one guy that was friends with had a bad run in college and was addicted to drugs arrested multiple times jailed etc he was killed one night breaking into some homes home and caught a bullet one guy shot himself in front of his family at a family reunion the father killed himself six months later and the mother suffered a terrible heart attack from it almost killing her I had a blast at my ten years reunion got really drunk and the girl who organized it bought way too much food so I want home with my Blaser pockets stuffed with candy and carrying a pizza under my arm like a portfolio I would like to reiterate here I was really drunk still there was something of a dark undertone to what was really a great party almost grad bureau I asked most everyone I knew was cool and having a good time but there was one couple that kept following me around all night I don't have the best memory but I insist I did not know these two in high school every chance they got they'd corner me and start telling me about how badly things were going she just got laid off and he had been injured at work and I feel for them but I don't know you guys another person confronted their rapist from high school that was something the one that's still bugging me today though this was about six months ago one of my oldest friends who I've known since kindergarten and have drifted apart from seems to have developed a pretty severe gambling addiction likely kept casually dropping how embarrassed he was at how much he was losing how many games he bet on at once etc at one point after the part I did message him asking if he was worried about it but he just laughed it off so I guess I did my best as a friend it's not until he can admit he has a problem that he can deal with it but it still hurts a little whenever I see him back a post on Twitter about it I grew up at the same school from preschool through tenth grade but then moved and ended up graduating somewhere else I never got an invite to my 10 year from the school I graduated from but I did get an invite from the school at which I grew up which I found very thoughtful of those who put the reunion together it was a tight-knit school has not many kids left or moved to the district we had a 13-year Club that you were a part of if you attended from kindergarten through twelfth and a solid 80% of my class was in that club most of them went on to college master's a decent number in med school or our lawyers all pretty successful the sad part of it is that you could see the sadness in their eyes most of the kids chose the career paths they did because one of their parents are in the same career it's like they never had the choice to pick the career path that made them happy it was a somewhat press to just school for our area with a good number of successful families so I understand the pressure to also be successful but they just all looked so unhappy that was the saddest part I left that reunion thinking how thankful I am that my mom was happy with what I did as long as I was happy and as long as it's not drugs I may not have as much money as my classmates do but I'm happy in my career and chose to pursue my own passion not someone else's I grew up with a kid who seemed normal at the time but I was a kid too so I couldn't see the signs that I see now as an adult I met him in the first grade by kicking a ball up and down the hill accidentally hit him in the face and laughed at him teacher made me apologize and once I started to talk to him I saw he was a pretty cool kid we like the same things namely Pokemon and we hung out every day he had a big crush on me too even brought me rose from his mother's garden once he got into trouble a lot I suspect because his home life wasn't ideal his mum was known to be an insurance claim er as in she would purposely get into wrecks with her child in the car to claim the insurance money his father wasn't in the picture at all from what I remember things really started to go downhill in fifth grade when he got angry and threatened to kill all the female teachers and blow up the school at the time I didn't take it seriously and I wasn't sure why the teachers did because I thought he's a kid like me what can he do it got him a nose regardless middle school he acted up more picked up weird habits and just generally started creeping everybody out myself included eventually he went to another school and I never saw him again I talked to another friend in our group though who said he talked with him once about two years after he left he converted to atheism we went to a Christian school grew out his hair went super goth and just was angry with the world out of the blue I decided to look for him last week I just graduated college and was thinking about what the rest of my class was doing now and I think I found his obituary not sure though I know his mother was slated to die before he finished high school but I don't know how that turned out either I'm still trying to figure out what happened to him but part of me is afraid of what I'll find or if he'll find me if he's alive he became really unpredictable in those last years I knew him went to my 10-year reunion I really didn't know anyone that showed up too well so I just kind of people watched I recognized them all but had never really established any kind of relationship with the ones who showed up I was sitting there and I noticed some dude come crouching up the path and by the time he sat down realized who he was he was a dude I had sat at lunch tables with a few times and we had a few conversations in high school he was a little mousy and quiet kind of ki nice enough but not outstanding in any way there was this girl I knew she started following me around and sending me signals that she wanted me to ask her out I kind of played hard-to-get because I really didn't know how much interest she had and whether or not I was interested she was gorgeous though the only thing I knew about how was she had been to London and liked the Beatles long story short prom came and I didn't ask her I just didn't go I guess I was too busy smoking weed now that I think of it I don't think she would have approved of that anyway little mouse a boy ended up asking her to prom and they were engaged by summer he joined the Marines and they turned him into a good jingoistic soldier and shipped him to Afghanistan I overheard him telling the story of how he got wounded and I also heard him say lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] it was sad I was mostly sad that the military took this aimless kid who could have been anything and used him up before he was 27 he had two kids not with prom chic and another was due to be born that day for the most part he seemed pretty happy and I hope years I know I wouldn't be sporty guy in school I knew of but never got close to bit of a dick but we all were really fast forward to the 20-year reunion my first it was awkward and I'd found mingling difficult approached by said guy really hit it off never knew he was so well-read traveled and professional and he knew so much about me I was a bit taken aback about the level of detail he could recite about very recent personal things asked where he learned these matters he related the story of being approached by a mutual acquaintance who had no joke been selling information on the street outside the hall we held the reunion in about our school its management its students personal lives almost everything I wasn't the only one who found out about this around the same time and there was a general katha fellows to what was going on someone went outside and dragged in a broke man no teeth skanky jacket and disheveled clothes wrinkles in all the wrong places and a whopping speech impediment he was from marched into the middle of the hall the music was turned off the ugly lights came on and people just stared without speaking he stammered and shuffles and practically cried in the spotlight there was an obvious wet patch being created in his crotch area spreading rapidly down both legs and he admitted that he had done the wrong thing I used to share English assignments with this guy he taught me about what to note for an essay honking air our former deputy principal approached him and asked loudly where he had found out the things he knew about us he had followed or scammed most of us at one time or another for the better part of 10 years and handled in the street went through our garbage bins stalked us on social media followed women from work to home it all poured out of him in a stream of stammering confessions the former EP thanked him for his admissions declared that everyone ought to forgive him and asked that someone donate some clothes to this poor [ __ ] didn't happen we were all dressed up we all snap to it like time had dissolved and we're all back in asterisk asterisk cats to risk high school and we partied like crazy socializing laughing dancing drinking and living Mary it was surreal all of us bonding over poor old man and his wacky life what he knew about us where he learnt a TTC etc we are all still on a dedicated FB forum two years later coming and going but together as a class reunion can only really hope of doing wit and sad thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 44,666
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: E004vvRwVEQ
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Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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