People REALIZE They Were Being STALKED By Someone (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit people who had stalkers when did you first realize you were being stalked when I couldn't get into my email because it was currently logged in from a different location after ten minutes it was obvious that it wasn't a system error honestly a very scary moment I wanted a prom date in 1986 I ended up with a [ __ ] psychopath he was abusive as hell and it took me four years to get away from him safely I'd go to the police they'd tell me he just liked me and wanted to date me I'd go to my parents they'd say it's not our problem I had taught take extreme measures to get away from this guy I had tried to break up with him a few times once he jumped off the roof of the shopping mall and hurt his leg another time his friend called me and told me to look out of my bedroom window their psycho ass was in a [ __ ] tree with a rifle pointed at my little sister's bedroom window I finally got rid of him in 1990 when he told me that only death would separate us I faked an overdose of pills I didn't take them all but made it look like I had I knew I'd be found my room had took me to the ER I drank the [ __ ] liquid charcoal I told the psychiatrist on duty that my death was the only way to get away from this guy yes I wasn't thinking clearly yes it was a shitty thing to fake save your Patrol finally someone listened to me and put me in touch with services and support so I could get away safely he moves away at the end of the summer I'm free or am i 1991 I get random [ __ ] in the mail carpet samples samples of depends Elvis car Moretti plates just weird [ __ ] I know it's him I'm in my first apartment the apartment across the hall opens up and her moving that's right psycho ass the building is for sale who buys the [ __ ] building psycho ass I'm not kidding he bought my apartment building no idea where or how he got the money I moved out in the middle of the night I took my [ __ ] and ran I get a new job I get fired because of a customer complaint I point out that the complaint was for a time when I wasn't working I get a new apartment my landlord calls me into the office to ask if I really am turning tricks in my apartment weird [ __ ] like that keeps happening he keeps popping up and undermining my life my friends he tells anyone I date that he's going to kill them that we are still dating and I'm cheating on him with the new guy by 1996 I've moved halfway across the country it was awesome he had no idea where I was and I was so happy unfortunately I had to move home in 1998 and he kept [ __ ] with me I would come home and all of my radio stations would be tuned one digit down like 95.7 would be ninety five point five there was an alarm clock in my closet that went off at 3:00 a.m. he let the air out of my tires thankfully a cop moved in upstairs and then the [ __ ] with stopped I don't hear or see him until 2002 he [ __ ] strolls into my work I worked in a store I quit immediately I'm married by now I tell my husband what's up we move the last time I saw him was in 2008 I was dropping my son off at a day camp I hear my name across the street it's psycho ass he's got a camera with a long lens on it I keep my cool I ignore him I go into the camp office and tell them there's a guy across the street taking pictures of the kids as they're being dropped off they call the police there's a bit of a dust-up and he's thrown on the ground and driven off that's the last I've had or seen of him and I hope he rots holy [ __ ] that [ __ ] is insane literally that's what 22 or so years worth of stalking what the actual [ __ ] I honestly kind of think you were in there right when you faked the odd if no one is going to take you seriously and help you you have every right to show them exactly what's going to happen eventually if it continues I'm sorry no one helped when you first asked I went to go visit my dad out of state because I just really really needed to get away from my extremely toxic mom and her family for a while toward the end of my vacation I was like ina legal adult there's nothing stopping me from just staying here and I decided it was better for my mental health and overall well-being to just stay near my dad my mom flipped her shirt I told her I just really want some space when I'm ready to talk to you I'll call you but they have no sense of boundaries so she and my half-sister constantly called my dad's house trying to get me to come back to live with them my sister would call hang up when I wouldn't answer and then call again right away so there would be thirty calls on our caller ID in the span of 30 minutes when I wouldn't pick up the phone my sister switched to bombarding my miss base inbox with one insane message after another at 3 a.m. I started noticing weird things around town cars I didn't recognize would slow down by me when I was out walking people that I had just met would suddenly know things about me and asked about my mom like they were trying to get info my mom called out of the blue one day to ask about my hair when I lived with her she always made me keep it long as a means of control my hair is very thick heavy and on the dry side so it was always a nightmare to keep it down past my waist like she wanted after I decided I was staying with my dad one of the first things I did was chop my hair off super short it felt great getting rid of it all and I found out after all this time my hair was actually curly I never knew because all that hair weighed the curls down so when my mom called and gave me this really [ __ ] how long is your hair now I just told her I cut it because it's my hair why you have people out here spying on me she sputtered Wow I no I just asked because I'm your moom and I could just feel that you cut your hair because moms always know stuff like that about their children yeah sure whatever after a year my dad and I moved to a different house and never gave my mom or her family the new address I never filled out a change of address form but when my maternal grandmother sent me this really weird card in the mail she addressed it to the old house the post office wrote my new address on it and send it back to her and she resented to my new place after that random cars would start showing up in our driveway and just sit there our driveway wasn't lit it was on a main road with a lot of traffic and if you didn't know the driveway was there you'd miss it my friends would miss it even when they knew it was coming up or they started parking on the side street because my driveway was such a pain in the ass this wasn't the type of place where you pulled in to turn around yet here were these cars in our Drive my stepmom caught one and as soon as she opened the door to ask can I help you the car booked it out and went off down the street I had a job at a fast food restaurant to pay for college and things were good until one day someone comes in and says in this singsong voice oh hello a throw one I so good to see you I look and there's this woman standing on the other side of the counter and it took me forever to recognize her as my mom's sister-in-law I didn't talk to her but apparently she called my maternal grandmother and mom right away to let them know she found me and where I was working then mom packs up her entire family her parents my half siblings my insane sister her husband their kids everybody and drove halfway across the country to show up at my job unannounced to I don't [ __ ] know what but they were filming me with a video camera and with a whole crowd of them I have a feeling my mom was attempting to gang kidnap me because she kept trying to get me to come out from behind the counter while they were all crowd around I refused and wouldn't answer with anything but I'm at work and you need to leave there's really no ending to this because even 13 years later I'm still dealing with their [ __ ] it's not as frequent as it used to be but every once in a while they can't help but try to send me messages through whatever means they can try to contact me like LinkedIn messages or something just to be [ __ ] annoying thankfully I have a really great assistant that runs my work faster book page so not only does she catch all the crazy so I don't have to see it she gets a taste of their insanity first and so there's some validation there it sounds like you have gone trough particularly bad times but why haven't you filed a restraining order against them I tried because they were bothering my family lawyers told me it was a police matter and the police told me it was a legal matter the best thing I did was when I moved from my dad's I just moved out of town and made it known on the internet that I didn't live with my dad anymore also that I'm a 2 now so things actually calmed down since that was made public when I would come home and my blinds were turned in such a way that someone outside could see him even though I always put them back the next day they would be turned then there was that time I found him hiding in my shower needless to say there was some restraining order action and disdain jail what happened when you found him in the shower and were you getting ready to shower as in were you naked or did you just happen to open the curtain god damn that scary I'm a pretty non-threatening dude average height skinny that I couldn't imagine being a girl and being helpless too like 80 90 % of guys just based on biology alone I had gotten home from work I was peeing and I had that not alone feeling and I pulled back the curtain Mahna he was he was someone I knew so it was not the same sensation as if it had been a stranger there I let him play it off like he was making a prank on me once he left I had my locks changed and filed the restraining order within a few days he violated the restraining order within 30 minutes of being served and was immediately picked up by the police at his job this is certainly a reader's condensed version of events as there were many other things that occurred I'm at work but here goes okay here is the slightly longer than the readers condensed version this was some fifteen years ago but I'll do my best to remember the sequence of events the person in question is my ex we were together for over a year when after this and that cheating creepiness terminal deadbeat Nass and some early stalker signs I really should have noticed but rotifers caring I ended the relationship I didn't have the money to move far away from him so I took an apartment in the same apartment complex because they would waive my security deposit as I already had another lease there it was right after I moved that he obtained the key from what I can assume as I never got an exact how he took one of my keys from my keyring the apartment gives you two keys when he was dropping off some belonging I had left when I moved out over the next week is when I started noticing things in the apartment were different man when I had left for work the blinds would be changed he had used my toilet for a good poop and didn't flush it one day generally it felt like things were just off this continued for about a month it wasn't every day that things were weird but a few times a week eventually one of my new neighbors informed me that someone had been hanging around outside at night he had spoken with him my ex tried to question him about me apparently he also spoke with several of my other neighbors as well he tried to become friends with some sketchy couple who lived in the apartment downstairs with me Central Florida sketchy possible a prostitute anthem because the woman would often be arriving home at 6 to 7 a.m. in a perpetual walk of shame in cocktail dresses and heels but I digress one day I came home from work in the early evening I was a server at a restaurant directly across from my apartment so my routine wasn't exactly we do hard to follow but I didn't always get home at exactly the same time so I get home and head for quick P while I'm doing my business I hear the faintest whisper of noise from the shower and while I was sitting on the toilet I pulled back the curtain I don't remember what I expected to see probably expected to see nothing which is what everyone should see when they pull back their shower curtains in oh and there was my ex crouched in the stall with a camera to which he said surprise surprise quick thinking on his part one guess I was certainly surprised there was a lot of what are you doing in my shower how did you get in my apartment the blatant lies that followed are not in my recollection but I'm sure you can imagine the type of stories that a person can come up with on the fly that sound mildly plausible except you know they're BS because they're clearly BS the door was unlocked I stopped by to see if you wanted to get dinner and the door was open so I let myself in to wait for you but then I had to pee and when I hear you come and I didn't want to scare you so I hid in your shower plausible in some strange way but yet no even more no because he had a camera with him and at that moment all the weirdness from the past month slips into place in your brain so yada yada he leaves I call the sheriff and the apartment manager the manager came and changed my locks that night the sheriff came and took a report after the shower incidents he didn't really get with the program still he was still lurking around outside my apartment stopping at my job showing up at places he should be like at restaurants I was at with friends or even at friends homes far away that he hadn't met and wouldn't know to get to unless he was actively following me at this point it was aggressive stalking there was some incident involving him trying to kick in doors of my friends homes with my police reports in hand I went down to the court and filed the request for a straining order this was served to him quite quickly although I don't remember the timeframe involved between filling out the details and when it was executed within 30 minutes of being served with the order my phone was ringing and it was a woman calling me on his behalf which is a violation of the order said she was his girlfriend and that there was a big misunderstanding on my part no honey I'm not the one who is misunderstanding the situation that would be you I called the police and they arrived and asked where he would be at this time I said at work provided them the location and they went and arrested him his time served wasn't very long he did a work-release program or something and didn't really ever seem like he was in jail nights and weekends doesn't seem like a good punishment to me the one other really noteworthy thing that prompted a visit from the sheriff was that before one of my court dates I went out to find my car wouldn't start I inspected the car and I'd found something disconnected inside and on the ground next to my car a pen from where he was working the cops couldn't really conclude that it was him or deliberate and not just a car malfunction but I knew eventually mentally he moved on to new prey and forgot me I guess after a few years I moved out of state never to return to Florida I still seek him out online to block his profiles even though it has been 15 years you never know with people like that what is in their brain but a preemptive block across all social media seemed wise I was playing with a girl who almost became my stepsister we shared a bedroom and she wanted to play with Barbies I had this really weird feeling and I looked up and at the window the light in the room made it so I could only see our reflections I decided to go up to the window and cut my hands to see to my shock there was a car across the street and inside was a man with a camera I could tell he had a camera because he was leaning the giant lens on the door of the car what was really eerie as he didn't react or anything when it was clear I noticed him he just kept presumably snapping away I ran and told my biological mom that there was some guy taking pics through our window my BL mom never believed me when bad stuff happened but she humored me by peeking out of the curtains I watched the surprised register in her face which quickly turned to anger she grabbed our most loyal and scary-looking dog and went outside the guy starts putting away the camera and then BL mom lets the dog off of her leash by the time the guy started to speed away our dog was about a foot from his door after that the man started showing up exclusively when my Bo mom and her boyfriend weren't home I was about 12 when this was going on and it was terrifying oh my gosh that's horrendous did it eventually stop though it stopped when I moved out of state to live with my adoptive mother which kind of verified that I had been the target my mother dated a man who turned out to be abusive once she ended this he began to stalk us in the beginning I didn't have a license later on when I did he started stalking both of us some clues we found were seeing odd cars driving slowly in the neighborhood this isn't a sign by itself but when combined with the same cars being seen nearby at other times we figured it out he knew people who owned new and used car dealerships we started hearing from friends about things we had done that no one would really know about like my mom may have visited a relative or I went to a party with friends somehow a neighbor or other person asked how that was we found out he was talking to these people as friends without them knowing what he was up to so they were volunteering information in a harmless way our trash started being disturbed found out he was going through it and taking out things like billing statements litters and so on this was before privacy and identity theft were an issue in the single worst example he had shown a letter I had written to a prospective girlfriend to a friend of his I threw out my drafts and accidentally left it there I just happened to see it when I was there and the mutual friend told me that she thought the guy had it to proof read it for me humiliating I noticed once I had my license I was being followed when I was out on country roads and so on even through college he did it on occasion when people in my hometown me when I had gone dancing or whatever at clubs so all in all just be vigilant if you ever feel someone is following you be it a stalker or a road rage person do not go home go to a well-lit area or a manned police station shred everything you throw away if there's anything personal on it get a good cross cut shredder that cuts into a tiny pieces and these days call the police they'll take it more seriously than they did in the past did he stop that yes he stopped with my mom after it came to a head with him showing up at her place of work with a gun to talk to her part of our family is in law enforcement and handled that really quickly he stalked me a few years after that but never confronted me so I couldn't get any legal protection he just kept sharing information back in my small hometown being be leaning gay that was awful because the rumors never stopped about what I was doing and with whom I was doing it while living away I will say this in some ways it ruined my life when I say that I just meant that it has made me as a person having difficulties in trusting other people I can be insanely private at times because of it I tend to be hyper aware in public situations that's not always a bad thing these days but it can be exhausting to be frank I have weird habits with trash for instance I shred and make sure I put items in the trash in a way that makes them as messy as possible so that if someone is going through it it's going to be disgusting he died last year I think honestly that's the first time I've taken breath since my teens where I felt truly at ease mid forties now when I got a text from a number one didn't recognize telling me to look outside I lived in a first floor apartment and there were flowers and chocolates on my balcony [ __ ] worked for it and was in a position that he had access to the employee records so he got my cell number and address out of it what was even crazier was I told my upstairs neighbor to keep an eye out for him and she said he'd stalk tattoo apparently this guy just had a reputation for stalking every new girl in town it was a smallish / medium-sized town it escalated over the course of the year but was quite frankly more absurd than terrifying because the stuff he did was just so bizarre finally had to get a restraining order against him any other stories you'd like to share I'm curious how bizarre is different from terrifying I apologize for the crap formatting I was trying to do bullets and failed so the main thing about stalker is he was a serial liar and if you caught him in his lies he'd tell more lies and it just would get progressively weirder I worked with him like I said he was the guy at my office here's a catalogue of the year he spent chasing me and progressed from being my weird Kalka to my weird stalker strange randomly hash won he told me he owned a VIP air he drove a beat-up pickup truck like I said smallish size town everybody knew everything there were no VIPs in a hundred mile radius at least a cow Orca told him to bring it to work and it was in the shop or his brother borrowed it or etcetera etc strange randomly hash - he said he was in the army and showed me a picture of him in what was clearly a JROTC uniform it had a [ __ ] JROTC pin on the uniform for God's sake I call him on it because I was fed up with him at this point and he said that pin belonged to his best friends from school who was still in the service and he wore it as a good luck charm I'm pretty sure that's not how uniform regulations work his friend becomes important later strange randomly hash three he had to one-up people on everything he asked me if I'd been to college I said I had what type of degree did I get I got a master's in English oh well he had gotten his a-plus computer certification and if you do enough computer certifications it's about the equivalent of a PhD I got my A+ certification when I was in high school as part of our Technology / business co-op class it is nowhere near a PhD and we progress into stalker territory a co-worker told him I was a gamer he built me a PC and left it on the balcony of my apartment where he left the flowers apparently he didn't think I was smart enough to try it out because it was literally an empty case with the blank FAFSA blood still on the bag and a gaping hole where the power supply ought to be and we get further into stalker territory he comes into my office in front of all my co-workers and asks to talk to me I'm like oh god no he gets down on one knee grabs my hand and literally gems ring onto my finger and pours his heart out and proposes I didn't even manage to laugh I laughed when he left I was just so completely perplexed I just stood there with my mouth hanging open like a fish and didn't say anything he told me to think it over and took off I'm 90% sure the ring came out of one of those gumball machine dispenses the return of the military friend at this point I've told him not to contact me and I've got it in writing that I told him not to contact me I've also already talked to the local police and the guy I talked to basically corroborated my neighbor's story by saying oh yeah we've spoken with him before stalker has hidden in my bushes possibly vandalized my car left me countless letters and followed me all over the [ __ ] place so stalker is no contact but I get an email from his friend in the military he's being deployed and before he goes he wants me to promise him that I'll take care of stalker what you see stalker has told him that I'm the perfect woman and he wants me to swear that I'll take good care of him because he's a special guy and if anything happens to him I have to promise to marry him I print the m/l out and I don't respond r.i.p military friend six hours literally six hours later I get an email from a different address its military friend's brother he's being killed in duty because he [ __ ] magically got from [ __ ] nowhere Midwestern United States to Afghanistan and got his ass killed in six hours brother tells me that stalker and military friend were like brothers and he hopes that I'll make good on my promise to marry stalker if anything happened to his friend at hahahaha no and then [ __ ] goes off the rails this comes to an amazing conclusion when I get a text message from an unknown number stalker is in the hospital and he's dying of his heart condition this is the only lie that's been believable so far because stalker was morbidly obese and did have cardiomyopathy which everyone at the office knew about after he passed at one time anyway he doesn't have long and he's asking for me I bite and ask what happened well this is his friend who claims they found him unconscious at his computer an hour ago yeah there's one problem with this I've been keeping an eye on one of stalkers online accounts and it's logged on and has been idle for under a minute aha I text back and say I'm not coming and not to text me again and block the number which was a bit more of an ordeal back then because this was pre smartphone days stalker shows up at my apartment bawling and begging me to give him a chance damn he got out of that emergency room in a hurry I laugh in his face and call the cops I jumped through the hoops to get a restraining order thankfully a few months later I land a new job and move several years later he messages me on Facebook he's very sorry for the way he behaved and he wants me to know he's now wheelchair-bound and paralyzed I click on his profile and in a wheelchair and paralyzed translates to slipped on some ice outside the building and broke his ankle and is on crutches blocked his ass and thigh fully haven't heard from him since that is ridiculous it reminds me of a cow walker I had a few years ago these two girls started working at my company at the same time they were friends and had applied together after the first few weeks I had realized that one of them had some sort of mental problem she would say very odd random things to everyone and freak out over nothing she once exploded on me for not fixing a machine that kept having problems claiming that I didn't do anything all day and just sat at the computer so a few months go by and she waves at me to go help her with something when I get there she starts telling me how I still have a chance to be with her friend and what kind of flowers she likes I was speechless I'd never even spoken to the other girl she then went on to say that I should never cross my arms or put my hands in my pockets around her I said ok and walked back to my desk not understanding what had just happened over the next few weeks things just kept escalating she started leaving notes at my desk with a friend's phone number trying to set me up on dates with her trying to get me to travel to Vegas with them etc I would just nod and try to make her go away as fast as possible whenever she talked to me other cow Walker's didn't believe what I was telling them about this girl they started teasing me and were having a great time listening to my stories then one day they experienced one of her meltdowns when we were all at our desks at the same time she started yelling that the friend and I needed to resolve our differences because she was taking it out on her car whatever that meant she caught me in a bad mood and I snapped right back at her I told her that if she had a problem she could take it up with management so she did she went to the managers and told them the entire fantasy she'd been bothering me with it didn't take long for them to realize that this girl was nuts keep in mind I never spoke a word to the other girl I suspect what happened is that the friend have said she thought I was attracted once and the other one fabricated an entire story in her head they both left a short time after that last incident but it wasn't the end of the craziness months later I found out from someone else that she'd been lying to other people about me she had claimed that I got the friend pregnant with triplets and that she had miscarried I am sure there are other things that she said about me that I still haven't heard about thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
Channel: Slime King
Views: 539,665
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids, People REALIZE They Were Being STALKED By Someone, stalker stories
Id: jL2hvc3MsMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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