Girls, What's Your Desperate Nice Guy Horror Story - Reddit

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women have read it what's your cringy nice-guy story he wanted to impress upon me what a good guy he was and he was also too scared to ask me out like a normal person he killed two birds with one stone by having his split personality tell me it really wanted to kill me but nice guy was bravely holding it back because he liked me so much obviously I fell head over heels immediately in college I played a lot of online video games I posted on forums related to these games after one guy will call him Bob decided to show me how careless I'd been with my personal information this lead to a phone call on a number one ever provided during which he told me what dorm I lived in at what campus as well as information from public records regarding my family on this call he told me how easy it would be for him to get there and great me this was quite frightening and when I put him on blast publicly for it he stated he was trying to show me how careless I'd be and prove a point years later I went to a group meet up with a bunch of people from this forum with a guest I knew already and he called me on the same number shoulde had changed it to ask me to wait for him outside because he knew what I looked like my guest and I met up with everyone and pretty quickly left this video is brought to you by Fiverr the biggest most affordable and overall the best freelance website the raids it's a place where you can hire anyone from writers to designers and everyone in between for as little as five dollars it's absolutely the best place to save time and money for your projects but if you want to take your business a step further we would highly recommend Fiverr Pro a place where you can work with verified hand vetted exceptionally talented professionals that have within work for companies like Google or Apple proven to be the best in their category link in the description below idk if this is a nice guy or just really ducking annoying but a guy I know is hopelessly in love he knows I'm not single tells me things all the time like in another realm we'd be together we'd make beautiful children don't you think we'd make beautiful children and I just answer like umm and then when he sees me he'll start saying all these love quotes from books he's read he's made lewd comments as I've bent over before he also whines that I never miss sachet awk to him he's some guy at my school but I hardly see him so I'm not worried at all it's just really damn annoying a creepy Dan he was a friend of a friend and about 15 to 20 years older than me I was 19 20 eyes and he was almost 40 I had a boyfriend my now husband at the time and he still would tell me how much better he would treat me and how perfect we would be together before I knew how awful he was we were all at a bonfire and when saying goodbye to everyone I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention to say goodbye cue him frantically FB messaging me about an emergency while I'm out of town so I give him my phone number to see what was wrong he lived in the same small town as my bf he went on a huge tirade about the dreams he said of us together some creepy masturbation details and then sang a song he wrote for me after that he was known as creepy Dan and would randomly be at the gas station I was at the grocery store anywhere in the neighborhood and always would send me a text immediately afterwards to be like I'm watching you you are so ducking sixe TBG there's just thinking about him what's worse is some of the guys in our friend group would say the classic oh he's such a nice guy give him a chance yeah I have a very different group of friends now a guy tried to take my phone and use it to text my then bf that we were over when confronted nice guy said my bf didn't treat me right or else we wouldn't be doing long-distance this was during college and he was one five hours away by train when I obviously got mad he called me a beach a [ __ ] and an idiot for not realizing what I had in front of me Kien three days of them on stefarr book statuses with me tagged in them I block him he cries about why we aren't friends anymore ask him to give me some time and we can try again one five days later Dec pick when I didn't respond to that he sent me a long handwritten letter about how perfect my body and how he would treat me like a princess especially in bed : early college me my best friend and her boyfriend who I'll call Dave all go to the craft store to pick up some stuff for cosplay we were dressed in kinda punkish nerd regalia dark makuu baggy pants chains anima games shirts when we get in we see a husky man about our age wearing a fedora with a long black trench over on Adams shirt this was before fedoras became the symbols of nice guys or even before nice guys were fully recognized as a phenomena so we kind of smiled and nodded at him since we figured we were all punkish nerds losers he seemed to sulk off but we didn't pay it any mind I broke off from the group to look for something I wanted to pick up and while I was doing that he came over and while staring at the ground mumbled that he liked my shirt I said I liked his too and he quickly slunk away without answering I met back up with my friends and as we were leaving she tells me that he did something very similar to her when they've gone to look at something else Dave says I didn't want to say anything while we were shopping that he was glaring daggers at me every time I saw him he was definitely waiting until I wasn't nearby to approach you guys I had felt a bit sorry for how awkward he was but if he was that pissed off at Dave's presence I'm actually glad Dave was there I don't know if this qualifies as a nice guy thing but it was certainly cranky I was in the Student Center at my college we're in the biggest ducking headphones I had and a bright yellow shirt with a Pikachu on it noise cancelling pieces of sheets just did not want to talk to anyone I just wanted to kill time until my next class and home was a little too far to make the drive worth it but this guy comes up and sits next to me which i think is fine there's limited seating and it was pretty full after about a minute I see his hand waving and I move my headphones to list the guy promptly introduces himself and says you looked a little lonely picketers the headphones went right back on and I moved away from him I met this dude who worked at the local supermarket because he kind of knew my friend he was legitimately nice he was overweight but had great skin and hair not my type but I wouldn't be surprised if he had a hot girlfriend or whatever he was a little nerdy and shy but pretty cool regardless I friended him on Facebook since we had a lot of mutual friends I had just seen an episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic before I knew what Brenna's were and he was a little too excited he messaged me with all of these facts about the show and how most episodes were good but a few were a little girly I said that's fine since it's a show for little girls and he got pretty mad strike one strikes two and three were his constant when he posts about females ignoring him for no reason going on and on about how the 6c slim big breasted redhead didn't give him her number he even had his friend make this long post about how awful we all were for not hooking him up with our single female friends the real kicker our mutual friend had a crush on him and he totally blew her off she's a pretty Italian girl with gorgeous hair and a perfect ass she's also equally as nerdy as him and they had the same nerdy interests when she asked him out he said they should just be friends I couldn't believe it dude lives with his parents work at a grocery store is abrini and he turns down a hot nerdy girl because she doesn't look like an an in character or the Little Mermaid guy I hung out with a few times offered to come feed my cat for the weekend I was away we agreed on how much I'd pay him when I got home I saw that he left the money on the counter I texted to thank him and asked when I can pick up my key he basically demanded six since he hadn't taken the money and he wanted six instead I said I'm not a [ __ ] and he should have just and the $20 is agreed then he refused to give back my key and said he would sell it on Craigslist with my address and photos of me I informed him that I'd screenshotted the conversation and send it to several friends and if anything happened to me they would show the convo to the police and that I didn't think a little dancer boy would fare well in prison he then said that threatening to have me grape to us just a joke hug this is long bare with me my parents had friends who had a son considerably older than me as in like 13 years older however when I reached puberty he took a liking to me my mother loved his family and thought he was so handsome so she always tried to make us hang out in hopes it would Kindle something mind you I was like 16 when he was 29 my mom somehow saw nothing wrong with this and how nothing ever happened and I got a boyfriend until I was 23 at which time we broke up this is when mr. nice guy swooped in showing up at my house with flowers and gifts unannounced I never gave him our dress he asked my mom then he would notice I posted I had a cold on FB and would show up with cold medicine and soup which would be nice if I had any interest in him but I didn't he would look where I checked into on FB and coincidentally just be there I felt bad being like dude stop cause my mom invited him to every family function and I didn't wanna make things weird it hit the pinnacle when he got a job where i woked just to be closer to me and he told everyone we were dating spoiler alert we weren't I flipped out on him and told him he was creepy and that after all these years he never took the hint after me never answering his cows texts or taking him up on his relentless attempts to take me out to dinner I quit my job and moved and blocked him on everything and had a firm conversation with my mom about keeping him away from me she was upset and made excuses for him but ultimately obliged years later him now married with a baby and he still relevant Leslie pursues me if he sees me in public not a woman but my gay friend developed this huge crush on me and went all nice guy on me we were in college and he used to always offer me beer and food and stuff because he had more money than me it was always fine I didn't expect this from him and I didn't think he felt obligated to do it we were just friends and drinking buddies until one night he got really drunk and went on this long rant about how I wouldn't have sex with him even though he's so nice and does so much to me I clearly AM just using him and intentionally leading him on etc we made our peace with this situation later on but I never forgot how that felt and I think it made me better understand what women go through when I was in college there was this guy that hung around my friend group no one actually knew which one of us brought him in so maybe he just decided to crash who knows but he was creepy he hit on all the girls in the group aggressively and whined daily about how we should just give him a chance to show us how a lady should be treated we usually just rolled our eyes although a few of the guys took him aside on separate occasions and told him to knock it off he also went way over the top in a lot of ways he'd bring the girls flowers or memorized their favorite candy sudah snacks and present them as a token of his great affection yet he called it that he had a bad habit of insisting like legit would not take no for an answer on walking the women wherever we needed to go myself and my best friend at the time both told him his behavior was creepy there were three women in the core group and five others who were close enough that they'd show up at land parties or whatever we were doing he asked every single one of us out at least 50 times every single time we said no he'd go off on this awful tirade about how women didn't want nice guys and how we should just be open to the possibility of him being the love of our lives it did not matter how many times we told him we were not interested not attracted or in relationships sophomore year a new girl joined the group for whatever reason she liked aa nice guy a lot wit but he wasn't into her at all a few of us started using his own BS rhetoric against him when he began whining about her not leaving him alone it was pretty gross best comment of the day always try to keep in mind that truly nice people don't demand people to reciprocate their kindness if a nice person is only nice because they want something in return then they're usually not a nice person we all do nice things for others because it's polite and we always appreciate it when people recognize our kindness and even return it themselves as in they decided to do it on their own but we always give the other person the choice to return the act however those who get angry for being so nice to you for nothing are not deserving of your appreciation also remember that others really can't decide what you give them in return there will be guys and girls out there who will shower you with compliments gifts and favors only to reveal their ulterior motives and expect something usually a relationship or six in return when you refuse then their mosque comes off and their true self comes out be very careful about who you befriend and date recognize that you are under no obligation to give someone your affection love and six because they did all of these things for you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Vamp
Views: 2,650
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, top posts reddit, reddit funny stories, best reddit stories, funny stories, story
Id: XnN7Y4mtg_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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