What's The Worst Decision You've Seen A Family Memeber Make? (r/AskReddit)

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what was the worst decision you saw a friend or family member make oh that would be my GFS friend Andrea and drea is a nurse of the hospital here originally from Canada anyway and drea meets Rodney in the hospital because he comes in after wrecking his motorcycle they're instantly dating and engaged within a couple of months when they start talking marriage the red flags are flying everywhere for me I grew up where what needed and I know where he comes from every other sentence out of his mouth is and if Andrea will co-sign a loan hug I pull and rare aside one day on the patio and try to talk to her about this I begged her to not co-sign any loans if no bank in the state will loan their money why would you I ask off-course she tells me I don't know what I'm talking about and does it anyway loans for him loans for his mother loans for his ex-con buddy who's a really good motorcycle mechanic fast forward a year Rodney is in jail again Andrea had to declare bankruptcy to get away from the bill collectors her credit is ruined the hospital father she has to beg money from her family to scrape up enough to just go back to Canada getting a $50 K loan to get her master's at a non-accredited for-profit college a past neighbor was the Dean of the nursing school at a fairly well-known university I guess it's some sort of post-grad type program similar to med school idk how nursing school works but she apparently had people in her office crying panicking confused pretty often because they did all of their undergrad at a non accredited school and now couldn't get into hers my parents my brother is into drugs and when he was in high school they told him if he could stay clean for a month they'd buy him a dirt bike he stayed clean for a month so they bought him a brand new dirt bike helmet clothes etc he got high later that evening and continued to get high and do drugs every day after he ended up breaking the bike but he's learned that he can't manipulate my parents into buying or doing whatever it is that pleases him it frustrating really he's in his late 20s and an abyssal mess I can see this turning into a cycle of use get promise of reward detox get reward relapse repeat get released on bail for distribution charges only to Rhea fender few hours later and go back to jail then get out on bail again Rhea fender game as well as be in possession of a loaded firearm as a frickin felon no more bail some people really like Jail a friend got drunk and got into a wreck driving home he fled the scene on foot and ran all the way home cops picked him up at his house soon after things haven't been great for him since my mother who is in her 70s and lives on Social Security called me up and said she won $500,000 from Publishers Clearing House which she enters all the time I told her she did not win then she said all she has to do is send them $6 0 0 0 for processing fees I told her it's a common scam the next day she said she charged $6,000 to her credit card poof goodbye money that was many years ago she still hasn't paid off the card my grandmother had the same situation occur with one difference my grandmother did not contact anybody in the family to tell them because she was directed not to say anything about winning by the time family members found out what was going on she was nearly $100,000 in debt and had completely ruined her life my brother sent 1,400 to a girl in Nigeria for a plane ticket of the states so he could start dating her yes I called him Adam boss my dad bless his heart replaced a bad fuel line on our van with a piece of garden hose we had a burnt down van two days later Rowe actual fuel lines from an auto parts store probably would have been cheaper and obviously more effective my friend decided she was leaving a job earlier than her contract allowed her to they paid for her relocation fee so she owed them about 10k at the end of her time there she was convinced that since she was moving somewhere cheaper with a different job she would be more than capable of paying then back within a year she somehow didn't take into account all of the other costs of life and of moving and has been paying them back for five years complaining about money the whole time if she had stayed for six more months she wouldn't have owed them anything man I'm gonna try age just once second part wasn't true this is why I told myself when I was much younger that I would never experiment with age until I was past 50 well I am past 50 now and I still have not tried it friend wanted to join the military got all his paperwork and everything and figured it was a done deal quit it well-paying job with good benefits against everyone's recommendations went to the physical and they found out he had psoriasis that he thought wouldn't be an issue and he was barred from service he is currently unemployed was already a violent alcoholic decided alcohol alone was boring dude brings in $100 K plus yearly started using em put his now ex-wife through a door in an argument she is also on em that's been three years ago he has not improved his electricity and water gets shut off for non-payment a few times a year and he's about to lose his truck goddamn if you didn't just describe my dad and his wife at this exact moment in their lives sad my 72 year old grandma called me over one day to tell me she was hopping on a plane and wasn't buying a ticket home she left my grandpa after 50 years of marriage for a man she met online things have never been the same between us my sister and I were really close with our cousins my family went to Disneyland Paris one day and we went with a camper which we hired from my uncle's camp a rental company after the four-day trip we went back home and we turned in the camper again a day later my sister and I realized we both forgot our Nintendo DS in the camper so my dad called my uncle to ask him if they were still in the camper my uncle said that they weren't in the camper and that he had no idea where they were months later my dad called my uncle again to ask if he had found the Nintendo DS's to which my uncle replied that he had indeed just found in the camper when we got our Nintendo's back we immediately wanted to play with them and immediately saw our cousin's names on all the save files in nearly Eva's game which obviously proved that my uncle was lying considering some of the save file dates coincided with the date we turned in the camper my uncle and my dad got into a big fight because of that resulting in my sister and I completely losing contact with our cousins it's about ten years later and we still have no contact with them to this day it makes me mad that such a stupid lie has ruined my relationship with my cousins we moved country to take care of my elderly mother in law who was estranged from pretty much everyone we moved in next door it was one house split into two which my so owned half off she had a tantrum over a sack of compost and invoked her right to force the sale of the house obviously we lost our home and she slandered us all over town and said she never wanted to see any office again so we moved back to original country and debate her to the letter she hasn't seen any of us in more than two years and is completely alone she has to pay for everything she needs and could well be being ripped off by all sorts of people who are smart enough to flatter she's the very definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face that sounds so much like my mother my husband and I are about at the point well he freaked off back to Germany and never speak to her again friend of my wife's was getting married I have no idea why because every time I met her the friend all she did was be about her fiance well one day she's complaining that her fiance went out and bought a new car without consulting her and the monthly payment was too much for them to afford so to get back at him she bought her own new car question mark the marriage lasted two years and both cars got repo'd when swing dancing to celebrate our official into a six-month marriage they broke off their engagement once meets a guy that night and marries in the month later becomes 21 year old divorcee and stepmom to four boys she met once before the engagement she sounds pretty determined to go through life on hard mode or in stupid mode not sure which everyone has one crazy uncle my crazy uncle was building a house using settlement money from an on-the-job accident purchased land that was lower than anything around it so it always floods during construction saw the contractor was digging a basement directed contractor to stop contracts have pointed out that it was clearly in the contract in the house design made no sense without a basement took contractor to court contractor agreed no basement now has door or for the kitchen that leads nowhere contractor arrived to pave the driveway uncle didn't trust him and just had him dump the asphalt where the driveway should be didn't get around to spreading it before it cool cured and now he has a giant lump of asphalt blocking his garage decided that he really did want a basement so started digging it out himself starting with a forementioned door off the kitchen given that a contractor changed the foundation design to accommodate no basement this will eventually end up with the foundation slab cracking and perhaps failing especially since the property floods all the time that some home-improvement gold right there gamble away 250 dollars k plus it was painful watching him sell their beautiful huge home and rent a crappy apartment the decision to do nothing my brother is 38 next month he's never moved out of my parents house never had a girlfriend when my dad died three years ago he quit his job and has been mooching off my mom ever since but close friend from high school who had a full-ride scholarship to a top ten university decided that he wanted to drive home after a graduation party out in the middle of nowhere after spending the past four hours drinking countless people tried to stop him to grab his keys but he got confrontational and left he made it less than a mile down the road for wrapping his car around a tree instead of heading off to college at the end of the summer he went to a long-term care facility he died four years later a life wasted because he thought he was okay to drive after drinking aren't he owned a successful pharmacy and got drunk one night and sold some prescription medication on the side for some money police found out and was stripped of her license he got worse when questioned by police she said it was for herself because she was suffering cancer which she was not with all of these accusations published in a prominent newspaper life ruined credibility ruined sister took a year off work to go on vacation by vacation I mean sit in her backyard and drink from 10:00 a.m. on blew through her savings and now even with a good job is having a hard time making ends meet my mom won my dad's house and their divorce 13 years ago the house was two years from being paid off instead of my mom working two more years she sold it and retired at 47 she's now in low income apartments and barely makes it buy my dad always tells us how he wishes we still have the house so me and my sister could have lived there when he moved to retire I'm glad I'm not the only one with a vindictive rocket scientist foreign mother my mom sold the house turned around and quit her job and bought a more expensive house shockingly she lost the new house because the mortgage company wanted her to pay them my family took in a guy we'd known for years he was the same age as my younger brother and had grown up near us he fell on some hard times that resulted in his being stabbed by a friend office after the stabbing we let him come stay with us he got clean off the drugs started exercising got a new job and we all spent a lot of time together he was like a brother to me for a while he and my brother moved out into an apartment with some other guys from the place they worked there apartment was sparse almost no food in the fridge and the pride of their place was the collection of empty alcohol bottles they'd saved it was a bit trashy but not unexpected for an apartment full of 19 - 22 year old single guys with the new freedom and money coming in from his job and money from the settlement of the stabbing he started getting back into drugs my brother was fine with the weed hookah cigarettes et Cie but started drawing lines when he saw harder drugs in the apartment when my brother saw crack for a second time he started moving out the other guys in that place followed suit because they were seeing the change as well my brother told him that he needed to find new run mates to take over the lease he brought in his drug dealer now my brother is still on the lease for a place he's not actually living in because the drug dealer couldn't be approved by the complex I'm sure they spot in all the red flags but the dealer moves in anyway the two of them start spiraling down and they adopted pit bulls with the idea that the dogs would protect them from anyone trying to evict them because they stopped paying rent this guy had also been borrowing an old used car from the family of another former roommate and now he refused to give it back I went with my brother to file a police report about it all the police were told about the drugs who was living there the drugs and more luckily with the police report and some of the guys trying to reason with the complex most were able to avoid having any of this go on their credit history I stopped taking denim I think my brother has seen him maybe once or twice since then and the guy seems to be doing better he's married with kids now and I haven't heard about any issues through the grapevine for me though I never wanted to get in touch again because it feels like he could easily spiral down again and when he's like that he doesn't seem to care who he hurts in the process well my ex-wife may be in an intimate relationship with my deadbeat dad does that count not an actual friend but someone I grew up near and talked to when we see each other every year or so after going through her second divorce a friend decided she wanted kids but never wanted to be married again first husband didn't want kids last husband wasn't ready for kids quite yet as they wanted to work on the marriage first but BC they wouldn't get her pregnant right away she started divorce proceedings she met a guy at work that she offhand mentioned she was wanting to be a mom he mentioned offhand that he'd like to be a dad so naturally that's how they started sleeping together with the singular goal to get pregnant literally because he was the first guy she met that said he'd like to be a dad someday not exaggerating this was the conversation I had with her and this was her answer three weeks later she's pregnant and starts to decide she doesn't really like this guy but she's so thrilled she's gonna have a baby fast forward to having the baby he's such a great dad around the time the baby is six months old she absolutely is miserable they live together and he spends more money than they have on things like stereo systems for his golf cart plus traveling on weekends with his brother two different golf resorts while she's working taking the baby to doc appointments and struggling to pay rent on their $600 month apartment etc turns out the baby needs extra medical care b/c it inherited some stellar genes from dad baby has same issues dad had as a baby by the time the baby was a year old she was escaping with the baby to her family's home three hours drive away every single weekend he starts to follow her out there occasionally and screaming that she's trying to take the baby away from him etc she's confided to me at this point that she absolutely hates him but he's such a good dad I'm not sure where she gets the standard for good dad as hers was affectionate and contributed to the household chores and finances rather than draining his wife second birthday she announces they're pregnant again b/c she always wanted two babies he's proposed multiple times she still won't marry him what an unfortunate roller coaster growing up in a small town though this story is repeated with slight differences all the time truly battling buddy of mine got into a fight with the BFF a girl he thought didn't have a bf she was a piece of work anyway I found out about the bf and he was about three times the size of my friend dude just walk away and chalk it up to a learning experience I said but nope he felt this new desire to kick his butt that kind of logic failed me anyway we show up to the designated spot we just got off work and my friend was a manager and was still wearing a shoe tie-in nice flat bottom leather shoes the other guy the BF dressed to fight t-shirt jeans and combat boots it didn't last long my friend slipped and slides all over the place while this guy basically held his hand against my friends forehead to hold him back the bf actually seemed like a decent sort of guy he knew my friend was outmatched and was just being a hothead he basically tells my friend look you aren't going to win and why go home with a bloody nose and ruined clothes but my friend was filled with B rage we had a few before the fight began and wanted his comeuppance fine says the bf he sort of half clocks my friend in the jaw and down he went he tried to get back up that's when I jumped in held him down and told him don't I thanked the bf for not killing him and dragged my friend away all the while he was cursing and swearing at the guy it was a comedic failure the bf sounds like a stand-up dude for the most part I'll write about this one til my dying day if only so someone might avoid making the mistakes my sister made her first bad decision was playing follow the leader with a friend at work she and the other girl both lost their jobs for time fraud second bad decision was him switching from weed to Dockers first it was minor stuff and then she was using bath salts a minor seizure seemed to snap her out of it but by then she was used to the artificial high she switched to a Daryl her supplier got her to try other drugs harder drugs a Daryl stopped working em she found him and the rest of her life became unimportant her kids were a burden and her husband was to blame for everything she saw wrong in her life he was abusive but so was she and she stayed because he had money and she hadn't worked in over five years my parents ignored it I tried to talk sense into her it did nothing she started stealing from our parents then she stole from stores got really good at it too she switched from smoking em to shooting it up I got used to cleaning up after her when she left used needles in the bathroom she stole my credit cards out of a locked safe when we went on vacation as a family she went home early next day I had hundreds of dollars in charges she had a new cat final straw my parents and I took my gran on a cruise seven days right before Christmas it was awesome we come home and load the suitcases from the car and bring them into my Gran's house place was trashed my sister broken let her drug dealer stay for the week spent over 20 grand off my Gran's money tried to open new cards after attempting identity theft Doug threw everything in the house still all of the jewelry she could including stuff from when my gran was a kid police were called in time that followed she was arrested for shoplifting and crashes three cars once with her daughter in the front seat they finally found the drugs she couldn't lie her way out of that so finally she was sent packing to prison she spent roughly four months there before being moved to a rehab center she has a slew of mental disorders addictions etc she can see her kids for a few hours on the weekend our parents can visit her I won't I don't have it in me to see her she was my best friend but I don't know her now I haven't known her really yes I don't forgive her for the hurt I still see a spoiled brat who blames everyone but herself it'll be a long time before I talk to her again this needs to be done more often there's only so much who can forgive when the person continues to act selfishly while addiction is terrible people still need to be held accountable for their actions even when addiction is involved my brother was sober for eight months when him and his equally toxic girlfriend decided it would be a good time to have a baby there girl is the happiest little thing healthy and hitting all the milestones however he started drinking again two months before she was born in the mother is literally the dumbest and most oblivious person I have ever met in my life the two of them are beyond toxic to each other and it's only a matter of time before she starts growing up and understanding how horrible they are to each other I watched a friend throw a brick up in the air and over a railing then proceeded to lean over the railing to see the brick fall to then be cracked in the head by said brick multiple family members continuously taking various things from my grandma's house then acting like she's crazy when she says anything about her stuff going missing she's 94 and still lives alone she's a sharp lady and knows what's going on I guess some of them feel guilty about it because things just mysteriously show back up legitimate gas lighting and to someone who is at an age where they may be more likely to distrust their own memory - that's disgusting okay my mom is a mostly functional alcoholic a few years ago she came down with some minor sickness and the doctor gave her some pills for it I don't remember the specifics she took her medication drank a glass of wine and felt fine so the next night she takes her pills and downs a bottle and a half the next morning my mom comes down the stairs stumbling obviously still absolutely hammered I've never seen her wake up still drunk so I think it may have had something to do with the pill but I have no idea at the time I was going to a school out of town so I needed my mom to drive me to the bus stop I tried to convince my mom not to take me but it was no dice she's a nasty lady when she's drunk and she said I was being a lazy B and just didn't want to go to school I concede and go to wait for her in the car five minutes later my mother comes out completely naked from the pants down I saw my mother's pubis and it still makes me cry when I'm alone at night anyway she gets in the driver's seat and starts yelling at me basically blaming me that she 1peter sailfin - couldn't find a single pair of pants or underwear in the laundry room I try to convince her to go to her room and find some pants but she says if we stay any longer I'll miss the bus surprise surprise albeit her phenomenal decision-making skills we pull up to the bus stop and the bus is long gone sir my mother instead of doing the smart thing going back to our house getting pants and driving me to school she decides if she went this far naked she can drive another 45 minutes that way so after a very long sweaty and terrifying DR we finally start to near the exit then my mom's tire rolls over something and boom it exploded completely my mother determined that I get my education continues driving on the rim with attire for another five minutes meanwhile people are shouting at us out their windows honking and motioning for us to pull over as expected we got pulled over my mom is freaking out trying to find a tower or a blanket anything to cover herself but she had no such luck the cop comes over and she has no choice but to roll down her window the first thing out of his mouth is license and registration PL ma a.m. are you wearing pants your dad must have been a hell of a guy if your username was inspired by him and not your mom friend of mine moved 10 hours away and transferred colleges for a girlfriend she broke up with him within two weeks of him living their brother married a one-night stand he got pregnant same and now they are going through a nasty divorce as my wife and I predicted years ago when he got married it was pretty obvious to people not extremely close to them that they weren't really that compatible we opposed him marrying her and it actually caused a rift in our family now he's actually come back around and realized his mistakes and our relationship is a lot better I never really knew my first cousin once removed look I guess he has always been struggling with depression and that sort of thing he turned to drugs H mostly as a means of self medication he had been clean for a while he seemed to have kicked it but one night a sketchy friend of his hung out with him at my great aunt's house since my first cousin ants removed still lived with his mother he was 25 apparently they both shot up after a while his sketchy friend left and I guess my cousin thought he could handle the amount he used to be able to but he couldn't he died that night and wasn't found until his dad came until his room the morning after looking for him because he just bought themselves tickets to see Star Wars the last Jedi well that last part was really heart-wrenching sorry Opie my cousin totally bought into the gangster rapper lifestyle he was a Hispanic kid adopted into a middle-class family that adopted kids from Mexico Yemen and Haiti he had ever chance he could have asked for but was August with being a thug and being gangster I kinda saw it coming but in our teens he just kind of disappeared stopped seeing him at family gatherings nobody talked about him it was like he never existed a few years ago I decided to do some digging he was convicted of B&E and intent to distribute in his teens and did a few years in juvie got out and was was convicted of grand theft less than a year later he got out last spring and as far as I know hasn't talked to any family I still have friends who have friends who know him and I guess he's selling coke now on one hand it's really sad to know someone I was close to his done such a destructive path but in the other he literally chose it he didn't live in poverty he wasn't flunking school he was just lazy and wanted to be dangerous so I kinda don't give a crap the thug life didn't choose him he chose the thug life you have been visited by the skilled Poppa replied JIT gut Poppa for good skill thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people you
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 95,085
Rating: 4.8369427 out of 5
Keywords: worst decision ever, worst decision, worst decision ever made, worst, regrets, you will regret, decisions, consequences, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: nFKuOxpB4sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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