How Strong is a Giant Ball of Obsidian?!?!?

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welcome to the future chainsaw last time i saw you you were delivering butter and concrete yeah i tried doubling my profits by mixing butter and concrete together big mistake vicky knarked i got fired that's what brought me here reading tarot cards and crystal balls every little boy's dream so you're faking it no i can totally see the future why is your crystal ball black black magic ever heard of it i heard you kiss vicky who told um i mean i did not i did not let me take a look in here huh this looks like your ferrets about to die and i'd probably stand up cause yeah your chair's about to break this is saying that vicky's about to break up with you this is weird yeah it's saying that your upstairs neighbor is about to crack his bathtub stinky peter big moe hold up hold up hold up i see oh i see good news well that's awesome it looks like you are about to get three super powers what the first one is you can see through clothes what that's crazy wait wait only shoes oh and gloves all right yeah i'll take what i can get the second superpower is now you can read twice as fast i can't even read well that one won't help you much either but the third one you can fly are you serious hold up it looks like you can only fly 12 inches above the ground weird and only for one second what and only when you're naked pay attention to how to win massive prizes of thirty thousand dollars this episode is sponsored by lords mobile stay tuned and i'll let you know how you can win let me choose some heroes for my battle this guy's super epic giant sword very strong what up shorty look at those kicks though and she's got the harp but you know she knows how to use it lord's mobile is the best strategy game and a perfect game to kill time anytime anywhere when you're waiting in line the bathroom or when you feel like gaming battling you can enjoy smashing massive armies with a simple tap to take advantage you can capture other players ask for money and even execute other players if they 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solid ball polished ball of obsidian it's really expensive we paid like thirteen hundred dollars to shoot this thing and we are going to destroy it so we did a video kind of similar to this a while back with solid clear glass and it's like just focusing on me hey guys and you can't see all the detail this thing is really neat kind of looks like a solar system there so we did solid glass and then we found these balls for sale online and thought well i wonder if that's gonna act just like the glass did or if it's gonna be harder more fragile i don't know but you can see it has all these layers it's just a just a mind rock but someone polished it into this perfect 12 inch wide polished ball after this video come into bunker branding and we'll have pieces of it there because you can't even appreciate how pretty this is on this camera it's focusing on me i am beautiful i agree but it's just it's really cool just just take a word for it so we have it right here all set up we're gonna back up and shoot it with a variety of calibers i was surprised with the glass we had solid glass balls and i thought it would just shatter with one shot we actually bought several of them because we thought they'd be super fragile and they were super tough i think this rock might be tougher but i've never actually messed with obsidian before so i'm not sure we're gonna do it also in that intro i forgot and left my shoes on so i'm wearing the big velcro shoes that we bought for uh yeah for the video a while back i look amazing first step 44 i'm just kidding it's a 22. like always 22 long rifle going at the ball of obsidian definitely felt pieces of obsidian come back and hit me very lightly but we'll probably be scooting back for the bigger calibers very similar to the glass so you can see where we hit on that 22 and it just kind of shaved off i mean that actually looks really similar to the glass okay we're gonna back up a little bit shoot it with a little bit bigger caliber let's see what it looks like nine millimeter out of the bull armory race gun nine millimeter should not hurt it bad but should do a little more than the 22. here and then just like the glass is shaving layers off so i was wondering if this would look more like rock or glass when we got in there but it's definitely a glass this is exactly what that glass did as it worked its way back crazy so a little tiny little hit there and then start rippling now the glass it somehow broke on the opposite side it started making little holes we have nothing here yet for those haven't seen the glasses here you need to go watch it because it's really weird we would hit it on this side and it would fracture the glass right here and then nothing through the middle no cracks and then there'd be another fracture right here it was like it sent little waves all the way around here they combined and cracked the glass so i'm interested with the bigger rounds if we'll see similar things with this only time will tell we don't have it yet same size as the nine but going away faster that's a 357 magnum out of this eight inch barreled python it should have more damage than the nine geez weird so obviously it hit right here but it did less damage right where it hit than it did all around it so right there where it hit it's about still the same level it was where it was it's all powdered of course falling out wait that was bullet that's a little piece of the bullet there yep it's like bullet mixed with stone there and then it just sheared all of this obsidian off there now the real question anything going on on the back yes that i'm pretty sure i'm not 100 but i'm 99 sure that was not there before i don't know we'll see the bigger calibers if we see something bigger coming on the backside dude that totally is it look at this hit right there straight through where that would propagate to is right here where that is that is totally from our 357 magnum hitting some kind of magic physics comes around in here and cracks the back end let's shoot a big around dude sharp we found one of the pieces that got sheared off obviously like super sharp right there okay we're gonna spin this so we have a fresh side to shoot at and shoot it with something big small small no bigger so this is about the same size height wise as a 257 mag but this is a 45 long colt so i think last one we shot a 44 magnum is really interesting i want to see something going super fast with a big heavy bullet like that if it cracks that backside not sure i'll be able to hit it from here but i'm going to give it a go i hit it and it ricocheted into the tree and knocked branches down so that is why it went into the tree it hit a little bit high and went up i don't know that i will be able to shoot that thing very much more accurately because it's a short barrel and not an easy gun to shoot accurately so i'm going to move on to another caliber bigger and faster and see if we can make damage on the backside this is just a regular old buckshot load plain j nothing fancy i was just kidding it was dragon's breath this is a 12 gauge one ounce slug i'm gonna try to put accurately into that thing oh dude that hit it's so hard if there's not a crack on the back of that nothing's gonna crack the back of that all right so that's actually some pretty weird physics right like it's hitting here obviously we hit right here but it shears all of this stuff big time back here that's loose crazy like why would it not knock that chunk out i don't know it makes no sense to me all you physics experts who can explain why this stays intact but everything around it gets destroyed i don't see anything here that's a bummer i was really hoping oh no it's sharp listen it's cracking all back here but not here so that's similar to the glass you can see it's nice and smooth around here but you get back here to the back it's all cracking it's trying to come through there okay let's shoot with something faster i'm going to turn it to i mean this is doing really good i didn't know how good this thing would ow oh that stuff's sharp tiny little piece of obsidian glass in me i'll be back in a minute i gotta do surgery fastest round that we fired so far this is a 556 out of the mini 14. very tiny bullet especially compared to like a 12 gauge slug but going super super fast and we spun the target around so we have a fresh side on it i just want the back to crack that's all i want all right nothing back here happened big enough that we can really tell um because we already had some damage back here but this is pretty wild all these chunks look like they're about to fall out yeah totally i can fry all those out dude that's a big old chunk all right i kind of don't want to mess it up too bad though because i want to hit it with something bigger crazy okay that's where we hit and the 556 did go deeper than all the others it's going so fast it makes sense but still just ends up getting liquefied and turns to powder just like everything else because of stuff's so hard i just want i want to dig it but we only have this one block of obsidian man this stuff's crazy looking look at all the different colors you guys probably can't see it it's mostly black but there's depth to it you can kind of see through it it's not just like opaque black you can see in it but i don't think you can on video all right we are going to turn this to another fresh side and shoot it with a 308 now all right i walked back to over there and then i totally changed my mind i think we need to go ahead and go straight to 50 because this thing is getting pretty chewed up and i'm worried a 308 will break it in half and i really want to see what a 50 cal will do let me there you go dude that's what i've been seeing the whole time but the light hasn't been good enough for you guys to see that is not from being shot that is what obsidian looks like like that depth when you back up it's a black ball when you get up close and when the light hits it right you can see these like crazy wispy like cloud looking colors in there really cool so we have a fresh edge here and on the back side we have a fresh edge so i turned it in a way that we have a clean edge there and there i'm gonna shoot it with a 50 bmg black tip and either i want the whole thing to explode or i want the front to explode and then the back to break that's my goal and you can see you actually can't we have some little spider cracks kind of coming through a little bit this thing is getting ready to go which is why i didn't want to shoot it with the 308 because i didn't want to ruin the 50 cal shot looks like you're looking at a planet look at that okay i don't know i'm just really amazed by obsidian i think it's super cool i kind of am sad i'm destroying it but it's for you guys you're welcome internet black tip 50 bmg that's an armor piercing round my backpack's in the way okay out of the gold barrett m107 straight at the obsidian firing i blew a piece off my truck i thought i got hit by a piece of obsidian just a piece of my truck we're good from what i can see so far the obsidian ball is gone oh it's on the table yeah it's in a bazillion pieces dude holy cow it just does i want to touch it but i know i'm gonna get glass shards in my hands all right i'm gonna go get gloves oh my god dude crazy so it obviously broke it into a ton of tiny pieces so i actually just watched the gopro clip and it just turns to dust instantly you can't tell what happened and really none of these pieces went that far like they're 10 feet away max a lot of times you shoot some of the 50 cal it goes like 30 40 feet i guess these are just so heavy that they just kind of and all just fell on the ground right around here but i mean like that's probably our biggest piece that's our biggest piece of obsidian we have left crazy and then just tons of these everywhere so i have no idea if we fractured the backside look at this it was sitting on top of this and just that much of it fell straight down into this wild i know i said you guys should come check out this giant block of obsidian later at the bunker after we shoot it yeah it won't be there so so don't do that uh we want to shoot more like weird stones and rocks and glass types like this because this is really fun to kind of see what it does and see how it's different from glass so if you have any ideas on what kind of stuff we should shoot i'm thinking like i'm thinking big you should think like diamond i want to shoot a 12-inch solid diamond we need to raise some funds to do that so uh there's a merchandise link in the description below um we need probably like a trillion or more dollars so if you could help us out that'd be great thanks so much for watching this episode of demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] aah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 5,276,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: PfC8FmojeUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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