Futuristic Bullet Stopping Sand Will Save ALL The Troops!!!!

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a river hey my sand castle uh [Laughter] oh ah welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and we filmed a video a while back where we got kinetic sand kinetic sand is like sand that seems sort of like normal sand like you've all played with at the beach but it kind of adds a little more fluid emotion it sort of acts like a fluid in a lot of instances the problem is we bought off-brand kinetic sand and it did have those properties just not as well for instance this is name brand kinetic sand we decided to pony up the big bucks for you and buy some name brand kinetic sand so right now it looks very much like sand besides being purple but what you'll notice is if you move it like this it just starts acting all weird and it just kind of flows very strange you flip it over and it just starts melting like a fluid not like normal sand but if you stick it all together like that it acts like a regular sand castle sand so the theory with our first video is sand is very good at stopping bullets as you know in the military they fill bags with sand to protect them from bullets so i was thinking what would work even better is this because it's heavier it's got some kind of moisture to it i think it has some sort of oil to it and so when a bullet comes in and strikes it it's going to be hard just like sand but then if there's a hole in it it'll instantly fall like a fluid and fill that hole and that's just that's my theory so i just feel like kinetic sand could be better than real sand so i wanted to test it but once we got all the other stuff i was like man this is not real kinetic sand i want to do it right and get real kinetic sand stuff's weird so we're gonna shoot it we have a hundred and fifty pound this is not even all of it we have more over there 150 pounds of kinetic sand in these bags we're going to shoot them in the bags just because that makes it more convenient and then we will eventually take it all out and shoot it like this too and see how good kinetic sand real kinetic sand is at stopping bullets we're going to be shooting the same calibers as the other we're going to call it the bad kinetic sand video this is the good kinetic sand video this video is ten times better than the other it's probably the best video i've ever seen first up twin two long rifle uh the other video the 22 only went through like i don't know like a few inches of sand like not much this stuff does seem softer it's more fluidy so it's going to fill the hole but it may let the bullets go further i don't know there's only one way to find out and it's to go ahead and shoot it what how did that just fall out on the ground oh crazy so it went in here went all the way through our first bag bounced off our second bag cut the plastic little and that's it that is our 22 long rifle super weird what is kind of interesting is this stuff does act like a solid at first but then over time it like will work back down so that actually is pretty good that might make it really good at stopping comes in hard like if you hit it it's hard but if you push into it it's fluidy so maybe that's going to work to our advantage in stopping bullets but then self-healing so it can stop more bullets so here is kinetic sand obviously i kind of want to show you this hard like it hits hard so maybe that means it stops bullets hard i don't know next up 357 magnum out of this desert eagle in the other bad video it only went through like eight inches of sand which in this case would probably be it's probably two inches per bag because there's a little bit air in there as well so it's probably four bags of sand if it's going to do the exact same as the other video we shall see let's go back because i don't want to be hit with sand in the face firey i like how i don't want to be hit with sand in the face but like was totally cool getting hit with ranch in the face okay first bag went all the way through kind of did the same thing the other one where it's lighter colored i wonder if that heat sort of dries it out i don't know oh wow how the heck are we getting so lucky that these bullets are so easy to find it's hot okay so that one went through one two stopped on the third did not penetrate it which that is less than the fake kinetic sand that was i would say two inches each bag four inches maybe five inches of sand and we totally stopped a 357 magnum uh we might have bought way too much sand okay so in the other video we stepped it up again we're gonna do that again this is this is gonna be cool we're gonna do it again today right now that last one was a jacketed hollow point which will make it spread out and slow down faster we're gonna try now a full metal jacket this is a 10 millimeter out of possibly the worst gun in the entire world that actually has never jammed on this i think all right the high point carbine 10 millimeter going at our bags oh a solid hit so the last time the 10 millimeters went through like it was like 12 to 18 inches the 10 mil the 308 and the 50 beowulf all went through like 12 to 18 like a foot to a foot and a half what the heck this is the ah this one's really hot okay okay i'm just gonna set that one right there this is the easiest we've ever had we've never found three bullets in a row like three for three we are finding every single bullet so that is one two three four five so that's about ten inches of sand that that is going through this one we might go ahead and rotate it out because it's starting to lose so it's actually really not because there's an inner bag in there in out out then at these last ones it's going slower so it just has a tiny little exit wound there and then this one is a tiny little entrance tiny little slit of an exit wound pops out cracks that one fell down on the ground right here so once again our real kinetic sand is proving to be a much better uh stopper of bullets than our cheap kinetic sand dude the military's gonna start filling up sandbags with purple play sand mark my words 50 cal but a small 50 cal sort of if you can have a small 50 cal this is a 50 beowulf one of my favorite guns it is a 50 cal chambered ar it is the size of a regular air 15 but shoots a giant bullet this is a full solid brass bullet so it's not going to expand it's not going to flower open it's not going to deform really especially in the sand it's just going to keep going straight and penetrate hard so hard and deep penetrate deep and hard okay last time they went through about 10 to 18 inches it penetrated 10 to 18 inches deep purple place and penetration coming up oh that knocked over a bunch of them if i find the round on this one that would be really crazy in out okay this bag's done probably done okay yeah i mean this is all 50. that's a big hole there so that so far is five bags so that is a new record that thing's still going six bags still making a big hole here seven bags let's crack that one man i bet that round is close but i bet you it went out i bet it fell over like this yeah it started angling up and so it probably went and fired out that way i don't think we're gonna find four for four rounds today but let's see one two three four five six seven seven bags so 14 inches of penetration which is just about what the other sand did so so far pretty close four for four i started messing with this let's get everything back i can feel it it's in here so as i said not deformed stayed together and was found in the seventh bag so it cracked this one just i thought it came out but it just went in there cracked it hit this stopped right there we have found four for four the next round is going to be a little harder to find because it's going way fast 308 big bad round moving very fast and went about the same as the others in the last video so what will it do in the purple sand we're here to find out i know everyone woke up this morning hoping they could figure out what would happen to a 308 in purple kinetic sand that was that was pretty good i don't know which ones are which those have bigger holes in the back so that's probably it's a puzzle i feel like these could be the blue i don't know oh wait this one has no hole in the back for the front okay so these weren't hit i think these are the back bags the problem is it started going up you can see how low these front bags were hit and how high the back bags were hit so it went boom and then just curled up so i think we probably lost the bullet i mean this one shows you right here it went in this bag here and came out right here i guess yeah and then it went through this one and i bet it went out somewhere 308 round two so i am lower this time hoping it wouldn't angle out so it there second one went through i think this is the third one already coming up as you can see oh dude it might be in one of these right here we only hit four bags found it it's in this one that's the fourth bag that it just cracked but it never went into it just punched it i mean it didn't come out here just punched a hole it's up in here though i can feel it i can actually feel how hot it is too ah so that's what happens when something really fast goes through it bends it so that is our 308 round they went in and then smashed which is also why other one flew out goes in starts bending and then goes shoots up three bags stopped in like six inches of sand purple real kinetic sand will save your life from a 308 six inches of it that is wild we started dumping these in a pile and one of the other bags we've shot this fell out that is a 308 that i thought flew out somewhere it was still in the bag which means we have found six out of six shots that we have shot today which has never ever in the history of demolition ranch happened before today is a demolition ranch so we're gonna go ahead and keep dumping out the sand now we emptied a bunch of bags obviously this is everything we got about 150 pounds what's so weird is like this stuff looks like hard sand looks kind of dried out and it i mean it feels like that until you squeeze it and let it start moving it's just like stuff is so weird so crazy that was close okay we're gonna get this all packed up this is what we did with the last one we made a big pile like this and we shot it with an incendiary 50 bmg and it went boom and it only went about like halfway through our pile so we're gonna see if that does the same thing with this it's pretty hard so some of it was more purple and some of it was more pink so there you can see those colors are mixing together like look how weird this stuff looks so strange this video should just be called matt plays in the sandbox for 30 minutes so when it's all fluidy and flowing like this you just literally pack it and stop well it's still kind of like pack it and then it's like regular sand like it's hard not flowy anymore give it a little energy and it starts moving look i made a butt i think we're good that ain't going nowhere this is an incendiary round it's a 50 bmg a big mamajama and when it hits it explodes so we are going to see if it can get through that sand uh it's probably at the widest point at the bottom about two feet wide which is about what our other pile was and we probably only got about a foot in and then that extendary went off and exploded and the round did not go any further we found pieces of the round it blew the round all apart we are going to see what happens in the real kinetic sand the purple kinetic sand when it gets hit with a 50 bmg blue tip so that looks very similar to the last one dude that's actually way better the last one blew out this whole half of the pile and left the back half this one didn't even get to the halfway mark okay oh oh my gosh oh what the heck dude that's a piece of it see how burned it is right here that started exploding as soon as it touched this the other one it got a little further in this one the flash is going off right here right where it went in and somehow left that chunk of metal there's more little tiny hot piece of metal right there another little piece of metal right there this bullet a 50 bmg incendiary oh look at this incendiary didn't go very far see how it's all light here that's where it cooked it so it's really hot and i can feel pieces of metal in here there's another one so i'm gonna keep tracing back oh it's hot in here dude there's more oh it just exploded that bullet in a bunch of little pieces there's even tinier pieces that i'm not pulling out because there's so little there's something warm in there ow wow the sand's just super hot too there's a little tiny tiny chunk of metal dude this sand is something else i want to get that super hot piece out wow there's a big piece i was feeling that it's still going it go it's still really hot down there all this stuff it just cooked out see this stuff all acts like normal sand now so it doesn't have any fluid emotion it's all dried out okay it actually went a little further than we thought still big chunks of 50 bmg like that yeah there we go i'm looking for something bigger like that all right so we're getting down to purple sand now which tells me there's nothing hot back here so that incendiary tip just for those who don't know doesn't normally explode the bullet the bullet usually stays together and just the tip explodes and it explodes whatever it hits that bullet broke apart because it hit the sand super hard it did not break apart because that incendiary tip if i shot a regular full metal jacket it would break apart just like this so i'm amazed it exploded and you guys who don't know are probably yeah you shot an explosive bullet that's not how they normally explode that's it we didn't touch three quarters of our sand and of course if you shoot it it all just flows back in and fills the hole if you had this in a sandbag it would just go boom and then it would fill back in and you've got the best penetrator stopper ever that sentence didn't make sense 22 357 magnum 10 millimeter 50 beowulf 308 308 50 bmg one two three four five six seven that means that we have successfully recovered seven out of seven bullets in today's demolition ranch episode which means matt character officially submitting his idea to the united states government put this in the sandbags buy play sand for our troops if you care about our troops you will fill their sandbags with play sand united states government i want to see it happen and i want all the credit for all the lives i'm going to save because of that also we have i count all these pieces with these pieces and these bullets we have 27 pieces that we're gonna randomly stick in with your orders at bunker branding you order a demolition shirt there's a chance you might get these so all 27 of these pieces we randomly put in bags today only thank you guys so much for watching this episode demonstrated and i'll see you next time [Music] aah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,982,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: vzhK5AYLcw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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