Can a Solid Glass Ball Stop a 50cal???

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One of the first times he’s ever really slipped up. He’s responsible, but even the best can make a mistake. Unfortunate for him it’s not documented for the world to see, but at least he gets to learn from his mistakes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blaziwolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was thinking the same thing when I was watching this yesterday. Cool video, maybe just not entirely thought through

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/epic_gamer_time_bro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

it wasn’t really the guns that were the problem, it’s more like r/peoplewhomakeoversightswithglass

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigboiblorgus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't think this fits here.

He was an idiot, and he was with guns. But he was not an idiot with his guns.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Newfie95090 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

From wikipedia

Silica dust and fiberglass dust exposure can also lead to COPD, with the risk unrelated to that for silicosis.[58][59] The negative effects of dust exposure and cigarette smoke exposure appear to be additive or possibly more than additive.[57]

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fallbondler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t think this belongs here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Usual-Championship88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Put on a Cheap dust mask and a decent pair of safety glasses n hes fine, although I'd say hes fine regardless. What am I missing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vegan-Hitlier πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
come in come in matt yeah i i called you earlier this morning and made the appointment have a seat twenty dollars we'll get us started all right i wanna be honest with you like i don't really believe in all this magic stuff first of all it's not magic and second of all the spirits do not appreciate talk like that and they will curse you got it i see that you have three children yes and a ford raptor yep an old companion named bagel up no donut operator i feel like you're just telling me stuff that like everybody knows about me like like you could be like subscribed to demolition ranch or something i thought you guys like told the future yes but that's another 20. [Music] oh no i sense danger in your future i'm not completely sure what this means but it something about someone telling mare what who what are they going to tell her [Music] that's another 50. oh no is there something that you've purchased recently that you would not want her to know about is it the ak-47 yep yeah it's definitely the a cape whatever you said it's got the the metal and the sights on the top and like the like the trigger thingy ah yeah that's it that's it who who's who's gonna tell her me if i don't get another hundred bucks hmm i bet you didn't see this coming welcome to demolition ranch my name is matt and i'm glad that you are here today we're going to be testing out how bulletproof a solid glass ball is so i actually saw these on how ridiculous this channel they dropped them from really high and i was amazed at how strong they are look how it flips everything bowling pins upside down bowling pins and then flips them back the magic is magic so i was amazed how strong these things were when they dropped them from really high and it made me naturally say i wonder how bulletproof they are if we shoot them with really big bullets so today we're here to find out i also got some tiny ones i'm gonna try these out first and see how bulletproof the little ones are and then we'll move up to the big ones whoa look how strong they are okay okay one more one more dude we cracked it a little bit oh okay all right maybe no more i actually can't feel it at all it's like cracked on the inside okay okay we're gonna shoot a small one before we shoot though i just wanted to try to show you guys how hey how big these things are they're huge really heavy probably about 40 pounds very heavy solid glass it's gonna be crazy first up we're gonna shoot the 22 mag thunderstruck this actually fires two at the teeny tiny little target i am not confident i'm gonna be able to hit it so same deal glass ball there's where we hit it just small this is not the most accurate of guns fired them both and missed let's try it again yeah i'm like a foot high aiming low we got this it still went high i'm gonna aim lower i got no idea how these are missing i think that went over as well so you can see how far off this thing is for some reason we aimed at this really slow steady shot off camera to see how it went those are our two hits at 10 yards we're over a foot off i'm gonna try to account for it make it hit so close for those interested the stand is completely bulletproof for 22 magnum the ball though i don't know but you know testing 22 magnum is dumb no one cares about that wow like three pieces oh no there's no four pieces cool it's a good throw though right nine millimeter out of the hellcat straight at my tiny ball smoked it it's nice to have a gun that actually hits what you're aiming at there's a piece actually might be where it hit right there and there and then here's the big part of it man i don't know oh i got it right there it's hot weird so it hit right there and sheared everything off like that and somehow cracked the back too there's some weird physics happening here man that's crazy but there's still lead right there boy came in went and just sheared it let's shoot a bigger one we got the big boy lined up we're gonna shoot it with a nine millimeter what if it just like explodes like just [Music] or if it does nothing what if it's just like pink and does nothing i'm predicting less damage than you'd think i think it's going to be unimpressive with a nine millimeter [Music] either i missed or it was very unimpressive wow what the heck man like it doesn't look like there's any depth to that at all crazy you see those little spirals that did nothing like nothing nothing whoa come look at it from this side look how crazy that looks what the heck that's what wait what is this that's new that's what it did on the little one too what the heck so that's on this side it knocked a chunk out oh it's freaking magic the spirits they're real this is where we hit we're gonna give her a little turn here and shoot there the 45 acp out of the old desert eagle 1911. oh wow went right through it totally oh wait no it stopped wow so this knocked out so that rippling you can't feel totally under the surface this looks like the same rippling but you can feel it because it knocked off these sheets crazy but still like barely made it deep at all the real question is did it knock out a chunk in the back look at that little bitty crack right there someone tell me what the heck is happening here how can we hit this side it does nothing until it gets to here and then it makes a crack or a hole what the heck is happening also this is cool and kind of chip away all the loose stuff and leave the nice pretty rippled glass here all right more magic so here's the front we're here with that 45 if you zoom in here you can see that little bitty crack look that's a little crack you can see it all the way through this magic ball not magic i didn't mean to call magic nine millimeter 45 acp we're gonna rotate it here hit a fresh side with something much more powerful this is my backup gun put this one in the boot it's the taurus raging hunter chambered in 44 magnum it's got a lot of fire behind it let's see what it does to that glass bowl oh man you can hear stuff raining down that's our biggest hit so far obviously there's our hit that's all 45 acp all of this even around here is cracked from that 44 mag all this glass is loose yep man so this is just powdered here right where it hit powder and then it kind of just puts a bunch of cracks through the rest of it now the question oh look at that crazy so there's our nine millimeter impact here is the 44 magnum what do you call that counter impact the part that doesn't get impacted but still somehow breaks what is the magic the science behind that look at that from the side that one hit hard and then busted the back out it's still solid but i mean you can see it fractured all that too how the heck demilitia can it transfer all that energy and not disrupt any of the glass in the middle but break but i'm allergic to magic i decided that i just want to finish it off so this is the same ball we turned it to a semi-fresh side i'm going to shoot several 44 mags into it that's what i was hoping would happen that looks like i could touch it without getting cut wow it's totally smooth what the heck how does that happen i mean that looks like probably not yeah that looks like it would cut me but this is like perfectly formed smooth glass oh my gosh i just feel like it's going to shoot pieces in my face demolitia if you ever come out to the most ranch uh make sure to wear shoes because of that mostly yeah okay 44 mag took care of business oh that sound making me real um we actually uh that's all we got so thanks for watching demolition oh wait no we have more and bigger guns guys you're looking through a microscope right now into a diamond it's most beautiful diamond you've oh no it's just a big broken piece of glass look how cool that looks i was thinking we could do a little 556 out of my mini 14. i'm just gonna fire one round and then we'll go investigate and see what it looks like that was a good hit the 556 is going way faster than 44 magnum so i wanted to see how that made a difference it looks like it did actually make a pretty good difference there's our hit and cracked oh you can feel it so it like cracked all the way back here anything in the back oh there's a little tiny scratch i don't know if that was there that would like that could be it but it just seems too convenient wow look how crazy that is reflecting off of that wild okay i would say i mean it did definitely do more damage than the 44 magnum but the 45 magnum did so much more damage on the backside what the heck this is a pretty cool stock just because it's fun to do this feel awesome we're just going to rip it mess up that bowl wow i just got hit in the head with a piece let's keep shooting wow yep that one's gone yeah she got pretty messed up look at this i don't have to go shopping for mayor's christmas present anymore because i got her a bowl it's custom artisan made uh here's the rest of it such a weird like you just think glass shatters into like little sharp pieces and i mean i'm sure these are sharp but they're just chunks which i guess normally when you shatter glasses because it's like a pain and not a big blob of glass but this is so weird looking i'm gonna drop it oh yep uh you guys want to shoot a 50 at it no you don't want to oh you do okay let's do that how about a 50 bmg red and silver tip this is a armor piercing incendiary which means armor piercing means it goes deep and see any incendiary means it explodes and the red means tracer so it's also tracing um it should be pretty dangerous so i i'm behind this super safe armor some sheet metal in my truck and we're going to shoot it from about 20 yards and see what happens hi okay here goes nothing oh geez oh it's gone [Music] um here's where it what what no way oh my gosh that is one in a million so it came in here hit hit the ball went straight down and stuck i feel like y'all are gonna think that's fake that's crazy okay um the ball is everywhere like i think like 50 feet radius every direction i think it went a lot of it went backwards which was interesting it hit that far knocked it this way and that way but this is wild i gotta get that out okay about sneezing it i i think i actually have been cursed because i am not allergic to things normally but i cannot freaking breathe right now i feel like i'm cursed okay what i'm gonna do guys oh my gosh is put we have one more of those big balls and i'm gonna put it in the front of bunker branding i'm also gonna put this thing in the front of bunker branding so if you want to come check out our storefront uh it'll be up there i'll sign it and if you want to take a picture with it you guys can come touch it it's in bernie texas right off interstate 10. thanks for watching demolition ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 12,678,990
Rating: 4.9167633 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: a7WwrMgGTzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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