WIN IN 8 MOVES: The Englund Gambit

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another gotham chess openings video today i'm super excited to share with you a nasty weapon against 1d4 by white we will be playing e5 the england gambit the anglin gambit is super venomous there's a trap where you're able to win a queen or checkmate your opponent as early as move 8. according to the lead chess player database up to the level of 2000 about 20 000 people fall into the trap but before we jump into it i want to give a quick warning before the higher rated viewers go off to reddit to complain about me this opening is objectively better for white if white is well prepared and knows the critical lines which i will show you white will get to a better position borderline winning according to the engine but your opponents are not engines and you will know the best things to do even if your opponents are super well prepared first i will show you the theory as always the moves are also copy pasted into the description and then there are three games against subscribers time stamps on the video player here we go so we've got d4 and we've got e5 and let me tell you something right now my beginners and intermediate players this opening might be a little bit more for you because i guarantee you are going to run into the pre-movers the bishop f4 players the london players and you're gonna take that bishop and you're gonna be up a piece on move two you're welcome now pawn takes e5 when they take we try to win this pawn back immediately with the move knight to c6 and first i will show you the goodies if white plays knight to f3 defending the pawn on e5 from our knight we add an extra attacker that attacker is added with the move queen e7 now there are some lines where our opponent says you know what just take the pawn i don't really mind and we will look at that but i am showing you the jackpot and that move is bishop to f4 a london player will blitz out this move without thinking most players will not want to give the pawn back if they play like this you play queen to before check the queen hits the bishop the queen hits the king the queen hits the pawn now a player here might go oh my god my bishop and my king are both under attack i can't save the pawn let me bring my bishop back to d2 and do that at that point you will take the pawn on b2 attacking the rook in the corner now at this point still we're at tens of thousands of players playing the move bishop c3 which defends the rook and the bishop is defended and attacks the queen but that move is losing because of the beautiful shot bishop to b4 they can now no longer take our queen due to this and if they don't do anything we will take them so they will play queen d2 and here chef's kiss we take if knight takes we take the rook so queen takes and we sneak in from eight congratulations ladies and gentlemen you have just checkmated a person playing with the white pieces in eight moves now i told you i would give you the jackpot first that i can almost guarantee will happen in some of your games but there are many many bridges and things that we need to cross to get there so let's back up very quickly first of all a few things had to happen uh when we gave this check they block with the bishop and we go here now i will show you the best thing for them to do because it actually is in this position once again queen e7 bishop f4 check the bishop comes back if the knight blocks you take that sucker and there's a line for example where they go here which some people get very scared oh no we just slide over let them take because what's gonna happen is their knight gets stuck and you just take in the center just taking the center of this were to happen if they play knight c3 and accidentally blunder their bishop they might find knight d5 if they don't beautiful boom bishop out chop that knight you're just up a piece sometimes this happens by accident if they play knight b5 attacking this pawn you can just check them there are a lot of winning situations you should analyze games after they are done but bishop d2 queen takes and knight c3 is the most critical thing now here i recommend bishop to b4 but there is also a tricky move here knight b4 attacking c2 and many people will play rook c1 here and just forget about the a2 pawn and now take take and you're chilling you've escaped all danger however the move knight b4 according to computers is bad because white can defend this pawn not with the rook which a lot of your opponents might do so still give it a shot but with the knight and if they guard with the knight then white is just close to winning here because black is just overextended which is why we recommend the bishop coming to before and attacking this and this is very scary to the uninitiated because if they move the knight you take and they can't take because you take the rook and this is just very ugly now you might need to guard this with the king that's okay get used to that that is completely fine but but but here is the most important rook to be one is the most important move now now there is a line here where you can sack your queen there is and it goes like this takes check they have to block with the knight and you can play either knight takes or bishop takes and you would say why would i do this because if you were to go here they can't move their knight because you just go back check and they have to block so they will play something like e4 okay to get their bishop out great knight f6 and let's just say we both castle and everybody's happy and we get to this position believe it or not it is shockingly difficult to play this position with white like it's actually not easy at all uh especially if they play passively like if after e4 for example uh they like you know for like they play e4 knight f6 bishop d3 castles castles and you play like d5 just to get to this position or d6 and they play knight to f3 attacking you and you and you pin them maybe or play bishop c3 like you're down a queen but it's it's actually really hard to play this you'll bring the bishop back to b6 you can pin their knight and put some extra pressure bring your rooks to the middle and white has no obvious targets believe it or not this position is actually quite challenging however that would be crazy to suggest that you only have to do that so here i am suggesting for you that after queen a3 you are still doing okay now the most critical move here for white by far is the move knight to d5 that move attacks the pawn on c7 then move hits the bishop and here i recommend bishop a5 and here the person playing with white needs to know the engine move rook b5 if they play rook b5 and they are rated below 1200 either they have seen this video or they are cheating they are using a computer double check their account um or they've seen this video so if they have like 99 win rate and they play rugby five it's time to report them uh but if they don't then maybe they've seen my video rook b5 is a crazy move and after takes takes king d8 again there is one final trap but white is doing okay here queen g5 check the final trap is that after you play f6 they have queen takes pawn and that is still mate that made on c1 is still there so knight d5 is the best move knight c3 bishop b4 rook b1 so white has to know all these moves and then bishop b5 bishop a5 and rook b5 now i have left the moves in the description it is your responsibility to go mess around play some practice games come back analyze with computer don't just look seven minutes watch me play some subs go play lose games blame me not my fault i'm giving you the tools you need for you to do it okay i teach you how to garden i do everything for you i leave you don't you don't garden there's no flowers that that's not my fault so i'm trying to give you as many tools as you will need to play this opening successfully now we go back to d4 e5 first of all if they don't take if they play like this you're gonna have to play chess i'm sorry you're gonna have to play chess you have to take develop develop develop normal normal stuff uh but we really should focus on like if they take if they push okay bishop c5 developer bishop black is very happy here uh the most important thing is takes knight c6 and you know if they don't defend the pawn for example like like this okay then take it uh here you should be familiar with one thing and that's knight d5 and in this position you must take this knight it's check so they take and you just drop back and now you kick the knight out for example e4 c6 kick the night out knight goes back knight f6 bishop c5 etc etc live goes on um you also can just play like bishop c5 obviously good move knight e7 trying to trade the knight this line is considered slightly better for white because white has a little bit of a developmental lead you will see in the practice games later that one of my subscribers does play this against me but very quickly uh plays a wrong move e4 and against e4 we just throw out our pieces it's a gambit so you need to get very quick development uh and i like to keep these theory portions about 10 minutes long and i think we're right around that mark that is the way i showed you the whole trap of the opening all these bishop b4 lines uh with queen e7 and bishop here and check uh and taking this bishop and then keeping the queen safe if queen d2 again this is not mates there's a bishop there but should b4 keep all that in mind now you know the best thing they can do and you know the best thing to do now you know how to play against the england because i showed it to you all the moves are in the description i'm now going to play a few games against my subscribers all the tools are there for you i have not done a massive engine deep dive but i've given you a solid enough foundation of how to do it uh and if you're not satisfied with some of these lines there are variations where for example you can gambit a d-pawn or an f-pawn and the way you would play that that type of gambit is uh for example after knight f3 um bishop f4 you can play like oh sorry uh bishop by 4 immediately you can play f6 there's some gambits where you can play like this and here's the point you want to take with the queen and that would attack the bishop and this and that's it if you're unsatisfied with what i gave you or you play it and it doesn't work there's an extra layer to the england where you can just gambit one of the center pawns and then quickly castle your king queen side take the center space be down upon but have a lead in development now it is time for practice games okay so it's game time uh three games and three two is the format obviously you're more than welcome to play longer games but i wanted to get three games in when i do these videos i'm playing a longtime subscriber and supporter mr levy's lamp rated 1660 which is uh the famous rap uh and then i will play a 1900 the reason i start with the higher rated players first is because they they like to watch me play these games and uh then they prepare so i started getting the higher rated players first so that they're caught a little bit more by surprise okay so so far we have everything that we've prepared for uh knight c3 bishop f4 uh opponent plays bishop f4 clearly is familiar with what's up and um plays back to d2 i'm gonna play queen takes b2 and let's see if our opponent plays knight c3 okay so this is clearly a person who is well prepared uh in the gamut now knight before as i said in the introduction is possible but i'm going to play bishop b4 now i'm not going to play queen c3 when rook b1 happens i have some respect for my opponent i will play queen a3 rook b3 and queen a5 that's what i'm going to play the this you can essentially guarantee and i i actually was expecting that this would happen because i believe that lamp also has one of my openings courses uh and uh that there we go so now now now we are kind of in that in that territory where you're gonna have to kind of think on your own right okay so e3 is played i'm gonna play knight e7 we're basically waiting for a3 to happen and at that point we'll take if not then we will just we'll just play whatever we will uh move on with life um the opponent still hasn't played uh the onto a3 taking and taking on a2 is a little bit too dangerous uh knight g6 is perfectly reasonable move here to try to just calmly win back this pawn on e5 and if uh my opponent takes on g6 i will open up my rook okay uh still we can continue very much along with our plan i'm beginning to wonder if i can just take on e5 take take and the bishop is hit actually just think that's completely possible so takes and i'm actually even thinking i can take with the queen because my bishop is protected i really wonder if i can do that like this centralizing of my queen looks very good but i can also just take with the knight i don't know actually they both look good let me stick with the queen so i can get my queen and then maybe i can just go this way and the thing is if if i can bring back a few of my pieces and castle i have no problems so this and and yeah rookie one is just way too slow of a move so i'm i'm getting to a perfectly reasonable position and that's kind of what i was talking about in the intro is that okay sure the england might be better according to computers but uh hopefully your opponents are not computers so i'm going to play b6 idea being that in many positions you can put the bishop on b7 also something that i covered in the introduction uh opponent decides to take uh i don't know actually i'm kind of tired and recording this late at night i kind of just totally hallucinated that this move was even possible so i just gave my opponent two pieces for the rook which is just not very smart at all uh white is definitely a little bit better because two pieces are better than the rook this is why i shouldn't record videos at 9pm but i have no obvious weaknesses um and i'm going to play c5 and d5 so that's that's what i'm going to play uh i absolutely should not have allowed that i just to be honest didn't even realize what the point of that move was but again that's why i shouldn't record videos late at night uh checkmate is threatened i should probably not allow it so i'm gonna play h6 and definitely i i'm sure the engine will say that uh white is very much okay here but once i start taking space in the center with my pawns this cluster is not going to be good and again the the point of including this game and all these games very strong players is the fact that even though they are playing the most optimal way they still might not necessarily convert the advantage that actually is a fantastic move to play bishop to c3 wow that is a very good move i cannot i cannot state enough what i think about that move let us play c5 and when the bishop comes i'm going to go for a trade of queens and i think my opponent if my opponent doesn't take i will just checkmate so it takes takes right uh and we have an end game where it's rook uh is it just it's rook and pawn for two pieces so definitely like i've been saying white definitely is better knight looks to be coming here maybe i continue to take some space with d5 knight h5 knight f5 are good moves uh i'm gonna play f6 probably to block the bishop and uh we'll see what happens so rook okay i don't like that move what's the idea of that move to go here i guess i will block out the bishop i i don't think i want to make this bishop any stronger so i will kind of nerf it with my structure now i will reinforce this pawn in the center i would imagine rook d1 is coming because otherwise the rook is just on a very passive square okay now i think i should go g okay interesting is the idea to go c4 is the idea to go c4 i don't think i'm scared of c4 but it could very well be the idea let us go g6 to prevent the knight from coming forward i think the idea is c4 and i i can't oh the idea is e4 e4 i was less afraid of because now i can close out the bishop completely and then i can play rook to e8 so yeah i think i'm pretty happy here i think this is now a solid end game advantage in all end games it's about the pieces but it's also about the pawns and i think i can just begin rolling the pawns forward especially because now lamp has deactivated the bishop and the knight bishop a6 is a very good move i'm just going to bring my king forward one square wow it's very brave let's push the pawns maybe f5 was strong there also uh just push the pawns maybe or c3 maybe just push the pawns taking some more space you see like putting the king in the middle of where my rooks are is probably not not not the best idea my opponent has had uh now the question is do i play yeah i really like this actually i mean my pawns are just just rolling a5 takes takes i don't even think that this trade is beneficial for white at all because then i get the a file um okay i think i will just go get that pawn immediately and if i don't get it immediately i can always put my opponent's bishop in jail which is exactly what i'm going to do now i can also take on e4 so this game was much less of an example of uh the opening being successful and much more of an example of the fact that despite the opponent playing the best way if you play solid and smart you should be able to outmaneuver opponents that might still play you know in the best style and uh we will analyze of course i think i just played d3 and i just barreled down the middle of the board this bishop is out of the game it was a nice example of negating our opponent's play while playing on space playing on a kind of momentum rook d2 knight c3 i can take the rook and take the bishop so knight c3 i will take and take the bishop knight really cannot do much here and we are just easily winning we will analyze this because i am curious what the most optimal way to play that position was uh but and and the reason i didn't take with check is because my opponent would have taken my my piece there okay rook takes a four we now have two pawns the only thing you need to be careful about is getting fork don't get forked and you'll win the game two pawns rook versus knight and this is easily winning because the knight just cannot stop us at all b2 rk1 maybe lamp will play on just very briefly i'm gonna bring the rook back to paralyze the king off of the b file and this is just game over uh let's also not allow our opponent to escape ladder mate on c1 okay that was a decent game with the exception of the fact that i allowed my bishop to be captured for absolutely no reason so uh when you go back here this is everything that we covered in the introduction uh the computer will always give white an advantage after a3 takes takes but if the opponent doesn't do a3 oh interesting the computer also likes this move knight d5 oh wow knight d5 is an interesting move and the point is that after knight takes you take on d2 oh wow it's very interesting that's another way to do it um so knight g6 castles and uh queen e5 yeah and of course white is better according to the computer uh it's about plus one but the best way for white to play here is to play the move f4 and so for example if i had played knight takes e5 uh to try to get the bishop white's best way is again to play this and if you don't and i just castle you know again white's entire play revolves around like small pawn pushes to take central space and it's not a very intuitive position to play at all uh and you can tell already when i you know when we get here black is already completely fine uh and then here i just played an exceptionally stupid move b6 is is very very bad uh that was just me blundering but there you go it's an example of uh recovering from a blunder a5 would have been better or just bringing the bishop back uh this is obviously not a fork because we're protected we can just go here bishop back to here and then d6 and then expanding and and white no longer has any advantage whatsoever uh game number two let's uh let's set this up we've got the next player okay there we go mr asterisk uh this is a 1000 rated player who knows the england gambit is coming and said i'm gonna win in five moves so we will see what happens okay seems like opponent is playing the exact same way well then you guys will get some good preparation um and uh i'm gonna play queen b4 and then just confirming with the next person that they're playing and to not go anywhere queen b2 i apologize sometimes people volunteer to play and then they just leave okay so of course knight c3 is the move queen i mean i kind of want to play knight before because this person is rated a thousand ah do i play knight before do i play knight before no i'm gonna be good i'm gonna be good i i wanna play the best way i wanna show you guys how to play the position uh because this is something that you will have a lot hopefully not a lot uh my subscribers knew that this was coming so they prepared the best variation and and in this case you know okay we have queen a5 so in this position as you remember from the introduction uh knight d5 is a very decent move knight d5 is very good there okay opponent is playing this is the exact same game that we just had actually except in this game i'm not going to blunder uh rook takes before so this is what i mean my subscribers are watching each other play uh and sometimes they will be inspired by one another i think maybe in this game i'll mix it up i'll take with the knight instead okay we have the exact same that's very funny okay let's play knight takes e5 last game i played queen e5 this time i'll play knight e5 we'll just um uh okay f4 of course i take the bishop because the less pieces that i have to deal with the better uh probably short castle is completely fine really not worried about this now when a3 comes i begin to think maybe i don't need to even take i mean i can and yeah now now's the question hmm and maybe just go to c5 i will take i i i don't i don't think it's very good not to take very weird position like maybe i play i don't know where would i even put my queen very strange position f5 runs into e4 uh then i can like go back maybe queen d5 i don't know it's a it's actually like a really it's a really interesting position i i don't know uh b6 bishop b7 is coming very good move here of course is queen g4 threading mate can't really argue with that that doesn't hang a rook because that's mate uh but i will have to play f6 so even at the super optimal rate of play which two players have now demonstrated um we are still doing okay we are definitely not we're definitely not suffering too much okay f5 is something i really would like to play in this position and i think i will because number one it prevents queen g4 uh number two it stops the pawn moving up and then if i can put the bishop on b7 i kind of like what i got going on in the end game these pawns can be sort of liabilities because they're just sort of standing around uh of course still opponents should definitely focus on the bishop on c3 g4 what that is a crazy move wow okay uh i mean i don't want to take i don't really want to allow my opponent to have any fun b6 takes and then puts something on b i mean i that was always part of the plan so i think we'll do takes and then queen f5 okay and we are doing we are doing okay this is to dispel the notion that if somebody knows the optimal way of playing against the england gambit that they are somehow going to get a winning position against you uh but you also know that in the introduction uh you are more than welcome to mess around with other things okay this is uh death on the light squares what is this isn't this just death on the light squares uh if e4 i just take no and then i take and it's mate yeah i mean if you take i take and it's just made actually i think queen b3 is probably the best move to and i was gonna say to trade my queen but even if you trade my queen i'm gonna take and take another pawn yeah and there it is and this is not stream sniping because i'm not playing these games on stream uh i'm just up two puns there's nothing you can do here uh in fact i'm gonna pre-move this and it looks like i blundered and there's just an x-ray of the bishops i mean of the rooks oh no there isn't no there isn't there would have been rook takes d7 guys i gotta apologize to you i i am hallucinating uh i i should not record videos this late i should have just played bishop e4 and not done anything fancy but uh at least this makes me look a little bit more human just advance the pawns now bishop is glued in the center another game of kind of ending up with our with our central pawn advantage uh d5 rookie eight etc and then we're good uh maybe probably just rook c8 c4 c3 c2 i'm confirming with the next player and now we have c4 like i said sometimes subscribers will volunteer to play and then they will vanish also i actually asked the next person playing to play the other most critical line so full transparency to everybody watching i don't want three games of the identical thing i told the other person to play the most uh the the the other most critical line so rook d8 d4 and this is just a very easily winning position now we don't need to d4 c3 and and it's over it's actually a second game in a row that the bishop gets killed poor bishop getting killed uh i can take on h6 i can also just push the pawn to d3 i if takes i can take a row man almost almost blundered the game there what is wrong with me today well nothing different than usual but uh bring you back and now play rook c2 and just recording late at night i guess is just not a great idea and now and now we are now we are chilling takes that's a rook here and this is probably a mate in two ladder nice okay second extremely well prepared opponent followed the lead of the other player uh we got to the exact same position and um i'm actually just i don't i don't know uh yeah actually computer does think i can go back to e7 funny doesn't think that i needed to even trade the bishop and then you would build in the center and develop your bishop and you would be doing very well i took uh this position is completely equal so actually already computer thinks that white even has chances to be better and white just immediately blunders and the game is over so uh there you go uh third and final game um hopefully my subscribers haven't prepared some complete lunacy they're all in discord on my other monitor just plotting against me uh and uh just hope for the best okay mr i'm not angelic rated 868 1400 rapid and uh here we go i think uh i i like i said i i suggested a line i said knight f3 knight c3 which is no one has fallen for the ultra bait mostly because i didn't want to make this video you know like uh okay you play this you're gonna win every single time you do have to know how to deal with the critical stuff if you get a check made in eight moves you don't need to like you understand what i'm saying if i checkmated one of my subs and eight moves that's not impressive uh that's just kind of the point of the opening okay uh bishop b4 and now already we have our uh we have our pins and our and all this stuff all the good stuff maybe knight f6 maybe d5 maybe bishop g4 just get aggressive get aggressive get get tricky pressure on the center a lot of people they they get really scared here because you know i'm threatening to take the knight and then take with check and it's oh my god in reality as we as we know it it can be very dangerous for black to lose that dark square bishop because the diagonal is so weak uh actually i would much prefer to play like d5 f3 yeah see this is the kind of stuff you're gonna get like i don't know what the heck that is you know first move out of prep and our opponent plays a move that we don't know i'm going to develop and try to play d5 okay well now i'm not going to try to play am i going to try to play d5 actually i kind of like d5 because if knight d5 95 we just win a piece uh since we have a pin so knight d5 knight d5 they cannot take due to pin and if they take bishop we take so d5 is already very good uh in fact black already might be close to winning here i just don't think f3 is a very decent move at all so here is how you deal with this line and uh seemed to be all right seems to be right i think white's best move is bishop d3 or queen e2 maybe like yeah maybe maybe white should try to go queen side but i besides taking in the center i i also might just push the pawn forward at the same time i also can just castle just castle be quiet don't ask any questions uh okay will my opponent castle is the question first of all what can i just take take take take no some pin i can take take and play bishop g oh that is that is nasty take taken bishop g4 is very rude and if knight takes i have yeah the pawn isn't i'm hanging on b2 um i can take on e4 i can take on b2 i have a lot of decent looking moves queen b2 just id4 first if bishop b4 of course i have just discovered check if bishop takes i i think i can yeah so isn't this just winning a piece like if i play takes while king d2 is possible but that's kind of ludicrous uh here here f5 queen d5 queen e7 should win for me it looks pretty damn good to me i don't know i'm gonna take and then play a five and oh long castle oh i'm i'm i'm off oh oh wow it man my goodness i am crazy today yeah luckily i mean luckily that's that guys i gotta apologize to you i i don't know what i'm doing today i wow the opening is decent and the games are are are decent but my goodness today's quality of play has been suboptimal to say the least but here's the thing i'm not gonna fake perfection for the sake of the audience uh i am playing very i'm just happy i'm poof wow had i not played like a like a like a bozo there that would have been a pretty clean win unfortunately i decided to to do that uh here's the good news you're also gonna make mistakes i make mistakes you make mistakes we all make mistakes uh and uh your opponents are gonna make mistakes too and now that i've gotten my king to safety i'm gonna trade rooks and just be up a piece in the end game uh let's take and trade rooks and uh yeah this is an easy one i have a bishop and angelic doesn't so that's probably pretty good news for me king e7 and the bishop back you might have watched this far in the video and went wow levy got some decent positions but he's really bad at chess i'm not going to listen to anything he says you don't have to listen to everything i say uh most of it would probably be good enough but yeah today today was a was it was a bad day of jobs i mean i'm recording this video like i said quite late uh on about three and a half hours of sleep so don't play chess like this but i got to i'm a content creator and the good news is the opening positions that we got were very decent they were very decent i tried to dispel all the notions about this opening now we are repelling the king from moving uh a5 a4 and just push bring a second pawn can bring a third pawn the king can go oh no stalemate no stalemate still a legal move no stalemate no stalemate no stalemate uh check and the mate with the bishop there we go terrific uh quick analysis of this final game uh the opening that we got so e4 is already a bit dangerous and after f3 it's already just worse and here it's yeah it's it's yeah bishop d3 and queen e2 were the best moves uh taking on e4 was fine also i could have played bishop e6 in long castle that actually might be the most critical way uh and uh probably probably the best because again short castle with this open line bishop d6 is coming long castle i mean yeah probably probably i should have just went for long castle but even here yeah computer yeah computer just likes queen b2 just keep it keep it simple if short castle queen d4 check is very decent and we're just winning here uh rook f2 i take can't take pin if takes i take the rook so i should have just taken on b2 should have kept it simple i did not keep it simple and that actually is how you learn your openings like that if long castle here i would have castled and uh white is just better white is doing well if you trade the queen so anyway that concludes the study of the anglin gambit uh and uh listen i am a big believer in this opening for a lot of people about 16 1700 and below if you'd like to give it a shot in blitz at a higher level you're more than welcome to you're gonna catch people in the london system as i said in the introduction and you're going to really throw people off their game and if you memorize some of the true trickiest and trappiest lines as well as some of the lines that are supposed to be the best for white uh you're going to get very easy to play positions and i think you're going to have a good time for the long term development also as i said in the beginning of the video you probably are better off learning a pretty solid defense with black uh but this is a very decent place holder and this opening can bring you a lot of quick victories and a lot of just fun more than anything else so ladies and gentlemen that's all for me take care and i will see you in a future video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 952,925
Rating: 4.9490561 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, chess gambits, eric rosen gambits, stafford gambit, englund gambit, englund gambit chess, englund gambit gothamchess, englund, englund gambit traps, englund gambit chess trap, englund gambit eric rosen, englund gambit rosen, englund gambit gotham, chess gambits tier list, chess gambit tier list, chess gambits for black, best chess gambits, chess openings, tricky chess gambits, chess opening traps, opening trap chess
Id: w7r5mP6rw1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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