The Best Move I've Ever Seen

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ladies and gentlemen on my youtube channel you are likely to encounter a wide range of incredible chess games sometimes at the lower end they are played by two and three hundreds creating some beautiful adventures on the board and at the highest level they are played not just by the world champions but also by computers now today's game uh is set in banu in 1973 in france and the players involved are emile joseph uh diemer uh and fro tromsdorf now diemer uh very strong player uh very kind of crazy guy uh in history uh doctors told him to stop playing chess actually because he kind of went a little bit nuts and also he was a nazi sympathizer he was the chess editor for the third reich um and his name also the black martian gambit but now that stuff i don't like very much but what i do like very much is uh this game featuring an absolutely insane fight and one of the most insane moves i've ever seen in my life so here we go d4 now uh diemer played the black mart demer gambit or what he probably thought was just the demo gambit with e4 so his opponent plays knight to f6 we have knight c3 looking to take control of the center of the board and obviously if d5 well then we're going to get e4 uh g6 and now the game becomes a pierced defense now i don't know if in 1973 was known as the piers defense might have been known as something else but basically black wants to play bishop g7 uh and here demer once again finds a way to play very interesting chess he plays bishop to e2 i've seen this line before and the idea of this line is to play the move g4 uh it's not to just develop like a normal person or maybe play f4 and demer was certainly not a normal person so he plays g4 this is actually very good to try to play g5 and black has to be very accurate if i'm not mistaken there's many lines where black actually has to play a move like queen a5 very early pinning the knight and trying to take this pawn because it no longer has a defender uh in this game though tromsdorf played the move b5 looking to create queen side counter play with his pawns but this is a bit slow because after g5 your knight gets kicked out of the center and it's worse than that i am following up with a haymaker h4 i mean like we're we're in business here with h4h5 coming this is this is like a way to play i mean this is not bad at all this is not a madman versus a guy who's never played chess before this is a madman versus a guy who has played chess before the madman's got a good position in the opening though b4 he just brings the knight right back why because the knight is going to be better toward the center than out here on the edge of the board so d5 tries to create some havoc in the center of the board and here would have been better for demon actually not to deal with this and just to play h5 and here's why because for example if you just play a move like bishop g7 then i kick your bishop back and you're just terribly lacking in space this is really really bad if you take my center pawn i take this you can't take because you'd lose your rook you go here and this is just very ugly your king is really weak so h5 would have been good but instead of that dimmer plays e5 again he's still going for the suffocating the opponent approach with chess pieces um e6 now h5 the attack continues black plays the move c5 looking to create a little counter play we get takes takes and bishop d3 there is a very nasty little trap associated with bishop d3 and it's the fact that you want to take on g6 hg's oh hg6 and take the rook however this move is necessary but still succumbs to a nasty tactic but a tactic that really sends the game for a spin white cannot take on g6 any longer because the rook is protected but white detonates the second idea of the bishopric combo rook h7 you have to take otherwise i destroy everything and now i take with check and now you are down two pawns however even though you are two pawns down your attack has been extinguished the only thing that you have left is a bishop i'm about to take on d4 then take on e5 then develop all of my pieces and actually i'm very happy and my king will evacuate this way and i'm completely safe so black plays c takes on d4 and here again a move that stabilizes the center he does not want to take back right away patience f4 dimmer glues together the pawn structure so the dark square bishop for black and the knight on d7 have nowhere to really go black plays queen h8 a natural move now white can play g6 and glue in this bishop but that's a little bit depressing okay like that's you know it's like moving into a home and closing all the blinds forever like let's not do that queen h5 black plays bishop a6 just developing a bishop nothing complicated white develops a knight black develops a knight i wish all of chess could be solved with just me explaining things in five sec five uh sentences and not sentences five words english is a difficult language now here deemer plays the move knight h4 uh because the king is stuck in the center and you have ideas to just very cleanly play the move knight to g6 uh so black plays knight f8 black is also a logical individual this bishop has some problems this queen um you know you could play bishop g6 here and if knight takes of course knight takes if queen takes them this but diemer just plays g6 uh he's like look you can take my bishop and if you take my bishop of course i'm gonna take play knight g6 and you resign so g6 great black does not want to have any check in this situation so in the middle of a game where they have five pawns two knights two bishops queen and rook black moves the king out of danger this move has two ideas first idea is that anything landing on g6 will no longer be a check the second idea is that knight to e7 is possible and there's also a third idea the third idea is to run the king over here i'm not even joking that's actually a potential idea white develops with knight d2 black evacuates the king knight f3 and knight d7 so the knight has kind of done its job forcing these pieces to get locked in now knight c6 knight d7 bishop d2 and black turns the attention toward the potential f pawn or potentially something on the queen side computer here despite white's one pawn material advantage gives the position zero zero zero but the computer is probably a little bit high so we'll just excuse the computer now here deemer played knight to g5 this is a very natural move attacking this pawn black defended it and white restocked the ammunition to try to attack the e6 pawn but uh tromsdorf you see was very familiar with the youtube video danger levels the the concept one could say uh 48 years into the future you see that tromsdorf is a time traveler uh and tromsdurf understands that what's worth more than a pond a queen a queen is worth more than a pawn and here explodes with knight takes e5 now often times when you have like five or six pieces ready to burst and one little thing closes them down sometimes you can sacrifice one of those pieces knight takes e5 is a fantastic move here's the problem if you take it it's made so yeah right so so that's just the problem and if knight takes e6 uh then black actually just moves the king remember i told you about that plan of evacuating the king to b6 i wasn't joking that actually is the plan so uh diemer must have thought or blundered this but you know must have thought that after queen h3 he still has 96 he covers mate and this is now a threat because he's covering mate so black obviously comes forward uh striking on d2 uh here knight takes e6 is played and black plays a fascinating move black has one two three four five six moves with the king uh and plays one of the worst ones uh and uh plays uh plays this move although logically it looks pretty good because you just pressure this knight remember this this knight can't move because there's a pin over there so white's next move is forced you have to defend your knight and here uh tromsdorf has a few different moves possible the machine gives queen f6 as the only move for advantage a little bit hard to understand that move but probably the idea is to play d3 when the queen and the bishop will just destroy on b2 and rip apart the queen side however he took on d2 and that actually also looks pretty smart because it seems like white is going to take back and then you will probably hit with the bishop and play queen f6 but here is where this game goes absolutely completely supremely off the rails i hope you're ready okay that was a little eight minutes of introduction here we go now we're gonna have the main event knight takes d2 king d2 did not happen long castles that move is legal you see a king cannot castle through check right but none of these moves are check the rook can castle through danger so sometimes when a knight is near a king like this you can actually steal castle so now white is going to probably take this with the rook now here's the thing if blank says you had a chance to take my knight you can't take it anymore there's a queen hanging folks there is a queen hanging and the queen hanging is possible because now you're unpinned you see you got to keep in mind what's important here what like what's what why we canceled we got the queen out of the way so now black plays queen f6 and here still we can take on d2 but if we take on d2 there's all this bishop h6 stuff and d3 as i mentioned so first we need to get rid of the bishop now if just queen g7 we take we take this knight at some point but actually there's still this so f6 wins the game for white let's just check boom that's not good so the only move here for black now at this point black plays a couple of very accurate moves the only move here for black is this incredible move rook to e3 knight is hanging knight is hanging this bishop is locked away over there you know the tallest room in the tallest tower or whatever it is just locked away on h7 you go for the queen here's why because anywhere the queen moves like g2 or h2 or h1 or g4 uh there are certain problems like for example you'll bring this knight back and then uh now that the rook is more active it's no longer in the line of getting captured you always have queen g5 ideas to create an attack you have knight f2 ideas just an absolutely insane position just take my word for it if this position gives you a headache yeah i get it so instead diemer also proves that he has seen the danger levels concept 48 years into the future and plays this move what's worth what's worth as much as a queen a queen queen's worth as much as a queen black here plays a move getting the queen out of danger pressuring everybody and in the future there's an eyeing of this king okay and here we get two insane moves the first one is this absurd move queen to g4 the point of that move is that you're forced to take right because now there's a fork and i win the queen back and the reason that this position is simply winning for white is you have two pawns about to become queens and the knight is hanging in the rook is hanging it's all completely lost if you don't take if you just step away well the knight is hanging i mean you know in in some lines not right away but hello right that's the problem and ladies and gentlemen this is where black plays the craziest move i've ever seen in my life i i've probably i've played half a million chess games i've probably watched i mean i don't know the numbers are insane this is i am proud to say the craziest move i've ever seen black here plays and you feel free to pause and try to find it black plays the move b3 that's it levy i don't just the pond hold on you're about to appreciate what this is all right it's like the truffle ingredient in cooking right isn't that like a very high-end i don't know it's like one of those ingredients very hard to source okay b3 what's so special about this move well if you take the queen right which we then this and you you can't stop this yes you can no because rook and bishop check you can't go up so you have to come back and now of course you get bm'd rookmate what wait so you can't take the queen okay we can't take the queen fine what if we take the pawn all right what if we play a takes b3 now that's what happened in the game we will look at that first what if you take with the c pawn if c takes b3 then there would be knight takes b3 check so obviously nothing can happen with the queens anywhere you move the king you will get mated very promptly you will get mated with a combination of the bishop and the knight if you take then here there is double check you go here there is now bishop d3 you cannot take it because i come in with my queen and my knight so you run so check so here and rook c6 with the threat of rook a6 and knight c2 combination and at any moment i can come back with my queen you are dead lost mate in 5 mate and 6 mating 3 choose your poison now after the move b3 there is also the move a3 and this leads to the most disgusting thing i've ever seen in my life here there is the move rook c three now the thread of rook c3 is rook c to mate so naturally what if you take the rook then black just takes and b2 is mate pawn to b2 you're like okay well that's obvious if rook takes knight the queen comes in that's bad what if i take this bishop to d three and you cannot stop knight takes pawn checkmate if you play a rook move like for example to give defense to your queen and provide king d1 it doesn't matter check hear mate or mate or c2 and c1 ladies and gentlemen i want to draw your attention once again to that rook to c3 here here here here are you what what and last but not least a takes b3 a takes b3 knight to b knight takes b3 was played in the game and it does win there is also knight to b4 what well here's the point if queen takes g5 knight a2 here mate knight b4 is winning knight takes b3 check is also winning king moves to b1 and now rook to d3 now what's funny about this game is that here if black had played instead of rogue d3 repeated moves you say how does that make sense well well here's the thing you got rid of the b3 pawn right there there used to be a pawn there now knight before is winning once again it's the winning idea you have this knight before move you sack your queen anything that gets taken you get crushed down the middle and there's the threat of knight a2 king d2 rookie 2. in the game we got rook to d3 so now there is a hanging queen another hanging queen a hanging rook and a hanging knight and this is right the only move here queen to g1 back up i'm sorry not the only move but what i meant to say is you you need to uh deal with you know rook d1 your queen and it's the only move that looks like it makes any sense because you get your queen out of the way you guard the rook you guard the back rank maybe queen c1 now in this position we have 0.00 queen g1 which does look like the only move that guards everything is made in 10 for black black now once again needs to give this check and successfully does so king to a1 now there are a lot of ways to win this game knight to b4 is still one of them the queen escapes the queen escapes and is on the way to a5 this king is about to face the wrath of a knight a rook a knight a bishop and a queen now i'm not very good at math but i'm pretty sure that's 23 to nothing all right so what do you do knight to f6 check now you start getting creative you gotta go for the king you gotta go for the king that's what you gotta do queen f6 is playable but that deflects the queen away so king to c8 runs away now rook takes d2 okay we got rid of one of the knights if you take this which looks pretty natural g7 don't forget white is about to make a second queen so black has to be be quick queen a5 check only move is this now you have an option take the rook or play knight to b4 knight to b4 best move queen a2 is on the way rook takes d3 white is trying to escape now black is left with three pieces but it's still forced mate check here what do you do do you play queen a1 and take or do you play knight takes d3 queen a1 king d2 and queen takes g1 is -15 for black probably black got a little bit scared of upon promoting or something and chose to instead throw in knight takes d3 the problem with this move is i don't need to take and lose my queen i can go here now you are not getting my queen and now we're black we're black we're black too puzzled we're back to plus five it's plus five for white queen a5 king e2 knight e5 king f2 queen d2 this king is being hunted down now if we just instant replay that real quick queen a5 check in this position was white's final attempt to survive with the king the move c3 this survives because after d takes c3 you play bc3 and you get away to e3 now because white played this move check here check here and there's no escape your escape is taken away queen g5 king here and the players repeat moves for a draw now listen i understand that you might be out for blood with a game like this and trust me when both players are on the verge of defeat we definitely want somebody to lose but i'm not going to lie to you folks queen g4 b3 is one of the most savage things i have ever seen in my life and i wanted to share it with you as we continue our tradition of you all sending me various games i've never seen this game ever so thank you to the individual who sent it to me um incredible stuff b3 is the most savage move i've ever seen until perhaps a future game of one of my viewers as always take care i hope you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 592,569
Rating: 4.9628878 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: q0943WqYvAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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