Learn The Ultimate Chess Opening || The Evans Gambit!

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hello everyone and welcome to a video unlike any you've seen so far on this channel uh it's basically me showing you an opening and what better opening to show you guys than uh the almighty Evans Gambit now uh I don't do uh opening videos on this channel like ever this is like I said this is the first one but uh I've been browsing the internet today like I usually do and I've seen this uh well a very very short interview not a very short interview just a part of the interview with Magnus Carlson uh where he said that that he thinks uh in general the future of classical chess as it is now is a little bit dubious and the reason uh why the the Evans Gambit is not so popular in classical chess is because it's not uh there are of course openings that give white a lot more advantage and now today uh with the rise of Chess engines with with neural networks with Alpha zero Lea chess zero and and all the others uh it's uh well you just don't want to waste any possible opening advantage that you have but now as Magnus says today we have a lot more rapid chest there's a lot more Blitz chest there's bullet CH there's hyper bullet Ultra bullet uh pretty much 90% of the games played are maybe even more are are played online so it wouldn't hurt to know a thing or two about the Evans Gambit not because uh well you might not win all that many games against extremely strong players you're going to win a lot of games against uh you know uh people of your your your own skill uh but you are going to have a lot of fun so here this is basically I'm just going to tell you which lines are playable which lines are not playable and what to avoid while playing the the Evans Gambit so uh without further Ado let's check it out as uh I'm using myself as both white and black I didn't know what to put there and I just uh I don't like empty space so uh we're going to we're going to go with this so here uh White of course opens with E4 now we're just going to play out the first few moves of the Evans Gambit of course we have to reach the game Knight F3 Knight to C6 and Bishop to C4 now so the Italian game is on the board Bishop to C5 black develops the same the so-called Joko piano uh and here a lot of moves are possible uh C3 is very popular the the main line of the Italian D3 is possible the Joko panimo uh castling is of course very popular and uh I didn't know this I checked this today but B4 the Evans Gambit is actually the fourth more most popular move played in this position so after the three main moves uh the Evans Gambit is the the next Mo most popular and here unfortunately I cannot uh use my usual joke that the Evans Gambit was not played in this game because well this is not a game and it's a you know a video where I will explain how to play the Evans Gambit so I mean pulling off this joke would be impossible uh but okay before the Evans Gambit is on the board and now how do we go from here uh I I just want to mention uh instead of instead of B4 the Gambit there's also Bishop captures on F7 this is the Jerome Gambit and it's been very popular online uh lately uh but it's not what what we were uh what we will cover here but just to show you what what U uh it's all about you can sacrifice the bishop here and then also give up the Knight and after Knight captures play D4 and you will uh well you will win back one of your pieces and the king is already on F7 so you can go for a nice King hunt this is uh uh well with play for black this is not possible but for shorter time controls you will you will have a lot of fun uh but let's stick to what this video is about so B before the Evans Gambit uh is on the board and now black has uh some choices here so black can obviously accept the Gambit Pawn now why is white gambiing this Pawn white wants black to capture either with the bishop or the Knight you don't really care and then you're going to have a black piece on C on B4 uh let's say uh okay since we're already showing we're going to show what happens if the Knight C capur this is not all that great for black uh because after C3 the Knight goes back and you get D4 and this is basically uh the whole point of the Evans Gambit you want to have this massive Center your knight and Bishop are already developed if black at any point moves you can uh grab this dark Square diagonal with your bishop and you're just going to have really really awesome development and uh uh well capturing with the Knight just doesn't give all that much for black after ed4 you can just castle and it's uh well black of course can play this this is playable but it's very hard to make a mistake the bishop on C5 is undefended and if you're playing someone who is not uh used to playing against the Evans Gambit he can easily grab another Pawn thinking you're just going to recapture and he grabbed one more Pawn when in fact you're just going to play Bishop captures on F7 and then play Queen D5 win back your piece and you've uh well you just busted open at Black's defenses and it's not going to be uh very easy to play this let's say check and now you can either go back you can capture here uh it's it's a fun game for white so this is uh uh why I wanted to show you what happens if you capture with the Knight so the capturing with the Knight is not all that impressive for black so basically what black will play here is most likely Bishop captures on B4 but we will also very briefly uh explain what happens after Bishop to B6 so here uh black declines the Evans Gambit uh that's not the way to play chess if someone plays the EV Gambit against you you accept the pawn and then you know you you brawl it out uh but some people do Play Bishop B6 and uh then it's just uh it's no longer a very fun game you know you have to play moves like A4 try and trap the bishop after A6 you're going to play C3 you're going to play D3 you're going to Castle you're going to you're going to try and play a lot of a lot of moves but all in all uh should be better for white black is not uh doing himself any favor or herself for that matter any favors by by not accepting the Evans Gambit so basically after B4 uh we finally reach the position where we will accept accept the Evans Gambit and the best way to accept it is by playing Bishop captures on B4 and this is where the fun starts of course the next move is uh however you want to play it is C3 this is always the next move uh unless you know uh uh unless the uh neural networks at some point say say otherwise but for now C3 challenging the bishop and the D4 is most likely your next move and here black has a couple of good options uh if you go Bishop to C5 we basically go into the same position with would get if the Knight captured C3 Knight goes back and then the bishop was already on C5 so basically the moves that we will cover is Bishop to D6 uh also a possibility uh we're going to cover this we're going to we're not going to cover Bishop to f8 if you go Bishop back to f8 you're just going to have to spend two Tempe developing it again uh to to be able to Castle uh with your king so uh Bishop to C5 not all that impressive uh Bishop to D6 weird but playable Bishop to E7 playable and uh well what is considered the absolute best is Bishop to A5 we're going to use a different arrow and different Square color so uh let's uh let's uh start with with the weird one so uh this is not that of course this is not playable uh but if you retreat with Bishop to D6 this is called the stone wear variation and it looks weird because black is blocking his own D Pawn uh but it's actually more of a nuisance than you would expect because the the E5 Pawn is already defended twice and after Whit's D4 which is pretty much always you will play this in the Evans Gambit uh there is no threat to capture here because the pawn is already defended twice and white will uh White will see that it's not all that easy to break this for example Knight F6 black wants the castle castles castles you don't really have a way of preventing this and now uh when you can continue developing uh black can just try anything H6 and uh you will either capture here and then allow black to completely unwind or you will try to keep on the tension and uh black will not black will not have any serious problems for example Rook E1 Rook E8 and now after Queen to B3 going after the F7 Pawn let's say queen E7 and black is perfectly fine uh this is very much playable but it is it is still a lot of fun for white uh you always have to be careful when playing uh the Evans Gambit when you play this queen B3 Bishop to C4 uh formation going after the F7 Pawn you always have to be careful of this Knight to A5 move because Knight to A5 will attack both the queen and the bishop and uh well you you will have to give up your light Square Bishop which is somewhat important when playing the evans's Gambit so after this C3 idea uh like we said this is not all that impressive we've covered that Bishop to D6 the stone wear is possible and uh if you uh if you encounter it know that it's not a mistake for black black can very much play this and uh you will not be able to like just break through you you just have to be very patient don't capture on E5 hope that black will capture on D4 and uh you know it's it's a constant uh you know tension War uh that we hope to to you know uh come out of on top so here like I said Bishop C5 Bishop to D6 also possible Bishop to E7 uh and now it's a little bit weird but the this also allows black to go for a very nice game for example now after D4 there is a pressure on E5 but black can just capture for example e captures on D4 and now once again your going to go Queen to B3 and it seems like uh black does not have time to go Bishop to A5 because the F7 Pawn is hanging however that's exactly what black will do so if you encounter Bishop to E7 when playing the Evans Gambit most likely you will run into this uh and here black will go Knight to A5 he will allow you to capture on F7 and after captures with check uh your queen and Bishop are under attack so the queen cannot move from this diagonal you're going to lose a piece uh so you want to play Queen A4 you want to trade Bishop for Knight and we're going to get King captures Queen captures and now black has a lot of options here but white has to also be very careful C5 uh black can now offer to trade Queens as well uh his King is somewhat open you want to trade trade Queens the bishop nicely covers the C5 Pawn of course you decline this and now black has again a lot of options but we're just going to show some fun ones as we want to open open up as many lines as possible to show you what a fun opening the Evans Gambit is for white and black uh respectfully so D5 uh you're going to allow Knight E5 check King to f8 and now let's say C captures on D4 captures and white will castle and it seems like uh you've allowed black to have a massive Pawn Center here but Queen to C4 threatening Checkmate and already you can see that the Evans Gambit is so much fun for both white and black and uh well the only the only possible and good way to defend this is by blocking the F7 square with the queen but now the black pieces aren't all that impressive you can capture on D4 black loses the the the monster Center you can develop later on uh with moves like Bishop to A3 you can bring the Rooks into the game and so on so this is uh only some of the variations that are possible this is still not the the line that is played the most so we we're just showing it if you encounter it uh Bishop to C5 don't worry about that Bishop to D6 uh don't uh don't underestimate black because this is very much playable Bishop to E7 you're going to have a lot of fun playing this and now finally we uh we get to the to the absolute main line which black uses mostly here which is Bishop to A5 and now we can uh we can use a lot of ideas here uh but most often played is D4 here and uh you might think uh okay Queen to B3 let's go after the F7 Pawn because the black Bishop is now on A5 the Knight no longer has this and uh I mean uh this this is playable but uh black will not have any problems here because after Queen to B3 yes you are attacking the F7 Pawn black can defend it and now okay you're going to go D4 uh next but now Knight to F6 and here black just says uh you you have nothing here this is perfectly fine for black and while Queen to B3 is a very nice idea uh you're going to win a lot of games with Queen to B3 online you're welcome to try it uh because you're awesome let's face it uh but you know with absolute best play and if black knows what black is doing then Queen to B3 is a bit suboptimal uh but here let's say you're going to go castles or you can try D5 but it doesn't work because black has Knight to D4 the you cannot capture with the c Pawn because it's pinned and after a trade here let's say captures captures it's not all that all that great for white white White's pawns are you know pretty much blocking White's play and after castles you're going to get castles as well you don't want to capture and allow something like Rook to E1 so let's say black castles and now you can guard your massive center with F3 but again you have to be very careful because here black can capture on C3 and you have to be you have to be extremely careful not to mess up with Knight captures on C3 this happens often when you want to uh strengthen your center with a move like F3 you open up this diagonal leading up to the white king and then you can just uh run into Bishop uh Queen to C5 check and it's all over the king moves uh you lose this and then just B5 wins the bishop because if the bishop moves of course the queen hangs so while uh here after this uh uh after this uh Bishop to A5 move uh Queen to B3 is very enjoyable and like I said you're probably going to win a lot of games playing queen to queen to B3 D4 uh is the absolute uh well consider the absolute Main Line the the best line and you should probably stick to that uh if you're playing a serious game uh so here uh what usually happens most is e captures on D4 and that's what what we're going to look at white will always Castle here you don't you don't want to bother yourself with the C3 Pawn uh because now your king is safely castle and now this uh capturing could run into Queen to B3 and now black will have a lot more problem so here black also should consider castling as soon as possible let's say Knight F6 and now Bishop to A3 you grab hold of this diagonal preventing black from castling uh and now D6 black of course wants to Castle but now you have E5 and this is where the fun starts uh if you play uh the main line of the Evans Gambit you will most likely reach this position I mean it's uh uh the the the if the bishop goes to A5 of course you will not have to worry about this Knight to A5 idea your Bishop will most likely uh go to this diagonal D6 will be played and at some point you will try and bust open the position with E5 uh but again anything is possible but this is the one that happens most often so we're going to we're going to disc discuss it now here uh a lot of options are possible and we're going to show for example here black will if black is not a well if black doesn't face the evens Gambit very often he will probably think that he should not capture this because well this diagonal opening up this is is too dangerous but we're going to show what happens because it's actually fine to capture this for example captur captus and captur yes you will no longer be able to Castle and after Queen to B3 it seems like black is completely busted the the dark Square Bishop prevents black from castling the uh Queen and light Square Bishop uh attack the F7 pawn and it seems like it's all over but after Queen D7 it's actually not that easy to to to capitalize on this for example Rook E1 you go after the pawn now comes uh well okay here most players playing the black pieces will probably fall apart because I mean is it just seems like it's impossible to hold this uh there's too much pressure from from all sides however King to d8 here uh is you know and black is fine it's unbelievable but it's uh some of the things that uh you know we we should know if we play uh again if we play the Evans Gambit you know black can afford this uh what I mean by this is that after Rook captures you're going to go Rook E8 uh now challenge Black's White's rook and now C captures on D4 uh you're going to go Rook captures on E5 capturing with the queen and allowing Bishop to B2 black should not Venture into this so after Rook captures on E5 D captures and Knight to E4 it seems like white is so close to crushing black if he can only develop the Knight and play something like Rook D1 uh it's all over however black controls all of these squares and uh controls them twice the bishop and Knight control C3 the queen and Knight control D2 and it's impossible to develop this Knight it's I mean it's a completely crazy position so here uh anything can happen and you know uh it seems like black shouldn't play this but it's actually fine uh but we're going to show one line that's super fun uh just for your for your pleasure uh for example Bishop D5 attacks the Knight here now black can actually go for a conter attack with Knight captures and F2 so this is also something you have to watch out for uh King captures and now Queen to F5 check and it's a completely crazy position uh where you have to be super careful because if you go something like uh King to G1 then Bishop B6 check and it's game over you either play King H1 and allow Queen to F1 Checkmate we can even show King H1 Queen to F1 Checkmate or uh if you want to you know drag the on you can give up the queen but basically it's all over so after this beautiful queen to F5 check you actually have to play King to E2 and now the game uh simply unwinds differently and there are a lot of a a lot of possibilities here probably Queen captures with check you could play this uh but it's not it's not the best for black because it seems like you're checking the the king and attacking The Rook But Here Comes Queen E3 and if you captured The Rook just Queen to E7 Checkmate so that's also that's also a thing uh and here you're going to have to play something like Bishop to G4 check but after Bishop to F3 blocking and let's see captures captures uh this is a bit too dangerous King E3 and you're very safe there you still have to worry about things like this so here we're probably going to see a trade captures captures and we end up with this position where white is up a full piece however black is up three pawns and white has three isolated pawns whereas black has two very strong Pawn islands with three pawns on each side it's uh white white is better here don't get me wrong but uh you know if it's a if it's a Blitz game or a bullet game and you have to face those pawns it's not going to be easy so uh any everything and anything is playable here so let's just uh go a little bit back so you guys maybe maybe uh maybe this is a bit too much variation so let's just quickly rewind and see uh what what uh what we got so far so after B4 the Evans Gambit uh Bishop captures we said C3 the bishop goes to A5 the absolute best Square not Queen B3 although you can play it try playing it and see where where it gets you uh D4 the absolute main line and then after captures we set castles Knight F6 black wants the castle as well and now after Bishop A3 and D6 blocking this diagonal E5 so like we said uh this is possible and you're going to get a crazy crazy uh positions from that for both black and white and you know a lot of things can happen but but we're going to we're going to discuss Knight to E4 Knight G4 also possible but Knight to E4 seems a bit more natural so we're going to discuss that one uh and here white again has a lot of options basically what white wants to do is white wants to keep the black king in the center of the board and white uh every move white plays has to be a Tempo move so you have to threaten something so here e captures on D6 now uh if you Castle uh should be shouldn't be all that impressive because D captures C7 attacks the queen and the Rook here so not not something you want to face so here you would have to play C captures on D6 just for fun we're also going to show Knight captur on D6 kind of it's why you play the Knight on e4 uh but not really because after Rook to E1 check uh you you have to move the king and you lose castling privileges uh also you could block with the knight uh but it doesn't work because after Knight E5 going after the pawn on F7 uh it's uh just it's just terrible for black because you might think okay but Castle but always be mindful of the bishop on A5 in the Evans Gambit sometimes it's going to be a huge problem for you sometimes it's going to be a huge problem for black uh because here you can just capture on F7 and it's not only in the Evans Gambit but also in the Italian game uh there are always tactics that allow this queen H5 to A5 maneuver just picking up that dark Square Bishop so after Rook captures you're going to capture uh if Knight captures then the Knight on E7 is attacked twice you cannot allow that so you have to capture with the king king captures and now Queen H5 check just picks up that Bishop uh which is now of course much much better for White Queen captures on A5 the game continues and white is much better so uh what we said here after this uh Knight to E4 idea like like I said you can go Knight G4 uh most people will go Knight to E4 and capturing is bad not bad but incredibly difficult to play so you will most likely face this uh D captures uh e captures on D6 and now C captures on D6 so we said capturing with the Knight is bad uh here uh we have uh Queen to E2 uh now threatening the knight uh incredible as it is there is one game in the database that reached this exact same position Rook to E1 was played uh and it's a game uh from the uh from the 1999 uh Pon uh Open Championship uh in the Czech Republic uh it was played in the under 18 Championship uh between David reuk and the Aros swoboda and it's incredible that these two young gentlemen played such a brutal Evans Gambit game and you know they reach this position that's completely fine you know the engines the the engines of 2020 today totally approve it and it'd be funny if some you know grandm or someone was visiting the tournament and they were like looking at the position and like ah you know children you know messing around with the Evans Gambit when in fact the two young gentlemen were completely crushing it so just thought I'd mention that uh but okay we're not going to discuss Rook E1 as uh Queen to E 2 seems to be much more potent now threatening to capture the Knight and this is where the game basically starts so here if you don't want to lose material you're going to have to play something so D5 is the most obvious idea but now you also prevent black from castling so here we would see Knight captures on D4 uh this is never really a threat because you will just uh capture the Knight on e4 so if captures then the Knight on e4 is no longer defended but let's say after captas and captas we get F5 and now it's uh it's game on uh so the king will come to F7 uh you're going to uh because you don't want to allow F3 uh while the king is still on E8 uh but you also don't want to allow just captures because the Knight is now uh safe here as the F5 Pawn is defending it so uh it's going to be it's going to be pretty wild the king is still on E8 uh you're going to have a very enjoyable time hunting the hunting down the black king and let's say after Bishop to B3 uh preparing F3 to win the Knight you're going to see King F7 and now let's say F3 Knight F6 and we at this position where it's completely crazy The Rook is coming into the game but White's Bishop pair is fully operational you still have to develop your knight this will be this will be a common occurrence when you play the Evans Gambit sometimes it will be a bit uh annoying to develop this Knight if the bishop is an A5 uh but you know uh no one said no one no one said the EV Gambit is easy it's just incredibly enjoyable and it's uh you know you should definitely try it so if you're if you're like a stronger player player uh I don't think you're even watching this video because I mean why would you uh but if you're new to chess if you if if you're just joining the Chess World and this channel then uh I do really do hope you enjoy this and that you will uh get a lot of Victories playing the Evans Gambit because it's just super enjoyable the first time I saw it was when I was starting out with chess I was maybe some 16 years old and when I saw the Evans gabit I was like Wow and there are so many so many epic games featuring The Evans Gap but I will I will put some of them the description below so you can enjoy them uh but I also would like to mention that there is a game where Alpha zero played the Evans Gambit against stockfish so uh I will also put that in the description below so you can check that out H and for the end of this video I would just like to show you an incredibly short game to so you can see what can happen in the Evans Gambit there are so many games that can happen uh it's uh supposedly a game played by Prince Andre dadan of mingrelia uh and and uh that's in Georgia uh and it's well it it's I don't know if the game was actually played because he's royalty and sometimes royalty is just faked games so they it would seem like they were you know much much stronger than their servants uh but it's an incredibly fun game so I do hope you guys enjoy it it says he's playing against bullich I don't know who that is but uh let's just enjoy the moves we're not going to dwell too long on who played it so E4 E5 Knight F3 Knight to C 6 and Bishop to C4 so the Italian game is on the board Bishop to C5 uh and now of course B4 the Evans Gambit is on the board we have captures and C3 Bishop to A5 so uh black plays the absolute best defense and now D4 so this is uh perfectly standard stuff uh even by today's standards uh we have e captures on D4 and now castles and black plays D6 so everything is you know uh fine C captures on D4 and now Bishop back to D6 so this is also something that can happen black can also decide to just move the bishop free up the A5 Square for the Knight and put extra pressure on D4 but now Knight to C3 and Knight to A5 attacking the bishop on C4 and now comes E5 this is also something that you have to know when playing the Evans Gambit this is not actually a threat because if the Knight is captured uh Queen to A4 check just picks up the Knight so you don't really lose a piece so after this uh E5 idea we have D captures on E5 and now comes uh just a completely crushing move by white Bishop captures on F7 so these are the dangers black has to be aware of when playing against the evans's Gambit King captures on F7 and now Knight to G5 with check King E8 uh not not a lot of moves you can play here Knight C to E4 and what do you play here here black tried Queen captures on D4 because he wants to either trade queens or grab the Rook on A1 but Queen to H5 check uh we have G6 pushing back the White Queen and queen to F3 now threatening to go to Queen to F7 uh and here it's incredibly dangerous if you capture the rook and allow Queen F7 check King to d8 now Knight E6 check is just game over because after the bishop captures you're going to play Bishop to G5 check for example King C8 and queen to E8 will be Checkmate uh but after this queen to F3 move uh black said all right I'm not falling for that I'm going to play Knight to H6 guard the D F7 Square this way but now comes Bishop to A3 and look at this uh look at this diagonal look at the queen uh look at the Knight covering the F7 Square these this Knight covering the D6 and F6 square there's uh a lot of squares are guarded here so what can you play here well not much you're going to lose whatever you play but black decided to lose in the most artistic way possible that's why I don't think that this game was ever actually played but he played Knight to C4 here and now uh for you know just for the fun of it feel free to pause the video and win the game for white in great style if I might add while I give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting the amazing Queen to F7 check uh and also for those of you who just want to enjoy the show Queen to F7 check was played and uh there's nothing for black to do here uh if you move then just Queen to E7 is Checkmate uh and if you accept the queen sacrifice then comes Knight to F6 check King to d8 only move at as these squares are covered by the bishop as you can see this is covered by the knight uh so only square is the d8 square so this is exactly where black goes and now mate in one of course Knight captures on F7 an amazing three minor pieces Checkmate and that's just uh I mean this is one of the most beautiful games in the Evans Gambit that that I've ever seen so if he actually played it that's super cool and you know hats off to you sir uh I I just don't think that this was U played but it doesn't matter it could have been played and that's the only thing we're basically interested in as you know games like this are possible but they are only possible if you play the Evans Gambit mostly uh so yeah uh that's uh the uh video I do hope you guys enjoyed it a little bit different uh because we didn't just show a game but we also discussed some ideas in the Evans Gambit uh and uh there are of course a lot of you know places online where you can study openings this was mostly just for fun if you want to actually learn and you know uh be you know fully aware of everything that's possible you know with with the latest Theory and everything then uh you know don't uh don't take this for granted but if you just want to learn a new idea have fun and you know play some very nice games then this will uh this will be okay for you uh so yeah that's the opening video I do hope you guys enjoyed it I don't know if I will be making any other opening videos unless you guys specifically requested that we should break down something like a scand avian defense or maybe a line of the Sicilian or something like that maybe something fun um more suited for Blitz or bullet uh then I guess we could do it if not uh maybe if if you guys hate this then we're going to we're going to stick to games uh but I wanted to cover the Evans Gambit as this is uh you know my favorite after all so uh that's it we're not going to we're not going to make this video last any longer like I said check out the links in the description below some of the videos I already made on the Evans Gambit they're you know all all really crazy games so I'm sure you're going to enjoy that as well I would like to thank Brian calling Joshua Tate Christopher deninger Anu rachuri and Steve baloa for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing the coverage of the morphe Saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the Chess World uh thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and always play that B4 move see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, learn chess, how to learn chess, chess lesson, agadmator chess, best way to learn chess, best chess opening, win in chess
Id: CUQQ4dym5ZU
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Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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